Shukshina's eldest daughter from her first. The daughter did not call her mom. Personal dramas of Lydia Fedoseeva-Shukshina. Olga Shukshina. Still from the film “If Dad Were Alive...”

“The eldest daughter of the famous actress Lydia Fedoseeva-Shukshina was arrested for transporting drugs!”, “The unlucky daughter is going downhill!”... The press was choked with articles. Don’t rush, I wanted to tell those throwing stones at me, man is just a toy in the hands of fate. And it took its toll on me in full.

Having given smart, beautiful, famous people as parents, she seemed to regret her generosity and turned it around so that I saw my mother only six times in my life, and did not spend a single happy day with her and my father.

The parents met on the set in Lvov. By that time, my father had graduated from VGIK and, having starred in several films, became a popular actor. Mom studied acting. Having conveyed greetings to the handsome Voronin from mutual acquaintances at VGIK, she received an invitation to sit in a cafe, and they began a whirlwind romance. When my mother was already waiting for me, the lovers got married and settled in Kyiv on Podol.

Shortly before I was born, they went to visit my mother’s mother in Leningrad and, since December was snowy in 1960, they went skiing. And at night, my mother’s water broke, they called an ambulance - and I was born.

After staying with us for a while, dad left his wife and daughter with his mother-in-law, and he returned to Kyiv. Six months later we arrived there too. It was a short period of time when our family lived together: dad, mom and me.

I know about the events of those years firsthand - my father does not like to remember the past. Apparently, my mother wanted to graduate from college and make a successful career, like her fellow students - Galina Polskikh, Zhanna Bolotova... She was eager to go to Moscow. However, dad decidedly did not like this development of events. After the film “Ivanna” in Kyiv, he became a celebrity: he was bombarded with letters, fans came in droves.

In addition, my father was incredibly attached to me and had no idea who would take care of the child if his wife left.

Mom, however, was not embarrassed by this. “Let’s take Nastya to my mother!” - she stated decisively. And the family was broken into fragments: mom left for Moscow, dad stayed in Kyiv, and I, still quite ignorant, was sent to Leningrad. We were no longer destined to get together...

They say that human memory stores memories from the age of three. However, the pictures of my early childhood are vague: a communal apartment with a long dark corridor, the Kazan Cathedral, near which I walk with my grandmother Zina, and a tall man throwing me up to the ceiling or leading me by the hand along Nevsky. This is the father. He came to St. Petersburg endlessly to visit his daughter. One day he took me to his parents near Tambov. The photograph shows me, still very little, standing in a fur coat in front of my grandparents’ house in Zherdevka.

Photo: Photo from the archive of A. Voronina

Surely my mother also visited me in Leningrad. However, the first memory of her is associated with Sudak. After graduating from VGIK, my mother went to star in the film “What is it like, the sea?” and took me, three years old, with her. Her partner in the film was the famous actor Vasily Shukshin. But I don't remember him at all. However, my mother’s tenderness and kisses were also not left in my memory. For some reason I remember more the red leather belt on her dress, the commotion on the set and two children older than me. It seems that one of them was the daughter of Vasily Makarovich.

One day, while playing, I fell off the bridge and severely hit my head. Dad was filming nearby, in Sevastopol, and immediately rushed to take me to my grandmother in Leningrad. Later, from my father’s interviews, I learned what that visit to Sudak cost him - he found out that his wife was having an affair with Shukshin, and his marriage was nothing more than a formality...

A year has passed.

One day my dad came to pick me up in St. Petersburg and excitedly explained: “That’s it, Nastenka, now you will live with your mother. Now I’ll take you to her in Moscow.” I was so happy, I started fantasizing about what it would be like to live not with my grandmother, but with my mother? At the station, my mother took my father’s suitcase with my things and took me to her small apartment on the outskirts of Moscow, where she lived with Shukshin.

The house was quiet, and as soon as we crossed the threshold, my mother warned: “Don’t make noise, Uncle Vasya is sleeping!” When we drank tea in the kitchen, I began to slowly take a closer look at the place where I would henceforth live. However, in the evening, my mother suddenly began frantically collecting my things. I didn’t understand where they were dragging me again, but she didn’t explain anything, she just kept saying: “Faster!”

In the Shukshin family, squabbles have not stopped for many years: relatives cannot divide property. But few people know that Vasily Shukshin’s daughters Olga and Maria also have an older sister Katya. It turns out that Vasily Makarovich, until his death, rushed between her mother and his last wife, Lydia Fedoseeva-Shukshina...

