Death of Serana or Mercy of the Red Lizard Need an update? Skyrim what will happen if Serana becomes human


1.In the unpacked archive, open the "MAIN MOD" folder and select the version you need. If you want to install the option without body physics, then select the Serana UNP folder, place the “data” folder there along the skyrim/data path on top of the “data” folder, confirm the merge of folders, activate the mod in the launcher, go into the game and play. This option is completely standalone and compatible with any replay of the main game female body, except LB.
2. Replay Serana with the body UNP-BBP-TBBP-PUSSY: select the folder “Serana UNP-BBP-TBBP-PUSSY”, copy the “DATA” folder in it along the same path, confirm the merge of the folders, activate the mod in the launcher, go to Igu, let's play.
3.Installing the voice-over module for the “Marry Seran” mod. The Russian-language voice acting module is completely autonomous and does not affect the main mod in any way. It is installed on top of it and takes precedence over the original English voice acting. In the archive of the mod "just Serana", select the "Voice" folder, copy the "DATA" folder located in it along the same Skyrim/Data path - confirm merging the folders and replacing the files. To avoid problems with voice acting, it is better to start the game from the moment of matchmaking. For the voice acting module to work correctly, you need version 1.5.3/1.6.2 of the main mod
Removal: Delete mod files from the "DATA" folder.


Replay of Serana's appearance. Another attempt to solve the most difficult problem of Skyrim, and perhaps all of Tamriel - to adequately change the appearance of the well-known Princess of the Night, the charming and charismatic vampire and non-vampire Serana from the DLC Dawnguard.
1.Body: Choose from UNP-BBP-TBBP-Pussy body with full physics or UNP body without physics
2. Appearance: Textures: high resolution, new head meshes, updated facial features, improved makeup, new eyes and vampire fangs. After healing, Serana will not only change the color of her eyes, but also her makeup will become lighter, more transparent and delicate, and will appear on her cheeks light blush. Once healed, the Princess of the Night will become much prettier.
3. Voice acting: We kindly ask all adherents of the mod “Mercy of the Red Lizard or Kill Serana” not to waste their time reading this paragraph. ...The quest "Family Court" has been successfully completed, the main storyline of the "Dawnguard" add-on has been completed, and your relationship with the princess of the night, during joint travels and dangerous adventures, has grown into something more than just friendship and you cannot imagine life without your sweetheart vampires or no longer vampires and, having closed their eyes to some dark moments of her past, are ready to lead their beloved down the aisle, then you know that the path to the cherished altar in the temple of Mara lies through the plangin “Marriable Serana”, another possibility from the developers of The Elder Scrolls 5, alas, they didn’t give it to us. For all its advantages, this mod, in Russian localization, has one annoying minus - after installing it, Serana becomes a foreigner, starting to speak English, and even in three different voices. The ".just Serana" mod will fix this. With its installation, Serana will communicate with you exclusively in Russian, in the voice of actress Veronika Sarkisova, who voiced Serana in the original Dawnguard add-on.
Requirements: The elder Scrolls 5. v. DLC Dawnguard SKSE 1.7.3 HDTPHYSICSEXTENSIONS FINS 6.1-6.3 Skeleton XPMS Marriable Serana (optional)


The configured skeltton XPMS and HDTPHYSICSEXTENSIONS are built into the mod archive and do not require additional installation.

This is my first work on which I spent a very, very long time! I humbly ask you to treat her leniently. Best regards kott

In the new global addition to the game "Skyrim" called Dawnguard, you will meet an interesting character - an ancient vampire named Serana. Despite her more than impressive age, the girl looks very attractive. Moreover, she is smart and sarcastic, witty and interesting. So many players are starting to think about whether it is possible to marry Serana in Skyrim. You will find the answer to this question in our small guide to this add-on.

Search for a vampire

Where can you find Serana in Skyrim? In order to meet this character in the game, you first need to install the Dawnguard DLC. After this, a new adventure will become available to you, in which you will meet this girl. Before we find out how to marry Serana in Skyrim, let's try to get to know her.

First, you need to listen to the conversations of the guards, who will talk about the revival of the Dawnguard. After this, the quest of the same name will start, during which you will learn many secrets from the life of monsters and fighters against them in the game Skyrim. Serana is an iconic character, and you will have to go a long way with her in order to decide the fate of humanity and vampires.

