Dry skin after 40 years. Special care for each area of ​​the face

Dry skin after 40 becomes a problem for many people. Proper care using high-quality cosmetics will help restore it.

Dry facial skin at 40 years old is a problem for many women. Wrinkles and other imperfections usually appear at this time. Therefore, quality care is very important, and effective products will help with this. Store-bought cosmetics and folk methods work great. Homemade masks are effective and affordable remedies in the fight against skin imperfections.

After 25 years, many processes in the body weaken, and therefore proper care is required for facial skin. If you follow the principles of a healthy lifestyle, no major changes occur in the skin. After 40 years, the following changes are usually observed:

According to dermatologists, after 40 years of age, women experience a slowdown in metabolism. As a result, negative physical changes appear. It is important to stop fading, and for this you need to properly care for your facial skin.

Features of care

If your skin becomes dry, you need to follow simple care recommendations. Negative consequences come from ignoring them. Important rules include the following:

  • adherence to daily routine;
  • skin care;
  • proper nutrition.

You need to devote enough time to sleep. If the body does not fully rest, it will negatively affect the condition of the skin. It will become dry and painful in appearance.

It is important to take good care of your face. Cleansing, moisturizing, and nutrition procedures will help improve its condition. You should not use ordinary water and soap for this. But cleansing milk, mousse, and foam are perfect. The cream must be chosen carefully and in accordance with your skin type, as it will provide reliable care.

It is necessary to follow the principles of healthy eating. Various violations of a proper diet negatively affect the skin. Healthy skin is unthinkable without sufficient intake of vitamins.

For women over 40 years old, decorative cosmetics have been developed that can hide many imperfections. Typically, such products are rich in hyaluronic acid, vitamins A and B, which are necessary for caring for dry facial skin. And to make it elastic, cosmetics with vitamin E are useful.

Important Procedures

For women over 40 years old, it is very important to follow proper care. It involves performing the following procedures:

  • contour plastic surgery;
  • peeling;
  • lifting;
  • deep cleaning;
  • rf lifting;
  • biorevitalization;
  • mesotherapy.

Without these procedures, the skin cannot look fresh. Therefore, you need to not only follow the care recommendations, but also regularly visit a cosmetologist. One of the best procedures is RF lifting, which tightens the skin.

Contouring using the necessary gel filler is effective. The product is intended to correct problem areas. As a result, the oval of the face is tightened, nasolabial folds are eliminated, and the condition of the skin is improved. The product contains hyaluronic acid, which ensures complete restoration of the skin.

Home care

Women over 40 can perform quality facial care at home. Therapeutic procedures make the skin beautiful and healthy. Massage helps a lot, which you can do yourself or with the help of a professional. Such procedures restore blood circulation and cellular respiration.

Effective procedures include the use of nourishing masks. These products restore the skin, making it firmer.

You can use Facebook building at home. The results become noticeable very quickly if the procedures are performed regularly. Training of one area of ​​the face as well as training a group of muscles is suitable.

Using masks

In order for the skin to remain young for a long period, care using medicinal masks is necessary. The products allow you to improve your skin in a short period of time. To prepare a honey mask you will need protein, honey, flour (2 tablespoons each). The components must be mixed and the finished product applied for half an hour. Then you need to wash your face and apply cream.

Skin care can be performed using an aloe-based mask. You will need the leaves of the plant, which must be placed in the cold for half a month. Next, you need to prepare juice from them. The face should be treated with the prepared juice in advance. After this, be sure to apply cream.

For skin care, a medicinal mixture is used, the preparation of which requires boiling water (200 ml), oak bark, linden, dill, parsley (0.5 tsp each). After 3 hours, strain the product and then mix with lemon juice (0.5 tsp). The tincture should be stored in a cool place. It is used to wipe the face in the morning.

Oral preparations

Products for oral use are effective. You can take care of your skin using a medicinal product made from honey, olive oil, lemon juice (1 tsp each). The ingredients must be thoroughly mixed, after which you can drink this cocktail.

You need to squeeze the juice out of 3 lemons, and then mix it with chopped garlic (50 g). After a day, the infusion can be consumed: 1 tsp. The product is diluted in water (1 glass). The drink should be drunk before bedtime.

All products should be used in combination for results to appear. They will prolong the youth of your skin for many years.

Makeup rules

In addition to applying skincare products, you need to learn how to apply makeup correctly. Thanks to decorative cosmetics, you can successfully hide imperfections and also highlight your advantages. You should choose products based on your facial skin type.

To create high-quality makeup, concealers are required. Women over 40 years old should choose cosmetics with a thin foundation. It is applied after using the cream. No need to use concealer pencils or sticks. Foundations must be shaded to eliminate the boundaries of their application.

It is necessary to use cream-powder, since the dry composition only highlights facial imperfections. Experts advise women over 40 years old to choose powder 3 shades lighter than their foundation. Preference should be given to lipstick in red tones. Wrinkles on the upper lip can be disguised with a contour pencil.

A soft contour pencil and mascara will help make your eyes more expressive. Any products should be used in moderation so that the makeup looks neat. Middle-aged women should not use youth cosmetics, as they can ruin their look. In the evening, you need to remove makeup with proven facial care products.

Forty years is a great age. The woman is still quite beautiful and energetic, but she is already quite experienced and knows her worth. She is full of desires and ready to achieve them; fortunately, she has personal, family, and professional experience that helps her set goals and achieve them. One thing worries you: the signs of fatigue and aging skin that appear on your face.

Facial skin care after 40 years

What facial problems await a woman of post-Balzac age? There are several of them:

  • Loss of tone, uneven shade;
  • dryness, unclear contour, decreased lip volume;
  • facial wrinkles near the eyes;
  • enlarged pores;
  • bags under the eyes;
  • drooping cheeks;
  • flabby neck.

Fortunately, these symptoms do not appear all at once: three or four deficiencies are usually relevant at a time. Proper facial care after 40 years can prevent all signs of aging.

To prevent wrinkles, cosmetologists offer effective facial skin care regimens after 40 years. One of them allows you to do this at home. Four products are used for daily care:

  • serum with antioxidants - in the morning;
  • moisturizer with filter 50 in summer and 30 in other months;
  • cream with retinol - at night;
  • eye cream - twice a day.

