Goth clothing style. Goth subculture and gothic style of clothing. Hair and makeup

Clothing in the Gothic style causes mixed reactions, from complete rejection to genuine interest and admiration. Dark personalities with an impenetrable expression of a deathly pale face, like aliens from the other world or a parallel world, attract the eye, make you turn around with caution or with the thought “damn beautiful, but it won’t suit me.” These are goths. Whether it is necessary to belong to their subculture in order to dress in such a style is a moot point. Now let’s try, without changing our worldview, to join the shocking gothic fashion and add an extravagant touch to your everyday look or for special occasions.

In this article:

Let’s briefly go through history from the Middle Ages to the present day and begin to study photos, select clothes and create the image of a charming goth or change our attitude towards this culture to a more loyal one. After all, its representatives are ordinary people who express their individuality in this way.

The history of Gothic fashion

Gloomy morals reigned in Europe in the 12th-15th centuries. It was an eerie and at the same time romantic time from the point of view of a modern person. The omnipotence of the Catholic Church, the merciless bonfires of the Inquisition, burning witches, noble knights ready to sacrifice their lives for the sake of beautiful ladies.

It was during this era that a majestic style, mesmerizing with cold inaccessibility, was born, called Gothic, that is, barbaric, denying the classical canons of beauty, proportions and harmony. At first, the direction of architecture, and then clothing, with pronounced sharp angles, symbolized the desire upward, towards God, the denial of the earthly importance of existence.

The new style became most widespread in France. The clothes of Parisian fashionistas were pretentious and original:

  • pointed hats and pointed shoes;
  • thin silhouettes covered with corsets;
  • trains of infinite length;
  • jagged, uneven edges of sleeves and hems;
  • an abundance of bright ornaments and floral motifs.

Tailoring from a simple craft turned into an art, and all cutting techniques known to this day were invented.

And then the world stepped into the Renaissance, and Gothic sank into oblivion. The attempt to emerge from oblivion at the end of the 18th and beginning of the 19th centuries was short-lived and unsuccessful. In the 70s of the 20th century, gothic revived again, replacing the fading punk culture, which failed to establish itself in its slogan “Live fast - die young.”

Life was more or less clear, and almost everyone could cope. But the theme of death, the afterlife, and eternal mourning appealed to the taste of gloomy romantics. Their favorite color became black, and cemeteries became their favorite places to walk and gather. The new gothic style finally took shape by the 80s, and in the 2000s it appeared on the catwalks.

Modern ready-to-wear style: characteristic features, distinctive features

The Middle Ages left its mark on the appearance of melancholy fatalists. But they adopted only a narrow, laced waist; otherwise, the fashion trends of that time have little in common with the appearance of modern Goths.

These grotesque personalities rather took on the role of a victim of the Inquisition, who appeared in our world with a reminder of eternal sorrow, mourning, and the frailty of existence. But believe me, deep down, none of them are going to die, and the exquisite beauty of death is a way to present oneself to the world and be noticed.

If you want to accurately identify representatives of this subculture in a crowd or try on clothes in the Gothic style, remember the main features:

  • predominance of black with contrasting accents - white, red;

  • Dark saturated colors are allowed - purple, burgundy, green, blue;

  • clear silhouettes, straight flying lines;

  • frank extravagance with subtext for adults;

  • vintage or ultra-modern dresses with a complex cut;

  • voluminous skirts, mini or maxi length;

  • frill, lace, mesh, lacing;

  • corsets and belts, mainly over clothing;

  • loose black blouses, t-shirts, shirts, ;

  • plenty of leather - trousers, skirts, ;

  • rough shoes with platforms or high heels (, camelots,);

  • eccentric umbrellas, veiled hats, long gloves;

  • massive white metal jewelry;

  • expressive contrast of dark hair and completely white face;

  • deliberately careless aggressive makeup in black and blood-red tones.

