How many subjects do you need to take in the Unified State Exam? Unified State Examination in History

The early stage of exams is scheduled for March 22 - April 6. Geography and computer science will be the first subjects taken at the early stage. It is worth noting that at least 1-2 days will pass between exams. From April 9, schoolchildren will be able to retake one of the subjects, or retake one that was taken on the same day as another exam taken. The main stage is scheduled for May 28th - after the last bell on Saturday the 26th. Schoolchildren will begin taking exams according to the preliminary schedule of the Unified State Exam 2018 with geography. Then, May 30 – basic mathematics. After the base, graduates will pass tests in physics, specialized mathematics, Russian language and other subjects. Oral exams in foreign languages ​​are scheduled for the last days of the schedule. But the schedule of reserve days of the main stage has shifted to July itself. The last reserve day is now scheduled for July 29. It will be possible to retake the necessary subjects on September 4 and 7.


Information about the changes begins to appear on official websites. This:

  • The test part and short-answer questions will be reduced or eliminated altogether;
  • The number of complex tasks and tasks of increased complexity will increase;
  • The total number of tasks will decrease;
  • There will be more tasks with graphs and tables.
  • Literature

Changes should be expected in the literature exam. It is planned to reduce or remove short-answer tasks focused on knowledge of terminology. The emphasis will be on creative tasks - writing an essay, for example. But there will be more topics for essays - not three, as in previous years, but four or even five. This will make writing essays much easier for graduates. But you shouldn’t be too happy - the volume of the essay will also be increased. Previously, the volume was 200 words, but now it is 250. In the analysis of a work, the text presented to schoolchildren will now need to be compared with only one other text, which they must remember on their own, and not with two, as was the case before.

  • Foreign

As for foreign languages, English will very soon become mandatory. But Spanish, German and French remain selective. But due to the demand for the Chinese language, trial Unified State Examinations in the Chinese language are being conducted, and already in 2018 it may be included in the selective exams. The same goes for Italian and Japanese.

  • Biology

There will be no multiple-choice questions in the Unified State Examination in Biology. But the number of tasks with diagrams, graphs and tables will increase to 11. Previously there were only 4. The part with increased complexity of tasks will also become more complicated - instead of 1 complex task there will be three. The total number of tasks will decrease from 40 to 28. Graduates are not happy about this at all.

  • Computer science

Computer science and ICT will be taken on computers; there will be no tasks of easy complexity - only tasks of medium and high complexity will remain. Passing the exam on computers will provide an opportunity to test graduates for logical thinking, the ability to work with diagrams, tables and basic programs.

  • Chemistry

As already mentioned in the news for today from Rosobrnadzor, tasks with a short answer or with a choice of answers will be removed. This also affected the chemistry exam. The simplest tests have been completely removed. The total number of tasks has changed from 40 to 34. Even easy tasks will be worth 2 points. Whether these changes are good or vice versa is a controversial question and each graduate decides for himself. By the way, Rosobranadzor is considering the issue of an interview for admission to the Russian language exam, and for cheating, increasing the inadmissibility to retake from 1 to 2 years.

  • Russian

Not much changes occurred in the exams in social studies, mathematics and foreign languages. In Russian, in addition to the first part with writing an answer and the second part with writing an essay, it is planned to add a third part. “Speaking” is a real innovation in the Russian language exam. Nothing like this had happened before, but now graduates will have to answer the questions asked and justify their answer. This task is aimed at testing the ability to formulate your thoughts and present them correctly. Whether this will make life easier for graduates remains to be seen.

  • Geography

The simplest tests have been removed from the geography exam paper. The most difficult tasks relate to gender and age categories of the population and migration processes. To successfully pass the exam, you must have a lot of knowledge in your head about the hydrosphere, atmosphere, lithosphere and other areas, as well as knowledge about weather conditions and climates of different countries and continents.

  • Physics

The Unified State Exam in physics has become significantly more difficult. Previously, graduates could score a sufficient number of points on the test tasks, but now they don’t have them at all. There is more experience, and graduates must select the equipment themselves and also understand it. According to officials in the field of science, this may “scare off” schoolchildren who chose technical universities for admission. This information is also available on the FIPI website.


The Minister of Education noted that graduates, having chosen the subjects they need for admission, abandon other subjects. In this case, between the 4-7 subjects that students pass on average and those that do not pass, there is a very large gap in the difference in knowledge. The level of knowledge of graduates thereby decreases. Schoolchildren forget that knowledge of all subjects is necessary and, while passing one list of subjects, they cannot forget about the remaining ones. Thus, starting from 2020, a foreign language will be added to the list of compulsory subjects. In the latest news, it was announced that measures against cheating would be tightened.

Required subjects may be:

  • Story
  • Social science
  • Physics
  • English language

How many exams should I take?

An innovation in the Unified State Exam 2018 is expected in the form of adding history to the compulsory subjects. Although things may still change before spring and social studies or, in general, physics may be a mandatory exam. But it’s worth waiting for the list of required items to be replenished. In total, 3 compulsory subjects, 2 mandatory optional subjects - 5 subjects will be taken by eleventh graders in 2018. And that's the minimum.

The previous Minister of Education gave children and their parents cause for concern - he said that the number of subjects taken at the Unified State Exam will increase to 6. Of these, 4 will be compulsory and 2 will be optional. At this time, nothing has been done and no required items have been added. The need for this innovation is also noted by the president, who claims that the level of knowledge of the history of their country among schoolchildren is very weak. If history becomes a compulsory subject on the Unified State Exam, then both students and their teachers will take it more seriously and pay more attention to it.

After history comes social studies. About a third of graduates choose it to take it as an additional exam. And this is not surprising, society is not the most difficult subject, and there are a lot of areas where a social studies exam is required for admission. After a number of changes in the social studies exam, it is no longer possible to say that it is one of the easiest. One thing is certain - if social studies is added to the list of compulsory subjects, the tasks will become much more difficult. Applicants to technical universities want to see physics as the third compulsory subject, but the Ministry of Education considers this impossible. Physics has always been and remains one of the most difficult subjects, and while some can master it, others find it extremely difficult and passing an exam in it seems like something impossible.


