Saved the tree of life, Greek icon, in a silver frame. Icon of the tree of the Blessed Virgin Mary Icon of the tree of the Virgin Mary how it helps

The “Tree of Life” icon is quite rare and not as common as many others. Its second name is “Spas the True Vine.” It depicts Jesus Christ in the middle of a vine with branches extending from a central pillar. The Mother of God and the disciples of Christ are located on them. The meaning of the icon may not be clear to an uninitiated person.

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Jerusalem+ Bethlehem

The icon is deeply edifying. In this case, the Tree symbolizes the Church, the Holy Scriptures. Jesus Christ is placed in the center, representing the ideal image of a Christian. And the apostles close to him symbolize the people closest to him and those who have known the faith. Also on the branches are small leaves, which in turn symbolize other people whose task is to spread the Christian faith.

There is also an interpretation that the depicted Tree, like the Church, does not stand in one place, but is constantly evolving. And each person must make his or her own contribution to this development. Specifically, to spread love and wisdom to all people. The icon is also a symbol of fertility and immortality (like an ever-growing Tree).

As a rule, in front of this icon, people pray with gratitude to God that he protects them from the numerous temptations in the world and gives them eternal life. When praying in front of the icon, you should wish for fertility. If you want your children to grow up in reverence for adults, then you should also turn to this icon. Different religious traditions use different prayers (and even several). Therefore, it is better to clarify the text with a clergyman.

The best place to buy the Tree of Life icon is in Jerusalem. There are many retail outlets in the city and its suburbs where this can be done. In addition, I will show you proven places where icons are made by truly professional craftsmen. You can choose either a simple icon without additional decorations, created from simple materials. Or using precious metals and jewelry. It all depends on your desire and financial capabilities.

It is also convenient to buy an icon in Jerusalem because you can consecrate it here with your own hands (you yourself illuminate it on the stone of Confirmation where the body of Jesus lay when he was taken down from the cross).. The main thing is, come to Israel, and I will have an interesting and useful time I guarantee you!

Dear tourists! If for any reason you cannot come to Israel, then just write to me and I will ask the seller to contact you to discuss the purchase and shipping. Accordingly, the icon or cross purchased by you will be illuminated in the Church of the Holy Sepulcher before sending (Ask the forefather for a photograph or a short video of the consecration as evidence :))

Important!!! Dear tourists, I do not sell icons or crosses :) you can ask any questions about prices, quality, etc. directly to the seller (in Russian) who will contact you. I can only introduce you (physically if you come and virtually if you write :))

The Orthodox Church knows many versions of the faces of the Virgin Mary. All of them are revered, and also bring good hope, helping believers take the right path and survive difficult times. However, new images continue to appear, which are a good sign of the Virgin Mary’s favor. One of them is the famous icon of the Blessed Virgin Mary called the Tree of Life. She gives Christians faith, help, and consolation.

What does holy image mean?

The sacred icon of the Mother of God appeared in iconography relatively recently - at the beginning of the 19th century. Its author is still unknown, which has given rise to many rumors about its truly divine origin. There are no variations of the icon, and it is quite easy to recognize it in a church or on store shelves. This is a collective image of the Protectress, consisting of 16 miraculous faces, presented in the form of a family tree. The main feature of the shrine is that there is no change of generations: only Jesus and the Virgin Mary are depicted. Each face represents fruit on the branches of a tree.

In the center of the icon is the main image, which differs from the others in size. This is the Nativity of Christ in Bethlehem - the Protectress sits next to the manger in which the Divine Infant lies, and the heavenly light illuminates them. This event is the basis of the Christian faith and the postulates that it contains. It symbolizes not only the birth of God, but also the coming of Christians to him.

To the left and right of the Nativity of Christ there are seven faces of the Mother of God, one image is below, and above is the Holy Trinity. Sometimes on some lists the Mother of God is depicted with a smile - this is not at all typical for the canons of icon painting. Let us especially highlight the image of the “Sweet Kiss,” known to all believers. He is a symbol of the inextricable connection between the Intercessor and the Child, meaning the unconditional, pure love of the Almighty for people.

