Dream interpretation of seeing a white cat. “Dream book white cat dreamed of why a white cat dreams in a dream. Ukrainian dream book What does it mean when you dream of a cat

If you had a dream with a cat, then it is best to find its interpretation using a dream book. Once you decipher the information regarding the meaning of the dream, you can analyze it and compare it with your real life.

Miller’s dream book says that dreams in which cats come to a person promise worsening matters. However, if you kill or drive away this cat, you can be sure that a bad streak will pass you by. If you dreamed that a cat was attacking you, then you will soon make enemies who may tarnish your reputation or even take away your personal property. Did you dream about a skinny or dirty cat? This means that there is a high probability that your close friend will get sick. But, if you drive it away, the person will be able to recover quickly.

A cat's meowing indicates that you are surrounded by people who will not hesitate to play dirty tricks on you. A cat scratches in a dream - ill-wishers will try to betray you or even fraudulently deprive you of part of your honestly earned money.

When a girl sees an adult cat or a small cat in her dream, she will soon participate in dubious matters. White cats come into your dreams when you are at risk of getting confused in life. It is possible that sad consequences await you.

The famous psychologist Dr. Freud, who compares dreams with the intimate desires of the sleeper, in his dream book says that if you dream of a cat, it is nothing more than an indicator of a person’s sensitivity. When a person gently strokes a kitten in a dream, it means that he is eager to indulge in lovemaking with a guy or girl younger than him in age. When a cat rubs against your legs, this can be interpreted as meaning that you are a very attractive person to people of the opposite sex. Being bullied by a cat in a dream means nothing more than the fact that you are trying to diversify your intimate life with the help of elements of sadism.

Other information about a dream in which a cat plays the main role can be obtained by looking at another dream book. It is called the dream book of the 21st century. Petting a cat in a dream is nothing more than a quick disappointment in a familiar person. If a cat meets you on the way, then you will meet an envious person.

When a cat meows, know that this is infidelity in love and hypocrisy on the part of a loved one. A loud meow portends an imminent request for help from your friends. You won't be able to refuse them.

Experiences await you if in a dream you saw cats fighting. But if a cat caught a mouse in your dream, then wealth or big profits await you.

Black cat in a dream

Remember how, from childhood, adults told us that a black cat does not bring anything good. Moreover, if she crosses the road, then failure awaits you. How can you interpret a dream where you see a black cat?

If you pet a black cat, you are in danger. In such a dream, a black cat represents an enemy, an ill-wisher. You will change your mind about an important matter if you see that a black cat has scratched you. Finding a small black kitten indicates that you will beat your competitors, so to speak, you will win some kind of fight.

A black cat crossed the road in a dream - to quick disappointment.

You dreamed of a white cat

A white cat comes into a dream to warn you about possible betrayal by a close friend. Of course, after such a dream you will begin to treat it differently than before. In addition, a white cat can warn of possible theft. This is why you should be more careful about your personal belongings. A white cat can also symbolize that you will need to make a choice between moral principles and material things. For entrepreneurs, a white cat in a dream promises lazy employees who will have to be fired.

The cat who gave birth to kittens in a dream

When in a dream you see a cat with kittens frolicking next to her, but she does not pay attention to them, it means that soon ill-wishers will begin to weave intrigues around you. Fighting kittens indicate that you are very worried about something, and you just can’t find peace of mind.

A dream where a cat feeds its newborn kittens is considered bad. You are warned that very soon you will be involved in an intrigue. In a similar way, you can understand a dream in which a cat wants to scratch or bite you, protecting the kittens. Perhaps someone wants to slander you or take away your hard-earned property.

Why do you dream about a red cat?

When you dream of a ginger cat or a small kitten, it denotes a gentle lover in real life. Unfortunately, your meetings will not last long. Petting a street red cat is a sign of mercy. If you let her into your home, then she will not bring you anything good, and on the contrary, she can bring troubles related to children. When you stroke a domestic ginger cat in a dream, you know that your affairs will improve, especially in business.

A red cat that comes to a woman in a dream means that she will be able to find a way out of a difficult situation. If a woman dreams of a red cat and is afraid to pet it, then in reality she needs to become more decisive.

A cat without a tail means a loss of independence and personal freedom.

A small ginger kitten that meows will not bring anything good. In a dream, he is a symbol of the deception of a loved one. A dying red cat means a pleasant meeting.

A ginger cat chasing a rat - expect problems. It's because of your enemies. When in a dream you are running from red cats, get ready for the fact that your friends may become enemies. If you have a dream like this, it is best not to behave too trustingly towards your friends.

Pregnant cat in a dream. What does it mean?

Sleeping with a pregnant cat is considered a good sign. For example, if a pregnant cat appeared in a young girl’s dream, then she will soon meet a guy. In addition, a pregnant cat can warn of a possible illness in the child. To prevent this from happening, it is best to start taking care of his health in advance. A dream with a pregnant cat warns: you may be wrong about some of your friends.

Bitten by a cat

A biting cat portends the risk of gossip around your person or an imminent illness. If you are bitten by a friend's cat, it means that they are offended by you for something, and you should quickly sort out this situation. When you see a cat biting another person, then in real life you will be offended by someone.

To interpret what this or that image means in a dream, you should proceed from what feelings it evokes in you in reality. For example, kittens can evoke an unusually wide range of emotions in representatives of different cultures - from sympathy to superstitious fear or disgust. That is why the dream book offers several meanings for what you saw in a dream, among which you can choose the ones that best suit your worldview.

What color is your dream

To find out what a kitten means in a dream, pay attention to its color. According to the interpretation of the dream book, red promises profit, smoky - the comfort of home, white and fluffy - a pleasant acquaintance, black - the help of occult forces.

Based on the fact that the blue kitten also belongs to the glorious smoky breed, what does it mean in a dream, the dream book suggests that it should be understood in approximately the same way: to well-being in the house. If we take into account its exquisite and noble color, the dream book quite reasonably suggests that such a dream promises innovations in your interior.

Why you dream about a gray kitten is easy to guess from its discreet color. No significant events are expected in the near future. Everything will take its course. It is unlikely that you will be able to shake up this calm, so enjoy the stability.

What you dream of about a tabby kitten can turn into a serious disappointment for you, the dream book warns. Someone from your circle will soon commit an extremely unseemly act that will directly or indirectly affect your reputation.

Explaining why a tricolor kitten is dreamed of, the dream book first of all draws attention to your carelessness, fussiness, and inability to prioritize - these properties, reflected in a dream, often create problems for you in real life.