A protective balm with a filter of 20 or more is used for the lips, and the contour is drawn with a cosmetic pencil. A more effective remedy is hyaluronic injections, which add volume.

Other cosmetologists offer 40-year-old women four blocks of external skin care: nutrition, moisturizing, lifting and care for the periocular area.

Nutrition should not be limited to creams: nourishing masks, including homemade ones, are also needed.

Additional hydration is achieved by increasing water intake and using appropriate masks.

Skin lifting and tightening consists of home procedures (massage, icing, masks) and salon procedures (mesotherapy, ultrasound, vacuum massage, photorejuvenation). The best effect is achieved by a combination of these methods.

To prevent expression wrinkles, facial gymnastics – facelifting – is useful. It is important to constantly monitor your facial expressions, especially when your eyes are strained, while in the sun or in strong lighting. Moisturizers with caffeine can help minimize swelling. Dark circles can be lightened by products containing vitamin K, as well as good sleep.

Enlarged pores on the cheeks and chin are prevented by a cream with retinoids, which removes dirt and dead cells. The salon solution to this problem is regular peeling. Microdermabrasion gives quick results - a procedure that removes the top layer of the epidermis.

To round sagging cheeks and smooth out nasolabial folds, lipolifting and special injections (hyaluronic acid, restylane) are done in salons.

Neck care is provided by neck and décolleté creams with a lifting effect. In the salon, ultrasound and other more radical procedures are used for this purpose.

Cosmetical tools

Cosmetic products for facial care after 40 years of age should replenish components that begin to be lacking with age. The skin of a forty-year-old woman needs:

  • cleansing;
  • hydration;
  • nutrition;
  • UV protection;
  • rejuvenation.

Facial cleansing is carried out not with soap and water, but with lotions, tonics, foams selected according to skin type. Periodically it is useful to perform deep cleaning with scrubs or peels. There are enough products in the arsenal of cosmetic brands for these purposes.

Facial care after 40 years includes additional hydration. Creams with oils, vitamins, herbal extracts and other natural ingredients will benefit all types of aging skin. Cosmetologists advise giving preference to products from one line: this approach prevents allergies from the incompatibility of various ingredients. It is also recommended that after 40, and even earlier, to use high-quality pharmaceutical cosmetics.

Nourishing creams and natural homemade masks provide nourishment to the face, neck, and décolleté. Simple and inexpensive masks - honey and aloe juice.

  1. A mixture of flour and honey in equal parts is applied to the face for 20 minutes. Wash off alternately with hot and cold water. The mask nourishes the skin and eliminates wrinkles around the eyes.
  2. The juice of an aloe leaf, which has been in the refrigerator for 12 days, is lubricated on the skin in the morning and evening, sticking into the mask with your fingertips. First, wipe your face with tea, and after aloe, apply a nourishing cream.

Effective facial rejuvenation occurs as a result of a course of professional massage. Several courses increase skin tone and reduce the number of wrinkles.

The withering process is slowed down by preparations of ginseng, golden root, lemongrass, eleutherococcus, herbal compresses of chamomile, violet, and calendula. The use of antioxidants and fatty acids is beneficial for the skin.

To support the skin at the age of forty, you need comprehensive care, stimulation from the outside and from the inside. After all, it is with food that the body receives most of the “building materials”, vitamins and minerals, on which the appearance and condition of the skin depends. An unbalanced diet, lack of healthy fats, vitamins and microelements negatively affect the face. As prescribed by your doctor, you can take nutritional supplements and vitamin complexes that improve the condition of your skin, hair and body as a whole.

Facial care after 40 years in summer

In the fifth decade, visible changes begin in the skin of the face: it ages, becomes drier and flabby. These unpleasant processes occur due to deterioration of nutrition, decreased metabolism, and thinning of the fat layer. Muscle elasticity and sebaceous gland activity decrease.

Constant skin care consists of cleansing, nourishing, moisturizing, stimulating the production of beneficial substances, and facial care after 40 years in the summer also includes increased protection from ultraviolet radiation.

Rules for facial care after 40 years:

  • Daily: morning and evening, perform self-massage with olive oil or nourishing cream.
  • Weekly: apply contrasting masks with medicinal herbs - calendula, chamomile, tricolor violet, as well as masks according to skin type.
  • Monthly: do protein or paraffin masks, and, if possible, salon procedures (on the advice of a cosmetologist).

In summer, the skin is exposed to the aggressive effects of heat, dry air, and ultraviolet radiation. To prevent the undesirable consequences of such factors, it is better to wash your face with chamomile infusion rather than water, apply creams in a very thin layer so as not to clog pores and not provoke sweating. It is advisable to use the cream on a water or oxygen base.

Try to spend less time in the sun, and if necessary, shade and protect your face with special creams. Do not wash your face, which is heated by the heat, with cold water, but wipe it with a sponge soaked in sour cream or yogurt, then lubricate it with a moisturizer.

Some tips for tanning. To ensure that your tan goes on evenly and without burning, it is useful to wash your face alternately with carrot juice and tea. Sunbathe only in profile, exposing first one or the other cheek to the sun's rays, lubricated with cream with ultraviolet protection. After tanning, the cream should be washed off immediately.

When swimming in the sea, you should protect your face from salt. To do this, before water procedures, it is enough to lubricate the skin with olive oil, and after drying, with sunscreen. Protect the delicate skin near the eyes with dark glasses and moisturize with mineral water in extreme heat.

There are procedures that are prohibited in the summer. These are cleansing, peeling and whitening. Cleaning opens the pores, into which dust, sweat, and dirt easily enter, causing inflammation, and the remaining procedures remove the epidermis, leaving the skin defenseless against ultraviolet radiation. If you can’t do without a whitening mask, then you should remember that you can’t sunbathe for the next two days after it.

In summer, operations to remove papillomas, moles, vascular and other neoplasms are also undesirable: under the influence of the sun, pigment marks may form in their place, which will also have to be removed later.

Facial care after 40 years in winter

When it gets cold outside and the days become shorter, the skin of the face unprotected by clothing is the first to suffer. The rooms are warm, but heating also dries out the skin. Dry skin especially suffers, since less sebum is secreted in winter, and this leads to peeling and the formation of a vascular pattern. Everyday facial care after 40 years of age in winter must take into account these seasonal features.

