Star child style: Vivienne Jolie-Pitt. All about Angelina Jolie's children: why do they want to leave their star mother? Photos of Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt's children

The family of Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt never ceases to amaze the world. According to the latest news from foreign media, their little daughter Vivienne Jolie-Pitt, who is now only 4 years old, made her film debut and became one of the smallest and newest stars in Hollywood.

This fact became known back in August 2012, when castings for roles in the film “Maleficent” (another remake of “Snow White”) took place. Even then it was no secret that the girl’s mother, Angelina, would play one of the main roles - the evil witch.

According to the paparazzi, Jolie personally asked for her little daughter to be accepted into the cinema. Of course, this demand was met - Vivienne will play Princess Aurora as a child, and 14-year-old Elle Fanning will play her as an older woman. Surprisingly, the two young actresses are actually somewhat similar: blond hair, plump cheeks, dark eyes. But what most struck the world of show business was young Pitt’s pay. Representatives of the US Actors Guild said that young children will receive $842 a day or $2,921 a week for filming, regardless of how famous their parents are. They also argued this with the statement that “any actor should not work for free.” Another little girl, a certain India Eisley, will take part in this movie. Her role is that of the evil queen as a child. We hope her fee is the same as Vivienne's, based on what this organization says.

In addition to such an extra fee (considering the age of the actress), Brad Pitt's daughter receives $60 daily for pocket expenses, that is, for juice and cookies, which she already buys on her own.

Other children, having heard that their little sister would star in the same film with their mother, also began to ask to be cast in some roles. Without thinking twice, Zahara and Pax were approved for minor cameo roles, where they would not even utter words.

So fans of “” will now be able to find as many as three children of the star couple in the new film. So far, no one is talking about exactly what roles Vivien’s brother and sister got.

It cannot be said that this is the film debut of fashionable children, since Shiloh Jolie-Pitt had already acted in 2008. True, then she was only 10 months old and she was offered a cameo role in the film “The Curious Case of Benjamin Button,” which also starred her father, Brad Pitt. Apparently, parents are still afraid to leave their children unsupervised and if they allow them to take part in filming, then only with them.

By the way, Angelina, who decided to involve Vivienne, Zahara and Pax in this, was simply sure that Shiloh would also want to join them. But the 6-year-old girl did not show much interest, and therefore her mother did not persuade her to act in films.

The film adaptation of Maleficent is scheduled for March 2014. This film is another version of the well-known “Tale of the Sleeping Beauty”. The person responsible for it is director Robert Stromberg, who decided to make the film interesting due to the fact that it will be presented in the form of a story from the point of view of the witch herself. Well, who knows, maybe this approach will actually be successful.

Fans and admirers of Angelina, Brad and their entire family responded differently to the news of how much their 4-year-old daughter earns. Some have suggested that perhaps all the kids' money will be donated to charity. After all, their father and mother are known in the world as one of the greatest philanthropists.

And others have suggested that such a fee is due to the stardom of the parents.

The stars themselves said that they are not against their children also pursuing an acting career. Although the main thing, as Brad Pitt clarified, is that they all are happy.

Jolie-Pitt family / Photo: Instagram @beckham_joliepitt_kids

The famous celebrity couple Brangelina, long considered the embodiment of true love, a happy family and simply a union of amazingly beautiful and talented people, is going through difficult times.

Just recently it became known that their ten-year-old dark-skinned daughter Zahara (born January 8, 2005) wants to return to Ethiopia to her mother. Let us recall that Brad and Angelina adopted a baby at the age of six months; when preparing the documents, it was stipulated that the girl’s mother, Menteuab Dawit, died of AIDS.
But now it turns out that the information about the mother’s death is erroneous and Menteuab is indignant that Jolie took Zahara away and is looking forward to her daughter’s return. What happened to young Zakhara and why did the girl, who was raised by a celebrity couple from infancy, suddenly decide to abandon her large family and comfortable life?
At the moment, there is no clear answer to this question: perhaps Zahara lacks attention, perhaps she is jealous of her adoptive parents for their biological children, or perhaps the secret lies even deeper.

