Holy Week: food menu by day. Holy Week of Lent by day: what you can eat before Easter

Everyone knows that our ancestors adhered to traditions and considered every day of fasting a joy. This time was special. Historically, fasting is the restriction of a religious person in something for the purpose of repentance. Some Christians use the metaphor "springtime of the soul." It characterizes the internal state of a person who has set the goal of sacrificing himself to God. The Lord set an example for believers when he stayed in the desert for 40 days and did not eat anything. Spring in nature means awakening, new life Likewise, fasting is a time for testing oneself, self-improvement, and prayer. Some people can do it on their own, without foreign aid, look for flaws, shortcomings, correct them.

In Christianity, a special time is allocated for this, called fasting days. During periods of fasting, active spiritual work is performed, passions are eradicated, and the soul is cleansed. To do this, you must go to church often, pray in the morning and evening, do good deeds, give alms, visit the weak, prisoners, and learn humility.

Why is a fast day needed?

In the practice of Christianity, there are 4 multi-day fasts (the Great Fast takes place in the spring, the Assumption and Petrov fasts in the summer, the Rozhdestven fast in the winter) and separate fast days- Wednesday and Friday. During long fasts, the main ones are the first and last weeks. At this time, a person needs to be extremely attentive to himself and his loved ones. What is important for a fasting person is his internal state, actions, actions, and spoken words.

What should abstinence consist of?

Many people mistakenly believe that they need to limit themselves only to food. Self-control is very complex action, requiring considerable effort. It is to track these changes that the Lord created the state in which man resides. If a Christian fully observes external conditions, but visits places of entertainment, watches entertainment programs, behaves unworthily, this can be called an ordinary diet. In this case, the Lord will see the wickedness, and spiritual development will not be. It happens the other way around, when a person consumes forbidden foods, but fasts in his soul. An example would be a stomach or intestinal disease that requires a strict diet. This desire and perseverance will be highly appreciated.

What you can and cannot eat

So, now let's figure out what food you can eat during fasting and what you can't. There is a simple rule about nutrition. Eating foods of plant origin is allowed and eating animal products is prohibited.


  • products, poultry.
  • Fish (but on some days of fasting it is allowed).
  • Eggs, as well as products that contain them.
  • Dairy products, butter, dairy products, sour cream, cheeses.


You can eat these foods:

  • Vegetables in in different forms, pickles.
  • Fruits, dried fruits, nuts.
  • Porridge on the water.
  • Legumes, soy products.
  • Mushrooms.
  • Bread, lean pastries.
  • Fish (only on permitted days).

During fasting, you need to diversify your diet as much as possible, since the body is accustomed to proteins and fats. You need to eat everything, such as juices, soy products, sweets, chocolate. In addition to basic ingredients such as vegetables and fruits, you need to introduce a variety of modern products.

You should definitely try eggplant, celery, spinach, broccoli, arugula, and chickpeas (from the legume family). Ordinary vegetables from the garden can be prepared in a special way, experimented with, and various herbs and seasonings added.

For any housewife, preparing a new dish is a special ritual, during which a woman immerses herself in her element. To do this, you can create a personal diary and write down each recipe. Lenten days will be brightened up by communication with loved ones, as sharing a meal brings you closer together. Try recommending methods of cooking dishes that really turned out great to your friends and sharing experiences. It is important to remember that the body must be supported by foods that contain protein, glucose, and fats.

Lenten recipes for every day

The most common ingredients in Lenten cuisine are vegetables; they are suitable for both side dishes and gourmet dishes. There are a huge number of recipes. Let’s say it’s easy to make excellent cutlets from ordinary potatoes, as well as a salad or casserole. From boiled vegetables- the vinaigrette.

IN Lately It has become fashionable to make puree soups. They are very nutritious, quickly and thoroughly digested. This cooking method will appeal to young children and older people. Use of this product does not cause any difficulties. The recipe is very simple, because all the selected ingredients must first be boiled and then chopped in a blender. Next, the resulting mixture is added to the broth.

Depending on the ingredients, the calorie content and nutritional value of the dish may vary. In some countries, this cooking method is the most common. Here is the recipe for such a soup.

Cream soup with potatoes and white bread

To make the dish rich in vitamins and minerals, take parsley, celery and carrots, a head onions. Wash them under running water, peel them, cut them into small pieces so that the cooking process takes less time. Place on the stove and cook for 30 minutes over medium heat. Now strain the broth into a separate container and set it aside.

