Central Asian turtle. Central Asian land tortoise. Central Asian tortoise - breeding in captivity

Turtles are quite popular as pets. They are unpretentious, silent and peculiarly sweet. Mostly, people keep land turtles because they are easy to buy, caring for them is quite simple, and maintenance does not require exorbitant expenses.

Description and photo

Representatives of this species are small, born only three centimeters long, and grow to a maximum of thirty. The shell is low, round, colored yellow, green, and brown. The dull color is due to mimicry of the terrain. Colors vary depending on the specific subspecies. The forelimbs have four claws with which the animal digs the ground. The tail is pointed, the eyes are dark.

In nature, they live on plains, near rivers, and are distributed throughout Central Asia. They feed on herbs, sometimes fruits, berries or melons.

Central Asian turtles live up to fifty years, but how long your pet will stay with you depends on the conditions of detention (usually they say about thirty years, but such statistics are more likely due to the mistakes of the owners).

Did you know? In English-speaking countries, land/Central Asian tortoises are called Russian tortoises, although in reality only a small part of their habitat is in Russia.

Features of life in the wild

Land turtles live in steppes and forest-steppes, in fairly warm, often arid areas. They can go without water for a long time, but if there is a body of water they drink often. They dig quite long holes in the ground. When a source of danger is detected, the head and limbs are pulled under the shell. Due to the color corresponding to the area, they look like stone. They are not afraid of people.

They move at a speed of about twelve centimeters per minute; uneven rocky surfaces are dangerous for them; they can get stuck.

Did you know?During the mating season, males actively compete for females. They even fight, colliding and trying to turn their opponent over. It often happens that two people are so carried away by the fight that they do not notice the departure of their lady (sometimes, in the company of a third gentleman).

Rules for choosing when purchasing

The choice of a pet should be approached responsibly. Take the time to carefully check the breeder or store; at a minimum, look for reviews of land tortoises previously purchased there. No matter how you care for your pet, if it is initially sick, you will have to at least treat it at the veterinarian, and in the saddest case, mourn and bury it.

There are several important factors to consider when purchasing:

  • Don't take a baby at all. It is more difficult to care for and has a higher risk of illness, so it is better to buy a teenager.
  • It's better to buy in summer. High temperature will reduce the risk of your pet catching a cold during transportation.
  • Pay attention to the condition of the shell, skin, eyes. Unscrupulous breeders may sell sick animals. The turtle should not have cracks, signs of peeling, or deformation of the shell.
  • Look into your mouth - the color of the inner surface should be light pink, the saliva should be clean (be sure to check for the absence of ulcers and abscesses).
  • Listen - the breathing of a healthy reptile should not be heard; wheezing and whistling are a sign of respiratory tract disease.
  • Pay attention to behavior. Pick it up - the normal reaction of the animal will be the movement of its paws, and when the hand approaches the eyes, the head will retract. An apathetic, practically unresponsive animal is most likely simply unhealthy.

Features of care

The animal is quite unpretentious, it does not need anything supernatural, although proper maintenance and care of Central Asian turtles still require some effort: equipping a terrarium, regular bathing, strict adherence to a plant-based diet and temperature conditions.

Choice and requirements for housing

A terrarium for a reptile needs to be quite large. The principle is “the more, the better.” The key characteristic is area. If, when choosing a height, it is enough that the pet cannot overcome it (about half a meter), then the optimal length starts from 120 centimeters, and the width from 60, and this is for one individual! If you start a couple, then, accordingly, the housing for them should be much larger.

It is important to consider the following requirements:

  • Fresh air intake from above and from the sides.
  • Temperature ranges from +25...+ 27 °C.
  • In one of the corners there is a zone with +33° °C (the turtle will bask there). To do this, you need to install a lamp at a height of about twenty centimeters. Forty watts is enough, you don’t want to fry your pet.
  • Be sure to have shelter. Since in nature they dig holes, the land turtle must be kept in appropriate conditions. It is difficult to make a hole in a terrarium, we replace it with something like a house (you can use an inverted box with a hole in the side), the main thing is that the turtle can enter it freely.
  • Availability of a container with fresh water. Although many breeders believe that the turtle will get enough moisture from the greenery, a drinking bowl will not hurt - in natural conditions they drink when they find a source of water.