According to the dream book, everything that multi-colored kittens dream about is associated with deception, and they can deceive you not only from the outside. Your own illusions and self-deception pose no less danger than street scammers. The current period is fraught with impulsive purchases under the influence of colorful advertisements and tempting offers.

Affectionate and fluffy cuties

There are several options for interpreting what fluffy kittens mean in dreams. According to one of them, good luck or a gift awaits you. At the same time, the dream can symbolize your unrealistic dreams.

According to Miller's dream book, kittens in a dream should alert the dreamer. At the moment, the risk of becoming a victim of deception or fraud is higher than usual. Particular vigilance should be exercised when purchasing or other transactions with jewelry, the dream book reminds.

Cats and kittens can dream of annoying mistakes, a series of troubles, and a lot of minor troubles. For lovers, a dream symbolizes difficulties in relationships, alienation or temporary cooling of feelings.

Explaining why an affectionate kitten is dreamed of, the dream book mentions a pleasant acquaintance, which can either become the beginning of a love story or friendship, or turn into complete trouble. It all depends on your prudence in reality, and not in a dream.

Why beautiful kittens are dreamed about is interpreted ambiguously by the dream book. The dream may well be a reflection of real events. For medical workers, the dream serves as a reminder of patients who require special attention. The dream book encourages teachers to find an approach to each student. And don’t forget about rest - this recommendation applies to everyone.

When you were given a kitten in a dream, the dream represents your loneliness in reality. It’s not that there are few people around you, but among them you can’t find those who truly understand you and whose location is truly valuable to you.

What does it mean when you dream of kittens, the dream book explains by upcoming expenses, the lion's share of which will turn out to be, let's say, unreasonable. The desire to waste money can easily take over and cause you to spend more than you can afford, for example, forking out for an overly expensive gift.

If one of your children dreamed of kittens, the dream book promises the dreamer a brother or sister within a year. Alternatively, the child could have been visited in this guise by one of his deceased relatives. In this case, this is a good omen.

Interpreting why a man dreams of kittens, the dream book warns of the likelihood of unexpected and unreasonable expenses such as impulsive purchases, gambling or participation in a promotion, the conditions of which in reality will be far from being as profitable as the advertisement promised.

It has long been considered a bad omen to see kittens in a dream on the eve of your own wedding. It turns out that these seemingly harmless creatures symbolize the dark sides of human nature. The dream book, therefore, warns that the likelihood of pitfalls in your union is quite high.

Married women and girls who have established regular relationships dream of kittens as a sign of pregnancy. If you are not planning to have children yet, take safety measures, warns the dream book.

When you dream of puppies and kittens, the dream book most likely believes that you are again going to step on an already familiar rake. The first time, as you remember, you got away with everything, just try not to tempt fate again.

Another meaning of the dream is no less common: kittens seen in a dream symbolize a feeling of loneliness and confusion that can haunt the dreamer in reality. The dream book explains that a dream is a reflection of real events.

Those who are planning to take out a large loan or invest an impressive amount should pay attention to the interpretation of why they dream of two or more kittens. The dream book advises you to refuse the upcoming financial transaction; it may result in complete losses.

There is also this interpretation of the dream: kittens come in a dream to warn of an upcoming surprise, sudden changes that can and will throw you out of your rut, but will nevertheless bring a little variety and exciting adventures into your life.

The bastards scratch and bite

An angry kitten in a dream symbolizes an unpleasant, despotic person who will not be so easy to get rid of. Perhaps an unsuccessful acquaintance or a tyrant boss will fall on your head. Prepare to perceive this circumstance as a necessary evil.

You have to deal with a person who strives to oppress morally - this is what you dream about when a kitten bites you. Such dreams are especially unfavorable for the bride: after the wedding, it may turn out that she married a tyrant or a domestic aggressor.

Why you dream that a kitten is scratching, the dream book interprets quite clearly: you will meet a young man whose character will be far from honey and sugar.

Your actions in a dream

A person whom you have not seen for a long time is going to visit you - this is why you dream of petting a kitten. Just don’t forget that people change over time, or even turn out to be not who they say they are. Do not abuse alcohol during the feast.

If you dreamed about catching kittens, the dream book promises your guardian angel a lot of work. Simply put, you are drawn to search for dangerous adventures and all kinds of adventures, from which fate is prudently trying to protect you.

If you like to play with a kitten in a dream, it is quite possible that in reality someone is playing with you. The Dream Interpretation strongly recommends that you take a close look at your surroundings and be careful with new acquaintances.

The dream book easily explains the desire to pick up a kitten in your dream by repeating real events: don’t you too often take other people’s troubles on your shoulders or carry out someone else’s burdensome assignments?

If a woman dreams of a kitten in her arms, she should be on guard so as not to get into an unpleasant story or a major scandal due to her own gullibility. At the moment, you risk becoming an easy prey for a scammer or deceiver.

Buying a kitten in a dream is not the most favorable sign if large purchases or serious investments are planned. If it is not possible to postpone financial transactions until better times, do not lose your vigilance, otherwise you may actually be buying a pig in a poke.

A dream in which you had to wash a kitten is a harbinger of a lot of troubles and worries. As it turns out in the near future, they will turn out to be completely in vain: either they will not bring the desired result, or it will turn out that the goal initially did not justify the means.

For those who often have to feed kittens in their dreams, the dream book suggests thinking about whether they are playing a game of one goal with you. The rules are simple: you share valuables, time, feelings, without receiving anything in return. The dream is a mirror reflection of your waking doubts about the sincerity of others.

If you happened to save a kitten in a dream, the dream book believes that you yourself now need help. Perhaps you were counting on someone's support or assistance, but your expectations were not met.

A dream in which you had to save a kitten reflects a state of hopelessness that you cannot get rid of. You feel that you are unlikely to be able to cope with the problem on your own, and there is not the slightest idea where to turn to for help.

If you happened to breastfeed a kitten in a dream, the dream only confirms what you suspected: this person really cannot be trusted. The dream book also recommends taking care of energy protection; there is a high probability of aggressive magical influences.

If you dreamed that it was time for a cat to give birth to kittens, prepare for unplanned expenses. The dream book recommends keeping a certain amount of cash with you, as it can be very useful in the near future.

More dead than alive

Everything that a dying kitten dreams of should be perceived as deliverance: the prisoner will have a chance to be released early, the patient will suddenly get better, annoying and annoying acquaintances will finally be left alone.

The dream book associates why dead kittens are dreamed of with the successful resolution of financial difficulties and the successful completion of a difficult situation that has been haunting you in reality for a long time. The one who created problems for you will become entangled in his own networks.

If you happen to drown kittens in a dream, know that in reality you will soon have a chance to demonstrate your best qualities. You will be able to cope with a problem on the solution of which depends the fate of several people significant to you, for example, a family or a work team.

