Advice to girls about ideal relationships Buzova. The phenomenon of Olga Buzova: how she made us love and hate her

He is a football player, vice-captain of Lokomotiv Moscow, she is a TV presenter, a businesswoman and just a beauty! It would seem more perfect couple and it’s impossible to imagine. We find out how Buzova and Tarasova came to the point of betrayal and division of property.

“You are my ocean, my most important goal,” Tarasov wrote about his beloved. “I love you with my love,” Buzova answered.

It seems that this couple’s candy-bouquet period did not end with a stamp in their passport... Every year the relationship became more and more tender. Rumors about the impending divorce of Olga and Dmitry struck like thunder among clear skies. Nobody wanted to believe until the last moment. When screenshots of correspondence between Buzova and Tarasov appeared on the Internet, it became clear: the separation of what everyone thought was the strongest couple in showbiz could not be avoided.

On December 2, the main blonde of “House-2” filed for divorce. Application and all Required documents Olga Buzova left in the Meshchansky department of the Moscow Civil Registry Office, writes Starhit. Olga and Dmitry still do not comment on the breakup, but official representatives celebrities confirm the information.

The Lokomotiv player and the Dom-2 presenter met in a group of friends five years ago.

“I was in Moscow, the team was at training camp. I went to a restaurant to have dinner with friends, and we met there. And it started spinning…” recalls the footballer.

Next – meetings in cafes, conversations until the morning, armfuls of roses. And in a month Olya will buy a ticket to Stuttgart and fly to the athlete to support him during a complex operation. They will return from Germany as a pair. But Dmitry will still have to explain himself to past family. After all, at the time we met, he was married and raising a 2-year-old daughter.

Tarasova's deceived wife could not forgive her husband for having an affair, and when she found out that her rival was also blonde, she even changed her hair color out of frustration.

Marital infidelity, formalized in court four months after meeting the TV presenter, cost Tarasov almost 2 million rubles: the athlete paid monthly for three years ex-wife Oksana and daughter Angelina receive 50 thousand rubles as alimony. But less than a year had passed before Dmitry tried on a tuxedo again and walked down the altar.

Wedding liner

The lovers celebrated their wedding on the ship. Olya dreamed of throwing a magnificent celebration and calling “the whole White light“, but the closer the cherished date approached, the less she wanted this show. As a result, only the closest ones were at the celebration: Olya and Dima’s parents, old-timers of “House-2” and football player friends from the groom’s side.

The “wedding liner” sailed through the picturesque places of the Moscow River. Snow-white dress with a long train, wedding march...

There was also the first surprise from Tarasov, which marked the beginning of their unusual congratulations. Dima asked to make a stop at the Novospassky Bridge. Swimming under it, Olya saw red balls on the bridge, with which a declaration of love was laid out.

And here honeymoon did not happen. The next morning Tarasov flew to training camp, and Olga went to conduct television construction.

“It didn’t upset me at all. I understood that I was marrying a football player,” said Buzova.

Ideal relationship

And Olya has proven this more than once. She became an assistant and support for Dima in any situation.

Almost immediately after the wedding, Tarasov’s father died. The wife supported not only her husband in this situation, but also her mother-in-law, with whom, by the way, she was able to build a wonderful relationship.

Buzova managed to find a balance between work and family. The TV personality has repeatedly shared in interviews that she is ready to stand at the stove all night, even if Dima doesn’t touch anything.

And the surprises with which the spouses delighted each other were legendary. Once Olya rented the entire Luzhniki Stadium to congratulate her husband on his birthday in an original way.

Tarasov generously thanked his beloved. He sang songs for her and showered her with flowers and gifts. In addition, it was Dmitry who gave his beloved Yorkshire Terrier named Eva, and then, so that she wouldn’t get bored, the owners got another fur ball - the Pomeranian Chelsea.

The couple seemed perfect. If on vacation, then together. If it's a premiere, then only by the hand.

Olga Buzova told how to save a family. According to the presenter, the spouses should be completely satisfied.

TV presenter Olga Buzova often supports participants in the reality show “Dom-2” and gives them valuable advice. The star is happily married to football player Dmitry Tarasov, so she knows exactly what a woman should be able to do for a man to look only at her and feel comfortable in a relationship. In one of the latest episodes of “House-2”, Olga explained why representatives of the fair sex sometimes have misunderstandings with guys.

“Maybe the whole problem is that women don’t satisfy their men? It seems to me that girls are undesirable to their boyfriends because they cannot give them what they expect. I mean this seriously: when you want your men and when you satisfy them in every sense of the word, you will notice how they respond to you with gratitude. What is the highest gratitude for a woman? Admiring glances from your man! When he wants you, desires you, idolizes you and bestows you with his love,” StarHit quotes Buzova.

