How old is Yulia's daughter and Golitsyna's son? Katerina Golitsina's husband. The singer's pop story

Katerina Golitsyna author and performer
Full name Katerina Anatolyevna Golitsyna
Born on April 5, 1962 in Omsk
Katerina was born into a family of Kuban Cossacks, but not in her native village, but in distant Omsk, where she spent the first years of her life. Katerina’s parents ended up in Siberia by assignment from the institute; at the first opportunity they returned to their native land. Among the ancestors were atamans.
Childhood and youth
Katerina's father spent a lot of time with a guitar in his hands, so little Katya grew up listening to his singing. Anatoly Evgenievich’s repertoire included Severny, Vysotsky, Galich. The family returned to the village, but did not live in Kuban for long.
My father received a position in Moscow. They moved to the capital when Katerina was five years old. The first thing the girl did in the new city was a visit to a music school near the Sokol metro station. By the age of five, she could already play along with herself on the piano, which shocked the selection committee when she sat down at the instrument and performed “A Blizzard is Sweeping Along the Street” and “Murka.”
It is worth noting that the parents learned about the admission as a fait accompli, but immediately bought an old Volna piano for their independent daughter. When my daughter was 10 years old, Anatoly Evgenievich taught her to play the songs “Cranes”, “Lilac Fog”, “Wait, Steam Locomotive” on the guitar. At school, the girl attended amateur art groups and was a soloist in the school ensemble.
After graduating from school, Katerina decided to enter Gnesinka, but nothing worked out the first time. In order not to be left without higher education, she decided to study foreign languages ​​at the Moscow Pedagogical Institute. Krupskaya, and practiced her musical talents at work, fortunately her studies were easy.
All five years before successfully entering Gnesinka, Katerina sang and played the keyboard in a restaurant. Katya’s parents did not support her. Already at the age of 18, Katerina earned more from singing than her relatives.
Five years later, she still enters Gnesinka (variety vocal department). Having graduated from it, Katerina leaves the restaurant for the stage (at Rosconcert). The singer's stage biography begins. At that time she performed as Ekaterina Yakovleva.
He sings in such groups as “Moskvichki”, “Girls”, “Peers”, and becomes the face of VIA “Katyusha”. At the end of the 80s, their first album, “Call Me in the Night,” was released, and in 1990, “Best Friend” was widely sold on cassette tapes. It was pop music, so beloved by people in the 90s. But Katerina herself does not consider it as serious creativity and is in search of her own style.
In 1994, she stopped working with Rosconcert and devoted all her time to raising her eight-year-old daughter and newborn son. She gets involved in country music, buys albums from iconic performers of this genre, and writes her own songs. In 1996, Sergei Mazaev, the leader of the Moral Code group and a friend of the family, comes to visit and, having heard new-sounding compositions written by Katerina under the impression of the albums of early Sheryl Crow, offers her a joint recording. Katya Yakovleva’s album “Leaving - Go Away” was released in 1997 and, even without large financial investments and promotion, received recognition from a narrow circle of specialists and connoisseurs. Katerina herself decides that Katya Yakovleva will no longer exist. Hard times are coming for her family.
The singer herself says only a succinct “no comment” about the period from 1998 to 2000. In 2002 she appears again. Now her name is Katerina Golitsyna (Yakovleva’s maiden name has been forgotten), she has new material - she is ready to amaze the listener with other songs. The debut album in the chanson genre “Nefraer Romance” was released in December 2002. The lyrics of Katerina Golitsyna’s songs were not just cheap, they were heartfelt, bright, based on events from life - the listener felt their strength and truthfulness. The album was successful, as were subsequent works. So, in 2003 the album “Love in Absentia” was released, in 2004 - “Decembrist”, and in 2005 “Northern Blues”. “Happy Birthday, Tramp” was recorded in 2006, “On a Guitar String” - in 2008, “Wild Apple Tree” - in 2011. In 2013, Katerina Golitsyna’s author’s collection “The Other” was released, and an album with the working titles “Crimson Snow” and “Between Us, Girls” is on the way.
Such eminent authors as Alexander Dobronravov, Vladimir Chernyakov, Vladislav Agafonov, Oleg Gegelsky, Andrey Kuryaev, Garik Krichevsky took part in writing the lyrics for him.
Personal life
Katerina Golitsyna is not only a successful singer, but also a loving wife and mother. Her daughter Yulia can be seen in the video “Love in Absentia”, and her son Andrei, being a devoted fan of his mother (his favorite album “Nefraer Romance”), writes poetry himself and is also interested in sports. Daughter Yulia studied at the Faculty of International Journalism at MGIMO. Katerina Golitsyna’s husband is a shooting expert and enjoys hunting - she happily invites friends to her cozy family nest “for game.”
“I make three or four dishes at a time, and I have a feast here until the morning. And what a feast my dogs have - I have two shepherds...”, the singer shares. However, Katerina tries not to advertise information about her family.
Achievements and awards
2005 and 2006 – laureate of the “Chanson of the Year” award
2003–2005 - participant of the festival “Long live chanson!” at the Olimpiysky Sports Complex (broadcast on the TVC channel)
Presenter and participant of the Russian Chanson festival in Jurmala, Kaliningrad, Abakan, Kyiv.
Regular participant in the festivals “Long live chanson!”, “Eh, take a walk”, “Chanson at the Slavic Bazaar”, “City Day on Poklonnaya Hill”, “Festivals in memory of Mikhail Krug”
2013 – laureate of the “Chanson of the Year” award.
Recently, Golitsyna has taken on a new role for herself - she has become the presenter of Chanson TV.
Did you know that...
When little Katya was brought from the maternity hospital, there was no crib at home (it was not easy to get) - and the girl was given a bed in a suitcase.
At the age of 4, Katya Golitsyna was distinguished by her freedom-loving character and excellent riding skills. One day, her father barely caught up with her two miles from home - the girl herself saddled the stallion and galloped off towards the ravine.
Golitsyn is the surname of Katerina’s great-grandfather, a hereditary Kuban Cossack.
Golitsyna is also known among the people as the “iron lady of Russian chanson.”
She does not stand still: “My best song has not yet been sung, my best album has not yet been recorded. It may even be that my last child has not yet been born. I really want a small child again. And even two, so that they grow up together with a small age difference.”
Hits“To God - to God” “Crows” “Everything is gone” “Village story” “Wild apple tree” “Road” “Goodbye” “Woman” “Throw money” “Best friend” “May” “We will not become friends” “Defector” “Don’t let me leave” “Don’t tell anyone” “New Year’s” “Meet Late” “Happy birthday, tramp!” “Northern Blues” “You” “You are alone and I am alone”