So, it's time for the potatoes. We clean it, wash it, divide each tuber into 4 parts and put it in the broth. We do the same with white bread. Yes, you just need to cut it and boil it along with the potatoes.

Then we take some wheat flour. Mix it with vegetable oil and place it in a pan with potatoes and bread. Cook until done, then strain off the broth. You can use a colander to separate the potatoes and bread from the broth.

The cooking process is coming to an end. Grind all the ingredients that were cooked earlier in a blender and send them back to our broth. The highlight of the soup will be croutons, which need to be fried in advance in a frying pan with butter. If the dish turns out to be thick, you need to dilute it with boiled water.

Diet variety

What else can you eat during fasting, besides vegetables and fruits? Of course, porridge cooked in water. Cereals are very healthy. In the first place is buckwheat, rich in vitamins and microelements that can be absorbed by the body in as soon as possible. It can be cooked with fried onions, mushrooms, broccoli, spinach. The list of cereals is huge, let’s list some of them:

  • rice;
  • pearl barley;
  • millet;
  • wheat;
  • barley;
  • corn;
  • semolina.

You can also combine porridges with each other, for example, rice and millet. To make the taste less bland, add margarine or spread. In the morning you can eat chocolate balls with honey and juice. During fasting days, muesli will be an excellent reinforcement during working days. The same can be said about dried fruits that serve as a snack. Supermarkets sell a lot of frozen vegetable mixtures, fruits, and berries at any time of the year. These products make an excellent filling for Lenten pies, pancakes, and dumplings.

Homemade pickles and marinades, compotes and jams will help diversify your diet. Sauerkraut or lecho will be an excellent addition to pasta, potatoes or buckwheat. Today in stores you can find many products, for example, mayonnaise, cookies, waffles, which have the inscription “lenten”.

In modern Orthodox practice, many priests recommend that parishioners consult with their doctor before doing so. Here are some medical tips that will be useful. For digestion in the first couple of days, it is better not to eat chips, crackers, sweet nuts, carbonated drinks, strong coffee, tea. also in last days Orthodox Christians should not suddenly switch to permitted products. Do not pounce on eggs, Easter cakes and smoked meats. We must remember that there is such a sin as gluttony. Sometimes we don’t notice how we get pleasure from eating food, we eat greedily even during fasting. It is worth controlling your feelings.

Fast days. Wednesday and Friday

It is known that in each calendar circle the time of fasting falls on different dates. The fast days of 2016 are a special time for Orthodox Christians. We also noted that Wednesday and Friday are no less important in this regard throughout the year. But there are also weeks without fasting, for example, before Maslenitsa, Maslenitsa itself, Trinity, Bright, Christmastide. You can always look at the calendar of fasting days to glean the necessary information.

Wednesday became fast in connection with the memory that Judas betrayed Christ the day before. With their real sins, people betray the Savior, who suffered for us. A fasting Christian remembers this event and laments. To understand the seriousness of the historical date, a fast day is observed almost every week. Friday is a fast day, when Christ died for the sins of the world, He was publicly crucified on the cross as a thief. So that believers do not forget about the great event, on Friday it is necessary to especially abstain mentally and physically. The fast days of the Orthodox are called to take care of the spirituality of believers.

Important goal

Fasts and fasting days are skillfully and wisely structured. They alternate with idle time. This sequence encourages us to renew our souls, strive for repentance, compassion, and mercy. Then you are allowed to have fun and rejoice again. It was this way of life that helped our ancestors stay in a good mood and be healthy mentally and physically. Despite the restrictions and abandonment of usual activities, the result will not be long in coming. Harmony always and in everything is the basis of a correct lifestyle. To all Orthodox Christians on the day of fasting - the most good wishes, strength, patience, joy.

Before Easter you will have to celebrate Holy Week (we will tell you in the article what you can eat on the days before Easter). But what can you eat on a daily basis during this period? Now we have to deal with this. For believers, this week is very important. During this period and until Easter, Christians pray and read the Bible. They remember Christ, who came to our Earth to cure us of various diseases, and left this world for our sins.

The fact is that throughout the week before Easter, not everything is allowed to be eaten. These 7 days are considered the strictest. From the first day to the seventh, every day is considered Great. During this important week, believers keep the strictest Fast.