According to the TV presenter, in order to achieve harmony in a relationship, you need to be able to surprise your chosen one in bed and diversify sex life. Olga noted that in intimacy it is very important role Variety is important for a man, and if a girl refuses to experiment, then this negatively affects the relationship. The participants of “House-2” were surprised by such revelations from the TV presenter. Gleb Zhemchugov, who is currently having a crisis in his relationship with his wife, noted that Buzova is probably very experienced in this matter, which means she can be trusted.

By the way, the spectacular blonde knows how to maintain a happy marriage. IN family life with Dmitry Tarasov, Olga always tries to surprise her husband. Recently, Buzova gave her beloved husband an expensive gift - a gold razor. “I chose the color and design myself. After that, we created a unique monogram with the logo football club my husband. A unique gift!” the presenter boasted on her microblog. The cost of such a surprise is approximately 100-200 thousand rubles. Olga Buzova was criticized for an expensive gift to her husband

Buzova’s Instagram followers often admire the happy smiles of Olga and Dmitry and emphasize that they are very suitable for each other.

“My husband and I treat each other very kindly, we keep our feeling, we protect it. I am sure that if people want peace and love to reign in their family, they will achieve this. and it doesn’t matter how many years they have been together. So far, Dima and I are only falling in love with each other even more,” said the star.

(23) together for a year now. All this time, the couple tried not to comment on their relationship, as well as those that have been circulating on the Internet for a long time. Now the lovers have broken the silence and told StarHit about how they met, when they started living together and what they plan for the future.

Dmitry said that he met Anastasia after breaking up with his ex-wife (31).

In fact, our relationship with Olya ended last fall. And Nastya and I met for the first time among mutual friends in a restaurant in December. She came there with her friends. They didn’t talk much; they locked eyes a couple of times. I found out from friends who this girl was.

According to Dmitry, by that time he had stopped worrying about a divorce from Buzova.

I am a very reserved person. I can endure, weigh, think about it for a long time, but if I explode, it’s irrevocable. The love has passed, the tomatoes have wilted. I don't want to blame or insult anyone. This story is over. In any case, both are to blame, it doesn’t happen that only one is to blame.

The footballer admitted that the experience of past relationships made him wonder whether he should start a new one.

I don't like to take my problems out on others. I'm used to experiencing everything within myself. I tried not to discuss the topic of past relationships with Nastya at all. Some moments, of course, came out, you can’t erase six years from your life. It was really hard for me: two marriages, divorces, a child... I even had thoughts: “Why continue all this? Maybe it’s better to live for yourself, take a walk?” But Nastya made me look at relationships and love differently. He took a risk and trusted her.

In March of this year, the couple began living together. Anastasia said that she enjoys coping with household chores.

I've never lived with a guy before. Of course, I experienced psychological discomfort, I was afraid that all this ease would end. But I was wrong. Being close to your loved one is awesome! And everyday life was never scary. On the contrary, I enjoy cooking, feeding and taking care of my man.

The model pampers Tarasov delicious dishes, and what he liked most was the buns.

One of the latter is called Cinnabon. These are delicious and soft cinnamon rolls. I love them. Usually the baby does everything I ask - first, second, third... Soup is a must. I’m in a hurry to go home from training, because Nastenka is waiting for me there with delicious lunch. I am a happy man.

The couple said that their plans for the future include a wedding and children.

We discussed this topic, but we need to prepare thoroughly. In the future we want big family. We have serious intentions.

Anastasia confirmed that they are planning children, but not in the near future.

I took care of two sisters and a brother. At some point I realized that I didn’t want to become a mother myself. But when I met Dima, I changed my mind. I see him as the father of my children. Perhaps I will give birth earlier than planned, but not in the next year.

November 22, 2016

Fatal errors star spouses that ruined their relationship.

Over the past month, journalists and fans of Dom-2 host Olga Buzova and midfielder of the Lokomotiv football club Dmitry Tarasov have put forward a lot of versions. They even calculated who would get what after the divorce, although everything is obvious here: the couple’s real estate and even Olga’s cars are registered in Dmitry’s name.

The quarrel dragged on. But on New Year they were planning to go on vacation to the Maldives... Together with psychologist Alexandra Miller, we analyzed the mistakes that Olga and Dmitry made.


1. According to rumors, Olga regularly checked her husband’s phone to see who he was communicating with on social networks.

Psychologist:- This behavior indicates lack of self-confidence. Both men and women need personal space. By violating personal boundaries, people move from healthy relationships into codependent ones. Often in a relationship between a man and a woman, this becomes the beginning of the end.

2. In a company, Olga likes to attract attention and be the center of everything. Eyewitnesses recall that she did not allow her husband to say a word and even answered questions addressed to the man herself. Dima was jokingly called Buzov.

Psychologist:- The head of the family is the husband! Only this way and no other way! Otherwise he doesn't feel like a man. With her excessive activity, Olga suppressed the masculine principle in Dmitry.