Soil and lamps for a terrarium or enclosure

Important! Do not use small pebbles and/or sand! The animal tends to eat it, which will lead to blockage of the gastrointestinal tract.

Optimal care for the Central Asian tortoise at home requires an additional device - an ultraviolet lamp. There are ten percent UVB specially designed for this purpose, which do not heat, but emit UV flux. It is necessary for the bones and shell of the turtle. Fix the device at a height of 25 centimeters, turn it on for six, maximum twelve hours a day.

We maintain hygiene

The reptile loves water. You need to bathe her once a week, in warm water.(temperature about +25 °C). Pour the liquid into a small container, to levels of five to seven centimeters, but not higher than the neck. While swimming, the turtle not only washes itself, but also drinks (in addition to the traditional method, it also absorbs moisture through the skin). The standard procedure time is up to half an hour; the turtle itself will ask to come out when it gets tired. It is a dangerous misconception to think that bathing is needed simply to wash away dust. In this way, the pet stabilizes the water-salt balance of the body, stimulates intestinal functions, which is very important for the health of the turtle.

Feeding rules

This animal needs to be fed infrequently - once a day is enough. Adults can feed once every two to three days. You should not give too much food; a portion on a plate with a diameter of half a shell is quite sufficient. It is not recommended to place food on the ground - use a feeder or hand feed (be careful not to get bitten on your fingers; turtles are not allowed to eat meat).

Water balance

Some breeders believe that a reptile does not need a water bowl; it gets all the moisture it needs from food, citing as an argument the fact that the bowls in the aquarium are often upside down. However, a better decision would be to give the turtle the opportunity to drink whenever it wants, because even in the wild they do it with pleasure. A shallow, heavy ceramic bowl that the animal cannot move will do. The water in the drinking bowl must be fresh and must be changed regularly.

What do Central Asian turtles eat?

Under natural conditions, they feed mainly on grasses, so in captivity the diet is as close to natural as possible. Two-thirds of the diet is greens (spinach, grass, salads are suitable), the rest is fruits and vegetables. In cold seasons, you can grow grass in pots or replace it with steamed hay.
The diet should be varied, you should not give a lot of sweet fruits, and it is generally better to avoid too bitter or spicy vegetables. It is important to ensure that the reptile’s body receives a sufficient amount of calcium and vitamins - special supplements can be purchased at a veterinary pharmacy.

It is impossible to feed the Central Asian tortoise the same as cats and dogs, just as you cannot give it human food. Even small doses of usually harmless bread, milk or boiled eggs can cause serious harm to your pet's digestion.

Features of hibernation at home

In nature, a turtle hibernates due to cold and lack of food. This should not happen in an apartment or house (if you are a responsible owner). Therefore, breeders do not have a common opinion regarding hibernation. There are those who believe that this is normal, and the main thing is to provide the pet with a comfortable temperature, others believe that hibernation should not be allowed. If you do not want the reptile to fall asleep (the main signs of readiness for hibernation are lethargy, refusal to eat), increase the temperature in the terrarium.

The turtle does not cause any particular trouble, but some nuances are still worth knowing. This animal is worth getting for aesthetic reasons - you won’t be able to play with it like a cat, and it is generally not recommended to pick it up. If you really want to, don’t do it abruptly and often. The animal can be stressed.
You should not let your turtle roam outside the terrarium. On the floor she can catch a cold, get injured or get an infection. Also, your pet should be protected from drafts - he is prone to colds. Detergents should not be added to bathing water. If the turtle is very dirty, wash it carefully with a sponge. After washing, dry with a soft towel or napkin.

Important!If you take it out onto the grass, be sure to fence it with an enclosure. At the same time, it must penetrate the ground at least ten centimeters - in terms of unnoticeable escape, the turtle has no equal, and it is also quite capable of digging a tunnel.

