Media: Russia tested a giant nuclear torpedo. Has Russia confirmed its status Status 6 secret

Came to the television channels of two federal media at a meeting on the development of the defense industry in Sochi, which was held on November 9, 2015 Vladimir Putin. Let us recall that the president then said that Russia would develop strike systems capable of overcoming any missile defense systems.

"NTV" and "Channel One" showed stories (now deleted), where allegedly accidentally through the back, presumably Chief of the Main Operations Directorate of the General Staff of the RF Armed Forces, Colonel General Andrei Kartapolov the concept and timing of the implementation of the development, which, in theory, is classified as “Top Secret”, namely the ocean multi-purpose system “Status-6”, was filmed.

As can be seen from the screenshot, its developer is OJSC Central Design Bureau MT Rubin. This is one of the leading Soviet and Russian enterprises in the field of designing submarines, both diesel-electric and nuclear, for example, the Borei SSBN.

Purpose of the system - “the defeat of important enemy economic facilities in the coastal area and causing guaranteed unacceptable damage to the country’s territory by creating zones of extensive radioactive contamination, unsuitable for carrying out military, economic and other activities in these zones for a long time”.

Two nuclear submarines are depicted as possible carriers: the special-purpose nuclear submarine Belgorod, which is under construction, is an unfinished Antey-class cruiser, relaid on December 20, 2012 under special project 09852, and also a special-purpose submarine laid down on July 27, 2014 at Sevmash. "Khabarovsk" project 09851.

First, we should talk about special-purpose submarines. “SP” has already written that on August 1, in Severodvinsk, a ceremony was held to remove the special-purpose nuclear submarine BS-64 “Podmoskovye” from the slipway of workshop No. 15. The submarine was converted from the K-64 missile carrier of Project 667BDRM into a boat designed to work with nuclear deep-sea stations (AGS) and uninhabited underwater vehicles in the interests of the top-secret Main Directorate of Deep-Sea Research (GUGI) of the Russian Ministry of Defense. This boat still has to undergo mooring and then factory sea trials, after which the BS-64 Podmoskovye will replace the Orenburg boat in the fleet, which was also converted from a Project 667BDR missile carrier in 1996-2002.

During trips to sea for sea trials and state trials, the BS-64 will presumably interact with the AGS of the Sperm Whale, Halibut and Losharik projects. Or more precisely, to be the carrier (mother boat) of one or another “baby,” as the AGS is also called. The carrier secretly delivers a mini-submarine (AGS), which has a low speed, to the desired area, after which it disconnects it for autonomous operation.

"Orenburg" and AGS are part of the mysterious 29th separate brigade of submarines of the Northern Fleet, which performs tasks in the interests of the State Administration for Civil Aviation. For reference: until 1986, the “kids” were not included in the Navy, but were part of a General Staff unit associated with the GRU. Note also that former commander of the 29th brigade submarine of the Northern Fleet, Rear Admiral Vladimir Dronov and more than ten officers bear the title of Hero of the Russian Federation (read about what tasks can be performed by special-purpose nuclear submarines and AGS in the article "SP" - "Nuclear submarine "Podmoskovye": underwater reconnaissance submarine is preparing for the hunt") .

Now regarding the “Status-6” system. At the beginning of September this year, the American edition The Washington Free Beacon reported that Russia is allegedly creating an “underwater drone” codenamed “Canyon”, capable of carrying nuclear weapons with a yield of tens of megatons and threatening US ports and coastal cities.

Then naval analyst Norman Polmar suggested that the Canyon system is based on the Soviet T-15 linear nuclear torpedo with a yield of 100 megatons (idea Academician Sakharov), which was designed in the 50s specifically for striking coastal targets in the United States.

In his memoirs, Andrei Dmitrievich Sakharov said the following about this: “One of the first people with whom I discussed this project was Rear Admiral Fomin... He was shocked by the “cannibalistic nature” of the project and noted in a conversation with me that sailors were accustomed to fighting an armed enemy in open battle and that the very thought of such a mass murder was disgusting to him.”

