Stella Baranovskaya I believe in love. Who is Stella Baranovskaya? Stanislav Kanteladze - father of Stella Baranovskaya

On September 4, 2017, 30-year-old actress Stella Baranovskaya passed away. Only recently they collected money for treatment for the girl and she declared that she was completely healed. However, the disease prevailed - she died at 5 a.m. on Monday. TV presenter Katya Gordon announced Stella's death. She learned the tragic news from the actress’s grandmother.

Stella Baranovskaya is not very well known to a wide audience. She acted a lot in films - in television series and films, but mostly played episodic roles. The girl became truly famous because of her illness.

There is no biography of Stella Baranovskaya as such on the Internet. She became known more for her long battle with cancer than for her film roles. It is also unknown what films she starred in. Perhaps these were small episodic roles. She often appeared on television and reported on how her fight against the disease was going. In particular, Stella came to the “Live Broadcast” program.

She acted little, mostly in episodic roles, simply not having time to fully reveal her talent, and she became famous throughout the country when she began appearing on television. Nothing is known about her roles in films and TV series; having received an acting education, this beautiful woman simply did not have time to realize her acting talent in the film industry.

She played in the film “Grandson of an Astronaut,” a film directed by Andrei Panin.

As soon as Stella found out that she had cancer, she began collecting money for treatment on social networks, writes Rsute. She completed just one course of polychemotherapy and felt better, which she told her fans about. She refused traditional treatment and tried to be treated with unconventional methods.

After some time, Stella was accused of fraud. Stella herself said that she was miraculously healed. Social media users were indignant, accusing the girl of making up her diagnosis in order to get rich. Stella herself often published photos from expensive resorts and looked happy and healthy.

Later it became known that Stella hastened to announce her recovery. On New Year's Eve 2016, the girl became ill. But Stella did not immediately go to the doctors. She was diagnosed with leukemia in January. She started chemotherapy, but then suddenly stopped because it was very difficult for her emotionally. At that moment she felt better again.

Stella traveled to Mexico, where she was given an injection that supposedly kills cancer cells.

All this time, the young actress was supported by her son. He went through all stages of treatment with his mother. Also next to Stella were Lera Kudryavtseva, Anfisa Chekhova and singer Zara.

Stella Baranovskaya died, news: in the last days of her life, Stella could not walk

Stella died very hard. In recent days, she simply could not walk and experienced hellish pain. Stella's son was with Katya Gordon at that time. The boy is survived by his grandmother and father, who did not take part in raising the boy.

Larisa Kryuchonkova, Stella’s mother, supported her daughter’s choice in terms of methods and examination. “I was in the hospital with her. I was allowed to live in the ward. I saw how she felt after chemotherapy,” the relative noted.

The actress was very close to Lera Kudryavtseva, Zara and Anfisa Chekhova. Her friends always supported Stella.

“We have been in touch for the last few days, Stella’s child stayed at my house. Today at five in the morning I was told this sad news. We are currently organizing the funeral. In the last days she could no longer walk, she was in hellish pain,” notes Katya Gordon.

Note that Stella Baranovskaya has a six-year-old son, Danya. The child’s father does not take part in his upbringing, so it is not yet known who the boy will be with in the future.

Lera Kudryavtseva also shared the news about the loss of her friend with her fans on Instagram. “The most beautiful, kindest and gentle girl has passed away. I can't believe it, I can't find the right words. How you suffered and suffered, how many trials befell you on your fragile soul. Rest in peace girl,” said Lera Kudryavtseva.

The Internet is seething with outrage after the death of young actress Stella Baranovskaya from leukemia. Her death became one of the most discussed topics. Stella’s friends tell how Stella, who admitted her terrible diagnosis live on air, was bullied: she’s a fraudster, she collected money and is relaxing on the beach, she doesn’t have any terrible disease.

We have a new type of death - death live. This is the threat of imminent death, which a person told the general public about - on TV or on Facebook. For what? Does it heal the soul? Helps raise money for treatment? This is a very delicate area of ​​​​a person’s personal right - to remain silent or to speak, to smoke a cigarette or to undergo a painful chemotherapy session? We are discussing this topic with RG experts.

When my friend Alexander Garros was dying of cancer,” says writer and State Duma deputy Sergei Shargunov, “his wife Anna Starobinets wrote about everything that was happening on Facebook.” And her story evoked enormous and sincere sympathy and compassion. This, on the one hand, is a terrible confession, and on the other, it is literature. Literature of suffering. I think that somewhere this is a sermon - human dignity. But it’s terrible when someone else’s suffering turns into hype, into something fashionable. Chattering on TV, making another talk show out of trouble - this too will not surprise anyone today. And here the line between caring for a person, raising funds to help him and entertaining the public is not always obvious.