Even those who limit themselves to moisturizing creams should know that you need to lubricate your face with it no later than an hour before leaving the room. It's even better to apply it only at night or when not going outside, and apply the nourisher during the day. For winter, products made with thermal water are recommended.

  • For cleansing, cosmetologists advise avoiding abrasive scrubs and using soft gommage, that is, creamy peeling. Gommage does not injure the skin and does not need to be washed off.

Facial care after 40 years involves applying masks, but only nourishing ones: for dry and sensitive skin - 3-4 times, for oily and combination skin - once a week. It is prohibited to wash your face with water and soap, which leads to dryness and tightness of the skin.

Beauty salons also offer professional facial care programs in winter. Masks, cleansing, peelings are performed taking into account the seasonal needs of the skin. SPA treatments and massage help make it easier to endure unfavorable conditions (temperature changes, cold, insufficient humidity).

However, it is during this period that it is best to carry out resurfacing, rejuvenation and some other procedures that are undesirable in the summer, as well as serious cosmetic operations, including changing the shape of the nose, lips, and ears.

Fans of extreme recreation or winter sports should stock up on medications for emergency skin protection: fatty creams and special ointments to protect against severe frost and wind.

The saying goes that a person values ​​two things only when they are no longer there: youth and health. The natural beauty inherent in young people is the best that can be, but, unfortunately, it does not last forever. And the face of a 40-year-old woman requires other products than youthful skin. With regular and comprehensive facial care after 40 years, you can rejuvenate your skin, and not only feel, but also look younger than your age.

By the age of 40, cosmetologists first of all recommend using special cosmetics that will prevent premature loss of firmness and elasticity of the epidermis. Of course, facial skin care after 40 will be different, but in general, if you have always paid due attention to your appearance, achieving good results will not be difficult.

Features of facial skin after 40 years

Upon reaching the age of 40, another restructuring occurs in a woman’s body, which affects the condition of the skin. First of all, due to the onset of the lower limit of menopause, regular changes in hormonal levels occur. Hormonal imbalances are the main source of rapid aging of the epidermis. That is, the natural production of estrogen, which makes the facial skin firm and elastic, decreases. Due to a lack of estrogen, the skin begins to sag, age spots and sagging appear, and the oval of the face becomes blurred.

Another problem for women over 40 is wrinkles. In addition to facial folds, many new folds appear, which become deeper and more noticeable. With age, the regenerative process of cells slows down, the functioning of the sebaceous glands deteriorates, and therefore the skin lacks collagen and elastin. Therefore, the number of wrinkles increases, the skin loses tone, and the folds deepen.

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After 40, special attention should be paid to daily skin care. To look a few years younger, you don’t have to resort to a huge amount of decorative cosmetics. The main thing is to choose the right care that suits your skin type and regularly devote time to daily procedures.

  • Decreased tone of the epidermis;
  • Abundant pigmentation;
  • Unhealthy and dull skin color;
  • Weakening of the walls of capillaries, as a result of which rosacea may develop;
  • The appearance of bags and dark circles under the eyes;
  • The swollen oval of the face.

Rules for skin care after 40 years

To make your skin look fresh and elastic at the age of 40, it is not at all necessary to undergo expensive cosmetic procedures or buy a huge number of medications. To begin with, cosmetologists recommend trying to rejuvenate the body from the inside. That is, give up bad habits, play sports, eat right, etc. This way you can not only slow down the aging process of the skin, but also improve the general condition of the body. Also, do not neglect the instructions of practicing cosmetologists on daily facial skin care after 40.

  • Regularly nourish your skin with moisturizers. By the age of 40, she retains moisture less and less well, so she needs additional hydration. You can use moisturizer or micellar water. Apply the product both morning and evening;
  • Drinking plenty of fluids is necessary. Water starts all metabolic processes, thanks to which internal organs function correctly;
  • Buy cosmetics marked “40+”. Anti-aging creams, serums, lotions are characterized by a high content of hyaluronic acid, collagen, retinol, vitamins A, E, C;
  • For washing, it is recommended to use boiled water rather than tap water. You can also wash your face with mineral water with gases once a week; it refreshes the skin and gives your face a healthy appearance;
  • Use ice cubes to tone your skin. They help improve blood microcirculation, which helps improve skin color and even out tone;
  • After 40 years, direct sunlight should be avoided. Ultraviolet rays greatly dry the skin, resulting in many wrinkles. The skin should be protected with sunscreen;
  • Use top quality decorative cosmetics. Make sure that your products contain an SPF filter; also, before applying makeup, do not forget to nourish your facial skin well;
  • Do not overuse the application of decorative cosmetics. Do not apply powder and foundation in a dense layer, this clogs the pores, as a result of which the process of cell restoration is inhibited;
  • Each zone must be treated individually. Each zone (nasolabial fold, neck and décolleté, area around the eyes) is treated with an appropriate cream;
  • Apply the cream along the massage lines with light movements. These actions help prevent the appearance of new wrinkles;
  • Use a facial serum. It contains many active substances that promote rejuvenation. The effectiveness of the serum is greater than that of conventional creams;
  • Visit a cosmetologist. After 40 years, it is important to regularly and properly care for your facial skin. For example, at this age, professional facial cleansing is required, which cannot be done independently.

With age, facial skin becomes more vulnerable. It gets dirty easily, which leads to premature aging. Therefore, it is extremely important to follow the care recommendations in a timely manner.

Features of care for different areas of the face

With proper care, a forty-year-old woman can look impressive and young. Over the years, each area of ​​the face, as well as the figure and hair, requires more and more care. To look like 35 at 40, you need to monitor your skin condition daily and adhere to certain rules.

Cosmetologists advise developing an individual program for caring for each area of ​​the face and implementing it regularly. Only in this case can you count on success.

Naturally, you will need to purchase cosmetics for each zone. This is extremely important, since with age, each part undergoes internal changes, which affects the external condition of the skin. The drugs must match your epidermis type, otherwise you risk causing a backlash. Only comprehensive care will help prevent premature aging, prolonging youth.

Caring for the skin around the eyes

The skin in this area is very thin, there is practically no fat layer and sweat glands, and the collagen content is minimal. Proper daily facial care after 40 helps prevent skin aging and the appearance of fine lines.

