Smartphone. Can smartphones replace regular cameras? Iphone camera repair Some of the possible reasons

Hello dear forum users. Today I will tell you how to replace a cracked camera glass on a Samsung galaxy s6 in 5 minutes and 130 rubles. Who is interested - please, under the cat...

So, we have a Samsung galaxy s6 mobile phone in which, despite careful handling, the camera glass has cracked and a lot of dust has accumulated through this crack, which has greatly reduced the quality of the resulting images:

And here I thought about what to do... There is a video on YouTube on replacement, but in it the glass is replaced directly with the frame, which requires removing the glued back cover of the phone. This is tedious, there is a risk of damaging this very cover, and after replacement, replace the 2-sided adhesive sticker, which separately from the Chinese is quite expensive.
There is no point in turning to the officials for help, because they will tear off 3 skins. The best mobile phone repair shops for less than 1000 rubles. They refused to take on the work, citing the need to remove the cover.
And then I came across instructions for replacing camera glass on ifixit (, and I was interested in the last step:

Those. Separately, the glass itself changes a lot.
An order has been placed. What arrived was a little different from what was needed, but more on that below.
Another problem arose: how to pick it out of the frame, because... The glass is not broken, just cracked. It is impossible to pick it up from the side, and breaking it is also not an option, because... there is a risk of damaging the camera, and the stabilization system won’t say “thank you.” And then it dawned on me:

Yes, yes, this is the same “car 2-sided tape”, expensive and very sticky, that was purchased a long time ago.
We take a fountain pen of a suitable diameter and glue the tape to the end, having previously degreased it with alcohol (99% isopropanol). Cut the tape along the contour:

Next, we glue this structure to the glass, which we also degrease:

Next, tilt the handle and peel off the old glass:

This is what the seller sent me:

As you can see, in addition to the glass, there is also a frame itself on which stickers are glued. But the round sticker I needed was not available separately. Of course, it was possible to get confused and cut it out of thin 2-sided tape, but I figured that the remaining adhesive layer on the old frame would be enough to hold the new glass.
Next, use a soft brush to remove all the dust from the camera (a can of compressed air would be very useful), glue on the new glass, and just to be sure, heat everything up with a hairdryer to make it stick better.

I was very pleased with the result! The glass does not feel plastic to the touch; it also has an oleophobic coating. The pictures are simply superb: the haze, glare, etc. are gone, which, however, is not surprising.
We also ordered protective glass for the camera and heart rate sensor from another seller:

I stuck it on the pulse oximeter right away, because... It is plastic and has minor scratches. I might stick it on the camera glass in the future, so far so good.

I hope the review was helpful. Merry Christmas everyone!

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More and more things can be replaced by having a smartphone at hand - for example, a camera. Photography and videography are gaining popularity in modern society - which raises the question: should you replace your camera with a smartphone?

Today, many of our smartphones have advanced features - including HD cameras that can take great photos, and any other regular camera.
For example, Nokia 808 PureView and Apple iPhone 5 are good for detailed photos. The Samsung Galaxy series of phones also have good camera specs. Based on this, it is not surprising that more and more people are choosing to use their phones instead of regular cameras to capture their memories. The same statement is true for shooting video. In fact, there have been reports of digital camera sales plummeting and their prices slashing. But can smartphones really take the place of conventional point-and-shoot cameras?
Smartphones versus regular cameras. The best way to find the answer (or answers) to this question is to compare what each device has to offer.
Smartphones from are of course easier to carry, but some of the most popular cameras nowadays are quite convenient. In fact, they are also known as "compact cameras" due to their small size. For some people, however, the reason for choosing a smartphone may be its good looks. Although there are smartphones that can be quite bulky, many still prefer them to point-and-shoot cameras. This statement earns one point for smartphones. Smartphones - 1, point cameras - 0.
In terms of convenience and functionality, smartphones are far ahead. They are like prefabricated appliances that you can carry with you anytime, anywhere. Besides taking photos, you can use your smartphone to make calls, send messages, and even play games. Some professionals use their smartphones to send email. So, smartphone - 2, point cameras - 0.
One area of ​​photography where point cameras can have an advantage is lighting. Even the most advanced smartphones cannot match the image quality of photos taken with point-and-shoot cameras in low light conditions. There are phone models that come with strong light sensors, but they are bulky - and they are not very popular among society. Because of your smartphone's small sensors, you need to be physically close to your subject to take good photos. Regular point and shoot cameras may not be as advanced as DSLRs, but there are many models that have special features. They have a built-in flash, autofocus and exposure options. You can adjust the settings when you need to take photos in places with minimal lighting. Smartphones - 2, cameras -1.
Smartphones have features that allow you to instantly share photos on Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest and other social networks. You don't need to transfer them to your laptop to download and share. Although some cameras now have these so-called "social tools" they are still in their infancy. In addition, most of them have slow Internet connections and some of them do not have such functions at all. Smartphones - 3, cameras -1.
Total, the score is 3-1 in favor of the smartphone. This is a big win for the smartphone. However, there are other important aspects that you need to consider before deciding to replace your camera with a phone.
It's also wise to think about your budget and your goal. If photography is your main source of livelihood, then a smartphone camera should not be your first choice.
If there's one thing that has led to the so-called smartphone vs. point camera rivalry, it's the reality that more and more people are interested in photography.

