Table 5a. Recipes for delicious dietary dishes

Most diseases, in addition to prescribing medications, also require an individual approach to the composition, time of intake and even temperature of food. The best therapeutic diet for problems with the liver and gall bladder is table No. 5, despite the fact that it was developed almost a century ago. Its author is professor of medicine M. Pevzner, who devoted his entire life to the study of diseases of the digestive system and the development of therapeutic nutrition.

Table number 5 is a complete healthy food with normal calorie content, but at the same time providing a gentle regime for the liver and biliary system. The purpose of the diet is to accelerate recovery after surgical interventions in these organs, feel good and prevent relapse in chronic diseases.

Who is the 5th table diet recommended for?

Diet table No. 5 provides a reduced temperature, mechanical and chemical load on the intestines and stomach, helps normalize fat metabolism and the functioning of the biliary system. At the same time, it provides all the body’s needs even during the period of growth, so it can be used for children and pregnant women.

A diet is prescribed for the following diseases:

  • hepatitis - inflammation of the liver of both viral and toxic nature, acute - during treatment, chronic - during remission;
  • cholecystitis with acute or sluggish inflammatory process;
  • stones in the gallbladder cavity and ducts.

There is the most gentle diet option - table No. 5a. It is prescribed during exacerbation of chronic diseases, during complications, or if inflammation of the liver and gall bladder is combined with gastritis or a stomach ulcer.

In addition to table No. 5 and No. 5a, developed by Pevzner, diet modifications were later created:

  • No. 5p - for patients with pancreatitis during the period of recovery and between relapses of a chronic disease;
  • No. 5sch – postoperative diet 2 weeks after intervention in the bile ducts or resection of the gallbladder;
  • No. 5l/f – for chronic hepatitis, which is accompanied by a violation of the outflow of bile;
  • No. 5r - for recovery after gastric resection, if it led to an acceleration of the passage of food through the gastrointestinal tract and a deterioration in its digestion.

Diet No. 5 for healthy people to lose weight not recommended due to high calorie content. The use of certain dietary principles - warm, ground foods, foods with a lipotropic effect, plenty of fluids - can be useful with initial changes in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

What is the diet

Gentle food, allowed at table No. 5, must meet several requirements: have a complete nutritional composition, exclude harmful foods, and avoid irritation of the gastrointestinal tract with spicy, too hot or cold dishes, and rough foods.

Menu requirements:

Options Diet restrictions
Calorie content About 2500 kcal, an indicator of sufficiency is the absence of hunger. During pregnancy – from 2800 kcal.
Chemical composition Optimal BJU, exclusion of foods with a high content of purines, creatine, carnosine, anserine, cholesterol, oxalic acid. Salt is limited to ten grams.
Temperature The food temperature should be between 15 and 65 °C, that is, a patient on a diet will have to forget about ice cream and water from the refrigerator and cool hot drinks.
Cooking features

Coarse products must be mechanically crushed. Raw and boiled vegetables with excess fiber are grated, finely chopped or ground in a blender. Meat with veins is ground in a meat grinder. The rest of the products can be eaten whole.

Allowed heat treatment methods for this diet are boiling, baking without crust, and steaming. Rarely - stewing. Frying, smoking and grilling are prohibited.

The amount of protein in the menu should not be less than the physiological norm - 0.8 g per kg of the patient’s weight, preferably more than 1 gram. About 60% of proteins should be obtained from animal products.

There should be 300-330 grams of carbohydrates per day, of which only 40 g are fast. When created, table number 5 included about 70 g of easily digestible sugars. Later, with the increase in the number of carbohydrate metabolism disorders, the permitted amount was reduced.

The diet allows about 80 g of fat per day. A third of them must be obtained from plants. Among animals, preference is given to milk fat: cream, butter, sour cream. Refractory fats (confectionery, lamb, beef) overload the gastrointestinal tract and contain an excess of saturated fatty acids and cholesterol, so their share in the menu is reduced as much as possible.

For normal digestion, the diet should contain a large amount of water (about 2 liters); liquid food is required on the menu for every day.

The list of foods desirable for this diet includes foods rich in lipotropic substances - lean beef, fish, seafood, cottage cheese, egg whites. They normalize lipid metabolism, reduce blood cholesterol, and protect the liver from fatty hepatosis.

Among dietary fibers, pectin substances, rather than coarse fiber, are preferred. They are found in large quantities in beets, pumpkin, bell peppers, apples, quince, and plums.

How often should you eat?

Table No. 5 provides for fractional meals, 5-6 meals per day with equal intervals between them. All meals should be equal in volume and nutritional value.

Approximate meal schedule: 8:00-11:00-14:00-17:00-20:00. Or 8:00-10:30-13:00-15:30-18:00-20:30. At 23:00 - sleep. The diet regimen should be constant from day to day.

Frequent meals in small portions relieve the digestive system, improve the absorption of foods, reduce bad cholesterol, and increase performance. At the same time, you should not overestimate the recommended calorie content of the diet, especially at the expense of fats. According to research, frequent intake of excessively fatty foods increases the deposition of fat in the liver.

How long to eat on a special menu

For acute diseases, table No. 5 is prescribed for the entire recovery period, but not less than 5 weeks. During periods of remission of chronic diseases, the diet can be used for a long time, up to 2 years. The longer there is no relapse, the less strict the diet becomes, and the more similar it is to a regular healthy diet.