All faces are made in a classical manner, enclosed in elongated ovals, reminiscent of unique medallions. The appearance of the icon is completed by sketches of the city, labeled as Jerusalem on High. The tree is decorated with bright blooming red roses or green leaves. These symbols speak of eternal and beautiful life, unity with God.

Why was a tree chosen for the composition? There is a hidden meaning in this - the Protectress addresses Orthodox Christians through her face and asks them to remember that people are brothers. Everyone should help his neighbor. It's banal, but so vital. In times of difficulty, even the most righteous people forget about those around them. Perhaps because of this, the Lord sends trials to humanity to test its mercy. The essence of comprehensive assistance is easier to convey through the means of a tree, which is designed to unite and unite.

Review of faces

The icon depicts the following faces:

  • Iversky - maintains a calm atmosphere in the house, reconciles those who have quarreled, protects against witchcraft, the evil eye, evil spirits, and uninvited guests.
  • Smolensky - protects from those who wish an Orthodox person harm, attacks from enemies, thieves.
  • Kazansky - helps cure diseases of the eyes and lower extremities, protects the house from enemies.

These three images are protection of home and health. However, the Tree of Life is considered a female amulet, so the keepers of the hearth and the successors of the family are always under its protection. This is evidenced by the depicted “female” images:

  • Mammal - an ancient face where the Mother breastfeeds the Newborn. It protects nursing women, promotes the feeding of a healthy baby, adds strength to mothers who have recently given birth, and protects the mother and her child from illness.
  • Tikhvinskaya - according to legend, this icon was brought by Angels. She is the main protector from a variety of life’s misfortunes.
  • Soothe my sorrows - protects orphaned children and women who are left without a husband, widows, as well as those who are unlucky in life;
  • The Inexhaustible Chalice - heals women from a variety of addictions - psychological and physical, eliminates internal demons.
  • The sign is a symmetrical medallion on the Tree of Life. He shows how kind the Most Holy One is to the human race, teaches us to pray and love her Son.

What does the face of life help with?

Since the miraculous “Tree of Life” is a composite image, the prayer can be addressed both to the Virgin Mary or Jesus, and to each face separately. There are no cases when you need to ask completely in front of this icon. Also, the face does not have its own day of veneration.

The image of the “Tree of Life” will help everyone who turns to it with an open soul and a pure heart. Any life situation and worldly problem can be solved if you resort to God's help. They come to the face in such cases:

  • to sincerely repent and receive guidance on the true path;
  • for consolation of sorrows and sorrows;
  • when intercession is necessary from enemies, evil intentions of enemies;
  • for healing from serious illnesses, both physical and mental;
  • for gaining strength, strengthening the spirit, faith in the Lord;
  • to protect the family hearth from quarrels and adversity, in order to protect children from undesirable acts.

You can receive God's favor by hanging the image of the Virgin Mary with her Son in your home. This is powerful protection against various misfortunes for the whole family and home. In addition, the “Tree of Life” replaces 16 faces. It is enough to hang just one to find harmony and tranquility.

An important question is where to place the image in the living room. You should choose a quiet, secluded place where no one will disturb your prayer. For example, it is recommended to place it in the bedroom. Many believe that this place is unworthy of a shrine. However, there is nothing shameful or sinful about this. The image of the Virgin Mary in the bedroom is good for the soul. It sanctifies rest at night, and also blesses love relationships between legal spouses.

Many Orthodox icons use deep symbolism. Although in Orthodoxy it is customary to pray, repent and ask for something in front of images. However, images such as the Tree of Life icon provide not only a prayerful mood, but also food for thought. Direct allegory of imagery allows the believer to understand various concepts more deeply. Such speculation and intelligibility of the Tree of Life icon develops spiritually.

Also, this image is often called the grapevine icon, since here the grapevine tree, which represents the church, is used as a symbol.

In the center is Spas, which is like the base of the vine. Various branches branch off from it, and these branches are the apostles, the Virgin Mary and other gospel characters.

Looking at the Tree of Life icon , Its meaning becomes completely clear: the church is like a living organism that includes an entire community. Of course, it begins with a relatively small number of people: Christ himself and the holy ascetics. However, the church then begins to consist of the community of all Christians, that is, all people of this faith constitute the so-called body of Christ.

