Tears in magic. Love spell on tears consequences. Method of cleansing your home using regular salt

Let us consider in detail who performed the love spell for tears - with a detailed description of all magical actions, so that the ritual does not have negative consequences.

If you want to bewitch your loved one without using all sorts of magical attributes, try using the power of emotions.

We will tell you options for love spells, both for your tears and for the tears of a loved one. Both are effective.

The main thing is to learn the text of the love spell in advance, since tears of joy, grief or any other strong emotions can visit you or the object of the love spell at any second.

Love spell on a salty tear by the author

This love spell is cast on your tears caused by longing for your loved one or affection by his words, deeds, actions. They are added to drinks that do not heat up and have a neutral temperature, for example, fruit drink, compote, jelly, juice.

“My tears are tears, you are dripping from my eyes,

You sadden my mind, you make me sad,

Take the tears of my thoughts about the Servant of God (Name),

Turn to me the Servant of God (Name),

So that the Servant of God (Name) cannot eat, drink, or sleep,

There is no good to be gained, no small children to be raised without the Servant of God (Name).

To only love and caress me,

I didn’t notice any other women around me.

My tears, my tears, intoxicate the Servant of God (Name),

Burn his soul with sweet fire,

Turn your love towards me.

Amen. Amen. Amen."

Love spell on an object's salty tear

While reading the plot, the object of the love spell should cry nearby, preferably on your shoulder.

They weaken energy protection and make a person susceptible to external influences, especially of a magical nature. At the moment when your lover or beloved is shedding tears, read the following plot:

“Salty paths, salty pillars, salty seas, and bitter shores. Streams of the suffering heart, flow onto the Servant of God (name of the object), onto his white chest, onto his warm heart, onto his cold brains. Bitter tears bind him hand and foot, fill him with utter melancholy, heavy suffering for me, the Servant of God (your name). Just as Jesus Christ suffered when nailed to the cross, so from now on the Servant of God (name of the object) will suffer for me, the servant of God (your name). Amen."

Husband's love spell

Before starting the ritual, take a handkerchief, wipe your tears with it on the object of the love spell, dry and burn a small piece of the handkerchief, saying:

“You, fire, burn my flammable tears,

Drive away my troubles into the dense forests,

Let them get lost there

And they never come back to me,

May my husband's heart take pity

The tongue is not defiled by an evil word,

So that I don’t go into the house with fear,

To live your life with an affectionate husband.

Love spells on water belong to white magic.

A love spell that is performed at home.

Rival's lapel

If you know that you have a rival who can ruin your relationship with your fiancé or, even worse, your marriage with your beloved husband, try making a lapel for your rival’s tears.

The following ritual will help make your opponent cry constantly.

Wait for heavy downpours or thunderstorms and when the ground is torn apart by thunder or rain, say the following words:

So let it be in the life of God’s servant (name of rival)

Strong love spell for your tears

A spell for your salty tear is the most powerful love spell that will instantly and forever bewitch a loved one who has evoked a strong feeling and tears in your heart. At the moment of strong emotion, when “the soul is torn to pieces” and bitter and salty tears flow, a person’s energy is the strongest and a special spell has enormous power. Love spell prayer which is given below is just read at the moment when you, experiencing a feeling of love for a person, began to cry. The words of the love spell spell that you need to say to your tears are like this :

The paths are salty, the pillars are salty,

Salty seas, salty rivers, bitter shores -

The origins of a yearning heart,

You will fall on the servant of God (name),

The chest is white, the heart is zealous, the brain is hot.

Bind his hands and feet with the tears of God's servant (name).

Give him longing, crying and sadness, grief, suffering.

How Jesus Christ suffered, suffered on the Cross,

So is the servant of God (name)

Let him miss me, the servant of God (name).

The most powerful and popular conspiracy, calling a person to meet you quickly will quickly force your loved one to meet you. This magical challenge can only be read outdoors and only in the summer. To carry it out, you need to go outside early in the morning, as soon as the sun rises and there is still dew on the grass. Take off your shoes and, walking barefoot in the dew, read the invocation spell, which can call your loved one to you by filling him with a feeling of melancholy and

To make the husband hate his rival, read the plot to quarrel, turn the husband away from his mistress for thirteen new needles. The ritual is very strong and can once and for all quarrel between a husband and a rival by returning the unfaithful man to his wife and into the family. Read a powerful spell over each needle once a day and take the needle to your opponent’s door, throwing it under the threshold. The conspiracy takes 13 days, and if the husband quarrels with his mistress before the end of the ritual, be sure to complete the quarrel until the last needle. A lapel to forever quarrel between a husband and his mistress and make the husband hate his mistress, read independently on any day of the week and at any time convenient for you

A love spell - a prayer read independently in church on a candle - will help bring your husband back to the family. Immediately after reading the plot to return your husband, he will return to his wife becoming a loving and caring man. The plot allows you to forget your mistress and even return the husband to his wife after a divorce. If you decide to return your husband to your family using magic, this method of returning your loved one is the most suitable. Memorize the words of a love spell that will return feelings and love to your husband and make him return to

A strong love spell for the wind made on your own will once and for all bewitch your loved one and quickly instill a strong feeling of love in his heart. Immediately after carrying out the love spell ritual and reading the plot, the person on whom the love spell was made will begin to care for him and will make sure that they pay attention to him and reciprocate. Despite the fact that this love spell is powerful, its implementation is quite simple. The ritual does not require magical objects, photos or candles; to cast a love spell, you only need to wait for windy weather and, going outside and standing facing the wind, read the words of the magic spell on