Separately about reproduction

It is quite possible to breed turtles in captivity. A pair is enough, although some experts recommend taking three individuals. Males are slightly smaller than females, although they reach sexual maturity faster (at five to six years), females are ready for the first mating at ten to twelve years. The mating season begins in February and ends in August. Pregnancy lasts two months, and a clutch usually contains two to six eggs. The maximum incubation period is 65 days at temperatures from +28° to +30°. Small turtles are fed a mixture of chopped vegetables and fruits, with the addition of vitamin and mineral supplements.
To summarize, we can say that the turtle is a rather interesting, although not a social pet. If you are prone to contemplation and do not like fuss and noise, it is ideal for you. The main thing is to follow all maintenance recommendations, because even reptiles need attention and care.

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Scientific classification.

Kingdom: Animals.

Type: Chordata.

Class: Reptiles.

Squad: Turtles.

Family: Land turtles.

Species: Central Asian turtle.

Scientific name: Testudo horsfieldii.

Conditions of detention.

Minimum housing area: 0.7 m².

Lighting: special spectrum ultraviolet lamp.

Heating: incandescent lamp at a height of 30-35 cm.

Bathing: 1 time per week.

Soil: a mixture of earth and coconut shavings; stones without sharp edges are required.

Maximum size: females - 25 cm, males - 20 cm.

Lifespan: up to 30 years.

The Central Asian tortoise, a reptile of the land tortoise family, owes its name to its habitat. Turtles of this species are often called land or steppe.

A small-sized “Tortilla” will not cause much trouble for its owner. It can be kept in a private house or a standard apartment. In addition, this type of reptile has activity that is not typical for other turtles. Of course, this turtle does not fly around the terrarium like a torpedo, but it is faster than its fellows, which is a definite plus. She does not require walking, does not make noise at night, lives in a relatively small area, and therefore is suitable as a pet for busy owners or beginners.


As you probably already understood from the name, this turtle lives throughout Central Asia, namely: in the southern regions of Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, in the north-west of India and Pakistan, as well as in many other countries, choosing places with a lot of vegetation, which constitutes its main diet. This species settles on sandy, steppe or rocky terrain, close to natural bodies of water; it is found in the foothills, river valleys and agricultural lands and even in semi-deserts, that is, the turtle’s habitat is huge.

The turtle was first discovered and described by the British naturalist Thomas Horsfield, in whose honor it received its Latin name Testudo horsfieldii.

Description of the Central Asian turtle

This is an ordinary turtle, which is represented by millions of people. The carapace is divided into two halves: the carapace, the upper part, consists of 13 irregularly shaped scutes, and the plastron, the lower part, consists of 16 scutes. On the sides of the carapace there are another 25 horny plates. There are 4 fingers on each forelimb. The color of the shell has a lot of shades: brown, dark green, sand, emerald, with a clear or vague pattern.

The animal grows throughout its life, becoming sexually mature at 10 years.

Arranging a terrarium and keeping a Central Asian tortoise

To begin with, I would like to say that, among other dwellings, a glass terrarium in a classic design is suitable for the Central Asian tortoise for several reasons:

In a glass terrarium you can create optimal living conditions: a certain level of humidity and temperature range.

A container made of glass, unlike other materials, is easy to clean and does not absorb odors and animal waste products.

Glass walls provide a good opportunity to observe your pet from all fronts.

Glass does not emit toxic substances that can be harmful to health.

The glass container retains its aesthetics for a long time.

Now let's move on directly to the decoration of the terrarium itself.

Priming. Many novice owners are wondering what to use as soil for a Central Asian pet. For many, the answer seems obvious - sand, because in their natural environment turtles bury themselves in it and dig holes. However, experienced owners will object to you, because at home turtles accidentally swallow sand, which leads to clogging of the gastrointestinal tract and ultimately to death.

To satisfy your pet’s natural desire to dig, you can pour a layer of earth mixed with coconut shavings in the corner of the terrarium; the turtle will be able to dig in such a substrate without much difficulty.

Also, do not forget about the constant need of this reptile to grind its claws; rounded stones, for example, pebbles, are suitable for these purposes; A good solution would be several wide flat stones, which will serve not only as a sharpener, but also as a kind of feeding table or a place to “sunbathe” under a lamp.

Lighting. To build their shell, turtles need vitamin D³, which is produced with the participation of sunlight, but at home there is often not enough natural light, which, in turn, can lead to rickets. To avoid this disease, a special spectrum ultraviolet lamp is installed in the terrarium. This lamp should be purchased exclusively at a pet store, since household UV lamps can lead to corneal burns and other undesirable consequences.