Katerina Golitsyna's husband - celebrity personal life


Katerina Golitsyna. Biography.
Author and performer of the most diverse songs.
Winner of the "Chanson of the Year" award 2005-06.
Participant of the festival “Long live chanson!” 2003-05 in the Olimpiyskiy sports complex and aired on the TVC channel.
Presenter and participant of the Russian Chanson festival in Jurmala, Kaliningrad, Abakan, Kyiv...
Author and presenter of her own programs.

Katya's phone number- unknown

Zodiac sign - Aries.
Birthday: April 5th.
Kuban Cossack woman of Siberian bottling, living in Moscow. All ancestors are from Kuban - real Kuban Cossacks, two great-grandfathers are atamans.
Born in Omsk.
She worked as a soloist in musical ensembles of restaurants in Moscow and the region.

Katerina Golitsina - singer, performs her songs in the style of chanson. A very talented and charming woman who has gained fame in wide circles.

Pictured is the unique Katerina Golitsina

Katerina Golitsyna personal life

The girl began her creative path by participating in an ensemble; she performed in groups for a long time and sang in restaurants. The work was simple and interesting: she even went to America with a concert. But all this lasted until 1995. After which the singer decided to change her field of activity and stopped giving concerts.

In many ways, this decision was facilitated by the husband’s good earnings. In those years, the affairs of her husband Yuri went uphill and Katerina no longer had to work for money. Yuri is a successful businessman, head of various companies.

Katerina gives a concert photo

He currently holds a government position. He and his talented wife are raising two children: daughter Yulia and son Andrei. Yulia has already graduated from a university with a degree in international journalism, and Andrey is studying at Moscow State University to become a manager.

After 5 years, Katya was more determined about her goal and had already written several songs and began performing them. In 2001 she recorded her first album. For a long time, the singer was looking for her own style in music. The experience of working abroad had a significant influence on her: for example, Katya became an ardent fan of country style.

Soon all of Russia heard the chanson performed by Golitsina. At first it was not easy: the studios asked for a lot of money to record songs. Despite the financial wealth in the family, Katya could not afford such expenses.

Katerina Golitsina photo

Her husband supported her and helped her as best he could, and some connections and acquaintances with people in show business also contributed to the development of the star’s name. It was they who helped the singer record albums.

Difficult times have passed, and now Katerina is one of the most successful and popular chanson performers. She is incredibly grateful to everyone who helped her on this difficult creative path, especially her beloved husband.

It was he who was next to her during the crisis, inspired Katya and believed in success until the very end. Perhaps this influenced their family life and made the union stronger.

Chanson starKaterina Golitsina photo

Concert programs of Katerina Golitsyna

1989 - 1995 - solo in the groups of “Rosconcert” and “Mosconcert”.
1995 - 1998 - she was mainly engaged in studio work and by 1998 she had almost completely stopped performing concerts.
1999 - 2001 - began writing songs in the genre now called “Russian chanson”, otherwise this period of life - no comment.
At the end of 2001, she began studio work on her first solo album.
2001 - beginning recordings of the solo album “Nefraer Romance”, published in 2002.
2002 - recording songs for the album "Love Absentee", album released in November 2003.
A new one was released in 2004 album "Decembrist".
In December 2005 Album "Northern Blues" released.
In March 2006 - released solo Album "Happy Birthday, Tramp".
In the fall of 2006, the first solo performance took place to a full house. singer’s concert in Moscow, at the venue of the Cosmos Concert Hall. Television filming is underway and in the spring of 2007 DVD released in the series “Best Concerts – Collection”, which included a full video version of the concert at the Cosmos Concert Hall, as well as an interview with the singer and her guests.
In March 2007 takes place concert-filming of the new program “Season of Love” at the Mir Concert Hall, and in May a DVD of this concert with the same name was released again.
2008 - album "On a Guitar String", the song from which “Bogu-Bogovo” is heard at the 2009 Chanson of the Year award ceremony.
year 2009 - Chanson TV is filming the program “Big Collection” with Katerina Golitsyna, which is still successfully broadcast on this TV channel.
2009 - an MP-3 collection is released, which includes seven solo albums and several new songs as bonus tracks.
2010, December - filmed video clip for the song Romance “Thank you”, which premiered on Chanson TV in February 2011.
The ninth is released on April 15, 2011 solo album, “Wild Apple Tree” which the singer worked on for two years. The song that gave the album its title was performed accompanied by the “Symphonic Jazz” orchestra conducted by Sergei Zhilin at the “Chanson of the Year” concert in 2010.