A good love spell should be read on Monday night. From Monday to Tuesday from 20 pm until the day is reset (the onset of 24 hours), take a glass of living water (from a stream, well or lake, river, pond.) and read a strong love plot on it that will quickly make a man or guy fall in love with you:

For the kindness and obedience of the husband, the wife needs to read a plot for obedience that will make the husband an obedient person who will not be able to say a word against his wife. After this conspiracy against a scandalous husband, the husband will stop beating and yelling at his wife, raising his voice in conversation. The plot of submission must be read on 3 church candles of any color. For the ritual, you can buy the cheapest candles that are only available in the church and when you come home when your husband is not at home, light all the candles at the same time and holding them in your right hand while the candles are burning, walk around your home and read the words of the conspiracy that will make your husband you

If you want to come to your loved one in a dream and dream about him that night, this is very easy to do with the help of magic. If you read the magic words of the spell while sitting in bed before going to bed, then that same night the person you love, who is at a distance from you, will see you in a dream and he will dream about you throughout the night. It was this magical ritual that was used by girls who wanted to quickly see their lover, who, for a number of reasons, had not seen you for a long time. After reading the following plot, your beloved man, seeing you in a dream, will want to see you in reality as soon as possible. Controlling other people's dreams is a magical act of esotericism built mostly on visualization with

An old conspiracy will help you drive your rival away and make your mistress stop loving your husband and quarrel with him. You can do this simple ritual to break up a quarrel between your husband and your mistress yourself using love magic and reading a strong conspiracy to cool down the love feelings of your rival and husband. When your husband is not present at home, walk around your house (apartment) from the front door clockwise, completing a full circle and reading this once

A good plot to quickly meet your love and successfully marry a rich groom can be done by any unmarried girl or woman who is widowed or after a divorce. In order to meet your soulmate, you need to go to the church gate without going inside on the day off, when the wedding is taking place in the church, and wait for the moment when the wedding couple leaves the church. At this very moment, cross yourself three times and bow, say a love spell, a prayer for a quick meeting in the future

If a husband is bewitched by a rival or simply has a mistress, the wife can independently make the lapel of her beloved husband forever from another woman who has appeared with him. You can make a strong turning away of your husband from his rival, which will once and for all push him away from his mistress and tie him to his wife, and now the conspiracies will not tell you how to do this. Go to the cemetery during the day and break any dry branch on the cemetery ground, bring the branch home and place it under the threshold or rug (outside). When the husband returns from his mistress, he will step over this branch. Now you need to leave the house and take this branch and take it back to the cemetery, reading a strong lapel on it

You can bewitch your husband to yourself forever on your own. After this love spell, the husband will not go out with friends and women, but will always rush home to his wife. Wherever he is and whatever he does, in his head there will be a longing for his wife and a constant desire to see each other as soon as possible. This love spell on your beloved man with whom you are related or in love will help you to bewitch your husband to yourself. On any Wednesday, in each corner of the room where you sleep with your husband, cross each corner three times and in each corner read the text of the love spell for eternal love out loud once.

How to independently induce love longing and love attraction on a person with the help of drying. A strong attachment will bind your loved one to you for a long time, causing her to have a strong feeling of love for you. This is a fairly simple and very effective way of lovingly attaching a girl or woman to yourself, which has been successfully used for centuries. Girls love the lovestruck for its quick action and ease of execution by any unprepared person. It is customary to read the text of the prisushka at a distance from your beloved, early at dawn. To evoke loving feelings of longing for yourself in a girl or woman, you need to wake up early. At sunrise, looking at the dawn, read these words three times

The plot will make sure that the husband always hurries home, sits at home, does not drink or go out with friends, and hurries home after work. The wife must make a conspiracy to bind her husband to the house. If the wife independently performs this simple ritual with the reading of a special spell, the husband will forever stop drinking and going out with friends and will always be drawn home and will rush to his wife and children. For the ritual, pour water into a bucket, and then dip your chest in this water: first the left, and then the right, saying the words

To prevent the young bride and groom from being jinxed at the wedding and from causing damage to divorce, before the wedding ceremony you need to read a special charm charm for the young bride and groom. Before the ransom, before the young man - the groom goes to the bride's house to take her to the registry office or for the wedding, the groom's mother must pin a safety pin to the inside of the jacket at home, cross her son and say a wedding charm. No less important is a wedding amulet for the bride, which will protect her from the evil eye and damage at the wedding. The mother of the bride must perform this amulet ritual; pin three safety pins on a glass of water to the wedding dress; the amulet plot is read,

The plot must be read to return a husband to his wife or a wife to her husband even after a divorce if the wife or husband stopped loving each other. This most loyal and effective magical method can be used not only by a husband to return his wife or a wife to return her husband, but also by people close to them (mother, father, sister, brother, children) who have quarreled. The plot to reunite a husband and wife after a quarrel, disagreement or divorce must be read 2 times: once at the front door of the house where the husband lives, the second time at the door of the wife’s apartment. The text of the plot to return a loved one to the family

Love spell on tears

Among the many love spells, there are a number of strong love spells in which the witch charges the magical influence with her powerful emotions and experiences.

Such love spells are not just ritual - that is, consisting of a sequence of predetermined actions - but also energy love spells, because a person invests the power of his feelings and the energy of his soul.

Love spell ritual

This love spell is not so much ritual as elemental, spontaneous and emotional. If your relationship with your loved one does not work out, you suffer from it, experience unrequited love, these experiences and worries are often shed in tears. At such moments, you need to wipe away your tears with the same handkerchief, so that it absorbs the “blood of the soul” and gains the energy of your feelings. When the scarf dries, the water leaves, but the energy remains and accumulates. Such a scarf becomes a talisman and an accumulator of your emotions. We will use it when performing a love spell on tears.

