Certificate of non-payment of wages. Sample certificate of absence of wage arrears. What does a payroll arrears look like?

Recently, penalties have been tightened for business entities in case of revealing the fact of wage arrears. However, some workers continue to face such an unpleasant situation. At the same time, many are waiting for the decision of the management on the payment of what they have earned, not believing that they can quickly receive their financial resources along with compensation due for late payment.

For this, the main requirement for an employee who is in an employment relationship is his competence in the field of labor, administrative and criminal legislation in order to know where to apply and in what form to issue an appeal.

Employees of the debtor enterprise who find themselves in a difficult situation related to non-payment of wages must promptly and competently seek the fulfillment of obligations by the employer. With a competent approach to the issue, despite the possible duration of the procedure, the funds will be returned to their owner.

If the fact of salary arrears arises, it must be taken into account that in some situations, there is a specific statute of limitations for the event, after which it will not be possible to prove anything in various instances.

Extracts from the law

The problem of wage delays by the employer and ways to resolve the issue in favor of the employee is reflected in the regulations:

  • Labor Code;
  • Criminal Code;
  • Code of Administrative Violations;
  • Methodological manuals compiled on the basis of a written application from the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation.

At the legislative level, it was decided that wages should be paid at least 2 times a month on strictly defined days. In case of violation of the terms of payments even for a few days, the employee has the right to demand compensation from the employer.

In case of exceeding the terms of payment of the accrued but not paid salary 2 months for the mercenary purposes of the employer, he faces criminal liability

Basic definitions

The salary is a reward for the work performed in accordance with the terms of the employment agreement. At the same time, the relationship between the employer and the employee can be built on the basis of a formalized contract or oral agreements, which is illegal and reduces the likelihood of resolving the issue of remuneration.

Wages are considered overdue if they are not paid within one month, subject to the fact of their accrual, as evidenced by the accounting documentation drawn up on the basis of personnel reporting in the form of a report card for work.

A sample debt repayment schedule will help to correctly draw up a document for its implementation by all parties to the agreement.

How you can accurately find out the debt for the phone, read the article at the link.

Worker actions

In the event of wage arrears, the employee must write a letter addressed to the employer with a request to pay him money for work performed under an employment contract for a certain period of time.

To prove the fact of delivery of a letter of demand, lawyers recommend preparing in advance and a copy of the letter, one of which is intended for the employer and the other for the employee, to record the fact of acceptance of the document indicating the date of the event and the incoming registration number.

If the employee's demand was not satisfied in the near future, then he has the right to inform the employer in writing about the suspension of the fulfillment of labor obligations until the debt is paid.

An important point is to receive notification of receipt of the application so that the employer does not regard the absence from the workplace as absenteeism, for which the employee will be responsible.

Sample Application

Notice of suspension of the performance of duties, according to the employment contract, due to non-payment of wages.

I, (position, surname, name, patronymic of the employee), inform you that due to non-payment of wages for (number) days, on the basis of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, I suspend the fulfillment of labor obligations until the moment of full settlement with me.

My absence from the workplace will continue until I receive a written notification of the readiness to pay me the due wages on the day of my release in order to resume my work duties.

Please note that the following information must be included in the application:

  • position, surname, name and patronymic of the head of the company and the employee;
  • applicant's signature;
  • date of preparation of the document;
  • date and incoming registration number on the copy of the employee to prove the reason for the absence from the workplace.

Where to go

In order to receive a cash payment regarding the debt of the employer, it is necessary to apply to different authorities:

  • the management of the enterprise - the debtor;
  • trade union;
  • labor inspection;
  • procurator.

Before contacting serious authorities, you should try to resolve the situation in a simple way - by negotiating with the employer by providing him with an application demanding payment of the debt within the prescribed period.

The next step in solving the problem can be a trade union organization, provided that the employee is a member. In such a situation, the trade union will try to defend the rights of the employee, and in case of unsuccessful actions, it will professionally help when applying to further authorities.

The employer's lack of response to the employee's demands regarding the payment of the debt should be a signal for actions that implement the collection of funds with accrued sanctions. This is possible by contacting the labor inspectorate, the court or the prosecutor's office.

The Labor Inspectorate is designed to ensure and control the implementation of labor legislation. In order to use the services of the organization, it is necessary to apply to it with a written application, which will be the basis for an unscheduled inspection of the enterprise.

If the company deliberately does not make payments, which violates the current legislation, penalties will be applied to its head and an order will be issued to eliminate the identified deficiencies as soon as possible.

