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Migraine is a complex pathology that in most cases requires drug treatment. In this case, therapy for the pathology must be combined, otherwise it may be ineffective. Migraine pills are prescribed only by doctors. Self-medication can be fraught with serious complications.

So, there are several groups of drugs that are used to eliminate headaches and other symptoms:

  1. Selective action tablets. They primarily affect receptors located in the walls of blood vessels and contribute to their expansion. However, they do not affect the heart in any way. Headache is eliminated by blocking the trigeminal nerve receptors. By taking these migraine medications, you can significantly reduce the frequency of its occurrence. They also help eliminate the precursors of pathology with aura.
  2. Triptans. The presented tablets are prescribed by almost all doctors, since they are intended purely for the treatment of migraines. They have positive reviews because they are very effective. These tablets dilate blood vessels in the brain and help eliminate headaches.

  1. Painkillers for migraines. This group includes non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, as well as ergotamines.
  2. Analgesics. They should be taken only at the beginning of an attack, while the intensity of the headache is not yet very strong. If the discomfort is of moderate intensity, then the drugs presented should be combined with other means.

When choosing medications for migraine headaches, you need to focus specifically on these groups. However, it is better to consult your doctor first. He will prescribe the most effective pills.

Features of migraine treatment

Severe headaches that accompany other symptoms make it difficult to lead a normal life. Naturally, if a person is diagnosed with migraine, it should be treated. However, this process has some features:

  • A migraine remedy that is effective for some patients may not help others at all. Therefore, treatment should be prescribed by an experienced specialist.
  • After some time, even a very effective remedy that previously relieved all symptoms may turn out to be useless, as the body gradually gets used to it.
  • If a patient is simultaneously diagnosed with several types of migraine, then a variety of tablets should be chosen for therapy.

In any case, you will not be able to choose the necessary medicine on your own. Here you need to focus not only on the reviews of other patients about the effectiveness of the migraine remedy, but also on the recommendations of doctors. Self-medication can lead to disruption of the intestines and vascular system, so you should not take risks.

Triptans: features of use and list of popular drugs

So, the presented tablets are considered the main ones in the treatment of this disease. The advantage of these drugs is their high efficiency and speed of action. They can be taken during an exacerbation of an attack. The main disadvantage of these tablets is that they are expensive and also negatively affect the functionality of the intestines and stomach.

You must take the drug according to a treatment regimen specially developed by your doctor. However, if he was unable to immediately relieve the symptoms, then after a few hours you can take this remedy in a slightly increased dosage.

Triptans are fast-acting migraine medications. The following list of drugs can be distinguished:

  1. "Sumatriptan."
  2. "Zolmitriptan."
  3. "Imigran."
  4. "Noramig."
  5. "Trimigren".
  6. "Naratriptan."
  7. "Zomig."

Opinion of neurologist Boris Moisevich Shperling on the use of triptans and other classes of medications in the treatment of a migraine attack:

Most of these drugs are available only by prescription, so you cannot buy them yourself at the pharmacy. People suffering from sudden surges in blood pressure should not take such migraine pills. Treatment of migraine with aura should be very careful. Despite the fact that triptans eliminate almost all unpleasant symptoms of the disease, they may not be combined with some other drugs. Therefore, before using such a medicine, you should read the instructions.

Features of the use of NSAIDs

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are the means with which treatment begins. They not only relieve headaches, which are very severe with migraines, but also help eliminate other symptoms. The following NSAIDs can be distinguished:

  • "Sedalgin-Neo". It contains a large number of substances that help relieve pain. During a migraine attack, it is enough to take just one tablet.
  • "Ascophen." These tablets contain caffeine, acetylsalicylic acid and paracetamol. You are allowed to take 1-2 capsules at a time. However, it cannot always be used. It is better to avoid using this medication during pregnancy or stomach ulcers.

  • "Ibuprofen." In order to eliminate a migraine attack, 400-800 mg of the presented drug is enough.
  • "Diclofenac". You should drink it very carefully, as it contributes to the destruction of the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines. Instead of tablets, you can use injections, which act faster and cause less harm to the gastrointestinal tract.
  • "Nalgesin".