Graduates of 2018 should prepare themselves to take at least 5 subjects, of which they will be able to choose only 2 themselves. Perhaps changes in the exam will change the choice of graduates and they will choose completely different subjects to take. And, although there is still a whole academic year before the exam, preparation for the Unified State Exam 2018 should begin as early as possible. You should not expect the cancellation of the Unified State Exam, at least for the next few years.

Putin speaks out about the abolition of the Unified State Exam:

Anna Mozharova about changes in the Unified State Exam:

The question of how to successfully pass the Unified State Exam in 2018 occupies the minds of eleventh-graders and their parents long before the exam. After all, this test is not just a condition for graduation from a school institution, but also a kind of ticket to adulthood, allowing you to move from the category of schoolchildren to students, enter the desired university and master a profession that brings moral satisfaction and financial well-being.

That is why high school students begin to prepare for the Unified State Exam in advance, and parents spare no expense in purchasing the latest teaching aids and the latest textbooks, paying for preparatory courses and tutoring services for their children. Perhaps the main difficulty in passing the Unified State Exam is not even the exam itself, but the fact that its conditions are constantly changing. So in 2018, specialists from relevant departments promise to introduce further innovations.

The Ministry of Education has not yet approved all innovations in the Unified State Exam 2018

The new model of Unified State Examination is considered more effective and will make the testing process even more transparent. Of course, all the news about the 2018 federal examination will be known closer to September 1 of the next academic year. In the meantime, you can only track the most significant news in order to gradually put the fragments together into a whole picture.

Innovations of the Unified State Exam 2018

It will be possible to talk about the future examination campaign only in September, when officials approve the discussed plans and new developments regarding the technology, methodology, procedure and content of the examination. However, there is a list of things that will almost certainly be implemented in 2018. It’s worth talking about them in a little more detail.

Number of exams issued as Unified State Examination

Until recently, graduates were required to take two mandatory exams - mathematics and Russian. But talk that this list will be expanded has not ceased to worry eleventh-graders and their parents over the past two years.

This is explained by the fact that most students prefer not to bother themselves with unnecessary knowledge, but pass the required minimum for admission. For example, in 2014, when it was possible to take only the mandatory Unified State Examination, most eleventh-graders decided to write an application only for a test in mathematics and the Russian language.

It is expected that the third mandatory exam will appear in 2018

It was planned that the third mandatory exam would appear in 2017, but there was no official confirmation of this fact from officials. Of course, it is possible that the third Unified State Exam will be an unpleasant surprise, approved closer to the start of the exam. But, most likely, the timing of the introduction of the third mandatory test will be moved to 2018.

What subject will be included in the compulsory Unified State Examination? Some officials argue that young people have little knowledge of the history of their country, and this particular discipline should become third on the list of mandatory Unified State Examinations. Specialists from relevant departments support the inclusion of a foreign language in the list, since in the age of globalization any specialist must have speaking and writing skills in English, French, German or another language.

Still others vote for geography, insisting on the low quality of knowledge on this subject. Moreover, this applies to both political and economic geography. By the way, the third exam is not the worst option yet! In the future (by 2020), they promise to expand the number of exams to at least four, or even six. They are considering adding geography, history, a foreign language, physics or chemistry to the list of federal examination disciplines.

Thus, according to experts from the relevant department, the student will have the widest opportunity to choose a university. There is also talk of introducing an integrated exam for all natural sciences.

Unified State Exam results will help you correct your low certification score

The influence of the Unified State Exam on the certification score

Let us remind you that since 2017, the practice of recording Unified State Exam scores in the school certificate has returned to life. Moreover, this innovation applies not only to mandatory exams, but also to selective ones, so it makes sense to prepare well for the test, so as not only to not spoil, but to improve your certification score.

It is not yet known how the test scores will be converted into the usual mark on the certificate. For each Unified State Exam you will need to score a different number of points to receive a certain grade. Most likely, the following translation system will be adopted as a guide to action:

  1. Russian language. Mark “5” – from 72 points and above, “4” – 57-71, “3” – 24-56.
  2. Mathematics. Mark “5” – from 65 points and above, “4” – 47-64, “3” – 24-46.
  3. Social science. Score “5” – from 67 points and above, “4” – 55-66, “3” – 39-54.
  4. Story. Mark “5” – from 68 points and above, “4” – 50-67, “3” – 32-49.
  5. Physics. Mark “5” – from 68 points and above, “4” – 53-67, “3” – 36-52.
  6. Biology. Mark “5” – from 72 points and above, “4” – 55-71, “3” – 36-54.
  7. Foreign languages. Mark “5” – from 84 points and above, “4” – 59-83, “3” – 20-58.
  8. Chemistry. Mark “5” – from 73 points and above, “4” – 56-72, “3” – 36-55.
  9. Geography. Mark “5” – from 67 points and above, “4” – 51-66, “3” – 37-50.
  10. Literature. Mark “5” – from 67 points and above, “4” – 55-66, “3” – 32-54.
  11. Computer science. Mark “5” – from 73 points and above, “4” – 57-72, “3” – 40-56.

You should read this information carefully, because a difference of 1-2 points can ruin your dreams of getting into your chosen university on a budget. It is also clear that scores below the “C” threshold characterize the student’s knowledge as unsatisfactory.

Unified State Exam in Chinese may appear among language exams

Introduction of additional foreign languages

Already in 2017, graduates of 9th and 11th grades will be able to take a trial exam in the Chinese language, which is becoming more and more in demand every year. Today, 17 thousand schoolchildren study it, and the direction of “Oriental Studies” is gaining popularity among humanitarian applicants. If the test version of this Unified State Exam is successful, then as of 2018, Chinese may become an elective subject. In 2018, it is also possible to conduct testing in Italian and Japanese - this is already being discussed in the relevant educational departments.