Holy Week- this is a kind of memory of the last time of our savior and his terrible torment. During this week, people are rethinking their lives. Someone decides to repent, someone is simply in thought, and someone prays earnestly. This holy holiday means something different for everyone. This week the soul is cleansed of sinful thoughts. That is, abstinence occurs not only food, but also morally. During Holy Week you cannot be angry and swear - this is great sin, just like eating meat, washed down with wine.

Approximate diet and procedure

What can you eat during Holy Week? During this period, you are allowed to eat bread, vegetables in any form, fruits and mushrooms. But do not forget that your food should be raw vegetables and fruits, cooked without oil. Compotes and cold teas are allowed as drinks. Moreover, you can’t eat in the morning. Meals are taken once - in the evening.

By the end of the week you are already allowed to add hot food to your diet. plant foods With butter. You can eat twice a day. And drinking wine is allowed. Friday is the strictest of all seven days. On Good Friday it is forbidden to eat any food. This is explained by the fact that people are in mourning, since on this day Christ was crucified. Naturally, during Holy Week you should give up all sweets except honey. You should not eat baked goods, meat, fish, eggs or dairy.

Since the week before Easter you need to adhere to strict rules in food, we have compiled for you approximate diet nutrition. Don’t worry, on the eighth day you can return to your usual menu.


The first day of Holy Week is considered the most difficult, as you will have to give up your usual diet. Much food will be prohibited. Firstly, you have to suddenly switch to single meals. Secondly, which is also unusual, you have to eat all your food raw. People who strongly believe in the Lord God do not eat anything at all on this day. To ordinary people Those who simply believe in God are allowed to include bread and vegetables in any form on the menu on the first day of Holy Week before Easter. That is, they can be dried, salted, pickled and fermented. It is allowed to include mushrooms and fruits in the daily diet.

Only cold juices are accepted for drinks. Don't forget, on this day you take food only once and that in the evening. And during the day, be sure to tidy up your room or yard if you have a private house. On Monday in the church, all employees remember Christ and the events that happened earlier on this day.


On this day you can eat the dishes you have prepared, but only without adding oil. We can only eat once a day, in the evening. The church eats fresh vegetables and fruits. But they have limited access to these products. On this day it is necessary to wash all dirty things, because then there will be no time. The sermons of Christ are remembered in churches.


On this day we continue to eat dry food. People devoted to God even refuse food altogether. Clean the house early in the morning and take out all the trash. Slowly begin to prepare for Easter. In churches on Wednesday they will remember Judas and how he betrayed our savior. It would not hurt to confess on this day. They say that on Wednesday, the Lord will forgive everyone who has repented of their sins. That is, on this day you are completely cleansed.


On the fourth day there is already a slight relaxation, since it is now allowed to eat twice. Plus, it is permissible to eat hot food with vegetable oil. You can prepare salads and, if you wish, you can drink a little wine. On this day you should finish all your chores related to cleaning the house. On Thursday, various rituals are performed to expel all evil spirits from the house. Be sure to consecrate your apartment with church candles.

There are old customs. When you wash windows and doors, throw some small change into the soapy solution. This will help bring prosperity and good luck into your home. On this day, preparations for Easter already begin. Housewives paint eggs and bake Easter cakes. People call this day " Maundy Thursday" That is, at the very end of the day you need to shop well. All this must be completed before sunrise. It is believed that water will wash away all your sins and take away illnesses with it. After showering, dress exclusively in clean clothes.

It turns out that Thursday is the busiest day for Christians. You need to have time to do everything, and also prepare the main attributes for festive table. There is also such a belief that if after bathing you collect salt in a linen bag and store it for a whole year, then devilry won't be able to get into your house.

Friday (Good)

This day is considered the strictest. We all mourn on Friday for Christ, because he was crucified on Friday. Whether you like it or not, you simply must not eat anything on this day. Exceptions apply for young children and elderly sick people. On this day you need to rest; you have completed all the housework earlier. In churches, ministers remember the suffering of Christ that he had to endure on the last day of his life. We are obliged to endure this fast, since Christ once saved us. After all, the Lord died so that we could live.


