Sochi Natural Park. Sochi National Park. Caves in Sochi National Park

Sochi National Park is rightfully considered the heritage of our country. At the end of the 19th century, the Sochi forestry was created in the Ekaterinodar department. The total area of ​​state-owned dachas at that time occupied an area of ​​152,379 acres, including 133,256 acres of forested areas.

The created forestry organized measures to protect unique forests, while carrying out sanitary felling. Game managers supervised activities that were aimed at preserving the number of animals, fish and birds, therefore a limited number of permits were issued for the capture of fauna representatives. And here – read about holidays in Dzhemet.

Sochi National Park and its activities

Almost 100 years later, in 1983, the creation of the Sochi National Park in the Krasnodar Territory was officially confirmed. The objectives were set broader than a century ago.

Now the park workers had to not only preserve the natural resources of the park, but also restore and maintain the historical, economic and aesthetic values ​​of these places at the proper level. And also scientists involved in the conservation of natural resources should carry out educational work, increasing the cultural level of the country's population.

Local museums have permanent exhibits to introduce visitors to the history of the park and its riches. Temporary thematic exhibitions are also organized here to develop one or another activity aimed at preserving nature not only in the park, but also on the planet.

Today, the Sochi National Park covers areas near the resort city of Sochi with an area of ​​about 200,000 hectares. Each hectare has its own unique landscape, which is protected. All natural resources of the park are taken into account and their conservation is controlled at the level of government agencies.

Landscapes of the park - natural attractions of Sochi

The unique landscape of these places, created by nature itself over many millions of years, surprises and delights. Mountains and the gentle sea, ravines and enchanting forests, rivers and blue cups of lakes, waterfalls and rocky meadows of canyons merge so harmoniously here into a single unique picture. Due to the presence of mountain ranges, the lands of the park are strongly divided into separate landscape areas with different relief.

Many rivers and small streams flow down from the mountains, forming waterfalls, lakes and canyons. The most famous rivers are Psou, Shakhe and Mzymta. But there are also very small mountain streams that park guests come to admire. Orekhovsky waterfall, Bezymianny and many others fascinate and delight in the fact that nature in its wild state continues to exist and decorate the planet.

Flora of the park

Forests containing eastern beech, oaks, and relict European chestnut are everywhere here. Dense forest thickets are decorated with mosses of several species. The picture turns out fabulous and once you find yourself in such a forest, you don’t want to leave this enchanting and bewitching beauty.

Such magnificent forests usually grow on the southern slopes of the Caucasus Mountains. The eastern beech reaches a height of 50 m, and the European chestnut grows wild only in these places. Once in the Sochi National Park, you definitely need to see how boxwood grows. These plantings are distinguished by their unusual beauty and uniqueness.

In addition to these trees, many other species of rare flora grow in the park, for example, purple orchis, Caucasian lily, Caucasian lily, Lipsky tulip.

Living inhabitants of the park

The Sochi National Park is home to species of animals listed in the Red Book. These representatives of the biological world live well here and reproduce, like other animals inhabiting the meadows, forests and water bodies of the region.

There are more than 120 species of birds in the park, and just like representatives of the flora, some are not found anywhere on our vast planet. Brown bears, deer, European roe deer, badgers, lynxes, martens and many others are protected by park workers, creating conditions for normal life and reproduction for the sake of preserving the species.

And rivers and reservoirs are rich in fish, and reptiles, of which zoologists count up to 20 species, thrive on their banks. Unfortunately, some species of animals, birds, and fish are becoming extinct. To maintain these species, park employees organize fundraising events. Volunteers from all over the world come here to help biologists with such difficult work.

Holiday park

The Mzymta River flows through the park, which extreme recreation enthusiasts use for rafting. Ecotourists spend their time hiking along designated routes. And this type of tourism is becoming increasingly popular.

A significant role in the development of tourism, in which interest in wild nature is popularized, and therefore a call for its protection, is played by national parks that have been created on the planet. A person who spent the night under the open starry sky in the mountains or on the bank of a river will most likely not harm nature and will prevent its pollution to the best of his ability.