After her first success in chanson, Golitsyna recorded three more albums: "Love Absentee" (2003), "Decembrist" (2004), "Northern Blues" (2005).

Katerina does not forget family life. She is a faithful wife and loving mother of two children. Daughter Yulia starred in the title role of her mother’s video for the song “Love in Absentia”, A son Andryusha even carries a player with a disc “Nefraer Romance” to school.

Katerina Golitsyna on the music channel "Chanson TV"

Watch the biography, photograph and personal life of the famous Russian chanson performer Katerina Golitsina (Singer) online and available on the website http://site/ for free in good quality without registration. Celebrity profiles are available on mobile phones. Enjoy watching!

Katerina Golitsyna personal life

Katerina Golitsyna author and performer
Full name Katerina Anatolyevna Golitsyna
Born on April 5, 1962 in Omsk
Katerina was born into a family of Kuban Cossacks, but not in her native village, but in distant Omsk, where she spent the first years of her life. Katerina’s parents ended up in Siberia by assignment from the institute; at the first opportunity they returned to their native land. Among the ancestors were atamans.
Childhood and youth
Katerina's father spent a lot of time with a guitar in his hands, so little Katya grew up listening to his singing. Anatoly Evgenievich’s repertoire included Severny, Vysotsky, Galich. The family returned to the village, but did not live in Kuban for long.
My father received a position in Moscow. They moved to the capital when Katerina was five years old. The first thing the girl did in the new city was a visit to a music school near the Sokol metro station. By the age of five, she could already play along with herself on the piano, which shocked the selection committee when she sat down at the instrument and performed “A Blizzard is Sweeping Along the Street” and “Murka.”
It is worth noting that the parents learned about the admission as a fait accompli, but immediately bought an old Volna piano for their independent daughter. When my daughter was 10 years old, Anatoly Evgenievich taught her to play the songs “Cranes”, “Lilac Fog”, “Wait, Steam Locomotive” on the guitar. At school, the girl attended amateur art groups and was a soloist in the school ensemble.
After graduating from school, Katerina decided to enter Gnesinka, but nothing worked out the first time. In order not to be left without higher education, she decided to study foreign languages ​​at the Moscow Pedagogical Institute. Krupskaya, and practiced her musical talents at work, fortunately her studies were easy.
All five years before successfully entering Gnesinka, Katerina sang and played the keyboard in a restaurant. Katya’s parents did not support her. Already at the age of 18, Katerina earned more from singing than her relatives.
Five years later, she still enters Gnesinka (variety vocal department). Having graduated from it, Katerina leaves the restaurant for the stage (at Rosconcert). The singer's stage biography begins. At that time she performed as Ekaterina Yakovleva.
He sings in such groups as “Moskvichki”, “Girls”, “Peers”, and becomes the face of VIA “Katyusha”. At the end of the 80s, their first album, “Call Me in the Night,” was released, and in 1990, “Best Friend” was widely sold on cassette tapes. It was pop music, so beloved by people in the 90s. But Katerina herself does not consider it as serious creativity and is in search of her own style.
In 1994, she stopped working with Rosconcert and devoted all her time to raising her eight-year-old daughter and newborn son. She gets involved in country music, buys albums from iconic performers of this genre, and writes her own songs. In 1996, Sergei Mazaev, the leader of the Moral Code group and a friend of the family, comes to visit and, having heard new-sounding compositions written by Katerina under the impression of the albums of early Sheryl Crow, offers her a joint recording. Katya Yakovleva’s album “Leaving - Go Away” was released in 1997 and, even without large financial investments and promotion, received recognition from a narrow circle of specialists and connoisseurs. Katerina herself decides that Katya Yakovleva will no longer exist. Hard times are coming for her family.
The singer herself says only a succinct “no comment” about the period from 1998 to 2000. In 2002 she appears again. Now her name is Katerina Golitsyna (Yakovleva’s maiden name has been forgotten), she has new material - she is ready to amaze the listener with other songs. The debut album in the chanson genre “Nefraer Romance” was released in December 2002. The lyrics of Katerina Golitsyna’s songs were not just cheap, they were heartfelt, bright, based on events from life - the listener felt their strength and truthfulness. The album was successful, as were subsequent works. So, in 2003 the album “Love in Absentia” was released, in 2004 - “Decembrist”, and in 2005 “Northern Blues”. “Happy Birthday, Tramp” was recorded in 2006, “On a Guitar String” - in 2008, “Wild Apple Tree” - in 2011. In 2013, Katerina Golitsyna’s author’s collection “The Other” was released, and an album with the working titles “Crimson Snow” and “Between Us, Girls” is on the way.
Such eminent authors as Alexander Dobronravov, Vladimir Chernyakov, Vladislav Agafonov, Oleg Gegelsky, Andrey Kuryaev, Garik Krichevsky took part in writing the lyrics for him.
Personal life
Katerina Golitsyna is not only a successful singer, but also a loving wife and mother. Her daughter Yulia can be seen in the video “Love in Absentia”, and her son Andrei, being a devoted fan of his mother (his favorite album “Nefraer Romance”), writes poetry himself and is also interested in sports. Daughter Yulia studied at the Faculty of International Journalism at MGIMO. Katerina Golitsyna’s husband is a shooting expert and enjoys hunting - she happily invites friends to her cozy family nest “for game.”
“I make three or four dishes at a time, and I have a feast here until the morning. And what a feast my dogs have - I have two shepherds...”, the singer shares. However, Katerina tries not to advertise information about her family.
Achievements and awards
2005 and 2006 – laureate of the “Chanson of the Year” award
2003–2005 - participant of the festival “Long live chanson!” at the Olimpiysky Sports Complex (broadcast on the TVC channel)
Presenter and participant of the Russian Chanson festival in Jurmala, Kaliningrad, Abakan, Kyiv.
Regular participant in the festivals “Long live chanson!”, “Eh, take a walk”, “Chanson at the Slavic Bazaar”, “City Day on Poklonnaya Hill”, “Festivals in memory of Mikhail Krug”
2013 – laureate of the “Chanson of the Year” award.
Recently, Golitsyna has taken on a new role for herself - she has become the presenter of Chanson TV.
Did you know that...
When little Katya was brought from the maternity hospital, there was no crib at home (it was not easy to get) - and the girl was given a bed in a suitcase.
At the age of 4, Katya Golitsyna was distinguished by her freedom-loving character and excellent riding skills. One day, her father barely caught up with her two miles from home - the girl herself saddled the stallion and galloped off towards the ravine.
Golitsyn is the surname of Katerina’s great-grandfather, a hereditary Kuban Cossack.
Golitsyna is also known among the people as the “iron lady of Russian chanson.”
She does not stand still: “My best song has not yet been sung, my best album has not yet been recorded. It may even be that my last child has not yet been born. I really want a small child again. And even two, so that they grow up together with a small age difference.”
Hits“To God - to God” “Crows” “Everything is gone” “Village story” “Wild apple tree” “Road” “Goodbye” “Woman” “Throw money” “Best friend” “May” “We will not become friends” “Defector” “Don’t let me leave” “Don’t tell anyone” “New Year’s” “Meet Late” “Happy birthday, tramp!” “Northern Blues” “You” “You are alone and I am alone”

