Average weight of elk. Description of the moose, dimensions, life period, habitat and reproduction. The largest moose How much does an adult moose weigh

- the largest species of game. Height at shoulders 240 cm, weight 570 kg (record 655 kg). The male bears horns of more than one and a half meters in span and weighing up to 20 kg. By autumn, the little moose, born in the summer, reaches a weight of a hundredweight.

The largest animals inhabit Eastern Siberia. In the European part of the USSR, medium-sized moose live, the south of the Far East is inhabited by even smaller ones, although the average weight of the bulls of these moose is more than 200 kg, and the maximum is 400 kg. Far Eastern moose are distinguished by the absence of a “shovel” of flat expansion on the horns. The span of their horns is no more than a meter, and their weight is only 5 - 6 kg. The history of the distribution of the moose is amazing: the habitat area seems to be “breathing”, then the boundaries rapidly (of course, on the scale of history) move away - southern to north, northern to south, and the range of the animal sharply narrows; then just as quickly the boundaries of the species’ habitat expand, and there are many moose again.

Increased human persecution is commonly cited as an explanation for fluctuations in moose numbers. But there were fewer moose even where no one was chasing them. There are absolutely correct indications that there are more moose after intensive deforestation, when the animals receive a lot of fresh food from growing young animals. But there have been cases in the history of the species when there were more clearings and fewer elk. The answer lies in the fact that fluctuations in the number of moose are influenced not by one factor, but by many, and above all purely natural ones - climatic, environmental and so-called population ones, that is, internal regulation mechanisms contained in the animals themselves. Climatic factors include snow depth and air temperature.

All these mechanisms are, of course, under heavy pressure from the direct influence of man - changes in the animal’s living environment, hunting, simply anxiety, etc.

Moose now occupy the largest areas they have ever inhabited, but the total number of animals is beginning to decline. It was highest in the late 50s and 60s and was close to 500 thousand heads, and according to some sources, even 800 thousand. In the 70s it hardly exceeded 400 thousand.

Moose live everywhere - from the tundra to the steppes and even semi-deserts, but, of course, neither in the treeless tundra, nor in the monotonous mountain taiga, nor in the bare steppe and semi-desert do moose live permanently; they can only come here for a while. They prefer river valleys, swamp areas, forested islands among fields, and forested ravines.

In summer, moose live scatteredly, in winter they gather in groups, almost constantly feeding in the same places - stalls. At this time, especially in spring, when the snow is deep, moose travel only a few hundred meters per day. But autumn migrations reach 5 - 6 km, and single males in search of females are able to walk several tens of kilometers.

The location of the stands depends on the feeding areas. In Central Russia these are mainly young pine forests, in the north - burnt areas and clearings, in Siberia - thickets of willow trees or shrubby birches along river banks, in the Far East - sparse coniferous forests with abundant deciduous undergrowth.

The plant food of elk is very diverse. It eats several hundred species of plants - woody and herbaceous, almost exclusively woody in winter, and both in summer. Elk are very fond of succulent marsh plants. He also eats mushrooms, sometimes when there is a lack of food - lichens,

Eating 10 or more kilograms of branches and pine needles, moose in some places severely damage forests. They pose a particularly great threat to forest plantings and coniferous crops. This predetermines the need for constant regulation of moose population density during the hunting process.

Heat and midges make moose nocturnal animals, during the day driving animals into loaches, clearings and clearings, where the wind blows, into lakes and swamps, where you can hide up to your neck in water, or, conversely, into dense young coniferous forests, which provide some protection from insect attacks . Moose are excellent swimmers and can dive. Traveling 2 - 3 km for an elk is a mere trifle. We saw how they swam across the Rybinsk Reservoir - 20 km by water. Moose love to visit salt licks. Sometimes the gourmet comes to them 7 - 8 times in one night.

In winter, especially in severe frosts, moose feed during the day, taking breaks from time to time to rest. At night they remain lying down almost all the time. In very severe frosts, animals almost do not get up at all.