Zahara, Angelina Jolie and Shiloh / Photo: Instagram @vipaccessdig
What is known for certain is that because of what is happening, Jolie is on edge and often quarrels with her husband. Obviously, such a serious problem, coupled with the planned addition to the family (at the beginning of the year, the couple announced their intention to adopt a two-year-old boy, Moussa, from a Turkish refugee camp) is a serious test for the couple.
But it turns out that the children have already complained about their famous mother more than once, and the fact that some of them want to leave Angelina Jolie is not news to those around the star. Everything is clear with Zakhara - the blood of her ancestors is calling her to her homeland. Now let's figure out what the parents of the remaining five children of the family are not happy with: Maddox, Pax, Shiloh, Knox and Vivienne.

Maddox Siobhan Jolie-Pitt – young and in love

Maddox / Photo: Instagram @brangielove
The eldest son of Jolie and Pitt Maddox Sivan (born 08/05/2001) is preparing to celebrate his 14th birthday. 13 years in the family of star parents flew by happily and unnoticed; a young man originally from Cambodia turned into an attractive young man and already managed to start an affair.
His young flame is from England, and Angelina Jolie calls her cool. One can only guess how the relationship between the young lovers develops, but Angie does everything to ensure that the family, or at least the eldest son, visits England more often. Most recently, Angelina visited Cambodia, where filming of her directorial work “First They Killed My Father – Memoirs of a Cambodian Daughter” will soon begin.
The actress has high hopes for the film, because with its help she wants to improve Maddox’s relationship with his homeland. According to his mother’s plan, the boy will spend all his free time after school on the set. However, on Jolie’s part this was obviously a forced step...
Why does Maddox Siobhan want to leave Angelina Jolie? Last year, a source close to the Jolie-Pitt family claimed that Angie and Brad were very concerned. That their boy wanted to leave them. He constantly talked about traveling to Cambodia and spent hours surfing the Internet, trying to find his real relatives.

Pax and Angelina Jolie / Photo: Instagram @angie_joliev
Pitt and Jolie adopted a three-year-old baby named Pham Quanh (born November 29, 2003) from South Vietnam in the spring of 2007. When completing the paperwork, the baby received not only loving parents and an older brother, but also a new name – Pax, which means “peace” in Latin.
Today Pax is already 11 years old, he is growing into a stylish and very attractive young man, teenage girls on forums actively discuss his appearance and write compliments. But, as it turned out, the boy is not only handsome, but also talented. He is a born cook who constantly pampers his family with delicious dishes.
Angelina admitted in an interview that she is a terrible cook. That is why the responsibility of the family cook fell on Pax's shoulders. It was the young man who created the wedding cake at his parents’ wedding, which took place in September last year). Perhaps, as an adult, he will surprise the world with his own cooking show, recipe book, or signature restaurant.
Why does Pax Thien want to leave Angelina Jolie? The actress brought her middle son home only in 2001, that is, four years after she adopted her. During the flight from Vietnam, the boy looked extremely sad and clearly did not want to leave the country.
But, in fact, this was the only case when the boy did not want to stay with his star mother. Overall, he is an exemplary son and loves his family very much.

Shiloh Jolie-Pitt / Photo: @beckham_joliepitt_kids
Nine-year-old and very similar to her mother, Shiloh (born May 27, 2006) was a tomboy from an early age, loved to play around, kick a ball, and preferred a boyish style of clothing. When Shai turned three, she told her parents that she wanted to be a boy and asked to call her John.
Jolie obediently cut her hair and supported her daughter’s rather strange request, but Brad Pitt’s mother sounded the alarm. Jane's grandmother constantly gives her granddaughter dresses and other things for the girl, fearing that Shiloh might turn out to be a transsexual.
Angie and Brad believe that nothing terrible is happening and their daughter’s whim is dictated by the rebellious spirit and love of all children for gender games. The media actively circulated the version that in this way Shiloh, as the first biological child of stars, is trying to attract the attention of parents and overcome jealousy towards adopted children.
The Jolie-Pitt couple refutes this version and continues to be loyal to their daughter’s antics. By the way, at the age of ten months, Shiloh played with her father in the film “The Curious Case of Benjamin Button,” and a year later she was declared the most influential child under five, according to Forbes.
At the premiere of the film “Unbroken” a year ago, Shiloh Jolie-Pitt appeared on the red carpet, dressed in a strict men's suit, like the entire male half of her family. It cannot be denied that the image suited the girl perfectly, but the choice of orientation and gender will apparently have to wait a few more years.