Sochi National Park, being a landmark not only of the Krasnodar Territory (see), but throughout Russia, invites tourists to explore the unique beauty and have a wonderful vacation on mountain trails and horseback riding, fishing or orienteering. Even simple walks through the forests will remain in your memory for a long time.

Animals of the Sochi National Park

The animals inhabiting the national park are representatives of the typical mountain-forest and high-mountain Caucasian fauna. The geographical position of the Caucasian Isthmus, located on the way “from Asia to Europe,” determined the coexistence of animals from Central Europe and South Asia. Along with the abundance of meadows with lush vegetation, the wealth of forests with all kinds of fruits, berries, nuts, chestnuts, and acorns, this led to a huge variety of animal life. In total, 251 species of vertebrate animals (except fish) are registered within the park.

The individuality of the nature of the Caucasus and the peculiarities of its historical development determined the high proportion of endemic species among animals. Of the park's mammals, endemics make up a fifth: Severtsov's tur, Caucasian black grouse, red-bellied redstart, Promethean mouse, etc.

In the meadows and at the upper limit of the forest there are Severtsov's West Caucasian tur (enters from the reserve on the Aibga Ridge), chamois, Caucasian red deer, snow vole, Promethean mouse; among birds - Caucasian black grouse, snowcock, warbler, pipit, griffon vulture, etc. The fauna of the forest belt is more diverse. Brown bear, roe deer, wild boar, wolf, fox, wild cat, badger, squirrel, marten, brown hare are often found here, and less often lynx and leopard; chamois live on the rocks. The avifauna includes tit, cuckoo, kingfisher, thrush, etc. There are many more birds in mixed deciduous forests than in beech and fir forests. Many animals have a clear attachment to their habitats. Roe deer - one of the most common species of ungulates in the park - constantly lives in mature beech forests and oak groves with an admixture of hornbeam and beech. Deer can most often be found on the upper border of the forest and in the lower part of the subalpine belt.

However, most mammals are characterized by high-altitude migrations in search of food, escape from predators and bad weather, and during the breeding season. During the breeding season, deer descend from the meadows into wooded valleys, and during heavy rainfall they hide in fir forests. From mid-October, when the fruits are ripening, wild boars and bears can be seen or traces of their activity can be seen in the chestnut, oak and beech forests. By the end of autumn, the bear goes to the highlands to lie down in a den there. The main migration routes of animals coincide with the most convenient routes of movement for humans - along watershed ridges and valleys of large rivers.

The world of reptiles within the region under consideration is very interesting. Quite often here you can find a snake - a non-venomous land snake. The most common is the yellow-bellied snake - a very mobile snake that can even move over blackberry bushes. Less common are olive and aesculapian snakes. Among the non-venomous snakes, the grass snake is also common and lives, as a rule, near water. There are two types of them here: ordinary and water. Sometimes there is a southern copperhead - also harmless to humans, a very thin snake. Up to an altitude of 1000 m, the Caucasian viper, or Kaznakova, lives in the foothills and low mountains. This is a poisonous snake, the bite of which can cause severe poisoning and even death. Dinnik's viper is found in the subalpine. The lizards of the national park are very different in appearance. Some are similar to ordinary lizards: medium, quick, meadow and rock, distinguished by a blue tail in young individuals. Other lizards are legless and at first glance are no different from snakes. These are, first of all, the brittle spindle, or copperhead, as well as the yellowbell, which feeds not only on earthworms and insects, like the copperhead, but can also catch ordinary lizards or small rodents.

Due to human activity, the number of ungulates and other animals has fallen sharply, many of them (deer, chamois, snowcock and lynx) require special protection. The most rare and valuable species of animals are listed in the International Red Book - the Caucasian cross, the Aesculapian snake and the Caucasian viper. The Red Book of the Russian Federation includes the common longwing, bearded golden eagle, Caucasian black grouse, Mediterranean tortoise, and Asia Minor newt found here.