Easter is approaching, only one day left. On this day, all night and the morning of the next day, people illuminate eggs, Easter cakes, and water. You can consecrate whatever you consider necessary to bring to the temple. Someone brings wine, lard, cheese and sausage. People bring different things, the main thing is that they believe in God and on this Bright Day. Church servants do not eat anything on this day either. Simple people(Christians) can eat a piece of bread, a limited amount of vegetables and fruits, dried fruits and honey. On this day, you can finish cooking what you haven’t had time to do yet. But by the evening you should definitely get it done, since the service will take place all night.

Sunday (Holy Easter)

Finally, we waited for the brightest day. In the morning you cannot eat anything until you have dedicated your food. Then, when you get home, you need to break your fast. You can eat an egg, salsa, cheese, sausage, and definitely a pasochka. And only then everything that you have prepared for this holiday. This is real joy for people, because our Christ is Risen. On this day you can have fun and walk. But this does not mean that after fasting you need to immediately pounce on food. Try to gradually expand your diet every day.

On Easter, parishioners visit church for communion. You should also give alms to the poor. All days of Holy Week are very important. During this period, rethinking comes to every person. Thus, by Easter a person comes already spiritually pure. Be sure to follow these rules, you will see how the burden that lay inside your soul has been lifted from you. Perhaps something was bothering you, and the week before Easter is an excellent opportunity to beg your sins from the Lord. They say that if we truly repent from a pure heart, the Lord will forgive us for everything that we once did that was illegal.

Besides spiritual cleansing physical cleaning occurs. Thanks to fresh vegetables and fruits, the body gets rid of harmful waste and toxins, and the body becomes healthier. Fasting is useful for absolutely all people, the main thing is that they have faith in God.

To fast or not is everyone’s business. But true Christians must adhere to this rule. Every person should know the history of his origin, and who Christ was. We need to celebrate the holiday consciously. The post will be very easy, since it now exists a large number of various Lenten recipes. Can be used every day different dishes, but without meat. It's simple, because you don't need to go on exhausting diets and starve. You can simply diversify your diet with other foods for just a week.

For breakfast you can serve various salads from vegetables and fruits. Prepare fruit and mushroom soups. Make chowder with rice and vegetables. Even if you need to prepare soups, you can easily do without oil. Add all vegetables to the broth fresh. Celebrate Holy Week in prayer. And on Easter day, be sure to go to church.

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Lent 2019 is very close and it’s worth figuring out now what you can eat by day. Lent is considered the strictest of all those existing in the Orthodox calendar. To keep it properly, you should not only impose restrictions on food, but also give up fun and pleasures. It is held in honor of the fact that Jesus fasted in the desert for forty days, in memory of the life of Christ, his crucifixion and resurrection.

Few people have thought about it, but in fact, Lent does not consist of 40 days, but it is customary to fast for 48. In 2019, it begins on March 11 and will continue until April 27.

The days of Lent have their own name and meaning:

1. Pentecost - this is what all the first 40 days are called.
2. Lazarus Saturday is the name of the Saturday that comes before Palm Sunday.
3. The entry of the Lord into Jerusalem is the day that comes a week before Easter and is also called Palm Sunday.
4. Holy Week - the last six days of Lent, which always take place before Easter.
Many people who are just going to fast for the first time believe that Lent is a kind of Orthodox diet, but in fact, the main goal is considered to be cleansing the soul.

  • Who is prohibited from fasting
  • Menu of Lenten dishes

Who is prohibited from fasting

1. There is a category of people who are allowed not to fast, these are those who have chronic diseases Gastrointestinal tract, oncology and others. Therefore, before fasting, you should consult a doctor. Direct contraindications include pregnancy, anemia and underweight.
2. If children in your family also fast, then you should not completely abstain from dairy products. On the contrary, it is advisable that the child does not eat sweets, due to restrictions in meat dishes There's nothing wrong with that either.
3. If you are a traveler or work in heavy industries, then you do not have to adhere to fasting in all its canons; relaxations in the consumption of milk and even meat broths are allowed. But you should turn to a clergyman for a blessing.

Rules of conduct during Lent

In addition to the fact that there are rules for abstaining from food, Easter post you need to behave correctly. The recommendations sound like this:

1. Before you start fasting, you should visit the church and take communion, and also receive a blessing from the priest.
2. During the entire period of Lent, a person should not use foul language and should definitely refrain from loud conversations.
3. Do not refuse to help people, even strangers.
4. Decline to visit mass events and under no circumstances organize celebrations that are accompanied by noise.
5. Smoking and drinking drinks that contain alcohol, as well as carnal pleasures are prohibited.
6. Make time to attend the liturgy.