Pax, Brad Pitt, Maddox and Shiloh / Photo: AP
Why does Shiloh Jolie-Pitt want to leave Angelina Jolie? In 2007, Angelina Jolie honestly admitted to reporters that she loved her adopted children more than Shiloh Nouvel (Knox and Vivienne were not yet born). This was repeatedly confirmed by Brad Pitt’s mother, who scolded her daughter-in-law for not being involved with Shiloh at all, and because of the attention deficit on the part of the actress, she prefers to spend as much time as possible with her grandmother.
In addition, the girl grows up withdrawn and has repeatedly admitted to Jane that she does not feel love from her mother.

Knox Leon, Angelina Jolie and Vivienne Marcheline / Photo: @joliepittfamilygroup
Knox and Vivienne (born July 12, 2008) are twins and the younger biological children of Angie and Brad. As soon as they were born, the babies managed to earn $14 million by appearing on the cover of two glossy magazines: People and Hello!.
At the age of four, Vivien began her acting career under the auspices of her Oscar-winning mother, with whom she starred in the film Maleficent. Angelina turned into a powerful sorceress on screen, and little Vivien played Princess Aurora, who was subsequently bewitched by Maleficent.
In everyday life, Vivienne also loves to feel like a princess: she wears bright dresses and sundresses, as well as shoes of all colors and shades. As for Knox, he grows up as a reserved boy, likes to wear long hair and does not strive for publicity.
Today, seven-year-old Jolie-Pitt is considered one of the most beautiful children in Hollywood. And yes, Knox and Vivien seem to be quite happy with their star mother and so far see no reason to leave her.

Fortunately for the couple and for Moussa, everything turned out well and in February the media reported that Jolie-Pitt’s youngest child was going to his parents, but already in April an official representative of the family denied information about the adoption. Whether Moussa will be lucky in joining an international family or whether a child from Kenya will become the new Jolie-Pitt (a rumor about the adoption of an African child spread this spring), time will tell.
But if you remember the prophecies of Hollywood psychic Ron Bard, Angie and Brad will have to become parents twice more. Let us remind you that they themselves planned to give birth to more children - especially for this, before the operation to remove the ovaries, Jolie froze her eggs.

Incredible facts

In September 2016, the world was shocked when it learned that one of the most famous couples in Hollywood was divorcing.

Angelina Jolie filed for divorce from Brad Pitt, citing "irreconcilable differences" as the grounds..

Although photographs of the star couple’s children did not often appear in the media when they were still very young, given how much their parents wanted to protect them from prying eyes, they could increasingly be seen as adults.

Angelina Jolie in 2017

Moreover, everything six recently appeared for the first time after a long break at the premiere of a new film Angelina Jolie "First they killed my father."

Angelina Jolie recently decided to lift the veil on what's going on in her family, revealing that they are still recovering from a divorce. " They help me a lot. We are true unity", she told the New York Times. " They are the best friends I've ever had. No one in my life supportedmemore".

"Thisnot easy. This is a very, very difficult, very painful situation and I just want my family to be healthy.. "

How many children do Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt have?

Besides the high-profile divorce of the actors, what else is known about the children of Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt?

The couple six children: Maddox, Pax, Zahara, Shiloh, Knox and Vivienne.