Ekaterina Shukshina did not make a business using her famous name. She did not choose a public profession for herself - becoming an artist or TV presenter. For many years, Katya has been engaged in literary translations from English, German and French. He lives modestly and does not claim fame laurels. And, as a rule, he remembers his famous father only in the family circle...


“I got confused in women,” Vasily Shukshin always honestly admitted in letters to his mother, whom he loved and respected more than anyone in the world. She tried to reason with him, to set him on the right path, but to no avail. The amorous Shukshin promised: “I’ll figure it out myself” - and got involved in his novels even deeper.

Once I put my mother in such a position that she almost burned out of shame. Vasya unexpectedly came to visit her in his native village in Altai. Yes, not alone. He brought a pregnant bride - if you please, they say, love and favor. All the locals came running to look at the girl. They whispered behind her back and pointed fingers. After all, they knew: in the village Vasily’s legal wife, Maria Shumskaya, was waiting.

He married her while still a student. He invited her to Moscow with him, but she didn’t go, he asked for a divorce, but she didn’t give it. Shukshin had to “lose” his passport in order to get rid of the marriage stamp.

The villagers took pity on the pregnant Vika Sofronova and did not tell her the truth - the girl left after the viewing, confident that her wedding to Vasya was just around the corner...

She learned that her father was already married much later from one researcher of his biography, says Ekaterina, who was then being carried by her fiancée Shukshina, about that situation.


Shukshin met Vika Sofronova at the House of Writers. He read his stories there, and she, a literary critic for the Moscow magazine, came to listen to the aspiring author. The listeners did not appreciate the nugget and “chopped it into cabbage.”

Mom felt unbearably sorry for the man. “She came to console him,” says Ekaterina. - Soon after this, Shukshin invited her to the premiere of his first film “There Lives Such a Guy.” An affair began, which resulted in my mother’s pregnancy.

It must be said that Victoria Sofronova was not just a Muscovite, but also the daughter of the editor-in-chief of Ogonyok, poet Anatoly Sofronov. He, of course, did not approve of the appearance of a simple guy from the village as the groom of his beloved daughter.

The lop-eared Altai nugget managed to end up in the family of a shady party functionary,” Ekaterina shakes her head. “Once my parents were walking not far from the editorial office where my grandfather worked. Mom suggested: “Shall we come in?” Shukshin reluctantly agreed. Grandfather accepted them, but without enthusiasm. Mom suddenly realized: I was the only one speaking, the conversation was clearly not going well. We sat for 15-20 minutes and left... We practically didn’t communicate anymore.

Victoria herself did not find everything easy to accept in Vasily.

My city mother was even offended when my father handed her a bottle of port wine to the maternity hospital. Everyone has flowers on their bedside tables, and she has flowers on you!.. Shukshin knew that in the villages women in labor are drunk with red wine, so he took care,” says Ekaterina Shukshina.


Soon after the birth of her daughter, Victoria suffered a blow that she had not expected. Rumors have reached that Vasily is cheating on her! And indeed, while Vika was pregnant, Shukshin started an affair. On the set of the film “What is it like, the sea?” he met actress Lydia Fedoseeva and, as they say, disappeared. But he had no intention of leaving either of his two beloved women. And with this began his many years of tossing between Victoria Sofronova and Lydia Fedoseeva.

It’s hard for me to understand how my mother tolerated this,” says Ekaterina. - Once, however, she kicked her father in anger - so much so that her skirt cracked along the entire seam. Do you think Shukshin left that evening? Mom was in front of him, bursting into tears, sewing up her favorite skirt!

Many years later, Victoria tried to explain to her now grown-up daughter why she tolerated Shukshin’s infidelities for several years.

You understand, he never lied to me,” she said. “I didn’t tell the truth, but I didn’t lie even once.”

“Why are you so gullible? - Shukshin once asked his mother. “Didn’t anyone deceive you?” - “And to whom, Vasya?”

Then she heard this dialogue in “Kalina Krasny”...

So Vasily Makarovich lived with two families, until life itself put everything in its place: Victoria Sofronova, tired of waiting for him to make up his mind, married a prose writer, and Lydia Fedoseeva gave birth to daughters Olga and Masha.


Having started a family with Lydia Fedoseeva, Shukshin came to visit his eldest daughter Katya infrequently.

