How much does the largest Amur tiger weigh? Tiger: photos and videos, description of the breed, subspecies, lifestyle, hunting. How much does a tiger weigh kg

Total allocated nine species of tigers, of which only six remain alive, and three are considered extinct.

Existing tiger species

Amur or Siberian tigers

photo: Joeke Pieters

Amur tigers (Panthera tigris altaica) can reach almost 3.3 meters in length. The weight of males is up to 300 kg, and they are larger than females. This subspecies of tiger has a skull that is much larger than other species. The color of the Amur tiger is paler in winter, and with the advent of the warm season it becomes brighter and more saturated. The fur is thicker and coarser than that of other tiger species due to the low temperature of the range where it lives. Amur tigers are capable of knocking down animals that weigh several times more than them. They tend to hunt elk and wild boar.

Bengal tigers

Bengal tiger (lat. Panthera tigris tigris or Panthera tigris bengalensis) can be seen in India. It is the most numerous of all tiger species with over 2,500 individuals in the wild. This tiger species can weigh around 230 kg for an adult male and 140 kg for a female. Bengal tigers also have very long tails and heads that are larger than other species. They are excellent hunters and feed on a wide range of prey, including deer, antelope, pigs and buffalo. Also, during times of shortage of basic food, they hunt monkeys, birds and other smaller prey.

Indochinese tigers

A species of tiger that is known as the Indochinese tiger (lat. Panthera tigris corbetti), found in several Asian countries. The species is darker in color and smaller in size than Bengal tigers, but they are capable of reaching a maximum weight of 200 kg for males and 150 kg for females. Indochinese tigers prefer to live in forested areas. There are not many such tigers anymore. The government estimates the species' population to be only 350 individuals. Indochinese tigers are suffering from food shortages as wild pig and deer numbers are also declining.

Malayan tigers

Malayan tiger (lat. Panthera tigris jacksoni) can only be found in the south of the Malay Peninsula. This tiger was only recognized as a separate species in 2004. It is the smallest species on the mainland and the second smallest tiger species. Males weigh on average 120 kg, and females about 100 kg. Note that the Malayan tiger has cultural significance as it is on the country's coat of arms and is also the logo of Maybank, a Malaysian bank.

Sumatran tigers

photo: Hagen Schneider

Sumatran tigers (lat. Panthera tigris sumatrae) a very rare species that lives only on the island of Sumatra. Habitat destruction is still considered the main threat to the Sumatran tiger. The Sumatran tiger's stripes are closer together than other tigers. This allows him to be invisible in tall grass. One of the Sumatran tiger's best tactics is to stalk its prey in the water. It is an extremely fast swimmer, so it is easily able to intercept larger prey in the water that it would not be able to handle on land.

Chinese tigers

Chinese tigers (lat. Panthera tigris amoyensis) most at risk of extinction. This tiger species is often listed among the ten most endangered species in the world. In the early 1950s, the Chinese tiger population was estimated to number 4,000. And already in 1996, only 30-80 of these unique animals remained.

Extinct tiger species

Bali tigers

Some species of tigers are extinct, including Balinese tiger species (lat. Panthera tigris balica). As the name suggests, the range of this tiger species was limited to the island of Bali, Indonesia. Before its extinction, the Bali tiger was the smallest tiger species. This species is still considered important in Balinese Hinduism.

Caspian tigers

Caspian tiger (lat. Panthera tigris virgata), which is also known as Transcaucasian tiger Previously found in sparse forests. It was discovered in the south and west of the Caspian Sea. At least, it was still found in the wild until the early 1970s. The closest living species to the Caspian tiger is the Amur tiger.

Javan tigers

He lived on the island of Java, in honor of which he received his name - Javan tiger (lat. Panthera tigris sondaica). This extinct tiger species was present until the mid-1970s. The weight of males is from 100 to 140 kg, and females - from 75 to 115 kg. Unfortunately, the last Javan tiger was seen after 1979, in the area of ​​Mount Betri.