People in the church are united with each other, they are interconnected like ampelos (grapevine in Greek) and everyone can act in one way or another. For example, the one who chooses a heavenly existence is raised by his own branch upward and reaches the limit of Heaven. Anyone who, on the contrary, strives for nothing, becomes a dry branch, which is eventually separated from the tree in order to be burned.

In addition, the icon of the Tree with Christ gives a hint of the family tree, which represents the genealogy of each individual person.

Only in this image is a family understood as a Christian church and community in which people are related to each other.

This is the property of Christianity, which erases any boundaries and differences between people and allows everyone to enter the Kingdom of God.

The meaning of the Tree of Life icon indicates the opportunity for a believer to better understand his own involvement in the church. Before this image, any prayers are offered to Christ. It is also possible to pray to the Holy Trinity or the Holy Spirit in front of this image.

Icon of the Tree of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Compositionally, this option is practically no different from the previous one, but here the basis is the Tree of the Virgin Mary. In the center there is a scene of the birth of Christ, and on the branches there are various images of the Blessed Virgin.

The name of the icon “Mountain Jerusalem” is also used, which indicates the resurrection and the opportunity for every believer to find himself in the Heavenly Jerusalem. To do this, you just need to keep the commandments on earth. Then, after the end of times, the righteous will ascend there. The Heavenly City itself is depicted on one of the edges of the image, hidden behind a haze.

You should also consider the meaning of the icon of Mount Jerusalem, where the central part is occupied by the scene of the birth of the Savior. This event focuses attention and is central in every sense, only thanks to this the rest became possible. On the branches there are various images of the Virgin Mary with the baby; they invite the believer to look at different variations of the relationship between the Mother of God and the baby.

Also symbolically, this diversity indicates various options for the relationship between the believer and the Lord. The soul strives for the Lord in different ways and establishes a whole range of relationships. It was thanks to the birth of Christ that these relationships became not only possible, but also make it possible to gain the Kingdom of Heaven.

As a rule, prayer to the icon of the Tree of the Blessed Virgin Mary is said in solitude. Therefore, a small space in the house is often set aside for this, which allows you to move a little away from the hectic world and turn to the image. Each image that contains the icon of the Tree of the Virgin Mary helps in something separate.

Therefore, prayer in front of this icon can be used to receive a wide variety of benefits.

Prayers before the icon of the Tree of the Virgin Mary

Prayer 1

My Blessing Queen, my hope, Mother of God, Friend of the orphans and the strange, the Representative of the sorrowing, the Joy of the offended, the Patroness! See my misfortune, see my sorrow, help me as I am weak, feed me as I am strange. Weigh my offense, resolve it as if you will: for I have no other help except You, no other Representative, no good Comforter, only You, O Mother of God, for you will preserve me and cover me forever and ever. Amen.

Prayer 2

O Most Holy Virgin, Mother of the Lord Most High, Intercessor and Protector of all who resort to You! Look down from Thy holy height upon me, a sinner (name), who falls before Thy most pure image; hear my warm prayer and offer it before Your Beloved Son, our Lord Jesus Christ; beg Him to illuminate my gloomy soul with the light of His Divine grace, to deliver me from all need, sorrow and illness, to grant me a quiet and peaceful life, physical and mental health, to pacify my suffering heart and heal its wounds, to guide me for good deeds, may my mind be cleansed from vain thoughts, and having taught me to fulfill His commandments, may He deliver me from eternal torment and may He not deprive me of His Heavenly Kingdom. O Most Holy Theotokos! You, “Joy of all who mourn,” hear me, the sorrowful one; You, called “Quenching of Sorrow”, quench my sorrow; You, “Burning Kupino”, save the world and all of us from the harmful fiery arrows of the enemy; You, “Seeker of the Lost,” do not allow me to perish in the abyss of my sins. According to Bose, all my hope and hope is in Tyabo. Be a temporary Intercessor for me in life, and an Intercessor for eternal life before Your Beloved Son, our Lord Jesus Christ. Teach me to serve this with faith and love, and to reverently honor You, Most Holy Mother of God, Most Blessed Mary, until the end of my days. Amen.

Savior the Tree of Life or, as this icon is much more often called, Savior the True Vine, is a Greek icon, widely known in the Greek tradition, but extremely rare in Russia. Russian icon painting workshops almost never use this subject, although, of course, they are familiar with it. This is one of the most symbolically rich images of the iconography of Christ.