He wasn't much of a teacher. After all, a child is like an animal, a child’s soul unmistakably senses where they will let you go. And I knew that with my father I was allowed everything...,” admits Ekaterina.

Shukshin did not particularly raise her, but showed his love in the most convenient form for a writer - in letters to her mother:

“Vika, tell me how a girl who has reached her second year “behaves”? How was the birthday? Did she flirt with the guests? And what did you look like in your new dress?”

In the last years of his life, he often wrote sad messages from the hospital: “I often see Katya in my dreams. I wake up and look for her next to me. It still seems to me that she is lying on my hand. But it only happened once.”

The parents decided that Ekaterina should go to school with Shukshina, and submitted documents to restore paternity. What greatly outraged Lydia Fedoseeva-Shukshina: in her interviews, she directly stated that this was Sofronova’s “cunning plan” to claim her rights to Shukshin’s inheritance...

That magnificent day is firmly etched in my memory: the sun, the courtyards “dressed in crimson and gold,” Katya describes October 2, 1974. “I come home from school, my mother greets me, and her tears don’t even fall, but flow in streams. He says in a naughty voice: “Dad died.” And I don't understand what this means...

It was important for Victoria Sofronova that her daughter, no matter what, be proud of her father.

After dad died, she hung his portrait on the wall. Her friends gasped: “You're crazy! With my husband alive!” But mom also knew how to be adamant: “Katya has a father!”

Yes, the same as the famous Maria Shukshina. By the way, Katya’s relationship with her did not work out. But they are warm friends with Lydia Fedoseeva-Shukshina’s eldest daughter, Olga.

We started communicating as adults,” says Katya. - I think Vasily Makarovich is happy for us...

Photo by G. Usoev,

I. Gnevasheva.

Fedoseeva-Shukshina has many children and grandchildren, and her relationships with them are quite complex. Lydia Nikolaevna’s eldest daughter Anastasia, who publicly abandoned her famous mother 40 years ago, now lives in Egypt. Three sisters: the forgotten and unforgiven daughter from her first marriage Anastasia, the famous and successful Maria, the frantic Olga and their great mother Lydia Nikolaevna. For years they did not hear or did not want to hear each other.

The housing problem ruined her relationship with her granddaughter and youngest daughter Olga. The same one who first went to the monastery and then returned to start a war for the inheritance of her brilliant father. It has always been difficult for the People's Artist to talk about this. It’s even more difficult to admit: the relationship with Olga is worse than ever. For many years, Olga carried a grudge against her own mother like a heavy stone in her bosom.

Lidiya Fedoseeva-Shukshina: “Olya remembered for the rest of her life that I didn’t want to give birth to her. She convinced herself, as an adult, that I didn’t want to give birth to her.”

Years and distances later, no matter how much it hurts her, she is ready to admit that her career did not allow her to give her daughters anything important.

Lidiya Fedoseeva-Shukshina: “And no matter how they were raised, I apparently failed to invest a lot in raising children, doing work and thinking about how to live. And maybe I paid less attention to them... Well, they live and live, they lived well. All was good. They were with mommy in the apartment, it was warm and cozy. Well, apparently I missed a point somewhere.”

Lidia Nikolaevna even found the courage to say honestly: she was to blame for the cold ingratitude of her girls.

Nastya is the daughter of Lydia Fedoseeva-Shukshina from her first marriage to actor Vyacheslav Voronin. Another tragedy of a great actress. The country learned about Nastya's existence when she was caught with drugs. She served time in prison, and when released, she began giving interviews and blaming her mother for everything. They did not communicate with each other for their entire lives - for more than 40 years. Anastasia could not forgive her mother for leaving them for Shukshin. And Lidia Nikolaevna could not forget that Nastya abandoned her in court.

Lidiya Fedoseeva-Shukshina: “The trials ended when Nastya turned 10 years old, and they ask the child: who do you want to live with, who do you stay with? She said: how about with whom? With Grandma. Who else? I don't have anyone else. And Olya tells her: your mother abandoned you. She says: no, I gave it up myself.”

Throughout her life, Fedoseeva-Shukshina kept this a secret. It turns out that she never gave up on her daughter. In fact, after the divorce, her mother-in-law sued her for the right to raise Anastasia. The actress did not give up for many years, she fought for her Nastya in all instances, until the cruel statement of her grown-up daughter broke her over the knee.

And then the story with drugs and arrest happened. And this became a real blow for Lydia Fedoseeva-Shukshina. When Anastasia was released, they could not find a common language. And omissions awakened old grievances.

