List of the most unusual trees on our planet. Amazing trees of our planet About the 12 most incredible trees in the world

The most unusual trees on our planet:

10. Bottle Tree

Location: Namibia
The Namibian bottle tree is one of the deadliest trees on Earth. The milky sap of the plant is highly poisonous and was used in the past by the Bushmen as a poison for arrowheads. The bottle tree was so named because of the shape of its trunk, and the tree is commonly found in the mountainous desert regions of Namibia, making its resemblance to a bottle uncanny. The flowers of the Bottle Tree have been described as "beautiful". The flowers are usually pink or white, fading to dark red towards the center.

9. Wawona Tree

Location: USA
The Wawona tree is a former Sequoia tree that grew in Mariposa Grove, Yosemite National Park, USA. After its fall, the tree was converted into a tunnel. A passage was carved into the tree in 1881 and it has been a popular tourist attraction ever since. The Wawona tree fell in 1969 due to a large mass of snow accumulating on its top. The estimated age of this sequoia is 2,300 years.

8. Baobab

Location: Madagascar
These magnificent trees, endemic to Madagascar, are over 1000 years old. Baobab is an endangered tree species. Many trees of this species reach more than 80 meters in height, and their trunks grow up to 25 meters in girth. The swollen trunks of baobab trees are a source of water, supplying it during the dry season. Baobab flowers only bloom for 24 hours. These flowers are depicted on the Madagascar 100 franc banknote.

7. Bombaxes (Silk Cotton Trees) Ta Prohm (Ta Prohm)

Location: Cambodia
These trees are very difficult to find and there is only a certain place where you can see them when traveling in Southeast Asia. The trees are the most distinctive feature of the Ta Prokhm Temple. The roots of Bombaxes entwine the ancient temple, and the trees themselves grow to impressive heights. No less stunning Ficus Stranglers can also be found near the temple. The temple itself is included in the UNESCO list as one of the World Heritage Sites.

6. Hyperion

Location: California, USA
Hyperion is a California sequoia and the tallest tree in the world. Trees typically live for about 1200-1800 years. Hyperion reaches 115.5 meters in height and almost 9 meters in diameter. This means that Hyperion is 5 stories taller than the Statue of Liberty. It is estimated that about 95% of all redwoods have been cut down, and the giant trees are now protected as “vulnerable.”

5. Peach Palm (Pejibaye Palm)

Location: Costa Rica and Nicaragua
This tree is native to Central and South America, although its homeland is Costa Rica and Nicaragua. The peach palm is armed with rows of black, sharp thorns that are arranged in rings along the entire trunk from the roots to the top of the tree. Typically this palm tree grows to about 20 meters. The leaves reach 3 meters in length. Native Americans typically ate the fruits of this palm after they had fermented, and it formed a large part of their diet. The fermented fruit of the peach palm remains a popular delicacy to this day.

4. Crooked forest of the city of Gryfino

Location: Poland
In Western Poland, near the town of Gryfino, you can find about 400 of these strange trees. It is believed that these trees were twisted by human intervention, although their purpose remains a mystery. Some believe that they were intended for making bent wooden furniture, ribs for boat hulls, or used to make yokes for ploughs, pulled by oxen. Be that as it may, the outbreak of World War II forced those who grew them to abandon these trees and now they are a mystery.

3. Baobab Sunland

Location: South Africa
The Sunland Baobab is a tree located near Modjadjiskloof, Limpopo Province, South Africa, that has been turned into a bar. The tree is naturally hollow and in 1933, a small bar was opened in it, capable of seating 15-20 people. This is one of the tallest baobab trees in South Africa, and apparently the widest tree in all of Africa. The tree reaches 4 meters in girth and 20 meters in height. It is also one of the oldest trees in the world, as it is over 6,000 years old!

2. Burmis tree

Location: Canada
The Burmis tree is a soft pine tree native to Alberta, Canada. The tree is unusual in that it died in the 1970s but is still standing without any signs of rot. It is estimated that he was 600-750 years old at the time of his death. The tree was blown down in 1998, but local residents put it back up. A few years later, vandals broke one of the branches, and local residents again came to the rescue, reattaching the branch. The Burmis tree is one of the most photographed trees in the world.