Interestingly, for regulatory reasons, as well as taking into account other factors, the T-15 torpedo was developed without the participation of the Navy. The Navy learned about it only through the project of the first nuclear submarine.

Let us note that at one time it was precisely for such a large torpedo that the first Soviet nuclear submarine of Project 627 was specially created, which was supposed to have not eight torpedo tubes, but one - with a caliber of 1.55 meters and a length of up to 23.5 meters. It was assumed that the T-15 would be able to approach the American naval base and with a super-powerful charge of several tens of megatons, destroy all living things. But then this idea was abandoned in favor of a submarine with eight torpedoes, which could solve a whole range of tasks. And as a result, Project 627A nuclear submarines were created.

Military historians claim that Soviet admirals, having familiarized themselves with the project in 1954, confidently declared that the submarine would certainly be destroyed on the approach to the American base. Moreover, the entrances to all American bases are covered many kilometers away by the winding shores of bays, islands, shoals, as well as booms and steel nets. They say that the T-15 torpedo cannot overcome such obstacles on the way to the object.

However, as “SP” said military expert and historian Alexander Shirokorad, in 1961, the T-15 idea was again revived at the suggestion of academician Andrei Sakharov.

“The fact is that in fact the tactics of using such a super-torpedo could have been completely different. The nuclear submarine was supposed to secretly fire a torpedo at a distance from the coast much greater than 40 km. Having used up all the energy of the batteries, the T-15 would lie on the ground, that is, it would become an intelligent bottom mine. The torpedo fuse could remain in the waiting mode for a long time for a signal from an aircraft or ship, through which the charge could be detonated. The point is that damage to naval bases, ports and other coastal facilities, including cities, would be caused by a powerful shock wave - a tsunami - caused by a nuclear explosion...

That is, based on the document leaked to the media, Russia decided to revive the idea of ​​Academician Sakharov?

Deputy Director of the Institute of Political and Military Analysis Alexander Khramchikhin I am convinced that such a scenario of an unplanned leak of information about developments classified as “Top Secret” in the media cannot exist in principle.

“There is no doubt that this is a deliberate hoax.” The goal is to make a known adversary think about his actions. But, to be honest, I highly doubt that the development under discussion will be implemented in hardware. That is, this leak is most likely pure misinformation. If only because no additional development is required to create “zones of extensive radioactive contamination.” Existing intercontinental missiles can already do this, the expert concludes.

Thus, the purpose of showing the document in front of cameras with a top-secret system is to frighten and puzzle Western “partners.”

However, if we assume that the development of such a system is really being carried out by the Rubin Central Design Bureau for MT? What does this mean?

Corresponding member of RARAN, captain 1st rank reserve Konstantin Sivkov

On Monday, November 9, during a meeting on the development of the military-industrial complex with the participation of Russian President Vladimir Putin television journalists filmed documents about the classified “Ocean multi-purpose system “Status-6”. Press secretary of the head of state Dmitry Peskov confirmed that the cameras of federal channels actually captured materials that were not intended for wide publicity.

“Indeed, some secret data was caught on camera, so it was subsequently deleted. We hope that this will not happen again,” the presidential press secretary said.

Peskov said he was not yet aware of anyone being punished for the incident, but promised that preventive measures would be taken to ensure such leaks do not happen again.

What is Status-6?

Status-6 is an ocean-going multi-purpose system that is being developed by the design bureau for the design of submarines of all classes of OJSC TsKB MT Rubin. The materials filmed by journalists allow us to conclude that the main component of the system is a torpedo (designated as a “self-propelled underwater vehicle”) equipped with a nuclear reactor. It carries a nuclear warhead with a capacity of 100 Mgt (the power of the Tsar Bomba, for comparison, is 57 Mgt). Travel speed is 185 km/h, torpedo range is 10 thousand km, travel depth is up to 1000 m. Military experts note that these characteristics are capable of ensuring a breakthrough of the US anti-submarine coastal system.