If the measures are not implemented on time, the labor inspectorate initiates an appeal to the court, while the employees of the organization will help the affected employees draw up the necessary package of documentation for the competent submission of information to the court application.

The prosecutor's office is obliged to conduct an investigation and find out the circumstances of the offense based on the appeal of citizens. For this reason, in the event of a fact of wage arrears, you can directly contact the prosecutor's office, avoiding contacts with all other authorities.

To do this, you need to come to the main department of the prosecutor's office with documents confirming your identity and write a statement outlining the essence of the claim against the employer. If there is no time for a personal visit to the institution, you can send the necessary documentation package by mail as a valuable letter with a notification function.

In order to recover the money in a court of law, it is necessary to correctly draw up a statement of claim. A competent sample can be found at the link:

It should be noted that the claim must contain the mandatory elements of the application:

  • "cap" indicating the name of the court and the personal data of the applicant;
  • a descriptive part detailing the grounds for initiating a lawsuit;
  • the operative part with the claims of the plaintiff;
  • applicant's signature;
  • the date the claim was made;
  • an indication of the list of documents submitted for consideration by bailiffs.

In the case of a preserved employment relationship between an employee and an employer, there is no concept of a statute of limitations for filing an application for the recovery of wage arrears. However, in the event of termination of relations and dismissal of the employee, he can file a claim with the necessary authorities over a period of time not exceeding 3 months .

If the deadline for filing a claim was missed for a good reason, which can be documented, then in court it is possible to restore the possibility of filing claims against the employer.

If an employee leaves an enterprise that owes him a debt, then to prove this event, it is necessary to obtain a certificate of debt, which should be attached to the documentation package when submitting it to a judicial institution. There is no special form of a certificate of debt, which would be approved by regulatory enactments.

A certificate of wage arrears is drawn up in an arbitrary form and must be issued to the employee at his first request

In case of bankruptcy of the enterprise, during the liquidation procedure, the employer is issued an order to collect wages. In order to realize the possibility of repaying the debt, the employee needs to get this certificate in his hands, which should be sent to the arbitration manager of the company to enter the employee in the register of creditors.

It should be noted that settlement transactions with employees in this situation are carried out last.

What does a payroll arrears contain?

A mandatory condition for the certificate must be a completed "header" in which the following data must be present:

  • the name of the debtor enterprise;
  • requisites;
  • actual address of the company;
  • contact information about the employee who can give an explanation about the certificate in case of questions about it.

A certificate of wage arrears must contain a text part with information:

  • position held by an employee in an enterprise that owes wages;
  • duration of work according to the employment contract;
  • the amount of wages received by an employee for a certain period of time (excluding tax deductions).

Read also: How to get out of debt and loans

The document must be signed by the chief accountant and the head of the organization. Their signatures must be certified by the seal of the enterprise.

The accounts payable ratio directly affects the financial stability of any enterprise.

Step-by-step instructions for writing off receivables are given in this article.

Read also here. What is a bank's net debt.

Debt certificate template missing

Help, please, I JUST VERY NEED a sample certificate of absence. debt ON Z / n the enterprise is in front of the employee. (We have a wire). I PLEASE!

As far as I have come across such a situation, the help is done in an arbitrary form as a letter:
“who needs it” (tax, etc.)
Roga i Kopyta LLC, code хххххххх, reports that wages for "___" ____ 2010 have been paid in full, there are no wage arrears to employees of the organization.
Director's signature
ch. boo

CERTIFICATE on the absence of arrears in the payment of wages and other obligatory payments to employees This confirms the absence of arrears in the payment of wages and other obligatory payments to employees.

Friends! Who recently got an apartment, what documents were required from the seller?

Certificate of ownership, technical and cadastral passports.

We have a sample in the tax office. It is somewhat problematic to submit a request in ANOTHER form. In fact, certificates of the absence of debt have not been given for a long time. Provide information on the state of settlements with the budget.

The title documents must match the passport data, a certificate of no debt for the apartment fee and a certificate f1 about everyone who was registered in this apartment and was discharged and where, they may not write the person who is sitting or serving in the army, but they then claims through the court and the deal was terminated

Documents for the apartment, a new registration certificate, a certificate from the passport office that no one was registered in the apartment on the date of the transaction, documents from Energosbyt, Zheka, Gorgas that there is no rent arrears. Also with a tax certificate.

