Slovenian - Russian dictionary. The meaning of the word Slovenian in Efremova’s explanatory dictionary Online Slovenian dictionary

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You should know that Glosbe is not filled with words, but with ideas about what those words mean. Thanks to this, by adding one new translation, dozens of new translations are created! Help us develop Glosbe dictionaries and you will see how your knowledge helps people around the world.

Considering the Slovenian language as a historical trace of the Russian language, one is convinced of the excellent fruitfulness of this approach. Slovenian and Russian are like siblings, and in some places they completely coincide.

This small dictionary does not pretend to be a comprehensive reference book. I chose the words with passion, deliberately discarding what little resembled Russian speech. The Slovenian language has, of course, been influenced by many other languages ​​over the millennia of its history. But it is all the more surprising that the original belonging of this language to the most ancient layers of Russian culture and way of thinking has been so well preserved.

You read Slovenian words and expressions with rapture, clearly understanding that this is also part of your native Russian language. Only a blind person can fail to see this. The magnificent music of ancient Russian speech, given to us by the Slovenian people, cannot leave indifferent the Russian soul, brought up, in many ways, by the Russian language.

Slovenian Russian
midva oba (obadva) / midve obe (obedve) We are both / We are both
Mi two both (both two)

On in ona He and she

Onadva oba / onidve obe They both

;enska; ;ena; gospa Woman

Otrok Child

Dru;ina Family

Ded, stari o;e Grandfather

Babica, stara mama Grandma

On in ona (onadva) He and she

Ata, o;e Father

Mama, mati Mother

Sister Sister

Mi smo dru;ina. We are Family.

Ta dru;ina ni majhna. Our family is not small.

Ta dru;ina je velika. Our family is big.

To so u;enci (;olarji, dijaki). These are the students.

To je u;iteljica. This is the teacher.

U;imo se. We are learning.

Ho;emo razumeti ljudi. We want to understand people.

Ho;emo se pogovarjati z ljudmi. We want to talk to people.

On speaking angle;ko. He speaks English.

Maria je iz Madrid. Maria from Madrid.

Ali oba govorita nem;ko? Do you both speak German?

London je prestolnica (main place). London is the capital

Ena, dva, tri one, two, three

Ena. Prvi. One. First.

Dva. Drugi. Two. Second.

Tri. Tretji. Three. Third.

Oprostite! Excuse me, please!

Mi lahko poveste, koliko je ura? What time is it now?

Prav lepa hvala. Thank you very much.

Hurray je ena. It's one o'clock now.

Hurray je dva. It's two o'clock now.

Hurray je tri. It's three o'clock now.

Kaj de la Martha? What does Marta do?

Dela v pisarni. She works in the office.

Sneg je bel. Snow is white.

Earth je rjava. The earth is brown.

Oblak je siv. The cloud is gray.

Toplo je. Warm.

Son;no je. Sunny.

Vedro (jasno) je. Clear.

Toplo je. Warm.

Son;no je. Sunny.

Vedro (jasno) je. Clear.

Ali kadite? Do you smoke?

Topla voda ne te;e. No warm water.

Rad bi;aj. I would like / would like a cup of tea.

Birad(a)ribo? Do you like fish?

Bi rad(a) govedino (goveje meso)? Do you like beef?

Bi rad(a) svinjino (svinjsko meso)? Do you like pork?

Ta jed je hladna. The food is cold.

Odprto is open

Zaprto is closed

Zhod exit

Dobrodo;li welcome

Potegni to yourself

Potisni from myself

shame attention

Babu;ka matryoshka

Zdravje Health


Albar, good afternoon.

Please help :)

Are there any origins in the Slovenian language for the name “Ladoga” and the old Ladoga fortress “Lyubsha”?
And the most problematic thing for me now.
There are names of rivers and villages:
itomlya ohomlya skomlya udomlya
Boromlya Vizhomlya Zhatomlya Zhelomlya Lyutomlya Muromlya Oskomlya Radomlya Sitomlya Sudomlya Khotomlya Shadomlya
pyardomlya sukromlya
gorodomlya serokomlya smerdomlya sirokomlya

Is it possible to find in the Sovensky language the meaning "... domlya" or "... omlya" ?????????????????

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words e English


1) Related to Slovenia, Slovenes, associated with them.

2) Characteristic of the Slovenians, characteristic of them and of Slovenia.

3) Belonging to Slovenia, Slovenes.

4) Created, hatched, etc. in Slovenia or Slovenes.