1. Tree of Life

Location: Bahrain
This tree, 9.75 meters high, is approximately 400 years old. The tree is unusual in that it is located in the desert and is the only growing tree for miles around, and it has no access to water. The mesquite tree's root system extends deep underground. It is believed that this is how the tree obtains water, however, it still remains a mystery. If you search for this tree on Google Earth, you can see how remote it is. The tree is a major tourist attraction and is visited by 50,000 people annually. Local residents believe that the Garden of Eden was located here. The Tree of Life is protected by UNESCO and is included in the list of World Heritage Sites.

An innumerable number of amazing trees grow on the territory of our planet. We will introduce you to some of them in this article.

We are all accustomed to the way the trees around us look in everyday life, so if we see something that is not like them, at first we cannot even believe that such unusual trees exist - but they exist, they grow beautifully where we are not there and are taken for granted by local residents

Take, for example, the baobab - well, which of us in our right mind would call such a tree “ordinary”? Moreover, he doesn’t even have rings to determine his age - scientists have to be content with the results of radiocarbon dating when figuring it out

No less interesting is another type of baobab, familiar to Madagascar landscapes - the teapot baobab. it is not a separate species - any of the six species of baobab native to Madagascar can take the form of a teapot or bottle. What this is connected with is unknown, but most likely in this way the trees take care of moisture, which is not so abundant in these latitudes

Another interesting tree is the rainbow eucalyptus, which we wrote about earlier. The bark of this amazing tree literally attracts the eye - it seems as if some artist “worked” here. Eucalyptus trees themselves, even those without “rainbow” bark, are amazing trees. Their uniqueness lies in the fact that the tallest trees ever found were eucalyptus trees. For example, one report from 1872 mentions a fallen eucalyptus tree that was over 150 meters high!

Another amazing tree that does not have growth rings is the dragon tree or simply dragon tree. Because of the red sap that immediately appears at the site of the cut in the bark, it is also sometimes called the dragon's blood tree.

Cotton trees (Ceibs) that grow on the ruins of an ancient Cambodian temple complex deserve special attention - their roots have long since formed a single whole with the ancient stone buildings of the majestic temple

Ceibas are interesting in themselves, not only in the context of a picturesque “symbiosis” with the ruins of an ancient temple. Their unusualness lies in the fact that, being essentially representatives of the palm tree family, they grow mainly in arid regions of the planet, and therefore their entire trunk and branches are covered with a dense layer of thorns, allowing them to retain the moisture so necessary for life

Sometimes trees are found so unusual that they are given their own names. This happens for a number of reasons - due to great age, unusual appearance or colossal size. One such unusual tree is the intermountain bristlecone pine Methuselah, discovered in 1953 in the Inyo National Forest in eastern California. The uniqueness of this pine is that it is one of the oldest and still living trees in the world - according to experts, Methuselah turned 4842 this year. In order to prevent acts of vandalism and protect the pine tree, its exact location is not disclosed

Another ancient tree with its own name is located in another North American state - South Carolina. We are talking about the 1,500-year-old Angel Oak, growing in the wilderness of John's Island. The height of the oak is 20 meters, the diameter is 2.7 meters, and the most spreading branch reaches 27 meters in length. This oak received such an unusual name from the last owners of these lands - the Angel family

Also worthy of attention is the thickest tree in the world - the Tule Tree, growing next to one of the churches in the Mexican city of Santa Maria del Tule

The tree belongs to the Taxodium family, found only in Mexico, its trunk girth is 11.62 meters, the trunk circumference is 36.2 meters, the Tule Tree reaches a height of 35.4 meters, although it used to be slightly taller. According to different versions, it is from one and a half to six thousand years old

The oldest olive tree grows on the island of Crete - the Elaia Buibon tree. Despite the fact that it is already about 4 thousand years old, it, surprisingly, still continues to bear fruit.

And last of all, I would like to dwell on perhaps the most unique of the currently known trees - relatively young, in comparison with the above-mentioned long-livers, “only” the 400-year-old Tree of Life, which grew in the middle of the desert in Bahrain, not far from the city of Jebel Dukhan . It seems amazing. that such a huge tree survived and grew in conditions of extremely scarce water supplies, and it still remains a mystery how miraculously it succeeded...

There are many amazing plants in the world, including unique bamboo forests, centuries-old oaks, luxurious flowering wisteria, and baobabs. Once you see them, you will undoubtedly want to take a photo next to them to capture their grandeur and beauty. The article below presents the most unusual trees on the planet; they seem incredible and amaze the imagination with their appearance.