Character Advantages

This girl herself is not averse to drinking human blood, but she believes that vampires should not use people only as a food resource. You will first meet this character in the crypt in which Serana spent several hundred years. After this, many joint adventures await you, during which you will more than once think about how to marry Serana in Skyrim. After all, this girl is the ideal companion.

Unlike her other teammates, Serana is quite smart and can make some decisions on her own. In addition, she is strong, resilient and capable of using not only axes, staves or swords, but also magic. But remember that giving a two-handed weapon or shield to a girl is highly discouraged, because in this case both her hands will be occupied and she will not be able to cast magic spells.

Beauty and immortality

The girl has a sense of humor and is able to dispel boredom during a long journey with a “caustic” comment. And, of course, she is quite beautiful. Her attractiveness plays an important role in the fact that many players wonder: is it possible to marry Serana in Skyrim? Besides, this girl is the only possible immortal partner. You will not lose her even in the most difficult and dangerous adventure, and for this you will not need to use the Healing Hands spell. After all, this character can cast a healing spell on himself, and you don’t have to worry about the “survival” of a partner like Serana.

Skyrim: mods for marriage

Such positive characteristics could not but affect the attitude of gamers towards this girl. And, of course, many of them wondered how to marry Serana in Skyrim. It's impossible to do this without mods. The fact is that the developers did not foresee such a turn of events. And in the official version of the game you will not be able to marry this character. It is unclear what Bethesda Softworks was guided by when making such a decision. And even numerous petitions and complaints from players could not affect the situation. But don’t be upset, because “folk craftsmen” have long figured out how to marry Serana in Skyrim and have created many mods and add-ons that allow you to do this.

Installing plugins

First of all, you will need to download and install an additional mod. Remember that third-party programs can cause a lot of problems, so before the process, study information about this content and read player reviews. If there was no negativity in the comments, then you can install the mod. This approach will minimize the risk. After installation, you need to unpack the archive into the main game folder and, possibly, replace some files - you will find instructions in the modification itself.

Preparing for a “wedding” in Skyrim

Serana, after installing additional mods, will become a possible life partner. But that doesn't mean the job is done. After all, in order to “win” a girl’s heart, you will have to work a little. First of all, if you have already married someone, then forget about getting married to Serana, because bigamy is not possible in the game. So you will need to have your previous marriage annulled.

This can be done using a special cheat or mod. If your hero is still alone, then he needs to get the “Amulet of Mara” artifact. This necklace can be obtained in the following ways:

  • You will receive the artifact for free after completing the “Book of Love” mission. You can take this task in the city of Riften from Denmark Balu, who lives in the temple of the goddess Mara.
  • The Amulet of Mara can be purchased from the priests of this goddess in the city of Riften, a follower of Maramal from Fort Greymoor, quartermasters of the Stormcloaks, or from the Riverwood Merchant. Such a purchase will cost 200 gold coins.
  • The artifact can be randomly found in chests and caches of quest locations.

A few more conditions

In order for your “relationship” with Serana to lead to a marriage union, several more conditions must be met. First of all, you need to complete the quest about vampires and destroy the girl's father, Lord Harkon. In addition, during the meeting with Valerika, your partner’s mother, you need to declare your serious intentions.

You also need to complete the "Family Ties" mission. You will take this quest from Wolf Wildblood, who can be found in Solstheim. In the process of passing, you need to find the brother of the main hunter and engage in a fight with him, after which you can start marrying your charming companion.

Until you complete all these additional tasks, you should not talk to Serana about marriage, because it will lead nowhere. Moreover, before installing the modification, you must temporarily separate from your companion. Don’t worry, you will find her quickly, because Serana will be waiting for you in the Dawnguard Tower or in Volkihar Castle, depending on whose side you took. If you cannot find a companion in these locations, then use a special command that will take you to the character. To do this, open the console using the “~” key. After that, enter the following command: player.moveto xx002b74, where xx is the number of the mod in the game. Most often, Dawnguard is designated by the numbers 02 or 03. With this cheat, you can easily find a girl in any corner of Skyrim, even if you accidentally left her waiting in some location and forgot about it.