Causes of premature aging of the skin in the eye area:

  • Use of facial care products. As a rule, such creams contain aggressive ingredients that adversely affect the area around the eyes;
  • Applying cream with an excessively oily base. These products inhibit the process of oxygen entering the skin. In this regard, an oily sheen appears around the eyes;
  • The area around the eyes is very delicate and sensitive, so you should not rub the cream into the skin. Excessively intense movements will stretch the skin and contribute to the appearance of wrinkles. Movements should be light, smooth and patting;
  • Also, the skin ages faster if you don’t wash off your makeup before going to bed. This leads to severe clogged pores.

The skin in the eyelid area requires the use of creams with a high content of vitamin K. This active substance eliminates the accumulation of blood in the vessels and removes swelling.

You can tone the skin around the eyes using ice cubes made from herbal infusions. Wipe your skin with it morning and evening.

Caring for the nasolabial fold area

In this zone there is an active loss of moisture, and by the age of 40 the process intensifies, as a result of which deep folds appear. Intensive daily moisturizing, as well as massage, will help get rid of the corresponding aesthetic problem.

If the wrinkles are very pronounced, in order to smooth them out, you need to contact a cosmetologist who will prescribe filler injections.

You can tone the area of ​​the nasolabial folds with a cold massage. To do this, pour the chamomile decoction into ice molds and freeze, then gently rub the cubes along the massage lines, massaging the skin.

Care for cheekbones and cheeks

Closer to 40 years, the cheeks lose their elasticity and begin to droop down. This occurs due to a lack of moisture in the dermis. To prevent premature sagging of the cheeks, this area should be massaged daily towards the temples.

It is best to use a gel with a tonic effect. If you need to lift your cheekbones and cheeks, contact a cosmetologist for filler injections or lipolifting.

Neck and décolleté care

After 40 years, the neck and décolleté require regular and abundant hydration. This part of the body loses tone faster. An unkempt and flabby décolleté against the background of a toned face will reveal a woman’s true age.

You can protect your neck and décolleté by following these recommendations:

  • Avoid direct UV rays;
  • Do not overuse the solarium;
  • It is recommended to sleep on a small pillow;
  • Before going to bed, perform a contrast shower on the décolleté and neck area;
  • After taking a bath or shower, do not dry this part of the body; let it dry on its own.

You can tighten your neck and décolleté at home using peeling. Mix 1 tbsp. table salt, oatmeal, baking soda and kefir. Apply the mixture in a circular motion and massage for 5-7 minutes. Wash off with warm water and moisturize with cream or essential oil. The effect will be noticeable a month after regular procedures.

When caring for facial skin after 40, cosmetologists recommend applying pharmaceutical products twice a week: once in the morning, once in the evening.

The most popular anti-aging pharmaceutical products include:

  • Vitamin A (retinol). This component is found in oils. Apply twice a week before bed. Retinol helps stabilize the sebaceous glands and smooth out wrinkles;
  • Zinc ointment. Helps in the fight against wrinkles and rashes. Most often used to smooth out facial wrinkles. After the procedure, the skin must be moisturized with cream;
  • Curiosin. The product contains hyaluronic acid. This helps maintain skin elasticity and speeds up the cell regeneration process. The gel can be applied either alone or in combination with a moisturizer;
  • Relief. The ointment has a tonic effect and is applied locally to wrinkles;
  • Heparin agent. Helps get rid of puffiness and bags under the eyes. Apply to previously cleansed skin before bed;
  • Retinoic ointment. Contains vitamin A, helps restore facial skin elasticity and a healthy appearance. Can also be used to treat comedones and acne.

Before applying pharmaceutical preparations, the product should be tested on the inside of the wrist. In case of redness and rash, the use of the product is contraindicated.

Homemade face masks after 40

After 40 years, several professional salon procedures are not enough to care for your skin. Many natural processes in the body are disrupted, which affects the condition of the skin. Therefore, facial skin care after 40 years at home involves the use of natural masks and scrubs.

At this age, the skin needs additional nutrition more than usual. Therefore, it is recommended to choose products that have a tightening effect.

Honey mask

A mask based on natural honey nourishes the skin and gives it a healthy appearance. To prepare the recipe you need:

  • Mix 1 egg white with 2 tbsp. honey;
  • Add 2 tbsp. wheat flour;
  • Apply the product to previously cleansed skin;
  • Rinse off after half an hour with warm water;
  • Then apply a daily moisturizer.

Yeast mask

A yeast mask has a slight lifting effect on the facial skin, helps get rid of fine wrinkles and tighten aging skin.

Dissolve 15 grams of yeast in warm water, then add half a teaspoon of rye flour. You should get a creamy consistency.

A tightening mask is applied to the skin of the face and neck. Wash off after 20 minutes with warm water. The yeast mask tightens ptosis areas especially well.

Berry mask

You can moisturize and tone your skin by using fruits not only for oral administration, but also as ingredients for homemade masks. To prepare you will need:

  • 2 tbsp. homemade cottage cheese (fat);
  • 3 fresh strawberries;
  • 3 strawberries.

Mash the berries. Mix all ingredients and apply to facial skin. Rinse off after 10 minutes with water at room temperature. The fruit mask perfectly nourishes and refreshes the dermis after 40.

Vegetable mask

Vegetables can not only have a beneficial effect on digestion, their external use will tighten the skin of the face and give it elasticity.

Grate the zucchini and eggplant on a fine grater, and also finely chop the cabbage. Mix all the ingredients and apply the resulting mask to your face for 10 minutes.

The vegetable mask should be washed off with cool water, then be sure to moisturize with age-appropriate cream.

After 40 years, the skin becomes dull and dry. This leads to wrinkles and unevenness.

The composition of the cream for ages 40 and over should include substances such as hyaluronic acid, collagen, vitamins, zinc, fruit acids, oils, and proteins. Skin care should include proper cleansing and toning. Do not use alcohol-based products.

Carefully study the composition of the product you purchase. Good creams are produced by Dior, Chanel, Guerlain, Givenchy, La Mer. Pharmacy products: vitamin A, curiosin, retinoic ointment, heparin, relief.

Salon skin care: mesotherapy, biorevitalization, microcurrent therapy, photorejuvenation, chemical peeling. Fillers are placed under the skin to smooth out wrinkles. If your skin is very dry and creams do not help you, then hot compresses, a collagen mask, salt cleansing and chemical peels will help.