In case of acute cholecystitis and pancreatitis, the patient is recommended to fast for the first few days, in severe cases - parenteral nutrition, then products from table number 5 are gradually introduced. At first - only pureed and heat-treated, gradually the menu expands.

The first week after prescribing the diet should be under medical supervision. If the body digests food normally, table No. 5 is extended. If the condition improves, the doctor can reduce the number of restrictions; if the test data is poor, he can prescribe a more strict table No. 5a.

Allowed and prohibited foods on diet No. 5

Use of products for table No. 5:

Products What is possible Allowed in limited quantities What not to do
Meat Beef with a minimum of fat, rabbit. Milk sausages. By-products, sausages, smoked meats.
Bird Chickens, turkey. Red meat with skin. Goose, duck.
Fish, seafood Blue whiting, pike perch, navaga, pollock, pike, mullet. Squid, crayfish, shrimp. Salted fish, salmon, caviar.
Cereals Oatmeal, buckwheat, wheat - semolina, bulgur, couscous. Rice. Millet. Barley, barley. All legumes.
Flour products Dried wheat bread, bran. Biscuits, dried biscuit, bread, crackers. Inconvenient pastries with filling. Freshly baked bread, puff pastries, pastries, deep-fried dough products.
Milk Cottage cheese, condensed milk, yogurt. Milk, sour cream, hard cheese. Brine cheese, peroxided kefir and cottage cheese.
Vegetables Potato. All root vegetables except cabbage. Legumes - green beans, green peas. From cabbage - only cauliflower and Peking cabbage. Pumpkin. Leaf salads. Bell peppers, tomatoes and cucumbers outside the exacerbation period. All greens, onions, garlic, corn, eggplants, mushrooms. Raw white cabbage, radishes.
Fruits Everything is sweet, preferably apples, pears, dried fruits. Banana, watermelon. All sour fruits.
Dessert Marshmallows, marshmallows, Candies: lollipops, toffee, jelly. Honey, sugar. Chocolate, cream confectionery, halva, kozinaki.
Beverages Non-acidic juice mixed with water. Compote, jelly, rosehip infusion. Tea Alcohol, cocoa, black coffee.

It is advisable to prepare the menu for table number 5 for several days at once. When shopping for groceries, make sure there is always food in the refrigerator that you can eat. Planning, searching for a recipe and preparing a meal the day before will allow you to eat right and at the right time, which means you can quickly cope with the disease and return to normal life.

Cooking rules:

  1. Soups are not prepared with meat broth, since extractive substances that stimulate the digestive system are released from the meat during cooking. Also, with this diet, broths with mushrooms and fish are undesirable. Flour for soups is not sautéed or fried. The best option is vegetable broth, potatoes and permitted cereals or pasta.
  2. The meat is preferably chopped, in the form of a pate. It is not necessary to grind soft meat.
  3. Porridges are prepared both crumbly and semi-viscous. Recipes for various casseroles made from vermicelli, cereals, cottage cheese and egg whites are well suited for this diet.
  4. Only stewed or non-acidic sauerkraut is allowed.
  5. It is advisable to wipe the fruits and prepare compotes and jelly from them.
  6. Eggs are limited to 2 whites and 1 yolk per day, and the whites can be eaten as a separate dish, and it is advisable to add the yolk to other foods.
  7. The diet allows spicy herbs in minimal quantities to decorate the dish.
  8. All spicy, fatty and stimulating seasonings are prohibited, including mayonnaise, ketchup, tomato paste, vinegar, and peppers. You can eat dairy, vegetable, and non-acidic fruit sauces. Soy sauce - taking into account the daily salt requirement.
  9. Pickled vegetables, meat, fish, and canned vegetables are prohibited foods in this diet.

Sample menu for the day and week

Meals are selected so that the diet provides a variety of nutrition, a sufficient amount of protein, and the required calorie content. Every day there should be foods with lipotropic properties on the table. For normal digestion, you need to provide a sufficient amount of dietary fiber. The main sources are vegetables, fruits, cereals.

Example of a daily diet:

  1. 8:00 Lazy dumplings. A pack of cottage cheese is mixed with a handful of flour, an egg and a little sugar are added. The dough is kneaded, rolled into a sausage and cut into discs. The curd dough circles are boiled for 5 minutes. Can be served with jam and fruit.
  2. 11:00 Meatloaf. Half a kilogram of minced meat, potatoes and carrots are chopped, beaten egg white is added, formed into a roll and wrapped in foil. Bake for about half an hour.
  3. 14:00 Diet soup. Potatoes are cut into cubes, carrots into thin circles. Place in boiling water and place the whole onion in it. After 15 minutes, add lean river fish and cook until tender.
  4. 17:00 Stewed veal with buckwheat. Cut 500 g of veal into cubes, three carrots, and chop ¼ onion. Place in a saucepan, add water and simmer. 15 minutes before readiness, add a glass of buckwheat.
  5. 20:00 Cottage cheese casserole with bulgur. Add a glass of prepared bulgur to a pack of cottage cheese (pour boiling water in advance), protein, and sugar to taste. Mix well. Bake in the pan for 30 minutes.