Additional features

Most mods that allow you to marry Serana will add several new features to the game, such as changing dialogue or character appearance. As for the second point, here the players’ imagination ran wild. After all, you can change Serana’s appearance in a variety of ways: from clothes to facial features and figure. In general, if there is something that doesn’t suit you about a girl’s appearance, then you can always “remake” her at your discretion.

There are a few more bonuses that marrying Serana will bring you. After the wedding, you can not only bring your wife into the house, but also call her at any time with a special spell. But, like any other “home” programs, mods from players contain many bugs and errors. At the same time, the most common “trouble” is the girl’s reluctance to move from the castle to her husband’s house. You can fix this bug using a console command or reinstalling the plugin.

This concludes our guide on how to marry Serana in Skyrim. We hope our advice was useful to you and you were able to marry this original and interesting character.

« - Serana, your disgustingness has exceeded the measure of patience of Me on earth and the Gods in heaven. If you know any prayer, say it, for you are condemned and will die. »

Miserere, miserere mei, Molag Dei!

What do you ask from Heaven?
What will you say to Molag Bal?

On the whole earth, like a finger, one, under the arch of the native castle walls.
That girl’s soul is pure and beautiful, like the first snow.
There is no deceit, envy or lies in her...
But did the Lord of All Intrigues think about the soul,
Pushing the child into your bed and then desecrating it?
He spoke about the Garden of Eden, but the doors opened to Hell.
Innocence has no place here, love and honor are violated.
And a girl’s tears are nothing - Daedra sows Evil in the heart.
And from then on there were no more sins to count...

Who are you, that girl?

When the executioner's sword flashes, the candle in the altar goes out,
What do you ask from Heaven?
When Your hour of death comes, the alarm will cease to sound,
What will you say to Molag Bal?

First love is unexpected, why is it the devil's destiny?
A tight tangle of crazy feelings - He is so handsome, smart and brave,
But... they have already been given a deadline.
He galloped to the temple to ask the beauty for her hand.
Saying: “Only death will separate us!”
He took another as his wife.
And Evil burns the whole soul with poison; the silent reproach cannot be hidden from the eyes.
The result of friendship with Him is pain and horror. There will be no need for reprisals and there is no need for a trial.
He executes Her with his own hand, like an animal, in the depths of the forest.
An old tree stump will serve as a scaffold for her.

Where are you, that girl?

When the executioner's sword flashes, the candle in the altar goes out,
What do you ask from Heaven?
When Your hour of death comes, the alarm will cease to sound,
What will you say to Molag Bal?

You can’t tell which is reality and which is delirium: love is bloody wine!
And passion, and lust, darkness and light, and again dirt, and again the bottom...
All this happened so long ago, and maybe not with me at all.
What happened to that girl?
« - Her name is Serana! »


This time I will change traditions and will not describe in detail what this mod adds. Moreover, it really doesn’t add that much, and it hasn’t been finalized yet. But in view of a number of unpleasant events that happened in my life, I could no longer hesitate to publish it. If Providence gives, I’ll finalize it. In the meantime, I’ll say a few words. About fashion, and about painful issues.
Four years have passed since the release of Skyrim. A lot has happened in the world, both real and game, since then. I've always been a fan of the TES series. But not a single game, neither this series nor any other, has left me with such conflicting feelings as Skyrim. The fifth part of the Scrolls is exactly the thing about which you just can’t understand - how can there be so much bad and so much good in one game? There was a lot about this game that delighted me. Much disgusted me. But few things in games disgusted me as much as the characters in this game. But even among all this galaxy of personalities unforgettable in their disgustingness, there was one whom I hated more than the rest. I do not undertake to describe my complaints about this character and the reasons for these complaints. Too many of them. Let me just say that my attitude towards this woman changed gradually, starting with mild hostility and ending with Hatred with a capital H.
This character was Serana. And the fact that everyone else adored her, and some even confessed their love for her, only caused me disgust. I tried to explain that loving such a woman means not respecting yourself. I tried to remind you how in real life dating people with like this personality type. But I soon realized that this was a monkey’s work. Do you want to know what I decided to do then?
You are reading this text and have read this far, so you want to.
So, I decided to create this mod. A mod that corrects the greatest injustice committed by the developers when they gave immortality to a creature that did not deserve it.
This mod allows you to finally vent all your hatred towards this character. And kill Serana. Well, if you are a vampire, you will also get a nice bonus...
Potion He cooked, of course... In fact, everything was much simpler and meaner - Red Lizard he simply cut out Serana’s lungs and ate them. Following his example, you will receive a bonus that will allow you to overcome your weakness to the Sun. Another lung with a similar effect can be removed from the ashes of Harkon, but only if you killed him after installing the mod. And as soon as I figure out how to make Valerika mortal, it will be possible to take her lungs too.
I'm sure a lot of people will hate me for this mod. But if among you there are those who share my attitude towards Serana, those who consider her not the most well-written character, but simply the bitch and bastard that she is, those who dream not of marrying her but drowning her in blood, those who understand that for For a real man to love such a woman means not to respect himself, then this mod is for you. Let's download this mod together and give Serana a bloodbath that she, like the entire community, will not soon forget!