Go with him to the zhek - to the passport officer and let him take an extended extract from the house book - otherwise they put someone in 90 - now he will come out and demand his own. and an extract on the ownership of the object - in reg. you can take the ward yourself for 200 rubles - both encumbrances and pledges. \\\ and the property tax will be presented not to you but to him

And did anyone demand a certificate of absence of debt from e-networks separately? from a gas company? (there is a separate debt hanging). from the tax office so that there is no debt for cash on property, that the apartment is not pledged.)
all foolishness requires, for that it is foolish. they do not understand that the apartment does not consume services, it is not its own owner. all debts on the citizen, and not on the apartment. but a fool cannot explain this, which we see above.

I was selling. All this was required of me.

A certificate of no debt to the budget is a document of the established form, which is issued by the tax service and thereby confirms that the taxpayer has no debts in payment of fees and taxes before.

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What does a certificate of wage arrears look like - sample

It often happens that the employer has a debt to the employee for one reason or another. For example, according to organizations, wage arrears to employees as of April 1, 2017 in Russia amounted to 3635 million rubles .

In order to check how well the financial obligations of the parties are fulfilled, the employee may require a certificate from the employer about wage arrears or the absence of it. What a sample certificate looks like, in what cases a salary debt is formed, we will describe all this below.

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Why does debt arise?

With the help of an employment contract and internal documents of the company, not only the amount of wages is established, but also the days of the month on which the employer is obliged to pay wages in approximately equal shares to the employee.

Debt can be either full or partial non-payment of wages.

You can talk about the fact of debt the very next day after the day prescribed as the date of payment of wages, if the due funds were not transferred to the employee.

Partial debt may occur if the procedure for withholding the premium or reducing its size is incorrectly carried out.

If, for example, a disciplinary sanction has not been imposed. and the bonus was not paid in the previously established amount, the employer will have to pay the employee in full. And since the payment of the missing part of the premium was delayed, it is additionally paid material compensation .

The debt can be considered overdue if the funds earned by employees were accrued to them, but were not paid. Wages are most often overdue. which the employee did not receive for 1 month at your workplace.

Calculation of the amount of debt and interest

In accordance with Article 236 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the employer is obliged to pay financial compensation.

Read also: How much money should be in the account to get a Schengen visa

However, not all employees are aware of this right, which makes it possible for unscrupulous organizations not to carry out additional recalculations and accruals.

For calculation of compensation the amount that the company owes to the employee, apply the following formula:

Often, the company's management in local regulations prescribes the amount of compensation on its own. Recall that until recently, instead of 1/150, 1/300 of the amount of debt was taken for calculation. In this case, for example, a coefficient of 1/200 could be indicated in the regulatory act of the company.

How to collect wage arrears, where to apply?

If it turns out that an employee is not paid a salary, in order to remove the debt and receive his legitimate earnings, he will need to take several sequential actions.

The first thing you can do to solve the problem is to write wage claim .

The document is registered according to local office procedures. The copy of the employee must be marked with the date of acceptance of the letter. Next, you should wait for the decision of the leader.

In the event that the previous step did not lead to either a response or receipt of funds, it is written complaint to the labor inspectorate and the prosecutor's office. after which these bodies inform the employer officially about the received document.

Download a sample complaint letter to the prosecutor's office about salary arrears here.

It takes several days to resolve the issue of debt to the employee. If, after their passage, the result is also negative, the management of the organization is imposed administrative penalty in the form of a large amount. There will also be a warning about the threat of criminal liability for non-compliance with obligations under labor law.

The last resort in resolving this situation is to appeal to the judiciary. In this situation, by a court decision, the employer may block bank accounts, as well as seize property until the employees are paid wages and statutory compensation for late payments.

This algorithm will help to return all the due earnings if the employee is officially employed and the correct rates are specified in his contract. In the case of informal employment, or if the minimum rates for salary calculation are specified in the contract, the employee may either receive nothing or receive the earned funds in full.

statute of limitations

The statute of limitations as such is not set if the employee is faced with the problem of non-payment of wages, but at the same time continues to work in the company.

If the employee has already quit, but did not receive the due salary, he has the right to file a claim with the court within 3 months from the date of the violation.

Sometimes the statute of limitations can be missed for good reasons, such as a serious illness. In this case, the statute of limitations can be restored if there are documents confirming the validity of the reasons for the absence the required period.

Payroll accounting details

Deposited Debt on wages or deposited wages occurs when it is issued to employees through the cash desk, but for some reason, on the day of the salary, any employee could not receive his funds.