Tiger hybrids

We talked about different types of tigers, as well as those that have become extinct. However, there are some other species that can also be considered part of the tiger family, such as the Liger and Tigon hybrids.


Liger - hybrid, which is the result of mating between a male lion and a tigress. The lion contributes a gene that promotes growth, because of this, ligers can grow much larger than their parents and have a length of 3-3.5 m, and a weight of 360 kg to 450 kg or even more. They do, however, reflect the appearance and behavior of both parents. As a result, the liger has spots and stripes imprinted on its sandy fur. Male ligers have a 50% chance of growing a mane, just not as luxurious as a lion's. While the resulting liger is certainly beautiful and interesting to study, the males of this hybrid are sterile, even when their females are usually fertile.


Tigon, which is the result of breeding between a male tiger and a lioness, is a less common hybrid. Naturally, tiger hybrids cannot; they are found in the wild and can only be seen in zoos or circuses. Tigons are usually no larger than average in size.

Types of tigers with unique colors

White tigers

Very attractive appearance white tiger makes him a popular and desirable zoo resident or even an exotic pet, but albino tigers are rare in the wild. White tigers were first bred at the beginning of the 19th century. They can appear in tiger parents who carry a rare gene that occurs only once every 10,000 births.

Golden Tigers

Another recessive gene may result in an interesting "golden" shade. The color is sometimes called "golden tabby". actually have golden fur, with pale orange stripes. Their fur is thicker than other tigers. At last count, there are about 30 golden tigers.

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Tigers are the largest land predators, second in weight only to polar and brown bears. There are 9 subspecies of the tiger, of which only 6 have survived into the 21st century. The total population size is 4000-6500 individuals. Tigers are listed in the Red Book of the IUCN and many countries around the world, and hunting them is prohibited everywhere.


Tiger (Panthera tigris)

The tiger is the largest and heaviest wild cat, but the known subspecies differ markedly in size and weight.


The largest are Bengal and Amur tigers. Males are from 2.3 to 2.5 m in length, with a body weight of about 300 kg. The height at the withers reaches 1.15 m. Females are usually inferior to males in size.


Tigers have a massive, elongated, muscular, flexible body. The tail is long and pubescent. The front paws are five-toed, the hind paws are four-toed, the claws are retractable. The head is round in shape, the forehead is convex. The ears are small and rounded. There are tanks on the sides of the head. White vibrissae are arranged in 4-5 rows. The animal has well-developed fangs, up to 8 cm in length. Tigers have well-developed night vision and color vision.


The coat is short, sparse, dense and low in the southern subspecies, high and fluffy in the northern ones. The color ranges from rusty red to rusty brown, the belly, chest and paws are light inside. Light markings are also visible on the ears. The body is covered with stripes colored brown or black. The muzzle below the nostrils, the vibrissa area, and the chin are white, and there are black spots around the mouth. The tail has a black tip and transverse ring stripes. The shape and distance between stripes vary among subspecies, but their number on average is about 100. The arrangement of stripes on tigers is unique for each individual.

What does it eat?

The diet of tigers mainly consists of ungulates: Bengal tigers hunt sambar, axis, wild boar and nilgai; Amur tigers prey on red and sika deer, wild boar, roe deer and musk deer; Sumatran tigers - sambar, wild boars and black-backed tapirs. Tigers' prey also includes large herbivores, such as Indian buffaloes, gaurs and elk. Their diet includes monkey, hare, reptiles and fish. Sometimes tigers also hunt domestic animals: dogs, cows, horses and donkeys. Plant foods, nuts, grass and fruits can be enjoyed in the summer.

Adequate nutrition for a tiger is 50-70 ungulates per year. At one time, a meal is 30-40 kg of meat. The tiger tolerates the lack of food relatively easily due to the presence of a subcutaneous layer of fat about 5 cm thick.