The menu for the week is formed according to the same principle. Diet example:

Day of the week Meal time
8:00 11:00 14:00 17:00 20:00
Mon Lazy dumplings Meatloaf, Chinese cabbage salad Diet soup Stewed veal with buckwheat Cottage cheese casserole with bulgur
W Yogurt with croutons, cheese Chicken fillet stewed in sour cream Vegetable soup with rice Soaked herring with boiled potatoes The vinaigrette
Wed Cheesecakes with dried apricots Lazy cabbage rolls Cabbage soup without meat Fish meatballs, spaghetti Cottage cheese with sour cream
Thu Semolina with strawberry syrup or jam Steamed chicken cutlets Beetroot Boiled fish, white sauce, mashed potatoes Baked apples with honey
Fri Sandwiches with baked chicken breast Milk sausages with mashed potatoes Creamy rice soup Chicken meatballs with rice Cottage cheese with baked apple
Sat Oatmeal with dried fruits Meatballs, steamed cauliflower Vegetable soup, sour cream Stewed pumpkin with rice Protein omelet with green beans
Sun Banana milkshake, dry sponge cake with jam Baked chicken with rice Vegetarian borscht Stuffed cabbage rolls Curd pudding with semolina

Eat right and be healthy!

Digestive problems are very common today. Diseases of this nature require complex treatment aimed at reducing the overall load. For this purpose, it is being developed based on gentle cooking dishes. This may be what you can eat, which we will now understand. It involves a minimum amount of lipids and the exclusion of heavy, spicy, poorly digestible foods from the diet. This minimizes the load on the liver and pancreas, so the hepatobiliary system and other organs of the gastrointestinal tract can return to normal.

Patients often tend to perceive diet as a measure of punishment for their careless attitude towards health and as complete restrictions. However, this is just a stereotype. By properly organizing your diet, you can rebuild your body and easily switch to healthy meals. The fifth table diet was developed for the treatment of diseases of internal organs. Often the whole family switches to it, wanting to support the sick person.

If you rotate foods and keep seasonality in mind, you can switch to low-fat, low-salt foods in just a couple of weeks, and it will be easy to stick with it for years.

Diet 5 table, what is possible, what is not - these are not only recommendations or restrictions. This is a transition from the usual diet to gentle nutrition. From time to time this system is not limited. Patients get used to it easily and can stick to it for up to two years. This is the main advantage of the diet and its difference from other restrictions.

Healthy dietary nutrition can provide remission of inflammation and reduce the burden of medications on weakened organs. Experts confirm that patients who follow this regimen for up to two years have clear progress in terms of recovery.

Recipes for the “fifth table”» are often used outside medical practice. They are used in baby food, educational and health resort institutions. Housewives also often cook them at home themselves, unaware of the medicinal value of the dishes. This menu is suitable for those who suffer from congenital pathologies of the digestive system, for example, have problems with the gallbladder. The author of dietary nutrition is nutritionist M.I. Pevzner.

Who is the “Fifth Table” shown to?

Diet 5 table, what you can eat and what you can’t, we will look into it, it is usually indicated for common diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and hepatobiliary system. In the absence of intestinal pathologies, this diet can become the main prescription. There is also “table 5A”, which is intended for patients with exacerbation of hepatitis and chronic pancreatitis. Indications for following a diet are often the following:

  • Cholecystitis or inflammation of the gallbladder.
  • Hepatitis, which is a chronic inflammation of the liver.
  • Biliary dyskinesia is a problem of bile secretion.
  • Liver cirrhosis, in which healthy cells gradually die and are replaced by connective tissue.
  • Gallstone disease or calculous cholecystitis.

You cannot prescribe this diet for yourself. What is right for you - the fifth table or some other mode - should be decided only by a specialist.

Basic Rules

Table number 5, what is possible and what is not, which is listed in the corresponding tables, is based on basic principles, which boil down to the following:

  • You need to drink 1.5-2 liters of water per day.
  • The norm for consuming table salt per day is 6-10 grams. If we are talking about an exacerbation of pancreatitis, then there should be no salt in the diet at all, then it is introduced into the diet gradually.
  • The amount of carbohydrates is 300-350 grams. Of these, simple, quickly digestible ones should be no more than 40 grams.
  • The amount of fat is 70-75 grams. Of these, 25 grams are of plant origin.
  • Protein - 90 grams per day, half of animal origin, half of plant origin.

The energy value of the daily diet should be 2100-2500 kcal. It is important to eat often and in small portions - 5-6 times a day.

Table 5 diet, what is not allowed will be listed below, fried foods, foods with refractory fats in their composition, foods with a high concentration of dense cholesterol and purines are absolutely excluded. This reduces the load on the digestive tract.

Food cannot be fried. They are prepared in a multi- or double boiler, boiled or baked. Meat, especially stringy meat, as well as vegetables containing coarse dietary fiber, should be pureed.

The temperature of the food is also important. You should not eat foods that are either too cold or too hot, as they irritate the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract. The optimal food temperature is between 20-60 degrees. Need to eat every 2.5-3 hours in small portions. This will make it easier for the gastrointestinal tract to digest incoming foods.

Allowed foods for diet 5 table

Below is a list of products for the fifth table diet menu, on the basis of which you can build a diet and eat them regularly. But also keep in mind that what is possible with the 5 table diet can be adjusted by a doctor.