In this situation, the payroll is closed, and the remaining amount is returned to the bank in the form of surplus.

The deposited salary is paid either on the next salary day or on special days designated for the payment of the deposited salary.

The deposit of salary makes the organization in which the employee works, creditor towards him. Thus, accounts payable are formed.

If the employee did not request to provide him with the money he earned, then it is necessary to write off the debt to the employee. It's connected after the expiration of the statute of limitations.

When settling with employees through banking organizations, the accounting department will not need special postings. Salary arrears are credit account 70. When issuing in cash, the deposit refers to Dt 70 Kt 76.

How to deposit a salary, read our article.

Information about wage arrears

To obtain a certificate of wage arrears or its absence, an employee submits a written application to the company's accounting department. From the moment of its receipt, the preparation of a certificate will require 1-3 days. What should be included in the certificate:

  • the name of the organization in full;
  • company details;
  • employee's position;
  • monthly salary;
  • information about the presence of debt or absence to the employee;
  • date of issue of the document;
  • signature of the accountant or head of the company;
  • organization seal.

A certificate must be provided upon dismissal of an employee.

If on the day of dismissal the document cannot be issued, the employee about this notify and set deadlines. where you can get paper. Or it is sent to the employee by mail.

When a company goes bankrupt

Often the delay in salary payments occurs at the moments when the company began bankruptcy procedure. Measures to liquidate the organization are already in full swing, but what should employees do?

Initially you need to get judgment. which indicates the need to collect wages from the employer. The arbitration manager of the company receives this document and draws up a register of creditors, where he also enters the employee.

Settlements with dismissed employees are made after paid off creditors. whose life and health was damaged, or other categories of creditors specified in the legislation as a priority. Only then the funds are transferred to the employees.

Delays in salary payments, unfortunately, are still not uncommon. In this matter, the main thing is not to be afraid to defend your rights, especially since you can turn to various government organizations for help, which, if necessary, will bring an unscrupulous employer to justice.

To learn more about bankruptcy payments, watch the video:

Do you have a legal question?

Certificate of salary arrears (sample)

Many employers, as a result of an unstable economy or self-serving motives, delay the payment of wages to employees. Most often, such situations are not resolved in any way - the employee is waiting for the moment of payments.

Not many people know that according to the law, the employer is obliged to pay compensation in case of delays. The article provides detailed information on where to go in case of delays, how to get a certificate with information about non-payments and what is the established sample for such documents.

Legal aspect

Despite the tightening of measures against employers on salary delays, this situation is still relevant. The main task for an employee in an employment relationship is to know the labor and administrative code in order to avoid fraud.

The situation with the delay in remuneration to employees is reflected in several legal acts:

  • Code of Administrative Violations;
  • Criminal Code and Labor Code of the Russian Federation;
  • Letter of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation dated October 18, 2007.

In accordance with labor legislation, the employer undertakes to pay wages on time. In case of non-payment, he faces administrative and criminal liability. And the employee, in turn, has the right to a refund and compensation.

The Labor Code provides for the payment of salaries at least twice a month.

An employee of an enterprise can recover a debt even for a short delay, but a salary that has not been paid for 1 month worked is considered overdue. Criminal liability applies to delays in money from two months.

What should an employee do

An employee of the enterprise should draw up a written application demanding payment of funds for the overdue period. The application must be made in two copies. This is required in order to provide proof of acceptance of the claim. The employee keeps one copy for himself, the second for the employer.

In a situation where the management did not satisfy the employee's demand immediately in the near future, a notice should be written about the termination of employment duties until the moment of payment. It is important to notify the employer so that he does not regard the absence of the employee as absenteeism. Thus, the employee will protect himself from reprimand or dismissal for absenteeism.

The employee has the right to demand compensation! Read about compensation for non-pecuniary damage caused by unlawful actions of the employer.

How is severance pay paid in case of reduction? See here.

How to write a letter of termination of employment obligations

  • the date the document was drawn up;
  • incoming registration number indicated on the applicant's letterhead;
  • position and full name of the employee and the same data of the head of the organization;
  • employee's signature.

The application is made in any form. The main thing is to notify the employer of the termination of employment obligations before the day of payments in order to resume employment relations.

Information about debt

It may be in any form or in the form indicated above with a modified title. The certificate should be attached to the main package of documents as confirmation of non-payment. The company has only three working days to issue a certificate at the request of an employee. Such rules are established by labor legislation.