The Savior Himself is depicted in such an icon in the center, in the image of Pantocrator - Jesus Pantocrator, Almighty Judge and King of Heaven, Ruler of the world. That is, the image of Jesus himself fully corresponds to one of the six main canonical iconographic types generally accepted in the Orthodox tradition. However, unlike the usual image of the Almighty, here He is represented as a tree trunk, on the branches of which there are medallions with images of the apostles of His Church. The symbolism of the images of this icon goes back to the words from the Gospel of John: “I am the true vine, and My Father is the vinedresser. Every branch of Me that does not bear fruit He cuts off; and every one that bears fruit he cleanses, that it may bear more fruit. You have already been cleansed through the word that I preached to you. Abide in Me, and I in you. Just as a branch cannot bear fruit by itself unless it is in the vine, so neither can you unless you are in Me. I am the vine, and you are the branches; He who abides in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit; for without Me you can do nothing. Whoever does not abide in Me will be cast out like a branch and wither; and such [branches] are gathered and thrown into the fire, and they are burned” (John 15: 1-6).

Images of the apostles, disciples of Christ, whom He sent around the world to preach and spread the Christian faith, are traditionally symbolic. The Supreme Apostle Peter is always depicted with a bunch of keys - these are the keys to the Kingdom of Heaven, that is, the totality of the Church Sacraments (the image symbolized by the keys). The Evangelists Mark, Luke, Matthew and John are depicted with the books of the Gospels, and the Apostle John can always be distinguished from the others by at least the mountainous background outlined behind him - in memory of his work on the Gospel on the rocky island of Patmos.

The Icon of the True Vine (Grape Vine) has been known in Greece since the 15th century; it first appeared in Greek monasteries. However, initially around Christ it depicted not only the apostles, but also the Mother of God and John the Baptist, acting as defenders of people in the face of a strict Judge. In this form, the icon was a little reminiscent of the Deesis rite, which is the central part of the Orthodox iconostasis. At a later time, in the 17th century, another version of the image of the True Vine appears - the icon also depicts the Holy Sepulcher, from which the vine grows, or they vary the image of Christ - He holds the vine in his hands, or it grows from His pierced rib, and He Himself squeezes a bunch of grapes into a chalice - a cup used during Christian worship to consecrate wine. Thus, in later versions of the icon the Eucharistic content of the plot is strengthened as opposed to the more ancient allegorical one. However, the more ancient iconographic version remains much more widespread today. In general, the symbolism of the vine is very widely represented in the Bible, and in the decoration of Christian churches, and, of course, during worship.

Grapes are a symbol of wisdom, immortality, and at the same time - blood, sacrifice. A well-groomed vineyard is a symbol of peace and prosperity. Floral ornaments are widely used to decorate churches, in frames and carved crowns of icons, on internal frescoes and external paintings of churches, on carved bases of iconostases, platbands and tiles. The symbol of the Last Judgment at the end of time is the harvest of grapes. The image of the Flourishing Cross, which came to Rus' from Byzantium, is also determined by the symbolism of the vine - two flowering branches emanate from the base of the cross as a sign of the Resurrection, hence it is called the Life-Giving Cross of the Lord.

And if the Russian version of the Life-Giving Cross uses a floral ornament, then the Greek version uses a vine with leaves and clusters. There is also a known legend connecting the Cross of the Lord with the heavenly Tree of Life. According to this legend, a tree that once grew on Adam’s grave from a wreath buried with him was used for the crucifixion of Christ. Adam wove this wreath from branches brought by his third son Seth from paradise, branches of the Tree of Life. During the time of King Solomon, it was predicted that the Messiah would be executed on the trunk of this tree, and Solomon ordered the trunk to be drowned. However, for the crucifixion of Christ, the trunk of the Tree, drowned by Solomon, was taken from the font of Siloam (the source from which, according to the Gospel of John, Christ healed the blind), and it was from this that the Cross was made. When it became known about the Resurrection of Christ, the cross, frightened, was hidden and buried. In the 4th century St. Helena - the mother of the first Christian emperor, Constantine the Great Equal to the Apostles - undertook an investigation and discovered the place where the Cross was buried. However, it turned out that the crosses of the thieves crucified with Him were also buried along with the Cross of the Lord. Nevertheless, the Cross of the Lord was immediately recognizable - by the living grapevine sprouting from it.

