Dream interpretation blue ribbon. Dream interpretation of Miss Hasse tape. Complete dream book of the New Era

"A large universal dream book for the whole family by O. Smurov"

In general, ribbons, braids, and multi-colored strips of fabric in a dream mean roads. For women, a dream about ribbons sometimes indicates their unworthy, frivolous behavior, due to which they may lose their good name. This refers to dreams when women decorate their outfits with ribbons in a dream or choose ribbons and apply them to themselves. This series of dreams also includes those in which you will see that the ribbons used for decoration have faded, torn, torn, etc. Such dreams predict a fiasco in your personal life, a break in relations with your lover due to his infidelity, etc. n. See also colors.

Variegated ribbons or a variety of bright colors are a harbinger that your life will be varied, full of changing vivid impressions. Such a dream also warns you that your frivolous behavior will hinder your success and ruin the opinion of you in the eyes of others. The longer the ribbons you see in your dreams, the further your path will stretch. Winding ribbons into a ball and realizing that there is no end to it is a sign of a long, long journey that will separate you from your family or loved ones for a long time. A long ribbon that seems endless in your dream means that you will become entangled in debt.

Several ribbons of the same color are a sign of a boring and monotonous life. Buying ribbons in a dream is a sign of unexpected expenses. If you dream that you are giving ribbons to a loved one or loved one, then your relationship has become obsolete. Giving ribbons to strangers is a sign of a new hobby. Measuring ribbons in a dream means that you will have a stable income, which will ensure prosperity in the house. Sewing ribbons to clothes in a dream is a sign of a desire to get engaged to a lover. Tangling ribbons in a dream means that you will make a big mess in your life. Tying the ends of ribbons is a sign of sincere affection or an attempt to unravel some mystery. Tapes with inscriptions in a dream foretell the receipt of sad news. See clothing, lace.

Why do you dream about tapes according to the dream book -
"True dreams - the most complete dream book"

If you dreamed of ribbons, a wide variety of entertainment and pleasures await you. Black or very dark ribbons - to sadness and difficult experiences due to the fact that you are not understood and underestimated. Multi-colored ribbons indicate an upcoming celebration with many guests and plentiful food. Ribbons of the same color - the monotony of the life you lead. Ribbons with inscriptions are a harbinger of sad events and losses. Short tape - your heartfelt affection will be rejected. Long ribbon - you will get into debt. Braiding ribbons into braids means you will establish friendly relations with a group of cheerful people. Buying tapes is a waste of money. Giving someone ribbons is a sign of a new interesting acquaintance. Cutting the ribbon into pieces means your life promises to be easy and carefree. Tying ribbons into bows means an unexpected and joyful event.

Why do you dream about tapes according to the dream book -
"Dream book: truthful interpreter of dreams L. Moroz"

If you dreamed of a ribbon, you will receive a gift; buying a ribbon in a dream means disrespect awaits you; receive a ribbon as a gift - you will be surrounded by hangers-on; wearing a ribbon in a dream means gaining fame in society; find a ribbon in a dream - you will have a lover(s).

Seeing multi-colored ribbons in a dream foretells a wide variety of entertainment and pleasures that will befall you during your vacation. Green ribbons mean that it is too early for you to despair and become despondent, while there is still hope for change for the better.

Red ribbons promise ardent passion and ardent love. Yellow ribbons - you will experience a strong shock from a terrible event that you accidentally witness. Blue or light blue ribbons - respond to betrayal with betrayal, but later you will regret it.

Seeing black or very dark ribbons means sadness and difficult experiences due to the fact that you are not understood and underestimated.

A multi-colored ribbon speaks of an upcoming celebration with many guests and plentiful food. Many monochromatic ribbons reflect the monotony of the life you lead without any hope of change. Seeing ribbons with some inscriptions is a harbinger of sad events and losses.

A short ribbon indicates that your heartfelt affection will be rejected. Long tape - you will get into debt by making impossible promises. Sew ribbons to dresses - carelessness will result in pregnancy and a hasty wedding.

Braiding ribbons in your hair means you will establish friendly relations with a group of cheerful and enthusiastic people, among whom you will be able to relax your soul from burdensome work and household chores. Tying a ribbon around her head - for a young girl, such a dream means that she will soon receive a marriage proposal, a frivolous refusal of which will make her subsequently bitterly regret her mistake.