An ancient plant native to the Madeira archipelago (Canary Islands). Its peculiarity is the impossibility of determining a reliable age. Unlike ordinary trees, it completely lacks annual rings. The growth of the trunk in thickness occurs due to cell division - meristems. Dracaena dracaena grows slowly. Mature specimens do not exceed 20 m in height.

The twisting, lumpy branches are collected into a kind of umbrella with bunches of oblong, sharp leaves 40-50 cm at the tips. The tree blooms once every 8-15 years, after which fruits are formed that taste like cherries. Local residents eat them. But the value is not the appearance of the tree and its fruits, but the juice.

Over time, a scarlet liquid, similar to blood, begins to appear on the cut of the bark. It is still used as a natural, harmless dye. In ancient times, the juice was used to cover the body of violins, and in ancient times, according to scientists, it was used as part of embalming mixtures.

An incredibly beautiful flowering tree growing in a tropical climate. Some varieties have also been imported to European countries, but they do not reach such large sizes as in their homeland. An erect trunk with winding branches grows up to 15-25 m. Jacaranda is an evergreen. Bright purple flowers bloom in November and abundantly cover the openwork crown.

During this period, a spectacular rustling carpet of fallen, slightly sticky inflorescences forms on the ground. It is not only the external beauty that is valuable, but also the expensive wood – rosewood. Elite luxury furniture is made from it.

The gigantic trunk reaches 6-8 m in diameter and 20-25 m in height. The plant is adapted to survive in harsh drought conditions in the savannah. Therefore, a thick trunk accumulates tons of liquid during the rainy season. The branches grow only at the very top, high above the ground.


Local residents use all parts of the tree to their advantage. Medicines are made from the ash, the pulp is eaten due to its rich vitamin content, fiber is made from the bark, and the leaves are eaten in salads or used to prepare first courses.

An amazing and beautiful plant with incredibly fast growth - it can reach a height of 20 m in a month. Erect stems with hard foliage at the top quickly grow, creating entire forests. One of the most famous in the world is Sagano in Japan.

Thousands of tourists come here to wander among the bamboo thickets. The wind in this forest creates the effect of music that relaxes and pacifies. Locals often come to the grove to gather their thoughts or relax. Bamboo itself is used in the manufacture of dishes, boxes, and fiber.

The Bengal ficus with inedible fruits has a growth feature - it sprouts hundreds of aerial roots, which over the years harden and become like new trunks. The most famous representative grows in a botanical garden in India, and is called the Great Banyan. Its crown has a circumference of 350 m and a height of 25 m.

Thousands of trunks-roots create the impression of a whole grove, and not just one tree. According to researchers, the plant is more than 250 years old. The authorities carefully protect the landmark.

A real giant of the plant world. It reaches more than 100 m in height, and the trunk diameter is 12 m. A tree with a bark 30 cm thick lives for thousands of years. In the California National Park there grows a giant 84 m high, with a trunk circumference of 31.5 m and a diameter of 11.5 m. The sequoia is named General Sherman.

In Mexico there is a tree that bears the proud title of the thickest on the planet. Diameter 14 m, circumference 43 m. According to research results, it is more than 1500 years old. The plant looks like a dozen different trunks fused together, but scientists have found that this is not so.

An amazing quirk of nature - a lonely tree in the middle of the desert. There is not a single living plant within a radius of more than 400 km. Scientists have different versions of its location on the border of the Sahara Desert. According to one of them, acacia was part of a large forest hundreds of years ago. But due to changes that occurred on the planet and the formation of the desert, all plants became extinct.

Now the Tenere tree is kept in the National Museum in Niamey, because in the 70s a drunk truck driver crashed into a lonely acacia tree, the plant fell, after which it was decided to preserve it as a national heritage.

The aspen poplar, growing in the US state of Utah, has become a local treasure. It has grown to an area of ​​43 hectares. This is possible due to the characteristics of reproduction. In appearance, these are free-standing trees with white bark of the trunks when young, and black bark when mature.

The leaves are light green with a yellow tint. But all these plants are connected by a single root system, which is already 80 thousand years old, and according to DNA tests they are one organism.


This plant is distinguished by its bright red-orange, pointed, carved foliage. This maple tree in Washington Park is considered a landmark and attracts hundreds of tourists. The tree, 10 m high, blooms in April with rich red buds.