The largest representative of the deer family is the elk. This is a species of one and a half million animals. This population has about 8 subspecies. The animal lives both in America and in Eurasia. Some scientists divide American and Eurasian artiodactyls into two separate species. In general, these large animals, living in different regions, differ from each other in body size and shape of horns.

Distribution and habitat

The original homeland of moose is North America. These are Alaska, Canada and the northern regions of the USA. In Canada, animals live almost throughout the entire territory, with the exception of the Arctic regions. In the USA, they inhabit the states of Minnesota, Michigan, the northern region of New England, which includes 6 states, as well as the northern regions of New York state. There is a beast in Pennsylvania too. The largest animals live in Alaska. They hold first place in terms of size of horns and body weight. The second place in these parameters is occupied by moose from Eastern Siberia.

In Europe, the mighty artiodactyl lives in Norway, Sweden, Finland, Poland, as well as in the Baltic countries. It is found in the south of the Czech Republic, Belarus and Ukraine. In Russia it lives in the northern regions up to the Yenisei. From time immemorial it lived in Georgia, Azerbaijan, Turkey and Iran, but today it has been exterminated in this region. Lives in the East Siberian taiga and Mongolia. Previously, China and the Korean Peninsula were inhabited in large numbers. In modern times, it has become an exotic animal in these lands.

The moose's habitat is taiga, as well as mixed deciduous forests located in zones with temperate and subarctic climates. The animal is found in the forest-tundra and steppe. But he leaves the forest thicket only in the summer and can move hundreds of kilometers away from it. He likes to have a lake, a river with a weak current, or a marshy area nearby. The presence of bushes is also required. In such places, elk escape the summer heat and feed on nutritious aquatic vegetation. In winter, it prefers wooded areas with light snow cover. If there is a lot of snow, then the animals migrate to other areas. An elk (another name for elk) travels 15-17 km per day.


Elk is a large animal. On average, depending on the subspecies, it is 30 cm taller than deer. The height at the withers ranges from 1.4 to 2.1 meters. The largest Alaskan subspecies reaches a height of 2.3 meters. The weight of males is 380-700 kg, females weigh 200-360 kg. Body length 2.4-3.2 meters. Tail length is from 5 to 15 cm.

The elk's horns are huge and spade-shaped. Their ends are crowned with teeth. In some males, the horns can grow up to 1.8 meters. On average, they have a size of 1.2-1.5 meters and a weight of 20-30 kg. Females do not have horns - this is the prerogative of only males. Elk shed their antlers annually in November-December. In April-May they begin to grow again. They grow within 3-5 months. This is the fastest growing organ of the artiodactyl body. It is interesting that when a male is castrated, he immediately sheds his horns and others begin to grow. These new formations remain on the animal's head until the end of its days.

In appearance, the animal is very different from deer. His neck is short and his withers are high. It forms a kind of hump. The legs are long, so the animal cannot drink water when standing. This artiodactyl cannot, like a giraffe, spread its legs, so it kneels or goes far into the water. The head is large. The upper lip is large, fleshy and hangs over the lower lip. There is a kind of skin pouch under the throat. The wool is hard. Its color is brownish-black. The legs have a light gray tint. There are albino moose. Their fur is completely white. Such animals are very clearly visible in the forest.

Reproduction and lifespan

The mating season for moose takes place in September-October. Males are polygamous, so they strive to fertilize several females. They notify the surrounding area of ​​their desire with a dull roar. You can hear it up to a kilometer away. The stronger sex becomes very aggressive and does not tolerate rivals. Fights often occur between males. In this case, one of the participants in such a fight may receive serious injuries and even die.

Pregnancy lasts 8 months. One baby is born. Twins are very rare. This significant event takes place in May-June. In newborns, the fur has a reddish tint. A few minutes after birth, the elk calf gets to its feet and begins to walk. Milk feeding lasts 4 months. Milk is very nutritious - full-fat, high in protein. Sexual maturity occurs at two years. The young moose stays with its mother until she gives birth to a new baby. The lifespan of an elk in the wild is 12-15 years. In captivity, the animal lives up to 25 years. The mortality rate among children is high. Only every second person survives to one year.