Where does he live?

The tiger is an Asian animal. Its historical range included the Russian Far East, Iran, Afghanistan, China, India and the countries of Southeast Asia.

Today, in most of these territories, the tiger has been exterminated; large populations remain only in India and Indochina and the Far East (Bangladesh, Bhutan, Vietnam, India, Indonesia, Iran, Cambodia, China, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Nepal, Pakistan , Russia, Thailand).

Tigers live in a wide variety of landscapes: in tropical rainforests, mangrove swamps and bamboo thickets in the tropics, in dry savannas, semi-deserts, bare rocky hills and taiga in the north. In the mountains they are found at altitudes up to 3000 m above sea level.

Common types

There are 9 subspecies of the tiger, three of which are now completely exterminated.

Known as Ussuri, Siberian, Manchurian or North Chinese, it is common in the Amur region, Primorsky and Khabarovsk territories of Russia. The population size reaches about 500 individuals.

The Amur tiger is a large subspecies. It is distinguished by thick, long and fluffy wool, light color and many stripes.

The nominate subspecies that lives in Pakistan, India, Bangladesh, Nepal, Bhutan, Myanmar. The population is estimated at 3100-4500 animals, but it is still under threat due to poaching. The average weight of males is 205-227 kg, for females - 140-150 kg.

Distributed in Cambodia, Myanmar, southern China, Laos, Thailand, Malaysia and Vietnam. The number of individuals is 1200-1800. This subspecies is distinguished by a darker color. The average weight of males is from 150 to 190 kg; for females this figure is in the range of 110-140 kg.

Distributed only in the south of the Malay Peninsula. Previously, the population of this subspecies was classified as Indochinese tigers, but according to genetic studies, at the beginning of the 21st century it was separated into an independent subspecies. Its population is estimated at 600-800 individuals, that is, it is the third largest in nature.

Inhabitant of the Indonesian island of Sumatra, where there are about 400-500 animals. This is the smallest of all subspecies: males weigh 100-130 kg, females weigh 70-90 kg.

This small subspecies is the most endangered species. Body length is 2.2-2.6 meters, weight of males is 127-177 kg, females - 100-118 kg. Currently, 59 individuals are kept in captivity in China, and they are trying to introduce them into the wild.

Male and female: main differences

Sexual dimorphism in tigers is manifested in the larger size of males compared to females. Both males and females are colored the same.

Tiger behavior

Tigers are most active in the morning, evening and at night. They usually spend the day in dens. They move in large steps. They don't climb trees. They do not avoid water and swim well, and residents of the southern regions even swim regularly. Tigers are also hardy to low temperatures. They molt twice a year: in March and September.

Tigers are mostly silent and rarely speak. Only during the mating season do males begin to roar dully, and when they get angry or attack prey, they growl. An adult tiger is a territorial animal that leads a solitary lifestyle and fiercely defends its territory. The tiger marks its personal territory in different ways: it leaves urine marks on tree trunks, rocks, bushes, loosens snow or soil, rubs against trees and leaves scratches on trunks. The size of personal territories is determined by habitat, amount of prey, and the presence of females (for males). Tigresses usually occupy an area of ​​about 20 km², and males - 60-100 km². Females can live in the male's territory.

The territorial behavior of males is very aggressive; they do not allow strangers into their territory and engage in serious fights with them; they only get along with tigresses. In turn, the females get along well with each other and can make peace in areas where they overlap.

Tigers hunt only alone, either creeping up on prey (in winter) or lying in wait for it in ambush (in summer). They often track their victims near bodies of water. They can pursue prey for 100-150 m, reaching speeds of up to 60 km/h.


Tigers are polygamous animals. Their mating season is December-January. At this time, males often fight for females. Since the tigress is capable of fertilization only a few days a year, mating occurs at this time many times. The first offspring of females is observed at the age of 3-4 years. A tigress usually gives birth once every 2-3 years. The duration of pregnancy is 97-112 days.