Abuse of these drugs can provoke other types of headaches, which are very difficult to treat. No matter how effective they are, they should not be used for more than two weeks in a row. If the drug does not help, it is better to stop using it and consult a doctor.

Features of the use of ergotamines

These pills for severe migraines can be extremely effective, but they should not be taken for too long as they are considered toxic to the body and are also addictive. The effect of ergotamines can be increased by combining them with other drugs. For example, you can combine such tablets with caffeine.

The following ergotamines can be distinguished:

  1. "Ergomar".
  2. "Neoginofort".
  3. "Akliman".
  4. "Secabrevin."
  5. "Dihydroergotamine." It can be used not only in tablet form. Also popular are drops of the drug under the tongue, as well as intramuscular or intravenous injections.

The peculiarity of ergotamines is that they have an antiserotonin effect, therefore they have the ability to relieve pain. In addition, ergot-based drugs only help with migraines. They are useless for treating other types of pain syndromes.

Also used in treatment are nasal sprays, which are very convenient to use and do not have a negative effect on the stomach. Reviews about this form of drugs for the treatment of migraines are mostly positive. However, we should not forget that some patients complain of severe side effects from ergotamines. They should not be used by people with coronary heart disease, angina pectoris, hypertension, severe renal or liver failure.

Ergotamine tablets help prevent migraine attacks.

Are there any benefits from analgesics?

Analgesics can be taken only if the headache is of low intensity and other symptoms are mild. Treatment in this case should be combined. Such remedies do not help relieve the migraine attack itself.

There is a list of painkillers for migraines:

  • "Analgin." It is a very common drug, which, however, can negatively affect the liver.
  • "Tempalgin". Often used for menstrual migraine in women.
  • "Citramon". Cheap and quite effective drug. People who are prone to high blood pressure should not take it.
  • "Pentalgin". It has not only analgesic, but anti-inflammatory effects. In addition, it is able to restore normal tone of blood vessels and produce a slight calming effect, which is very important for migraines.

Migraine tablets, the list of which is presented above, are used not just to relieve pain, but are also suitable for symptomatic treatment, as well as the prevention of pathology. But they should be used with extreme caution. Improper treatment of migraine can cause serious complications: irreversible changes in the blood vessels of the brain, stroke and others.

Combined products

They contain a large number of components that cope with most symptoms. That is, the effect of such products is much higher. The following medications are used for migraines:

  1. "Solpadeine." This combination drug comes in the form of tablets that dissolve in water, so it acts quite quickly. You should take 1-2 tablets at a time. It is important to pay attention to contraindications for use: pregnancy, glaucoma, hypertension, breastfeeding.
  2. "Ketanov."
  3. "Stopmigraine."
  4. "Tetralgin".

They act quite quickly. For example, they can reduce the intensity of headaches and other symptoms within 20 minutes. However, they are practically useless in the case of migraine status.

New drugs

The most popular migraine drug used today is Excedrin. More details about it in the video:

It contains aspirin and caffeine. The presented tablets help eliminate symptoms such as high fever and severe headache. They also fight inflammation well. Excedrin has a good effect on blood circulation and helps prevent the formation of blood clots. In addition, the drug can improve mental activity, physical endurance, and reduce drowsiness.

The pharmaceutical industry does not stand still. Today you can find a new form of migraine drugs on sale: an electronic patch containing sumatriptan - “Zelrix”. This tool allows treatment to be carried out over a long period of time. In this case, the gastrointestinal tract is not affected.

The Zelrix electronic patch works using transdermal drug delivery technology. If necessary, it quickly delivers sumatriptan into the circulatory system.

Now there is also a needle-free injection of sumatriptan, which allows you to achieve the effect much faster. In addition, a new form of drugs is being developed: oral inhalations. They will be offered to those patients who cannot take migraine tablets.

Price of migraine drugs

Whatever migraine tablets are chosen, price is the parameter that interests the vast majority of people. Not every person suffering from this insidious disease may have access to one or another drug. You can consider the cost of products by groups:

  • Analgesics: from 10 to 120 rubles.
  • Triptans: 150-1500 rubles per package.
  • Ergotamines: 150-700 rub.
  • NSAIDs: 75-800 rub.
  • Beta blockers: 200-300 rubles per pack.

What drugs should be used for prevention?