When you happen to kill a kitten in a dream, consider this sign as a warning. A friendly or outwardly harmless person from your environment is either plotting something against you, or, due to his shortsightedness, may be a pawn in someone’s insidious game. If you take action in time, you will be able to stand up for yourself.

Why you dream of dead kittens should not scare you: the dream book promises you deliverance from what has been tormenting you for a long time. This could be healing from an illness, solving a difficult financial issue, or a long-awaited opportunity to relax. For pregnant women, the dream book foretells an easy and successful birth.

Other special signs

If you dreamed of a wounded kitten, don’t miss your chance. The dream book hastens to announce that the most favorable moment has come to beat a competitor or eliminate a rival. Right now you are stronger than those who oppose you.

What a sick kitten dreams about should be regarded as a warning. In the near future, you may be offered something very unprofitable or contrary to your beliefs. Think carefully before accepting any of the offers.

One can only sincerely congratulate them on why older people dream of blind kittens. With a high degree of probability, the dream book foretells the imminent birth of grandchildren and even great-grandchildren. But financiers and doctors should be doubly careful at their workplaces.

Newborn, blind and helpless kittens seen in a dream remind you of your loved ones who need your help or simply friendly participation. Visit relatives with whom you have not spoken for a long time, remember old friends, and show care to those you see every day.

With a high degree of probability, we can assume that you are now in a difficult situation, from which you are unlikely to be able to find a way out without outside help - this is what dreams of the birth of kittens mean. According to the dream book, this is exactly the case when there is no point in hiding your problem from others; they may simply not know that you need their support.

In dreams, fleas aren't so bad

When you dream of fleas on a kitten, the dream book reassures that your situation is not as dire as it might seem at first glance. There will certainly be trump cards up your sleeve or, in extreme cases, an emergency exit.

What a flea-covered kitten dreams of can be safely regarded as a positive sign. Even though someone is trying to harm you, circumstances are on your side. You also have many allies, and unexpected financial support is possible.

I dreamed of a kitten - to depressed feelings, loneliness, and a depressive state. The dream foretells troubles; lovers will experience disagreements and quarrels. Seeing kittens is a sign of minor troubles that can result in major losses.

Who had kittens in their dreams? What size kittens did you dream about? What color did you dream about the kitten? Did you dream about healthy kittens? How many kittens have you dreamed about? Where were the kittens you dreamed about? Who did you see kittens with in your dream? How did you end up with kittens in your dream? What did you do with the kittens in your dream? How can you characterize the kittens you dreamed about? What did the kittens do in their sleep? What breed of kittens did you see in your dream?

Who had kittens in their dreams?

A woman dreamed of a kitten

A dream about a kitten for a woman warns of a possible major scandal or unpleasant events in which she may become a participant. You should be careful and not trust strangers. There is a high probability of becoming a victim of scammers or being deceived.

What size kittens did you dream about?

Little kitten Newborn kitten

What color did you dream about the kitten?

Red kitten White kitten Black kitten Gray kitten Multi-colored kitten Pink kitten

I dreamed of a tricolor kitten

A tricolor kitten dreams of problems along the path of life. The reason for most of them will be your sloppiness, sluggishness and frivolity. You should be more careful and attentive.

Dreaming of a blue kitten

I dreamed of a blue kitten - in reality you will be able to fulfill your old dream. In addition, the dream promises well-being and a strong financial position.

Did you dream about healthy kittens?

Dead kitten Sick kitten Kitten dying

Dreaming of blind kittens

You see blind kittens in a dream - in the real world you will be faced with a huge number of problems. You need to tackle them right away, and not wait for them to grow and become unsolvable.

I dreamed of a wounded kitten

A wounded kitten dreams of a tempting prospect, a successful opportunity. There will be an opportunity to get even with a competitor or defeat a rival in love. Don't miss this outstanding opportunity.

How many kittens have you dreamed about?

Many kittens Two kittens Three kittens

Where were the kittens you dreamed about?

Hold a kitten in your arms Look for a kitten

Losing a kitten in a dream

If you dreamed about losing a kitten, in reality a problem will appear that will disappear as unexpectedly as it appeared. But the fear of her return will not leave you soon.

Who did you see kittens with in your dream?

Puppies and kittens

I dreamed of a dog and a kitten

Why do you dream about a dog and a kitten? The dream indicates that a good friend may be to blame for your current problems. Take a closer look at him and see if he has begun to poison your life.

Kittens and rats Cat and kittens Cat and kittens

How did you end up with kittens in your dream?

Give birth to a kitten Birth of a kitten Gave a kitten Find a kitten Pick up a kitten Buy a kitten

Get a kitten in a dream

If you got a kitten in a dream, you will run into unnecessary problems because of your innocence and responsiveness. Excessive altruism can ruin you, so don’t rush to take on other people’s responsibilities.

Catch a kitten in a dream

If you dream about catching a kitten, in reality you will be able to catch red-handed an enemy who was plotting and planning to carry them out. Thanks to this, the annoying ill-wisher will cease to be a threat.

Adopting a kitten in a dream

If you dreamed that you were sheltering a kitten, in reality you would have to go through a completely hopeless situation. You won’t be able to cope on your own, and there’s practically no one to ask for help.

The cat gave birth to a kitten

What did you do with the kittens in your dream?

Kill a kitten Feed a kitten Save a kitten Drown a kitten Pet a kitten Wash a kitten Give away a kitten

Play with a kitten in a dream

In a dream you play with a kitten - in reality you may suffer from the manipulations of an outsider. You should be more suspicious of new acquaintances and take a closer look at existing ones.

How can you characterize the kittens you dreamed about?

Fluffy kitten Affectionate kitten

Dreaming of a homeless kitten

A dream about a homeless kitten warns of the unsuccessful activities of ill-wishers. They will try to harm you, but it will turn out that by doing this they will complicate life, on the contrary, for themselves.

I dreamed of a beautiful kitten

Why do you dream about a beautiful kitten? A dream may warn that they will try to fool you. Do not give in to provocations and react calmly to the efforts of those around you to fool you.

Seeing an angry kitten in a dream

Felomena's dream book considers an angry kitten as an aggressive person surrounded in reality. It will be quite difficult to get rid of him. You will have to come to terms with its presence or wait for the right moment.

Dreaming of a hungry kitten

If you see a hungry kitten in a dream, troubles will begin in the financial and love spheres. But they won’t last long, so you won’t have time to suffer serious losses.