To breed offspring, the female makes a den in a hard-to-reach place: in crevices among stones, in a cave, in a windfall. Tiger cubs are born in March-April, there are 2-4 of them, they are blind, helpless, weigh 1.3-1.5 kg, their eyes open after 6-8 days. Breastfeeding lasts for the first 6 weeks. Only the female takes care of them and does not let males near them. At 8 weeks, the cubs leave the den and follow their mother. They begin to live independently at 18 months, but can remain with the female until they reach sexual maturity.

Females become sexually mature at 3-4 years, males at 4-5 years. During her life, a female gives birth to 10-20 tiger cubs, but half die at a young age. In the wild, tigers live about 25 years.

Tiger menace

Throughout its entire range, the tiger is the top of the food chain and other predators do not attack it or compete with it. On the contrary, tigers attack wolves, leopards and pythons. The Amur tiger and the brown bear pose a danger to each other. Crocodiles are potentially dangerous to tigers.

The main factor that limits the size of the tiger population is human economic activity and hunting for trophies (for obtaining skins) and for medicinal purposes (use in traditional oriental medicine).

Due to hunting and destruction of natural habitats, the number of tigers is rapidly decreasing. A hundred years ago, the population was estimated at 100,000 wild tigers, but now there are about 5,000 left. About 20,000 animals are kept in captivity, which prevents the complete destruction of the species. In addition, tigers are under international protection, listed in the IUCN Red List, and hunting them is strictly prohibited.

  • July 29 is celebrated as International Tiger Day.
  • The destruction of tigers was associated with the use of their organs and tissues in traditional Eastern (Chinese) medicine. The best-known medical products of this type are painkillers and aphrodisiacs. Such use is now prohibited and criminalized; but illegal trade still persists.

The question often arises, how much does a tiger weigh, because it is known that this wild cat is considered the largest in the world. We all know from childhood that the most graceful and beautiful predator is the tiger. This large cat amazes with its size and unusual appearance. If we talk about the dimensions of this animal, then, of course, it is worth considering that different types of tigers have their own characteristics and parameters.

The two largest species are considered to be the Amur and Bengal tigers. The animal of each of these species has approximately the same parameters and weight. Experts on these wild cats say that the average weight of representatives of large predators is 270-350 kg.

The dimensions of the body, excluding the length of the tail, are 3 m, and the height at the withers is on average 1 m 10 cm. But many experts still argue that these breeds of tigers have differences in their parameters. The fact is that this species of mammal is sometimes called the panther-tiger, which is completely justified, since the word “tiger” is translated into Latin as “panthera tigris”. They are representatives of the panther genus.

It is worth considering each of these types in more detail. The area where it lives plays a big role in the life and habits of a tiger. It must be said right away that for many years there have been disputes regarding how larger the tiger is than its relative the lion. Experts say that on average, striped predators are still larger and physically stronger than lions, but the latter is a born hunter and a dexterous fighter. However, for a tiger, hunting is not only about getting food, but also about instinct. As a rule, he always wins a quick and undeniable victory. History knows of cases where a battle between these two representatives of the cat family did take place, but, fortunately, their habitats differ, and lions living in Africa do not often meet with their striped counterparts living in India and the Far East (Russia ).

Bengal tiger breed

The habitat of tigers of this breed is India, Pakistan, Iran, Nepal and Myanmar. The habitat of these predators determines their secondary division into subspecies: Malayan, Indochinese, South Chinese and Sumatran. This predator is considered not only the largest among its representatives, but also the most numerous among other species: there are about 2.5 thousand units. Experts say that the place where tigers live plays a big role in the formation of muscles and, accordingly, overall dimensions. For example, it is generally accepted that the largest individuals live in Nepal: the largest tiger that was seen in this area weighed 320 kg, while the average weight of other individuals is about 100 kg less.