In order to reduce the frequency of attacks and the intensity of pain, you can use the following medications:

  1. Beta blockers: "Anaprilin".
  2. Tricyclic antidepressants: Velfax.
  3. Calcium channel blockers: Nifedipine.
  4. Anticonvulsants: Topiramate.

The main feature of all the presented products is that they have a long-lasting effect. In some patients, a decrease in the number of relapses occurs within a month after starting to take these drugs.

Migraine tablets must be prescribed by a doctor. Regardless of whether they are sold with a prescription or not, you should not self-medicate. It is better to find out exactly your diagnosis and listen to the advice of a specialist. Dear readers, do not remain indifferent - share your opinion about the article in the comments, was it useful for you?

Migraine tablets are a special complex of chemicals that should quickly suppress attacks of pain. Migraine pain is intense and can last for several days. In severe cases, the patient may not even get out of bed, as discomfort from movement sometimes leads to loss of consciousness.


A powerful pain reliever that can reduce pain within the first 15 minutes after administration. To eliminate migraine symptoms, it is recommended to take 100 mg of the active substance. Sometimes the dose of Diclofenac can be increased to 200 mg; it is usually prescribed to patients who are on the verge of losing consciousness. The medication is taken only once a day. In rare cases, under the supervision of the attending physician, the medication can be taken three times, but only in minimal quantities. Diclofenac should be taken immediately after meals, as the drug has an aggressive effect on the stomach.


The drug is prescribed to adult patients in a dosage of 50 mg. For very acute and severe migraine pain, it is permissible to increase the amount of the active substance to 100 mg. Under no circumstances should the daily dose of 300 mg be exceeded. The interval between taking tablets should be at least two hours. If using Amigrenin after 3 doses did not give any result or only slightly relieved the pain, you should not use the drug the next day. If the pain subsides, but reappears after 1-2 days, you can use the medication again.


These tablets are strictly prohibited from being split or chewed as this will significantly reduce their effectiveness. At the first attack of migraine, the patient needs to take 40 mg of the active ingredient. The maximum daily dose in this case is 160 mg, and this amount is divided into four uses. If migraine attacks recur again, the amount of the active substance is doubled, but the maximum daily dose of Relpax should also not exceed 160 mg.

Attention! Drugs in this group should be used with great caution in the presence of any diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. If the patient has problems with the gastrointestinal tract and needs to take abortifacient medications, the capsule form should be chosen. It is not so dangerous and does not irritate the gastric mucosa much.

Symptomatic quick-acting medications


The drug is dispensed from the pharmacy only with a prescription from the attending physician, as it belongs to the class of narcotic drugs. But at the same time, Aminazine can relieve a migraine attack in just a few minutes. For adult patients, oral dosage of 25-50 mg is recommended. It is not recommended to take the medicine more than three times a day. In rare cases, if the main component is intolerant, the medication may increase nausea and vomiting. Not suitable for frequent use. In rare cases, if the patient’s condition is serious, the medication may be administered intramuscularly.


An analogue of the drug described above is also dispensed strictly according to a prescription from the attending physician, as it can have an effect on the patient’s mental state if the doses are incorrect. Migraine sufferers may be prescribed a dosage of 25-50 mg of the active substance up to four times a day. Treatment with this medication for more than one day for migraines is prohibited. Sometimes when using Largactil, side effects such as slow reaction and slight apathy may be observed.

Attention! This group of drugs simultaneously combats attacks of nausea and vomiting, which so often plague patients with migraines.

Triptans for quick relief of migraines


The medication is most effective in those patients whose migraine is characterized by increasing pain. At the beginning of treatment, the patient should be prescribed 50 mg of the active substance half an hour after a meal. The tablet must not be chewed or divided. In rare cases, the number of tablets can be increased to two, which is equal to 100 mg. It should be taken into account that Sumamigren is not suitable for further use if the first dose taken does not even slightly weaken the attack. The maximum number of tablets that can be taken during the day is three or 300 mg of the active substance. The tablets are used only for one day; only in rare cases does treatment last for several days.