The line between caring for a person and a show for the needs of the public is not always obvious

It seems to me that the task of volunteering is certainly noble, when money is collected, articles are written that encourage the collection of help. I myself often wrote such articles to help a sick person. You create artistic text and you know it will work. But I also understand those who are silent about the end and departure. I often recall the famous memoirs of Bishop Anthony of Sourozh about how his mother passed away: “My mother was dying of cancer for three years. She was operated on - and unsuccessfully... My mother said: “That means I will die.” And I answered: “ Yes." And then we remained together in complete silence, communicating without words... We stood in the face of something that entered life and turned everything upside down. It was not a ghost, it was not evil, horror. It was "Something final that we had to meet, not yet knowing what it would mean. We stayed together and were silent for as long as our feelings required. And then life moved on." At the end of his life, he himself repeated her departure. So everything is individual. It is worthy to remain silent about your grief, and to speak. But the most disgusting thing that can happen is when leaving life turns into a show.

And the show is fueled and fueled by bullying on social networks.

Cyberbullying differs from all types of aggressive behavior in that it is systematic and regular, that is, there is a constant updating of negativity and feeding it, comments Galina Soldatova, professor at the Faculty of Psychology of Lomonosov Moscow State University. - This does not mean that the Internet is bad. But we all know very well that for cancer patients, support and faith that you can cope are very important. And bullying is very disruptive. It seems to me that this was one of the reasons that Stella left ahead of time. We didn't let her cope. We are all observers and we could support her. But most of us turned out to be passive sympathizers.

But Stella did not die from online bullying. It's disgusting, but not lethal.

She passed away because she was killed by an “imaginary” terrible disease in someone’s eyes. And perhaps her refusal to be treated with classical methods and her choice in favor of traditional medicine played a role in this. Unfortunately, cancer is as old as the world. But this diagnosis always causes wild horror in the patient. He immediately begins to look for ways of salvation, and the simplest and most understandable of them is to go on the Internet and search there. Many are beginning to believe that oncology can be cured with calendula solution and other folk remedies of this type. Nobody is against folk remedies. But in the field of oncology, where incredible progress has been taking place in recent years and the number of remissions is growing, relying on a calendula solution is unreasonable barbarism. In oncology, more than anywhere else, you should not self-medicate, even if cancer today is not as terrible as it is made out to be.

We must resort to classical medicine, because it is precisely this that allows us to achieve remission,” says Sergei Chernysh, a hematologist at the 6th Hematology Department of the Botkin Hospital, Candidate of Medical Sciences. - And the patients then live happily ever after. If any unfavorable factors are added, you can resort to bone marrow transplantation. Today in medicine there are generally accepted regimens that are used all over the world, different for different patients, but well tested. Hematology is a rapidly developing medical specialty, and the results of this development are visible.

Human rights activist Katya Gordon spoke about Stella’s passing on her Instagram page. For the past year and a half, the girl has been battling cancer, and there has been heated discussion of her illness throughout the country. Who is she: a fraudster or a seriously ill patient?

Baranovskaya was not known until early 2016. But everything changed when she was diagnosed with a terrible disease - acute lymphoblastic leukemia. Many stars called for help for the young actress by posting on social networks about her serious illness. Thanks to the efforts of Anfisa Chekhova, Anna Semenovich and many others, the whole country learned about Baranovskaya’s misfortune. They started collecting money for her treatment, but soon many began to wonder: did the girl really have cancer?

Photos of Baranovskaya from expensive resorts around the world began to appear online. And she didn’t look like a cancer patient: the girl, who was not even thirty, looked very lively and even seductive.

At the end of 2016, Stella took part in the “Live Broadcast” program. There she explained that chemotherapy did not help, and she turned to alternative treatments. The audience was divided into two camps: some believed the actress, while others just decided that she was a fraud.

Biography of Stella Baranovskaya

Stella Baranovskaya became known after the scandal. which flared up at the beginning of 2016. A 28-year-old girl wrote on social networks that she was able to achieve a transfer of acute lymphoblastic leukemia into remission. However, some Internet users did not believe her, deciding that she allegedly invented the disease by collecting money from gullible citizens.

Stella decided to answer all the accusations publicly, speaking on a number of television shows on federal channels. So, she appeared on the talk show “Live”, where she explained: indeed, she went into remission, but metastases went to the brain. The girl was forced to make excuses in response to the attacks.