Maddox, Zahara and Pax were adopted from orphanages in Cambodia, Ethiopia and Vietnam, respectively. The rest are the couple's biological children.

Children of Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt

Maddox Jolie-Pitt

Angelina and her ex-husband Billy Bob Thornton adopted their oldest son, Maddox Siobhan, in 2002. The couple adopted Maddox after finding him in an orphanage in Cambodia, but the adoption process was lengthy due to U.S. law.

Maddox, now 16, reportedly wants to follow in his parents' footsteps and work in the film industry.

In Angelina's 2015 film By the Sea, the talented teenager worked on scenes as an assistant producer.

He also contributed to Angelina Jolie's latest film, First They Killed My Father.

After filing for divorce, Brad was accused of using physical force against Maddox during an argument on an airplane.

Zahara Marley Jolie-Pitt

Three years after Maddox appeared in the family, Angelina adopted a 6-year-old orphan from Ethiopia, Zahara Marley.

Although Zahara often rewards photographers with her killer look, her mother said that the girl is, in fact, very feminine and caring.

In 2007, it turned out that Zakhara’s biological mother was alive and would like to see her.

Just like her older brother, she loves the world of cinema. Thus, the 12-year-old girl voiced one of the minor characters in the film “Kung Fu Panda 3.”

Shiloh Nouvel Jolie-Pitt

In 2006, Angelina gave birth to her first biological child with Brad Pitt. After this event, which happened in Namibia, photographs of Shiloh were scattered across famous magazines, thanks to which the couple earned more than $7 million.

The actress, known for her humanitarian work, donated money to the UN Children's Fund UNICEF.

It is known that 11-year-old Shiloh, who was born a girl, considers herself “one of the brothers” and asked her parents to be considered a boy and called John.

Pax Thien Jolie-Pitt

The former couple, also known as "Brangelina", also decided to adopt Pax Thien's other child in 2007.

After Angelina took on the role of mother to a Vietnamese orphan, Brad later also adopted the boy when the couple returned to the US.

Although Pax, now 13, was adopted when he was just 3, he reportedly had trouble adapting to celebrity life and tried to avoid the paparazzi at all costs.

Twins Knox Leon and Vivienne Marcheline Jolie-Pitt

A few months after adopting Pax, Brad and Angelina announced they were expecting twins during the Kung Fu Panda 3 premiere.

In 2008, Knox and Vivienne were born, later appearing on the cover of Hello! magazine.

As in the previous case, Angelina decided to donate the $14 million she earned from the photographs to charity, this time to the Jolie-Pitt organization.

As you know, 9-year-old twins have little to do with show business.

Despite this, Vivienne played a small role in the film "Malificent" along with her mother.

Photos of Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt's children

Zahara and Shiloh in 2010

Knox and Vivienne in 2014

AngelinaAndShilohV 2015

Pax, Brad, Shiloh and Maddox in 2014

Maddox and Angelina in 2015

Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie have been together for over ten years. Their romance began in the late summer of 2005 on the set of the spy comedy Mr. and Mrs. Smith. Already in October of the same year, Brad divorced Jennifer Aniston, and in January 2006, Angelina confirmed that she was expecting a child from him. This union was one of the longest and strongest in Hollywood, but on September 20, 2016, a divorce was announced, and the divorce itself was completed in the spring of 2019.

The couple has six children: 3 adopted and 3 joint (biological).

Applicable children:

  • Maddox Sivan (born August 5, 2001 in Cambodia, adopted March 10, 2002 by Angelina Jolie);
  • Pax Thien (born November 29, 2003 in Vietnam, adopted March 15, 2007 by Angelina Jolie);
  • Zahara Marley (born January 8, 2005 in Ethiopia, adopted July 6, 2005 by Angelina Jolie).

Biological (natural) children:

  • Shiloh Nouvel (born May 27, 2006 in Namibia, Shiloh is the first child of Brad and Angelina together);
  • Twins Knox Leon and Vivienne Marcheline (born July 12, 2008 in France. Knox and Vivienne are Jolie and Pitt's second and third biological children).