Before you begin to adhere to the food restrictions that Lent implies, you should definitely consult with your doctor, and also after receiving permission from him and the priest to fast. Start physically and mentally preparing your body in advance so that it does not get too stressed while you are fasting.

Rules for meals during Lent

If we talk about the strict monastic observance of Lent in 2019, that is, not much can be done during the day, and you should eat food only once a day, then before going to bed in the evening. The only exception is on weekends; in addition to the evening meal, it is also allowed to eat after waking up in the morning.

Some restrictions, in addition to when to eat, also apply to eating hot food. Only on Tuesday and Thursday you can eat non-cold food. On Monday, Wednesday and Friday it’s the other way around. For the laity, the rules and recommendations are slightly different; they are allowed to eat small portions several times a day.

Only two weeks of the entire Lent are considered the strictest, these are the first and last 7 days.

Allowed foods during Lent

In order to have a balanced diet during Lent and not have to constantly feel hungry, you should draw up a nutrition plan in advance and stick to it. This way you can prepare varied food and eat with pleasure.

Bread, you can eat both black and cereal;
all types of cereals;
vegetables in any form, they can be fresh, pickled, lightly salted or salted;
berry and fruit jam;
dried fruits, honey and nuts;
fish is allowed only twice during the entire period of fasting, these days are the feast of the Annunciation and Palm Resurrection.

Meal plan for dry days

Basically, the days of Lent are dry eating. During this period, you should eat food that has not been cooked over fire. It is allowed to eat on such days:

Lenten bread;
fresh vegetables and fruits;
dried fruits;
It is allowed to eat cereals that are prepared cold, that is, cereals are infused in water.

Menu on raw food days:

1. Vegetable or fruit salads with nuts, honey or lemon juice without oil (sunflower oil is allowed to be eaten on certain days).
2. Cold porridge.
3. Bars made from ground nuts, dried fruits, honey and bran.
4. Gazpacho or okroshka without eggs, meat and sour cream.
5. Kissel from ground mixture flaxseeds and sesame seeds, which are not boiled over fire, but are poured with boiling water or cold water.
6. Tea and instant coffee.

Meal plan for the first and last week of Lent

As has already been described above, the first and last weeks of Lent are considered the strictest. These days in terms of nutrition are subject to adjustment with the Church Charter with special care.

1 week of fasting:

Monday, you should completely abstain from eating. Allowed to drink water;
Tuesday, in addition to water, eating bread is not prohibited;
Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday – days of dry eating;
Sunday is the lightest day during Lent. It is allowed to eat hot lean food and add vegetable oil to it. You are also allowed to drink some real red wine that does not contain alcohol.

Holy Week:

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday – dry eating;
Friday – complete abstinence from food, only water;
Saturday – dry eating after the 1st star.

Menu of Lenten dishes

Options Lenten dishes there are a lot of them on the Internet, so the question of what you can eat every day during Lent 2019 should not arise. The simplest thing you can prepare is salads; just mix the vegetables you like with lemon juice, for example, or soy sauce.

It is also possible to prepare porridge, just pour boiling water or cold water over the cereal and let it brew. Diversify these dishes with fruits.

When it comes to soups, give preference to those that cook quickly and are not heat-treated, such as tomato soups and vegetable okroshka.

Be sure to drink a lot of water, you can add tea to your diet, only tea that does not require cooking.

Holy Week marks seven of the most the strictest days per year. Eat right, in accordance with the recommendations of the church, to cure many diseases and cleanse your soul of sins.

The last week before Easter is the most difficult and strict compared to other days. This period is very important for Orthodox people, because we remember the last days of Jesus’ life on earth and his suffering. It is advisable to spend Holy Week in prayers that will help you better understand yourself.

Proper diet for the week

Monday: the most difficult day of Holy Week. In addition to the fact that you can only eat food once in 24 hours, it must be eaten raw. Therefore, for most of us it is difficult and unusual. Righteous people who firmly believe in God try to give up food altogether on this day. For beginners, it is permissible to include flour products in the Monday diet, in particular bread and vegetables. They can be consumed in any form: dried, fried and pickled. This day is also characterized by the use of fruits and mushrooms. You can drink unlimited quantities of water, cool compotes and fruit drinks. It is important to know that you can only eat in the evening.