The Icon of the True Savior Vine depicts not only the Savior himself, but also His entire Church. According to Jesus himself, He is the trunk, and people are His branches. The Church is a living, changing and developing organism, growing like a tree or a vine, the center and foundation of which is Christ, but the branches, shoots and even the smallest leaves are individual people, believers, the new people of God, becoming one family. Speaking about Himself as the True Vine, Christ makes the disciples, the apostles - and through them the entire Church, each of its members - participants in His life. The Church does not just gather around Christ - it unites with Him. constitutes His Body. And although each individual person in this organism retains his individuality and freedom, through love he is included in the unity of the Mystical Body. Through the sacraments, believers, members of the Church, are united with Christ. Therefore, the central, main sacrament of the Church is the Eucharist, communion of Body and Blood, bread and wine - the basis of the liturgy. And the icon of the True Savior Vine also reminds us of this.

Clement of Alexandria, the founder of the Alexandrian theological school, who lived at the end of the 2nd century, missionary and Christian apologist, writes: “The grapes give wine, as the Word gave His blood.” For members of the Church, the vine and bunches of ripe grapes are a symbol of paradise, a symbol of the coming Kingdom of God.

The topic of immortality has long been of interest to humanity. Both those in power - kings, emperors, and ordinary people - were passionate about the search for the elixir of eternal life. The symbol that personifies immortality in most religious teachings of the world and cultural civilizations is the tree of life. It embodies strength and longevity.

The meaning of the tree of life in religions and culture of the world

This concept can be found in the culture of many peoples and religious monuments of the most common beliefs.

Jewish Kabbalah

In Kabbalah, the world is presented as a composition of ten emanations or manifestations of the Supreme Mind. This composition is the tree of life, also called sephiroth or sefirot. It represents elements - sephira, which have Hebrew names and have magical potential. They are connected to each other by a line of “zivug”, which means “mating”. The Sephira also express the names of the planets of the solar system. The highest point - Kether - personifies God. Divine light passes through it, and with each element passed through, its energy weakens. The Divine radiation reaches its lowest point, Malkuth, having diminished many times over. The lower element of the sephirot is Earth.

The Tree of Life, according to Kabbalah, is the expression of a person who has reached the highest state of mind. In the composition of the tree, three main components can be identified, called pillars. The left side is the pillar of rigor, the center is the pillar of balance, and the right side represents mercy. All sephiras express human states at different levels of spiritual development. As a person's soul grows, it passes through all the stages or elements of the tree, and in the sephira of Binah reaches Paradise. And the highest point is available only with complete purification or “correction” of the world.

The tree of life is also mentioned in biblical stories. They say that God expelled the first people from Paradise, thereby depriving them of this wonderful symbol of wisdom. The tree is mentioned in the Apocalypse and other texts of the Old Testament monuments. In Christianity, this symbol was depicted hung with fruits and guarded by the Serpent, Dragon or Lion.

In other cultures

Also, the tree that bestows immortality is spoken of in many ancient legends, for example in the Hittite memorial text about Gilgamesh, and in Egyptian images. Among different peoples it is represented by different types of earthly trees. Thus, among the Germans the tree of life is the yew, among the peoples who practice shamanism it is the birch.

Commemorative specimens with the tree of life

There are several monuments of world culture that depict this symbol of immortality. For example, the “Tree of Life” icon, which depicts Jesus Christ surrounded by a grape vine. Therefore, this icon also has the name “Christ the Vine” or “Christ the Vine of Truth.” Around him are the apostles and, in some examples, also John the Baptist and the Holy Mother of God. This image is based on the stories of the Gospel.

There is another interpretation of the sacred text, which depicts the Holy Sepulcher, from which a vine with bunches of grapes grows. From the grapes Christ squeezes wine (which expresses wisdom and sacrifice) into a vessel.

The Germans preserved beautiful tapestries with the tree of life depicted on them, which were hung on the facades of fortresses and gates. They were also used as flags on campaigns.