Despite the arbitrary form of the application, the certificate must include the following data:

  • an up-to-date requisite card of the enterprise;
  • actual and legal address;
  • full legal name of the organization;
  • contact person - in this case, an employee of the company.
  • what is in the help?
  • the position held by the employee;
  • how long the employee works at the enterprise;
  • the amount of salary that an employee receives for a certain time without deductions.

For those who have not yet encountered the provision of documents in order to confirm their income, this material has been developed. Here you will find out to which authorities information on wages is submitted, in which documents should be, what details must be present on the form. Depending on the place of provision, there are many features of its compilation.

The article will be useful both to the employee himself and to the representative of the employer, so as not to miss important details in the process of compiling the document.

Authorities to which a salary certificate can be provided

Cases in which a salary certificate is provided:

  1. to the labor exchange - the document will be needed for the calculation of non-working citizens while looking for a job.
  2. Obtaining credits and loans by citizens in financial and credit institutions.
  3. Receiving benefits, subsidies from the budget to pay utility bills.
  4. Registration of pensions in the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation.
  5. Obtaining a visa to travel abroad in Russia.

Is there a single form of salary certificate

There is no single form of reference; it is compiled depending on the requirements of the organization to which it is provided.

An employee of the accounting department or the personnel department at the enterprise can draw it up on letterhead.

If the dismissed employee applied for it after some time, then the organization has three working days to draw it up.

It happens that the company is liquidated, in which case you need to contact the archive of the company, or to the liquidating body.

Learn how to draw up a salary certificate from the video.

In contact with

Salary arrears are wage delays of more than one day. After 15 days, you can suspend work and go to court. However, not all and not always.

According to article 136 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the employee has the right to receive a salary at least twice a month. The head of the organization can choose a specific day of payments on his own. But this date must be fixed in the labor and collective agreements.

Wage arrears are formed if the latter is delayed by more than 15 days from the last day of the billing period. That is, for September, it is necessary to pay employees no later than October 15.

What to do if wages are not paid on time

The specified period has expired, but there is no money. gives the deceived employee the right to suspend his activities until the moment the management pays the due. However, this does not apply:

  • for civil servants;
  • military and law enforcement officials;
  • rescuers and firefighters;
  • workers in hazardous industries;
  • housing and communal services specialists;
  • emergency doctors.

The rest may legally not go to work, having previously notified the authorities in writing. At the same time, they retain the average earnings for the entire time of absence.

Contacting the labor inspectorate can speed up the process. In a free form, significant circumstances for the case should be stated. Sometimes one call from this body makes the manager take a more responsible attitude to compliance with labor laws.

When can you sue

If the above measures do not work, you should use judicial protection. Before filing a claim, you should address the employer with a demand to pay the debt and compensation. According to article 236 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, it is 1/150 of the current key rate.

Now the key rate of the Central Bank is 7.50%. Accordingly, for each day of delay, the employer pays 0.05% of the amount withheld.

The statute of limitations for wage arrears is one year (see). It is counted from the day following the last possible day of salary. In the example above, this is October 15th. Therefore, from October 16 of the current year until October 16 of the next, you can go to court.

In accordance with Article 11 of Federal Law No. 229-FZ of 02.10.2007, claims for the collection of wages are executed by bailiffs in the second place.

How to prove that the salary was not paid

The fact of violation of the rights of the worker is not so bad. He also needs to solve related problems. What should a person who needs to pay for an apartment (for a loan, alimony) do if there is no money coming in?

In this case, a certificate of wage arrears will help out: its sample is not legally established, so you can write it out in free form. It should indicate:

  • name of company;
  • Document Number;
  • the period for which the employee did not receive money;
  • the total debt.

The head certifies the certificate with his signature and seal of the organization. Usually this is enough to confirm the temporary insolvency of a citizen.

Salary is a reward to an employee for his production work, for his skills, skills, knowledge. Each employee has different skills listed, and therefore a different salary. But the form, which indicates the accrued wages for the period worked, is the same for all employees.

At the end of each calendar month, the accounting department calculates wages for employees of the organization. Produces the provision of deductions, withholding taxes, withholding for other collections. Calculates the amount of money that will remain after all accruals and deductions made, to be received by the employee. The legislation establishes that each employee is obliged to receive the specified details in writing on a monthly basis. Therefore, a special unified standard form of such a form has been developed, which is called the employee's pay slip.

Note: The form of the pay slip can be approved by the employer independently while maintaining the required details.

The payslip provides a complete breakdown of payroll by items (salary, monthly bonus, compensation payment and other accruals), deductions made in the context of each amount withheld, and the amount of money payable is indicated.