BeveragesWeak tea (you can add milk), with honey or sugar, compotes and jelly from non-acidic fruits and berries, herbal teas, unsalted vegetable juices.
Sweets - in small quantities!Puffed rice, jam, marshmallows, marmalade, mousse, honey, pastille, dry cookies, jelly candies.
Baked fruitsApples, pears, peaches, apricots - you can cook them separately or add them to baked goods
Dried fruitsNon-acidic prunes, dried apricots, raisins, dates
Steamed cereals and porridgesBuckwheat, rice, semolina, wheat groats, couscous are allowed. You can use them as a side dish or cook them with milk.
Milk productsList of products for the fifth table diet allows the consumption of only non-acidic and low-fat dairy products. Unsalted homemade cheese is allowed.
MeatYou need to choose dietary types of meat without fat.
Bread and pastriesThe list of products at table 5 allows the use of white and gray bread aged for a day. Baking is allowed without fats and baked goods, with filling in the form of cottage cheese or fruit.
EggsYou can eat chicken and quail eggs. They need to be boiled exclusively soft-boiled or steamed omelet.
SoupsVegetable soups are recommended, without fat and rich broths.
FishWhat you can eat at table 5 also includes boiled, stewed, baked or steamed fish. Choose low-fat types, sea or river. Seafood is also allowed.
VegetablesYou can boil them or steam them, eat them stewed or pureed. You need to choose non-starchy vegetables.
Sauces and dressingsThe list of products for diet table number 5 allows you to supplement dishes with low-fat gravies based on vegetable broths, low-fat sour cream or milk.

Of course, the list of products on dietary table 5 can be adjusted individually depending on the existing problem and the patient’s condition.

What products are prohibited?

The table of prohibited diet foods, table 5, suggests that you become familiar with what cannot be consumed under this regimen. Important don't ignore these recommendations.

CerealsYou should not eat pearl barley, millet, barley and corn cereals.
Fat meatSpeaking about what is possible and what is not allowed at table 5, it is worth noting a number of meat products as prohibited. These are pork, smoked meats, aspic, shank, bacon, all kinds of sausages, which contain a lot of preservatives.
FishFatty herring, sardines, mackerel, tuna, capelin, salmon, catfish, and caviar are not recommended.
First mealFirst courses with sourness and rich broths are prohibited. We'll have to forget about borscht, cabbage soup, beetroot soup, and raskolnik.
Vegetables and mushroomsTable 5 according to Pevzner food table prohibits the consumption of mushrooms, legumes, raw and pickled vegetables, vegetables with a spicy taste such as radishes, raw onions and so on. Starchy vegetables can be consumed in limited quantities.
BeveragesAlcohol, strong teas, coffee, cocoa, kvass, lemonade, carbonated water, and energy drinks are prohibited.
Spicy greensGarlic and onions, sorrel, sauerkraut, fennel.
Products containing fatsMargarine, sandwich oil, palm oil, refractory oils for baking and frying, lard and other animal fats are prohibited.
Fried and cookingYou cannot eat all kinds of fried pies, donuts, pasties, muffins, fast food, cakes with cream, and confectionery products.
Bread.Flour with a high content of eggs and margarine, croutons, confectionery crackers, fresh baked goods.
Fatty dairy productsFull-fat milk, young milk, homemade sour cream, cheeses, and foods prepared with fat milk are prohibited.
ConservationYou will have to forget about spicy, sour, pickled, canned food, homemade preparations and pickles, long-term storage products.

The tables describe in detail everything that can be eaten on the 5 table diet and what cannot be eaten, so it will be easy to navigate. In fact, everything is simple. The prohibitions for the most part come down to fatty and fried foods, and the basis of the diet should be low-fat proteins, cereals, and heat-treated vegetables.

As for the menu, it is selected individually. Such nutrition makes it possible to fully satisfy the body's needs both in terms of energy resources and biologically active substances. Compliance with it allows you to get rid of problems with the gastrointestinal tract and eliminate excess weight, which will go away slowly but reliably, without harm to health. Of course, with all the usefulness of the 5 table diet, what is possible and what is not presented in the table, you cannot prescribe it yourself. Such decisions are made by a specialist.

Video about allowed and prohibited foods in the 5th table diet

All types of diet No. 5, including diet 5a, belong to the category of therapeutic diets. Table 5a is usually prescribed for diseases of the liver and biliary tract, hepatitis, cholecystitis, gallstones and other diseases. This menu assumes a complete diet, with some restrictions, to restore the functions of the digestive system.

Principles of the 5a diet

The patient's diet should contain steamed and boiled dishes. Stewing and frying foods is prohibited. Only sometimes you can treat yourself to baked food options without a crispy crust.

All dishes: meat, vegetables, fruits, cereals should be ground or chopped with a blender.

You should eat 5-6 times a day, in small portions, 300-400 grams. It is advisable to eat at the same time every day. In this case, the food should be of medium temperature, not very hot or cold.

You should consume large quantities of foods containing lipotropic substances (curd mass, buckwheat porridge).

It is necessary to avoid dishes with extractive substances, purines and ethanedioic acid (broths with meat or fish, coffee beans and natural chocolate, sorrel, radishes, turnips).

Also, a ban is imposed on coarse fiber (nuts, celery, skins of some fruits and vegetables).

The daily diet should be:

  • 90-110 g proteins;
  • 65-75 g fat;
  • 330-380 g carbohydrates;
  • No more than 10 g of salt;
  • At least 2 liters of clean water.