Buying ribbons in a dream foretells wasteful expenses. See how the saleswoman measures out the tape for you. – receive a salary increase or bonus for good work. If you were given beautiful ribbons in a dream, you will experience an inexplicable cooling towards a loved one. Giving someone ribbons is a sign of a new interesting acquaintance.

Torn ribbons foretell the appearance of a rival who is vying for your lover. Cutting the ribbon into pieces means your life will be easy and carefree, because behind your husband you will be like behind a stone wall. Tying ribbons into bows is a sign of an unexpected and joyful event.

Insulating tape or any other tape that is not fabric-based is a harbinger of events that do not bring anything good, moreover, they can only aggravate an already difficult situation.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation alphabetically

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Dream Interpretation - Tape, braid

Ribbon - beautiful multi-colored ribbons in a dream: mean many of your plans and plans and foreshadow a bright, varied life.

Nondescript, plain or dirty ribbons: a sign of a dull and boring life. Such a dream invites you to apply strength and imagination to bring the missing variety into your life.

The longer the tape: the longer the period predicted by the dream promises to be.

Torn tape: a sign of an unforeseen obstacle that threatens to seriously disrupt your plans.

Interpretation of dreams from

Why do you dream about Tapes:

Ribbons - Seeing yourself holding a ribbon means you will find true affection.

Green ribbon - you will have hope.

Why dream of seeing a red ribbon - joy and entertainment await you. Yellow ribbon - you will be afraid of something.

If you dreamed of a sky-colored ribbon, then you will have true love. Black ribbon - you will be sad.

Why dream of seeing a tape with an inscription - then bad news awaits you. Ribbon of infinite length - you will get into a lot of debt.

To see that you are weaving a ribbon - then you will get along with someone. Trying on a tape in a dream means good earnings await you.

Sewing a ribbon in a dream means you will fall in love and get engaged.

See also: why do you dream of a bow, why do you dream of a wreath, why do you dream of a gift.

Dream Interpretation by A. Vasilyev

Ribbons in the dream book:

Ribbons - If you dreamed of a bright or faded ribbon, then this is a symbol of spiritual chains and monotony in your relationships.

Dream Interpretation of V. Melnikov

Ribbons - If you dreamed of multi-colored ribbons, this portends you a wide variety of entertainment and pleasures that will befall you during your vacation.

Why do you dream of seeing green ribbons? This means that it is too early for you to despair and become despondent while there is still hope for change for the better.

Red ribbons in a dream promise ardent passion and ardent love. Yellow ribbons in a dream - you will experience a strong shock from a terrible event that you accidentally witness.

If you dreamed of blue or light blue ribbons, then you will respond to betrayal with treason, but later you will regret it.

Seeing black or very dark ribbons is a sign of sadness and difficult experiences due to the fact that you are not understood and underestimated.

Big dream book

Why do you dream about Tapes - dream analysis:

Why do you dream about Tapes - interpretation of sleep:

Ribbons - If you dreamed of ribbons falling from someone’s outfit, then cheerful and handsome friends await you.

If a girl saw in a dream that she was decorating herself with ribbons, then she would soon receive a long-awaited marriage proposal. The main thing is not to take a frivolous step and not make a mistake.

If she saw in a dream other girls decorated with ribbons, then she will have rivals.

A girl who bought ribbons in a dream can count on a pleasant and easy life.

If she was angry in a dream or was unhappy with the ribbons, then in the near future she will discover a rival.

Universal dream book

Seeing ribbons in a dream:

Ribbons - Brief interpretation: prize; decoration; reminder.

Popular expression: hit the jackpot; unveil.

Ribbons in a dream reflect your feelings. The brighter the ribbon, the better your state of mind.

Why do you dream of a red ribbon?

The ribbon can symbolize achievement or recognition. If you wear a ribbon on your jacket lapel, it symbolizes what you believe in and who you support. Does the ribbon symbolize a desire to be more involved in social activities?

Dream book for girls

If you dream about Tapes, what is it for:

Ribbons - If you dreamed that your clothes were decorated with ribbons, then in the near future you will be able to have a lot of fun with friends.