Unified State Exam 2018 for residents of the Crimean Peninsula

For two years, Crimean graduates were frightened by the need to pass the Unified State Exam. However, in July 2016, the Russian President signed a decree according to which the national examination procedure will become mandatory only in 2018. Until this moment, Crimeans can take final tests in the form of a state exam. The entrance campaign for this category of graduates includes two exam options: the Unified State Exam or an entrance exam according to the rules of the selected university.

The benefit can be used only once - in the year of graduation from school. According to statements from the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation, the Unified State Exam is gaining increasing popularity in this region. In 2016 alone, the number of people wishing to take the unified exam tripled compared to 2015. For example, 84% of Sevastopol eleventh graders and 38% of graduates from the rest of the Crimean Peninsula decided to take it.

The fight against cheating will reach a new level in 2018

Tightening measures in the Unified State Examination procedure

Specialists from Rosobrnadzor annually tighten the technical side of the Unified State Examination, but there are still schoolchildren who manage to write off their tickets. From 2017, technical innovation in the form of equipping classrooms with mobile communication blockers will become the norm. Anonymous surveys of applicants showed that about 1/3 of them were able to call “assistants” during the exam test and find out the correct answer to complex tests.

Now buildings for the Unified State Exam will be equipped not only with metal detectors and video surveillance systems, but also with a jamming system. According to Sergei Kravtsov, head of Rosobrnadzor, in 2017-2018 measures will be tightened against teachers, ticket developers and observers, so that information leakage will simply become impossible.

Introduction of a comprehensive system for assessing the quality of education

Innovation will most likely affect the graduating class of 2019. It consists in the fact that versions of CMMs will be printed directly at the place of the exam, that is, immediately in the examination room. No one, including commission members and observers, will be able to have access to the final versions of the tickets. Moreover, the system of comprehensive assessment of the quality of education also provides for the fact that answer forms will also be scanned on site in order to completely eliminate the human factor from the Unified State Examination.

Changes in CIMs by subject

Naturally, preparing for the Unified State Exam is impossible without tracking innovations in tickets. Specialists from Rosobrnadzor say that in 2017 they managed to optimize all tickets, so these changes should be focused on in the future. Let's briefly describe the changes that eleventh graders will face in 2018.

The Unified State Exam in Biology has become noticeably more difficult and longer by a full half hour!

Unified State Exam in Biology

Already in 2017, CMMs in this discipline were significantly optimized in terms of ticket structure. Rosobrnadzor, adhering to the policy of getting rid of the simplest tests, has abolished all tasks involving the choice of only one correct answer. Now the first part of the ticket consists of new tasks that involve filling in the missing parts in diagrams and tables. In addition, graduates will have to analyze and synthesize information.

As a result, there were fewer tasks - 28 instead of 40 - but at the same time the ticket became much more difficult. The number of tasks with illustrations, which were previously 4, has now been expanded to 11! According to recent data, only a third of graduates are sufficiently prepared to cope with tasks that are illustrated with diagrams, graphs and drawings.

The number of advanced level tasks has also increased from one to three. The good news is that the exam time has been increased - it will be possible to solve the question within 210 minutes, which is a full half hour more than in 2016.

Unified State Examination in Informatics and ICT

According to the Minister of Education and Science, this subject will have to be taken on computers starting in 2017. Even if the department’s specialists do not have time to prepare the required number of machines, graduates of 2018 will certainly have to take a test using computer technology to demonstrate the skills of logical thinking, programming, modeling, building algorithms and working with data. Computer science has also lost all the simplest tests - now the tickets contain only tasks of medium and high difficulty levels.

In 2018, the Unified State Exam in computer science will be taken only on computers

Unified State Examination in History

Today, specialists from the relevant department consider the CMMs in this discipline to be quite satisfactory, so no significant changes are planned for 2018. The only thing that is worth drawing the attention of eleventh-graders once again is that from the new school year the subject has every chance of becoming one of the compulsory ones, so it is worth starting to intensively prepare for this discipline.

One of the most difficult moments in history KIMs is considered to be a mini-essay, which requires not only knowledge of factual material and information from the lives of outstanding personalities, but also the ability to handle information and logically argue one’s position. Other changes in the Unified State Exam in history are similar to other subjects: the simplest tests have been replaced with tasks with a short answer to the question, and in the second part you will have to answer tasks in a detailed form.

Unified State Exam in Chemistry

Chemistry CTs have changed quite significantly: in the first part, the simplest tests have been removed. The updated CMM assumes that the student will have to make multiple choice of correct answers, be able to establish logical correspondence and solve calculation problems. The good news is that now in three and a half hours you need to solve not 40, but 34 tasks, and even the simplest ones will be worth two points.

The chemistry exam has become more difficult, but the number of tasks has become less

Unified State Examination in English

The exam still consists of two parts. The first one will be written and will take three hours. The second is a fifteen-minute oral part, to which students will be invited on a separate day. Let us remind you that in the first part of the English exam, schoolchildren must complete tasks testing listening, reading, vocabulary and grammar, as well as writing skills. This part of the exam requires students to write a short essay. The oral part will take the form of an interview. It includes retelling the text, the ability to formulate questions, describe and compare images.

Unified State Exam in Social Studies

The subject, which is designed to test the student's knowledge of the economic and political life of society, as well as an understanding of the foundations of philosophy, sociology and law, has not undergone significant changes. The efforts of Rosobrnadzor specialists were aimed only at optimizing the structure of CIMs. However, the student will no longer be faced with simple tests - instead you will have to give a short answer to the question. The second part of the KIM consists of tasks that need to be answered in detail. This part also includes writing a short essay.

Unified State Exam in Literature

In 2017, the Ministry of Education was unable to prepare tickets that would implement all the planned changes in KIMs in this subject. But graduates of 2018 will definitely encounter these innovations. It's about adding a creative touch to the exam. The new KIM model has not only been developed, but has even been tested on schoolchildren representing 60 Russian educational institutions.