Daylight hours are 12 hours.

Temperature. The Central Asian tortoise is a heat-loving animal, and therefore it requires heating, but do not rush to buy newfangled heaters, thermal cords or heating stones. It is enough to purchase an ordinary incandescent lamp of 40-50 watts; it will create the required temperature range from 20 to 30 degrees, and will also cost a more modest amount. But how to create this range? - you ask. The answer is simple: if the terrarium has an elongated shape, then place the light bulb on the edge, and if the terrarium has the shape of a cube, then the problem can be solved by creating a small stone peak over which you need to hang the lamp. The temperature at the top of the peak will be higher than at its base. (Make the hill flat so that the turtle can climb it, and build a small platform on top for your pet to sit on). Using a peak, you can recreate a natural mountainous landscape, close to the turtle’s habitat; in addition, inside the hill you can make a cave that serves as a house. There are many design options, it all depends on your imagination.

BEFORE ADDING YOUR PET, MEASURE THE TEMPERTURE IN DIFFERENT PARTS OF THE TERRARIUM, IT SHOULD NOT EXCEED 30°C, AND ITS RANGE, AS WAS ALREADY SAID ABOVE, SHOULD BE 20-30°C. This way the turtle will be able to choose a comfortable place for itself at a certain point in time. All lamps should be placed at a height of at least 20 cm from the expected location of the turtle to avoid overheating and burns!

Water. In addition to the above, it is necessary to install a drinking container in the terrarium. Particularly avid fans install some kind of pools into which turtles can climb entirely for several reasons:

Turtles will be able to absorb water through their skin as soon as they feel a lack of it.

There is no need for daily bathing.

However, this method has several disadvantages: these reptiles, in the literal sense of the word, prefer to defecate in water, so it has to be changed often, they can simply turn over an artificial pond, thereby dissolving unwanted dampness, in general, it’s much easier once a week take a 20-minute bath with warm water.

Minimum size of dwelling. To say that the Central Asian tortoise is a small animal is not entirely true, since it can reach 25 centimeters! In order not to spend money on increasing the living space as the animal grows, immediately buy a terrarium with an area of ​​at least 0.7 m² and a height of 30 centimeters; of course, the larger the terrarium, the better. Many beginners think that the turtle is a very slow creature and does not need much space, but in reality this is not the case. The turtle is a very curious creature that will constantly fuss and wander around its home in search of something interesting, so buy a spacious home for it.

I also want to note that Central Asian turtles have a rather dangerous, but invisible “enemy”, and his name is draft, it can harm a heat-loving animal, and therefore the pet’s habitat should be chosen wisely.

Feeding the Central Asian turtle

It is no secret to many people that the key to a pet’s health is high-quality and varied nutrition. The main diet of Asian turtles in natural conditions consists of ordinary plants with a high fiber content, therefore in captivity they should be fed plant foods: clover, dandelion, plantain and some other herbs. COLLECT YOUR GRASS AWAY FROM ROADS AND HARMFUL PRODUCTS and do not feed UNKNOWN plants, they may be POISONOUS!!!

In today's world, there is absolutely no point in collecting, since there are a lot of commercial feeds that are enriched with vitamins and calcium. As a treat, turtles can be given lettuce leaves, berries, vegetables and fruits, such as cucumbers, bananas, apples, and pumpkin, once a week.

An adult animal is fed once every two days, and small turtles once a day.

Under no circumstances should you give turtles meat, cottage cheese, fish or other human food, as their digestive system is not capable of digesting these foods.

Summer aviary.

I’ll also make a reservation about the summer enclosure. Some owners believe that living outdoors is best for turtles' lives, but I don't entirely agree with this statement. Yes, turtles receive natural ultraviolet light, live grass, and a lot of space, but these advantages are accompanied by constant changes in temperature, wind, rain, and stress from moving. There is also a possibility that the pet will make a dig and run free, or someone will drag it away. In general, I would not risk the life and health of the animal, because all the necessary conditions can be created for him at home, to which he will quickly get used to.

Compatibility: The Central Asian tortoise is quite territorial and is aggressive towards its neighbors, so it is best to keep it alone.