A tropical tree reaching 50 m in height, with incredibly beautiful flowering. An even trunk begins to branch strongly from about the middle. Foliage falls rarely, depending on the region. In favorable weather throughout the year, it is considered an evergreen plant. Flowers up to 10 cm in size are yellow, purple, pink, white or red. The tree is used for landscaping parks, squares, courtyards and patios.

In March-April, the austere German town turns into a dream for tourists who love spectacular photos. The pink tunnel that is formed by Japanese cherry trees planted on both sides of the street during the flowering period is incredible. A local landmark in Bonn appeared by chance. Hawthorn was initially chosen for landscaping the streets that had fallen into disrepair. But all purchased specimens were infected with fungus and died. Therefore, the authorities hastily decided to plant Japanese cherry trees.

Extraordinarily beautiful trees up to 5 m high, native to South America. Of value are the bracts that abundantly cover the branches, a little like paper. Opened buds of different shades: pink, lilac, red and white. Typically grown for landscaping fences, house facades and other vertical surfaces. Sometimes found in the form of small bushes in tubs and hanging vines.

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There are more than 100 thousand species of trees in the world. Depending on the nature of the area and climate, they grow tall or low, strewn with thick and large foliage or small needles. There are also specimens that have strange edible fruits. Today we will tell you what unusual and rare trees of the world live on our planet.

bottle tree

It is indigenous to Namibia. the world are not always useful and pleasing to the eye. The bottle tree is one of the most poisonous plants on our planet. Its milky juice is extremely dangerous. Previously, the Bushmen used it as a powerful poison, which they moistened arrowheads with.

It got its name due to the unusual shape of the barrel - its resemblance to a bottle is amazing! The tree grows in the mountainous regions of the country. Its flowers are usually white or pink, which turns into a dark red hue towards the center.

Wawona tree

What other unusual trees are there in the world? There are many of them, and one of them is Wawona (Wavona), which grew in the USA. This is a sequoia from the Mariposa grove, located in one of the country's national parks. According to some sources, the giant tree is about 2100 years old. In 1969, it collapsed, unable to withstand the weight of snow on its crown. The height of the giant was 71.3 meters, the diameter of the trunk at the base was 7.9 meters. For environmental reasons, they decided to leave Wavona in place, since such a giant is quite capable of creating its own mini-ecosystem for insects, small animals and many plants.

In 1981, a passage was cut out of a huge tree. The tunnel turned out to be quite spacious: 2.1 meters wide, 2.7 meters high and 7.9 meters long. Since then, the amazing tree has become one of the landmarks of the United States.


These interesting trees of the world are quite difficult to find. Most often they can be found in Mexico. They are a distinctive feature and landmark of the Ta Prohm Temple. Mighty roots entwine the ancient temple, and the bombax grows up to 60-70 meters in height.

peach palm

These amazing trees of the world grow in Costa Rica and Nicaragua. They are also found in South and Central America.

Peach palms have rows of sharp black thorns arranged in rings along the entire surface of the trunk - from the roots to the very top.

The plant reaches a height of 20 meters, and the leaves grow up to three meters in length. Once upon a time, indigenous people used the fruits of this tree for food after they had fermented a little. But even today, fermented remains a favorite delicacy.

milk tree

These unusual ones grow in South and Central America. They were named so because of their milky juice, which both looks and tastes like cow's milk. It is tasty and healthy, contains vegetable wax, water, sugar. But more viscous and thick than real milk.

To obtain a wood drink, an incision is made on the bark, to which a container is placed. About 1 liter of juice is collected in an hour. Unlike natural cow's milk, milky juice does not spoil within a week even in the tropics.

Trees of the world: breadfruit

There are many unusual plants in Oceania. Along with the coconut palm, which produces butter and milk, an amazing breadfruit tree grows in this area. It bears fruit in “rolls” weighing up to 12 kg. The pulp of oval fruits accumulates starch, which turns into dough as the fruits ripen. The ripe gifts of the tree, which have a yellow-brown shell, are baked, and after that their taste resembles a slightly sweet wheat bread. By the way, raw pulp does not store well, but crackers do not spoil for a long time.

candy tree

Often the trees of the world amaze not only with their unusual appearance, but also with their amazing fruits. For example, in the forests of Southeast Asia you can see sweet howenia - a tree that looks like a linden tree, more than 15 meters high.