The story of their acquisition is very interesting and unusual, and it began even before Jolie and Pitt met. After all, Angelina adopted her first two children - a boy and a girl - before the start of a serious relationship with Brad.

Maddox Sivan

The actress met an orphan child who fell into her soul in an orphanage in the city of Battambang in Cambodia. This happened in 2002, when Angelina was filming the film “Beyond” there. Despite the fact that she was then married to actor Bob Thornton, only Jolie adopted the boy. Just 3 months after this event, the marriage broke up.

Angelina believes that children are born as they are, and education cannot change this.

“If you look at the photographs of our children - what they were like, what they looked like, what kind of energy they had - you will see that they are still the same,” says Angelina. - They were given a lot from birth. And we believe in just respecting their individuality and supporting them rather than interfering.”

Pax Tien

Angelina and Brad adopted a three-year-old orphan (birthday November 29, 2003) from Vietnam together on March 15, 2007, from the Tam Binh orphanage in Ho Chi Minh City.

At birth, the boy was given the name Pham Quang Xang, but his adoptive parents called him “Peaceful Sky” (Pax means “peace” in Latin, and Thien means “sky” in Vietnamese).

Pax is growing up to be a modest, sympathetic and diligent guy. He regularly goes out with his mother and his entire star family, but generally avoids the attention of the press and paparazzi.

It is known that his favorite hobby is cooking. He loves to experiment, delight and surprise his loved ones with original dishes. Including pastry shops: for his parents’ wedding, he himself prepared a gorgeous cake. Mom says in an interview that Pax also dreams of working in the film industry.

As a child, the boy drove his parents crazy with his impossible behavior. Angelina even joked that the gods sent her Pax as punishment for her own tricks with which she tormented her mother.

Knox Leon and Vivienne Marcheline

The next biological children of Jolie and Pitt were twins - a boy and a girl, Knox Leon with Vivienne Marcheline (birthday July 12, 2008). As soon as they were born, the babies became the owners of an impressive record: for Angelina’s first photo shoot with newborn twins, the tabloid Hello! paid $14 million.

The star couple spent this fabulous fee for charitable purposes.

Still from the film

Vivien already tried herself in the acting field at the age of 4 - in the fantasy film “Maleficent”. Angelina Jolie played the main role of a powerful witch in it, and her baby reincarnated as Princess Aurora.

At the same time, Angelina would not want her children to follow in their footsteps:

“We hope that our children will not become actors. We want them to do what interests them, and we give them so many ideas of what to do that they are unlikely to want to be actors."

Today the twins are considered the most beautiful children in Hollywood, and, admittedly, for good reason.



Knox resembles his father in almost every way: appearance, manner of dressing and behavior. As for Vivienne, of all the Jolie-Pitt girls, she is distinguished by the most “girly” behavior: she loves the color pink, princesses and acting in films.

Brad and Angelina officially legalized their relationship only in 2014, when a wedding took place on August 23 at their Chateau Mirabal estate in the south of France. There were few guests: besides the children, there were only 22 people.

“I always thought that if I was going to have a family, it would have to be big,” Brad says. - I wanted chaos in the house. And now our house is always noisy: someone is giggling, someone is screaming, crying or rambling. I really, really, really like it. I hate it when the house is empty. I hate it. Maybe sometimes I would like to be in a hotel room for one day, but the next day I start to miss all this fuss and I start to miss that life.”

“We work hard to take care of our family. We do everything we can to make sure everyone feels good and that everyone feels part of the family,” says Angelina. - Marriage and raising children is a difficult task. We must try not to let work interfere with our family. So that what we do doesn't put too much pressure on our family."

The divorce took place in September 2016 with the wording “irreconcilable differences” and turned out to be painful. Angelina Jolie publicly accused her husband of addiction to alcohol and drugs, as well as abuse of children.