Experts talk about tigers as the fastest and merciless hunters; there have been cases when this wild cat entered into battle with lions and quite large bears, and often victory remained on its side. This predator is capable of sitting in ambush for a long time and waiting for its prey. It attacks with lightning speed, delivering decisive blows with powerful paws and claws, the length of which is 10 cm. The maximum speed of a tiger while pursuing its prey is 80 km/h; few animals have such speed, therefore, as a rule, the predator always catches up with its prey . But he cannot run for too long, as he gets tired quickly and that is why he tries to sneak up as close to his prey as possible.

Amur tiger

It is he who lives in Russia who is considered the largest and strongest among other tigers. There are several names for this species: Siberian, Manchurian, Ussuri and Far Eastern. This tiger is the largest, has considerable body mass, it is quite large in size (for example, if it stands on its hind legs, its height will be about 3.5-4 m). The average weight of a representative of this breed is about 250 kg, but there were individuals with more impressive weight. The lifespan of a tiger in the wild is about 15 years, and in captivity it can live up to 20-25. This wild cat lives in rather harsh climatic conditions, and therefore nature has endowed it with fluffier and thicker fur than that of its Asian “brothers”. The largest individuals of the Amur breed live in the Far East. The map shows regions such as Khabarovsk and Primorsky Territories.

Color variety of large tigers

The color of a tiger is considered unique, since its unique stripes are drawn by nature on the skin itself. The general population of these predators is orange with black stripes; There are white islands of fur on the chest, paws and muzzle, but each species has its own characteristics in color.

It should be noted that the largest tiger in the world is a white predator. For example, the white Amur tiger in the Far East is distinguished by powerful muscles and a characteristic layer of fat on the abdomen, which significantly adds to its weight. It is more hardy than its relatives living in warm climates. But it also has a worthy competitor - the white Bengal species.

Representatives of this genus reproduce well and live in captivity. If you cross a white male with an orange female, the likelihood of producing white kittens is low. But if a tiger and a tigress both have the white gene, then the offspring will have exactly this color. The tiger skull of this subspecies is powerful and very large; it is distinguished by its dimensions and considerable body weight. The average weight of this mammal is 300-350 kg. The skeleton of a tiger is quite impressive in size, its large bones provide it with these dimensions, and only some species of bear can compare with the animal.

It is a mistaken belief that this species is an albino: a big misconception, since its white coat has light brown stripes. Eye color is usually blue or gray.

When it comes to what tigers eat, experts say unequivocally that for this type of predator the main food is deer. But tigers also hunt other cattle, as well as wild pigs.

The lifespan of a white tiger is slightly shorter than that of an orange one, and it is quite difficult to meet them in captivity today. The average lifespan of these mammals is 10 years.

The offspring of different subspecies may produce a black tiger cub. In fact, this is a rather rare color variation of the brindle color, which still occurs in nature. Most often, such individuals are found among Bengal breeds. The black stripes on its skin are located so close to each other that the orange background is practically invisible, and due to this it seems that the tiger is completely black. Such a wild cat is called a melanist. The number of these individuals is very small, and there are only a few of them in captivity. This tiger feeds on the same things as its relatives: cattle, fish and wild boars. Hunting for this predator is his whole life.

It just so happens that a simple cat is a night hunter, but tigers get food at any time of the day: both at night and in the morning, during the day.

The difference found in the anatomical structure of the pupil of these animals also became characteristic. A domestic cat has an oblong pupil, as if elongated, but a large wild “sister” has a round pupil.

Not everyone knows that the liger, which is very rare, claims to be the heaviest and largest representative of this genus of mammals. This hybrid was the result of crossing a male lion with a female tigress. Its weight is no less than 300-400 kg, and its length reaches 3 meters or more.

Experts consider these mammals not only the largest, but also, accordingly, the strongest animals. It is certain that the tiger-lion's paws are endowed with great strength, and its blow is 1500 kg.