The purpose of the system is “to destroy important enemy economic facilities in the coastal area and cause guaranteed unacceptable damage to the country’s territory by creating zones of extensive radioactive contamination that are unsuitable for carrying out military, economic and other activities in these zones for a long time.”

Special nuclear submarines of projects 09852 Belgorod* and 09851 Khabarovsk** are indicated as torpedo carriers. The multi-purpose system "Status-6" should undergo military acceptance in 2020.

Why is Status-6 called “Sakharov’s torpedo”?

Most military experts call the Status-6 project a legacy of developments Academician Andrei Sakharov. His T-15 project, nicknamed the “Sakharov torpedo,” was an underwater self-propelled vehicle that was supposed to carry a thermonuclear charge to the enemy’s shores.

In his memoirs, Sakharov wrote about the T-15: “One of the first with whom I discussed this project was Rear Admiral Fomin... He was shocked by the “cannibalistic nature” of the project and noted in a conversation with me that sailors were accustomed to fighting an armed enemy in open battle and that the very thought of such a mass murder was disgusting to him.”

Sakharov proposed using Project 627 nuclear submarines developed in the 50s as a “vehicle for delivering” a powerful nuclear charge (100 megatons). According to his calculations, as a result of the explosion of such a bomb, a giant tsunami wave would be formed, destroying everything on the coast. The T-15 project remained at the level of drawings and sketches, since at that time the USSR submarine fleet did not have the ability to carry ballistic missiles.

What is CDB MT Rubin?

OJSC "TsKB MT "Rubin" is the central design bureau of marine technology, one of the world leaders in the design of submarines and the leading design bureau of underwater shipbuilding in Russia. “Over more than 110 years of activity, we have accumulated vast experience in creating submarines of various classes. This experience is successfully used in the creation of not only military, but also civilian equipment. CDB MT “Rubin” has become a recognized partner of oil and gas companies in terms of developing equipment for the development of oil and gas fields on the continental shelf,” the company’s official website reports.

The Project 949AM multi-purpose nuclear submarine (NPS) Belgorod is an unfinished Russian nuclear submarine of the Antey class. Laid down at the Sevmash Production Association on July 24, 1992 under serial number 664. On April 6, 1993, it was renamed Belgorod. The construction of the nuclear submarine was frozen after the sinking of the Kursk submarine of the same type in 2000.

The Project 09851 nuclear submarine (NPS) Khabarovsk was laid down on July 27, 2014 at JSC PO Northern Machine-Building Enterprise in Severodvinsk. This is one of the most secret submarine cruisers of the Russian Navy; information about the completion of construction of the nuclear submarine is not publicly available.

On November 27, Russian sailors successfully tested the unmanned nuclear submarine Status-6, capable of carrying a multi-megaton nuclear warhead. Washington Free Beacon columnist Bill Hertz reports. The special purpose submarine B-90 Sarov took part in the tests.

Hertz calls Status-6 a revolutionary device. Since the designers of the USA and other technologically advanced countries of the world have not yet approached this idea.

Pentagon Spokesperson Jeff Davis refused to comment on the information about the tests, saying: “We are closely monitoring the development of Russian underwater technologies, but we will not comment on this.” At the same time, the military department does not doubt the reality of the existence of “Status”; it was even assigned the NATO index - “Canyon”.

This weapon became known a year ago, when during a television broadcast of a meeting Vladimir Putin there was a “leak of top-secret information,” which was undoubtedly planned. Thus, a signal was sent to American strategists that the new weapon was capable of guaranteed to make a hole in the massive defense of the North American continent and cause destruction on a scale that exceeded the attack of several known intercontinental ballistic missiles. That is, this is not just an asymmetrical response to the treacherous construction of the European missile defense system, but a solution that repeatedly covers the missile defense system, NATO battalions in Poland and the Baltic states, and other potentially aggressive actions of Washington towards Russia.