Behavior and nutrition

This is a herbivore. He needs 30 kg of food per day. The animal feeds on grass, moss, tree leaves, lichens, and mushrooms. He loves aquatic plants very much. It eats berries, young shoots and branches, and does not disdain tree bark. Sokhaty is a frequent visitor to salt licks. He loves salt and regularly licks everything that may contain it. The animal has perfectly developed hearing and sense of smell. Vision is weak. The animal swims beautifully and runs fast. On flat terrain, a moose reaches a speed of 55 km/h. Lives in small groups or alone. Females walk with elk calves, forming small groups of 6-8 individuals.


Man has been hunting elk since ancient times. He was always attracted to the skin and meat of large animals. Luxurious horns have also played an important role at all times. You could hang them at home and show them off to your friends. The beast itself almost never attacks a person first. This can happen if you make him very angry. In all other cases, the animal leaves, preferring to stay away from two-legged aggressive creatures. Today this species is protected by law. Hunting for it is allowed only with a license and during a certain period of time.

On the territory of Russia at the end of the first decade of the 21st century, there were 730 thousand powerful artiodactyls. In 2007, 500 thousand of these animals lived in Canada. In Finland in 2009 there were 115 thousand moose. In Norway there are 120 thousand. In the United States (excluding Alaska), according to 2007 estimates, there were 50 thousand animals. In Alaska, according to the Department of State Fish and Game, there are currently 200 thousand elk living.

In the wild, the artiodactyl's enemies include wolves and bears. Grizzly especially loves elk meat. As for wolves, a strong young male easily copes with these gray robbers. Females also do not allow themselves to be offended. When attacked, an elk usually defends itself with its legs. Their blow is often fatal to the predator. Therefore, wolves are limited to young animals, as well as old and sick animals. However, this state of affairs is typical for all our smaller brothers. It is always youth and strength that survives. Often, elk die under the wheels of cars while crossing roads. True, in such a situation, motorists themselves suffer when they ignore traffic rules.

The majestic animal elk belongs to the class of mammals. It is one of the varieties of the deer family. The planet is inhabited by almost one and a half million individuals.

Moose antlers are his pride

Its distinctive feature from other deer species is its antlers, they are not like the others. Heavy, spade-shaped, sweeping horns resemble in appearance an arable tool - a plow. Due to this, the elk received the name – elk.

In an adult male, the span of the horns reaches 180 cm, and their weight can be about 30 kg. Every year, from November to December, moose shed their antlers, so if, while walking through the forest, you accidentally stumble upon such an attribute, do not be alarmed, the moose no longer needs these antlers; it will grow new ones. And these can be taken as souvenirs.

Females do not have horns.

Antlers serve as a means of protection for elk; they use them to fend off predators and also to fight rivals.

Appearance of a moose

In addition to the peculiarity of its antlers, the elk is the largest in the family. Its weight is more than half a ton. The largest specimen was noted - a male, whose weight reached 655 kg. Moose cows are smaller than males.

He has a massive wide chest and back, the front part in the area of ​​the shoulder blades is higher, and the neck is short. Large large head, wide elongated muzzle. His upper lip is large and hangs slightly. There is a leathery outgrowth on the neck, it is also called an “earring”.

The elk has rather tall and at the same time thin legs, and in order to drink water the elk is forced to go deep into the water or bend down, kneeling. But thanks to such legs, the elk runs fast, reaching speeds of up to 56 km/h.


Moose feed on young growth of trees and shrubs, as well as grass; in addition, they can eat mushrooms, mosses and lichens. In winter, they eat tree bark and branches.

Moose do not like heat so they feed more often at night. During the day, it chooses swampy places for feeding, near water or well-ventilated.