Even after a difficult separation, children remain the most important thing in the lives of both actors. Jolie has a tattoo on her shoulder: 6 sets of geographic coordinates indicating the exact birthplaces of her children.

Formally, the children remained to live with their mother. At first, Angelina even wanted to legally secure sole custody of the children. But then she softened, and Brad can see his sons and daughters without any restrictions.

Every week HELLO.RU talks about what celebrity children wear. Last time we got acquainted with the style of the daughters of the future king and queen of Spain, Prince Felipe and Princess Letizia - Infante Leonor and Sofia, and today the heroine of our column will be the daughter of Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt - Vivienne Marcheline.

On July 12, 2008, a joyful event happened in the family of Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie - the actress gave birth to twins in one of the clinics in Nice. The kids became the second biological children of the star couple after Shiloh Nouvel, whose style we examined earlier. The boy was named Knox Leon, and the girl was Vivienne Marcheline. Their birth was also observed by their father Brad, who was present at Angelina’s birth.

As for fans of the acting family, they first saw the kids on the cover of People magazine, to which Pitt and Jolie sold the right to publish photographs. The couple donated the $14 million they earned to their foundation, The Jolie-Pitt Foundation, to help rebuild New Orleans, which was damaged by Hurricane Katrina, and to human rights watchdogs in Zimbabwe and Burma.

Numerous paparazzi who were guarding Angelina and Brad near the house and at airports also dreamed of catching a successful shot with the star children. For some, this mission turned out to be feasible, and one day the whole world saw blue-eyed babies in kangaroo backpacks on the chests of mom and dad. Knox was wearing a cap, a headdress that Brad adored, and Vivien's head was adorned with a cute little bonnet.

Angelina Jolie with her daughter

I think Vivienne is very similar to Angie in temperament. And Knox looks like me. He already really likes music

Pitt said in an interview. Fans still haven’t decided who the twins look like in appearance. Some insist that it's Brad, referring to his childhood photographs in which his hair is several shades lighter, while others insist that Vivien's plump lips are exactly like her mother's lips. Be that as it may, none of the fans doubts that the twins of the star couple are just cuties.

If Pitt and Jolie's first biological child, Shiloh Nouvel, does not like girly clothes and asks to call her Johnny, then her younger sister, Vivienne, likes outfits for young princesses. And even pink, which Shiloh completely ignores, is considered one of Vivienne’s favorites. She often wears loose-fitting floral sundresses, pink striped blouses, slippers with rhinestones and other things dear to girls’ hearts. But Vivienne, or more precisely, her mother, tries to combine all these outfits with things of more restrained colors - beige and black. The latter, by the way, is considered Angelina’s favorite color, and this love was inherited by her children.

Vivienne Jolie-PittBrad Pitt with daughter Vivienne and son Knox

Vivienne's favorite thing after flared sundresses can be considered leggings. It doesn't matter whether she wears skirts or minimalist dresses. The girl's favorite accessory is unusual handbags: a pink bag with a military pattern, a straw basket, multi-colored bags. If she doesn’t have a purse in her hands, all kinds of soft toys replace it.

As for shoes, the girl prefers ballet flats and Mary Jane shoes - models with a thin strap at the instep and a rounded toe. And here the girl does not limit herself to colors: in her wardrobe there are silver, gold and even red shiny shoes - almost like Dorothy from the fairy tale “The Wizard of Oz”.

Angelina Jolie with children

We already know that Vivienne's love for fairy tales was reflected in her first acting job - she starred with her mother, Angelina Jolie, in the film Maleficent. There the baby played the role of a princess - young Aurora.

When we rehearsed at home, we had a great time together. I was shocked at how well she did. Then she returned to the site and did everything as it should. It's scary

Angelina said in an interview. But the talent of the young actress does not scare us at all - we wish her new roles to the delight of her star parents!

Angelina Jolie with her daughter Vivienne in the movie "Maleficent"
Angelina Jolie with childrenVivienne Jolie-PittVivienne Jolie-PittAngelina Jolie with Vivienne and Shiloh

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