Preferable fabrics:

  • velvet;
  • atlas;
  • silk;
  • leather;
  • vinyl;
  • brocade;
  • taffeta;
  • lace;
  • organza.

The Goths have a fair share of aristocracy in both women's style and men's clothing. Long black coats and raincoats, a top-hat, and on special occasions a tailcoat, what a London dandy. But still, the image of a modern goth girl deserves more attention.

Options for self-expression in clothes from the goths

The image of a Gothic Lolita can be an interesting discovery for girls. This style is one of the types of Japanese street fashion. It does not contain any hints of vulgarity and vulgarity, but on the contrary looks quite elegant and relaxed. Character traits:

  • black color actively diluted with blue, blue, red details;

  • quite a lot of white - stockings, gloves, petticoats;

  • formal dresses with bodices and full skirts;

  • flirtatiously peeking shirt collars and lace pantaloons;

  • elegant knee length;

  • gothic prints;

  • elegant hats with ribbons, coffin handbags;

  • shoes with massive heels or very high (up to 20 cm) platforms;

  • gloomy makeup can be replaced with makeup that focuses on the eyes;

  • hair - black curls or straight dark red, purple or red strands are possible in black hair.

The result is a completely charming, feminine image. But the Gothic clothing style is very diverse. There are other directions as well.

  • Cyber ​​- dark colors are generously complemented with acidic shades, hairstyles - mohawks, dreadlocks, makeup in neon colors.

  • Jay is an imitation of the heroes of Japanese anime, but with strict adherence to the Gothic rules - dark clothes and contrasting makeup.

  • Medieval - the most romantic branch of the Goth subculture: indispensable corsets, Victorian-style dresses, long gloves, lace, hats.

  • Vampire is the most popular style. The emphasis is on the obligatory presence of a rich red color, symbolizing blood and impeccable whiteness of the skin.

  • Corporate – allows you to comply with the dress code in a work environment. Usually it is a strict black suit with a snow-white shirt and some jewelry in the appropriate style.

As you can see, putting together a set of clothes in a modern gothic style, suitable for any setting, is not difficult. But that's not all. It is important to maintain the harmony of the image as a whole, that is, to turn into a Goth or Hotness from head to toe.

Shoes and accessories

Gothess legs will meet all the requirements if you wear:

  • high combat boots;
  • boots on a massive platform;
  • shoes or sandals with wide and fairly high heels;
  • for special occasions - an aggressive stiletto heel.

Instead of bags - large black backpacks or elegant suitcases. Headdress – a hat, preferably with a veil or ribbons. Glasses are often round and can be decorated with spikes. An original accessory is a collar made of latex, leather or metal. Spikes on it are also welcome. Another trick is a lace or velvet umbrella for protection from the sun.

Gothic is one of the few styles based on certain types of subcultures. It is used by young people who consider themselves to be part of the movement of the same name. The Gothic style in clothing today is distinguished by a noticeable predominance of black. To find out more about this unique fashion, let’s first plunge into ancient times.

Gothic style in clothing of the Middle Ages

Gothic in architecture, painting, and sculpture appears to be incredibly beautiful, filled with solemn gloom and cold severity. It is characterized by elongated shapes, pointed arches, and vaulted ceilings. Gothic is considered to be the art of the period XII-XVI centuries. It became a natural result of the development of the medieval world. The emergence of a new style could not but affect other areas of life, including clothing.

The history of the birth of a new era began with the period of modernization of military equipment of medieval knights. Heavy chain mail was replaced by lighter armor. Clothing for the civilian population has also undergone enormous changes, turning from loose, shapeless shirts into products of complex shapes that hug the figure. This happened thanks to the widespread use of steel scissors in tailoring.

It was then that the foundations of tailoring were laid, which had a significant impact on future forms of women's clothing. It now has a division into a narrow bodice and a skirt, which expands thanks to additional inserts. Triangular cutouts on the chest and back, stand-up collars, long sleeves with cuffs, and shoes with pointed toes echoed the elongated Gothic proportions of architectural structures.