Its juicy and thick stalks are half (47%) composed of sucrose and taste like raisins with a hint of rum. In autumn, just shake the tree and these fragrant “candies” fall in whole bunches. From one hoveniya they harvest more than 35 kilograms.


In the Panama Canal area you can see real candles on the trees. The fruits of such plants contain a large amount of fat. Local residents insert a wick into their middle and use them to illuminate their homes. It is important that the flame of these “candles” burns brightly and does not smoke at all.

oil tree

Agree, the trees of the world can surprise even a sophisticated botany expert. Take, for example, the unique oil tree (hanga), which grows in the Philippine Islands.


But the natives of America were able to solve the problem of detergents with the help of soap trees. Sapindus is native to the Florida peninsula. By lightly rubbing its ripe fruits, you will get a rich soapy lather. It should be noted that local residents do not use any other soap.

And quilaya, growing on the western slopes of the Andes, is covered with bark containing saponin, a substance that creates soap suds. Things washed with this bark do not fade or fade.

Keppel tree

Another amazing tree grows in India - the keppel. Its fruits are so fragrant that the person who tastes them smells like violets in their sweat.

These fruits are the size of an apple, covered with thick skin and have a sweet and juicy pulp. They taste like mango and grapes. They grow in small groups (several pieces).

The most beautiful trees in the world

The flora of our planet is very diverse, its representatives are countless. Trees, bushes, flowers... Dwarfs and giants, useful and not very useful, beautiful and inconspicuous in appearance - all of them are undoubtedly interesting and worthy of attention. Now we are interested in the most beautiful tree in the world. According to experts, it grows in a park in the city of Tochigi (Japan). This is a wisteria planted in 1870.

Its branches are supported so that they form a flower umbrella. From mid-April to mid-May you can see extraordinary things on wisteria


The trees of the world, photos of which you can see in our article, amaze with their diversity. Albizia, or sleeping tree, is a large plant belonging to the legume family. Its height is about 12 meters. The tree has a spreading umbrella-shaped crown. Distributed in Transcaucasia and Central Asia.

Rare trees

The oldest tree on Earth is the Methuselah pine. Its age is more than 4850 years. It received its name in honor of the Biblical hero, who was considered the main long-liver in the world.

This tree grows in the United States, more precisely, in the White Mountains. The exact place where the pine grows is known only to botanists who monitor it. This secrecy is explained by the desire to protect this old-timer from vandals. Many tourists go to the mountains to find the relic, but their attempts, as a rule, end in failure.

This is not just a tree, it is a symbol of eternity. It seems dead, but at the same time each of its branches is full of life.

"Tree of Life"

Perhaps this is the loneliest tree in the world. And the only one growing in the desert sands of Bahrain.

The “Tree of Life,” or “Shajarat al-Hayah,” as the locals call this unique piece, is 400 years old, but the most interesting thing is not its age or the fact that it is a very rare specimen. Scientists cannot understand how the acacia managed to live for several centuries in the desert, completely without water, while exuding vital energy.

dragon tree

This amazing tree grows on one of the Canary Islands. Scientists believe that it is between 650 and 1500 years old. It consists of several trunks that tightly wrap around each other and grow upward. The dragon tree is crowned with a canopy of dense foliage. It was named so because of the resin that is released when the leaves or bark are cut. Local residents believe that this is the blood of a dragon that has dried up. This resin is used to treat various diseases.

Thule tree

This is a very large tree belonging to the species Taxodium mexicanis, which grows in the city of Oaxaca (Mexico). It has the largest trunk girth (58 meters). Its age is about 2000 years. Previously, many argued that this is not one tree, but three, fused together. But all doubts disappeared after the tests. It was determined that this was the same plant. Perhaps this is the most unusual tree in the world. Photos of it can be seen in many biology textbooks and, of course, on this page.

In 1994, the leaves of the relic turned yellow and the branches began to dry out. Scientists decided that the tree was dying, but when specialists in tree diseases examined it, it turned out that this giant simply did not have enough moisture.

Sri Maha Bodhi Tree

The Bodhi tree has an unusual structure: it has a huge dome and aerial roots hanging down to the ground. To see this amazing plant with your own eyes, you will have to go to Sri Lanka and visit the temple in Bodhgaya. This representative of the plant world is supposedly named after Hindu traders who sold goods while sitting under it, but, according to another version, everything was completely different. It is believed that Bodhi grew from a shoot of the sacred tree under which the great Buddha achieved Enlightenment in the 6th century BC.

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