I dreamed of a wet kitten

A wet kitten dreams of troubles, a large amount of work, and difficulties at work. One of your colleagues may take advantage of this, and if you can’t handle it, he will be happy to propose his candidacy in your place.

Why do you dream about a dirty kitten?

If you dreamed of a dirty kitten, you will soon be faced with a lot of problems. Moreover, their cause will most likely be your own carelessness. Try to be careful not to incur difficulties on yourself.

What did the kittens do in their sleep?

Kitten scratches Kitten sleeps Kitten bites

I dreamed that a kitten took a shit

A kitten shits itself in a dream - the vision is a warning. A loved one will commit meanness, and at a moment when this was simply impossible to expect.

Dreaming of a drowning kitten

Dreaming of a drowning kitten is an auspicious sign. The problem tormenting you will disappear very soon, leaving no reminder of itself. Life will be the same again.

Why do you dream about a talking kitten?

I dreamed of a talking kitten - you want something that is better not to do. Try to resist temptation and do not do something that you will later remember with bitterness.

The kitten jumped from the window in a dream

A dream in which a kitten jumped from a window is a good omen. Enemies will no longer bother you and will finally leave you alone. You can breathe a sigh of relief.

What breed of kittens did you see in your dream?

Siamese kittens dream

Why do Siamese kittens dream? The dream symbolizes attraction, passion. You want affection, a whirlwind romance, thrills, pleasures. You've been missing all this lately.

A white fluffy kitten in a dream can be a warning to a woman that various minor troubles await her. Perhaps familiar people whom she trusts will lure her into a cunning money trap.

A woman can overcome these troubles only if she mobilizes all her intelligence, willpower and hard work. Don't rely on anyone for help. During this period of life you will have to cope exclusively on your own.

This is not so bad, because the dream promises a successful outcome in the end. However, he warns that you should not pay attention to external tinsel in order to avoid deception and disappointment. Nostradamus' predictions also contain a few words about white kittens.

It says that although such a dream foreshadows minor nasty things on the part of loved ones, it says that the dreamer should trust his intuition, then the risk of falling for the bait of swindlers will be much lower.

To find out what a white kitten dreams about, you can turn to other dream books. However, in any case, it is very important for interpretation to write down everything that you can remember immediately after waking up, since even the most insignificant details matter when deciphering.

A small nuance - there are no minor details when interpreting dreams. It is necessary to remember the kitten’s environment, whether it was fluffy or smooth-haired. What kind of fur was it - pure white or with spots?

It would seem that these are very small touches, but an experienced dream interpreter builds predictions based on them. If a kitten is killed by a snake in a dream, it means the dreamer will cope with all problems and emerge victorious from any situation.

Another option is that the plans of the person who saw the dream will be destroyed if the kitten dies for some other reason. Seeing several white, but dirty and skinny kittens means getting into a long series of small but annoying troubles.

Interpreters say that you can get rid of troubles only by killing these kittens (in a dream, of course). It’s a pity, of course, that such a cute little animal like a white kitten is considered a nuisance if you see it in a dream.

If in a dream a white kitten begins to caress the dreamer, you should not push him away, especially when he is wounded and bleeding. Such a dream means that some loved one will need help in reality.

If you refuse to support a dreamed animal, you may lose someone from your family. We should not forget that a cat is a mystical animal and will not appear in dreams without a reason. Sometimes the kitten foretells that the time has come to remember his gift.

Perhaps a person who sees such a dream repeatedly has abilities that he himself does not yet know about, so the kitten tells him about this with its appearance. You cannot allow fights with an animal in a dream; if it scratches you, you will not escape a serious illness. Although not all people know how to control their dreams.

You should take scratches as another warning to take care. Go to the doctor to get checked, rest, or just stay cool.

If you want to unravel the signs sent in a dream, then first of all you need to remember the dream in all its details. It’s even better to write down everything you can remember.

If you wish, you can solve almost any dream yourself; there are many dream books for this. However, in order to get the correct prediction, it is best to contact a specialist who will take into account all the nuances and is able to make a correct interpretation of the dream.

Dream Interpretation Little Kittens

Why do little Kittens dream in a dream according to the dream book?

Why do you dream about little kittens? This is a good moment to confront and express dissatisfaction with unfavorable conditions for you. With due persistence, you will be able to defend your own interests, while inaction will result in big problems.

A small kitten in your arms indicates the need to pay more attention to your own behavior. Your frivolity can negatively affect your reputation. A small fluffy kitten promises betrayal of a close friend, which will greatly upset you.

Who had a dream about little kittens?

A woman dreams of small kittens

The dream book describes small kittens for a woman as a warning. External gloss can be deceiving, because of this there is a high probability of becoming a victim of a fraudster or suffering from an unseemly act. Pay attention to the essence of things.

The girl dreamed of a little kitten

For a girl to see a small kitten in a dream means dishonor, disgrace, and a tarnished reputation. This could all be due to your frivolous behavior or committing a short-sighted act.

How many little kittens have you seen in your dreams?

I dreamed of a lot of little kittens

You dream about a lot of little kittens - your problems will have less importance than you give them, you shouldn’t exaggerate. You can find out about some of them after their successful resolution.

Why do you dream about a little kitten?

So, what can a kitten seen in a dream promise? For example, if a girl dreamed of him and was fluffy, handsome and cute, then this may mean that they will try to deceive her, but thanks to her insight, as well as common sense, she will be able to avoid trouble.

If you want to find out why a small kitten is dreaming, then it all depends on the specific actions with it and on the situation, as well as other details and details of what was seen in the dream.

For example, if a person is playing with an animal, and during the game it bites or scratches, then this may be a sign that the other half will turn out to be evil, materialistic and envious, so you probably should not connect your life with it.

If the kitten is dirty, thin or shabby, then you should be more cold-blooded, as someone may want to benefit from communication or interaction. So a sober mind will not hurt. In addition, kittens, especially if they get underfoot, can be a sign of minor troubles.

If the animals in the dream were driven away, then all difficulties will be overcome. If the sleeper sheltered poor animals in his dream, then in real life he should be more vigilant and study his surroundings.

Although kittens are so cute and fluffy, seeing them in a dream is not always a favorable sign. On the contrary, often these animals that appear in a dream are a warning of future dangers and troubles. So you should be more careful.

If a small kitten squeaks and cannot move, then perhaps the sleeping one will soon find himself in a situation in which he cannot do anything due to his helplessness or dependence on someone. If a person saw in a dream the birth of kittens, especially beautiful, plump and healthy ones, then this may promise him profit or benefit.

If a girl saw that she gave birth to a kitten instead of a child, then this promises her some unexpected and surprising event. By the way, the color of the animal is also important. For example, a white kitten is a sign of joy and happiness. A ginger cat can dream of money.