People's ability to create patterns for clothing parts has completely deprived styles of dependence on the width of the woven fabric. The suit consisted of several separate elements connected to each other by means of a seam. Now the clothes enveloped the figure, fitting tightly to it and repeating the contours. During the Middle Ages, the fundamental foundations of future European fashion were laid, which later became an important social aspect in human society.

Subculture of the 20th century

Increased interest in Gothic appeared in the late 70s of the last century. Among young people, the punk style, characterized by revolutionary and anarchic principles, gradually faded away. Rebellious moods gave way to decadent experiences, which were clearly reflected in the music and appearance of the supporters of the new subculture.

The black color of clothing symbolized mourning for a life filled with pain and suffering. The inevitability of the end of existence attracted the newly-minted Goths to the secrets of the afterlife. Sad romantics often chose cemeteries as their meeting places.

Elements of sadomasochism - spikes, whips, leather collars - were widely used as attributes of the style. They expressed an expression of bodily suffering that is considered the norm for the gothic subculture.

Over time, the Gothic movement divided into separate movements expressing special preferences and interests. What remained common to all types was a pronounced aristocratic style, attraction to art and a depressive mood.

Features of the Gothic style of clothing (photo)

A typical Goth outfit consists of black clothes in extravagant styles. The main materials for sewing are silk, velvet, denim, leather, lace. Organza, brocade, taffeta, and lurex are also widely used. Their shine and radiance serve as a spectacular decoration for costumes.

In a woman's gothic wardrobe there will always be leather trousers, dark T-shirts, raincoats and skirts, mostly midi and maxi lengths.

Tight leather corsets that seductively highlight the figure are a must for girls. They are usually worn over a shirt or dress. The corset came to us from the Middle Ages and Victorian era, when it was considered fashionable to give a woman's torso an hourglass shape. Ancient structures were rigid, rough and caused a lot of inconvenience. They made breathing difficult and often caused women to faint. Modern models are distinguished by elasticity and comfort. They do not compress the body, but only follow the contours of an elegant silhouette.

The Gothic style in men's clothing is characterized by pronounced femininity, and therefore is in many ways similar to the wardrobe of sad ladies. Mostly these are leather trousers, black shirts, shapeless robes, and hats. Long raincoats are made of leather or thick fabric.

Fans of the dark subculture are offered shoes of the average type - heavy high-lace-up boots, platform shoes. Women can spice up their outfit with high boots or ankle boots made of shiny black leather.

Accessories for gothic looks

Goth girls decorate their outfits with lace gloves, umbrellas, velvet handbags, and hats. Hats come with wide brims or have a small, elegant shape, complemented by a mesh veil.

Goths love fabrics made in the form of a fishing net or transparent lace. Women's skirts, shirts, capes or robes are sewn from them. All these products are, of course, black.

Typical signs of sad images are white metal accessories. This is usually silver or inexpensive alloys. Sometimes white gold jewelry is used. The color is a symbol of the cold Moon; it well emphasizes the contrast of a pale face and dark decoration.

For adherents of any orientation, decorations in the form of crosses, skulls, and bats are considered necessary elements of style. Punk goths prefer metal chains, bracelets and spikes. Piercings can often be seen on their faces and torsos.

How to create a fashionable look

Gothic style in modern clothing includes various trends: antique, Victorian, Renaissance, corporate, vampire, cyber or punk goth. Each of them has a special composition of clothing and a set of accessories. Based on one’s own inclinations, a specific wardrobe is formed.

  • Black pants. Buy jeans or leather pants. Skinny models are more suitable for a slender figure. Another suitable option is loose-fitting trousers.

  • Leather corset. This is a mandatory element of the Gothic Lolita image. It looks great with jeans or a full, layered skirt trimmed with lace. An off-the-shoulder pirate-style shirt is recommended underneath. The result is a daring and touching image at the same time.