To pass the Unified State Exam, you will have to delve into each of the required works.

However, testing showed that the tickets need improvement, which members of the methodological commissions promise to carry out within a year. New KIMs will exclude tasks with short answers, but the number of multiple choice tests will be increased. In addition, Rosobrnadzor will increase the requirements for essays. Structurally, the CMM will consist of 3 parts:

  • the first, testing the skill of analyzing a work of art;
  • the second, which involves demonstrating the skills of visual and expressive means;
  • the third, consisting of an essay. There will be as many as five topics to choose from, but each of them will be formulated in such a way that the student demonstrates the skills of in-depth analysis of the work proposed for analysis.

Unified State Exam in Mathematics

This test is considered optimal, so the Ministry of Education does not plan any significant changes. The only thing that department experts insist on is the inclusion of a larger number of practical problems for an objective assessment of schoolchildren’s knowledge in algebra and geometry. In this ticket you will also not find single-choice tests.

Unified State Examination in Russian

Today, KIM consists of two parts - the first, in which you need to briefly answer the question, and the second, which involves writing an essay. However, it is increasingly being said that the exam will include another part in the form of speaking. Graduates of 2017 “slipped past” this innovation, but in 2018 it may well become the norm. It is assumed that the student will receive a certain illustration and, after listening to a recording of the text for 20 minutes, will have to answer the questions posed.

It’s not enough to memorize the rules – now you also need to show your ability to think!

All student answers will be recorded and submitted to the commission for evaluation. The Ministry of Education believes that this is the only way to identify with a high degree of efficiency and adequacy the real level of knowledge of students, who must not only apply memorized rules, but also be able to beautifully, logically and reasonably express their position on any issue.

Unified State Exam in Geography

We remind you: this subject may become mandatory for the Unified State Examination, so pay close attention to it. Such innovation may overtake us as early as 2018. The difficulty of the exam is that students must retain in their heads a huge amount of data characterizing geographical objects and phenomena, the lithosphere, atmosphere, hydrosphere, noosphere and biosphere, natural resources, weather and climate, the oceans, continents and countries.

Complex tasks cover topics related to the gender and age structure of the population, migration processes, various sectors of the world and Russian economy. Otherwise, the changes in recent years have affected only the replacement of simple tests with short-answer tasks.

Unified State Exam in Physics

In this exam, all the simplest tests were completely removed. They were replaced by more complex tasks involving short answers to questions or identification of logical correspondence. In addition, the most complex tasks will require the student to not only master the equipment, but also be able to select specific instruments for conducting physical experiments.

On the Unified State Exam it is important not only to know the formulas, but also to understand the equipment

Final exams are stressful for both students and their parents. This is a kind of milestone, overcoming which the child finally becomes an adult and chooses the future path and profession that he wants to acquire. Often, a person’s future depends on the results of an exam. Will he be able to enter the desired university or will he have to adjust his plans urgently? The results of the Unified State Exam show how much the school curriculum has been mastered by a person and at what level his basic knowledge is.

The Unified State Exam is a new system for assessing the knowledge of schoolchildren. It was first tested at the beginning of the new millennium. The new knowledge assessment system was finally established back in 2009. Next year it will be 10 years since the usual entrance exams were replaced by a test.

Educational reforms are carried out annually and the Unified State Examination procedure is adjusted. This causes a lot of trouble for the families of schoolchildren and the students themselves.

The former head of the Ministry of Education, Dmitry Livanov, previously stated that serious reforms were coming to the Unified State Examination system.

Graduates of 2018 cannot avoid innovations. Olga Vasilyeva, who is the head of the Ministry of Education, confirmed information about upcoming changes in the system this year.


A lot of talk boils down to the fact that the Unified State Exam is supposedly planned to be abolished. In fact, this is not true. This is the ninth year since the Unified State Exam determines the level of knowledge of graduates. To date, a lot of effort has been spent and a sufficient number of reforms have been made. Abolishing the Unified State Exam after all the resources and efforts expended is inappropriate.

There is no clear opinion on reforms. But, despite the controversy of the ongoing reforms, this is not a reason to cancel the exam as such.

Unified State Exam 2018 - video on the topic

Required subjects for the Unified State Exam 2018

So, let's look at how things will be with the exam procedure itself, and what will be planned as compulsory subjects this year.

Schoolchildren and their parents are interested in the question of how many subjects the exam will include.

Where did the cause for concern come from? The fact is that the previous head of the Ministry of Education mentioned in one of his interviews that in 2018 it is planned to increase the number of subjects taken to six.

It was assumed that in 2017 one subject would be added, and in 2018 a fourth and two more elective subjects would be added to the three. Total - six compulsory subjects.

With the change in leadership came a change in the core strategy.

There have been rumors about an increase in the number of items since 2014. But until today there have been no changes. The assumption that another one would be added to the two compulsory subjects did not materialize. Last academic year the system remained the same. Two are compulsory and the third subject is at the discretion of the examinee.

The Ministry of Education and Science announced that changes will still occur in 2018. Graduates of 2018 will be required to take three exams, instead of last year's two.

It is not yet reliably clear what specific subject we are talking about. And what discipline will be required to be taken.

Having analyzed the state of education today, we can make the assumption that this subject will become story. Why history? The fact is that modern children’s knowledge in this area is at an insufficient level. And if history is included in the top three compulsory subjects of the Unified State Examination, more time will be allocated to this discipline and the approach to teaching will change. It is necessary to develop students' interest in studying the roots and history of the country in which they were born, raised and educated.

The next subject that may be on the list of required ones is social science. Why is it likely that social studies will be included in the mandatory list? One third of schoolchildren have given preference to this elective subject for several years in a row. You should not expect that it will be as easy to pass as it seems to a student. The fact is that the degree of difficulty of the exam will be increased.