Authorized Products

Soups. Following the diet involves consuming soups with vegetable broths, vegetarian cabbage soup and borscht, cream soups, milk soups (50 to 50 diluted with water). Options for second broths made from lean meats are allowed.

Porridge. Almost all cereals are allowed. Buckwheat, semolina, rice, oatmeal and other porridges should be cooked in water, but milk should be added.

Vegetables. Fruits without oxalic acid can be eaten fresh, made into salads, boiled and steamed.

Meat. Lean, veinless and skinless meats can also be boiled, baked, steamed or minced for other dishes. Preference should be given to chicken, turkey, rabbit, beef or veal.

Fish and seafood. Low-fat fish is an excellent alternative to meat. It can be prepared in the same ways, and fish soufflé, steamed cutlets, and aspic in vegetable broth are also acceptable. Other seafood, such as shrimp, crayfish, octopus, snails, depending on taste preferences, can be consumed boiled as separate dishes or added to others.

Chicken eggs. Yolks should be limited due to their negative effect on diseases of the liver and biliary tract, but you can make a very tasty omelet from proteins.

Fruits, dried fruits and berries. Preference should be given to ripe sweet fruits (apples, mangoes, seedless grapes, raisins, dried apricots, prunes). You can eat it raw, pureed, and also make smoothies, mousses, jellies, bake or make jam.

Low-fat fermented milk products. This can be curd mass, kefir, yogurt, sour cream, hard mild cheese.

Sweet products. Preferably homemade: jam, jelly, marshmallows, marshmallows, biscuits, dry biscuits, honey, marmalade.

Bakery products. Bread made from yesterday's baked wheat or rye flour, crackers, crispbread.

Oil. It is allowed to add butter, vegetable flaxseed or olive oil in small quantities to ready-made dishes.

Beverages. In addition to two liters of drinking water, you can drink weak warm teas, vegetable juices, compotes and fruit juices, decoctions and infusions of medicinal herbs, milk and fruit jelly. You can add lemon and ginger root to drinks.

Forbidden food

Soups. It is prohibited to consume rich soups containing broths made from meat, fish and mushrooms, as well as with a large amount of grounds, especially not pureed.

Meat and fish. Fatty meats and fish with fat, veins, and skin should be excluded. The ban is imposed on pork, duck, goose, as well as offal (stomachs, liver, kidneys, tongue). It is necessary to remove all the following products from the diet: sausages, carbonate, sausages, salted and dry fish, canned fish, preserves.

Porridge. If the reaction is negative, millet, corn, barley cereals, as well as legumes and pasta should be excluded from the diet.

Vegetables. Fruits containing ethanedioic acid are prohibited: sorrel, asparagus, radishes, mushrooms. Salted or pickled vegetables are also not allowed.

Fruits and berries. Fruits of sour varieties containing coarse fiber, berries with hard grains: bananas, avocados, kiwi and pear peels, blackberries are excluded.

Dairy products. Sour cottage cheese with a high percentage of fat content, spicy varieties of cheese, and cream and milk if you are intolerant are prohibited.

Sweet. Sugar is excluded from the diet. Chocolates, cakes, and ice cream are also prohibited. You will also have to give up nuts and seeds.

Bakery products. All fresh baked goods are excluded from the diet: soft bread, puff pastry products, sweet cookies.

Beverages. First of all, very cold or hot drinks are excluded. The ban is imposed on natural coffee, cocoa, sweet soda, and alcohol-containing drinks.

Sample menu for the week

Every morning you should drink a glass of warm water, maybe with lemon. Also, we must not forget about the basic nutrition rules of the diet of table 5a: often, in small portions, warm food, mostly crushed or ground.

Breakfast: rice porridge with water, diluted with milk; unsalted cracker; a glass of green tea with honey and lemon.

Second breakfast: fruit jelly.

Lunch: milk soup, steamed fish cutlets with vegetables, a glass of fruit juice.

Afternoon snack: cottage cheese soufflé, a glass of low-fat kefir.

Dinner: vegetable casserole with turkey, a glass of rosehip infusion.

Breakfast: semolina porridge on water with milk; toast with hard cheese; weak green tea.

Second breakfast: a handful of sweet berries.

Lunch: vegetable soup; chicken fillet baked with potatoes; a glass of fruit jelly.

Afternoon snack: fruit salad with natural yoghurt.

Dinner: buckwheat porridge with milk, boiled beef, a glass of decoction of lingonberry leaves.

Before bed: a glass of low-fat kefir.

Breakfast: oatmeal with water, diluted with milk; curd mass with jam; a glass of green tea with honey and lemon.

Second breakfast: pear without skin.

Lunch: beetroot soup with a spoonful of low-fat sour cream, fish soufflé, vegetable salad with sour cream, wheat bran decoction.

Afternoon snack: baked apples.

Dinner: carrot cutlets, boiled fish.

Before bed: a glass of low-fat kefir.

Breakfast: steamed protein omelet, yesterday's bread, a glass of tea with milk.

Second breakfast: cottage cheese pudding.

Lunch: low-fat chicken soup from the second broth, vegetable puree, a glass of fruit jelly.

Afternoon snack: marshmallows, a glass of rosehip infusion.

Dinner: durum wheat pasta with cheese, fresh vegetables.

Breakfast: cottage cheese casserole with dried apricots, coffee substitute with milk.

Second breakfast: mango.