Interesting Facts

Not far from the Persian city of Bahrain, a mesquite tree has been growing right in the desert for 400 years. Local residents call it the tree of life, as it grows in the sun-scorched sands, despite the lack of water. This phenomenon attracts many tourists from all over the world.

It is interesting that this symbol of immortality is used very often in our lives. For example, the philosophy of attracting wealth and abundance is common. Practitioners of this system grow money tree (crassula) at home. Various jewelry is also made that imitates this element, for example, beaded pendants. There are meditation techniques called “Money Tree of Life” that promote well-being.

This symbol has existed since time immemorial and continues to find its new meaning in the modern world. Even in the scientific world this concept is quite relevant. After all, the tree that gives eternal life personifies the genealogical structure of man, his evolution. Further study of this element can reveal new secrets of the universe to people.

Quote from LYUBOYAR's message
"Icon of the Mother of God "Tree of the Blessed Virgin Mary"
"Icon of the Mother of God "Tree of the Blessed Virgin Mary"

"The Icon of the Mother of God "Tree of the Most Holy Theotokos" depicts 16 main miraculous icons (images) of the Most Holy Theotokos with the Infant Jesus Christ, located on a branched tree. In the center of the tree is the Bethlehem Cave and the Mother of God with the Infant Jesus reclining in a manger. This Nativity of the Lord gave the basis depict the Ever-Virgin Mary as the Mother of God. That is why the Nativity icon is placed on the trunk of a symbolic tree and is highlighted in a larger size compared to other icons. Under the Nativity icon on the trunk is the “Sweet Kiss” icon, symbolizing wondrous love and the continuous connection between the Mother of God and the Son of God Jesus Christ. On the left and right along the branches of the tree there are 7 famous miraculous icons of the Most Holy Theotokos with the Child of God.
The meaning of this icon is that it reflects the connection of all the icons of the Mother of God, like branches of one tree that grew in the sacrament of the Nativity of the God-Man Jesus Christ in Bethlehem. You can pray in front of this icon to the Blessed Virgin and the Infant God. Since this icon is composite, i.e. consists of images of 16 icons of the Mother of God, then praying to her as one image is not suitable. You can pray to each icon depicted, or simply to the Mother of God Herself.

ICONS - their meaning, help in various life situations...

Quote from tatylaa's message Read in full In your quotation book or community!
Icons and their meaning
Icons for prayer against breaking into the house and against thieves
Icon of the Mother of God “Watching Eye”.
Icon of the Mother of God "Bethlehem".

Icon of the Mother of God “Located above the gate”.

Icons for treating diseases, getting rid of damage and curses
Icon of the Mother of God “Three Hands”.
Icon of the Mother of God "Consolation and Consolation".
Icon of the Mother of God "Blessed Sky".
Icon of the Mother of God “Seven Arrows”.
Icon of the Mother of God “Unbreakable Wall”.
Icons for begging for the beauty and love of others
Icon of the Mother of God “Unfading Color”
Icon of the Mother of God “It is Worthy to Eat.”
“Saved the golden hair.”
"Six Days"
Icons for seeing the secret or what is needed
"All-seeing eye".
Icon of the Mother of God "Forerunner".
Icon of the Mother of God “Philafet” (“Love of Truth”)
"The Last Supper".
Icons for increasing wealth and good luck in business
Icon of the Mother of God “Spreader of the Loaves”.

“Our Lady of the Great Panagia” (“Oranta”).
"Worship of the Cross."
"Teaching Bread"
"Savior is in power."
"The Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem."
Icons necessary for the treatment of paralysis

“The Miraculous Healing of the Paralytic Simon by the Mother of God.”

Icons in front of which people pray for success in learning and obedience of children

Icon of the Mother of God “Nurturing”.
Icon of the Mother of God “Giver of Mind” (“Adding Mind”).
"Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary."
Icons in front of which they ask for protection from mortal enemies and persecution
Icon of the Mother of God “Makherskaya” (“Knife”).
Icon of the Mother of God “Deliverer”

Icon of the Mother of God “Seeking the Lost.”

Icon of the Mother of God “Seven Arrows”.

Icons in front of which people pray for the safety of family members
Icon of the Mother of God "Housebuilder" ("Economist").
"The Holy Trinity".
"Savior Almighty."
Icons in front of which people pray for protection from captivity and foreigners
Icon of the Mother of God “Iverskaya” (“Goalkeeper”).
"Tikhvin Icon at the Western Gate."