Is it possible to improve the front or rear camera in a Samsung Galaxy, Lenovo, meizu m3 note 3 pro, xiaomi redmi 4x, lg k10 2017 phone running on Android 6.0.

These are the questions I get asked most often. If your smartphone or tablet has a bad camera, then there are some things you can improve.

Overall, the camera feature is now being added to many devices ranging from mobile phones.

Just to get good image quality, you need a DSLR camera, although you can achieve really good results easily if you apply the right settings.

To begin with, it’s worth explaining the relationship between matrix size and image quality and refuting the myth about the number of megapixels, which quite often is not a determining factor in quality when shooting.

It happens that a phone camera with 2 megapixels produces much higher quality than a matrix with 12 megapixels.

Firstly, the more megapixels, the larger the picture you will get and the better the lens, the better the image quality.

Another issue is the camera control software that comes from the manufacturer and manages it all.

You can "boost" the software to get better image quality. Get acquainted with programs that improve the quality of the built-in camera.

Settings to improve the webcam in a smartphone or tablet

In order to improve the quality of photos taken with your cell phone, there are a few important issues to keep in mind.

Lighting - try to keep things well lit - the weaker the lighting, the more “noise” will be visible in the picture, and if your phone is equipped with an LED flash, then it’s good to turn it on.

Although the built-in flash can't illuminate the entire subject, it can always help a little (LED flashes are more of a marketing ploy than a powerful flash tube).

Contrast - this parameter should be considered when photographing indoors, where there is artificial lighting - thanks to it you can preserve natural colors.

Digital Zoom – Definitely avoid using this option as nothing ruins image quality more than digital zoom.

Image stabilization - Some phones offer digital image stabilization, which you shouldn't trust entirely.

Auto focus - should be used when there is a problem with sharpness when trying to capture objects.

ISO - Noise in images is often the result of overusing ISO settings that add artificial light from low light - higher ISO settings can produce clearer photos in low light.

Improve the camera using the engineering menu

I am often asked how to improve the camera using the engineering menu? I’ll tell you how to enter it, but don’t count on super improvements, and not every smartphone will be able to run it.

NOTE: if your smartphone or tablet runs on a Qualcomm chipset, then there may not be an engineering menu, but for those that use a MediaTek processor there will certainly be one.

To open the engineering menu, enter the command: *#*#3646633#*#*. If this code does not work, try another one: *#*#4636#*#* or *#15963#*.

NOTE: On a Xiaomi smartphone, you need to click on the “Kernel Version” option several times in a row.

Using the engineering menu you can make some changes and check the sensors and perform component testing.

If the code does not work, you can try using the MobileUncle Tools or MTK Engineering applications - you can download them from the play market.

After logging in, you should be interested in the “Camera” option - setting various parameters.

After the transition, the settings will open.

The engineering menu is preferable for experienced users and should be used very carefully so as not to create tragic “miracles”.

Programs that improve captured video

If you already have a video shot, but of poor quality, then you can also improve it using computer programs.

Movavi Video Editor is a powerful yet simple video editor. When using it, the following tools will be available to you: trimming video edges, rotating, adding audio, effects, filters and others

vReveal is a great assistant if you like to shoot videos using your phone. Then, most likely, you get a video that is far from ideal.

vReveal has quality enhancement technology to improve the quality of video files and clips.

Video Enhancer - this program can increase video resolutions. You can significantly improve the quality of photos or videos using Video Super Resolution technology.

Using frame detailing technology, you can increase the resolution to the HD standard.

NOTE: all programs have a drawback - they are paid, and I could not find worthy free analogues. Good luck.

Articles and Lifehacks

Dissatisfaction with certain characteristics of a mobile device leads to the fact that users begin to wonder: is it possible to change something?

Let's talk about whether it is acceptable to replace the camera on a phone on your own, and how service centers feel about it.

Why do we need to change the camera and is it possible?