Mating period and pregnancy of a moose cow

Mating in moose occurs in the fall, September – October. During this period, the elk shows strong aggression. Males fight each other, unfortunately, sometimes with fatal results.

The moose remains in position for about 8 months. As a result, usually one calf is born, rarely, usually in old females two are born.

Elk calves

The little elk calf is red in color. They are able to stand on their feet within a few minutes after birth.

Elk calves behave like all children. They drink mother’s milk, which, by the way, is very fat – up to 13% and high in protein. They frolic and always stay close to their mother, who will always protect her baby.

Kids are interesting and funny. Watching them is a special pleasure.

Moose cows and moose calves form groups of 3–4 animals. Sometimes males can join such groups.

Where do moose live?

Since moose do not like heat, they are common in the northern part. They occupy forest zones, sometimes forest-steppes and the outskirts of steppes.

In winter, moose can migrate to places with the least snow cover. They move to another place if the snow cover reaches 70 cm. Elks are very patient, hardy and strong. In the spring they return and live in the area settled.

Many coats of arms of cities and regions have images of elk. For some it symbolizes natural resources, for others it shows strength and endurance. The image of a moose is even found on banknotes and stamps.

So that you can figure out which piece to order on the website and how much each costs, we suggest taking a look at the diagram for cutting up an elk carcass.

Moose, like all members of the deer family, lead a rather difficult existence. As a result, they hardly accumulate fat - their taste is far from the marbled meat of pampered cattle that we are accustomed to. Elk meat is tougher than beef, so it will take longer to process and cook.

1. Neck (weighs about 70 kilograms). Elk neck meat is ideal for making soup or stewing. It is also used to make minced meat. Refers to grade 2 meat.

3. Brisket (weighs about 40 kilograms). The meat from this part is used to prepare the recently fashionable Western dish pastrami. Cooking elk brisket requires a long, slow braise. The pieces in front and above it are usually thoroughly cleaned of bones and used to prepare about 20 kilograms of minced meat. Brisket is grade 1 meat.

4.5. Ribs (weighs about 30 kilograms). After cleaning, they are suitable for cooking minced meat; they also make a good soup. Young ribs can also be baked. Refers to grade 3 meat.

Due to the lack of fat, stewed or grilled elk ribs are quite tough, although they turn out tasty - so some hunters and cooks prefer to clean the meat from the ribs and use it for minced meat.

6.7. Lower abdomen (about 25 kilograms). Elk meat from this part is used to prepare soups, stews, minced meat or flank steaks (if the elk is young). Slow cooking over low heat is necessary to tenderize the meat. Refers to grade 2 meat.

8. Hind leg (weighs about 70 kilograms). Meat from the hind leg is universal - it makes good steaks (marinate before cooking), beefsteaks, it can be fried, stewed and even salted. It may be a little harsh, but the taste is very rich. Belongs to 1st grade.

9. Lower legs or shank (weighs about 9 kilograms). Used to make soups, osso buco (and similar slow-cooked dishes), and jellied meats. The meat is lean and firm. Belongs to grade 3.

10. Just like in cows, the back muscles in moose are least used (and therefore are the softest and most tender), especially closer to the hind legs. This selected meat is called tenderloin - it is usually not boiled, but fried or stewed.

Middle back (weighs about 30 kilograms). It can be used to cook delicious T-bone and porterhouse steaks. The meat is very tender. Warm up the grill! Belongs to 1st grade.

Lumbar back (weighs about 25 kilograms). Used for cooking selected sirloin steaks. The meat here is lean, but soft. Some people like to boil and stew it. Belongs to 1st grade.

Separately It is worth mentioning the elk organs consumed as food:

Language. A real delicacy that is suitable for preparing many dishes. Or you can simply boil them, put them on bread and butter and eat them as regular sandwiches - it’s very tasty!

Heart, liver and kidneys. Most hunters love them. Eating a fried heart with the liver of a defeated elk is a kind of tradition for them.