Dreaming of multi-colored ribbons foreshadows fun on vacation. You saw a green ribbon - this is a sign of hope for a better future, a red one - sudden passion, a blue one - betrayal, a yellow one - that you will witness some terrible event, a black one - expect sadness.

Adaskin's Dream Book

Why do you dream about Tapes according to the dream book:

Ribbons - Just seeing ribbons means a road or a monotonous, boring activity; buy - to waste; giving to your wife means cooling between you; to a stranger - to an attempt to make a new acquaintance. One ribbon - affection for someone; very long - debt; with the inscription - bad news. Weave ribbons - get along with someone.

Only for women - A dream in which you are trying to decorate your outfit or festive hairstyle with ribbons is a warning not to miss your chance for a happy marriage. If this happens, then the fault will be your own stupidity and frivolous attitude towards serious things.

If in a dream you notice ribbons on many other girls, you should prepare for the appearance of rivals. A dream has the same meaning if you see that the ribbons worn on you or your friends cause negative emotions in you. You will be disappointed to learn that your lover is not one of the monogamous people.

If in a dream you buy ribbons, a happy, successful and cloudless life awaits you.

Lunar dream book

Seeing Ribbons in a dream:

Ribbons - (bright or faded) - a symbol of spiritual chains and monotony in relationships. Scales.

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Dream Interpretation: why do you dream of Ribbons, what does it mean to see Ribbons in a dream

- practically nothing). Important dreams occur on dates of the month such as 1, 3, 4, etc. Remember also that daytime dreams are almost always empty. Only night ones matter, especially those that were dreamed in the morning.

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Why do you dream about tape?

Miller's Dream Book

If in a dream you see ribbons falling from someone’s outfit, it means that cheerful and attractive friends await you and you will not be burdened by practical needs.

If a girl dreams that she decorates herself with ribbons, it means that she will soon receive a long-awaited marriage proposal; however, frivolity can cause her to make mistakes.

If she dreams of other girls decorated with ribbons, it means that she will have rivals who are also vying for her future husband.

If a girl buys ribbons in a dream, her life promises to be pleasant and easy.

If she is angry or dissatisfied with the ribbons, it means that she will soon discover a rival in her close circle of friends.

Why do you dream about tape?

Dream Interpretation of Hasse

Hold the ribbon - you will find true affection; green - hope; red - joy and entertainment; yellow - fear; heavenly color - true love; black - sadness; endlessly - to get into debt; measuring - good earnings; sew on - fall in love and get engaged; weave - you will form a friendship; with the inscription - sad news; multi-colored - the death of an outstanding person.

Why do you dream about tape?

Family dream book

If you saw ribbons falling from someone’s outfit, cheerful and handsome friends await you.

If a girl dreamed that she was decorating herself with ribbons, she would soon receive a long-awaited marriage proposal. The main thing is not to take a frivolous step and not make a mistake.

If she dreamed of other girls decorated with ribbons, she would have rivals.

A girl who bought ribbons in a dream can count on a pleasant and easy life.

If she was angry or dissatisfied with the ribbons, she would soon discover her rival.

Why do you dream about tape?

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

Beautiful multi-colored ribbons in a dream mean many of your plans and plans and foreshadow a bright, varied life.

Nondescript, plain or dirty ribbons are a sign of a dull and boring life. Such a dream invites you to apply strength and imagination to bring the missing variety into your life.

The longer the tape, the longer the period predicted by the dream promises to be.

A torn ribbon is a sign of an unforeseen obstacle that threatens to seriously disrupt your plans.

Why do you dream about tape?

The newest dream book of G. Ivanov

Insulating tape - your gullibility will harm you.

Why do you dream about tape?

Spring dream book

Buying ribbons in a dream means meeting with friends.

Why do you dream about tape?

Summer dream book

To dream of how you decorate a wedding car with ribbons - to a funeral hearse.

Why do you dream about tape?

Autumn dream book

Seeing in a dream how you buy multi-colored ribbons means a long journey with pleasant sensations.

Why do you dream about tape?

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

Seeing multi-colored ribbons in a dream foretells a wide variety of entertainment and pleasures that will befall you during your vacation.