Central Asian tortoise video review

The Central Asian tortoise is a cute reptile, distinguished by its slowness and clumsiness. At the same time, the turtle has a unique charm. Keeping a Central Asian turtle does not require special knowledge; it does not need to create unimaginable living conditions. It is precisely because of the ease of care that a large number of people prefer to choose representatives of this particular species for home keeping.

Central Asian land turtle in nature

The habitat of the Central Asian turtle is clear from its name. These reptiles live in Central Asia, which has a relatively dry climate. The bulk of Central Asian tortoises live in the steppes, so the species has acquired another name - the steppe tortoise. Due to the lack of water, the reptile gets moisture from food, but in the steppes there is a minimal amount of succulent food. That is why the Central Asian reptile can do without moisture for a long time and consume a minimum amount of it. The average lifespan of a reptile in nature is more than 40 years. The length of the shell can be from 3 to 25 cm. Recently, the number of individuals has sharply decreased, so the Central Asian tortoise is protected by the Red Book.

Central Asian land turtle at home

As noted earlier, the Central Asian turtle, whose care is quite simple, is unpretentious. Thus, a reptile in the wild feeds mainly on tough plants and is accustomed to doing without water. Slowness and sluggishness are the main differences between a turtle and other representatives of reptiles.

Setting up an enclosure or terrarium

The Central Asian tortoise, the maintenance of which does not involve large expenses, still requires a spacious home, which is equipped in accordance with the requirements of the pet. So, you need to choose a spacious terrarium in which your pet will have room to spread out. Some breeders set up enclosures where the animal has a huge area for movement.

Before you do this, check the following items in your home:

  • priming;
  • incandescent lamp;
  • Ultraviolet lamp;
  • house;
  • feeder

There is no need to stir the drinking bowl. You can't just keep a turtle on the floor. There is a danger of stepping on your pet, and the reptile can also get sick while in a draft.

Creation of soil

The Central Asian land turtle lives in places with hard or clayey soil. Therefore, she simply needs soil in a terrarium or enclosure. You can create it using stones. You just need to choose stones that the turtle cannot swallow - foreign objects entering the gastrointestinal tract can lead to illness. You can also improve the soil using sawdust, wood chips or hay. The best option is to use all the named items at once.


The frequency of feeding depends on the age of the turtle. Young individuals need to be fed every day. Those turtles whose length exceeds 10 cm can feed once every 2-3 days. Food must be placed in the feeder so that the reptile does not eat from the ground. The optimal amount of food is ½ the length of the shell for each feeding.

The diet should not be monotonous. Most of the feed should consist of lettuce and leaves of other edible plants, as well as roughage in the form of hay and dried grasses. Vegetables can be given in smaller quantities; the content of fruits in the diet is minimal. It must be remembered that a reptile in the wild eats hard food, so do not get carried away with succulent plants when trying to give your pet something to drink. Excessive amounts of succulent feed can lead to problems with the gastrointestinal tract. Diseases can also be caused by feeding an animal bread, milk, cottage cheese, eggs - that is, human food.

Lamp Installation

There should be two types of lamps in a terrarium or enclosure:

  1. incandescent lamp. Designed to warm the turtle's habitat. The Central Asian tortoise must receive optimal ambient temperature. Do not place the lamp too low to avoid overheating;
  2. Ultraviolet lamp. A lamp that produces ultraviolet rays is useful for the normal development of a pet. Its optimal height is 20-40 cm above the turtle.

It is worth remembering that excessive overheating is also dangerous for your pet. The acceptable operating time of a UV lamp for a Central Asian tortoise is about 5 hours.

Watering and bathing the Central Asian turtle

The Central Asian turtle, whose care is in principle simple, requires compliance with reptile hygiene. By bathing, you can get rid of contaminants; also, when in water, the reptile saturates the body with moisture, absorbing it through the skin. Here’s the answer: you can just bathe her.

The optimal number of baths for the Central Asian turtle is once a week. The use of soap is allowed only in cases of extreme contamination of the pet. The water temperature should be optimal for your pet - about 30 degrees Celsius. The height of the water is 2/3 of the height of the turtle itself. The average bathing time should be about half an hour.