Changes in the skin after 40 years

Before you find out what proper facial care after 40 includes, you need to understand what happens to the skin after reaching this age limit. It is at this stage of life that a serious disruption occurs in the functioning of the hormonal system (due to the onset of menopause), which is instantly reflected on the skin.

It is hormonal disorders that provoke rapid aging of the epidermis. Cosmetologists argue that when discussing the causes of age-related metamorphoses, it will be enough to name changes in hormonal levels. Everything else is associated factors or a consequence of the same hormonal imbalance.

Get ready for the following changes to occur at high speed with your facial skin after 40 years.

  • Dehydration

Oily skin types will become combination or mixed, while dry skin will have a hard time as it will begin to age very quickly.

  • Regeneration slowdown

The rate of production of new cells decreases, while their death occurs in the same way as before. The result is that the stratum corneum of the skin on the face thickens, and the layers of “living” cells below become thinner. Elasticity is lost, color deteriorates, and wrinkles appear. Dead cells begin to fall off in groups, and the face becomes very flaky.

Special care will be required here for the eyelids and lips, which are the first to suffer from age-related changes. The eyelids undergo ptosis, that is, they sag, the lips are no longer as prominent, and small wrinkles, including “crow’s feet,” begin to radiate in different directions.

  • Irreversible changes in living tissues

Year after year, the number of elastin fibers decreases, and after 40 years the skin finally loses its elasticity. Collagen fibers can be regenerated, but with age their rate of renewal decreases. Destroyed collagen “sticks together” and accumulates in the intercellular space. The result is wrinkles and age spots.

  • Age wrinkles

Age wrinkles are the result of natural aging of the epidermis. This happens due to the fact that there are fewer collagen fibers, cell regeneration slows down, and a lack of vitamins, oxygen, and minerals is detected.

In addition to these main age-related changes, after 40 years you can observe a whole series of skin metamorphoses that require attention and special care:

  • decreased tone;
  • “swollen” oval of the face;
  • pigmentation;
  • unhealthy color;
  • weakening of the walls of capillaries, as a result - the appearance of spider veins, rosacea;
  • bags and dark circles under the eyes.

Based on all these age-related changes that occur in a woman’s skin after 40 years, cosmetic companies are developing anti-age formulas that slow down processes at the cellular level. With their help, anti-aging creams are created, anti-aging programs for salon procedures are patented.

How to understand all this diversity and choose something for yourself? In this case, the advice of a cosmetologist on facial care after 40 years will come in handy, adhering to which you can delay old age. And it’s still worth starting with visiting salons.

This is interesting! According to statistics, it is precisely the age of 40 that women fear most: they fearfully await the onset of menopause and obvious age-related changes in the form of wrinkles. In fact, upon reaching this age, ladies become more confident and even experience the peak of sexual activity.

Thermolifting of the face will cope with the first age-related changes.

In order for you to be given 35, or even 30, at the age of 40, you don’t need to have millions in deposits, go under a plastic surgeon’s knife, or spend all day in beauty salons. First you need to rejuvenate the body from the inside (give up bad habits, start playing sports, switch to proper and healthy nutrition).

With this lifestyle, you and your skin will feel noticeably younger. But don’t forget about the rules for caring for aging skin.

They are quite simple and even a beginner can handle them.

  • Moisturize your skin regularly. Every year it retains moisture worse and worse, so it requires intensive hydration. Moisturizer and micellar water will handle this task. The cream should be applied morning and evening (morning for daytime and evening for night).
  • Drink plenty of water. Thanks to water, all metabolic processes are launched in the body, and all internal organs begin to function properly. The only restriction is not to drink liquid 2 hours before bedtime to avoid swelling in the morning.
  • Use anti-aging cosmetics “40+”. Such creams, serums, lotions contain the necessary hyaluronic acids, collagen, retinol, vitamins A, E, C. When buying such products, pay attention to the composition. It is desirable that it be as natural as possible.
  • Do not use tap water to wash your face. It contains a large amount of chlorine, which is very drying to the skin. Mineral or melt water is suitable for such procedures. You can please your face with sparkling mineral water. A large number of bubbles will invigorate and give you a good mood.
  • After washing, tone your skin with an ice cube. This procedure helps improve blood microcirculation, which improves skin color and makes it look noticeably refreshed.
  • Avoid direct sunlight. Glasses and an umbrella are your true friends on the beach! Of course, if you really want to have a bronze tan, you need to remember that UV rays cause the skin to dry out, which leads to the appearance of wrinkles. Before sunbathing, lubricate your skin with sunscreen.
  • Use only high-quality cosmetics from trusted manufacturers. Stop saving, it's time to think about the face with which you will meet a bright old age. Such products, as well as day cream, must contain an SPF filter. Periodically check your makeup bag and get rid of any products that have been stitched in. Buy cosmetics from quality manufacturers. Apply a makeup base and don’t forget to nourish your face before applying cosmetics.
  • Control the amount of decorative cosmetics you apply. You shouldn’t put a kilogram of powder and foundation on your face. They contaminate the pores and inhibit the process of cell restoration, as a result of which you can get not only acne, rashes, but also several new wrinkles.
  • Watch your facial expressions. Due to too active facial expressions, even a 20-year-old girl can develop wrinkles, not to mention ladies over 40. Try to frown and squint less, and wear sunglasses in clear weather.
  • Each area of ​​the face requires an individual approach, so choose creams separately for the neck, area around the eyes and face. Such products have different tasks, so to achieve the desired result you will have to fork out money and diversify the range of creams on your dressing table.
  • Apply cosmetics only along the massage lines with light movements. This will help prevent the appearance of new wrinkles and help smooth out old ones.
  • Do not neglect such a product as “face serum”. This cosmetic product concentrates a large amount of active substances that rejuvenate the skin. Therefore, the effect of the serum is several times greater than that of a regular cream. But even here you need to know when to stop. If you use it for a long time, the body gets used to it, adapts, and after a while it stops working altogether. Use it in courses 2 times a year.
  • Visit a cosmetologist regularly. Modern cosmetology offers a rich list of services that will rejuvenate and heal the skin. At home, it is impossible to carry out professional facial cleansing and the necessary anti-aging procedures.