Testicles. Simply remove the skin from the testicles and you will get two pieces of soft white meat. The size depends on the age of the animal. It’s simple to prepare: you just need to cut each one crosswise, roll it in flour and fry it.

Different scientists identify from 4 to 8 subspecies of moose, which differ in the structure of their horns and size. But among them, only one variety is particularly impressive in size. So where does the biggest moose live?

Main characteristics

The largest moose in the world live in the northern and central regions of the Kamchatka Peninsula. The population of these animals in Kamchatka is a unique phenomenon, since people brought them here specifically in the early 80s of the 19th century. from the Anadyr basin. The new habitat turned out to be very favorable, thanks to:

  • abundance and variety of food, including in winter, which contributes to faster saturation and, possibly, as a consequence, “gigantism”;
  • a more favorable mild climate, which has a good effect on animals in terms of preserving their energy potential.

Some scientists associate the impressive size of the Kamchatka moose with eating giant umbrella plants growing in Kamchatka, which contain substances that provoke increased production of growth hormone.

In appearance, the Kamchatka moose is similar to its relative from Alaska, and scientists were also able to confirm their family ties at the genetic level (they have 7 dozen pairs of identical chromosomes). But according to the latest data, it is the Kamchatka representative that is the largest moose in the world. The weight of males reaches 800 kg, body length is 346 cm, and height at the withers is 239 cm. Females are significantly smaller in size - their weight does not exceed 400 kg.

In addition to Kamchatka, this species also inhabits the basins of Anadyr, Upper and Middle Kolyma, Penzhina and Indigirka. In this regard, it is sometimes called Kolyma, Penzhinsky, or Chukotka.

The main pride of the moose

Males have the largest horns of any mammal. They are also the fastest-growing tissue among mammals, with a daily growth rate of 30 cm. Moreover, each male has a unique horn bone shape, and it is almost impossible to find two individuals with the same horns. They are presented in the form of wide shovels with numerous processes (up to 18 processes), the average weight of the horns of Kamchatka moose ranges from 29-33 kg, but in some individuals they reach 40 kg. The shape of the horns, which resembles a plow, gives the animals another name - plow.

It is this source of pride that is the main prey for hunters, a symbol of their luck and dexterity. Foreign hunters often pay attention not so much to weight as to the size of the scope. In Kamchatka elk these values ​​range from 153-165 cm, and in the largest males the range is up to 180 cm.

The trophy of Kenneth Bering, caught in Kamchatka in 1993, has long been considered the largest elk antlers caught by a person. The following indicators are recorded in the book of records of the International Safari Club:

  • length of one horn – 127.6 cm;
  • rise width: 43.8 cm of the left horn and 44.9 cm of the right;
  • span – 171.5 cm;
  • 13 processes on the left and 18 on the right shovel.

But in 2015, Lithuanian hunter Arūnas Aišparas managed to catch an elk whose antlers weighed about 50 kg and had a span of 178 cm. It is this trophy that claims to be the largest of its kind.

According to experts, the number of moose has only been growing in recent years. Therefore, on the pages of the Red Book it is placed next to those species that are least threatened, and hunting them is not prohibited.

Moose are unique animals. Indeed, in addition to their gigantic size, they have a number of other unusual features:

  • In water they can swim at speeds of up to 10 km/h, dive to a depth of 5 meters and hold their breath for up to 1 minute.
  • Thanks to their strong, long legs, animals can run at speeds of up to 56 km/h.
  • The special structure of their eyes allows them to notice the movement of objects behind them without turning their head.
  • They are not able to see a motionless person if he is at a distance of several tens of meters.
  • They can rotate their ears in all directions and hear sounds made by their relatives even 3 km away.
  • Very long legs cause them significant inconvenience when drinking. To quench its thirst, the animal has to go deep into a pond or kneel down.
  • The animal's main weapon is not its horns, but its front legs, the blow of which can be fatal even for a bear.
  • They love to feast on rotten apples because the fermentation process gives them a feeling of euphoria.

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