Dream of a Central Asian turtle

The Central Asian land turtle hibernates under natural conditions. When keeping a pet at home, hibernation is generally undesirable - it can harm the body. If you notice a sharp decrease in activity before the onset of cold weather, do not let your pet fall asleep. As an option, you can increase the ambient temperature, thereby deceiving the reptile’s body. If you are wondering at home, the answer will depend on the individual conditions of detention and on the turtle itself. Some individuals can sleep all night and fall asleep several times during the day, and for some pets a short night's sleep will be enough.

The Central Asian turtle, which is relatively easy to care for, has a unique charm. She is able to please her owner for a very long time if optimal conditions are created for her. It is not recommended to let the reptile move freely around the apartment - this can cause injury to the pet and it will be able to climb into a hard-to-reach place. Diseases due to drafts are also possible. With proper care, the life expectancy of a Central Asian tortoise can range from 10 to 30 years. There are cases where reptiles lived for more than three decades.

The diversity of land turtles is quite amazing and large. In nature you can find such representatives of reptiles from the smallest, whose size may not exceed ten centimeters during their lifetime, as well as giants weighing up to half a ton. But at the same time, there are medium subspecies, the size of which reaches from twenty to thirty centimeters. It is about such a representative of turtles, called Central Asian, and will be discussed in this article.

Habitats of the steppe tortoise

The Central Asian tortoise is also called the steppe tortoise or Horsfield's tortoise. These animals are in large numbers reptiles live in semi-deserts Central Asia. These turtles are also found in India, Iran, Pakistan, Southern Kazakhstan and Afghanistan. Moreover, this small number of these animals can also be found in Russia, in the south of the Orenburg region.

The optimal habitat conditions for these turtles are considered to be clay or sandy deserts, river valleys, semi-deserts, agricultural or even fields. It is worth noting that this species is able to live in mountains and foothills, the height of which reaches up to 1200 meters. This fact confirms that the Central Asian reptile can perfectly move along steep areas and steep slopes.

Description of the Central Asian turtle

The shell is low, the length can be up to twenty to twenty-five centimeters. The shape is round, flattened at the top; we can say that when viewed from above, the handicap looks like a pie. Color the shell can be olive or brown-yellow. The spots on the shell of a land turtle are the color of soil and have a vague outline. The plastron is dark in color and has sixteen horny scutes. The turtle carapace has thirteen horny scutes, on which the grooves are located. The front paws of the Central Asian turtle have four toes with claws. The upper jaw of these reptiles is hooked.

Male turtles have one horny tubercle on the back side of the bird, while in females the number of horny tubercles can vary count from three to five.

It is worth noting that the females of the Central Asian turtle are always larger than the males of the same species.

If living conditions and other factors influencing the life of reptiles are favorable, then the animal can live up to fifty years. It is important to note that the turtle continues to grow throughout its life.

In natural habitat conditions, the diet of these turtles usually includes plant foods, namely: shoots of bushes, perennial grasses, berries, melons, and fruit carrion.

If it is domesticated, its diet should be varied and include:

  • coarse fiber (hay or dry grass), plant leaves, salads, and other greens - 80 percent of the total diet;
  • vegetables - 15 percent of the total diet;
  • fruits - 5 percent of the total diet.

It is not recommended to feed turtles by hand. It is best to cut the food and lay it out it to a specially designated place. The dining area must be properly equipped so that the turtle cannot swallow soil or other inedible objects along with food during lunch. Since in its natural environment the Central Asian feeds rather sparingly and juicy herbs or fruits are very rare for it, it must be taken into account that juicy, sweet herbs or fruits can cause fermentation in the animal’s stomach. Based on this, it is important to maintain moderation in the variety of reptile food.

When arranging a terrarium, you need to allocate a place in which there will be a constant source of calcium in the form of special powder feeds sold in pet stores.

You should not give turtles food that people eat, namely: meat, fish, milk, bread, eggs or dairy products.

Juveniles need food every day, but adult turtles need to be fed once every two or three days.

Reproduction of turtles

Sexual maturity of the Central Asian tortoise in nature occurs at the age of ten years, and it is worth noting that males reach sexual maturity much faster than females. In early spring, during mating season among steppe tortoises, the hoarse sounds of males courting their females and the sound of the knocking of shells can be heard from their habitats.