You can talk about this woman for hours. A beloved singer with a voice of unique timbre, a poet, a composer, and also a beauty. Who is she? This is Ekaterina Golitsyna, a real hurricane, a whirlwind that seems to never be able to stop. She has great professionalism and ability to work. As a seven-year-old girl, she often went to music school without her parents to listen to music and touch instruments.

Currently, Ekaterina Golitsyna is a singer, author, and host of her own programs and festivals. At her performances, she can easily turn on the audience, subtly feel their mood from the first minutes of entering the stage. Ekaterina has incredibly strong energy.

Golitsyna is a creative pseudonym. Her great-grandfather, who was once a Kuban Cossack, ataman, had this surname.

Ekaterina Golitsyna (biography): childhood and youth

Katerina's ancestors were from Kuban. Two great-grandfathers lived in those parts. The girl's future parents went to Moscow to study, and then for some time the city of Omsk became their place of residence. There, on April 5, 1962, Katya Yakovleva (Ekaterina Golitsyna) was born - a singer who in the future achieved all-Russian fame.

Katerina's father loved to play the guitar, little Katya grew up listening to his singing. The family had to move from Omsk to the village for a short time. When the girl turned five years old, they changed their place of residence to the capital again. Upon arrival in the new city, the future singer visited a music school, where her parents decided to send her to study. She greatly surprised the selection committee when, sitting down at the piano, she played and sang “A Blizzard is Sweeping Down the Street.”

Parents bought an old piano for their daughter. Her father, Anatoly Evgenievich, taught her to play the guitar. At the age of 10, Katyusha freely played and sang the songs “Lilac Fog”, “Cranes”, “Wait, Locomotive”. At school she was an active participant in amateur performances and was a soloist in the school ensemble.

Ekaterina Golitsyna (biography): student years

Katya dreamed of becoming a singer since childhood. Having waited until I graduated from school, I went to Gnesinka to enroll in the vocal department and failed. She did not want to be left without higher education; she decided to study at the Moscow Pedagogical Institute. Krupskaya at the Faculty of Foreign Languages. Ekaterina realized her dream of becoming a student at a music school five years later.

At the pedagogical institute, the girl showed herself to be a good student, but her zeal for music did not leave her. She began to sing in a restaurant, played on an electronic console, which served her as a drummer. This is how Ekaterina Golitsyna, a singer and performer of songs in the chanson style, began her journey.

Then Ekaterina took up studio work, almost completely stopping her concert activities. She began writing songs that today belong to the genre called “Russian chanson” in 1999, and in 2001 she began writing her first solo album.

The creative life of Ekaterina Golitsyna

The career of the future singer begins in musical ensembles of restaurants. Next came the Rossconcert groups, where Ekaterina worked for six whole years. Creative wandering lasted about ten years, the singer could not find her own style of music.

She worked in the groups “Muscovites”, “Peers”, “Girls” until she became the leader of VIA “Katyusha”. In the eighties, while in this group, Katya wrote the album “Call Me, Night”; in 1990, the cassette “Best Friend” was released, published by Ekaterina Golitsyna. Albums with the girl’s songs were published in large quantities and gained enormous popularity among the population. They were reissued on vinyl discs in 1991.

When all-Russian fame was achieved, Ekaterina Golitsyna, whose songs belong to the light genre, became disillusioned with disco music; there was no longer any need to earn money by singing. She finally decided to do what she truly loved. The occasion was a meeting with the leader of the “Moral Code” group and an old friend. He liked the creative life that Ekaterina Golitsyna led. The songs written by this talented woman, performed personally in the American genre, delighted him.