  • Velvet jacket. Gives a solid look to supporters of the most ancient styles.
  • T-shirts with branded logos. To wear such clothes, you need to be a true fan of a gothic rock band.
  • Leather shoes. Boots with chunky flat soles or high-heeled boots – the choice is up to the goth. The color is predominantly black, although there are also blood red models.
  • Accessories. A spiked collar and leather bracelets are a universal set for a representative of any gothic trend.

In addition to the wardrobe, specific makeup is required for Goths. Moreover, this is a mandatory element of the image for women and men. The eyes, thickly outlined with black, should clearly stand out on a whitened face. Scarlet or blue-black lipstick is applied to the lips.

Classic and original, modern and distant past, gloomy and romantic. All this characterizes the Gothic clothing style - one of the relatively young, but deep-rooted fashion trends.

Gothic style of clothing: medieval motifs in a new way

To understand the modern fashion trend, you need to travel back several centuries and get acquainted with the stylish “ancestors”.

The general concept of “Gothic” appeared during the Renaissance and meant a movement in the art of European countries at the end of the 11th – 13th centuries. The Gothic movement, which replaced the Romanesque style, affected architecture, sculpture and, of course, fashion, which was distinguished by:

  • gloomy majesty;
  • bewitching coldness;
  • beautiful severity.

And it literally permeated everything around. People of art and art historians of the Renaissance called this period and everything related to it “barbaric.”

Like many things related to art and fashion, the Gothic style originated in France, and reached the peak of its development in the historical region of this country - Burgundy.

The “barbaric” fashion of the Middle Ages had several options - each class had its own trends and preferences. They were united by their affinity for elongated proportions and silhouettes. The trend included shoes with long toes (sometimes up to half a meter), pointed hats, thin, tightly laced waists, scalloped edges and long trains. The higher the lady's position, the longer the train. The fashion trend was draping around the abdomen.

The outer outfits were represented by semicircular or round cloaks, fastened on the chest with a massive buckle.

The color palette was dominated by bright shades and all kinds of ornaments.

After some time, other styles replaced Gothic. It seemed that it had outlived its usefulness and faded into history. But several centuries later, at the turn of the 18th–19th centuries, it was briefly revived, absorbing new rules and trends.

The next round of popularity of the “well-forgotten old” came in recent history.

Features of modern Gothic

Modern gothic clothing, with the help of which goths (fans of the subculture of the same name) express themselves, is significantly different from what was in fashion almost a dozen centuries ago. The current Gothic style was born, or rather, revived in a modernized form in the 70s of the last century. In addition to the features of medieval fashion, elements of punk and modern trends are woven into it.

The main distinctive features of the “barbaric” trend in modern clothing are:

  • Gravitation towards black and its cool combination with white or red. Minimal use of rich shades of purple, burgundy, green and blue is also allowed.
  • The presence of clear silhouettes and straight lines.

  • Extravagance.

  • A narrow top and a loose bottom, designed to make the figure angular and hide feminine curves.

  • The use of white (light) decorations of a certain theme. The favorite metal is ready - silver, which symbolizes the Moon and emphasizes the deathly pallor of its owners.
  • Sharp angles that can show up in collars, cuffs, hems or even prints on clothing pieces.
  • The use of textured fabrics and materials with an interesting texture.

From his medieval ancestor he inherited gloom and severity.


Currently, the Gothic style is divided into several directions, which, naturally, do not depend on the social status of its fans. Rather, it is a matter of taste and preference.