“My tears, the blood of my soul, burn on a pure and clear flame,

I’m letting you go, you are flying to your beloved (name), tell me about my wonderful feeling

Melt the cold of his soul,

Bring the power of love for me (your name) into his heart.

Let his heart burn with love for me,

Let him drive away fears and doubts from himself.

Will he love me from now on and always

He will never leave you or hurt you again.

I won't have to grieve with him,

Shed burning tears at night.

Read the plot while your scarf is burning, and throw the ashes from the scarf directly onto the photo of your loved one.

Love spells for tears

Tears give power to a love spell

Any love spell from magic will be even more powerful if the customer’s emotional experiences are invested in it. Tears can be called a product of emotional experiences, so a strong love spell can be cast on them. Love spell for tears, how to do it correctly?

Features of love spells for tears

Living emotions make a love spell more effective

The main difference between a love spell for tears is that it is not just ritual, it is energetic. When a person cries, he experiences real emotions.

People say that eyes are the mirror of the soul, but tears are the blood of this soul.

Another advantage of a love spell for tears is that it is better to do it without the help of a magician, that is, on your own. In such energy love spells there is a very fine line between white and black magic. If, when performing a love spell, when you are in tears, you are overcome by bitter feelings, if at the same time you imagine pictures of how your chosen one is suffering, tormented, then such a love spell refers to black magic.

If, when you cry, you are possessed by bright thoughts and you cry from bright sadness, love, and at the same time you wish your chosen one happiness, then such a ritual can safely be classified as white magic. It is very important to feel this difference, since a black love spell entails certain negative consequences.

Consequences of a love spell for tears

Happiness does not always come after love spells

With “bitter tears,” when while crying you imagine pictures of revenge on your chosen one, there may be the following consequences:

  • Even if your couple is together, they will face many more crises.
  • Bitter tears attract bitterness into relationships. This means that the context of the relationship will develop in such a way that you cannot live without each other, but at the same time, you are unlikely to be bright and happy together.
  • A black love spell for tears will lead to the fact that your chosen one will not be in the relationship until the end, realizing this, as if in a fog.

Love spell ritual for tears

We are looking for a way out of the crisis in relationships

This love spell for tears is good for a couple who is in crisis. Then there is no need to specially evoke emotions, the tears themselves flow like a river.

This ritual is also suitable for girls who are experiencing unrequited love. In such relationships there is also a lot of suffering, which in itself causes tears.

To perform a love spell when you cry, wipe your tears with a handkerchief. So that this piece of fabric properly absorbs the “blood of the soul.”

Even when the handkerchief dries, the energy of your tears will remain in it. As a result, such a handkerchief will become an accumulator of the emotions that it collects within itself. This is exactly the item we will need in order to perform the ritual.

Choose a night when the moon is waxing, preferably the days before the full moon. On such a night, after midnight, stay alone in the room, turn off all sources of electric light, sit down at the table and light one white candle. Next to the candles, place a saucer on which you place a photo of your loved one.

First, do the attunement. Look at the candle for a while, let your gaze lose its focus, at this moment your consciousness relaxes. Then look at the photo of the young man. Remember how he makes you feel now, make an imprint of these feelings in your body. And then imagine the feelings that you would like the young man to evoke in you, what feelings could exist between you. Make an imprint of these feelings in your body.

Some look forward to their first trip to kindergarten, others

Svetlana Raevskaya – Guide to the World of Magic http://magraevskaya.r

http://love.janina17.avoff.e-autopay.com How to get your loved one back using

After this, take the “weeping” handkerchief, light it with a candle and say the following words:

“My tears, the blood of my darling, burn in this fire, I let you go, my tears. I want you to fly to my dear one, and tell him about my great love for him, so that his heart becomes warmer to my heart. So that his heart loves me deeply, loves me deeply, yes, so that he does not doubt my love. Yes, so that my dear never leaves me, so that he always remains by my side forever. So that I don’t have to spill you into my pillow at night anymore, so that’s what I think.”

Do not put out the candle after this, it should burn down to a tiny cinder. Place the photo of your chosen one where no one can see it. The ashes from the photograph should be blown out the open window.

Such a photograph will now serve as a conductor between your heart and the heart of your chosen one. Keep it as a talisman for your relationship. After some time, your chosen one will show interest in you.

Don't torture each other

If suddenly it happens that love disappears, then it will be necessary to carry out a lapel. It must be done during the waning moon.

On such a night, after midnight, set this photo on fire with the flame of a white candle. Thus, it is as if you are burning your love between the man and you. This must be done so that the person does not suffer from unrequited feelings.

Love spell for tears

Anyone who is at least a little familiar with the methods of love magic, or simply understands the intricacies of feelings, will agree that properly directed emotions can move mountains of ice and melt all the icebergs on the planet! A method called a love spell for tears is based on this simple fact. This, in its purest form, is collecting emotions and using them for one’s own personal purposes. In this case, it does not matter at all from whose eyes the salty droplets poured out. You can use your own, and if that doesn’t work, then someone else’s.

Oddly enough, the best love spell for tears comes from a mother (father) who calms down her own sobbing child. His “moisture of the eyes” is specifically designed to bind parents together. The baby loves them both. Naturally, subconsciously he does not want them to separate. So it “gives out” the magic liquid!

The tears of a person who is upset by the behavior of a loved one are slightly less powerful. That is, if you start collecting your tears, then pay attention to what caused them. If there is resentment, then the ritual will turn out to be a C grade; if there is happiness or laughter, then the effect will exceed all your expectations!