This became the reason for recording a new album in Stas Namin's studio. Later, the composition “Planes” became a hit. In 1997, the album “Leaving - Go Away” was released, which was recognized in the singer’s narrow circle of friends. From that time on, Ekaterina decided that there was no longer a place in her life for Katya Yakovleva.

The singer's pop story

She is beautiful and smart, sings excellently, has soared to unattainable heights - this is Ekaterina Golitsyna, her biography tells about this in detail. She also writes her own songs and performs them herself!

It would not have been easy to achieve such success without outside help. Katya is very grateful to her husband, who helped and did everything in his power so that she could take a prominent place in show business. The singer was greatly influenced by her stay abroad, where she gained invaluable work experience.

Songs in the genre of Russian chanson

In March 2007, Ekaterina Golitsyna’s first big solo concert took place in Moscow; in November, fans of her talent had the good fortune to attend the second, called “Season of Love.” Both concerts were broadcast on Chanson TV. The singer was nominated for “Chanson of the Year” eight times. Ekaterina Golitsyna took part in the prestigious Radio Chanson festivals three times (2008, 2009, 2011).

10/21/2011 - “While Jazz Plays”;
. 10.21.2011 - “Post-war waltz”;
. 10/20/2011 - “I’ll be back”;
. 10.20.2011 - “Let’s say goodbye”;
. 09/19/2007 - "Classmate".

The singer's personal life

The talented woman tries to talk less about her family; she doesn’t like to do it. However, some information about his personal life is available. Ekaterina Golitsyna, whose biography shows how strong and purposeful she is, married a man who for a long time held senior positions in large companies and banks. People thought he was very rich. The couple's family life was normal, they lived very friendly, appreciated and understood each other. The husband never allowed himself to infringe on the rights of his talented wife and was proud of her achievements.

Yuri, that was the name of Catherine’s husband, was a master of shooting and loved to go hunting. Friends often came to them for “game”. During his wife's trips to America, the husband stayed with his daughter. But when his business took off, Ekaterina was able to devote more time to her creativity, rather than going on endless tours to earn money.

Ekaterina Golitsyna is a loving wife and a wonderful mother. Together with her husband, they raised two children. Son Andrei followed in his mother’s footsteps, writes poetry, and loves to play sports. He is a student at Moscow State University - Faculty of Management. Daughter Yulia graduated from MGIMO (Faculty of International Journalism).

Professional achievements

Golitsyna Katerina (Yakovleva). Zodiac sign - Aries. Birthday - April 5th. Kuban Cossack woman of Siberian bottling, living in Moscow. Let me explain - All ancestors came from Kuban - real Kuban Cossacks, two great-grandfathers were atamans. Born in Omsk.
Graduated from State Medical University named after. Gnesins, majoring in pop singing in 1989. She worked (sang) in restaurants in Moscow and the region, and since 1990 - solo in music. collectives of Rosconcert, then Mosconcert. In 1995 she stopped her solo career. 1995-1998 - family and a little business. The period from 1999 to 2001 - no comments. But I started writing songs during this period.
2001 - beginning of recording of the solo album “Nefraer Romance”, published in 2002.
2002 - recording songs for the album “Love in Absentia”, published in November 2003.
In 2004, a new album "Decembrist" was released.
In December 2005 the album "Northern Blues" was released.
In 2006, the first women's album in the “True Chanson” series, “In the Truth of Life,” was released, consisting of 18 songs: 16 from old albums and 2 new songs.
On February 1, 2007, the album “Happy Birthday, Tramp” went on sale.
In 2011 “Wild Apple Tree”, in 2012 - “Another”, in 2013 - “Insomnia”.
In 2014, a collection of the best songs, “What Lady Is Missing,” was released.

In 1995 - 1998, she was mainly engaged in studio work and by 1998 she practically stopped performing concerts, devoting herself completely to her family and children for some time. But over time, certain life circumstances give rise to new impulses to continue creativity, although in the bulk of interviews the singer herself characterizes this period of life (1999 - 2001) only as “no comment.” However, it is known that it was at this time that she wrote most of the famous songs included in the first albums “Nefraer Romance” and “Love in Absentia.”

In the first album, which appeared in 2002, ALL the songs, according to Katerina, were not written out of a desire to “just do something in the chanson style”; they simply could not help but appear, because they are the result of personal experiences, or based on real events in the lives of friends; including the "Nefraer Romance" about a wedding in captivity - there is a specific life story. In November 2003, the second album, “Love in Absentia,” was released. Everything here is also about life. Love, loyalty, friendship, sadness, nostalgia - on the one hand ("Musician from the Transition", "Backs", "Meeting"), and, on the other - more like a tribute to the genre - opera, judge, north, zone, ZK (" Rock Dove", "Love Absentee", "A Blizzard Over the Zone").

In May 2004, work on the third album “Dekabristochka” was completed, for which 14 new songs were recorded. The owner of an unambiguously strong voice with a large range, such that for some reason it makes the listener immediately and unconditionally believe the words of the heroes of her songs, Katerina Golitsyna stands apart in the genre. Perhaps many will seem familiar with these characteristic decisive, sometimes strained, intonations in vocals - and he will be right: as a singer (as well as a composer and lyricist), Katerina has been working for more than eight years and enjoys well-deserved popularity and a reputation as a star of the first magnitude.

In March 2005, a collection of favorite songs “Everything in Chocolate” was released, a noisy presentation of which, combined with the singer’s birthday, took place in the best restaurant in Moscow “CHOCOLATE” on April 07, 2005. Her friends came to congratulate Katerina, including the most famous people - colleagues in the genre, famous politicians, businessmen, entrepreneurs...