3. All free time Tarasov was supposed to accompany Buzova. She controlled his movements and knew everything about her husband’s employment.

Psychologist:— Such control in a relationship is something manic and obsessive. Not a single one is complete healthy personality won't do this. If there are suspicions of treason or even evidence, it is better to discuss everything and go your separate ways like civilized adults. Surveillance and scandals will only lead to the destruction of the psyche, and then long-term rehabilitation therapy.

4. Buzova flaunted her personal life on social networks to the judgment of her six million army of subscribers. We knew about surprises, gifts from my husband, about romantic travel, about what Olya is preparing for Dima, as they affectionately call each other...

Psychologist:— Life on display suggests that this is what relationships were all about: capturing a pleasant moment and posting it on the Internet. This is not life for each other, this is life for others. In pursuit of her, you can lose the value of relationships, tenderness and special trust, which should only exist between spouses. It’s surprising that now many people are trying to show on social networks how good they are: endless photos of “our Friendly family», « romantic evening with your loved one." Then the soap bubble bursts, and the couple’s separation is even more painful - after all, they have already managed to convince everyone that they are “together forever.”

Buzova and Tarasov flaunted their relationship. Photo:

5. Olga insisted that the house that Dmitry bought be registered in the name of both of them. And he decided to register the property in his mother’s name. Money in expensive purchase he invested, so he decided to insure himself against the possible division of jointly acquired property. After all, Tarasov already had one financially difficult divorce.

Psychologist:- By this act, Tarasov almost openly says that this union will not last long, he is not sure about the choice of his wife. Apparently there was no trust in the relationship.


1. From the very beginning of the relationship, Dmitry Tarasov surprised his wife for any reason and published “photo reports” on his Instagram page.

Psychologist:— The fact that Tarasov began to play by Buzova’s rules and exhibit joint photos, depicting boundless love, shows that he fell under his wife’s heel. It is important to get to know each other, and not to chase a beautiful picture, sticking out your personal life. Surprises and attention to each other are wonderful. But in this case the wrong message was chosen.

2. In public, Dmitry was rude to his wife, he could tell offensive word.

Psychologist:“Anyone can say an offensive word.” But it is important to be able to get out of the conflict, otherwise each such quarrel will build a wall between the spouses brick by brick.

3. Dmitry has a daughter from his first marriage, and he did not yet want children with Olga.

Psychologist:- If a man loves a woman, then he wants children from her. It's the same with a woman. When she sees that this is her man, she is ready to give him the happiness of becoming a father. Perhaps Dmitry, having a child from his first marriage, wanted to prolong the romance of the relationship in new family so that for some time they enjoy only each other. However, any relationship must develop and grow. In the case of Buzova and Tarasov, stagnation occurred over three and a half years. Wanting to preserve the relationship, they simply exhausted it.

4. Tarasov discussed important decisions and actions with his mother. I always listened to her advice.

Psychologist:- The third person in a relationship is always superfluous! Advisers and assistants, be it a mother, friend, girlfriend or anyone else, are not needed here. A family is a team, and spouses must make all decisions together.

Olga boasted on Instagram good relations with Dmitry's mother. Photo:

5. Dmitry paid little attention and was almost not interested in her work.

Psychologist:— Everyone knows: if a person loves, then he is interested in what his partner does. It is important to see interest loved one in your life, be able to listen to your partner. It is especially productive and pleasant to do this at dinner, in a relaxed atmosphere.

In my opinion, for beautiful pictures, which were put on public display, Buzova and Tarasov lost the main thing - real relationships, the ability to talk without cameras and followers. It is important to remember that true happiness loves silence...

For the first time people started talking about a girl from St. Petersburg, Olya Buzova, 13 years ago. She came to the popular project “Dom-2” and spent four years on the television set. She was even recognized as the best participant in the history of the reality show. For several years now, the name of Olga Buzova has not left the pages of magazines, and the image of the star is copied by thousands of girls. Today the TV presenter celebrates her 31st birthday. “StarHit” decided to remember why TV viewers and social network users cannot remain indifferent to her, why they love and hate her.

"She has potential"

After participating in the Dom-2 project, thousands of TV viewers knew the spectacular blonde. At that time, Olya tried herself in the acting field, hosted concerts and published books with Roman Tretyakov, a young man whom she met on a television set. People who followed Buzova’s life noted that she had potential and a desire to develop. Based on the work “A Romance with Buzova. The history itself beautiful love"A talk show was made, hosted by the popular couple "Doma-2".