The transcript by Western experts of the slide, “leaked” to two central Russian television channels, provided enough information to understand what the uninhabited underwater vehicle (UUV) “Status-6”, developed at the Rubin Central Design Bureau, is. The following words were read: “The purpose is to defeat important enemy economic facilities in the coastal area and cause guaranteed unacceptable damage to the country’s territory by creating zones of extensive radioactive contamination, unsuitable for carrying out military, economic and other activities in these zones for a long time.”

It must be said that a similar project existed in the early 60s. The T-15 torpedo was developed, which had a length of 24 meters and a weight of 40 tons. It was supposed to be equipped with a 100-megaton thermonuclear charge. But at that time there were no compact nuclear reactors for a power plant, and battery-powered electric motors ensured that the torpedo could only travel 30 kilometers.

But after half a century, the problem with the reactor was solved. At the same time, significant progress has occurred not only in nuclear energy, but also in electronic components, control systems, materials, and other components of torpedo weapons. In addition, the strategy and tactics of the Navy have changed. Therefore, the Status-6 NPA is a completely new development, having only a 100-megaton charge power in common with the T-15.

Moreover, the new development is not a torpedo, but an underwater robot that has elements of artificial intelligence and is capable of operating independently at a distance of several thousand kilometers from its carrier - a special-purpose submarine.

The technical parameters that are circulating in the public domain are, of course, not based on the top secret documents of the Rubin Central Design Bureau of Mechanical Engineering. They are the result of deciphering a slide from the Ministry of Defense that appeared on television, and an analysis by experts, both domestic and foreign, taking into account the scientific, technical and technological potential of the Russian military-industrial complex.

First of all, it is necessary to say not about the quantitative, but about the qualitative side of the warhead. In order to realize the goals set for “Status”, the warhead must have a cobalt section. This should lead to maximum and long-term radioactive contamination of a vast territory. It is estimated that with a wind speed of 26 km/h, the radioactive cloud will poison a rectangle of coast measuring 1700x300 km.

The Rubin device is capable of destroying naval bases, aircraft carrier strike groups, and ground air bases. All this has been experimentally tested by the Americans themselves. In 1946, the US Navy tested an underwater explosion with a yield of 23 kilotons. As a result, the completely new aircraft carrier Independence, launched in 1942, was lost. After four years of unsuccessful decontamination attempts, it was scuttled. But the Status warhead contains several orders of magnitude more radioactive cobalt fission products.

Presumably the speed of the UUV ranges from 100 km/h to 185 km/h. It is provided by water-jet propulsors powered by a reactor with a power of 8 MW. The reactor has a liquid metal coolant, which makes it possible to increase efficiency and also significantly reduce noise. What makes Status-6 practically invisible underwater. Among other things, the reactor has an excellent cost-to-power ratio. It can cost about 12 million dollars - for the production of an effective deterrent weapon such costs are insignificant.

When analyzing the strength of the Status-6 hull, it was found that it has a working depth of 1000 meters. All of the above qualities indicate that UUVs are extremely difficult to detect even at maximum speed. For the SOSSUS hydroacoustic anti-submarine system, which monitors the US coast, the new device is much less noticeable than the world's quietest submarine, Varshavyanka. It is estimated that Status-6 at a cruising speed of 55 km/h can be detected no further than at a distance of 2-3 km. If detected, it will easily escape any NATO torpedo at maximum speed. In addition, the UUV, possessing intelligence, is capable of performing complex maneuvers.

Indeed, the chances of destroying Status-6 even if it is detected are minimal. The fastest US torpedo, the Mark 54, has a speed of 74 km/h, that is, according to minimal estimates, 26 km/h less. The deepest-sea European torpedo with the formidable name MU90 Hard Kill, launched in pursuit, is capable of traveling no more than 10 km at a maximum speed of 90 km/h.

When assessing the capabilities of “Status-6”, one should take into account the “intelligence” of this NPA. As a deterrent weapon, it can arrive at its destination and lie low, waiting for a signal to detonate the warhead. The signal can be sent through an ultra-long wave channel, since ultra-long waves penetrate the water column. In this case, we will have a deterrent weapon ready to work instantly. Without wasting time on approaching and “swimming”.