Features of caring for facial areas after forty years

The face is divided into small areas, each of which differs in density. Facial skin care at the age of 40 should be carried out taking into account the individual characteristics of each of this zones.

To remove defects and prevent the appearance of new ones, you need to know what is considered the best facial skin care product. What criteria should you pay attention to?

Nasolabial folds

Active loss of moisture occurs in this zone. Over the years, this process intensifies and strong creases appear. To eliminate the defect, it is useful to use moisturizers and massage daily.

If the wrinkles are pronounced, then only a cosmetologist can even them out. For this purpose, filler injections are used.

Caring for the skin around the eyes

Premature aging of the skin around the eyes occurs for the following reasons:

  • use of creams intended for the face and eyelids. They may contain aggressive components that negatively affect the eyes;
  • applying oil-based creams: the products prevent oxygen from entering the skin, causing an oily sheen around the eyes;
  • rubbing movements when applying the product: the skin is stretched and wrinkles form prematurely. The cream must be applied with smooth patting movements;
  • Do not wash off decorative cosmetics before a night's rest: the development of inflammatory processes and clogging of pores is possible.

The skin of the eyelids is thin and sensitive, it lacks a fat layer and sweat glands, and the collagen content is minimal. Facial care after 40 years (cosmetologist's advice includes comprehensive skin rejuvenation) is aimed at preventing the appearance of deep wrinkles.

Daily cleansing is done with milk; removing makeup from the skin is recommended with micellar water. The epidermis is nourished using natural masks or creams that have a lifting effect.

Ice cubes made from herbal infusions are known to have a tonic and refreshing effect: they are used morning and evening to wipe the skin around the eyes.

You can use tonics or lotions. Nourishing creams in the winter and products with SPF protection in the summer protect against ultraviolet rays and harmful environmental influences.

How to support cheekbones and cheeks

In addition to moisturizing and toning products, gymnastics is effective for maintaining and creating a beautiful oval face:

  • full mouth: puff out your cheeks as much as possible, hold the air for 7-10 seconds and exhale sharply (repeat 7-10 times);
  • lollipop: draw air into the cheek space, and then move it to the other cheek like candy. “Roll” the air for 1 minute;
  • drawing: prepare a landscape sheet and a subject for drawing. Hold a pencil or pen between your lips and, making circular movements with your head, draw something on the sheet.

Massage helps improve blood microcirculation and warm up facial muscles: apply 2 tsp on face. honey and spread over the skin. Perform the massage with light tapping with your fingers until slight redness appears. After the procedure, rinse off the honey with warm water and apply the cream to your face. Carrying out the procedure daily.

A cold massage tones the skin: pour the chamomile decoction into ice molds and freeze. Rub the prepared cube onto your face until it completely melts. No washing is required; just pat your skin dry with a towel.

Neck and décolleté care

After 40 years, the neck and décolleté require regular and abundant hydration. This part of the body loses tone faster. An unkempt and flabby décolleté against the background of a toned face will reveal a woman’s true age.

You can protect your neck and décolleté by following these recommendations:

  • Avoid direct UV rays;
  • Do not overuse the solarium;
  • It is recommended to sleep on a small pillow;
  • Before going to bed, perform a contrast shower on the décolleté and neck area;
  • After taking a bath or shower, do not dry this part of the body; let it dry on its own.

You can tighten your neck and décolleté at home using peeling. Mix 1 tbsp. table salt, oatmeal, baking soda and kefir. Apply the mixture in a circular motion and massage for 5-7 minutes. Wash off with warm water and moisturize with cream or essential oil. The effect will be noticeable a month after regular procedures.

Stages of daily skin care after 40 years

At first glance, many women may think that taking care of themselves, following all the instructions of a cosmetologist, is very difficult. But this is a misleading assumption. Cosmetic procedures are very useful and can bring a lot of positive emotions from the work done and the result obtained.

It is important to follow all stages of facial cleansing throughout the day.

So, let's start with CLEANING. You need to cleanse your skin 2 times a day (morning and evening). Foaming cleanser and cosmetic milk are ideal for this procedure. Try not to use tap water, replacing it with mineral water. Avoid using soap as a facial cleanser forever.

Even the most expensive soap dries out the skin, depriving it of much-needed moisture. Remove makeup with a special product.

After cleansing, TONE the skin. For this purpose, you can find countless tonics and lotions on store shelves. They should be used morning and evening, wiping the face. Just note that such a product should not contain alcohol, because... it, like soap, will dry out and “tighten” the skin.

You can also tone your skin with homemade products. These include various herbal decoctions or tinctures based on dairy products. You can pour the herbal decoction into molds and freeze. By rubbing your face with such a piece of ice, you will not only nourish your skin with useful substances, but also strengthen your blood vessels.

The final stage is HYDRATION AND NUTRITION. You need to saturate your skin with the necessary substances twice a day, using different products. In the morning, apply a day cream containing an SPF filter with an index of 30 or 50. After applying the cream, remove its remnants after 20-30 minutes with a cosmetic napkin.

After this, you can apply makeup. Before going to bed, you should take care of your skin with a night cream. It would be great if it contains a component such as “retinol”. Remove the remaining cosmetic product after some time with a napkin.

Taking care of your skin is not at all difficult, but you need to remember that cosmetic products need to be selected based on your skin type, because... caring for oily skin after 40 differs from caring for dry skin.

Expression wrinkles

If it is still possible to fight “crow’s feet” with the help of gels around the eyes or lifting creams, then skin creases on the bridge of the nose between the eyebrows and nasolabial folds are beyond the control of anything except hardware cosmetology or a surgeon’s scalpel.

Watch yourself in the mirror, make a face – smile from ear to ear, laugh. Have you noticed that the skin folds into wrinkles in the same places, and then very, very slowly smooths out or remains in that state?

Do facial exercises. It's called Facebook building. And don’t forget to watch your facial expressions throughout the day - don’t wrinkle your forehead when you want to be surprised, don’t bring your eyebrows to the bridge of your nose, even if you really want to.

Enlarged pores

We see them as ugly black dots. For many, they are localized exclusively on the nose or in the T-zone, but in women with oily skin, up to ⅔ of the face can be covered with pores.