To relieve migraine attacks, you can use a nasal spray or tablets. In this case, when using a spray, it is necessary to inject 20 mg of the active substance into each nostril. When using tablets, the initial dose is 50 mg; if it only slightly reduced the pain, you can gradually increase the amount of Imigran to 300 mg. However, you should not take the drug if it has not worked within the first hour after the first pill taken. Imigran cannot be combined with other drugs for migraine relief. When using a nasal spray, the amount of active substance should not exceed 40 mg in each nostril. Using the drug for prophylaxis is strictly prohibited.


A good triptanic drug that can quickly relieve inflammatory swelling, which will ease the pain. It is recommended to take the medication 50 mg of the main component once a day. For severe forms of migraine, the patient can receive a daily dose of 300 mg, which must be taken in three to six doses. A two-hour break must be observed between dosages. The medication is poorly tolerated in combination therapy and cannot be combined with other medications that are aimed at suppressing migraine.

Attention! Medicines in this group help prevent recurrence of migraine attacks in the future and strengthen the walls of blood vessels.

Fast acting blocking tablets


This medication should be taken only for one day, since Anaprilin has a fairly powerful and rapid effect on the body. The medication can be taken as a prophylactic for 1-2 days. Typically, patients are prescribed 40 mg of the active substance, which must be taken up to three times a day. In severe cases, patients may be advised to drink 160 mg, divided into three to four doses. The medication has a direct effect on the cardiovascular system, so it is important to adhere to precise doses.


A good medicine that can significantly alleviate the condition of a patient suffering from migraine. To stabilize your condition, you should take from 0.4 to 1.6 g of the chemical, divided into several doses. In this case, the patient should be limited as much as possible from stress so that his blood pressure does not increase. In rare cases, the drug is administered intramuscularly if the patient's condition requires it. The duration of therapy also cannot exceed one day; sometimes it is allowed to repeat the dose if the pain resumes after at least 24 hours.


The medicine is used not only in therapy, but also in psychiatry, which makes it necessary to strictly adhere to the dose. Typically, patients with migraine are prescribed the drug for a single dose in an amount of 40 mg to 1.6 g. On the day of treatment, the daily dosage is divided into three doses. Barnetil relieves anxiety, normalizes blood pressure and evens out the pulse.

Attention! Drugs of this type improve mood and give a boost of energy to the patient. At the same time, they quickly block the pain and put the patient on his feet.

Cost of anti-migraine medications

A drugImagePrice in RussiaPrice in Ukraine
Diclofenac 100-800 rubles41-328 hryvnia
Amigrenin 300-800 rubles123-328 hryvnia

Bulgakov's Pontius Pilate, exhausted by attacks of hemicrania, was sure that there was no salvation from a headache that spread to half his head. Fortunately, a lot has changed since then, and relief from migraines has finally appeared. What drugs belong to anti-migraine analgesics and how to select them - this will be discussed in the last article of the series dedicated to.

Not just a headache

Headache can have different origins, and, in fact, the selection of the drug depends on it. Experts are still arguing about the mechanism of development of migraine headaches.

It is known for sure that during an attack, the blood vessels of the brain dilate, as a result of which the blood flow to it increases.

That is why sufferers who try to stop a migraine attack with the help of popular antispasmodics, such as Spazmalgon, end up with even more severe pain. After all, antispasmodics contribute to the dilation of blood vessels, including the brain, which means they act together with migraine, and not against it!

There is no need to try to get rid of migraines with the help of combined products containing papaverine (Andipal), drotaverine (No-shpalgin or No-shpa) and other antispasmodics. They are unlikely to help, and if they do provide relief, it will not be for long. Those who periodically experience migraine attacks should pay attention to triptans and drugs containing ergotamine. They are among the targeted anti-migraine drugs.

Triptans: the “correct” effect on blood vessels

The subgroup of antimigraine analgesics called triptans is still very young: its first representative, sumatriptan, saw the world in 1991. And yet, over a quarter of a century, he managed to become famous and become the gold standard for migraine treatment.

The mechanism of action of triptans is aimed directly at the process that triggers pain. Drugs in this group interact with special receptors located in the blood vessels of the brain, which leads to their narrowing.

Thus, triptans do not exhibit the direct analgesic activity characteristic of traditional analgesics, and yet they still work. This fact once again proves that migraine is not an ordinary headache that can be easily calmed with paracetamol or aspirin.