If the kitten was black, then some troubles are probably coming. And if the animals were gray, then you will have to work around the house, do routine household chores. If the kitten was dead, then it is worth driving away enemies from the environment, and also suppressing vile character traits.

If you see blind newborn kittens in a dream, this may mean that someone inexperienced and young needs the support and help of the sleeping person. If a girl in a dream collects or catches animals, then this may be a sign of an imminent pregnancy or tenderness in a relationship.

If a person sleeping gave away kittens in a dream, then he should not be withdrawn. Probably, if he shares his experiences with someone close to him, he will receive support or even useful advice. If a person was given an animal in a dream, then he should be wary of strangers and be vigilant when meeting little-known personalities and making new acquaintances.

If the kitten had fleas, then this may be a sign that the result of the work will suit only the sleeping one, but everyone else will expect something else. So you should initially listen to the opinions of others, especially if they are close or knowledgeable people.

If you dreamed of a kitten sitting alone by the road, then, probably, having pushed away loved ones and relatives because of harmfulness or temporary resentment, the sleeper may become lonely and feel depressed. It’s better not to take everything to heart, pride is not always appropriate, and close people will always help.

It only remains to add that whatever the dream, it is important to remember all its details, as well as the emotions experienced. This will allow you to interpret the dream more accurately and understand what the dream may be talking about or warning about. Something important and significant will probably happen.

Dream Interpretation Cat, why do you dream about a Cat in a dream?

Dream Interpretation of AstroMeridian Why does the Cat dream according to the dream book:

Seeing a White cat in a dream is a symbol of hidden dangers. Their source may be a person from your circle whom you did not even suspect.

Why do you dream of a white cat in your arms - someone wants to manipulate you and he will easily succeed.

For a woman in a dream, a white cat means that she needs to be more attentive to her husband or partner, because such a dream warns of an affair.

Autumn dream book Why do you dream about a cat according to the dream book:

Cat - To see a cat lapping up milk in a dream means an affectionate friend.

Summer dream book Why do you dream about a cat according to the dream book:

Cat - Seeing a cat sleeping peacefully on the sofa in a dream means peace in the family.

Vedic dream book Dream book: Seeing a cat in a dream

Cat - This is a bad dream. He warns of betrayal and fraud. If in a dream you kill a cat, this means that you will soon recognize your enemy; many dream books interpret such a dream this way.

Small Velesov dream book Why does the Cat dream in a dream:

Why do you dream about a cat - Someone wants to steal, a lying friend, an enemy, danger on the road; black - you will get into trouble; white - there is a thief nearby; wild - quarrel with neighbors; young - a friend will betray; climbs into the kut - the villain will come; to beat a cat - they will repay with ingratitude; scratches, bites - betrayal in love; meows - court; many cats - relationships with crafty people.

Russian folk dream book In a dream, what does a Cat dream about:

Interpretation of the dream by the dream book: Cat - One of the most difficult symbols in a dream. May indicate a male reveler. The appearance of the image of a cat in a dream can be facilitated by a meeting with an independent and independent woman, a cat that walks on its own; seeing a dog chasing a cat means that you should not deceive your loved ones; seeing a cat guarding a mouse near a hole means that someone close to you will try to deceive you; to see cats fighting, a series of minor quarrels and troubles awaits you; An unfamiliar cat is caressing you; one of your new acquaintances has decided to take advantage of your kindness and trust.

Dream Interpretation of the Writer Aesop Dream Interpretation: What does a cat mean?

  • Cat – Seeing a cat in a dream is one of the most difficult symbols one has to deal with when deciphering dreams. The thing is that the image of a cat can appear in a dream for many reasons, and it is almost never possible to determine exactly how our subconscious worked at the moment when we saw a small kitten, a Siamese cat or an affectionate cat. Perhaps in reality we encountered an amazing person who, despite all the difficulties, managed to avoid a seemingly imminent danger. After all, looking at precisely such people, we remember the folk wisdom: “He falls on his feet like a cat.”
  • The appearance of a cat in a dream can also be facilitated by meeting an independent, independent and slightly frivolous woman. And this is no coincidence, because in real life we ​​call such a woman “a cat that walks on its own.” Or perhaps the image of a cat in a dream arose as a result of the fact that memories of how the cat washed itself were deposited in our subconscious: the folk sign “The cat washes its face for guests” is no secret to anyone.
  • A cat can appear in a dream even when we are watching with pleasure how a young guy caresses and plays with a cat: after all, it’s rare that another folk wisdom does not come to mind at this moment: “He who loves cats will love his wife.”
  • What if we dreamed of a cat, as a warning of impending danger (after all, during the day we were very worried when a black cat crossed our path)? As for those human qualities that characterize a cat, they are, without a doubt, known to everyone. This is cunning, deceit and malice.
  • But at the same time, we must not forget that in ancient times cats were deified and considered special animals. This means that any dream in which you saw a cat is prophetic. The most important thing is to be able to decipher it correctly.
  • Watching a cat wash itself in a dream means guests. It is possible that you will meet old good friends with whom you will have a great time. Watching a dog hunt a cat in a dream is a warning that you should under no circumstances deceive your friends. Having learned about your deception, your friends will turn away from you forever.
  • To dream of a small kitten hiding in a tree from an angry dog ​​is a sign that in real life you should be very careful.
  • If you dreamed of a kitten who, having noticed a dog in the distance, immediately runs to hide on the roof, then you should beware of a danger that you have already managed to avoid once.
  • If in a dream you saw a cat hunting for mice, then in the near future your life will be hectic and not entirely joyful. Various problems will arise on your way due to the cunning and evil machinations of your secret enemy.
  • If you were scratched by a cat in a dream, then in reality big problems await you, about which you will be very worried.
  • If you dreamed that a cat drove its claws right into your chest, then emotional anguish, sadness and sorrow await you.
  • Watching a cat pretending to be dead and lying next to a mouse hole means that in the near future someone close to you will attempt to deceive you.
  • Watching in a dream how a cat caught a mouse and carried it to show its prey to other cats is a sign that in real life you are a very vain person. Perhaps such a dream indicates that there are vain people around you who will bring you great misfortune.
  • If in a dream a black cat crossed your path, then in reality you should beware of dangers. Such a dream also suggests that you overestimate your strength, and therefore you should not refuse the help of friends.
  • Seeing a cat with kittens in a dream means problems with children. Your child may be deceiving you.
  • Petting a cat sitting on your lap in a dream is a sign that in your environment there is a not entirely decent, frivolous woman who will greatly let you down by taking advantage of your trust.
  • Watching a young guy or a single man stroking a cat in a dream means that when he gets married, he will love his wife very much.
  • Feeding a cat in a dream is a sign that it’s time to stop “soaring in the clouds” and mind your own business.
  • Watching several cats fighting in a dream is evidence that a streak of minor setbacks awaits you, so be patient and courageous.
  • If in a dream an unfamiliar cat caresses you, it means that one of your new acquaintances has decided to take advantage of your kindness and trust. Be careful.
  • Seeing a dead cat in a dream is a bad omen. Apparently, you will learn about the illness of someone close to you, as the dream book says about this dream.