Anastasia: “I probably should have called and asked how you were feeling. But at the same time, I didn’t want to call and hear: why are you calling here? For some reason I was expecting such a reaction. All I can say is: Mom, we need to meet. I won't say anything more."

The large Shukshin family has recently been in the spotlight every now and then, and most often the reasons for this are sad.

On September 25, Lidiya Fedoseeva-Shukshina turns 80 years old. Recently, the actress rarely communicates with the press, and one of the reasons for this is difficult family relationships. Why the movie star, who so often played the roles of mothers and happy women, did not get cloudless maternal happiness in life, finds out.

Four marriages of Lidia Fedoseeva-Shukshina

Fedoseeva–Shukshina Lidiya Nikolaevna The actress was married four times. Her first husband was actor Vyacheslav Voronin. They got married in 1959, when Lydia was studying at VGIK. We lived together for about five years. Then Lidia Nikolaevna called her first marriage a mistake. In 1964, the actress married a second time - to Vasily Shukshin, she idolized him and was ready to endure everything: his difficult character, his addiction to alcohol, his terrible jealousy, and even the fact that he could raise his hand. Lidia Nikolaevna repeated more than once that all the years of their marriage she was very happy. Her difficult happiness lasted only seven years.

Vasily Shukshin and Lidiya Fedoseeva-Shukshina in the film “Kalina Krasnaya”. Source:

After Shukshin’s death, she even wanted to go to a monastery. But it all ended in an unexpected marriage for many with a young cameraman Mikhail Agranovich, whom the actress met on the set of the film Tryn-Trava. Fedoseeva-Shukshina lived with him for 10 years. But, as they assured, neither Agranovich, who loved his wife very much and tried with all his might to replace her for his father’s daughters, nor the fourth husband, the Polish artist Marek Mezheevsky, nor Bari Alibasov, with whom, as they assured, the movie star had a relationship that over time grew into friendship, they couldn’t make the actress happy.

Lidiya Shukshina and Bari Alibasov at the Nika Awards, 2018. Photo: Boris Kudryavov/EG Archive

The eldest daughter Anastasia: childhood without a mother and a colony

Lydia Fedoseeva-Shukshina gave birth to her daughter Anastasia in her first marriage, in 1960. When Voronin was invited to work at the Kyiv film studio. Dovzhenko, Shukshina preferred Moscow to Kyiv, where there were much more prospects for her. As a result, the young family fell apart, and the daughter was sent to Leningrad to Voronin’s parents.
The girl practically never saw her mother: she disappeared on film expeditions, and then Vasily Shukshin appeared in her life, to whom she devoted herself entirely. When Nastya was 9 years old, the court ordered her grandparents to give her to her mother, but the girl herself did not want to live with her parent. But not so long ago, Lidia Nikolaevna told her version: her ex-husband deceitfully took her daughter to the village, and then she sued for custody for several years, but since Voronov’s parents were quite influential people, she lost the courts.

I met Fedoseev-Shukshin’s daughter a few times. Anastasia also did not come to the wedding, citing the fact that she did not want to see her ex-husband. The fate of Anastasia Voronina-Francisco (her exotic double surname from her husband, an Angolan citizen who studied at the military academy in Kyiv) turned out to be difficult. She lived with her husband in Angola for several years, when the civil war began there, and together with her little daughter she returned to Kyiv.

Anastasia Voronina-Francisco. Still from the film “Olga Shukshina. If dad were alive..."

In the early 90s, a woman ended up in a colony; she was detained at the border for transporting drugs. There was no work, she borrowed money to start her business, but it failed. An acquaintance agreed to help out with money, but in return asked for a favor: to bring a parcel from Pakistan. According to her daughter Fedoseeva-Shukshina, she understood that something was fishy here, but she didn’t think that the “package” would contain drugs, she assumed that it was about some kind of smuggling of precious stones.

Three years later, Anastasia was released under an amnesty. According to her, while she was sitting, Lydia Nikolaevna did not send her a single letter. At the same time, according to a close friend of the actress, actor and TV presenter Stanislav Sadalsky, the star wrote many petitions for the parole of her unlucky daughter. After this crime story, the relationship between mother and daughter became even colder. And after Anastasia took part in one of the talk shows, talking about their family problems, the famous parent stopped communicating with her for a long time.