Green ribbons mean that it is too early for you to despair and become despondent while there is still hope for change for the better.

Red ribbons promise ardent passion and ardent love.

Yellow ribbons - you will experience a strong shock from a terrible event that you accidentally witness.

Blue or light blue ribbons - respond to betrayal with betrayal, but later you will regret it.

Seeing black or very dark ribbons is a sign of sadness and difficult experiences due to the fact that you are not understood and underestimated.

A multi-colored ribbon speaks of an upcoming celebration with many guests and plentiful food.

A lot of monochrome ribbons reflect the monotony of the life you lead without any hope of change.

Seeing ribbons with some inscriptions is a harbinger of sad events and losses.

A short ribbon means that your heartfelt affection will be rejected.

Long tape - you will get into debt by making impossible promises.

Sewing ribbons to dresses - carelessness will result in pregnancy and a hasty wedding.

Braiding ribbons in your hair means you will establish friendly relations with a group of cheerful and enthusiastic people, among whom you will be able to relax your soul from burdensome work and household chores.

Tying a ribbon around her head - for a young girl, such a dream means that she will soon receive a marriage proposal, a frivolous refusal of which will make her subsequently bitterly regret her mistake.

Buying ribbons in a dream portends wasteful expenses.

Seeing a saleswoman measuring a ribbon for you means you will receive a salary increase or a bonus for good work.

If you were given beautiful ribbons in a dream, you will experience an inexplicable cooling towards a loved one.

Giving someone ribbons is a sign of a new interesting acquaintance.

Torn ribbons foretell the appearance of a rival who is vying for your lover.

Cutting the ribbon into pieces means your life will be easy and carefree, because behind your husband you will be like behind a stone wall.

Tying ribbons into bows is a sign of an unexpected and joyful event.

Insulating tape or any other tape that is not fabric-based is a harbinger of events that do not bring anything good, moreover, they can only aggravate an already difficult situation.

Why do you dream about tape?

Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

Ribbon – Hold - you will find true affection - green - hope - yellow - fright - heavenly color - true love - black - sadness - endlessly - get into debt - measure - good earnings - sew on - fall in love and get engaged - weave - create a friendship - with the inscription - sad news - colorful - death of an outstanding person - a lot - a boring, monotonous thing

Why do you dream about tape?

Dream Interpretation of Evgeniy Tsvetkov


very long - debts;

weave - you will get along with someone;

tape with the inscription - bad news.

Why do you dream about tape?

Modern dream book

Seeing clothes decorated with ribbons in a dream means that you will have cheerful and pleasant friends, and you will not be greatly bothered by practical concerns.

If a girl dreams that she decorates herself with ribbons, she will soon receive the desired marriage proposal, but due to her frivolous behavior she will make a mistake.

If she sees other girls decorated with ribbons, she will encounter rivals in her attempt to capture the heart of her lover. A dream in which a girl buys ribbons promises her a pleasant and easy life.

If she doesn’t like the ribbons, she will soon find out that her rival is encroaching on what she owns and what is dear to her.

Why do you dream about tape?

Eastern dream book

If you dreamed that your clothes were decorated with ribbons, it means that in the near future you will be able to relax with friends.

A dream for a girl in which she decorates her outfit or hairstyle with ribbons warns: she may miss the chance for a successful marriage because of her own frivolity.

If she sees ribbons on other girls, she will have to prove her right to love.

Buying ribbons is a sign of an easy path in life.

If a girl doesn’t like her tapes, it means that she will soon learn about the existence of a rival.

Why do you dream about tape?

Dream Book of Schiller-Schoolboy

boring and monotonous activity.

Why do you dream about tape?

Dream Interpretation of Catherine the Great

You dreamed of a Ribbon - Tying your head with ribbons means illness. Lots of colorful ribbons. For a woman - to joyful bustle. For a man - to failures and disappointments.

Why do you dream about tape?

Noble dream book by N. Grishina

The ribbon is a symbol of the lot, a symbol of the road.

Seeing a colorful ribbon means a new acquaintance.

Many colorful ribbons - success, happiness.

Green - the speedy fulfillment of hopes.

Red is a great joy.

Blue - loyalty of friends.

Yellow - envious acquaintances.

Black - mourning.

White - celebration, wedding.