Physics- the third subject that is discussed as a potential compulsory subject for the Unified State Examination. Real-life teachers are leaning towards physics as the main discipline. But in reality, physics does not have a great chance. Not every schoolchild finds exact sciences easy. This means that it is impossible to consider physics as a compulsory subject for all graduates.

For now, we can only say with certainty that the Russian language and mathematics remain in their positions.

Schedule of the Unified State Exam, Main State Exam and State Final Exam in 2018

Unified State Exam Schedule 2018

Unified State Examination date 2018

GVE-11 2018

Schedule of early exams 2018

March 21 (Wed) Geography, Computer Science and ICT

Geography, Computer Science and ICT

March 23 (Fri) Russian language

Russian language

March 26 (Mon) history, chemistry history, chemistry
March 28 (Wed) foreign languages ​​(oral)
March 30 (Fri) mathematics B, P mathematics
April 2 (Mon) foreign languages ​​(written), biology, physics foreign languages, biology, physics
April 4 (Wed) social studies, literature social studies, literature
April 6 (Fri) reserve: geography, chemistry, computer science and ICT, foreign languages ​​(oral), history reserve: geography, chemistry, computer science and ICT, history
April 9 (Mon) reserve: foreign languages ​​(written), literature, physics, social studies, biology reserve: foreign languages, literature, physics, social studies, biology
April 11 (Wed) reserve: Russian language, mathematics B, P reserve: Russian language, mathematics

Schedule of the main period for passing the Unified State Exam 2018

May 28 (Mon) Geography, Computer Science and ICT Geography, Computer Science and ICT
May 30 (Wed) mathematics B mathematics
June 1 (Fri) mathematics P
June 4 (Mon) chemistry, history chemistry, history
June 6 (Wed) Russian language Russian language
June 9 (Sat) foreign languages ​​(oral)
June 13 (Wed) foreign languages ​​(oral)
June 14 (Thu) social science social science
June 18 (Mon) biology, foreign languages ​​(written) biology, foreign languages
June 20 (Wed) literature, physics literature, physics
June 22 (Fri) reserve: geography, computer science and ICT
June 25 (Mon) reserve: mathematics B, mathematics P reserve: mathematics
June 26 (Tue) reserve: Russian language reserve: Russian language
June 27 (Wed) reserve: chemistry, history, biology, foreign languages ​​(written) reserve: chemistry, history, biology, foreign languages
June 28 (Thu) reserve: literature, physics, social studies
June 29 (Fri) reserve: foreign languages ​​(oral)
July 2 (Mon) reserve: for all academic subjects
September 4 (Tue) Russian language Russian language
September 7 (Fri) mathematics B mathematics
September 10 (Mon)
September 15 (Sat) reserve: mathematics B, Russian language reserve: mathematics, Russian language

Unified State Exam 2018 - news

Olga Vasilyeva is not a supporter of sudden and fundamental changes, unlike her predecessor. Of course, reforms will follow. But it is planned to introduce them gradually so that they do not cause unnecessary stress for students.

From some interviews with the new leader, it becomes clear that there will still be reforms. In turn, Olga Vasilyeva stated that all significant changes will be known in advance.

FIPI announced that the reforms will primarily affect the literature exam.

You can already find a new model of the exam test on the FIPI website. This is the type of final exam that will be structured around.

  • What changes exactly does the updated exam include?
  • Will the practice of writing essays continue?
  • What will be the difficulty level of the exam?

We will try to answer these and other questions in more detail.

The literature exam has already been subject to reform before. There was a practice of answering in the form of a test, where students were given the opportunity to answer a question by choosing the correct one from several answers. After the reform, such a test system was replaced by a short answer. Based on the short answer, it was possible to draw a conclusion about whether the student knows how to use terminology correctly and how well he has mastered it.

What can we expect in 2018?

Short answers will be discarded. There will be space for creativity. Unlike the exact sciences, literature requires a creative approach and develops students' ability to think outside the box. It is expected to get rid of technical answers in favor of deeper and more detailed ones.

The second part of the test will be simplified. The practice that existed until now was based on the fact that the student needed to analyze the proposed text and find a comparison of the main text with two, which had to be given as an example independently from the material covered.

The model of the new test involves analytical work on only one text.

News that concerns the essay. Until now there were only three themes to choose from. In 2018, graduates will have the opportunity to choose one of five essay topics. This will significantly expand the possibilities of choice and allow each student to cope with the task.

This year, not only the number of topics will increase, but also the volume of essays. If today it is 200 words, now they have approved the optimal volume of 250 words.

Another reform that affected essays was the introduction of grades using a five-point system. That is, graduates will receive a separate grade for the text, and not just a “pass” or “fail” resolution, as has been the practice until now.

After the new assessment system was tested in 44 regions of our country, it was decided that in 2018, all students will undergo new testing for the Unified State Exam.

Foreign languages ​​at the Unified State Exam 2018

Let's touch on a topic that worries many - foreign languages ​​in a single state language. exam.

It is impossible not to recognize the fact that knowledge of one or more foreign languages ​​significantly facilitates a person’s not only admission to a university, but also the search for a job, as well as building a career. Therefore, for several years in a row there have been heated debates about the need to transfer foreign languages ​​from selective to compulsory subjects on the Unified State Exam.

Today, a foreign language will still remain on the “optional” list. But graduates of 2020 will most likely actually take it as a compulsory test.

So, let's look at which foreign languages ​​you can choose for the Unified State Exam in 2018:

  1. English language
  2. French
  3. German
  4. Chinese
  5. Spanish

A few words about the appearance of the Chinese language in the exam list. In 2016, an experiment in passing Chinese took place in schools on the banks of the Amur. Since the experiment was successful, the Chinese language added to the above list.

System for passing the Unified State Exam 2018 in Crimea and Sevastopol

For the last year, a choice system has been in place for graduates of Crimea and Sevastopol. Graduates have the opportunity to choose between the usual regional university entrance exams and the Unified State Exam.