Youngest daughter Olga: housing issue

In her marriage to Shukshin, the actress had two daughters of the same age. They starred together in the film “Stoves and Shops”, then Olya was 4 years old, Masha was 5 years old, and this was not her first film role. Two years later, together with their mother, the girls played in the film “Birds Over the City.”

Many believed that the girls would have a brilliant acting career. Maria Shukshina graduated from the Institute of Foreign Languages, but decided to connect her life with cinema and television. And Olga, although she received a specialized education, realized that being an actress was not for her. She then entered the Literary Institute, began writing stories and essays, although she never graduated from the university.

In the late 90s, shortly after the birth of her son and problems that arose in her relationship with her husband, Olga Shukshina preferred life in a monastery to worldly life. She said that she found there what she was missing - peace and quiet. There the woman was engaged in literary creativity and taught at a church shelter. Olga's son studied at a community school.

Olga Shukshina. Still from the film “If Dad Were Alive...”

Why do the Shukshins share an apartment? In 2013, after 15 years spent in the monastery, Olga decided to return. It all ended with a widely publicized story involving the division of an apartment. They said that the youngest daughter of the star was offended by the fact that Lidia Nikolaevna bequeathed her share not to her son, her grandson, but to her granddaughter Anya, the daughter of Maria Shukshina. As Olga assured, she wants to get her share in order to ensure her son’s future and buy him a separate apartment. Lidiya Fedoseeva-Shukshina categorically refused to exchange the four-room apartment in which she lived with Shukshin and where everything was dear to her, like a memory.

“For Lida, everything that concerns Vasily Makarych is sacred,” explains Stanislav Sadalsky. He said that Olga set a condition for her mother: either exchange the apartment, or pay her 15 million for the part due by law. Lydia Nikolaevna simply does not have that kind of money. Sadalsky also said that it is difficult to call Olga and her son homeless: the actress bought her daughter two apartments - one in St. Petersburg, in the very center, and the other in Sergiev Posad, and gave her a dacha in the Moscow region.

Lidia Fedoseeva-Shukshina, 2017. Photo: Boris Kudryavov/EG Archive

Fortunately, some time ago the story of dividing the apartment came to naught. Olga has been living in Egypt lately and periodically flies to Russia, but she no longer raises the issue of real estate, at least not publicly. Lidia Nikolaevna prefers not to comment on the unpleasant situation: the housing issue has already cost her a lot of nerves. And fans of the famous actress’s work hope that there will be no more conflicts between her and her daughters, and that past grievances will remain a thing of the past.

The large Shukshin family has recently been in the spotlight every now and then, and most often the reasons for this are sad.

On September 25, Lidiya Fedoseeva-Shukshina turns 80 years old. Recently, the actress rarely communicates with the press, and one of the reasons for this is difficult family relationships. Why the movie star, who so often played the roles of mothers and happy women, did not have cloudless maternal happiness in life, the site finds out.

Four marriages of Lidia Fedoseeva-Shukshina

Private bussiness

The actress was married four times. Her first husband was actor Vyacheslav Voronin. They got married in 1959, when Lydia was studying at VGIK. We lived together for about five years. Then Lidia Nikolaevna called her first marriage a mistake. In 1964, the actress married a second time - to Vasily Shukshin, she idolized him and was ready to endure everything: his difficult character, his addiction to alcohol, his terrible jealousy, and even the fact that he could raise his hand. Lidia Nikolaevna repeated more than once that all the years of their marriage she was very happy. Her difficult happiness lasted only seven years.

Vasily Shukshin and Lidiya Fedoseeva-Shukshina in the film “Kalina Krasnaya”. Source:

After Shukshin’s death, she even wanted to go to a monastery. But it all ended in an unexpected marriage for many with a young cameraman Mikhail Agranovich, whom the actress met on the set of the film Tryn-Trava. Fedoseeva-Shukshina lived with him for 10 years. But, as they assured, neither Agranovich, who loved his wife very much and tried with all his might to replace her for his father’s daughters, nor the fourth husband, the Polish artist Marek Mezheevsky, nor Bari Alibasov, with whom, as they assured, the movie star had a relationship that over time grew into friendship, they couldn’t make the actress happy.