At home, a turtle reaches sexual maturity at the age of six years. Eggs are laid, as a rule, in compacted soil or wet sand, from April to July. The depth of the holes for laying eggs is half a centimeter with a diameter of about four millimeters. The number of clutches can be from one to three, where from two to six turtle eggs are placed.

Turtle eggs weigh approximately thirty grams, and their incubation lasts from sixty days, at a humidity of about seventy percent and a temperature of twenty-five to thirty degrees.

Turtles hatch between August and September and reach a length of no more than five centimeters. It is worth noting that what happens is that turtles can overwinter in their shells all winter and only emerge in early spring. Baby turtles at birth have non-retracted yolk sac and a well-defined egg tooth. These small reptiles begin to feed from the second, and sometimes from the fourth, day after birth; this happens when the yolk sac is completely retracted.

Maintenance and care of the Central Asian steppe tortoise

The Central Asian tortoise (Latin: Testudo horsfieldii) or steppe tortoise is a small and popular domestic land tortoise. Interestingly, in English-speaking countries it is called - Russian tortoise.

Its small size makes it possible to keep this turtle even in an apartment, and it is also quite active for such a leisurely animal. They also tolerate cold weather fairly well, temperatures that would make tropical species sick or die.

They live long, are unpretentious, but like all living things, they require care and cannot be just a toy.

The steppe tortoise is named after the American biologist Thomas Walker Horsfield. As is clear from the name itself, its habitat is in Central Asia, in the steppes from China to Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan.

Prefers sandy soil, but is also found on loam. It mainly lives in rocky or hilly areas where there is water and, accordingly, grass in abundance.

They live in burrows that they dig themselves or that others inhabit.. Even though they live in dry areas, what they really need is an area that is humid enough for them to dig. If the ground is very dry and hard, they cannot dig at all.

Having a wide range, it is listed in the Red Book as an endangered species, primarily due to catching for sale.


The Central Asian tortoise is small in size and can grow to about 15–25 cm.

Males are smaller than females, approximately 13–20 cm, while females are 15–23 cm. However, they rarely grow large and their size ranges from 12–18 cm.

At a size of 15-16, the female can bear eggs. Newborn turtles are about 3 cm in length.

The color may vary between individuals, but usually the carapace (upper part of the shell) is greenish or olive-brown with dark spots. The head and paws are brownish-yellow.

These are the only turtles in the genus Testudo that have four, not three, toes on their feet.

Life expectancy is more than 40 years. Keeping in captivity, with an abundance of high-quality food and lack of stress, makes life expectancy longer than it is in nature.

The Central Asian tortoise is one of the most common among all land species; keeping it is quite easy, the main thing is proper care.

Despite their small size, these turtles are very active and need space. It is also desirable that they have the opportunity to dig.

If they have the ability to dig, they tolerate fairly large temperature changes and can be kept outside during the summer.

For example, they tolerate night temperatures of 10°C well. If there is such an opportunity, then during the warm season it is better to keep it in an enclosure, for example in a country house or in the garden of a private house.

The enclosure for keeping should be spacious, 2*2 meters. The fence must be deepened into the ground by 30 cm, as they can dig through it and escape.

Also, the height of the fence must be at least 30 cm. They most often dig in corners, so placing large stones there will make it much more difficult for them to escape.

They begin to dig more actively when the difference between day and night temperatures becomes significant, so they are saved from hypothermia.

You can immediately prepare a hole for the turtle to hide in at night, which will significantly reduce its passion for digging. In the enclosure, place a container of water large enough so that she can swim in it, but at the same time she can get out without problems.

Just make sure that the turtle does not eat poisonous plants or come into view as an animal prey.

One animal needs an area of ​​at least 60*130 cm, but even more is better. If the space is cramped, they become lethargic or begin to obsessively dig in corners.

Some even keep it as a pet, allowing it to crawl around the house. However, this cannot be done!

In addition to the fact that you can step on it or get stuck, there are drafts and dirt in the house, and the Central Asian tortoise is very afraid of them.

It is also important to provide heating and UV lighting for at least 12 hours daily, but we will talk about this in more detail below.

As already mentioned, turtles love to dig. It is highly desirable that they have this opportunity in captivity.