  1. Antique (romantic), using fashion trends of the 18th century and characterized by the presence of lace, elbow-length gloves, maxi dresses, corsets and veils.
  2. Vampiric, which is a kind of imitation of “movie” vampires. Girls who adhere to this trend diligently emphasize their sexuality and use bright red details in their outfits or makeup (lipstick, nail polish).
  3. Metallized (rock). It echoes “metal” in music and uses leather items, complemented by all kinds of chains, collars, and spikes. The use of latex clothing is also allowed here.
  4. Cyber ​​direction. Skillfully combines Gothic and industrial elements. When creating looks, preference is given to artificial fabrics, acidic shades, and high-platform shoes.
  5. Lolita (J-Goth). The direction comes from Japan. Its main attributes are gothic knee-length dresses, richly decorated with frills and crinoline. Umbrellas, hats, and shoes with rounded toes on a high platform are used as accessories.
  6. Corporate. A kind of “adaptation” of the subculture and its fashion to the requirements of the dress code. Characterized by minimal use of accessories and virtually no makeup.

In addition to these options, modern Gothic can be distinguished;

  • Victorian and Renaissance Goths, embodying images of the past;
  • androgynous, trying to “disguise” their true gender behind clothes and cosmetics;
  • glitter and fairy goths, which include exclusively girls who dye their hair in uncharacteristic bright colors, braid dreadlocks and braids.
  • Western goths reminiscent of cowboy films.

Representatives of the last group are the fewest and occur less frequently than others.

Modern set of gothic things

As already noted, black items predominate in the Goths’ wardrobe. But the range of image elements itself is quite wide.

Silk, velvet, vinyl, mesh leather, denim are used for outfits, complemented by organza, brocade, taffeta, and lurex.

A woman's wardrobe consists of:

  • leather trousers, tight-fitting silhouette;
  • T-shirts, turtlenecks, dark-colored blouses;
  • skirts and raincoats of medium and maximum length;
  • leather corsets, which are worn on top of dresses or shirts;
  • vintage or ultra-modern dresses of complex styles;
  • sword belts - like corsets, they are worn over clothing;

The look is complemented by all kinds of lace, frills, lacing, rough boots with high platforms or heels, unusual umbrellas, long gloves, hats with veils, large massive jewelry made of white metal (mostly silver is used, but “exceptions” made of white gold or platinum are allowed).

Favorite goth accessories are:

  • jewelry decorated with spikes, chains, handcuffs;
  • bracelets and collars made of latex or leather;
  • images of skulls, spiders, cats, dragons;
  • rings, earrings and pendants with images of Egyptian crosses.

Instead of bags, girls will want large backpacks or elegant traveling bags.

An integral and important part of the image is the hairstyle. For the Goths, this is usually straight hair the color of a raven's wing (less often red or ashy). The romantic direction allows for curls and voluminous hairstyles.

Followers of the Gothic style also have a unique makeup look. “Aristocratic” pallor of the face is very popular, so a significant layer of makeup is applied to it. The most expressive detail is the eyes, lined with black eyeliner or pencil. The manicure color is also black.

The style is ready, easily recognizable by the predominance of black in it.

The Gothic outfits that can be seen on modern representatives of this subculture are far from the real Gothic images that appeared in Europe during the Middle Ages. The Gothic style of clothing is only part of a worldview filled with suffering, darkness, and melancholy, which is clearly expressed in music and other areas of art.

A little history

The history of the Gothic style goes back to the Middle Ages.

Gothic art is about cold restraint and solemn sadness.

Fashion always keeps pace with its era, so changes in the military equipment of medieval knights marked the beginning of the emergence of new views. Chain mail was replaced by armor, loose shirts replaced things tailored to the figure.

Tailors took steel scissors into their hands and began making patterns, which made it possible to sew clothes from individual parts connected by seams.

Women's models appeared in which the narrow bodice and wide skirt were cut separately. Triangular cutouts on the chest, cuffs, long sleeves, pointed shoe shapes - these details stylistically intersected with the architectural elements of the Gothic style.

All this became the basis for the development of Gothic fashion and its various variations. In the late 70s, the Gothic movement was very popular among young people who met in cemeteries and gravitated towards the secrets of the afterlife. Time passed, and various branches appeared in this subculture, but aristocratic images and depressive moods are characteristic of all manifestations of Gothic.