Tuesday: On Tuesday you can eat whatever you cook. However, remember that during Lent we exclude sweets, flour, meat, fish, dairy and eggs from our usual diet. It is permissible to eat vegetables and fruits on Tuesday, but only in limited quantities. You should eat food, as on Monday, in the evening and only once a day.

Wednesday: on this day people remember Judas, who betrayed Christ. You should visit church and repent of your sins. It is known that this is the most best time to cleanse your soul. Dry food is served at the table, it is advisable to refuse food altogether, so that nothing interferes with cleansing the body and thoughts on this day.

Thursday: It passes easier than the previous days, because from now on you can eat twice a day. Hot food, which was previously prohibited, and vegetable oil appear in the daily diet. Active preparations for Easter begin: people bake Easter cakes, paint eggs, prepare treats for the festive table.

Thursday is characterized by various rituals to expel evil spirits and evil from the house. One of them is that when cleaning your home you need to throw a handful of small items into a basin of water. This will attract prosperity and wealth in the future. Water on Maundy Thursday has magical power, so you can consecrate your apartment and, after washing, rid yourself of illnesses for a whole year.

Friday: is a time of sorrow for Orthodox people. It was on the fifth day of the week that Jesus Christ was crucified. It is prohibited to consume any food, the exception applies only to infants and weak people. Any household chores should be postponed. By doing anything on this day, you show your disrespect for God. It is necessary to gain strength and try to endure this day, honoring Christ, who gave his life for our sins.

Holy Week is very important for people: these days many people come to rethink their lives. During this time, a person is spiritually cleansed and greets Easter with pure and bright thoughts. It is imperative to keep all the commandments, pray and not denigrate yourself with sinful deeds and thoughts. It is known that if you repent on the Bright Resurrection of Christ with a pure heart and firm faith, then God will definitely forgive you for everything. Find out how to properly prepare for confession. Good luck,and don't forget to press the buttons and

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Fasting, by its definition, is a strict prohibition or restrictions on the consumption of food or only certain products, for example, meat or dairy products.

Great Lent is the path to the Bright Feast of Great Easter, through which a believer must go through, keeping himself in strictness. The ban is imposed not only on eating food, but it is also prohibited to spend this time in fun and pleasure. Great Lent is one of the most strict posts church calendar, it begins seven weeks before Easter and consists of forty days (Quentum) and a week before Easter (Holy Week). Pentecost is celebrated in honor of the fact that Jesus Christ fasted in the desert for forty days, and Holy Week- memory of the life of Christ in the last days of his life, of His crucifixion and resurrection.

Lent in 2018- from February 19 to April 7

During Lent, it is not recommended to eat food of animal origin - meat, eggs, milk. However, it is allowed to eat fish, but only on the holidays of Palm Resurrection and Annunciation Holy Mother of God. Eating seafood such as squid, shrimp, and mussels is not prohibited during Lent.

But we should not forget that Great Lent is not an Orthodox diet, and the purpose of fasting is not so much to cleanse the stomach as to cleanse the human soul.

According to church regulations, Lent is a tribute to the memory of the Lenten feat of the son of God - Christ. After his baptism, Jesus wandered through the desert in thought for 40 days without water or food. This act marked the beginning of his great saving deeds in the name of all mankind. And in order to thank the Savior and honor him, the church introduced the strictest restrictions on the entire Lent, preceding Easter.

However, there is another version of the origin of the ritual of long pre-Easter fasting. At the dawn of Christianity, before the baptismal rite, future “children of the church” were ordered to pray fervently for 40 days and strictly limit food and water. The christenings themselves took place only 1-2 times a year on major holidays, most often on Easter. Everyone who wanted to join the religion was called catechumens. And being in solidarity with them, the rest of the Christians adhered to 40 days of abstinence in the period before the ceremony (that is, before Happy Easter). As a result, the post known to us today was established not all at once, but rather gradually. True, over hundreds of years, the conditions of fasting have undergone changes more than once.