Dream book for the whole family Why does the cat dream?

Dream Interpretation: to see a Cat in a dream - Wet - to anger, white - to purchases, black - to losses (money, friends or things). For a young woman, a cat in a dream foreshadows a long-awaited acquaintance. Sleep from Wednesday to Thursday - you will be very upset, as you will not be able to find a common language with the person closest to you in a seemingly simple matter; from Saturday to Sunday - a life lesson will not hurt you; from Sunday to Monday - the dream foreshadows an acquaintance with a powerful person who will have a great influence on your life.

Dream Interpretation Tarot If you dream about a Cat:

Seeing a cat in a dream - Evil forces triumph

Biblical dream book of Azar Dream Interpretation: Seeing a cat in a dream

Why do you dream about a cat? Why do you dream about a flattering friend?

Dream Interpretation of the Medium Hasse Dream Interpretation: Cat in a Dream

Why do you dream about a cat - You are being deceived; to be bitten or scratched - must endure resistance; black - misfortune; feed or caress - ingratitude awaits you; eating a cat is treachery; see a lot of cats around you - you are surrounded by unfaithful people.

In a dream, why do you dream about a cat? Why do you dream about it - You are being deceived - to be bitten or scratched by a cat - must endure resistance - black - misfortune - to feed or caress - Ingratitude awaits you - there is a cat - treachery - to see many cats around you - You are surrounded by unfaithful people

Dream Interpretation of the Sorceress Medea Cat according to the dream book:

What does it mean to see a cat (cat) in a dream - A cat generally characterizes the unpredictability of the situation, instability. Also - the feminine, intuitive side in any person. Desire for sexual relations. The black cat acts as the unconscious dark forces of the dreamer. (See also LYNX (wild cats)). If a cat scratches or bites you, you may be subject to slander. Or in reality the wounded area will hurt. What does a beautiful, clean cat (cat) mean in a dream - an insidious temptress (seducer). Seeing kittens in a dream means being abandoned and lonely (or feeling that way).

An old Russian dream book What does it mean when you dream of a Cat:

Interpretation of the dream book: Why do you dream about a cat or a cat? – They mean false friends, also betrayal on the part of relatives; to beat them or kill them to death means imprisonment or death penalty for criminals of the laws; Seeing a cat sitting or lying down foreshadows imperfect success in the enterprise; to see a cat angry and throwing itself at a person means to be robbed by cunning and crafty thieves.

Spring dream book Why do you dream about a cat according to the dream book:

Black cat - To the visit of a person who is on his own mind: he won’t say it out loud, won’t show it in action, will do it badly - you won’t see it right away, it will be too late.

Idiomatic dream book Why do you dream about a Cat according to the dream book:

  • Cat (cat) – “Spitting image of a cat” - laziness, idleness.
  • “like a cat and a mouse” - conflict, hostility;
  • “pig in a poke” - deception;
  • “the cat cried” - very little;
  • “Cats are scratching at my soul” - bad premonitions, anxiety;
  • “pull the cat by the tail” - hesitate;
  • “tattered cat” - a bad, unkempt woman;
  • “kotat” - to idle, lead a wild life;
  • “Kotovasia” means chaos, confusion, this is how the dream book interprets this dream.

Ukrainian dream book What does it mean when you dream of a Cat:

  • Cat, cat - Cats are enemies.
  • How to dream about a cat - it's the devil.
  • Cat - some stupid woman will be near you.
  • When you dream of a pussy, this is a sign for a man that some young woman is shooting after him, and for a woman it is a sign that she has a rival.
  • Cat - fatal accident.
  • To beat a cat - they will repay with ingratitude.
  • Black cat - you will fall into fornication; white - there are pretenders and deceivers around you; wild - quarrel and brawl with neighbors; young - a friend will betray you; many cats - relationships with crafty people.
  • A cat scratches or bites - betrayal in love, you will fall into the hands of the enemy. The cat meows is an inevitable process.
  • Cat skin - Find lost property.

Dream Interpretation of the Apostle Simon the Canaanite Seeing a Cat in a Dream

In a dream, why do you dream of a cat’s skin - Find lost property

Big dream book Why do you dream about a cat:

  • Cats - Seeing cats in a dream means that you will be deceived by people you trusted.
  • Cats portend a scandal in the family, provoked by deceitful and cunning friends.
  • If cats attack you, scratch and bite you, in reality you will resist the rapists of hooligan youths.
  • Hissing cats with reared backs and tousled fur are a sign of theft and robbery.
  • Seeing cats or cats sleeping peacefully portends incomplete success in business.
  • Seeing yourself surrounded by many meowing cats means that you are surrounded by unfaithful people who are ready to commit any betrayal for the sake of profit.
  • Feeding or petting cats in a dream foretells ingratitude for a good deed.
  • If in a dream you beat a cat, in reality you will be held accountable for an offense.
  • Killing cats means betraying a loved one.
  • Eating cat meat means treachery and deception.
  • Seeing black cats in a dream is a harbinger of all sorts of misfortunes.
  • White cats portend that they will try to lure you into placed nets, but common sense and prudence will help you avoid serious danger.
  • A cat and a dog suddenly throwing themselves at each other portend failure in a love relationship.
  • Seeing a homeless kitten in a dream means your enemies, trying to do some dirty tricks on you, will ultimately harm themselves.
  • Fluffy and playful kittens are a sign of impending success and prosperity, thin and sickly kittens are a sign of minor troubles and irritability.

Kitten black and white

Dream Interpretation Kitten black and white dreamed of why you dream about a black and white kitten? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see a black and white Kitten in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Transition from black and white to color dreams

Improvement and development of the individual’s consciousness, the process of spiritual growth.

Dream Interpretation - Kitten

For a woman to see a lovely, fluffy, white kitten in a dream - an omen that through clever deception she will be lured into a trap set for her, but her common sense and prudence will ward off troubles from her and she can avoid the ruin that threatens her.

If the kittens are dirty or colorful and skinny, then in reality she, blinded by shiny tinsel, will become a victim of someone’s unseemly act.