Typical goth outfit

Extravagance and the color black are the main characteristics of the modern Gothic look. The materials used are completely different: silk and velvet, lace and denim, leather and taffeta.

A goth's wardrobe, as a rule, consists of leather trousers, raincoats, long skirts, black T-shirts, platform shoes, and black leather ankle boots.

A tight black leather corset is a mandatory attribute of a costume, which gives a girl’s image a sexy look, which is welcomed in this direction. The corset can also be worn on top of the dress. It is very different from the ancient, rigid models. The modern corset is made of elastic materials and seductively emphasizes the figure, as shown in the photo:

Skirts, capes, and various robes made of black fabric, whose texture resembles a fishing net, are often used in Gothic images.

There is also femininity in the male appearance. A typical representative of this subculture wears black trousers and a shirt, a leather coat or robe, a hat and heavy lace-up boots.


For girls of this look, gloves made of lace, umbrellas, handbags made of velvet fabric, and various types of hats are preferred. Particularly popular are small, elegantly shaped hats that are decorated with a veil, or, conversely, hats with wide brims.

Sad looks are often complemented with white metal accessories. Most often it is silver. It is rare to see white gold jewelry worn by Goths.

Such elements symbolize the coldness of the Moon, and further emphasize the contrast of black clothes and white skin.

Crosses, skulls, bats, spiders, dragons, chains, bracelets, spikes - all these elements can be found in the modern image of the goths. The face and torso of young people are often decorated with piercings.

Create a Gothic look

Some tips for those who want to embody a modern gothic look in their clothes.


Leather pants or black skinny jeans will be a good buy. If your figure does not allow you to wear tight clothes, then loose-fitting black trousers will fit perfectly into your look.


This essential attribute of the image of a sad maiden can be combined well with a multi-tiered fluffy skirt or jeans. An off-shoulder shirt complemented with a black leather corset on top looks bold and, at the same time, feminine.


Made of velvet, it will add rigor and solidity to the image.


You can choose with different images or symbols. They can also be simply black. T-shirts often feature elements that reflect goth's musical tastes


Massive, heavy leather shoes, mostly flat-soled boots or platform boots with high heels. The color is mostly black, but sometimes you can find red models.

Makeup and hairstyle

Makeup uses black eyeliner or eye shadow to highlight the eyes. Black lipstick, which looks contrasting against a pale face, can be found on the lips of both women and men. Don't forget about your nails - coated with black varnish they will complete the look. In manicure, as in hairstyle, negligence is encouraged. To dye your hair, you can use dark shades in any combination.

The Gothic style of clothing belongs to the category of extraordinary. It always attracts the attention of passersby; it is difficult to confuse it with something else. The Gothic style requires a lot - usually it consists not only in the features of clothing, but also presupposes its own philosophy. It would be more true that with the help of an external image, Goths try to manifest their inner state. Gothic style clothing came to the modern world from the Middle Ages. Today it has acquired its own characteristics and has been somewhat transformed.

Features of the Gothic style

The Gothic style of clothing first appeared in the 12th century in Europe. Then it gradually developed and transformed until the 16th century. After this, in the same Europe in the 17th and 18th centuries, there was a fashion for “neo-Gothic”. It was precisely this that served as the basis for the modern Gothic style, which began to spread in the late 70s of the last century.

Such clothing is typical for people belonging to the Goth subculture, which replaced the punks. In this order, a pattern is clearly visible. After violent anarchism and a challenge to the state system, depression sets in due to the fact that all attempts to change the world were fruitless. Both of these styles are characteristic of young people, and they carry within them rather an internal state that manifests itself in such an open way. The gothic style, like punk, is inherent in youthful maximalism. They contain challenge and disagreement. Usually, over the years there is a rethinking and change of style. Therefore, Goths over 30 years old are rare.

Among the features related to the appearance of clothing in the Gothic style, one can highlight, first of all, color preferences. The dominant color throughout the entire look is black. It is present in clothing, makeup, and accessories.