Icon of the Mother of God “Deliverer”.
Icon of the Mother of God “Tupichevskaya”.
Icon of the Mother of God “Okonskaya”.
"Savior Emmanuel with the Angels."
Icons for the treatment of the old and infirm
Icon of the Mother of God “Starchitskaya”.
Icon of the Mother of God “Gerondissa” (“Old Woman”).
Icon of the Mother of God “Comforter of the Sorrowful”.

Icon of the Mother of God “Oh, All-Singing Mother”.
Icon of the Mother of God “Iverskaya” (“Goalkeeper”).
Icons for prayers for the safety of sailors and fishermen.
Icon of the Mother of God “Savior of the Drowning” (“Lenkovskaya”).
"Holy Apostles Peter and Paul."
Icons for reconciling spouses
"Faith, Hope, Love and their mother Sophia."
Icon of the Mother of God “Seven Arrows”.
Icon of the Mother of God “Kievo-Bratskaya”.
Icon of the Mother of God “Admonishing the Ecclesiarch.”
"The Myrrh-Bearing Women at the Holy Sepulcher."
Icons for treating madness
Icon of the Mother of God “Life-Giving Source”.
Icon of the Mother of God “Iverskaya” (“Goalkeeper”).
Icon of the Mother of God “Quiet my sorrows.”
Icon of the Mother of God “Joy of All Who Sorrow.”
Icon of the Mother of God “Seeking the Lost.”
Icon of the Mother of God “Healer”.
"Sophia, the Wisdom of God."
"Andrey the Holy Fool with his Life."
Icon of the Mother of God “Moldavian”.
Icons necessary for reprimanding shortevity
"The Resurrection of Lazarus."
Icon of the Mother of God “The Word became Flesh” (“Albazinskaya”).
Icon of the Mother of God “Slaughtered”.
Icon of the Mother of God “Merciful” (“Kykkos”).

Icon of the Mother of God “Seeking the Lost.”
Icon of the Mother of God “Unexpected Joy”.
Icon of the Mother of God “Three Joys”,
Icons in front of which people pray for devotion and love
"The Queen appears."
Icon of the Mother of God “Sovereign”.
Icon of the Mother of God “Rejoices in You.”
"Position of the Belt and Robe of the Mother of God."
Icons before which people pray in case of infertility and ask for protection from difficult childbirth
Icon of the Mother of God “Helper to wives to give birth to children.”
Icon of the Mother of God "Mammal".
Icon of the Mother of God “The Word became Flesh” (“Albakinskaya”),
Icon of the Mother of God “Blessed Womb”.
"Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary."
Icon of the Mother of God "Life-Giver".
Icons for telling children off illnesses
Icon of the Mother of God of the Beaten Infants by Herod.
"The Presentation of the Lord."
Icon of the Mother of God “Vladimirovskaya”.