Buying tapes means seeking an acquaintance.

Measuring them is the harm of stinginess.

Cutting off means separation from a friend.

To weave is to establish lasting friendships.

Tying a ribbon around your hand means dependence/loneliness.

An endless tape - household chores and worries.

Why do you dream about tape?

Dream book of healer Akulina

What do Ribbons mean in a dream - You will have cheerful and pleasant friends. Imagine how you sort through the ribbons, how bright and smooth they are.

Why do you dream about tape?

British dream book

Mobius strip - The easiest way to imagine a Mobius strip is if you take a strip of paper, turn it half a turn and glue the ends together, getting a body with a one-sided surface) embodies infinity. It may indicate that you feel like your work or journey will never end.

What does Ribbon mean in a dream - You dream of a beautiful silk ribbon - in the near future you will not experience financial difficulties; you are used to being content with little, but sometimes you allow yourself and your loved ones some expenses. In a dream, you see ribbons decorating someone’s outfit - having fulfilled all your duties, you will spend time with a calm soul in the company of friends. A girl dreams that she is buying ribbons - a carefree life awaits this girl; It’s good when you have the opportunity to hide behind someone’s back. A girl dreams that she is decorating herself with ribbons - this girl will be offered her hand and heart, and she will take it lightly; this girl is more interested in momentary little things than tomorrow; this girl is perhaps not yet a ripe fruit. A young woman sees in a dream a girl decorated with ribbons - this woman will have rivals. The young woman is dissatisfied with the ribbons that were brought to her - let this woman look for rivals among her friends; let her pay attention to those who are willing to give advice

Why do you dream about tape?

Phoebe's Great Dream Book

What do Ribbons mean in a dream - you will be accepted into the company of cheerful and pleasant people. Imagine that you come to a store where they sell ribbons. A huge variety of ribbons are displayed on the counter. They are multi-colored, different widths, there are satin, lace, and embroidered. You sort through the ribbons, and then buy them all at once, bring them home and decorate all the rooms of your home with them.

Why do you dream about tape?

Ancient Russian dream book

Ribbons - Seeing in a dream foretells the road, also contentment and prosperity.

Why do you dream about tape?

Psychoanalytic dream book

You dreamed of Ribbons - see Bridle, Harness and Harness. 1. A dream in which a measuring tape appears - a centimeter - in some sense means the need to “measure” your life. We may need to consider how we communicate or adjust to other people's expectations. Equally, if we measure, we can strive to create order in our lives. Dreaming about a recording tape means: we know that the way of self-expression that we use at this moment is the best. If we mean a hair ribbon, then in the dreamer’s life circumstances there are some limitations that need to be discovered. 2. Duct tape can be considered oppression: boundaries within which movement becomes difficult. In dreams we become aware of the limitations we place on ourselves in everyday life. 3. Method of recording the life process.

Why do you dream about tape?

Home dream book

You dreamed of a Ribbon - a road.

Why do you dream about tape?

Magic dream book

What do Ribbons mean in a dream - boring monotony, multi-colored ribbons - a desire to have fun. Black ribbon - sadness. A ribbon with the inscription - sad news. A tape without end - endless debts. Tying a ribbon with a bow means finding good affection.

You dreamed of Ribbons - cheerful, pleasant companions, lively conversations.

Why do you dream about tape?

Psychotherapeutic dream book

Ribbons (ribbon wreath) – Symbol of immortality. The act of coronation, absolute finality. Readiness for generativity.

Why do you dream about tape?

Mayan Dream Interpretation

Good meaning If you dreamed of a red ribbon, you will soon fall in love with someone. In order not to pass by your love, attach your hair to a red ribbon and hide it in a safe place.

Bad meaning: If you dreamed of a black ribbon, you will suffer from headaches in the near future. To prevent this from happening, at midnight, wrap a pebble with black tape and throw it into the fire.

Why do you dream about tape?

Dream book of catchphrases

BRAND (tape, strap) - “pulling the strap” - hard, monotonous work. “Follow the lead” - obey without complaint, “something in ribbons” - a gift, a holiday, a reward.

Why do you dream about tape?

Universal dream book

Ribbons in a dream reflect your feelings. The brighter the ribbon, the better your state of mind.