A hereditary Kuban Cossack woman, Katerina, was born in 1962 on April 5, but not in the Kuban village - but in the distant Siberian city of Omsk, where her parents were assigned to work after college (though for a very short time). Returning to her native southern lands to the shores of the Kuban, by the age of four she rode so well that one day she herself saddled a stallion of the Budenovsky breed, Abrek, and galloped two miles... to the nearest ravine. It was there that her father Anatoly Evgenievich caught up with her on his horse mare Zorka. However, Katenka was unable to continue her equestrian experiments, because her dad was appointed a big boss in the capital, and the whole family moved to Moscow. It was there that the girl became interested in music.

“When I was seven years old,” Golitsyna recalls, “I went on my own to a music school near the Sokol metro station to audition. The teachers opened their mouths when I sang to them “A blizzard is sweeping along the street...” and “Murka” to my own accompaniment on the piano. My parents fainted when I told them that I had been accepted into the music school and, to celebrate, they gave me an old Volna piano.

Years passed. It goes without saying that after school Katya went to enroll in the vocal department at Gnesinka. Naturally, it failed. Naive, she didn’t know that the only way to get in the first time was through connections. But as was customary in Soviet times, remaining without a higher education is a shame. Therefore, Golitsyna became a student at the Faculty of Foreign Languages ​​at the Moscow Pedagogical Institute. Krupskaya. Katya’s dream of entering a music school came true only five years later...

I studied very easily at the pedagogical institute, but my soul strove for music,” says Katerina. – Well, where else can an aspiring singer perform if not in a restaurant! I sang, played the keyboard, and even bought an electronic console to replace the drummer. When ten years later, having already graduated from Gnesinka, I was about to leave the restaurant, the director of the ensemble was shocked. Instead of me alone, he needed to take three people.

Golitsyna worked in the groups “Muscovites”, “Girls”, “Peers” and, finally, became the leader of the VIA “Katyusha”. It was with this group that in the late 80s she recorded her first magnetic album, “Call Me in the Night.” In 1990, her second cassette, “Best Friend,” was released. Golitsyna's songs (then she was known under the name Katya Yakovleva) sold out in huge numbers and became very popular among the people. In 1991, these two albums were reissued on vinyl discs.

“When I achieved all-Russian fame in the light genre, I realized that I had nothing more to do in pop,” says Katya. “Suddenly I got sick and tired of playing disco music.” Singing purely for income was no longer a necessity, my husband was successfully running a business and the “bloody touring for wear and tear” came to an end. It's time to think about your soul, realize yourself and, finally, do what gives you true pleasure.

Golitsyna’s creative struggles lasted almost ten years. She was looking for her genre. During Yeltsin's rule, Katya lived in two countries: Russia and the USA. At one time I became interested in country music and collected a huge collection of discs by the most famous and talented performers of the genre beloved by the American people.

Once, an old friend, the leader of the Moral Code group, Sergei Mazaev, came to visit her at her house near Moscow. Katerina sang her new songs to him in the style of the American village. Mazai was delighted and offered to record an album with his musicians in Stas Namin’s studio. Sergei himself volunteered to play a saxophone solo in the composition “Airplanes,” which later became a hit. The album “Leaving - Go Away” was released in 1997 and received everything that a project could get without financial investments and all the paraphernalia of television “promotion” - a huge success and recognition of a narrow circle of professionals, friends and acquaintances.

And Katerina decided that there was no longer time or place in her life for Katya Yakovleva.

Only a few years later, discussed by her only as “no comment,” Katerina Golitsyna appeared. Her debut album, Nefraer Romance, was released in December 2002.

“I’m sure that Katenka wrote a bright, truthful song about a wedding in captivity, having experienced it herself,” says Alexander Dyumin. “Many people try to sing blatant songs, stuffed with “fenya”, but the audience doesn’t believe them. And our narrow circle of chanson singers doesn’t like them, they immediately reject them. Katerina, with her sincerity and talent, quickly won listeners and the recognition of her colleagues.

After the first success in chanson, Golitsyna recorded three more albums: “Love in Absentia” (2003), “Decembrist” (2004), “Northern Blues” (2005).

Katerina does not forget family life. She is a faithful wife and loving mother of two children. Daughter Yulia starred in the leading role of her mother’s video for the song “Love in Absentia,” and son Andryusha even carries a player with the disc “Nefraer Romance” to school.


Brief creative biography

1. Author and performer of the most diverse songs.
2. Winner of the “Chanson of the Year” award in 2005-06.
3. Participant of the festival “Long live chanson!” 2003-05 at the Olimpiyskiy Sports Complex, broadcast on the TVC channel.
4. Presenter and participant of the “Russian Chanson” festival in Jurmala, Kaliningrad, Abakan, Kyiv...
5. Author and presenter of her own programs.