“I remember driving around Moscow in a pink van when I was hosting the column “Beware, stylists!” in the show “Morning on TNT”! Then there was the radio “Pops”, the TV show “Black Mark”, hosted the beauty contest “Miss Russian Radio”, participated in “Dancing with the Stars”... But an important stage - in 2007 I wrote the book “It’s about the hairpin. Tips from a stylish blonde." Nobody helped me! Thanks to the fans for the idea of ​​the book - they attacked me: tell me how you pump up your abs, how you make curls... By the way, it was I who introduced the fashion for curls, but they still started twisting them after I appeared on the screen with such a hairstyle!” - Olga recalled about those times.

Buzova was able to win the love of millions of people, and in 2008 she became the host of a television show. The girl replaced Ksenia Sobchak, who decided to engage in social activities.

"Dumb Blonde Image"

Buzova’s face began to flash on TV screens every day. The public began to discuss parties with the participation of the star, and fashionistas rushed to buy a dress like the one from the leading TV show. Olga experimented with hairstyles several times, and also appeared at social events in dresses Pink colour. They compared her to Barbie and watched her every move. The presenter admitted more than once that sometimes she could not restrain herself and reacted to criticism addressed to her.

“I confess, I answered haters on the Internet. Not understanding why anyone could hate me, I addressed my detractors in my posts. It happens that I respond to comments, fans take screenshots of correspondence and post them on their page, share their joy: “And Olya Buzova corresponded with me,” Buzova told StarHit.

"If I'm not with them, it will be better"

// Photo: Shot from the “Let's Get Married” program

In 2011, Olga began looking for her future husband. The TV presenter appeared on the “Let's Get Married” program. She had no luck with the stronger sex, none of them asked her down the aisle, and the relationship fell apart.

“I will never interfere in someone else’s marriage,” said Buzova when Larisa Guzeeva hinted at her interest in married men. Then in show business they discussed the relationship between Olga and hockey player Nikita Kashirsky.

However, in 2012, Buzova still met her happiness. Her chosen one was football player Dmitry Tarasov. By the way, Olga broke the rule that she spoke about earlier. Many ill-wishers accused Olga of taking the football player away from the family. The striker is survived by his wife Oksana and daughter Angelina-Anna. Olga was not immediately accepted by Tarasov’s relatives and friends, and hundreds of angry comments fell on the TV presenter online.

“A month and a half after we met, we first came home to Dima’s parents. Mom Olya gave me slippers, she and I chatted about everything in the world, dad Lesha teased his son - they say, you and I are students of the Moscow football school, and you chose a St. Petersburg girl... He was very positive, loved to joke. It’s a pity that we talked so little with him: he passed away that same year. Words cannot express how Dima suffered. It was the first time I saw his tears. We experienced this grief together. At such moments, you shouldn’t demand attention, words of love - I was just there, holding his hand... It’s important for a man to understand that he can be sincere with his woman: express everything that hurts, be silent as long as you want...” - Olga shared.

However, Olga could not become happy in her marriage to Dmitry. Their union broke up in December 2016. According to Netizens, she was punished by fate for taking a man away from her family. It was rumored that one of the reasons for the divorce was betrayal on the part of Tarasov.

Many friends, colleagues and fans supported Olga during a difficult time for her. The TV presenter’s grandmother Tamara Semyonovna advised her granddaughter not to lose heart. “I say: “Leave everything to him!” You’ll still earn money for yourself!” She’s a great guy for us – she achieved everything herself,” said a relative.

Fans left warm words on Olga’s page, as they could not remain indifferent to the celebrity’s suffering. “It’s all somehow unpleasant,” “Poor thing, be patient,” “Olya, everything will be fine. You’re smart, don’t read negative posts,” “Whatever happens to you, hold on and be happy,” Buzova’s followers wrote.

"Just don't sing"

Separating from her husband forced Olga to immerse herself in work, in particular, the girl continued to record songs. In 2011, people heard the song “Don’t Forget” with T-Killah, and at the end of 2016 Buzova completely conquered the charts with the track “To the Sound of Kisses.” Social media exploded with negativity towards the star.

“Olenka, with all due respect to you, singing is not your thing. It’s better to be a good presenter or designer than a bad singer”, “Olya, it’s nothing personal, but you can’t sing, have pity on the people!”, “Olga, you look very good, very nice girl, but stop disgracing yourself”, “The plywood is coming. Britney is sleeping. Buzova is wobbling”, “Singing is not yours,” haters wrote under each of Olga’s posts.

Buzova does not pay attention to the anger from social network users, but only strives forward. The celebrity is preparing to conquer new heights: pack a concert hall with thousands of people and star in the New Year's broadcast. Olga’s second composition, called “I’m getting used to it,” was released on the eve of her birthday.

“Today is the New Year for me, my 31st birthday. In it I get used to waking up alone and being strong! So strong that you are no longer afraid of betrayal from those closest to you! Don’t be afraid to get a knife in the back from those for whom you are ready to give your life... Today, on my birthday, I want to give myself and, of course, you my new song! I hope that it will find a response in your hearts,” Buzova addressed the fans.

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