Efremova. Ephraim's explanatory dictionary. 2012

See also interpretations, synonyms, meanings of the word and what SLOVENIC is in Russian in dictionaries, encyclopedias and reference books:

  • SLOVENIAN in the Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    , oh, oh. 1. see Slovenes. 2. Relating to the Slovenians, their language, national character, way of life, culture, as well as ...
  • SLOVENIAN in the Big Russian Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    SLOVENIAN LANGUAGE, belongs to Slav. languages ​​(South Slavic group) included in Indo-European. seven languages. Official language of Slovenia. Writing based on Lat. ...
  • SLOVENIAN in the Complete Accented Paradigm according to Zaliznyak:
    slovenian, slovenian, slovenian, slovenian, slovenian, slovenian, slovenian, slovenian, slovenian, slovenian, slovenian, slovenian, word slovenian, slovenian, slovenian, slovenian, slovenian, slovenian, slovenian, slovenian, …
  • SLOVENIAN in the dictionary of Synonyms of the Russian language.
  • SLOVENIAN in the New Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language by Efremova:
    adj. 1) Related to Slovenia, Slovenes, associated with them. 2) Characteristic of the Slovenians, characteristic of them and of Slovenia. 3) Belonging...
  • SLOVENIAN in the Complete Spelling Dictionary of the Russian Language:
    Slovenian (to Slovenia and Slovenes; Slavic, obsolete and ...
  • SLOVENIAN in the Spelling Dictionary:
    Slovenian (to words and Slovenians; Slavic, obsolete and ...
  • SLOVENIAN in Ushakov’s Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language:
    Slovenian, Slovenian. Adj. to Slovenians and to Slovenians (not to be confused with Slavic!). Slovenian…
  • SLOVENIAN in the New Dictionary of the Russian Language by Efremova:
  • SLOVENIAN in the Large Modern Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language:
    adj. 1. Related to Slovenia, Slovenes, associated with them. 2. Characteristic of the Slovenians, characteristic of them and of Slovenia. 3. Belonging...
  • TRDINA in the Literary Encyclopedia:
    Janez is a Slovenian writer and collector of folklore, a participant in the struggle against the oppression of the Slovenian people by the Austrian bourgeoisie and landowners, ...
  • PRESHERN in the Literary Encyclopedia:
    Franz Xavier [Franze Prešeren, 1800-1849] - the largest Slovenian poet, an outstanding figure in the Slovenian national. movements. R. in a wealthy peasant family. Studied …
    (Slovenija), Socialist Republic of Slovenia (Socijalisticka Republika Slovenija), a republic within Yugoslavia (SFRY), in the extreme north-west. country, on the west it borders with ...
  • LEVSTIC FRAN in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia, TSB:
    (Levstik) Fran (28.9.1831, Spodne-Retje village, - 16.11.1887, Ljubljana), Slovenian writer. The son of a peasant. He studied at a theological seminary, was a home teacher, and a librarian. ...
  • KLIMENT OHRIDSKI in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia, TSB:
    Ohrid (Velichsky or Slovenian) (about 840-916), Slavic educator, one of the founders of ancient Bulgarian literature. As a student and closest associate of Kirill...
    (Jane?ic, born in 1824) - Slovenian writer. In 1850-53. was the editor of the humor magazine "Slovenska B?ela" and the Slovenian publication ...
  • SLOVINCY in the Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Euphron:
    or Slovenes (they call themselves Slovenci, but in Russian literature the old book name S. is better known, which, by the way, has ...
  • SLOWINSKI in the Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Euphron:
    (Slovenian, Slovenian, Vindian) language spoken by the Slavic population of Styria, Carinthia, Carniola, etc. (see Slovincy), belongs to the South Slavic group ...
  • SLOVAK in the Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Euphron:
    (Slovenian) - according to Czech Slavists, is an adverb of the Czech language that retains the character of the most ancient period; but the closest study of it is in comparison with...
  • PRESHERN FRANZ-XAVERIE in the Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Euphron:
    (Pre?erin or -ren) - famous Slovenian lyric poet (1801-1849). Genus. in a peasant family. He studied at the Faculty of Law of the University of Vienna and practiced advocacy. ...
  • MIKLAVETS PETER in the Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Euphron:
    (Miklavec) is a self-taught Slovenian writer. Genus. in 1859. M.’s main merit is his translations into Slovenian from Polish (from Sienkiewicz, ...
  • KUMERDEY in the Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Euphron:
    Slovenian writer, b. in Krajna in 1744; lover of folk language and literature, one of the translators of the Bible into Slovenian. ...
  • DALMATIN YURI in the Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Euphron:
    (Dalmatin) - together with Truber and Bohoric, the most remarkable Slovenian writer of the 16th century. Born in the Lower Country, studied in Tübingen, ...

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