Lunch: creamy vegetable soup, boiled chicken with vegetables, a glass of chamomile tea.

Afternoon snack: semolina soufflé with raisins, a glass of warm milk.

Dinner: boiled eggs (mostly white), boiled shrimp.

Before bed: a glass of low-fat yogurt.

Breakfast: pumpkin and apple casserole, a glass of green tea with honey and lemon.

Second breakfast: savory cookies with jam, a glass of fruit compote.

Lunch: vegetarian borscht (preferably without cabbage), chicken meatballs with rice.

Afternoon snack: marshmallow, glass of milk jelly.

Dinner: aspic with fish in vegetable broth, a handful of prunes.

Before bed: a glass of wheat bran decoction.

Breakfast: semolina porridge on water with jam, a glass of green tea with honey and ginger.

Second breakfast: curd pudding.

Lunch: buckwheat soup, steamed veal cutlets with vegetables.

Afternoon snack: cheesecakes, a glass of warm milk.

Dinner: boiled chicken, steamed zucchini cutlets.

Before bed: a glass of natural yogurt.

Dish recipes

Vegetarian borscht without cabbage.

Ingredients: beets, potatoes, carrots, onions, tomato paste.

Peel the vegetables. Boil the beets until half cooked, add diced potatoes to the broth. Finely chop the onion and grate the carrots on a coarse grater. Since frying is excluded, you can stew it in butter. Grate or chop the beets. We put everything into the pan. After boiling, add tomato paste, bay leaf, and a little salt. Before use, you can add low-fat sour cream and sprinkle with finely chopped fresh herbs.

Steamed veal cutlets.

Ingredients: white bread croutons, lean meat, onions, chicken egg, rice.

Soak the crackers in water. Boil the rice until half cooked. Rinse the veal, remove all membranes and tendons. Prepare minced meat using a meat grinder or food processor. Finely chop the onion and add to the chopped meat. Add rice and chicken protein to the resulting mass. Mix everything thoroughly. Squeeze the bread and crumble it into minced meat. Mix everything again. Form cutlets and place in a steamer. Cook until done for about half an hour.

Buckwheat flour porridge with milk.

Ingredients: buckwheat flour, milk, butter.

Slowly pour buckwheat flour into boiling water, stirring constantly, and cook the porridge. Then dilute with low-fat milk to the required semi-viscous state. Boil again, you can add a little salt.

Before use, you can add a little butter, honey or jam.

Pumpkin casserole with apples.

Ingredients: pumpkin, millet, apple, milk, chicken eggs.

Cut the pumpkin into small pieces and place in boiling milk. Then add millet. Cook over low heat for half an hour, stirring occasionally. Let the porridge cool, then add the chicken whites. To make the casserole sweet, you can add a little honey or jam. If the dough is very liquid, a little wheat flour is allowed. Transfer the resulting mass into a silicone mold and decorate the top with a sliced ​​apple without peel or seeds. Bake in the oven for half an hour at 180 degrees.

Curd soufflé.

Ingredients: low-fat cottage cheese, milk, semolina, chicken egg.

The curd mass must be ground. Beat the chicken whites with a whisk. Mix all ingredients using a mixer. Place the resulting mass in a silicone mold and steam it.

Raspberry-strawberry jelly.

Ingredients: ripe strawberries and raspberries, potato starch, water.

Mash the berries thoroughly with a fork. Squeeze out the juice through cheesecloth. Add potato starch to half and stir to avoid lumps. Mix the berry puree with water and cook for 10-15 minutes. Strain the resulting broth through cheesecloth again. Bring to a boil and slowly add the diluted juice with starch. Boil again and pour out the remaining half of the berry juice. Can be cooled to room temperature before use.

Pros and cons of the 5a diet

Table 5a is fully and physiologically balanced.

Helps eliminate inflammation and normalize the functioning of the liver and bile ducts.

Normalizes cholesterol levels.

The diet allows you to lose extra pounds without exhausting yourself with special fasting and rigorous physical activity.

However, the diet has several disadvantages. You will have to limit yourself to your usual food, give up your favorite unhealthy foods, which will require willpower. You will also need to learn how to cook new, healthy dishes. Moreover, most of them should be steamed, and since not many people have a steamer, it is advisable to spend money on it. And, unfortunately, not everyone can afford frequent meals. Work or study do not always give us the opportunity to have a full meal or snack at the right time for us.

However, if the attending physician nevertheless prescribes therapeutic nutrition table 5a, then in any case it will be necessary to adapt to it in order to improve the functioning of the digestive system and a speedy recovery.

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This therapeutic diet is prescribed to patients who are at the stage of exacerbation of diseases of the liver and biliary tract (hepatitis, cholecystitis), in combination with colitis and gastritis, with liver cirrhosis at the stage of compensation.

Basic rules of table number 5a– a diet that excludes any mechanical irritants for the stomach and gastrointestinal tract, eating pureed foods.

What can and should you eat on diet No. 5a?

Shown for treatment table number 5a 5-6 meals a day.