Seeing kittens means minor troubles and irritations that will haunt you until you kill a kitten in a dream, and only after that your misadventures will stop.

Seeing snakes killing kittens in a dream is a sign that your enemies, looking for ways to harm you, will end up harming themselves.

Dream Interpretation - Kitten

Kitten - they will try to deceive and outwit you, but common sense and caution will help you avoid trouble.

Dirty, skinny kitten - your ill-wishers want to use you in a dirty and dishonest game.

Dream Interpretation - Kitten

If in a dream you play with a kitten and it scratches and bites you, this indicates that your beloved will have a petty soul, an evil, unkind character. If you marry her, you will be unhappy and will regret your single life more than once.

Dream Interpretation - Kitten

Dream Interpretation - Kitten

A kitten is an unfamiliar girl or girl who will somehow influence your destiny.

Dream Interpretation - Kitten

Seeing a kitten in your arms is a good dream. It brings new joys and hopes.

Dream Interpretation - Kitten

A cute and fluffy kitten - to an affectionate friend.

Dream Interpretation - Kitten

If a woman dreams of a small fluffy snow-white kitten, this means that she will become a victim of a clever deception that will lead her into a trap. Prudence and common sense will help her get out of trouble. In general, kittens dream of trouble, and for lovers such a dream promises quarrels and disagreements.

Dream Interpretation - Kitten

In general, kittens in a dream symbolize minor troubles and irritation. This streak of bad luck will last until you kill a kitten in your sleep.

The exact meaning of the night vision in which a white cat appeared depends on the color of its fur, condition, the presence of stains and dirt on the fur, as well as on the behavior of the animal. Representatives of the cat family are often negative symbols. But the white color of the animal suggests that any troubles that arise can be quickly dealt with if you act carefully and use ingenuity. And sometimes such dreams promise good luck in life and benefits in the future.

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      The meaning of sleep for a woman

      If a cat walks in circles around a sleeping woman, such a plot turns out to be a clear harbinger of unpleasant rumors and gossip about the girl. Since the animal has snow-white fur, the dreamer does not need to worry about her reputation. The source of dirty gossip will soon be found, and everyone around will understand that they tried to slander the sleeping woman. This will only improve the woman’s position and help her immediately gain the trust of new acquaintances.

      • If a representative of the fair sex strokes a white cat, the sleeping woman should be wary of an unexpected blow of fate. She is able to face theft, betrayal of a loved one and other unpleasant situations. The current stability is only a temporary calm before a major storm.

        It happens that a person manages to control his actions in a dream. In this case, the girl should try to stay away from the white animal, no matter how cute and charming it may seem. This advice applies to scenes in which the cat is dirty or has fleas. Most dream books note that by avoiding any contact with a dreamed pet, a woman will protect herself from adversity and troubles in real life.

        Positive values

        Some stories, regardless of their details, turn out to be joyful harbingers for a woman:

        • If the sleeping woman managed to drive a whole pack of white cats out of her house, then in reality she will be able to defend her honor and dignity, which ill-wishers will suddenly dare to encroach on. The main thing is not to act using their methods, but to behave with dignity.
        • A snow-white animal with blue eyes that fawns over a woman suggests that she has unfairly accused a loved one of lying and betrayal. In fact, a friend, relative or colleague of the sleeping woman always behaved with dignity. Therefore, the sleeping woman needs to carefully look around her and stop being so categorical. This will allow her to get rid of the feeling of disappointment and return her loved one.
        • If a white cat dies on the threshold of a woman’s house, then the latter herself will be able to avoid major trouble or protect her family from it.

        The death of a representative of the cat family in a dream is always a good sign for a person, and sometimes such a plot even suggests how to avoid problems in reality.

        Negative interpretations

        Negative meanings of the appearance of a white cat in a dream:

        • If a beautiful animal of the color being discussed simply looks at the married sleeping woman from the side without taking her eyes off, then soon a cunning rival will appear in the woman’s life. Coping with it will not be so easy; you will have to put a lot of effort into fighting it.
        • An animal that appears in the blood indicates health problems in the dreamer. You need to go to the doctor for a preventive examination.
        • A cat with white kittens is always a harbinger of a serious conflict that has arisen within the girl’s family. To avoid it, you should try to behave as restrained and calmly as possible in the near future.
        • If a woman suddenly grabs a white cat in her arms, then she needs to be more careful. There is a possibility of becoming a participant in a shameful or even criminal story with a bad ending.
        • If you saw a cat with black spots in a dream, you need to take a closer look at your immediate surroundings. Among the friends there was a deceitful and unworthy person who would prove himself in the very near future.

        There is no need to be afraid of the sad consequences of the dreams described; they can be prevented.

        The meaning of vision for a man

        Snow-white cats also sometimes appear in men's dreams. Often they symbolize the chosen one of the sleeper and his attitude towards the woman. If an animal has snow-white fur, but behaves very aggressively, this is a clear sign that the dreamer is not happy with the behavior of his significant other. He misses her tenderness, affection, care, or does not like the rudeness and excessive activity in her character.

A white cat almost always brings good predictions. When you dream of a white cat, this is a signal for you that you are overtired under the onslaught of responsibilities that have recently had to be fulfilled, and you should schedule yourself time for rest and mental relaxation. A white cat is interpreted differently in different dream books

Why do you dream of a white cat - Freud's Dream Book

If you dream of a white cat, this is a warning against hasty decisions and a signal from your subconscious that you should think more about each of your next steps.

Dreaming of a white cat in your arms is a sign that you will be able to make some reasonable decision that will make your life much easier, perhaps in connection with a specific problem.

Why does a woman dream of a white cat - Miller's Dream Book

If a woman dreams of a white cat, she must divide all matters in her life into important and less important, and first of all deal with these most important ones, and abandon some completely. Perhaps this also means the need to reckon with the past, if you constantly return to what was, and do not allow yourself to forget about what has long passed.

In general, this symbol means that something will happen soon that will be difficult for you, but the main thing is that you manage to remain calm in this situation, because it depends on whether you get off the hook unharmed.

Why do you dream of a black and white cat - Vanga’s Dream Book

If you see a black and white cat in a dream, this may foreshadow an upcoming bad time for you in the professional field, especially if you are running your own business - you must prepare yourself for the worst and be ready to make risky decisions.

When you sleep and dream of a gray and white cat, this is a sign that soon someone who is unpleasant to you will try to harm you. Simply spreading false, harmful rumors about you for this purpose or trying to ridicule you in the eyes of your friends.

The dream book believes that this symbol means some obsessive person who annoys you with his behavior in reality. It is possible that he is trying to persuade you to get involved in some business, but, of course, this is not good advice, so you should not listen to him.