Last year, Sevastopol and Crimea differed significantly in indicators. In Crimea, thirty-four percent chose the Unified State Exam. But the majority of Sevastopol students opted for a new examination system for them. About eighty-four percent gave preference to the Unified State Exam.

Unified State Examination in Russian

At one time, Kuprin expressed the idea that the Russian language is not an idle matter, but the history of the people, which requires careful treatment and deep study.

The importance of the Russian language and the quality of its teaching in the school curriculum is spoken at all levels, both by teachers in schools and by the president of the country. The Russian language is the consciousness of the people; it is the language that unites people together and plays one of the main roles in the issue of human self-identification. You cannot approach the issue casually or formally. Literacy and culture of speech are what you need to focus on in order to consider yourself an educated person.

In 2018, reforms of the Russian language exam will consist of adding an oral part to the exam.

The Society of Russian Literature supports reforms that are being carried out to improve the quality of knowledge of young people. Russian language is a mandatory part of the exam. Without passing the Russian language, it is impossible to become the owner of a certificate of secondary education.

The oral part of the exam will be called “Speaking”.

What prompted innovations of this kind? The fact is that the modern realities of life are as follows: most schoolchildren spend a significant part of their time on social networks and other Internet portals. The speech used online is quite sparse and is a mixture of slang, abbreviations and foreign words. There is no need to talk about pure and literate Russian. Moreover, this lifestyle of schoolchildren significantly influenced oral speech. The vocabulary, unfortunately, cannot be called rich. In order to, if not change, then at least influence the situation, a decision was made to introduce an additional oral block.

The goal pursued by supporters of innovation is clear. In the future, after graduating from school, a person will need not only the ability to comment on posts on social networks, but also the ability to present himself at different levels.

In order to make a report in front of a large number of people, to be able to competently convey an idea, to learn how to give arguments and participate in disputes, defending one’s position, and also to be able to resist the opinions of others, one must learn to competently express one’s thoughts.

What will happen to a person if he cannot convey a thought to his interlocutor? At a young age, many do not think that the time will come when those subjects that many people dislike at school will come in handy. No one is interested in cramming the rules, but they are the ones that help to gain knowledge in a particular area. Long essays on topics that literature teachers offer seem boring, but this is how a person learns not only to think coherently, but also to have a creative approach.

If we talk about creative thinking, this in no way means that a person who possesses it should choose a creative profession. On the contrary, if a person makes progress in a real profile, and is able to express his thoughts competently and literaryly, showing the originality of his mind, this is a big trump card in his piggy bank.

In the modern world it is impossible to do without the skill of self-presentation. In order to get a good position you need to be sociable. Often, due to duty, a person will have to spend a lot of time communicating with other people for different purposes. A doctor needs to talk with a patient, a lawyer needs to represent the interests of a company or client, even a salesperson needs to have competent speech so that a potential client has confidence and a desire to purchase a product.

Family and school are where love and thirst for knowledge are born. It is there that the child receives the necessary skills in communication among society.

Graduates of the ninth grade could already fully experience what the innovation represents.

Ninth graders completed the following tasks:

Experts were present at the exam who could give an objective assessment from the outside at what level of oral speech was performed.

Learn more about what will be included in the “Speaking” block at the Unified State Exam 2018.

Let's discuss in more detail what this innovation represents for graduates of the ninth and eleventh grades of Russian schools, as well as what goals this reform sets for schoolchildren.

The main objective of the reform is to help graduates develop the following qualities:

  • Expressive reading. The reading level of the text that will be proposed in the test will be assessed.
  • Analytical thinking. The student's degree of understanding of the text and ability to analyze the material read are assessed.
  • The ability to correctly express your thoughts. Short monosyllabic answers are not allowed. The graduate must be able to construct sentences and convey his thoughts to the interlocutor, who in our case is a member of the examination committee.
  • Grammatically correct speech. The degree to which the graduate has an understanding of the norms of the Russian language is assessed.
  • Competent construction of monologue and dialogue.

Which points will remain the same in the Unified State Exam 2018?

Now a few words about which parts of the exam will remain unchanged.

The Russian language will not undergo any special changes, with the exception of the addition of a spoken unit. Otherwise, the usual form is fixed.

The test contains two blocks. Let's take a closer look at what each of them is.

The first block of the test for the Unified State Exam 2018.

The first block contains twenty-four points, which are aimed at giving an objective assessment of the following parameters:

  1. Extracting the main idea of ​​the text;
  2. Orthoepy;
  3. Grammar, the ability to find an error and classify it;
  4. Spelling;
  5. Punctuation. The student’s ability to correctly place punctuation marks;
  6. Vocabulary. Use of words;
  7. Types of speech;
  8. The ability to distinguish means of expression in a text fragment.

The second block of the test for the Unified State Exam 2018.

The second block of the test assesses the creative approach to the subject and the ability to think.

The essay includes many aspects of verification. It demonstrates in practice how a person has mastered school material. Everything is assessed here - from grammar to the ability to express your thoughts and justify your opinion. It is the essay that gives a complete picture of the student’s level of knowledge and the ability to put this knowledge into practice.

This table shows the minimum scores below which the exam is considered a failure.

In order to successfully pass the exam, you need to prepare for it ahead of time. On the last night before the exam, it is hardly possible to learn all the rules in 11 years.

In order to get acquainted with test examples, you can go to the FIPI website. It is on the website of the Federal Institute of Pedagogical Measurements that you will find useful information on preparing for the Unified State Exam. The website has a huge number of tests and assignments on all school topics and subjects in the public domain.

You can test your knowledge by testing it using last year's USE versions. If you start preparing in advance, you will feel confident in your abilities during the exam itself and will be able to obtain a certificate without unnecessary stress.

At the beginning of 2018, it will become known reliably on what dates the exams will be taken.

We, in turn, wish the graduates good luck and successful passing of the Unified State Exam in 2018!