For example, you can make a layer of earth with coconut shavings (to soften) in the terrarium, or put a layer in one of the corners. Sand is not suitable, although it is believed that the opposite is true.

But, it is noticed that the turtle accidentally swallows it, and it clogs its insides and can even lead to death.

The soil must be wet enough for her to dig and deep enough for her to burrow into it.

If she doesn’t have the opportunity to dig a hole, then she definitely needs to put up a shelter where she will hide. This could be half a pot, a box, etc. The main thing is that there are no sharp edges and you can turn around in it.

You need to place a container of water in the terrarium so that the turtle can climb into it and drink from it.

To maintain water balance, you need to bathe weekly in a bathtub filled with warm water, approximately up to your neck. Babies are bathed more often.

Large, flat rocks help them wear down their claws and also serve as a eating surface. Central Asian tortoises love to climb somewhere, so give them this opportunity.

Please note that they are quite territorial and can be aggressive towards their relatives.


It is necessary that the temperature in the terrarium be 25-27°C and a separate place, heated by a lamp, with a temperature of 30-33°C.

If she has a choice, she will move to where she feels most comfortable during the day.

The fact is that in nature, they live in a fairly hot climate, but when the temperatures are too high (or low), they climb into burrows where the temperature is stable.

Under the lamps:

For heating, a regular incandescent lamp is suitable, which gives off a lot of heat.

However, it is important to adjust the height above the place so that the turtle does not get burned, this is approximately 20 cm, but not more than 30. Proper heating is very important, and the length of daylight with heating should be at least 12 hours.

In addition to warmth, the Central Asian tortoise needs an additional source of UV rays.

For this, pet stores sell special lamps for reptiles (10% UVB), with an enhanced spectrum of UV rays.

Of course, in nature they receive the required amount naturally. But, at home, this is not possible, and it is very important to compensate for it!

The fact is that without ultraviolet rays they do not produce vitamin D3 and the metabolism of calcium, necessary for shell growth, significantly deteriorates.


Unfortunately, most people believe that turtles get all their moisture from the plants they eat.

Yes, in nature they live in an arid climate, and remove water from the body very sparingly.

But this does not mean at all that they do not drink. Moreover, they love to swim and for an adult Central Asian tortoise, you need to take a bath once a week.

It is immersed in warm water, approximately up to the neck level, and allowed to thoroughly absorb the water for 15-30 minutes. At this time, they drink and absorb water through their skin.

You need to place a saucer with water in the terrarium, but you need to keep it clean.

Steppe turtles love to defecate in water when they get wet, and such water, if drunk, can lead to illness. Besides, they turn it over and pour it out. So it's easier to take weekly baths.

For small turtles and hatchlings, such baths should be more often, up to three times a week, since they dry out much faster than adults.

Details on how to properly bathe a turtle (English, but clear and without translation):

What to feed

Herbivores, and in captivity must be fed plant foods. Lettuce, various herbs - dandelions, clover, coltsfoot, plantain.

Vegetables and fruits should be given much less, about 10%. It could be apples, bananas, berries.

Where they live there are no particularly juicy fruits. The basis is plants containing a large amount of coarse fiber, rather dry.

There are also many commercial tortoise foods available that can be used to provide a variety of feeding options.

Variety is the key to a healthy tortoise, and it is advisable to provide as many different foods as possible. In addition, commercial feed immediately comes with the addition of vitamins and calcium.

But what you can’t give is everything that people eat.

Good owners give turtles bread, cottage cheese, fish, meat, cat and dog food. This cannot be done! By doing so you are only killing her.

Turtles are fed once a day, and adult turtles less often, once every two or three days.

Sex differences

Males differ from females in size; males are usually smaller. The male has a small concavity on the plastron (lower part of the shell), which serves him during mating.

The female's tail is larger and thicker, and the cloaca is located closer to the base of the tail. In general, gender is quite difficult to determine.


Unlike aquatic turtles, Central Asian turtles are quite peaceful.

But despite this, you should not pick them up often. If you constantly disturb them, they become stressed, and children can generally drop them or injure them.

This stress leads to decreased activity and illness. Adult turtles are more stable and get used to it, but you need to know when to stop.

You wouldn't be happy either if you were constantly disturbed. Let them live their own measured life.

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