It can be assumed that the tasks of this system also include solving other problems. Using such a powerful platform, capable of acting independently for a long time, including making tactical decisions, Status-6 can also obtain invaluable intelligence information.

And finally, about the carriers of “Status-6”. The Project 20120 diesel-electric submarine Sarov, built in a single copy, is designed to test the latest deep-sea technology. Therefore, she is not a carrier. However, at Sevmash, in secrecy, two special-purpose boats are being built - Belgorod and Khabarovsk, which, judging by a number of indirect data, will serve Status-6. Presumably, they will be commissioned this decade.

US authorities have confirmed the existence of a Russian unmanned submarine project capable of launching a nuclear strike on the United States. The American media came to this conclusion after analyzing the 47-page text of the draft new US nuclear doctrine.

“In addition to the ongoing modernization of the Soviet nuclear legacy, Russia is developing new nuclear warheads and launch vehicles. These efforts include updating each component of the nuclear triad: strategic bombers, sea-launched missiles and land-based missiles. “Russia is also developing at least two new intercontinental strike systems, a hypersonic glider and a new strategic nuclear underwater autonomous torpedo,” says The Huffington Post.

We are talking about the project of the Status-6 nuclear robotic system. Previously, American authorities did not confirm information about the existence of this secret Russian project. At the end of 2016, Pentagon spokesman Jeff Davis said the following: “We are closely monitoring the development of Russian undersea technology, but will not comment on it.” However, “Status-6” was still assigned an index according to the NATO classification - “Canyon”.

The threat of American power

It is generally accepted that Status-6 first became known “by chance” from a presentation for Russian President Vladimir Putin. The “Secret Slide” was shown on November 9, 2015 at one of the meetings on the development of the military-industrial complex.

“Indeed, some secret data was caught on camera, so it was subsequently deleted. We hope that this will not happen again,” Russian Presidential Press Secretary Dmitry Peskov commented on the “leak.”

However, Russian and foreign analysts were not inclined to trust the explanation of the Kremlin speaker. The expert community has established the view that Moscow deliberately allowed the Status-6 project to be demonstrated to the general public. This may indicate that the development of the underwater drone is nearing completion.

In the West, they fear that the deadly drone could become another “nuclear trump card” up Moscow’s sleeve. In such a situation, the United States will have to increase military spending, inventing new methods of countering the Russian nuclear submarine fleet.

In Russia, the Status-6 project is perceived as an additional and very effective tool to deter the United States. Considering the potential power of this nuclear drone’s warhead, analysts come to the conclusion that the project is Moscow’s asymmetric response to Washington’s policies. Such a destructive weapon negates US efforts to improve global missile defense and create some kind of superweapon against the Russian Federation.

It is assumed that Status-6 will ensure the guaranteed defeat of the naval bases of an overseas superpower. Mainly under threat are the berths of American submarine cruisers carrying intercontinental ballistic missiles. American missile carriers can be hit by Russian drones both during combat duty in the oceans and while in dock.

In addition, Status-6 can become a doomsday weapon. In the event of a nuclear war, drones will strike American cities, which are extremely vulnerable to the Russian submarine fleet, as they are located on the ocean coast.

Of course, in response to the appearance of Status-6 in the Russian Navy, the United States could quickly create a similar nuclear drone (it is quite possible that the Americans are already developing it). However, it is obvious that the effect of its use against the Russian Federation will be incomparable. Almost all major cities of Russia are located inside the continent.

Heir to the Soviet Tsar Torpedo

In Status 6, Russia de facto implements the Cold War idea of ​​creating a Tsar Torpedo (Soviet T-15 project) capable of delivering a nuclear warhead to the US coast. However, the T-15 is only a distant prototype of the Russian “Status-6”, which will be distinguished by advanced artificial intelligence. This robotic drone will be as autonomous as possible from its operator.