Love spell for tears: what to consider in order to correctly cast a love spell for tears

We immediately need to inform you that a love spell for tears can only be done independently. Do not believe those who ask you to collect your eye moisture and bring it supposedly for a love spell. Alien energy is inappropriate here. And the scammers want, at best, to lose money, or use this priceless liquid for their own dirty purposes!

The ritual itself is not carried out according to plan; when necessary, you cry. No! This is the process of involving the emotional plane in magic. This means that you need to carry it out when this wave has descended on you! Seize the moment! Only parents, as stated above, are allowed to use their child for a mutual (!) love spell! The Higher Powers will only approve of this. If you start cheating and attract your child to cast a love spell on someone else, you will regret it bitterly!

By the way. A love spell for tears is a favorite “entertainment” of the mothers of some sons who just can’t tear themselves away from their skirts. This is not the best, although effective, method of regulating the fate of the offspring. We will not discuss the moral side of the process. One has only to know that a mother is free to direct the fate of her child until old age. If this is done with love and respect for his (her) life, then honor and praise to such a mother!

How long does a love spell on salty tears last?

The magic of eye moisture is not the most long-lasting. Rather, it is an emotional explosion that can give birth to an inextricable connection, if the victim is chosen correctly. Otherwise, you will have to constantly feed the state of emotional dependence. The point is not even that it will be necessary to control the victim so that she constantly experiences a feeling of love or passion. No. Everything goes deeper here.

The magic of eye moisture works flawlessly when the right person is chosen. Someone with whom you can be close all the time, without getting bored with each other, without starting to feel irritated, and so on. The one who can help you play on the most harmonious strings of your soul, and the one to whom you can give the same in return.

The fragility of a love spell for tears is also good because the “not your” partner will, after a certain time, free himself from the dominance of your intention in his field. He will be able to leave and live more or less freely, realizing his goals, without suffering and without looking back to the past with longing.

Love spell for tears: what to be wary of

Tears shed on the occasion of mourning do not need to be used for the ritual. Know that by doing so you will drag a huge series of misfortunes into the family line. It is necessary to realize that a love spell for tears is a matter of high-frequency energies and pure emotions. Be sure to remember this if you practice love magic.

You can work with tears of resentment, insult, and humiliation. Just not right away. Collect a few droplets of moisture (saturate the scarf with them). And, until they are dry, hold the rag in the flame of a church candle. Then the scarf can be used in the ritual by pouring a few drops of ordinary water through the place where the moisture in the eyes was.

Attention! Never give your tears to another person for use in magical rituals!

Just as the eyes are the “mirror of the soul,” so tears are its blood! This magical liquid can be used to harm not only you, but the entire family. With its help, you can “suck out” all the energy of the present and future, and, if necessary, the past! What will happen to all the members of your family? Think about it. Can a person live without energy?

Examples of a love spell for tears

While tears of joy appear in your eyes, catch one on your index finger. You need to point it towards your loved one (or his photo) and read the plot:

“The soul is on fire! Burns in fire! I tried to extinguish it, but the water dried up! My love forever! Forever! A teardrop will hide in the palm of your hand! There will only be two of us left on earth! I will embrace Slave (name) with my fire! Not in the future darkness, but in the present light! Together we will burn with the same fire on the planet! Amen!"

Try to bring a teardrop into his field. You can drop it on clothes, photos, hands, and so on, as you please. (The same is done by one of the parents with the tears of the baby when the other one wants to leave them).

Love spell for tears: Experienced

For this ritual you need to collect tears. This is done with one handkerchief. They rub their eyes when moisture accumulates in them. Just don’t forget that tears from negative emotions need to be dried in a candle flame. Don't wash the scarf. This way, the energy of your soul will be collected and accumulated in a simple fabric (use cotton or linen).

To carry out the ritual, stock up on red candles and an image of the victim. It must be carried out on the waxing Moon. Place the photo in front of you. Between are three burning candles. It is necessary that you see your beloved face through the flames. Hold the tear scarf over the lights and read the plot:

“Blood of my soul, I appeal to you! I conjure you to fly to your beloved! Clear tears, help! turn your soul (name) to me! Pure thoughts only about happiness! Let him know my soul instantly! Let the shackles of ice fall from him! Our souls will find love forever! Clear tears, I pray to you! Show (name) how much I love him! Let him drive away fear and doubt! Let your heart open to attraction! Let's share joy and pain together! Only tears can open love! Amen!"

The photo must be wrapped in a tear cloth and stored in it. And for your loved one, put a little wax or a candle (just a drop) in the left shoe (shoe, if it’s a girl). That's it!

A love spell on your salty tear is the most powerful love spell that will instantly and forever bewitch a loved one who has evoked a strong feeling and tears in your heart . At the moment of strong emotion, when “the soul is torn to pieces” and bitter and salty tears flow, a person’s energy is the strongest and a special spell has enormous power. Love spell which is given below is just read at the moment when you, experiencing a feeling of love for a person, began to cry. Love spell words to say to your tears like this :

The paths are salty, the pillars are salty,
Salty seas, salty rivers, bitter shores -
The origins of a yearning heart,
You will fall on the servant of God (name),
The chest is white, the heart is zealous, the brain is hot.
Bind his hands and feet with the tears of God's servant (name).
Give him longing, crying and sadness, grief, suffering.
How Jesus Christ suffered, suffered on the Cross,
So is the servant of God (name)
Let him miss me, the servant of God (name).