Why do you dream of a white fluffy cat - Dream Book of Nostradamus

If you dreamed of a white fluffy cat, this means that you will soon make some serious miscalculation, which will affect your still good reputation. The dream book interprets this as a sign that you will finally be able to gain control over your life, and this is thanks to the enormous energy that you have been feeling in yourself lately.

If a girl dreams of a white cat, this reflects your inner awakened fear of moving into closer relationships with people of the opposite sex.

When you dream of petting a white cat, it foretells the near end of your problems and means that in the end you will find out what is most important to you in life.

Why do you dream of a white cat with kittens - Hasse's Dream Interpretation

If you dream of a white cat with kittens, this is a signal that serious disagreements and quarrels await you among the people closest to you, and when you dream of a white cat giving birth to kittens, this means stabilization of the situation when it comes to matters of the heart, because what kind of - an internal conflict, the existence of which you may not be fully aware of.

Dreaming of a white pregnant cat - Loff's Dream Book

A dream in which a white pregnant cat dreams is possible that this will be the receipt of some unfavorable message that will plunge you into sadness and despondency for a long time, or you will suffer some serious losses or quarrel with someone who is very dear to you .

A married woman dreams of a white pregnant cat, this is a sign that soon many new responsibilities will fall on your head, and you will have a very small amount of time only for yourself.

Dream Interpretation of why a white cat dreams - Longo's Dream Interpretation

If you dream of a white cat, it symbolizes your feelings that you are trying to suppress within yourself, but, as you can see, not entirely effectively.

Why do you dream of white in the dark - the dream book believes that no matter in what context it appears in your dream and what additional details accompany it, this can mean 2 things: either in the future you will have a large horde of children, or this symbol means that in reality you are already ready to have children, and you dream about it, perhaps only subconsciously.

A man's dreams of white cats, as a rule, are not a good sign of fate, this means that in the near future you can expect some unpleasant events that will affect you personally

Representatives of the cat family of any color are usually harbingers of trouble. But in some cases they promise the sleeping person pleasant changes. To correctly determine what a white cat is dreaming of, you need to take into account a variety of details and details of the dream.

In Miller's dream book, a white cat that behaves aggressively symbolizes enemies. Recently, they have become more active and are trying in every possible way to annoy the sleeping woman. Each of her failures causes her enemies to rejoice.

Vanga suggests that several white cats in a dream at once become harbingers of a major scandal in the dreamer’s life. He will be shamed publicly. The girl will worry about what happened for a long time.

Hasse’s dream book says that in reality the sleeping person will face a situation in which they will try to deceive her. You need to be very careful and not forget about caution for a minute. If a white cat tries to attack a representative of the fair sex in a dream, it means that her dreams and goals will be met with hostility by friends and relatives. But you shouldn't follow other people's lead. You need to act exactly as your own intuition and the heart of the sleeping person suggest.

Seeing a lot of white cats in a dream

In the Family Dream Book, plots with a large number of snow-white representatives of the cat family are associated with ill-wishers who know how to camouflage themselves perfectly. Perhaps they were even among the close circle of the sleeping woman. You need to try to identify such people as soon as possible so as not to suffer from their tricks.

If white cats lie calmly on the floor, not showing any emotions towards the dreamer, then she has nothing to worry about. The girl’s enemies and rivals will lose interest in her and move on to something else.

It happens that many dead white cats appear in a dream. For a woman this is a negative sign. He suggests that the young lady’s current lifestyle will not lead her to good things. You urgently need to change your behavior and become less frivolous.

Squealing and meowing

Sometimes it happens that in a dream a woman does not see the cat itself, but only hears its loud, unpleasant meow. After such a plot, you need to treat with distrust all the words spoken by the man. Even an overheard declaration of love will probably turn out to be hypocritical. A man will talk about his feelings for selfish reasons.

In a dream, does a cat not just meow, but squeal all over the street? This means that the sleeping woman will have to wage a long, difficult struggle for her goals. In the process, you will have to fight both ill-wishers and your own laziness.

The incessant meowing of a cat, which greatly irritates a woman, portends her betrayal by her significant other. Unfortunately, there is no way to prevent such an outcome. You just need to come to terms with what happened and go in search of new love.

Stroke, feed, play with a white cat

If the sleeping woman managed to avoid “communication” with a snow-white cat in a dream, then this is a good sign. All the troubles that it may portend can be prevented.

If a woman did have to come into contact with an animal, then she needs to remember exactly how this was accomplished:

  1. Is the dreamer stroking a snow-white cat? You can't relax in reality. As soon as this happens, the girl will receive a painful blow on the sly. The current stability is deceptive. It should be considered the calm before a major storm.
  2. Feeding a fat, white cat suggests that the woman is at risk of ending up in a shameful or even criminal situation. This will happen because the sleeping woman will fall under the “care” of her enemies. It will take a very long time to deal with the consequences.
  3. Playing with a white cat in a dream is a sign that a woman’s friend or acquaintance has her eye on her partner or position. The opponent will do everything to achieve what she wants. Therefore, you need to be wary of her.

Cat with kittens

If an animal lies calmly with its young and allows the sleeping woman to touch them, this is a good sign. In reality, a representative of the fair sex will have a calm, prosperous family life. She will have a faithful husband and obedient, well-mannered children. It’s great if a girl saw such a story on the eve of a marriage proposal or marriage itself.

Sometimes a cat in a dream protects its babies and does not allow anyone to touch them. This means that the girl herself often behaves too aggressively in reality and does not trust anyone. Most likely, this is due to the serious betrayal that she experienced in the past.

If a snow-white cat gives birth to black kittens before the dreamer’s eyes, then you need to pay special attention to your health. It is advisable to visit a doctor as soon as possible after waking up. Diseases associated with the lungs and throat are likely.

A cat that bites and scratches

Did the cat scratch the dreamer's hands badly in a dream? This means that some “friend” intends to destroy her family happiness because of banal envy. If the animal damaged not only the hands, but also the woman’s body, it means that the latter’s emotional state is alarming. The girl suffers from longing for some person from the past, worries about her unsuccessful career, or simply suffers from inexplicable anxiety. If the legs are scratched, it means that the sleeping woman is worried about her family and friends.

A white cat biting a woman usually turns out to be a harbinger of disappointment in love. The man chosen by the dreamer will not be at all the one he pretended to be from the very first day of their acquaintance. His true face can be seen when jointly solving any problems.

The sleeping domestic cat, which behaves aggressively towards its owner, suggests that in real life the girl will face family conflicts. Relatives will be unhappy with literally every decision she makes and will actively condemn them.

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