Pay slip form

Salary is paid twice a month. This is an advance payment and final settlement no later than the 15th day after the end of the period in which it was accrued. All employers are required to pay salaries at least every half month.

Wages are considered overdue if they have not been paid for more than 15 days. After the expiration of the specified period, the employee of the organization has the right to notify the head of the organization in writing of the termination of work until he has paid off all wage arrears. For the entire period of suspension of work, the employee is entitled to payment based on the calculation of the average wage, as well as compensation for delayed wages, calculated in accordance with the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. In this case, in order to confirm the debt of the organization to the employee, a certificate of wage arrears is not required.

A certificate of wage arrears is required only to resolve this conflict in higher instances. Namely, to apply for the employer's actions to higher authorities: the prosecutor's office, the court, the labor inspectorate. Which by their actions can help in resolving the issue. A kind of certificate of wage arrears is a document indicating the insolvency of the employer, which substantiates the requirements of the employee.

As such, a standard unified form of a certificate of wage arrears has not been developed. Organization-employer independently in free form can draw up this certificate indicating the necessary details:

  1. Details of the employer organization: name, TIN, KPP, PSRN
  2. Actual location address
  3. Registration data: outgoing number, date
  4. Surname, name, patronymic of the employee to whom the employer organization has a debt
  5. Employee's position
  6. Passport data of the employee
  7. Amount of payroll arrears
  8. For what period and since what time did the amount of debt arise
  9. Signatures of the head and chief accountant
  10. Seal of the employing organization

Information about wage arrears

Metelitsa LLC

TIN 1115973450 KPP 112501001

OGRN 1092137622820

Actual location address: Nizhny Novgorod region, Nizhny Novgorod, Ivanova st., 17 office 324


Help, given to Stepanov Artur Evgenievich,

Born August 05, 1978, passport series 95 08 No. 677890 issued by the Nizhny Novgorod Department of Internal Affairs on October 18, 2004,

working as a plumber (Order on employment No. 138-pr dated 02/02/2016)

has arrears in payment of wages to Stepanov A.E.

in the amount of 88980 rubles.

Director: Signature Mitin I.I.

Chief Accountant: Signature Trunnina E.V.

A certificate of wage arrears may also be required in the following cases:

  • An employee when the employing organization is declared bankrupt. In order for an employee to whom there is a wage arrears to be included in the register of creditors' claims
  • An employee for submission to credit organizations. In order to substantiate outstanding debt on loan payments.
  • To the employing organization to account for the total debt owed to all employees when filing for bankruptcy
  • To an employee to declare the employer organization bankrupt
  • other cases

So, a certificate of wage arrears is issued at the request of an employee to whom the employer organization has a wage debt. The reference does not have a unified form. The debtor organization issues it in any form, indicating the details by which you can determine: who owes, to whom, for what, from what date and in what amount. It is submitted to the relevant authorities depending on the problem or situation that has arisen.

Issues of drawing up, as well as a sample certificate of non-payment of wages, are not regulated by law. However, there are rules developed in practice for the preparation of this document.

When do you need a certificate of non-payment of wages to an employee

The document in question may be needed by an employee in the following cases:

  • to receive a loan repayment deferral. If the employee provides the bank with confirmation that he is not depositing funds through no fault of his own, loan payments may be reduced or deferred;
  • to protect rights in court in the recovery of alimony or other debts;
  • to collect wage arrears in the event of bankruptcy of the enterprise. The paper gives the right to include the employee in the list of creditors. To do this, it must be provided to the arbitration manager;
  • to protect their rights in the State Labor Inspectorate when the employer delays wages.

The employer may need this document:

  • during a scheduled inspection by the labor inspectorate as evidence of fulfillment of obligations to employees;
  • to initiate bankruptcy proceedings. Salary is included in the amount of accounts payable.

Sample letter of arrears in wages

Existing legislation does not contain requirements for the preparation of this document. Compilation in free form is allowed. Nevertheless, it is worth adhering to some rules developed in practice. In this regard, the sample calculation of wage arrears must contain the following details:

  • Business name;
  • date of compilation and number of the document;
  • information about the presence (absence) of debt;
  • Full name, signature of the compiler.

A certificate of timely payment of wages or its delay is endorsed by the General Director. In addition, a seal is affixed if it is available in the organization.

The paper can be prepared in a generalized form or for a specific employee. In the first case, it is indicated whether there are debts to all employees of the company.

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