© Copyright: Magician

  • A strong love spell made on your own will once and for all bewitch your loved one and quickly instill a strong feeling of love in his heart. Immediately after the love spell ceremony, the loved one on whom the love spell was made will begin to care for him and will make sure that they pay attention to him and reciprocate. Despite the fact that a love spell is powerful, its implementation is quite simple. The ritual does not require magical objects, photos or candles for a love spell

  • A good love spell to quickly meet your love and successfully marry a rich groom can be done by any unmarried girl or woman who is widowed or after a divorce. In order to meet your soulmate, you need to go to the church gate without going inside on the day off, when the wedding is taking place in the church, and wait for the moment when the wedding couple leaves the church. At this very moment, cross yourself three times and, bowing, say a love spell to quickly meet your future groom:

  • You can bewitch your husband to yourself forever on your own. After this love spell, the husband will not go out with friends and women, but will always rush home to his wife. Wherever he is and whatever he does, in his head there will be a longing for his wife and a constant desire to see each other as soon as possible. This love spell on your beloved man with whom you are in a family or love relationship will help you to bewitch your husband to yourself. On any Wednesday, in each corner of the room where you sleep with your husband, cross each corner three times and in each corner read the text of the love spell for your husband’s eternal love once out loud:

  • The most powerful love spell is done during the day in a photo right on the cemetery and burial ground. This ritual belongs to black magic and is done once and for life. Remember, a love spell cannot be removed either on your own or with the help of sorcerers. To conduct an independent ritual for love, take a photo of the person you want to bewitch and, having found a grave with a similar name in the cemetery, enter the gate and leaning the photo against your heart (bare skin) say the words of a black cemetery love spell for eternal earthly love:

  • You can make this powerful love spell using a photograph of your beloved girl and church candles yourself at home. To cast a love spell, you need to purchase three candles from the church and bring them home to read the love spell. In the evening, when the moon appears in the sky, get ready for the ritual. Before performing a love spell, place a photo of your beloved girl on the table and place a candle in front of her so that it does not fall. Twist the remaining 2 candles together; to do this, warm them up a little. Light the twisted candles and say the love spell:

You should wait until the full moon. You need to retire and think about the person you are interested in. No special attributes are required: you just need to focus on the image of your loved one and burst into tears (due to an excess of feelings, due to the impossibility of being around right now, etc.) When the tears flow like hail, it is recommended to recite the spell seven times:

“Bitter tears, burning tears, don’t burn my cheeks, but make (name)’s heart suffer, force me to cry, burn out (name)’s soul, remind me of me, don’t give me peace until (name) comes to me, until love will not be recognized, (name) will not know peace, let him wash himself with tears until then.”

This is enough for the love spell for tears to take effect. From one to five weeks will pass and the victim will feel the effect of the spell. The ritual remains effective for six months, then it can be renewed.

Love spell on salty tears in a drink

Tears absorb mood, desires, feelings. When added to a drink, they turn it into a real love potion. You will need:

  • cold drink (juice, tea, plain water, compote, etc.);
  • wooden stick;
  • white napkin.

Any lunar phase is suitable. You need to retire, focus on the victim (you can look at photographs of this person). When you burst into tears, you should lean over the glass so that one tear falls into the drink. Stirring it with a wooden stick, you need to say the spell twelve times:

“The sea is salty, full of tears, flood the world, take (name), wash it with my tears, wrap it in love, don’t let me come to the surface, make me love you, don’t let me see others.”

Cover the glass with a napkin and leave for half an hour. After this time, the drink should be presented to the victim of the ritual. This love spell for tears comes into effect with the first sip, maintaining its effectiveness for several months. The ritual is harmless, so it can be repeated periodically to strengthen the achieved effect.

Love spell on a scarf with tears

You can cast magic at any time, except during the waning moon. All you need is a new handkerchief. Left alone, you need to make yourself cry for your loved one. They should be wiped with a handkerchief, on which it is then recommended to recite the spell:

“The girl was sitting in a strong dungeon, she kindly shed tears, wiped them away with a handkerchief, collected every tear, filled it with her love, hid the handkerchief in a chest, lay down herself - and died. I’ll look into that chest, I’ll take a handkerchief, I’ll throw it to (name), I’ll force myself to love, I’ll dare others, I won’t let anyone else in, so that we can be together with (name), so that nothing can separate us.”

You need to throw a dried scarf to your victim. As soon as a person touches the lining, this strong love spell for tears will begin to work. The ritual causes such a surge of feelings in the object of influence that at first he cannot cope with it (hence mood swings, aggressiveness, problems with alcohol). After two weeks, the situation returns to normal, and the victim begins to experience love, which is almost impossible to get rid of.

Casting a love spell on tears is more difficult than it seems at first glance. Many people never achieve the necessary concentration. But the one who manages to saturate his own tears with love, passion and affection will find true happiness in union with the bewitched.

Any love spell from magic will be even more powerful if the customer’s emotional experiences are invested in it. Tears can be called a product of emotional experiences, so a strong love spell can be cast on them. Love spell for tears, how to do it correctly?

Features of love spells for tears

The main difference between a love spell for tears is that it is not just ritual, it is energetic. When a person cries, he experiences real emotions.

People say that eyes are the mirror of the soul, but tears are the blood of this soul.

Another advantage of a love spell for tears is that it is better to do it without the help of a magician, that is, on your own. In such energy love spells there is a very fine line between white and black magic. If, when performing a love spell, when you are in tears, you are overcome by bitter feelings, if at the same time you imagine pictures of how your chosen one is suffering, tormented, then such a love spell refers to black magic.

If, when you cry, you are possessed by bright thoughts and you cry from bright sadness, love, and at the same time you wish your chosen one happiness, then such a ritual can safely be classified as white magic. It is very important to feel this difference, since a black love spell entails certain negative consequences.