The recreational objects of the Sochi National Park are pristine corners of the Caucasian nature, architectural and historical and cultural monuments. Tourists will get to know shining waterfalls, mysterious caves, ancient dolmens, picturesque landscapes of mountain gorges, and turbulent mountain rivers in the Psezuapse, Ashe and Shah valleys. The smallest recreational site of the Sochi National Park is the ruins of a Byzantine temple of the 11th-12th centuries BC, which is located in the village of Loo. The largest object is “Khmelevskie Lakes”. In total, there are 53 recreational facilities in the park. They have convenient access roads, hiking trails, and there are hiking, horseback riding, automobile and water tourist routes.

In the Sochi National Park, a lot of work is being done to improve existing and open new recreational facilities.

Sochi National Park recreational

1983 is considered the year of birth of the Sochi National Park. This is one of the first parks in our country.

The total area of ​​the park is 194 thousand hectares. Thanks to the ideal climate, the rarity of many natural sites and pristine nature, the park has become an ideal place for active recreation and tourism.

Sochi Park is located on the Black Sea slope of the Greater Caucasus, in its northwestern part. The terrain of the park is mainly mountainous and very broken.

There are many rivers and streams flowing throughout the National Park. There are about 40 of them in total. The longest river is Mzytma, followed by Shakhe and Psou. Many waterfalls and canyons formed on the rivers. On the Psou River there is the largest waterfall, called Bezymyanny: its height is simply amazing - it’s as much as 72 meters!

On the Sochi River, on its right tributary, where the Bezumenka stream flows into, there is the Orekhovsky waterfall, 33 meters high. The famous karst caves – Vorontsovskaya and Akhunskaya – present an amazing picture.

Winter in the north of the reserve is always warm and mild. The temperature in January never drops below + 5 degrees Celsius. Summer in Sochi Park is hot, with temperatures of + 25 degrees Celsius. And already in the Circassian Pass (2000 m) the temperature is much lower: in winter – 5, in summer +12 degrees Celsius. And all this thanks to the subtropical climate, which creates a kind of order here.

Nature and animals of Sochi National Park

How can such a corner of the earth, with a wonderful climate, be deprived of flora and fauna? In no case! Therefore, the vegetation of the National Park is simply amazing in its diversity. Many plants are represented by rare species that are listed in the Red Book of Russia. Lipsky tulip, Caucasian lily, common fig, and Caucasian kandyk are found here in large numbers.

The Caucasian viper is an inhabitant of Sochi Park.

Only in this park do luxurious trees grow, called sowing chestnuts. They grow in natural conditions and are considered a relict species. Eastern beech is very common in forests. This powerful and beautiful tree grows up to 50 meters, and its silver-gray trunks make the forest transparent and light. The slopes are dominated by dense oak plantations. They occupy a quarter of the entire forest area of ​​Sochi Park. The small, glossy, black-green foliage of boxwood gives the forest a whimsical appearance. The fluffy and gray beards of moss that hang from the branches of the trees make the forest a fantastic kingdom.

Brown bear: in Russia you can’t live without it!

The national park is inhabited by a huge number of mammals. These are Caucasian and European roe deer, lynx, deer, and about 70 other species of various animals. There are also rare species of animals that are included in the International Red Book: these are the Caucasian cross, the Caucasian viper, and the Aesculapian snake.

What should tourists and visitors to Sochi Park see?

Many tourist routes will show the beauty, majesty and uniqueness of the Sochi National Park. It is worth looking at the Orekhovsky and Angursky waterfalls, and visiting Mount Akhun.

Sochi National Park is often called the pearl of the area. Its territory occupies about 200 thousand hectares. The park area was created with the aim of preserving the unique nature and wildlife, and is vigilantly guarded by employees of 15 forestries.
More than 40 rivers and streams flow here, forming canyons and waterfalls. One of the most famous is the Walnut Waterfall on the Psou River. This attraction is often visited by tourists from different parts of the world.



Vegetable world

The vegetation of Sochi National Park is unique. Hundreds of different types of trees grow here. A large area is occupied by beech forests, oak groves, and European chestnut. You can endlessly admire the thickets of boxwood - a rare relict plant that is found only in the southern regions.
Many plants growing in the park are listed in the Red Book. They require careful treatment and are vigilantly guarded.