In addition to sumatriptan, other drugs from the triptan group are registered in Russia. They are easy to “calculate” among the medicinal variety - the international names of these drugs always end with -triptan: naratriptan, frovatriptan, eletriptan.

All triptans work in the same way, but the effects may vary depending on the individual's sensitivity. I will add that triptans are most effective if taken in the early stages of a migraine, at the very beginning of the attack. 2 hours after the first dose, the dose can be repeated to “fix” the result.

Ergot alkaloids

A pest fungus, ergot, likes to live on some cereal crops, such as wheat or rye. It produces a large amount of toxic substances - alkaloids, which in low doses can have a wide variety of effects on the human body.

Ergotamine has found widespread use in medicine. It, like triptans, interacts with receptors that constrict blood vessels in the brain, and also exhibits a direct vasoconstrictor effect on vascular smooth muscles. In this regard, ergotamine preparations are widely used as anti-migraine analgesics.

However, if you start looking for a medicine called “ergotamine” in pharmacies, you will be disappointed. Ergotamine belongs to the so-called list A, which includes drugs and poisons, and is sold exclusively with special doctor’s prescriptions, equipped with many seals and signatures.

Combination preparations containing ergot alkaloids, such as Nomigren, are much more accessible. It contains a complex of ergotamine (0.75 mg), an analgesic, antispasmodic, antiemetic and caffeine. However, Nomigren has a solid list of contraindications and side effects.

Russian industry produces another anti-migraine analgesic with ergotamine - Cafergot. In addition to 1 mg of ergot alkaloid, it contains caffeine, which enhances the effect of the main component.

There is one important aspect to remember regarding medications that contain ergot alkaloids. Ergotamine and its salts (in particular, ergotamine tartrate) stimulate uterine contractions, so they are strictly contraindicated during pregnancy.

So what should you choose?

As you can see, there are not so few drugs for treating a migraine attack. Which one should you choose? The answer to this question depends on the severity of the headache - there is even a so-called stratification of anti-migraine drugs according to the strength of the analgesic effect.

For moderate attacks, it is recommended to take non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) (eg paracetamol, ibuprofen, ketoprofen) or any of the triptans. If migraines cause severe headaches, it is better to use triptans or products containing ergotamine.

If the situation can be called very severe, the choice is narrowed to ergotamine or opioid analgesics. I note that the last option, given the strictness of domestic healthcare in the field of opioid trafficking, is practically impossible in Russian reality.

And yet, despite the clear division of anti-migraine drugs according to effectiveness, each case is individual. This means that each patient, together with his doctor, must select his own personal regimen for relieving migraine pain.

Marina Pozdeeva



An incessant headache, from which you want to hide to the ends of the earth, interferes with your work. It is difficult to exist in such conditions, to perform simple household chores, especially if a migraine attack continues for a long time. Even the thought of rest does not bring joy. You can quickly deal with the problem if you choose the right medications.

Groups of drugs for migraine

The headache with this disease can only hurt on one side, but there are cases of bilateral localization. Attacks vary in frequency: for some they occur every day, while others experience the problem several times a year. In addition, symptoms appear:

  • intolerance to light brightness;
  • nausea;
  • intolerance of loud sounds;
  • vomit.

Some patients feel an aura - a state of anticipation of an attack. It can be characterized by the appearance of skin sensitivity, weakness of the limbs, and flashes before the eyes. If you take migraine medications at this time, you can cope with an attack before it starts. The peculiarity of the disease is that it is difficult for a doctor to choose quick-acting remedies for migraines, because they are different for each patient. All medications are conditionally divided into groups:

  • relieving acute symptoms;
  • preventive – preventing the occurrence of pain.

Among the quick-acting migraine remedies, the following groups of drugs are often taken:

  • analgesics, this also includes NSAIDs - non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs: Nurofen, Pentalgin, Paracetamol;
  • ergotamines - ergot preparations that are effective only for migraine pain: Ergotamine, Clavigrenin, Nomigren;
  • triptans, acting on all symptoms of the disease: Sumamigren, Amigrenin, Rapided.