Consequences of a love spell for tears

With “bitter tears,” when while crying you imagine pictures of revenge on your chosen one, there may be the following consequences:

  • Even if your couple is together, they will face many more crises.
  • Bitter tears attract bitterness into relationships. This means that the context of the relationship will develop in such a way that you cannot live without each other, but at the same time, you are unlikely to be bright and happy together.
  • A black love spell for tears will lead to the fact that your chosen one will not be in the relationship until the end, realizing this, as if in a fog.

Love spell ritual for tears

This love spell for tears is good for a couple who is in crisis. Then there is no need to specially evoke emotions, the tears themselves flow like a river.

This ritual is also suitable for girls who are experiencing unrequited love. In such relationships there is also a lot of suffering, which in itself causes tears.

To perform a love spell when you cry, wipe your tears with a handkerchief. So that this piece of fabric properly absorbs the “blood of the soul.”

Even when the handkerchief dries, the energy of your tears will remain in it. As a result, such a handkerchief will become an accumulator of the emotions that it collects within itself. This is exactly the item we will need in order to perform the ritual.

Choose a night when the moon is waxing, preferably the days before the full moon. On such a night, after midnight, stay alone in the room, turn off all sources of electric light, sit down at the table and light one white candle. Next to the candles, place a saucer on which you place a photo of your loved one.

First, do the attunement. Look at the candle for a while, let your gaze lose its focus, at this moment your consciousness relaxes. Then look at the photo of the young man. Remember how he makes you feel now, make an imprint of these feelings in your body. And then imagine the feelings that you would like the young man to evoke in you, what feelings could exist between you. Make an imprint of these feelings in your body.

After this, take the “weeping” handkerchief, light it with a candle and say the following words:

“My tears, the blood of my darling, burn in this fire, I let you go, my tears. I want you to fly to my dear one, and tell him about my great love for him, so that his heart becomes warmer to my heart. So that his heart loves me deeply, loves me deeply, yes, so that he does not doubt my love. Yes, so that my dear never leaves me, so that he always remains by my side forever. So that I don’t have to spill you into my pillow at night anymore, so that’s what I think.”

Do not put out the candle after this, it should burn down to a tiny cinder. Place the photo of your chosen one where no one can see it. The ashes from the photograph should be blown out the open window.

Such a photograph will now serve as a conductor between your heart and the heart of your chosen one. Keep it as a talisman for your relationship. After some time, your chosen one will show interest in you.


If suddenly it happens that love disappears, then it will be necessary to carry out a lapel. It must be done during the waning moon.

On such a night, after midnight, set this photo on fire with the flame of a white candle. Thus, it is as if you are burning your love between the man and you. This must be done so that the person does not suffer from unrequited feelings.

Each of us has experienced situations in life when, at the most inopportune moment, everything literally falls out of our hands. And this applies not only to work, but also to everyday affairs and family. However, this is not just a black streak in your life; most likely, you have become a victim of ordinary negativity, which tends to accumulate. But it's not that bad. You can easily get rid of it using ordinary salt. Cleansing with salt will quickly restore the balance of energy flows. We will tell you more about the methods of working with this substance.

Today, salt (cleaning with salt is carried out using sea salt or salt) has also not lost its former popularity and, as before, is used to fight evil.

Some peoples still have, at first glance, a strange custom of “salting” children. Moreover, this rule applies only to newborns, who are generously lubricated with salt immediately after birth. It is believed that this ritual helps protect children from negativity, the evil eye and evil spirits.

The French were of a similar opinion. According to them, salt was considered the only remedy that protected townspeople from the actions of black sorcerers and witches. The Italians believed that salt could drive away a witch by pouring a couple of pinches after her.

In ancient Rome, each guest was presented with a bag of salt. According to many experts, this peculiar gesture was a sign of respect, trust and friendship. The Bible mentions salt over 50 times. It is this that is presented to readers as a kind of divine component that helps in difficult times to communicate with the Almighty.

Many modern researchers claim that salt has a certain connection with the Sun. As it turned out, the luminary was previously called Solonya. And the expression “to walk in the sun” means “to walk on the sun.”

Signs associated with salt

Since salt has always been a valuable product, it could not be found in every home. Sometimes it was kept especially for guests. The owners themselves did not use it. However, during the reception, the guest could accidentally or deliberately spill salt, which was interpreted as the deepest disrespect for the owners of the home.

And if you remember that salt is a symbol of friendship, then sprinkling it meant a break in relationships and a quarrel. Especially if one of the spouses or family members scattered it.

By the way, this is where the sign came from that spilling salt means a quarrel or scandal. Therefore, if salt was spilled due to carelessness, it must be carefully raked and poured into the water.

There was also another sign. It was believed that if you give a salt shaker to a baby, then in the future he will have a bright life of prosperity and wealth. And if you keep a salt shaker with an open lid in the house, then the salt will absorb all the negative messages made by the ill-wisher. If you are expecting a guest who is unpleasant to you, before his arrival, as old people say, you can sprinkle a little crystalline white substance under the rug in the hallway.

How to cleanse your home of negativity by cleaning?

There are many ways to cleanse your home of negative energy, one of them is the hot salt method. Moreover, this procedure is carried out on the waning moon. In order to perform the ritual, you must first do the so-called magical cleaning. It is carried out according to the following scenario:

  • open the doors and windows wide (ventilation and cleansing by the wind will help get rid of accumulated negative energy);
  • take water into a bucket or trough and wash the floor of the entire apartment or house;
  • Wipe all baseboards, walls (without wallpaper), door handles, cabinets and window sills with a damp cloth;
  • Wash the windows and wipe dry with a dry cloth.