  • If the camera of our mobile device starts to take poor pictures, you can always replace it with a working one by contacting a service center.
  • Please note, however, that we may not be able to replace you with a different type of camera due to differences in software and dimensions. In addition, it is worth taking into account the fact that this procedure is not always reasonable and appropriate.
  • Often the cost of repair is slightly lower than the cost of a new phone.
  • Let us add that the number of pixels has long been no longer the most important parameter in modern technology. On the contrary, increasing their number while maintaining a small matrix size has a negative impact on the quality of shooting.
  • In other words, the matrix and lens are much more important criteria. Many modern smartphones have a better camera than an inexpensive point-and-shoot camera.
  • If our mobile device was produced by a good manufacturer, you can always contact a service center if you need to replace the camera. However, if the device is Chinese, it is unlikely that anyone will agree to change the camera on it.

Instructions for replacing the camera module

Each mobile device model has individual instructions for replacing the camera module. We will try to replace it using the example of the GT-S9402 Ego phone from Samsung.

Perhaps this device was at one time not the most successful attempt by the manufacturer to release a “premium” device.

Of the truly “premium” characteristics, we can only highlight the use of an amorphous liquid metal alloy, which is twice as strong as titanium, and the presence of two active radio modules, allowing the installation of two SIM cards (and quickly draining the battery).

Otherwise, this is a very ordinary phone.

  1. Let's start disassembling the Samsung Ego. Remove the back panel and battery. Use a metal spatula to remove the side inserts on both sides.
  2. Unscrew the screws securing the side panels and remove them. Remove the four screws from the back of the phone. Using a screwdriver, remove the upper metal plate, and then the plastic insert. Next, unscrew the screws.
  3. Turn the device over and remove the front panel, then the keyboard. Unscrew the two screws from the front of the phone.
  4. Use a metal spatula to remove the bottom cover. Then use your fingers to remove the back panel.
  5. Disconnect the flash cable. Underneath there is another screw, which we unscrew. Next, remove the antenna unit and remove the protective metal plate.
  6. Using a screwdriver, disconnect the display connector and the keyboard connector. We pry up the system board and remove it. Disconnect the camera button and the polyphonic module. Disconnect the flash and remove the polyphonic module. We snap off the module with the camera.
  7. We snap the new module onto the system board. Then we install the polyphonic module. We snap the flash and install the motherboard on the middle part. We put back the display and keyboard connector. Install the camera button.
So, the camera module has been replaced.

Fair, not overpriced and not underestimated. There should be prices on the Service website. Necessarily! without asterisks, clear and detailed, where technically possible - as accurate and concise as possible.

If spare parts are available, up to 85% of complex repairs can be completed in 1-2 days. Modular repairs require much less time. The website shows the approximate duration of any repair.

Warranty and responsibility

A guarantee must be given for any repairs. Everything is described on the website and in the documents. The guarantee is self-confidence and respect for you. A 3-6 month warranty is good and sufficient. It is needed to check quality and hidden defects that cannot be detected immediately. You see honest and realistic terms (not 3 years), you can be sure that they will help you.

Half the success in Apple repair is the quality and reliability of spare parts, so a good service works directly with suppliers, there are always several reliable channels and your own warehouse with proven spare parts for current models, so you don’t have to waste extra time.

Free diagnostics

This is very important and has already become a rule of good manners for the service center. Diagnostics is the most difficult and important part of the repair, but you don't have to pay a penny for it, even if you don't repair the device based on its results.

Service repairs and delivery

A good service values ​​your time, so it offers free delivery. And for the same reason, repairs are carried out only in the workshop of a service center: correctly and according to technology can only be done in a prepared place.

Convenient schedule

If the Service works for you, and not for itself, then it is always open! absolutely. The schedule should be convenient to fit in before and after work. Good service works on weekends and holidays. We are waiting for you and working on your devices every day: 9:00 - 21:00

The reputation of professionals consists of several points

Company age and experience

Reliable and experienced service has been known for a long time.
If a company has been on the market for many years and has managed to establish itself as an expert, people turn to it, write about it, and recommend it. We know what we are talking about, since 98% of incoming devices in the service center are restored.
Other service centers trust us and refer complex cases to us.

How many masters in areas

If there are always several engineers waiting for you for each type of equipment, you can be sure:
1. there will be no queue (or it will be minimal) - your device will be taken care of right away.
2. you give your Macbook for repair to an expert in the field of Mac repairs. He knows all the secrets of these devices

Technical literacy

If you ask a question, a specialist should answer it as accurately as possible.
So that you can imagine what exactly you need.
They will try to solve the problem. In most cases, from the description you can understand what happened and how to fix the problem.

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