Katerina Golitsyna worked in the groups “Muscovites”, “Girls”, “Peers” and, finally, became the leader of VIA “Katyusha”. It was with this group that in the late 80s she recorded her first magnetic album, “Call Me in the Night.” In 1990, her second cassette, “Best Friend,” was released. Songs of Golitsyna (then she was known under the name Katya Yakovleva) sold out in huge quantities and became very popular among the people. In 1991, these two albums were re-released on vinyl discs.
“When I achieved all-Russian fame in the light genre, I realized that I had nothing more to do in pop,” says Katya. “The time has come to think about the soul, become aware of yourself and, finally, do what gives you true pleasure.”
A new stage in the creative life of Katya Golitsyna came after her collaboration with an old friend - the leader of the Moral Code group, Sergei Mazaev. Katerina sang her new country songs to him. Mazaev was delighted and offered to record an album with his musicians in Stas Namin’s studio. Sergei himself volunteered to play a saxophone solo in the composition “Airplanes,” which later became a hit.
The album “Leaving - Go Away” was released in 1997 and received everything that a project could get without financial investments and all the paraphernalia of television “promotion” - a huge success and recognition of a narrow circle of professionals, friends and acquaintances.
Then the singer decided that there was no more time or place in her life for Katya Yakovleva. So a new star appeared on our stage - Katerina Golitsyna.
Her debut album, “Nefraer Romance,” was released in December 2002 and immediately gained great success among connoisseurs of the genre.
“I’m sure that Katenka wrote a bright, truthful song about a wedding in captivity, having experienced it herself,” says Alexander Dyumin. “Many people try to sing blatant songs, stuffed with “fenya”, but the audience doesn’t believe them. And our narrow circle of chanson singers doesn’t like them, they immediately reject them. Katerina, with her sincerity and talent, quickly won listeners and the recognition of her colleagues.

Katerina Golitsyna. Autobiography.

“...I don’t sing fraerish romances - I don’t know how to sell my soul...”

“...And the love for music was absorbed, so to speak, “with mother’s milk”: my parents (oil workers) were very musical - my father played the seven-string guitar excellently and sang the entire repertoire of Severny, Vysotsky, Belyaev. But musical passions were not limited to the thieves genre - From abroad, my parents brought records of Elvis Presley, Ray Charles, Ella Fitzgerald and other great musicians of our time and listened to them “to hell”. Therefore, already at school I showed great interest in music, and later began to realize and develop my abilities in music circles..."

"...Unlike those who follow the path of commercialization of the genre, this is the very case when the artist does not hide personal experience, when the experience leaves its mark on everything that was written..."

“...You can’t compose a truly sincere song, calculating it like a mathematical formula, like “it’ll give you a ride.” Either you write a song about what hurts and hit the mark, or you create a purely commercial thing, stuffed with fennies, without really bothering, and you fall into the “milk". My songs are for adults, I am a woman singing for real men and for their beloved women..."

Katerina Golitsyna was born in 2000 and released her first album in 2002 - “Nefraer Romance”. The album was born after a certain, very difficult period in the life of my family and was simply an outburst of everything that had accumulated three years before. Then you all know 2003 - “Love in Absentia”, 2004 - “December Girl”, 2005 - a collection including three new songs and 18 from the previous three albums - “Everything in Chocolate”. In 2005 “Northern Blues”, “Happy Birthday, Tramp” in 2007, in 2011 “Wild Apple Tree”, in 2012 - “Another”, in 2013 - “Insomnia”. In 2014, a collection of the best songs, “What Lady Is Missing,” was released.

In life there are such periods or cases or events that it - LIFE - is divided into BEFORE and AFTER. This is how it was in my life. Before 1998 – and after 2000. No comments.

And before 1998 there was a lot of things: working in different restaurants as not only a soloist of an ensemble, but also a keyboard player, and even being able to handle the first “drum gadgets” that appeared at that time. The first, I remember, was DR 110 - such a small box, but so many things (at that time) seemed crammed in... then ALESIS mastered it. In general, when, having worked for almost 10 years - and I came at 17, right after school, and graduated from the Gnessin Music College in the vocal class of the pop department - I told the manager that I was leaving for Rosconcert to do solo and free work - he replaced me with three people instead I had to look. Here, I boasted...

The tavern, naturally, has the most bread-and-butter repertoire of all time - chanson, or blatnyak - just let’s not argue about the terms. And I sang everything possible, including the male repertoire. And if we add to this the fact that I grew up under the influence of a very musical, albeit heavy-drinking dad, who would not let go of the guitar, and taught me to play my first songs at the age of 10 - “Cranes”, “I once stood on guard”, “Stop the Locomotive”, “Lilac Fog”, etc.

A completely different story began at Rosconcert - the repertoire was approved and handed over to a representative commission - then there was a tour of the vast expanses of the USSR. It’s easier for me to say where I haven’t been in the five years of solo work, because from Kazakhstan to the Arctic and from the Far East to Western Ukraine, they “combed” everything through and through. The time was purely disco-affectionate-May-Mirage-dance, I started writing songs in this style, and the first two vinyl discs were released in it. The group was called "Katyusha" albums 1991 - "Best Friend" 1992 "Call Me in the Night". The success was quite unexpected for all participants in the project - the song about the best friend was enthusiastically sung by the whole country, young and old, they might not know my name, what the group is called, on the posters it was enough to write “IN THE “BEST FRIEND” PROGRAM” - and there was full house. Without any clips, sponsors of rotations on television and radio waves... By word of mouth.

This continued until 1994, but already from 1992 everything began to go somewhere unclear. Some families, clans, commercial channels, I floundered for a couple more years - until 1994, then I gave up on everything and... I just stopped. My husband began to earn decent money, singing for a piece of bread ceased to be a necessity, we gave birth to Andryushka in June 1994, and I became a mother for the second time...

To be continued…

So, I sat at home, raising my little son and daughter, she was 8 years old at the time. And we lived in a rented dacha in Serebryany Bor - back then there was no such “out of bounds” there. And not all of my old connections with musicians were lost, although, of course, falling out of the “party” - two or three months - is a complete vacuum. I am a fairly reserved person, to put it mildly, in disseminating information about my loved ones, but the earth is filled with rumors, they are exaggerated, and soon all of pop Moscow was buzzing that I had married a millionaire. Some went further and the millionaire became an American, and in some other versions, an Arab.