From an earlier “leak” it follows that a Russian underwater drone equipped with a mini-nuclear reactor will perform tasks at a distance of up to 10 thousand kilometers, diving to a depth of up to one kilometer. “Status-6” will be located on the nuclear-powered submarines “Belgorod” of project 949AM “Antey” and “Khabarovsk” of project 09851. Both submarines are under construction, which is expected to be completed in 2020.

The length of the drone will be 24 meters, and the combat module will be 6.5 meters. The speed of the device is amazing. It is claimed that it can reach 90 knots (166 km/h). For comparison, the American MK-48 torpedo has a speed of 55 knots. Such high-speed characteristics make the Russian drone invulnerable to interception.

Technical support and repairs of Status-6 will be carried out by the experimental diesel-electric submarine B-90 Sarov of Project 20120 and auxiliary vessels of Project 20180 Zvezdochka. The development of the drone is being carried out by the St. Petersburg Central Design Bureau MT "Rubin" - the flagship of the Russian Federation's design ideas in the field of the submarine fleet.

At the moment, only one test of “Status-6” is known. In December 2016, The Washington Free Beacon, citing US intelligence data, reported that in the fall a drone was launched into the sea from the Sarov. There is no information about the test results.

In November 2017, The National Interest published an article by analyst Michael Peck entitled “Russia is creating a very strange weapon - underwater intercontinental ballistic missiles.” The author of the material doubts that Moscow is capable of developing a nuclear-powered drone that meets the characteristics stated in the media.

“At an ocean depth of a thousand meters there are many seamounts and canyons (one American nuclear submarine almost sank when it collided with such a mountain at a depth of 160 meters). How can a Status-6 torpedo travel 10,000 kilometers without crashing into some rock if it doesn’t have an ultra-modern navigation system, or if they don’t put a kamikaze navigator at the helm?” Peck asks rhetorically.

Indeed, St. Petersburg designers will have to solve a lot of complex problems. Domestic experts admit that Russia lags far behind the United States in the development of autonomous underwater systems and artificial intelligence. At the same time, do not underestimate the capabilities of the same Rubin. At least in the West, they are convinced that Russia is making every effort to close the gap in aerial and underwater drones.

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On November 27, Russian sailors successfully tested the unmanned nuclear submarine Status-6, capable of carrying a multi-megaton nuclear warhead. Washington Free Beacon columnist Bill Hertz reports. The special purpose submarine B-90 Sarov took part in the tests.

Bill Hertz calls Status-6 a revolutionary device. Since the designers of the USA and other technologically advanced countries of the world have not yet approached this idea.

Pentagon spokesman Jeff Davis declined to comment on the test, saying: “We are closely monitoring the development of Russian undersea technology, but will not comment on this.” At the same time, the military department does not doubt the reality of the existence of “Status”; it was even assigned the NATO index - “Canyon”.

This weapon became known about a year ago, when during a televised meeting with Vladimir Putin there was a “leak of top-secret information,” which was undoubtedly planned. Thus, a signal was sent to American strategists that the new weapon was guaranteed to make a hole in the massive defense of the North American continent and cause destruction on a scale that exceeded the attack of several known intercontinental ballistic missiles. That is, this is not just an asymmetrical response to the treacherous construction of the European missile defense system, but a solution that repeatedly covers the missile defense system, NATO battalions in Poland and the Baltic states, and other potentially aggressive actions of Washington towards Russia.

The transcript by Western experts of the slide, “leaked” to two central Russian television channels, provided enough information to understand what the uninhabited underwater vehicle (UUV) “Status-6”, developed at the Rubin Central Design Bureau, is. The following words were read: “The purpose is to defeat important enemy economic facilities in the coastal area and cause guaranteed unacceptable damage to the country’s territory by creating zones of extensive radioactive contamination, unsuitable for carrying out military, economic and other activities in these zones for a long time.”

It must be said that a similar project existed in the early 60s. The T-15 torpedo was developed, which had a length of 24 meters and a weight of 40 tons. It was supposed to be equipped with a 100-megaton thermonuclear charge. But at that time there were no compact nuclear reactors for a power plant, and battery-powered electric motors ensured that the torpedo could only travel 30 kilometers.