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The Unified State Exam (USE) became the only form of final exams for schools quite a long time ago - in 2009, and was first tested at the turn of the millennium. Adjustments are constantly being made to the Unified State Exam rules, causing schoolchildren and their parents to worry every year.

It has been known for a long time that big changes await the Unified State Examination system. The first to announce this was Dmitry Litvinov, the former head of the Ministry of Education. The new head of the department, Olga Vasilyeva, also said in her first interviews that the course of reform will be supported. The reform will continue for several years, and the Unified State Exam 2018 will be no exception.

Unified State Exam 2018: changes and news

The first thing that worries all schoolchildren: both those who are preparing for graduation and those who are just starting their studies is the question “Will the Unified State Exam be canceled in 2018?” The answer was given by both the current Minister of Education and the previous one: too much effort has been invested in the state exam system itself to talk now about its abolition. The Unified State Exam has proven to be an excellent system for testing graduates’ knowledge, providing objective and accurate assessments of students’ knowledge level.

Therefore, at the present time we can only talk about further reform of the Unified State Exam, about its transformations and changes. If the quantity and quality of the latter cause heated discussions, then the Unified State Exam will definitely not be canceled in 2018, as well as in subsequent years.

Compulsory subjects of the Unified State Exam 2018

How many subjects should I take for the Unified State Exam 2018? This question is of great concern to today's high school students. And there are reasons for such concern, or, more correctly, there were. The fact is that in one of the interviews, the previous Minister of Education Dmitry Litvinov said that by 2018 the number of subjects on the Unified State Exam will increase to six. In 2017, according to him, a third was to be added to the number of mandatory exams, and in 2018 - a fourth plus two optional exams, for a total of six. But with the coming to power of the new minister, Olga Vasilyeva, the strategy for reforming the Unified State Examination also changed.

The fact that a third should be added to the two compulsory subjects that exist today has been talked about for quite some time - the first rumors appeared in 2014. However, so far no action has been taken in this regard. And even after the end of the 2016-2017 academic year, graduates will continue to take three exams - two compulsory and one optional.

However, in 2018, that is, at the end of the 2017–2018 academic year, the third mandatory exam will most likely increase. This was said back in 2015, and officials from the Ministry of Education and Science confirm this. All that remains is to decide which subject will be included in the top three compulsory ones.

Today, history is considered the favorite among all other school disciplines. Even the president spoke in favor of the subject, noting that today schoolchildren’s knowledge of their native history leaves much to be desired. As the minister noted, making the discipline one of those for which mandatory exams are taken will increase interest in science and force both students and teachers to pay more attention to the subject. Whether this is so - time will tell.

In second place in popularity is social studies. As FIPI statistics show, schoolchildren choose this subject more often than others - approximately a third of students take social studies as an elective exam. However, after the reform, the exam became somewhat more difficult, and therefore it is no longer possible to say that social studies is a simple subject.

In third place is physics. Fans of engineering schools are in favor of this subject. Focus on the exact sciences has long been exciting the minds of education officials, but for many schoolchildren physics turns out to be too complex and difficult to study. Taking this into account, it is impossible to say that discipline will be mandatory.

Today it is impossible to say with certainty which compulsory subjects are included in the Unified State Exam 2018. The exact number and name of exams will be known closer to the beginning of the 2017–2018 academic year, that is, until September 2017. So far, only one thing is known for certain - Russian language and mathematics will have to be taken in any case.

Latest news

Speaking about changes, first of all, we mean reforming the Unified State Examination in literature. The new exam model has already been announced by FIPI, and you can get acquainted with the demo version of the CMM on the department’s website. So, what new will the Unified State Examination in literature bring in 2018, will schoolchildren write essays, and how difficult will the exam be?

Questions with short answers will be excluded. Some time ago, literature lost its test part; Questions with a choice of one correct answer out of four were replaced by questions with short answers. This part is aimed at checking terminology - examiners must ensure that students are familiar with all the terms used in the discipline. However, the new minister said that from 2018 literature will become a more creative subject, and therefore there will be no need for a special “terminology” part.

Simplifying the task of analyzing a work. The second type of task is a kind of mini-essay, when the text presented in the KIM had to be compared with two others, which the student must remember on his own. From 2018, students will only need to provide one text for analysis.

Increasing the number of topics for essays. Until 2018, schoolchildren were offered only three topics to choose from when writing an essay. After the reform, the number of topics will increase to four or even five.

Increasing the volume of the essay. Today, the minimum length of an essay is 200 words. From 2018, its length must be at least 250 words.

Appearance of essay grades. Today, as you know, there are only two criteria for an examination essay - “passed” or “failed.” In 2018, it is planned to introduce a grading scale for this block of the exam - now the essay will be assessed according to the five-point system familiar to schoolchildren.

The new Unified State Examination model in literature is currently being tested in 44 regions and, if the result is satisfactory, it will become the main one in 2018. In August, all project documents will be made publicly available on the FIPI website and, over the course of several months, there will be public discussion.

Unified State Exam in a foreign language

The Ministry of Education decided that a foreign language in 2018 will still not be included in the list of compulsory subjects. Moreover, discussions on this matter are very heated, since everyone understands how important a foreign language is for building a career.

As a result, today it has been decided that a foreign language will become a mandatory exam only at the Unified State Exam 2022.

In the meantime, those 11th graders who want to be certified in it choose the foreign one as an additional exam.

At the Unified State Exam 2018, the choice of languages ​​will be as follows:

  • English;
  • German;
  • French;
  • Spanish;
  • Chinese.

The Chinese language was included in the program after trial exams were successfully conducted in Amur schools in 2016.


There will be changes to the Unified State Examination in 2018 - both Vasilyeva herself and officials of various departments in charge of this issue speak about this. However, it is too early to talk about exactly what these changes will be - exact information will appear only in the second half of 2017.

Information taken from the site

What requirements are put forward for examinees, and what changes is the Ministry of Education and Science making to the unified exam in 2018? Let’s try to understand in more detail what you can expect from the Unified State Exam 2018 and what needs to be “pulled up” to pass it successfully.