In short, I quickly rejected the attempts of some producers (oh, what influential tycoons, especially now - after more than ten years) to get a suitcase from me with money for my further promotion. Yuri Shamilyevich Aizenshpitz stopped by and tried to persuade my husband that such talent cannot be buried in the ground - literally $300,000 (this was in 1996) - and she (that is, I) will be afloat again. I disappointed them terribly, although, I repeat, I don’t complain about my financial situation, but I have never had suitcases and bags (even on a card) - and GOD FORBIDDEN – I WILL NOT! I'm afraid of big money - I swear. I saw what many of my friends had become, with whom we ran to the cinema together and chipped in twenty rubles per bubble, after the very successful for them during the Chvatization of the mid-90s. But most importantly, I DIDN’T WANT to return to this ball of blue monsters. DID NOT WANT. And the circle of friends changed quite quickly, and the values ​​changed, and likes and ambitions moved to a different stage.

In 1996, Seryozha Mazaev (Moral Code) - my friend, came to visit me, not for the first time, of course, but it was then, at our meeting, that I decided and showed him several songs written in a completely new way for me. No, it was not blatnyak or chanson and not what I sing now. This was written under the influence of Sheryl Crow's early albums - I still adore her...

I didn’t just sit at home and take care of the children - I always had a guitar (and more than one) at hand... Sergei Mazaev listened and said: “Let’s record all this with us. We also have a couple of songs for you in a similar vein - Nikolay Devlet-Kildeev wrote together with Solich. DECIDE,” he says. “Great stuff”... We agreed with Stas Namin at the studio and in 1997 it started - all live, drums - Dima Slansky, bass - Alexander Solich, keyboards - Kostya Krasnov, guitar - Kolya Kildeev, saxophone - Sergey Mazaev, backing - LYUDMILA BARYKINA ( “According to the wave of my memory” - remember?....). The team is what we need. This was not the project “Moral Code plus Ekaterina Yakovleva (this is my last name from my first marriage - I changed it to my current one a long time ago). But it was a project.

The album is superb. “When you leave, go away” it’s called. And our sponsor was the Soyuzkontrakt Company - remember (who lives in Russia) - “... and these are chicken legs flying... Soyuzkontrakt.”

In fact, I read on many sites what chanson lovers listen to, in addition to genre music. 99 percent of the answers are Russian rock. My album with a moral code is not rock. This (let Trofim’s fans not be angry) is closer to him today. But I still want more tradition combined with a modern arrangement. I think - listen and refute, if you can, that here I was closer to Trofimov’s ever-continuing tossing. But you should like it based on the texts and presentation.

There should be no further continuation...

From 1998 to 2000 it was very bad. For me and my whole family. We survived with God's help.

And here I am in front of you - Katerina Golitsyna - a woman with a cruel fate, but I sincerely do what I do, write what I write, sing what I sing. The fifth numbered album will be released soon - October-November 2006, it is almost finished. My first full MP3 was released, collections of my songs were released - “Everything in Chocolate” and “In Truth of Life - Full Version” on Alpha Records. Judge everything for yourself.

Over the past 10 years, I have repeatedly become the laureate of the Chanson of the Year Award, thank you all for voting for my songs, for making me feel needed and loved by you. Thank you to Radio Chanson and Chanson TV - thanks to my constant participation in such major and prestigious festivals as “Long live Chanson!”, “Eh, Razgulay”, “Chanson at the Slavic Bazaar”, “City Day on Poklonnaya Hill”, “Memory Festivals” Mikhail Krug”, I got an amazing opportunity to have highly professional video versions of my songs and show them to you, and not just let you listen.

The television film from the “Big Collection” series with me has firmly taken its place on the air of Chanson TV, I hope there are such plans, there will be new films, there will be new videos. The latest video “Romance “Thank You”” was shot by my friend, Roman Danilin, thank you, Roma, Huge!!!

See the full discography on the “Music” page. I hope you can find and download everything that is interesting to you. In 2006, the fifth numbered album “Happy Birthday, Tramp” was released, in 2008 – the album “On the Guitar String”, in 2011 – the album “Wild Apple Tree”. Three MP3 collections have already been released with different bonus tracks inside each, collections of my songs have been released - “Everything in Chocolate” and “In Truth of Life - Full Version”, my songs are included in numerous music collections of the most popular series.

On March 1, 2006, the first sold-out solo concert in my city, Moscow, took place at the Cosmos Concert Hall on Mira Avenue 150. You could have seen the video version of this concert repeatedly on the air of the Chanson TV channel. DVD released in the series “Best Concerts. Collection" with a recording of this concert.

And I went and rolled around Mother Russia with concerts, there was very little time, so the album “Wild Apple Tree” took the longest to assemble - more than two and a half years. And we were not able to fit all the recorded songs into one album. It contains 20 tracks, and 28 songs were recorded. They will definitely be included in the new MP-3 album, and I will definitely include some of them in the next solo CD.

Recently, on May 20, 2011, a television filming and concert of my new program “Wild Apple Tree” took place at the Chanson Club, restaurant “Baguette”. As part of this concert, I also showed acoustic versions of some songs from past years; you will soon see and appreciate them on Chanson TV. I continue to work. There are many plans, if the Lord would give me strength and opportunity. So don't judge strictly, but judge everything yourself.

See you at the concerts!

Sincerely yours, Katerina Golitsyna

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