But after half a century, the problem with the reactor was solved. At the same time, significant progress has occurred not only in nuclear energy, but also in electronic components, control systems, materials, and other components of torpedo weapons. In addition, the strategy and tactics of the Navy have changed. Therefore, the Status-6 NPA is a completely new development, having only a 100-megaton charge power in common with the T-15.

Moreover, the new development is not a torpedo, but an underwater robot that has elements of artificial intelligence and is capable of operating independently at a distance of several thousand kilometers from its carrier - a special-purpose submarine.

The technical parameters that are circulating in the public domain are, of course, not based on the top secret documents of the Rubin Central Design Bureau of Mechanical Engineering. They are the result of deciphering a slide from the Ministry of Defense that appeared on television, and an analysis by experts, both domestic and foreign, taking into account the scientific, technical and technological potential of the Russian military-industrial complex.

First of all, it is necessary to say not about the quantitative, but about the qualitative side of the warhead. In order to realize the goals set for “Status”, the warhead must have a cobalt section. This should lead to maximum and long-term radioactive contamination of a vast territory. It is estimated that with a wind speed of 26 km/h, the radioactive cloud will poison a rectangle of coast measuring 1700x300 km.

The Rubin device is capable of destroying naval bases, aircraft carrier strike groups, and ground air bases. All this has been experimentally tested by the Americans themselves. In 1946, the US Navy tested an underwater explosion with a yield of 23 kilotons. As a result, the completely new aircraft carrier Independence, launched in 1942, was lost. After four years of unsuccessful decontamination attempts, it was scuttled. But the Status warhead contains several orders of magnitude more radioactive cobalt fission products.

Presumably the speed of the UUV ranges from 100 km/h to 185 km/h. It is provided by water-jet propulsors powered by a reactor with a power of 8 MW. The reactor has a liquid metal coolant, which makes it possible to increase efficiency and also significantly reduce noise. What makes Status-6 practically invisible underwater. Among other things, the reactor has an excellent cost-to-power ratio. It can cost about 12 million dollars - for the production of effective deterrent weapons such costs are insignificant.

When analyzing the strength of the Status-6 hull, it was found that it has a working depth of 1000 meters. All of the above qualities indicate that UUVs are extremely difficult to detect even at maximum speed. For the SOSSUS hydroacoustic anti-submarine system, which monitors the US coast, the new device is much less noticeable than the world's quietest submarine, Varshavyanka. It is estimated that Status-6 at a cruising speed of 55 km/h can be detected no further than at a distance of 2-3 km. If detected, it will easily escape any NATO torpedo at maximum speed. In addition, the UUV, possessing intelligence, is capable of performing complex maneuvers.

Indeed, the chances of destroying Status-6 even if it is detected are minimal. The fastest US torpedo, the Mark 54, has a speed of 74 km/h, that is, according to minimal estimates, 26 km/h less. The deepest-sea European torpedo with the formidable name MU90 Hard Kill, launched in pursuit, is capable of traveling no more than 10 km at a maximum speed of 90 km/h.

When assessing the capabilities of “Status-6”, one should take into account the “intelligence” of this NPA. As a deterrent weapon, it can arrive at its destination and lie low, waiting for a signal to detonate the warhead. The signal can be sent through an ultra-long wave channel, since ultra-long waves penetrate the water column. In this case, we will have a deterrent weapon ready to work instantly. Without wasting time on approaching and “swimming”.

It can be assumed that the tasks of this system also include solving other problems. Using such a powerful platform, capable of acting independently for a long time, including making tactical decisions, Status-6 can also obtain invaluable intelligence information.

And finally, about the carriers of “Status-6”. The Project 20120 diesel-electric submarine Sarov, built in a single copy, is designed to test the latest deep-sea technology. Therefore, she is not a carrier. However, at Sevmash, in secrecy, two special-purpose boats are being built - Belgorod and Khabarovsk, which, judging by a number of indirect data, will serve Status-6. Presumably, they will be commissioned this decade.

What else to read