The ribbon can symbolize achievement or recognition.

If you wear a ribbon on your jacket lapel, it symbolizes what you believe in and who you support.

Does the ribbon symbolize a desire to be more involved in social activities? Is the ribbon in your dream strong and ties things tightly? Or is it old and torn, since everything is barely holding together and is about to collapse on the floor?

Tape - indicates a desire to record something to be sure that it is recorded?

Why do you dream about tape?

American dream book

You play your problems over and over again, like a magnetic tape - attachment to outdated patterns.

Duct tape is a symbol of unity.

Why do you dream about tape?

Dream Interpretation of Health

Depending on the color, type, application and action performed with it, the tape determines the nature of future events, emotions and psychological problems.

Why do you dream about tape?

Dream book of lovers

A young girl who dreamed that she was decorating herself with ribbons will in reality receive the proposal she has been waiting for for a long time. However, she should take her upcoming marriage seriously, otherwise her frivolity may cause ruined happiness.

A dream in which she sees other girls decorating themselves with ribbons promises the appearance of rivals who seek to win the love of her future husband.

Buying ribbons in a dream means an easy and pleasant life.

However, if a girl doesn’t like her ribbons, this portends a rival where she least expects it.

Why do you dream about tape?

Women's dream book

A dream in which you are trying to decorate your outfit or festive hairstyle with ribbons is a warning: be careful and do not miss your chance for a happy marriage. If this happens, your own stupidity and frivolous attitude towards serious things will be to blame.

If in a dream you notice ribbons on many other girls, you should prepare for the appearance of rivals. A dream has the same meaning if you see that the ribbons worn on you or your friends cause negative emotions in you. You will be disappointed to learn that your lover is not one of the monogamous people.

Seeing multi-colored ribbons in a dream foretells a wide variety of entertainment and pleasures that will befall you during your vacation. Green ribbons mean that it is too early for you to despair and become despondent, while there is still hope for change for the better.

Red ribbons promise ardent passion and ardent love. Yellow ribbons - you will experience a strong shock from a terrible event that you accidentally witness. Blue or light blue ribbons - respond to betrayal with betrayal, but later you will regret it.

Seeing black or very dark ribbons means sadness and difficult experiences due to the fact that you are not understood and underestimated.

A multi-colored ribbon speaks of an upcoming celebration with many guests and plentiful food. Many monochromatic ribbons reflect the monotony of the life you lead without any hope of change. Seeing ribbons with some inscriptions is a harbinger of sad events and losses.

A short ribbon indicates that your heartfelt affection will be rejected. Long tape - you will get into debt by making impossible promises. Sew ribbons to dresses - carelessness will result in pregnancy and a hasty wedding.

Braiding ribbons in your hair means you will establish friendly relations with a group of cheerful and enthusiastic people, among whom you will be able to relax your soul from burdensome work and household chores. Tying a ribbon around her head - for a young girl, such a dream means that she will soon receive a marriage proposal, a frivolous refusal of which will make her subsequently bitterly regret her mistake.

Buying ribbons in a dream foretells wasteful expenses. See how the saleswoman measures out the tape for you. – receive a salary increase or bonus for good work. If you were given beautiful ribbons in a dream, you will experience an inexplicable cooling towards a loved one. Giving someone ribbons is a sign of a new interesting acquaintance.

Torn ribbons foretell the appearance of a rival who is vying for your lover. Cutting the ribbon into pieces means your life will be easy and carefree, because behind your husband you will be like behind a stone wall. Tying ribbons into bows is a sign of an unexpected and joyful event.

Insulating tape or any other tape that is not fabric-based is a harbinger of events that do not bring anything good, moreover, they can only aggravate an already difficult situation.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation alphabetically

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Dream Interpretation - Tape, braid

Ribbon - beautiful multi-colored ribbons in a dream: mean many of your plans and plans and foreshadow a bright, varied life.

Nondescript, plain or dirty ribbons: a sign of a dull and boring life. Such a dream invites you to apply strength and imagination to bring the missing variety into your life.

The longer the tape: the longer the period predicted by the dream promises to be.

Torn tape: a sign of an unforeseen obstacle that threatens to seriously disrupt your plans.

Interpretation of dreams from

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