It runs at a speed of 60-80 km/h, but how the lion tiger hunts in the wild is still unknown. What does a liger look like? Its head is covered with a sparse mane, sometimes it is practically absent. This species is not found in the wild, since the lion is an African resident, and the tiger is Asian, so there can be practically no overlap in real life. This unusual representative of the panther genus appeared as a result of a long stay of a lion and a tiger in the same enclosure. This happens often in zoos or circuses. According to the latest data, about 20 individuals of this subspecies lived in captivity.

The question is often asked: how many teeth does a tiger have? It is known that tigers, like ordinary cats, have 30 teeth, but their size is not at all cat-like. With its teeth, any representative of the panther genus is capable of exerting a pressing force equal to 71 atmospheres; it easily and quickly chews through the bones of cattle. Its fangs are the longest, which can reach up to 8-10 cm.

But the smallest tiger in the world is a representative of one of the pure breeds of the cat family - this is the Sumatran species. He lives on the islands of Indonesia and is distinguished by his evil and cruel disposition; he will not miss the chance to attack not only other animals, but also humans. This species is listed in the Red Book and is protected by law. It is distinguished from its relatives not only by its small height and weight, but also by a different arrangement of black stripes on the skin and other anatomical features.

The tiger is a graceful, strong and beautiful animal. This is the largest cat on the planet. Therefore, it is not surprising that many are interested in how much a tiger weighs. This indicator depends on various factors.

How much does a tiger weigh kg

The weight of the animal depends on several key points. Among the main ones:

  • Age;
  • Living conditions;
  • Food quality;
  • State of health and so on.

If we talk about averages, then about 170 kg - that’s how much does a tiger weigh in kilograms. We are talking about adult males. If you are interested in how much a female tiger weighs, then experts call the figure 120 kg.

How much do tigers weigh? different types

The Amur and Bengal tigers are considered the largest. They are similar in parameters and weight. From 270 to 350 kilograms - here how much do tigers weigh on average of these species. The body length excluding the tail is 3 meters. Height at withers is about 1 m 10 cm.

The Bengal tiger's habitat is quite large:

  • India;
  • Pakistan;
  • Iran;
  • Nepal;
  • Myanmar.

There are divisions of Bengal tigers into subspecies - Malayan, Indochinese, South Chinese, Sumatran.

About 220 kilograms - that's it how much does a bengal tiger weigh average. But it must be taken into account that much, as mentioned above, depends on the habitat. For example, experts say that largest tigers live in Nepal. The terrain and living conditions influenced the formation of the muscles of animals. It was in this area that he was spotted biggest tiger– his weight was about 320 kilograms.

The Amur tiger is the largest among those that live in Russia. It is also called Siberian, Manchurian, Ussuri or Far Eastern.

About 250 kg - that's it how much does a Siberian tiger weigh. Although there were larger individuals. If such an animal stands on its hind legs, its height will be from 3.5 to 4 meters.

Since the animal lives in harsh conditions, it has a fluffier coat that allows it to withstand severe frosts. The color is lighter than that of Bengal predators. In freedom, the Amur tiger lives for about 15 years, and in captivity it can live up to 20-25 years.

It should be noted that tigers can be called Spartans. In the absence of prey, they are able to go hungry for several days, but after a successful hunt, they can eat up to 30 kg of meat at a time. The main weapons of these big cats are dagger-sharp fangs, the length of which is up to ten centimeters, and also powerful paws.

How much does a tiger weigh updated: November 11, 2018 by: Punisher

The average weight of a tiger is 170 kg for males and 120 kg for females.

Today, there are two species of this cat family: the Amur and Bengal tigers. Bengal tigers, depending on their habitat, are divided into several subspecies: South China, Sumatran, Malayan and Indochinese. Their northern brother, the Amur tiger, lives in less comfortable climatic conditions; some individuals of the animal are “registered” in the Far East, in the Khabarovsk and Primorsky Territories.