The main rules of modern Lent:

  1. Rejoice in everything and thank the Lord;
  2. Visit the temple during Lent 2018;
  3. Repent at Pentecost and you can be cleansed during Holy Week;
  4. Take care of your health. In case of illness, soften the conditions of fasting;
  5. Don't think about food;
  6. Look at your plate;
  7. Hasten to do good;
  8. Remember why you entered into fasting;
  9. Give up temptations and imaginary pleasures in favor of tireless prayers to the Lord;

As for the meal, according to the Church Charter, there are some rules:

  • First and last week During Great Lent, a particularly strict fast is observed.
  • Meat and dairy products (butter, cheese, cottage cheese, milk), eggs, are excluded. That is, all products of animal origin.
  • You can eat only once a day, in the evening, however, on Saturdays and Sundays you are allowed to eat twice a day, at lunch and in the evening.
  • On Monday, Wednesday and Friday, eat cold food, without vegetable oil. On Tuesdays and Thursdays, hot food without oil is allowed.
  • On Saturdays and Sundays it is allowed to add vegetable oil to food, and it is also allowed to drink grape wine (except for Saturday of Holy Week).
  • On Good Friday (this is the last Friday of Lent) you should abstain from food altogether.
  • On Saturday, many who observe fasting also abstain from food until the onset of Great Easter.

How to fast correctly for Orthodox laypeople and what to eat on different days

The annual pre-Easter Lent is flexible in the calendar and in 2018 it falls from February 18 to April 7. The ritual of fasting lasts 49 days, of which 40 are the days of the Fourth Day, two twelfth holidays (the Annunciation and the Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem) and the ascetic 6-day cycle of Holy Week. According to the church charter, Lent 2018 is as follows:

  • first week - February 18-24, 2018;
  • second week - February 25 - March 3, 2018;
  • third week - March 4-10, 2018;
  • fourth week - March 11-17, 2018;
  • fifth week - March 18-24, 2018;
  • sixth week - March 25-31, 2018;
  • Seventh “Holy” Week – April 1-7, 2018.

In addition to the church charter, it is important to know how to fast correctly and what Orthodox laity can eat by day in the 2018 Lent calendar. According to strict conditions, there can be no more than two meals per day. The first traditionally occurs around lunchtime (after church liturgy), and the second in the evening (i.e. after Vespers). If there is only one meal, its time is 15.00 Moscow time. In terms of nutrition, the first and last “passion” weeks are the strictest. They include days of dry eating and complete fasting. On certain days in other weeks, hot dishes with or without butter are allowed, sometimes fish caviar, and on the twelve holidays - wine and fish. It will help you understand each week and its meaning in more detail. orthodox calendar Lent for 2018: what the laity can eat according to the days, read further in our article.

What foods are allowed to be consumed during fasting?

If you approach your diet wisely during Lent, then, firstly, you will not have to go hungry, and secondly, even during the period of strict fasting, nutrition can be quite varied and balanced.

So, the main products allowed during fasting:

  • Black bread, cereal crispbread.
  • Cereals (oatmeal, buckwheat, rice, corn, wheat, barley)
  • Salted and pickled vegetables, berry and fruit jam.
  • Mushrooms of various preparations.
  • Legumes (beans, lentils, peas)
  • Dried fruits, nuts, honey.
  • Seasonal vegetables (potatoes, beets, carrots, onions, cabbage, radishes, etc.)
  • Fruits in season (apples, bananas, grant, oranges, etc.)
  • Fish is allowed to be consumed twice during the entire fast. On the feast of the Annunciation (in 2016 it falls on April 7) and Palm Sunday (April 24, 2016)

Nutrition calendar by day (menu)

The first week of fasting (the most strict). It is important to enter the fast correctly on the eve of the start. It is also important to know the personal contraindications, who should not fast.

1 Week

MondayIt is customary to abstain from food.
Tuesdayblack bread, water, kvass are allowed
Wednesdaydry eating, that is, food that is eaten raw, this can be various vegetables and fruits, as well as nuts and herbs. Bread is allowed.
Thursdaycontinuation of dry eating
FridayYou can eat vegetables, fruits, nuts; vegetable oil is prohibited on this day. Cooking is not recommended; everything should be consumed raw.
SaturdayThe food is the same as on Friday, you are allowed to drink grape juice.
Sundayon this day you are allowed to eat boiled food with vegetable oil. You can also drink a small amount of red wine, which should be natural, without adding alcohol.

Above we described one week, how, according to all the rules and canons, fasting should be observed; this is more acceptable for monks, or for people who strictly observe all the regulations of the church. If you decide to fast for the first time, then you should not take on excessive loads! It is quite possible, for example, to eat oil.