Animal world

Representatives of mountain forest and alpine fauna live in the Sochi National Park. Brown bears, roe deer, forest cats, wolves, martens, red deer, and aurochs live here in their natural environment. The world of birds and reptiles is rich. Rare species of fish can be found in rivers.
The main objective of the park is to educate the population and promote respect for nature and endangered species of animals and birds. The disappearance of even one species of mammals or plants can cause serious disruptions in the food chain, which will lead to irreversible consequences.


Tourists visit the park to become closely acquainted with the flora and fauna. Walking on the slopes in the fresh air improves your health and allows you to enjoy the surrounding views. Popular events among visitors include stopping in the park for the night in tents, going down mountain streams, and riding along the slopes on horseback.
Excursion programs are suitable for lovers of a relaxing holiday. Accompanied by a guide, the walk will be more informational. Travelers will learn many interesting, previously unknown facts about the Sochi park.
Forest districts are responsible for protecting the flora from trespassers, preventing fires and controlling pests. They monitor the cleanliness of the tourist routes and regularly look after 7 forest parks. Thanks to their efforts, today tourists have the opportunity to admire the plantations of hazelnuts, mimosa, and laurel.
A visit to the Sochi National Park will be a great way to broaden your horizons and learn more about the unique nature of the Krasnodar region. This walk will be remembered for a long time.

Location on the map

Krasnodar region

Founding history
Sochi National Park is one of the very first parks created in our country. It was founded in 1983 with the goal of preserving and restoring natural complexes and objects of high environmental, scientific and recreational value. Its area is about 194 thousand hectares.
Sochi National Park is an ideal place for ecotourism due to the unique climatic conditions for our country, biological and landscape diversity, and the uniqueness of many natural sites.

Physiographical features
The national park is located in the northwestern part of the Greater Caucasus, on its Black Sea slope. The terrain of the territory is mountainous, highly dissected.
In total, 40 rivers and streams flow through the territory of the national park, the longest are Mzymta, Shakhe, Psou. There are a large number of waterfalls and canyons on rivers and streams: Bezymyanny (72 m) on the Psou River, Orekhovsky (33 m) on the right tributary of the Sochi River at the confluence of the Bezumenki Stream.
The park contains interesting karst formations, the famous Vorontsov and Akhun caves.
The subtropical climate of the territory is characterized by warm and mild winters and hot summers. The average air temperature changes with altitude and movement from north to south. Average temperatures on the northern part of the coast in January are about +5ºС, in July +23ºС, and at an altitude of 2000 m (Circassian Pass) -5ºС and +12ºС.

Diversity of flora and fauna
The most widespread forests in the park are dominated by eastern beech. Its silver-gray trunks reach 50 meters in height! Oak plantations occupy about a quarter of the forested area and are located mainly on the dry and warm southern slopes of the mountains. Only in the Caucasus does the common chestnut (European), which is a relict species, grow under natural conditions.
Boxwood plantings are very picturesque: the lace of small, black-green, glossy boxwood foliage and the fluffy, long moss hanging from the trunks and branches, like the beards of fairy-tale characters, gives the forest a fantastic look of a green kingdom.
This territory, like the entire Caucasus, is rich in very rare and valuable species. Common fig, Caucasian lily, Caucasian lily, Caucasian lily, Lipsky tulip, and orchid species found here are listed in the Red Book of Russia: orchids: orchid aquiferous, anakamptis pyramidalis, purple orchis and many others.
The fauna of the national park includes about 70 species of mammals: brown bear, deer, lynx, Caucasian and European roe deer, marten, otter and others.
The most rare and valuable species of animals are listed in the International Red Book. These are the Caucasian cross, the Aesculapian snake and the Caucasian viper.

What to watch
Dozens of tourist routes pass through the territory of the national park, many of which have a long history. They include visits to the Agursky and Orekhovsky waterfalls, Mount Akhun, Vorontsovsky caves, Akhshtyrsky and Khostinsky canyons.
And you can’t help but visit the Narzan springs, the Mamedovo Gorge, the archaeological monument “Dolmen”, the Volokon Gorge, and speleological routes through numerous caves.

Based on materials from and

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