The main condition for this magical cleaning is that all actions must be accompanied by mental visualization. To do this, imagine that, along with dirt and garbage, you are eliminating all the negativity and accumulated evil from your living space. This is such simple magic for beginners.

How does the hot salt cleansing method work?

Once everything in your apartment or house is sparkling clean, you can move on to the second stage of using hot salt. But keep in mind that this ritual must be performed at approximately 11-12 noon. To do this, take a pack of salt and pour a little of it onto the frying pan (but do not use a Teflon-coated pan, as it may spoil) so that the entire bottom is covered.

As it heats, stir the salt, which may crackle and darken. Heat the salt in this way for at least an hour. Later, remove the pan from the heat and walk with it through all the rooms in the room (preferably moving clockwise). And as soon as the salt has cooled, flush it down the toilet or throw it in the trash. This is all salt cleaning. As you can see, you can get rid of negativity without special preparation and with the help of improvised means.

Method of cleansing your home using regular salt

If you don't want to heat the pan, you can use cold salt. However, it must be a completely new package. Open it up. Pour into a metal or ceramic bowl and start stirring the salt with a wooden spoon (if you don’t have one, a regular one will do), reading the Lord’s Prayer to yourself.

Then take the bowl in one hand and go into the hallway. Take a pinch of salt with your other hand and throw it on the floor, first in the right and then in the left corner. Then repeat the same in other rooms. Half an hour after the ritual, sweep up the scattered salt and pour it into the water, saying: “All evil, hatred and bad weather, leave with this salt and water.” Cleaning your apartment with salt like this will help save your family hearth from envious people and fill your home with kindness and love.

The ritual of sprinkling rooms with salt at midnight is carried out in a similar way. For it you need to prepare a candle, a plate and the white substance itself. While working, read the “Our Father” prayer, cross the salt three times with a burning candle and begin to sprinkle it throughout all the rooms, in the corners. Leave it for about a day, and then do a wet cleaning. This cleaning of the house with salt is carried out at midnight.

How to get rid of the evil eye with salt?

It happens that a successful person suddenly begins to lose everything: job, family, money. It is often said about such people that their luck has turned away from them or they have been jinxed. As it turns out, salt is not only a spice needed for cooking, but also a powerful tool that allows you to get rid of the deliberate negative influence of another person.

In this case, salt from the evil eye is prepared as follows:

  • you need to buy a pack of table or sea salt;
  • pour it into the frying pan and, while stirring, read the “Our Father” prayer three times;
  • pour the heated salt into a white saucer and place it on the photo of the person who has been jinxed.

Then take a teaspoon and start making movements as if you want to measure out a certain amount of white crystalline substance. At the same time, whisper the following spell for salt: “Holy and illuminated salt! Take away all the nasty things sent to (insert the name of the smoothed person). Anything he ate, drank, or heard bad or bad was taken away. Clear his thoughts and enlighten his head. Let everything corrupted and evil return a hundredfold to the one who sent it. Take all the nasty stuff and take it across the nine seas, where three chests of filth are kept. Place the entire evil eye in one of them and bury it in the ground. Let it be so. Amen".

After it is said, pour the contents of the saucer into some container (which you won’t mind throwing away later) and close the lid. Place in a bright place, such as a window. Repeat this ritual for exactly a week. Moreover, each time you should pour the salt into a separate container or jar and close it with a lid. On the eighth day, take all the jars, take them outside and throw them in the trash.

How to use salt to attract money luck?

With the help of this substance you can attract monetary luck. To do this, you need to take a small stack or glass, pour salt into it (but not with the top) and say the following words: “Salt, girl! White Queen! Take away my poverty. I'll calm you down. I’ll bury it in the black earth. As soon as you dissolve, then happiness will come to me! Salt is for the earth, and my life will become sweeter than sugar. So be it".

This plot should be read exactly nine times. Then you need to go out into the yard, dig a small hole and pour salt into it. Then fill the hole and lightly stamp it with your foot. The main thing is to carry out and observe all the necessary sequences. This is real home magic.

How can you cure a person from damage?

In order to get rid of spoilage, you need to use regular table salt. But for the best effect of treatment, the ritual should be performed exclusively on Thursday. So, to get rid of spoilage, you need to take a full bath of water (preferably at room temperature). While the water is being collected, you should recite the spell given below.

Then return to the room and speak on the healing salt. For damage in this case, read the prayer “God our Savior.” After these words, pour the salt into the water and stir lightly, allowing it to dissolve. And only when this happens, you can undress and dive into the bath. You need to stay here for at least 20 minutes. Then you should get up, wipe yourself dry and drain the water by pulling out the plug. It is believed that after such a ritual, the damage will go away along with the water.

How to get rid of constant energy attacks?

With the help of salt, you can relieve a person from regular energy attacks. For this purpose, it makes sense to carry out a simple but effective ritual. In order for everything to go as it should, arm yourself with the following attributes:

  • a small but deep plate;
  • one or more wax candles;
  • Thursday salt.

First of all, let's talk about such a concept as “Thursday salt”. It is ordinary table or sea salt, but prepared in a special way. It is believed that it can be done once a year - on Wednesday night and Thursday morning (during the onset of Holy Week). At this time, salt is mixed with rye bread crumb, previously soaked in water, and placed in the oven. It is there that she languishes for about 3-4 hours. After this, the finished salt is usually allowed to cool and pounded in a mortar.

The next step is to place it on a plate and place it on the windowsill. Next, as magic teaches for beginners, stick a candle in the center of the salt slide and say the spell “Unclean spirits, evil spirits!” exactly nine times.