Larisa Kryuchonkova, Stella’s mother, supported her daughter’s choice in terms of unconventional methods and examination: “I was in the hospital with her. I was allowed to live in the ward. I saw how she felt after chemotherapy.”

Stella Baranovskaya continued her treatment by going to Mexico to see a certain healer who promised a cure for cancer, but the girl was unable to meet with him.

On September 4, 2017, Stella Baranovskaya passed away at the age of 29, as reported on Instagram by her friends Katya Gordon and Anfisa Chekhova.

In recent days, Stella could no longer walk; she was in severe pain. Next to her were her close friends, TV presenters Lera Kudryavtseva and Anfisa Chekhova, and singer Zara. After Stella's death, they were organizing her funeral.

Shortly before her death, Stella Baranovskaya turned to Katya Gordon's law office in order to determine the paternity of her son Dani and draw up a will, but they did not have time to file a lawsuit. It is known that the child's father's name is Maxim Kotin, and the son of Stella Baranovskaya, according to Gordon, looks exactly like a man.

After the death of Stella Baranovskaya, Katya Gordon recorded a video message, which she published on Instagram: “...Stella was never a charlatan and died in the wildest pain. And there was never any exorbitant money collected allegedly for pseudo-diseases... Stella died some kind of martyrdom... in wild pain and worried that you, Max Kotin, even in this situation turned your back on your little son..."

From the life of the young Russian actress Stella Baranovskaya, who fought cancer. At the same time, some people called the girl a malingerer and a fraudster when she collected money for her treatment.

In recent months, 30-year-old Baranovskaya’s relatives have turned away from her, and TV presenters Anfisa Chekhova and Lera Kudryavtseva, singer Zara supported her. The girl left behind a small child, whom the father refused to recognize.

Baranovskaya’s death was reported by her friend Katya Gordon, who received information from the actress’s grandmother.

“Stella died some kind of martyr’s death... in wild pain and worried that you, Max Kotin, even in this situation turned away from your little son. And she also cried because of your post by Madina Tatraeva that she is a charlatan...” Gordon wrote on her Instagram.

“Friends helped her... and she lived in poverty... There is a child Danya with a dash in the paternity column... and her grandparents, rich socialites, don’t even want to know about him... It’s painful, disgusting and insulting. But we will try not to forget and help,” she added.

At the beginning of 2016, Baranovskaya was diagnosed with acute lymphoblastic leukemia. At the same time, she began collecting money for treatment and soon even reported that she felt noticeably better, and the cancer had practically receded.

In December 2016, the actress took part in the “Live Broadcast” program, where she spoke about the procedures she had to go through. Some people on the talk show were skeptical of the story. Thus, Madina Tatraeva, a blogger and lawyer, drew attention to the fact that a terminally ill girl for some reason refuses traditional medicine.

“I believe that Stella’s illness is a fiction, and she herself is a charlatan, that this setup was beneficial to her primarily for material reasons, as well as the opportunity to become famous for writing books and declaring herself a source of light and a messiah for the unelected,” Tatraeva wrote, criticizing the young actress on social networks.

Katya Gordon denied these accusations in her message.

“I want to debunk all the rumors that were circulating behind Stella’s back. They said that she allegedly refused treatment. She did not refuse treatment and underwent more than one course of chemotherapy. All medical documents are available. It just didn’t help Stella at some point. It’s not for us to condemn a person who was in a serious condition and resorted to various treatment methods,” she explained.

Moreover, according to Gordon, Stella Baranovskaya did not have the wealth that was attributed to her. “She didn’t even have her own home in Moscow. Stella was never a charlatan and died in the wildest pain. And there was never any exorbitant money collected allegedly for pseudo-diseases,” said a friend of the deceased.

Her star friends also spoke about the death of the departed actress.

“The most beautiful, kind, gentle girl has passed away. I can’t believe it and can’t find the right words. How you suffered and suffered, how many trials befell you on your fragile soul. Rest in peace, girl,” wrote Lera Kudryavtseva.

“My little beautiful girl! Who so wanted love and to be understood. I wanted to follow my own path and find support along it! Who struggled so much and desperately believed in a miracle. And also in the people who let her down. Thank you for everything you taught me! Thank you for the love you gave. When there is a lot in the heart, words get stuck in the throat. I scold myself for not having time to tell you one last time that I love you. But you know, Tiny, we will definitely meet again! Until the next life, my sweet girl! I’m sorry that I couldn’t give you everything I could,” wrote Anfisa Chekhova.

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