When taking fast-acting headache medications, you need to keep in mind that you can get rid of the disease if you follow a certain treatment regimen. If, after several times, a drug from one group has no effect, it is replaced with an anti-migraine drug from the same group. Doctors prescribe treatment to patients in the following sequence:

  • first analgesics;
  • next - triptans, if after 45 minutes it does not improve;
  • if the cause of the disease is unclear, take NSAIDs.

To prevent attacks, treatment continues for a long time. The doctor selects pills for migraines and headaches individually. The use of this technique allows you to effectively influence attacks. For prevention, medications are prescribed:

  • Anaprilin is a beta-blocker;
  • Velafax is an antidepressant;
  • Topiramate is an anticonvulsant;
  • Nifedipine is a calcium channel blocker;
  • Naproxen is an NSAID.


This group of fast-acting migraine remedies contains substances that help constrict blood vessels in the brain. Triptane drugs provide relief in a short period of time. It is important that the medications act on all symptoms of the disease. Side effects include weakness and drowsiness. Triptans for migraines are available in the form of nasal sprays, tablets, and suppositories. The following list of products is recommended for use:

  • Zolmitriptan;
  • Naramig;
  • Imigran;
  • Eletriptan;
  • Zomig;
  • Naramigran;
  • Trimigraine.

Analgesics for headaches

The list of the most effective drugs that provide pain relief for migraines is headed by analgesics. NSAIDs are considered strong. Unfortunately, they have contraindications for use. A doctor's decision is required to use these remedies without harming other organs. Quick-acting migraine remedies relieve painful symptoms:

  • Diclofenac;
  • Naproxen;
  • Analgin;
  • Ketorolac;
  • Indomethacin;
  • Paracetamol;
  • Acetaminophen.


The main active ingredient in this group of drugs is ergot alkaloids, which have a tonic effect on blood vessels. They can only relieve pain during a migraine attack; in other cases they are not effective. In this group:

  • Ergotamine – drops under the tongue;
  • Dihydroergotamine - intramuscular or subcutaneous injections;
  • Dihydergot - nasal spray.

How to quickly relieve a migraine attack

At home, you can urgently stop an attack; to do this, you need to have quick-acting migraine medications on hand. It is advisable to carry out the following activities:

  • ventilate the room;
  • drink hot tea with sugar;
  • take a contrast shower;
  • massage the neck and head;
  • remove external stimuli: light, sound;
  • lie down, calm down;
  • take the medication prescribed by your doctor.

Aspirin for headaches

The medicine is sold in pharmacies and has a low price, but this does not mean that it can be used without a doctor’s prescription. Aspirin affects the disease, helps block inflammation of the blood vessels in the brain, and stops the attack. There are only many contraindications to its use:

  • stomach ulcer;
  • liver failure;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • pregnancy;
  • age under 15 years.

Nurofen for migraines

A remedy for severe headaches - the non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug Nurofen helps with illness with aura. If you take the medicine as soon as the first symptoms of an attack appear, it has a rapid therapeutic effect. Can relieve pain within half an hour. Take the medicine in the form of:

  • candles;
  • effervescent tablets;
  • capsules;
  • regular tablets.


You can quickly influence the symptoms of the disease with the help of the drug Relpax, which has another name - Eletriptan. It helps not only to effectively treat headaches, but also to eliminate the feeling of nausea. If the medicine does not work, you can take it again after an hour. The product has contraindications, like others from the group of triptans. These include:

  • heart disease;
  • problems with blood vessels;
  • liver, kidney failure;
  • pregnancy;
  • taking antiviral and antifungal agents.

Migraine spray Imigran

The product has a rapid effect on symptoms when injected into the nose. Imigran spray is effective in case of an accurate diagnosis; it does not work for other types of headaches. It has many contraindications for use in patients with heart and vascular problems. Use strictly as prescribed by the doctor. The spray is not recommended for use for preventive purposes.

Traditional methods of treating migraine

Folk remedies for migraines help to quickly influence the disease. The following methods are popular:

  • apply a cold compress to the head;
  • inhale rosemary oil vapor;
  • make a compress from a cabbage leaf on a sore spot;
  • apply a cotton swab moistened with onion juice to your ear;
  • breathe a mixture of ammonia and camphor vapors;
  • drink juice from fresh currants.

Video: Excedrin for migraines

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