The Gothic style has strict boundaries and limitations, but this does not prevent you from creating unique images. Each goth looks special and unique, and at the same time adheres to specific rules, making it impossible for a representative of this subculture to be confused with someone else.

A distinctive feature of the Gothic style is also sophistication and aristocracy, which can be seen in various elements - these are headdresses, corsets, and fluffy skirts. The whole image as a whole, with all its originality, looks harmonious and stylish. In particular, this can be explained by the fact that Goths are mostly creative people. It is for this reason that they can afford to wear such extravagant outfits and hairstyles.

red accents and sheer skirt

black fabric and leather set

spaghetti strap top, patent leather boots, pleated skirt, neckerchief and long gloves

translucent skirt, leather jacket and unusual headdress

open areas in the shoulder and leg areas

fluffy light skirt with corset

How is the Gothic image created?

In order to create a complete Gothic image, it is necessary to move in certain circles or have the same mood and attitude towards the world that is inherent in the Goths. In this case, all that remains is to express your emotions in clothes. However, there are certain rules according to which the Gothic image is created.


The first thing you should pay attention to is the materials. Clothes in the Gothic style are most often made of velvet, satin and other materials on which the black color looks most deep and noble. There is often a trim made of lace and light transparent materials. Goths often use leather in jewelry and clothing items.


Corsets are almost always present in a woman's Gothic wardrobe - they are most often worn over other clothes. Dresses and skirts can be of any length, but the most common are midi or maxi models. Sometimes girls wear trousers.

Black stockings or fishnet tights are a characteristic attribute of the Gothic style. In addition, long lace gloves, a stylish hat and a black veil can complement the look.

As for shoes, in this case, high, heavy boots, decorated with metal elements and straps with high flat soles, would be appropriate - they are worn by both girls and boys. Representatives of the fair sex who adhere to the Gothic style often use boots and high-heeled shoes. In general, their images always look seductive and feminine.

Moreover, many elements are universal. In addition to shoes, representatives of both sexes can use old, shabby T-shirts, vests, and jackets in their wardrobe.

In the cold season, Goths wear cloaks and coats - mostly long, exclusively black. However, their image looks most vibrant in the summer, when it is possible to create a unique multi-layered outfit that, despite its complexity, always looks stylish, harmonious and holistic.

black off shoulder maxi dress

layered neck decoration and slanted hem

cross print

massive decoration on the neck and belt in the same style

combination of long gloves with high boots

skirt below the knee and open arms

In order for things to look harmonious, you need appropriate makeup, proper styling and a set of accessories

Accessories, hairstyle, makeup

Clothing in the Gothic style is unthinkable without certain additions. As for accessories, leather items with metal spikes, silver pendants and chains, and rings are most often used as jewelry. Gold and colored gemstones are never used in this subculture. Each element should be made in cool, predominantly black colors. That is why jade, pearls, agate, black opal and similar stones would be appropriate. Decorations are most often made in the form of ornaments, a crucifix, an Egyptian cross.

The makeup, which is typical for both sexes, also predominates in black tones against a background of pale skin. The tone is created using light powder; blush is not used. Eyes are lined with black pencil; shadows are not always used. Lips can be painted with either black or dark burgundy lipstick.

Hair should be predominantly long - both for girls and boys. The color is naturally black, sometimes with coloring applied. As for hairstyles, goths often leave their hair loose or make original haircuts, shaving their temples and making intricate patterns on them.

Goth manicure is most often done with black varnish, but other dark, cool shades are also appropriate. At the same time, slight negligence is not prohibited, which will add color to the image.

In general, the Gothic image is unique and original. He is chosen by bright personalities who carry a challenge in their attire. Not every person can muster the courage to try it on themselves. If you like this trend, but you are not ready to take such steps, then you can add a small accent to your usual wardrobe with the help of a fluffy black mid-length skirt, a corset or matching jewelry. To add a special mood, choose all other elements in cool, soft colors.

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