Apply daily a cream with retinoids (for example, Skinovage and Babor, both “work” for 24 hours) or anti-aging products (for example, Lancom's Renergie Multi-Lift or Aqualabel from the Japanese company Shiseido).

Tone equalization

Pale skin, grayness and unevenness of its tone, increased pigmentation rarely “bypass” women after 40 years. Of course, I would like to eliminate these shortcomings.

For these purposes, you should stock up on tonics, but without alcohol, since this substance dries and tightens the epidermis. You can even out your complexion with home remedies: decoctions of medicinal herbs, masks based on fermented milk products. Whitening cream will also come in handy.


Daily mandatory skin care procedures include applying nourishing products to the face and neck.

This is where experts give preference not only to creams, but, to a greater extent, to homemade nourishing masks. They are prepared from fresh natural ingredients and are used every other day. On days when masks are not applied, your face can be treated with a nourishing night cream.


Thanks to the high concentration of active substances and the ability to penetrate deep into the epidermis, it helps smooth out wrinkles and brighten the skin. Pay attention to serums with low molecular weight hyaluronic acid. And by adding skin lightening serums to your care, you will reduce existing pigment spots and prevent the appearance of new ones.

Serum for deep hydration and radiance of the skin Aquasource Deep Serum, Biotherm, enhances the skin's ability to retain moisture and tightens the skin. Active ingredients include cellular water from thermal plankton and mannose, a natural sugar of plant origin.

Donna_K: “This serum is an irreplaceable must-have in my cosmetic bag. It instantly moisturizes even very dry skin, and hydration occurs not only on the top layers. Deep saturation with moisture is felt purely physically - anyone who has encountered the problem of dry skin will understand what we are talking about.”

Serum for an even skin tone Clearly Corrective Dark Spot Solution, Kiehl's, thanks to vitamin C, peony and white birch extracts, makes pigment spots less noticeable, gives the skin radiance, refreshes and evens out the complexion.

Julia: “I have strong pigmentation on my face. I've been using this serum for about 3 months, and it really works!). The spots have actually almost disappeared. I use it morning and evening paired with day cream 30 spf. If you have the same problem, I highly recommend it!!!”

Katerina 1001: “The serum really reduced the pigment spot, it became much lighter. It’s a little sticky after application, but it lays on top well and doesn’t roll down.”


For women whose skin is normal, cleansing can only include washing with warm or cool water (hot - washes away almost all the sebum that 40-year-old women lack; cold - extra stress for the skin). It is better to use micellar water, melt water, mineral water or spring water.

Caring for oily skin after 40 years begins with washing with water and special drying agents: foam or gel. Excessive use of soap, cleansing foams or gels on dry skin leads to even greater dryness. With this type, it is better to use a special milk for facial care.

An alternative to regular washing can be the use of herbal tea - its base: chamomile, green tea, dry rose hips or other ingredients as desired. Every morning, use a cotton pad to apply the decoction, or simply rinse your face with the composition.

Exfoliate regularly

Peeling is a procedure for deeply cleansing the skin. Thanks to peelings and exfoliants, it is possible to restore the skin after exposure to aggressive factors. The acidic and astringent components of such products cleanse the skin tissue of toxins and open the pores.

Regular use of peeling cleanses the facial skin of fat and eliminates various defects. You can purchase ready-made peeling in the store or prepare it at home. It's quite common to recommend using exfoliants for those of us who have small blemishes and fine lines on our skin.

Eye cream

Mandatory for use, because, as mentioned above, at the age of 40, dark circles and swelling under the eyes become frequent, albeit uninvited, guests. “Crow’s Feet” has not been canceled either.

Anti-aging care for the eye contour Redermic C Yeux, La Roche-Posay, due to the high concentration of vitamin C (5%) reduces wrinkles and increases skin elasticity. Bitter orange and thermal water in the product help relieve puffiness and restore moisture balance.

Julia: “I have been using this cream constantly (morning/evening) for more than a year. The cream really works. Increases the elasticity of the eyelid skin, removes fine wrinkles, deep wrinkles become less noticeable, softens the skin, and moisturizes it. During all the time I used this cream, I forgot what swelling under the eyes was, and before I constantly struggled with this problem. The cream is also an excellent base for makeup. Over the year of using this cream, not a single wrinkle has appeared; there are fewer of them. Thanks to the manufacturers for this product.”

Anti-aging cream for the skin around the eyes Collagenist Re-Plump Eye Zoom, Helena Rubinstein, with hyaluronic acid restores collagen synthesis, helping to restore firmness and elasticity to the eyelid skin. Recommended for those who complain of sunken eyes and loss of skin volume in this area. Thanks to its melting texture, the cream spreads well and is quickly absorbed.


The best moisturizer is a day cream selected according to age. A good product should include UV filters. The effectiveness of moisturizing depends on the surrounding microclimate: if the air is too dry, the product will draw liquid from the dermis; if the air around is at optimal humidity, it will saturate the face with life-giving moisture.

Oily skin needs to be moisturized every day; for skin that is too dry, nourishing creams can be used during the day.

For daytime care, it is better to use factory-made products; homemade recipes are used for intensive nutrition at night. From natural remedies, you need to choose recipes that contain natural ultraviolet protectors: pumpkin oil, jojoba oil, walnut or rosehip oil.

Use sunscreen daily

As we have already said, after 40 years our skin undergoes a number of changes. This leads to the fact that the sun begins to harm it even more. Therefore, if you want to maintain your youth, it is very important to always use sunscreen. Choose those with an index of 50 and above.

Try to cover areas of skin exposed to sunlight. Do not forget that sunscreen should be used not only in summer, but also in winter.

Pharmacy skin care products

When caring for facial skin after 40, cosmetologists recommend applying pharmaceutical products twice a week: once in the morning, once in the evening.

The most popular anti-aging pharmaceutical products include:

  • Vitamin A (retinol). This component is found in oils. Apply twice a week before bed. Retinol helps stabilize the sebaceous glands and smooth out wrinkles;
  • Zinc ointment. Helps in the fight against wrinkles and rashes. Most often used to smooth out facial wrinkles. After the procedure, the skin must be moisturized with cream;
  • Curiosin. The product contains hyaluronic acid. This helps maintain skin elasticity and speeds up the cell regeneration process. The gel can be applied either alone or in combination with a moisturizer;
  • Relief. The ointment has a tonic effect and is applied locally to wrinkles;
  • Heparin agent. Helps get rid of puffiness and bags under the eyes. Apply to previously cleansed skin before bed;
  • Retinoic ointment. Contains vitamin A, helps restore facial skin elasticity and a healthy appearance. Can also be used to treat comedones and acne.