This capricious and cautious predator is second only to the bear in its weight. Even the king of animals, the lion, is not able to compete with the tiger in this weight category. The height of the animal is three meters or more, excluding the length of the tail. There are individuals whose height approaches four meters. The tail of a predator is a source of special pride. With it he expresses his mood and warns the unwanted guest that the boundaries of the tiger's domain have been violated. With the help of this part of the body, males sort things out with each other; when climbing trees, the tail allows them to maintain balance, and also serves as a kind of sensor when moving in the dark.

The average weight of a tiger is 170 kg for males and 120 kg for females.

The skin of each animal has its own special color. Tiger stripes, like human fingerprints, are unique. If representatives of the beautiful half of the tiger family decide to visit a beauty salon, then even after depilation, the skin of fashionistas will remain striped - the fur pattern is completely repeated on the skin of the animal. The royal status of the tiger is recognized in China - the stripes on the animal's forehead resemble the markings of a symbol of power.

Although the predator belongs to the cat family, in addition to weight and height, it has a number of distinctive features compared to furry pets.

  1. Cats are nocturnal hunters; a tiger can go out to get food both at night and in the morning.
  2. A cat's eye has a unique structure - its pupil is elongated, while a tiger's pupil is round.

Therefore, whether the relationship between two representatives of these felines is consanguineous remains quite controversial.

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The tiger is a professional hunter. There are seasonal types of lying in wait for prey. In winter, the animal sneaks up on the victim from behind; in summer, it waits in ambush for its lunch or dinner. Knowing the hunting tactics of a tiger, the inhabitants of India, going into the jungle, put a mask on the back of their heads; when faced with a potential victim face to face, the predator will most likely lose interest in it, since the effect of surprise disappears.

The speed of this graceful and strong animal can reach 60 km/h over a short distance, and its muscular legs allow it to jump up to 5 meters in height, which is comparable to the height of a double-decker bus.

The lifestyle of predators can be considered Spartan. They are capable of starving for up to several days, but in case of a successful hunt, the animal eats up to 30 kg of meat in one meal, which is equal to the amount of one hundred steaks. The main weapons of tigers are ten-centimeter fangs, which, like a sharp dagger, can sever the artery of a victim, and powerful paws, the impact of which even the strong bones of a bear’s skull cannot withstand.

How much does the Amur tiger weigh?

The Amur tiger is larger than its Asian counterparts and has adapted to life in harsh climatic conditions. The peculiarity of its habitat was reflected in the appearance of the animal: its fur is much thicker than that of a Bengal tiger, and its color is lighter. The only one of all representatives of large cats, the Amur tiger has a subcutaneous fat layer of about 5 cm on the abdominal wall; this anatomical feature allows the predator to survive in the winter.

The weight of an Amur tiger in the wild exceeds 200 kg.

The tiger is a predator; most often it does not leave its hunting grounds if there is enough food for a comfortable existence. But during the hungry year, cases of attacks on livestock were recorded. The peculiarity of the hunting habits of the Amur tiger is that it first knocks a large prey to the ground and then gnaws the cervical vertebrae. In the event of a failed attack attempt, the predator most often leaves the prey and does not make repeated attempts. The remarkable strength of the animal allows it to drag a victim weighing up to 500 kg along the ground, which is almost three times its weight.

The Amur tiger is listed in the Red Book and is a rare, protected species. It’s a sad fact, but today there are several times more tigers in captivity than in their natural habitat. In captivity, predator specimens are more modest in size compared to their wild counterparts. The weight of the Amur tiger in nature exceeds 200 kg, and the height at the withers is more than 115 cm. The reason for the decrease in the animal population is poaching and uncontrolled shooting of the animal. An important task being solved at the state level is not only the preservation, but also the complete restoration of this unique species of majestic representative of wildlife.

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