The winter holidays have come to an end, and school graduates are actively preparing for one of the most important stages of their entire school education - passing the Unified State Exam.

In our country Unified State Exam has been a mandatory centralized test for schoolchildren since 2009. It serves as the final examination for obtaining a certificate and the entrance examination for admission to higher educational institutions of the country at the same time.

What requirements are put forward for examinees, and what changes is the Ministry of Education and Science making to the unified exam in 2018? Let’s try to understand in more detail what you can expect from the Unified State Exam 2018 and what needs to be “pulled up” to pass it successfully.

How will the Unified State Examination 2018 change?

During its existence, the procedure for passing the Unified State Exam "" has undergone many changes and the introduction of a variety of innovations. However, according to Russian President Vladimir Putin, who listens to the opinions of experts, the system is still not perfect, so it needs further measures aimed at eliminating existing shortcomings. However, he notes that the presence of a single standard provides the most objective assessment of effectiveness school education and provides opportunities for applicants from the regions.

According to the Minister of Education Olga Vasilyeva, no significant changes are expected in the Unified State Examination this year. Schoolchildren will continue to take mandatory exams in the Russian language and mathematics. The introduction of an oral exam in the Russian language cannot be called a serious change, since this year it will be held only in some schools, as a test.

Let us note that the department considers rumors about the inclusion of a foreign language and history among the compulsory subjects for passing the Unified State Exam to be premature. According to available data, Russian history will be added to the list of compulsory subjects only in 2020, and students will take a foreign language starting in 2022.

This year the exam technology will change completely. Unlike previous years, forms and test materials will now be presented in digital format. Schoolchildren and graduates of previous years taking the exam will be able to personally see the process of printing assignments right in the classroom. Upon completion of work, their forms will be scanned and sent for verification using secure communication channels.

Certain changes will be made to exam tasks (both compulsory and elective subjects). It is noted that test questions and questions with one correct answer will be almost completely excluded from the tests. Some subjects, such as biology and physics, will have additional sets of questions, while others will have a revised maximum score.

Terms and conditions for submitting an application and procedure for taking exams

The Federal Service for Supervision of Education and Science notes that everyone who wants to take exams in 2018 must submit a corresponding application indicating the disciplines before February 1. Questions regarding extension of the deadline for accepting documents are not currently being considered. But, as the head of Rosobrnadzor Sergei Kravtsov said, this possibility will be discussed as part of improving the system for the next academic year.

If everything is extremely clear with the Russian language and mathematics, then with elective subjects things are somewhat more complicated. Already now, each graduate must accurately determine which disciplines he will have to pass, based on his further specialty. The subjects considered as entrance examinations are indicated on the websites of the selected universities, but it is noted that the number of subjects that can be indicated in the application is unlimited.

Places of registration for the Unified State Exam for graduates of previous years who wish to apply are approved by regional educational authorities, and those graduating this year must register at their place of study.

Main stage Unified State Exam 2018 will take place from May 28 to July 2. For those participants who, for good reasons, cannot take the exams together with the main group and only by providing the relevant documents, there is the opportunity to take the tests ahead of schedule - from March 21 to April 11. Naturally, this is only possible if you successfully complete the school curriculum by the deadline.

The additional stage will take place in September, from the 4th to the 15th. During this period, as well as on the reserve days of the main stage, participants who scored low points will be allowed to retake the Russian language and mathematics. But in case of failure in elective subjects, a repeat exam can only be taken next year.

How to achieve high results?

The results of this year’s Unified State Examination can significantly affect graduates’ grades in the certificate, so you should think about how to increase the level of knowledge and achieve maximum results.

According to statistics, only half a percent of graduates show 100 percent results on Russian language exams, and another 25% receive high scores. Why such a low result? According to experts, this is due to the fact that:

  • Schoolchildren lack skills in writing argumentative essays, in which they most often make punctuation and spelling errors.
  • There are no phraseological units in the works of high school students that could bring them additional points.

Among the very common mistakes, experts also note the spelling of unstressed vowels at the root of the word, and although teachers repeat these rules to their students more than once, they still need to practice.

Things are even worse with mathematics. Despite the fact that 45% of examinees successfully pass the basic level, it is necessary to understand that it is much simpler than the profile level, the results of which are much lower than in the Russian language. Schoolchildren have big problems when solving problems in geometry, especially in the section of stereometry. Practice has shown that you can achieve high results in the exam if:

  • repeat the topic "Interest"
  • solve economic problems,
  • learn to determine the area of ​​figures on squared paper.

History and social studies are very popular among elective subjects. However, the percentage of high-scoring students in these subjects leaves much to be desired. In the case of history Unified State Exam participants There are gaps in the chronology of events, and there are often problems with reading maps. And in social studies, many people are good at the topics “Law”, “Economics” and “Man and Society”. But they have a very vague idea about “Politics”.

In general, according to Ms., the ministry is continuously working to create a unified educational space, which will soon make it possible to improve the quality of education for children and provide the necessary basis for successfully passing the Unified State Exam. Innovations will await graduates next year, but for now it is necessary to accumulate all the energy to obtain the maximum result.

Unified State Exam 2018 schedule

Early period

Main period

date Item
May 28 computer science, geography
May 30 mathematics (basic level)
June 1st mathematics (profile level)
June 4 history, chemistry
June 6 Russian language
the 9th of June foreign language (oral)
June 13 foreign language (oral)
June 14 social science
June 18 foreign language, biology
June 20 literature, physics
Reserve days
22nd of June computer science, geography
June 25 mathematics (basic and specialized levels)
June 26 Russian language
27th of June history, foreign language, biology, chemistry
June 28 literature, social studies, physics
June 29 foreign language (oral)
July 2 all things

Additional period

date Item
4 September Russian language
September 7 mathematics
Reserve day
September 15th Russian language, mathematics (basic level)

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