After the above words have been said the specified number of times, you should extinguish the candle and throw the salt as far as possible from your home. Old people say that when the salt is poured, the spoilage should go away.

How does salt cleanse the aura?

It has long been believed that all energy attacks take place on the astral level, and all negativity is deposited on your aura. Consequently, if a person has a curse, evil eye or damage, then the light color of his aura becomes dark.

But in order to prevent this from happening, as a rule, the aura is cleaned. To do this, it is necessary to seat the person who needs treatment in a chair. Then, you should take Thursday salt and holy water.

At the next stage, take a deep container, pour the illuminated liquid into it and, while reading “Our Father,” carefully add about half a pack of salt. After that, take a broom. Cut a small bunch of twigs from it and bend them into a miniature brush. And start immersing the broom in the bowl, sprinkling the patient from the back. Start doing this from left to right, shoulder to shoulder, ear to ear.

Then dip your hand in the water and wipe the person’s face, chest and hands with it. The remaining water should be poured out the window. Try not to overuse salt. Sprinkle exactly as much as indicated in the plot or ritual. It is better to carefully put the remaining salt in a small bag, tie it and carry it with you in your pocket. This way you will protect yourself from any energy attacks.

How to get rid of the evil eye with salt?

This trouble happens to us when a very important and good event occurs in our life. From an excess of positive emotions, which not every person is able to cope with, the evil eye occurs on oneself. For example, if you successfully purchased an item and hastily told your friend about it, the next day this purchase turned out to be defective or caused unforeseen circumstances.

However, salt will help you cope with this problem. Cleaning with salt in this situation is carried out as follows: on the waning moon, you need to buy a new pack of white crystalline substance, open it, pour it into a container and say the Lord’s Prayer over it three times. Then, together with her, go to the mirror and say: “Mirror, mirror! Take my evil eye into your looking glass. Don't give it to anyone. Don't take it anywhere. And don’t go back!”

After each word, you need to take a pinch of salt from the container and throw it into the mirror. Read the plot three times. And then sweep away the crumbled salt and rinse with running water.

How to cleanse the body with water and salt?

It turns out that salt is not only capable of blocking energy attacks and rid people of the negative effects of ill-wishers, but also cleanses the body as a whole. Most often, the main “contender” for cleansing is the intestines. It is in it that, as a rule, undigested pieces of food accumulate, hardened food debris that cannot be released naturally. In a word, every intestine needs total cleansing.

And the main thing is that this cleansing of the body is carried out with salt and water. This method was invented many years ago by Indian yogis. It's called shank proshalana. Its main advantage is the ability to completely cleanse the intestines. It should be repeated once a year. For full effect, each person needs to perform at least 2-3 similar procedures.

So, the principle of cleansing itself is based on performing a number of special exercises in combination with drinking a glass of salt water. To prepare the solution, you will need water at room temperature (slightly warm) and table salt from the register for 1 liter of water - 1 tbsp. l. salt. That's how! Many of you had no idea how beneficial salt is. Cleansing with salt helps not only cleanse the intestines, but also improve the functioning of the entire body.

During the entire procedure you will need to drink 2-3 liters of liquid. Moreover, immediately after you drink one glass of water, you should do the following exercises:

  • tilt to each leg (repeat 4 times in both directions);
  • turns to the sides with hands clasped at the back of the head (repeat 5-6 times in each direction);
  • bending and turning from a lying position (in yoga this is called bhujangasana, or snake pose);
  • twisting from a standing position with support on one or the other knee.

Salt cleansing: reviews of the salt cleansing method

In order to understand how useful cleaning with salt is, it is worth referring to user reviews. For example, some of them claim that they tried to cleanse their intestines with salt and were very satisfied. Their complexion even improved, the circles under their eyes disappeared and some of their excess weight disappeared.

Others say they couldn't stand to drink as much salt water as the cleanse called for. They became nauseous and the colonic flush experiment had to be stopped immediately.

Still others were half satisfied, since the procedure was not entirely pleasant, and, according to them, they did not intend to repeat it again.

What do people say about cleansing your home with salt?

As for the usefulness of cleaning an apartment, many users claim that they happily took advantage of the recommendations of white magicians and their book of spells was replenished with new rituals and conspiracies. With their help, they rid their home of negativity.

Many of them also managed to attract good luck and prosperity to the house. Some are confident that if you regularly perform a cleansing ritual with hot salt, you can avoid the evil eye and protect your loved ones from illnesses and troubles.

Do you need a special book to record conspiracies and rituals?

Many adherents of white and black magic are sure that it is impossible to keep all conspiracies and rituals in memory. The ideal option is to write down all the most important things in a special notebook or thick notebook. This is how, in their opinion, one creates one’s own book of spells. At the same time, it is not at all necessary to be a professional in the field of magical sciences. It is enough to keep records of the most necessary time-tested conspiracies.

Unlike the records of ordinary people, in the magic books of specialists in supernatural phenomena there is a certain distinction between defense and attack conspiracies.

They are the ones who help sorcerers and magicians save everyone in need from the negative consequences of damage, the evil eye, and curses. And they also establish protection for themselves from this very negativity. By the way, many representatives of magic have books that are passed down from generation to generation. In addition, many of them have a number of notes made at one time or another by their previous relative. In particular, such notes are a kind of commentary on rituals and spells.

What should you remember when using spells and salt?

When using spells and salt, remember that although this relates to household magic, it is still associated with inexplicable subtle matters. Therefore, when performing a particular ritual, it is advisable not to engage in amateur activities and strictly adhere to the instructions. Otherwise, with the help of water and salt, you may not be cured, but, on the contrary, harm your body. Be careful and healthy!

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