Icon of the Mother of God “Iverskaya” (“Goalkeeper”).
Icons for the treatment of drug addiction and alcoholism
Icon of the Mother of God “Inexhaustible Chalice”.
Icon of the Mother of God “Quick to Hear”.
Icon of the Mother of God “Seeking the Lost.”
Icon of the Mother of God “Vsetsaria” (“Pantassa”),
"Descent into Hell"
"The Miracle of George about the Serpent."
"Cathedral of the Archangels."
Icons in front of which people pray for the punishment of a murderer
"Saved the Ardent Eye."
"The Descent of the Holy Spirit on the Apostles."
"The Last Judgment."
"John the Baptist".
"Descent into Hell"
"Procession to Golgotha."
"Position in the grave."
Icons in front of which people pray for the missing in the hope of finding them
All icons of the Mother of God, called “Hodegetria” (“Guide”).
"The Holy Trinity".
"Protection of the Blessed Virgin Mary."
"Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker."
Icons for the healing of the youth and keel
Icon of the Mother of God “Vsetsaritsa” (“Pantassa”).
Patriarchal Icon of the Mother of God.
Icon of the Mother of God “Cleansing”.
Icon of the Mother of God “Deliverance from the troubles of the suffering.”
Icon of the Mother of God “Weeping”.
Icons in front of which people pray for speedy deliverance from torment
"Martyr Ulyana."
"Christ blessing the Holy Apostle Peter and the Martyr Natalia."
Icon of the Mother of God “Mati Prayer Book”.
Icons in front of which people pray for help for people in custody
Icon of the Mother of God “Helper of Sinners”.
Icon of the Mother of God “Seeking the Lost.”
Icon of the Mother of God “Seven Arrows”.
Icon of the Mother of God “The Sign”.
Icon of the Mother of God “Consolation in Sorrows and Sorrows.”
"Great Martyr Anastasia the Pattern Maker."
Icons in front of which people pray for an easy death
"Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary."
Icon of the Mother of God "Passionate".
Icon of the Mother of God “And a weapon will pierce your very soul.”
"The Ascension of the Lord."
“Don’t cry for Mene Mati.”
Icons in front of which people pray for an end to wars and deliverance from losses during the war
Icon of the Mother of God “Burning Bush”.
"Appearance of the Mother of God to Saint Basil the Great."
Icon of the Mother of God “Fire-shaped”.
Icon of the Mother of God “Not Burnt During the Fire”
Icons that help bring some sense to a violent person
Icon of the Mother of God "Key of Understanding".
Icon of the Mother of God “Look at Humility.”
"Saint Tikhon in his life."
Icons before which one prays in all difficult cases
"Archangel Michael".
"Archangel Gabriel"
"Savior Not Made by Hands."
"Ilya the Prophet with his life."
"Holy Martyr Paraskeva, named Friday."
"Apostle Peter."
"Apostle Thomas".
Icons for helping livestock and housekeeping
"Saint Blaise of Sebaste and the martyrs Florus and Laurus."
"Saints Spyridon of Trimifuntsky and Blasius of Sonstia."
"Reverend John Climacus with Saints George and Blaise."
Icon of the Mother of God “Spreader of the Loaves”.

Series of messages "amulets": amuletsPart 1 - Zimina. Textile ritual dolls
Part 2 - Let's protect the house from evil
Part 29 - Icon of Saint Nina Equal to the Apostles
Part 30 - Icon of the Last Supper
Part 31 - icons and their meaning
Part 32 - Explanations on icons and faces of Saints
Part 33 - The Last Supper
Part 36 - Holy Martyr Valentine of Caesarea
Part 37 - Holy Martyr Tatiana
Part 38 - Holy Martyr Julia (Julia) of Carthage

Series of messages "Prayers":
Part 1 - Akathist and prayers to the Holy Righteous John of Kronstadt
Part 2 - If we pray for others, the philanthropic Lord will grant His Grace
Part 18 - RADONITSA. Parents' day in the second week of Easter (Easter for the departed...)
Part 19 - Matrona Moscow prayer for health
Part 20 - ICONS - their meaning, help in various life situations...
Part 21 - Prayer to St. Spyridon of Trimifuntsky, granting a serene, comfortable existence
Part 22 - Prayer to the life-giving Cross
Part 38 - How to pray correctly in church. DEACON PAVEL SERZHANTOV
Part 39 - Epiphany amulet for the whole year
Part 40 - Prayer before receiving (drinking) Epiphany water

Icon of the Merciful: meaning, what does it help with?

An important Orthodox icon with miraculous power is healing icon of the Blessed Virgin Mary. This sacred image is kept in one of the Athonite Georgian temples for men. " Merciful", Also " Worthy to eat“- this is what this revered holy image is called in our country.

What do all believers ask for when turning to the healing icon “Merciful”? Orthodox people ask the Mother of God for family happiness, standing in front of this revered sacred image. In case of various unforeseen events, severe infectious diseases, or the successful completion of some business, the Orthodox turn to the Mother of God. This sacred icon always helps with all kinds of physical and emotional ailments.

Before the icon of the Most Holy Theotokos “Merciful” (or the prayer “It is worthy to eat”) they pray for mental and physical illnesses, in case of accidents, for happiness in marriage. This icon is also considered a cure for demon possession (heals those possessed by a demon).

It is believed that the icon helps a person to heal within 19 days.

The Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos “Merciful” is a talisman for an Orthodox home. The icon is considered the main helper during epidemics and various family troubles.

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