Here sample menu, which you can take as a basis by adding or replacing certain dishes:

2 week

MondayBreakfastOatmeal porridge with water. Tea.
DinnerVermicelli soup. Potato cutlets. Apples. Coffee or tea.
TuesdayBreakfastRice porridge. Cucumber and tomato salad. Tea.
DinnerVegetable soup. Vermicelli with mushroom sauce. Tea with jam.
DinnerVegetable solyanka. Cabbage salad. Compote.
ThursdayBreakfastCorn porridge. Tea or coffee.
FridayBreakfastBarley porridge, cucumbers, tomatoes. Tea or coffee.
DinnerBuckwheat porridge. Tea.
SaturdayBreakfastThe vinaigrette. Tea or coffee.
DinnerMillet porridge. Vegetables. Compote.
This is the first parent's Saturday, during Lent. Whenever possible, people go to the cemetery to visit their deceased relatives.

3rd week of fasting

MondayBreakfastwheat porridge. Nuts. Tea.
DinnerPotato soup with buckwheat. Potato zrazy. Fruits. Coffee or tea.
TuesdayBreakfastBuckwheat porridge. Tea
Dinnerbean soup. Vermicelli with mushroom sauce. Tea with jam.
WednesdayBreakfastrice porridge. Tea or coffee.
DinnerVegetable solyanka. Cabbage salad. Compote.
ThursdayBreakfastoatmeal porridge. Fruits. Tea or coffee.
DinnerCabbage soup made from fresh cabbage. Vegetable Salad. Compote.
DinnerMashed potatoes with eggplant caviar. Tea.
FridayBreakfastbarley porridge. Tea or coffee.
DinnerPea soup. Salad with vegetables. Compote.
DinnerBuckwheat porridge. Tea.
SaturdayBreakfastMillet porridge. Tea or coffee.
DinnerRassolnik. The vinaigrette. Vegetables. Compote.
DinnerBoiled vermicelli with lecho. Tea.
Note: This is already the second Parent's Saturday during Lent. It is also necessary to go to the cemetery to pay tribute to your deceased relatives.
SundayBreakfastwheat porridge. Tea or coffee.
DinnerRussian-Ukrainian borscht. Fried potato. Compote.
DinnerRice porridge with onions and carrots. Tea.

4th week of fasting

MondayBreakfastoatmeal porridge. Nuts. Tea.
DinnerVegetable soup. Pea porridge. Nuts. Coffee or tea.
TuesdayBreakfastbarley porridge. Tea.
DinnerLentil soup. salted mushrooms. Tea with jam.
WednesdayBreakfastrice porridge. Tea or coffee.
DinnerLenten borscht. Cucumber and tomato salad. Compote.
ThursdayBreakfastrice porridge. Nuts. Tea or coffee.
Dinnerpotato soup with beans. Vegetable Salad. Compote.
DinnerMashed potatoes with eggplant caviar. Tea.
FridayBreakfastoatmeal porridge. Tea or coffee.
DinnerPotato soup with green peas. Salad with vegetables. Compote.
DinnerCorn porridge. Tea.
SaturdayBreakfastBuckwheat porridge. Tea or coffee.
DinnerRassolnik. The vinaigrette. Compote.
DinnerBoiled vermicelli with mushroom sauce. Tea.
Note: This Saturday will be the third one for parents.
SundayBreakfastoatmeal porridge. Tea or coffee.
DinnerRussian-Ukrainian borscht. Vegetable Salad. Compote.
DinnerBuckwheat porridge. with onions and carrots. Tea.

In the subsequent fifth and sixth weeks After fasting, you can repeat your menu as in the second and third weeks.

The seventh (Holy Week) week of Great Lent is as strict as the first.

The sixth Sunday of Great Lent falls on the celebration of the Lord's entry into Jerusalem, or it is also called Palm Sunday. On this day you can eat fish, food with butter, and consume a little Cahors.

On Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday - dry eating. Thursday you can eat warm food, but cooked without oil, and only once a day. On Friday only bread and water. Eating is prohibited on Saturday.

And finally, Sunday, the end of the strictest fast falls on the celebration of Easter.

It is important to watch this video for your safety!

It is worth noting that if you decide to fast for the first time, it is recommended to talk with a priest and decide for yourself the severity of fasting, because you need to understand the very important truth that main goal Observance of fasting is not a restriction in food, but humility and repentance, prayer!

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