Basic diet rules:

Authorized Products

Authorized products

  • Unsweetened cookies, yesterday's bread (or dry in a frying pan).
  • Vegetable soups (vegetables are pureed), cream and puree soups. Milk soups are acceptable, but take into account the dilution of milk with water (1:1). As ingredients for soups: cereals (rice, semolina and oatmeal), finely chopped vegetables (pumpkin, carrots, potatoes). For dressing - sour cream or butter.
  • Meat and fish that meet dietary requirements: lean and lean varieties. For example, turkey (can be cooked in pieces), rabbit meat and beef (in the form of puree, soufflé, etc.). Chickens must be skinned and all tendons must be removed from the meat.
  • Fish is allowed only light varieties (low-fat). It can be boiled in pieces, steamed or in the form of cutlets.
  • Fermented milk drinks. You can eat cottage cheese in the form of cheesecakes and puddings, pureed dishes or steamed (low-fat, homemade). Milk in the presence of colitis is allowed only as an ingredient in dishes.
  • Baked egg white omelettes (yolk – no more than 1 pc/day, only for meals).
  • Semolina and rice souffle or puddings. From porridges (dilute milk with water) - semolina, pureed rice, oatmeal, buckwheat. You can have boiled vermicelli.
  • As for vegetables, you can eat pumpkin and zucchini in pieces (boil). Cauliflower and potatoes are also allowed with beets (boil, puree, puree).
  • Sweets are allowed only in the form of pureed raw and sweet (ripe, soft) berries/fruits, as well as in baked and boiled form, in the form of jelly and mousse, in the form of jelly. Be sure to wipe all dried fruits. Honey and jam are also acceptable, and marshmallows and marmalade are limited.
  • All sauces are prepared with vegetable broths, or with milk, without toasted flour.
  • Coffee – only weak, with added milk. Sweet juices are allowed (homemade, squeezed, diluted with water). Recommended – tea (lemon/milk), rosehip decoction.
  • – no more than 30 g/day. You can add refined vegetable oil to salads if your body tolerates it.

Prohibited Products

Prohibited for use:

  • Muffins and puff pastries, as well as all fresh bread. Rye is also prohibited.
  • Strong broths, mushroom/bean broths, fish/meat broths.
  • Meat fried, stewed and in pieces.
  • All offal, any canned food and any smoked meats.
  • Fatty meats/fish, caviar.
  • Salty fish.
  • Any dishes made from eggs, except those allowed.
  • Sharp and salty cheeses, cream of any fat content, cottage cheese provided it is high in fat content and acidity.
  • All crumbly porridges, millet.
  • Mushrooms and legumes.
  • Any pickles and marinades.
  • Turnips with cabbage, onions with garlic and radishes, sorrel with radishes.
  • All snacks, fats and spices.
  • Cocoa and black coffee are not allowed. All cold drinks and any soda are prohibited.
  • During the diet you will have to part with ice cream and chocolate, cream-based products, as well as sour and fiber-rich fruits.

How to create a diet menu No. 5a for a week to treat the liver with cholecystitis and hepatitis C?

An approximate weekly menu for patients every day for table number 5a is as follows:



  • For 1st breakfast: weak coffee with milk + fresh salad (carrots/apples, grated) + cutlets (meat) with milk sauce
  • For 2nd breakfast: fresh apple
  • For lunch: berry jelly + potato soup (crushed) + beets (stew) + a piece of boiled fish
  • For afternoon tea: cookies with rosehip infusion
  • For dinner : krupenik (buckwheat) + mineral water
  • Before bedtime – 100 g kefir



  • For 1st breakfast: pureed beef + pasta with 5 g butter + tea with milk
  • For 2nd breakfast: lazy dumplings with 50 g sour cream
  • For lunch: vegetable soup (grated potatoes) + glass of jelly + cabbage rolls
  • For afternoon tea: a couple of soft fruits
  • For dinner: milk porridge (rice) with 5 g butter + cheese + tea
  • Before bedtime – 100 g kefir



  • For 1st breakfast: buckwheat (boil) + cutlets (meat) + weak tea
  • For 2nd breakfast: jam (apples) + puree (carrots)
  • For lunch: soup (pasta) with milk + pudding (cottage cheese) with 50 g sour cream + compote
  • For afternoon tea: jelly
  • For dinner: porridge (semolina), with milk + mineral water
  • Before bedtime – 100 g kefir


— This treatment table is not prescribed on its own, as a panacea for a disease, but exclusively in combination with medication and physiotherapeutic treatment. It is not recommended to start it on your own - only after consulting a specialist.

With strict adherence to the diet, remission can be achieved quite quickly - eliminate the exacerbation, bring all digestive organs back to normal. But you will have to follow all the doctor’s recommendations. If you are told to eat yesterday’s bread, it means you absolutely cannot eat fresh bread. If it is said that all rough food is ground, then we do so, otherwise there will simply be no point in the diet.

— A therapeutic diet definitely makes sense in the treatment of such diseases. Oddly enough, nutrition in general can cure many problems in the body. As for table 5a, it allows you not only to improve your general condition and stop exacerbations, but also to reduce weight and increase your overall tone.

Some useful tips: prohibited foods should absolutely not be consumed both during and after the diet. Forget about alcohol, alcohol and delicious smoked meats with spicy seasonings altogether. Otherwise, the entire result of the diet will go down the drain. There should be no stress on the internal organs at all - only in this case will it be possible to normalize their work. The diet course, if necessary, is repeated, but only on the recommendation of a doctor.