I express my gratitude to the user
-=Amun_Aero=- for his invaluable assistance in bringing Serana to justice for her disgusting behavior.

Screenshots? No, I won't post them. Simply because I don’t want to spoil the whole effect of killing Serana.

Well, as soon as I figure out how to transfer the effect of the arrows to Auriel’s bow itself, Harkon’s dream will finally come true.

"Skyrim" is one of the parts of the "The elder scrolls" series developed by the Bethesda Softworks studio. The main character Dovahkiin gets a unique opportunity to save the world by using the advantage of being a dragonborn to fight fire-breathing lizards. The development system, including leveling up talent branches, is universal and can be adapted to the playing style of any player. The simulator of medieval life is presented as a variety of professions (blacksmith, alchemist), dialogues, and household items. Full presence, all conversations take place in real time, characters can move freely or even sit down during an argument. The relationship building system allows you not only to take companions with you, but even to start a family.

In the original version, the option for developing a relationship with your beloved is more meager, the choice of candidates is limited. In order to organize a wedding ceremony, you need to win over a character of the opposite sex (you can achieve this by taking him with you on your travels). By visiting the temple of Mara in Riften and talking with the monk about the institution of family, the amulet of the goddess of love Mara becomes available. According to the customs of Skyrim, this amulet is worn by young people who are in search of a soul mate. When the amulet is equipped, an additional context menu appears for a marriage proposal.

With the addition of the Dawnguard and the vampire storyline, there's a female character that's hard to ignore. Serana is the daughter of the leader of the vampires. You become acquainted with her when completing a quest in the tomb. By awakening the girl with her own blood, a mystical connection is already formed.

In Skyrim, marrying Serana became possible with the release of new DLS. The patches have a number of shortcomings: the vampire’s voice differs from the original one; some dialogs and functions may no longer work; After the celebration, the bride disappears.

In order to have a wedding the first time, you need to follow a certain algorithm:

  1. It doesn’t matter whether you are a vampire or a human, the main thing is that you confess your love to her. There is an option that Serana herself can later be cured of vampirism.
  2. Gallant manners as you go. By choosing the right answers in a conversation with a red-eyed beauty, it is easy to win her favor.
  3. Don't get carried away during your adventures. This feature is not listed in the supplements, but is often mentioned by fans.
  4. The proposal should be made only after the completion of the main storyline, the overthrow of the father and a sincere conversation with the mother.
  5. It is better to carry the Amulet of Mary with you in reserve; flaws in some mods do not add it to the inventory after Valerika’s blessing.
  6. The character must not be married.
  7. And don't forget to show up for the wedding in the chapel, two days after the official engagement.

You can come across an interesting bug at a wedding among the guests of your clone. If Lydia is not the first housecarl to become the bride, she comes to the ceremony very upset and can cause a scandal.

Immediately after marriage, you can discuss housing issues with your spouse. Serana does not always go to the appointed place; she can return to her domain. Summoning is an additional feature that will help you easily find a lost character. You can write a cheat in the context line that will also move your companion.

The advantages of marriage are obvious: income from the family business, a home, delicious food. Sleeping with your loved one will give an additional effect of relaxation. In Skyrim, marrying Serana will allow you to bring a charming girl into your home and enjoy life together.

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