Lidiya Shukshina and Bari Alibasov at the Nika Awards, 2018. Photo: Boris Kudryavov/EG Archive

The eldest daughter Anastasia: childhood without a mother and a colony

Lydia Fedoseeva-Shukshina gave birth to her daughter Anastasia in her first marriage, in 1960. When Voronin was invited to work at the Kyiv film studio. Dovzhenko, Shukshina preferred Moscow to Kyiv, where there were much more prospects for her. As a result, the young family fell apart, and the daughter was sent to Leningrad to Voronin’s parents.
The girl practically never saw her mother: she disappeared on film expeditions, and then Vasily Shukshin appeared in her life, to whom she devoted herself entirely. When Nastya was 9 years old, the court ordered her grandparents to give her to her mother, but the girl herself did not want to live with her parent. But not so long ago, Lidia Nikolaevna told her version: her ex-husband deceitfully took her daughter to the village, and then she sued for custody for several years, but since Voronov’s parents were quite influential people, she lost the courts.

I met Fedoseev-Shukshin’s daughter a few times. Anastasia also did not come to the wedding, citing the fact that she did not want to see her ex-husband. The fate of Anastasia Voronina-Francisco (her exotic double surname from her husband, an Angolan citizen who studied at the military academy in Kyiv) turned out to be difficult. She lived with her husband in Angola for several years, when the civil war began there, and together with her little daughter she returned to Kyiv.

Anastasia Voronina-Francisco. Still from the film “Olga Shukshina. If dad were alive..."

In the early 90s, a woman ended up in a colony; she was detained at the border for transporting drugs. There was no work, she borrowed money to start her business, but it failed. An acquaintance agreed to help out with money, but in return asked for a favor: to bring a parcel from Pakistan. According to her daughter Fedoseeva-Shukshina, she understood that something was fishy here, but she didn’t think that the “package” would contain drugs, she assumed that it was about some kind of smuggling of precious stones.

Three years later, Anastasia was released under an amnesty. According to her, while she was sitting, Lydia Nikolaevna did not send her a single letter. At the same time, according to a close friend of the actress, actor and TV presenter Stanislav Sadalsky, the star wrote many petitions for the parole of her unlucky daughter. After this crime story, the relationship between mother and daughter became even colder. And after Anastasia took part in one of the talk shows, talking about their family problems, the famous parent stopped communicating with her for a long time.

Youngest daughter Olga: housing issue

In her marriage to Shukshin, the actress had two daughters of the same age. They starred together in the film “Stoves and Benches”, then Masha was 5 years old, and this was not her first film role. Two years later, together with their mother, the girls played in the film “Birds Over the City.”

Many believed that the girls would have a brilliant acting career. Graduated from the Institute of Foreign Languages, but decided to connect her life with cinema and television. And Olga, although she received a specialized education, realized that being an actress was not for her. She then entered the Literary Institute, began writing stories and essays, although she never graduated from the university.

In the late 90s, shortly after the birth of her son and problems that arose in her relationship with her husband, Olga Shukshina preferred life in a monastery to worldly life. She said that she found there what she was missing - peace and quiet. There the woman was engaged in literary creativity and taught at a church shelter. Olga's son studied at a community school.

Olga Shukshina. Still from the film “If Dad Were Alive...”

more on the topic

In 2013, after 15 years spent in the monastery, Olga decided to return. It all ended with a widely publicized story involving the division of an apartment. They said that the youngest daughter of the star was offended by the fact that Lidia Nikolaevna bequeathed her share not to her son, her grandson, but to her granddaughter Anya, the daughter of Maria Shukshina. As Olga assured, she wants to get her share in order to ensure her son’s future and buy him a separate apartment. Lidiya Fedoseeva-Shukshina categorically refused to exchange the four-room apartment in which she lived with Shukshin and where everything was dear to her, like a memory.

“For Lida, everything that concerns Vasily Makarych is sacred,” explains Stanislav Sadalsky. He said that Olga set a condition for her mother: either exchange the apartment, or pay her 15 million for the part due by law. Lydia Nikolaevna simply does not have that kind of money. Sadalsky also said that it is difficult to call Olga and her son homeless: the actress bought her daughter two apartments - one in St. Petersburg, in the very center, and the other in Sergiev Posad, and gave her a dacha in the Moscow region.

Lidia Fedoseeva-Shukshina, 2017. Photo: Boris Kudryavov/EG Archive

Fortunately, some time ago the story of dividing the apartment came to naught. Olga has been flying to Russia periodically lately, but she no longer raises the issue of real estate, at least not publicly. Lidia Nikolaevna prefers not to comment on the unpleasant situation: the housing issue has already cost her a lot of nerves. And fans of the famous actress’s work hope that there will be no more conflicts between her and her daughters, and that past grievances will remain a thing of the past.

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