— For cholecystitis and chronic hepatitis, it is extremely important to follow the key principles of a therapeutic diet.
  1. Firstly, you should introduce a sufficient amount of protein into your diet - complete and quickly digestible.
  2. Secondly, do not exceed the permitted amount of fat, so as not to create additional stress on the liver. That is, we give all fatty foods to the enemy. Sour cream, cottage cheese, etc. – only light or completely low-fat. Don't get carried away with oil. If you need to enhance the choleretic effect of the diet, increase the amount of vegetable fats.

For overweight patients, the amount of carbohydrates should be reduced even below the norm allowed for this diet. During the diet, grind all food, finely chop it, grind it through a meat grinder, etc. Careful processing of food will ensure that diseased organs are spared.

Eat only in small portions! Not 2-3 times, like an elephant, but 5-6 times - in portions prescribed by the diet. And, of course, don’t forget about fiber - more of these products on the menu to increase the choleretic effect of this diet.

Power system 5a or therapeutic dietary table No. 5a, developed by M.I. Pevzner, the founder of Soviet dietetics. Pevzner's therapeutic diet system includes 15 types - tables, classified according to groups of diseases, intended for use in hospitals, sanatoriums or at home under the supervision of a doctor.

The diseases on Pevzner's list have both chronic and acute forms, so the principles of compilation menu very strict and based on what food is most suitable for a particular disease.

The division into useful or harmful foods is not typical for Pevzner’s treatment system; the main condition is a balanced diet using a specific list of products.

The goal of the diet is to reduce the load and normalize the functioning of the liver and biliary tract, as well as all organs involved in this process: stomach, pancreas, intestines.

Table No. 5a – prohibited and permitted products

Table No. 5a, like any other, does not have a clear list and distribution of products for the day or week. The products on the list are selected independently, everything that can increase fermentation and putrefaction in the intestines, as well as food that stimulates the secretion of bile, is excluded.

  • Porridge with water and milk porridge diluted with water 1:1 (semolina, buckwheat, rice, rolled oats). Exclude from the diet: pearl barley, millet, barley and crumbly porridges;
  • Dried wheat bread, yesterday's bread; unhealthy cookies;
  • Poultry, rabbit, turkey; boiled or steamed lean beef;
  • Low-fat steamed fish; fish cutlets;
  • Boiled eggs or omelettes. No more than one yolk per day;
  • Dairy and fermented milk products ; low-fat cottage cheese and cheeses (extremely limited);
  • Milk soups with noodles;
  • Fruits and dried fruits; soufflé, puree, fruit jelly without starch; sweet berries;
  • Boiled or steamed vegetables: carrots, zucchini, potatoes, beets;
  • Tea, tea with milk and lemon, decoctions and compotes of dried fruits, rose hips, tomato juice;
  • Limited amount of sunflower and butter.

Foods that should be excluded from the diet:

  • Pasta, legumes, fresh wheat and rye bread, baked goods;
  • Mushrooms, cabbage, radishes, radishes; all salted, pickled and pickled vegetables: onions, garlic, hot peppers;
  • Fatty, fried, stewed foods;
  • Fatty meat, game, sausage, loin, etc.;
  • Fatty fish, caviar;
  • Fatty dairy products;
  • Sweets and desserts; chocolate, ice cream;
  • Sour fruits and berries;
  • Raw vegetables occasionally, only as an addition to the main dish;
  • Black coffee, cocoa, carbonated drinks;
  • Mayonnaise;
  • Meat, fish and mushroom broths;
  • Fatty duck and goose, as well as pork;
  • All canned products, smoked;
  • Alcohol.

Rules for eating when dieting table 5

A special diet has been prepared table caloric content and daily intake of fats, proteins and carbohydrates. Be sure to follow the rules of eating. You can't eat fried food, sometimes you can bake it.

Everything you can eat - it must be grated, crushed, minced or in the form of a puree. For the most part, all dishes are boiled or steamed with limited salt. Take food 5-6 times, portion sizes are small.

It is better to exclude all modern products: cheese curds, yoghurts, ready-made desserts, chips, cakes and all kinds of baked goods, pizza, sushi, sauces, ketchups and other achievements of civilization from the diet.

You can prepare the dessert yourself, but you can only use gelatin and sugar; starch is prohibited.

On every day The table calculates the consumption of a certain amount of calories:

  • Allowable calories – 2500, plus/minus – 200.
  • Salt consumption – 8g.
  • Total fluid intake is 2-2.5 liters per day.
  • Proteins – 80-100 g.
  • Fats – 80 g.
  • Carbohydrates – 350-400 g.

60% of proteins in the diet can be of animal origin, 20-25% of fats are of plant origin.

The menu is created arbitrarily, that's it dish recipes easy to find in special collections about steamed food. Sample menu for table No. 5a:

  • Breakfast: porridge with water or diluted milk; omelette and tea;
  • Second breakfast: cottage cheese casserole, fruit jelly.
  • Lunch: milk or vegetable soup; steamed chicken cutlet; compote;
  • Afternoon snack: cookies or carrot cutlet; tea;
  • Dinner; fish balls and puree; semolina pudding;
  • If necessary, kefir or rosehip decoction at night.

The diet is complete, balanced and varied. You can create a menu for a week , choosing a variety of boiled or steamed dishes. Pureeing foods is one of the most important conditions for the effectiveness of a diet, as is the ban on fresh bread. But we should not forget that this diet is therapeutic and there must be a doctor’s testimony.

All Pevzner treatment tables are still used today in hospitals and sanatoriums, and are also prescribed by doctors for home treatment.

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