Before applying pharmaceutical preparations, the product should be tested on the inside of the wrist. In case of redness and rash, the use of the product is contraindicated.

We listen to the professionals

Conscious facial skin care after 40 requires competent control: that is why it is recommended to periodically visit a cosmetologist. Professional care procedures are significantly superior to home treatments in their effectiveness.

A cosmetologist can resort to laser peeling to deeply cleanse the skin and eliminate annoying small wrinkles; for age spots - offer photorejuvenation, which effectively destroys melanin and has a beneficial effect on the condition of blood vessels.

Salon modeling masks with a lifting effect and modern biorevitalization techniques - deep hydration - are popular.

It will be useful to take a course of vacuum massage, which will tone the facial muscles, activate the lymphatic vessels, improve blood circulation: all this will provide excellent results.

The specialist will also be able to recommend suitable injections to improve the condition of the skin: fillers with hyaluronic acid, mesotherapy, classic Botox. The optimal schedule for consultative visits to a cosmetologist is once every three to four months.

Having become an exemplary patient of a good cosmetologist, you will find that time seems to have turned back! Plus, it's a great way to pamper yourself.

Salon care for ladies of Balzac age

Professional facial care after 40 years includes anti-aging procedures that will help slow down the aging process. You need to keep in mind that you are unlikely to choose a suitable anti-age program for yourself. This will be done by a cosmetologist after an appropriate survey and examination, identifying individual characteristics.

What is he most likely to offer you?

  1. Biorevitalization is the injection of hyaluronic acid under the skin, which will smooth out the most noticeable and deep wrinkles.
  2. Mesotherapy is the introduction under the skin of a whole cocktail of substances beneficial to the skin (vitamins, amino acids, mineral complexes). This procedure is recommended for skin care after 40, if you need to eliminate several age-related changes at once. It corrects the oval of the face, reduces wrinkles, restores a healthy complexion, eliminates dryness and flaking, and reduces the level of pigmentation.
  3. Microcurrent therapy is the effect on the skin of a device that emits microcurrents. Causes muscle contraction, stimulates the production of collagen and elastin. It is prescribed to eliminate swelling and bags under the eyes, restores elasticity to the skin, tightens the oval of the face, normalizes the activity of the sebaceous glands, and reduces inflammatory processes.
  4. Photorejuvenation is the effect of a pulsed lamp on the skin: light rays are able to penetrate into the deepest layers of the dermis. The procedure is very effective for facial care after 40, as it activates metabolic processes, stimulates cell activity, destroys age spots, eliminates spider veins, and facilitates the course of rosacea.
  5. Stone therapy is a facial massage with stones that provide alternating effects on the facial vessels with heat and cold.
  6. Chemical peeling is an obligatory part of a facial care program after 40 years, since the stratum corneum must be removed, clearing the way for new cells.

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  • grape peeling - tightens enlarged pores;
  • almond - ideal for caring for mature, dehydrated facial skin;
  • retinol - has excellent anti-aging properties;
  • TCA peeling - eliminates acne scars.

In addition to all of the above, facial skin care after 40 years in a salon may include various professional masks and exfoliants from famous brands, selected individually.

And, of course, you shouldn’t deny yourself the pleasure of pampering yourself under the experienced hands of a massage therapist - there are a huge number of rejuvenating techniques that will only bring benefits. Between salon treatments, don’t forget to pay attention to your skin at home.

Helpful advice: 40 years is the age when it’s time to think about contouring. This is an excellent alternative to plastic surgery. Just a few beauty injections will significantly delay old age.


Having crossed the 40-year mark, women can use cosmeceuticals that exert their effect at the cellular level, providing, in addition to cosmetic, also a therapeutic effect. Such products penetrate deeply into the skin, renewing, rejuvenating and healing the epidermis.

Skin toning

When caring for aging skin, preference should be given to alcohol-free tonics. It is even better to use decoctions of chamomile, calendula, sage, and green tea for toning.

Here is a recipe for a decoction for daily wiping the skin of the face: for a glass of boiling water, take 1 filter bag of green tea, 3 rose hips and a pinch of chamomile. Leave for 30 minutes, filter, apply morning and evening after cleansing the skin. It is better to apply this tonic in the form of a spray so as not to stretch the skin using cotton pads.

Homemade mask recipes

You can take excellent care of your skin at home. For this purpose, masks are prepared that have a beneficial effect on the epidermis and have a rejuvenating and healing effect.

Recipe No. 1 - Mask based on yolk and potatoes:

  • The mask contains: yolk, 20 g of boiled potatoes, 25 drops of vitamin E, 15 drops of vitamin A.
  • First, the potatoes are boiled and peeled. It is ground to a paste.
  • Beat the raw yolk and mix with vitamins.
  • Next, all the components are combined, the finished mask is applied to a face cleansed of makeup.
  • Keep the mask on for 30 minutes, then wash off with warm water. Can be applied both to the face and eyelids.
  • Perform the mask daily for 10 days, then take a break of three months. Afterwards the course is repeated again.
  • This mask increases skin elasticity, eliminates sagging, and nourishes the epidermis with beneficial substances. The skin becomes smooth and soft, wrinkles disappear.

Recipe No. 2 - Oil mask:

  • It contains: 5 ml of olive oil, 5 ml of almond oil, 5 ml of peach oil and 2 drops of rose essential oil.
  • First, fatty vegetable oils are mixed. They are heated in a water bath (5 minutes is enough).
  • Then 2 drops of rose oil ether are added to this mixture, the components are mixed again.
  • The finished product is applied to a face cleansed of makeup.
  • Keep the mask for one hour, then wash off with warm water.
  • The mask is used twice a week for two months, then a break of one month is needed and the course of skin treatment is repeated.
  • This mask increases skin elasticity and saturates it with beneficial substances. Dryness disappears, metabolic processes at the cellular level are normalized. Wrinkles are gradually smoothed out, the skin becomes soft and healthy.

Recipe No. 3 - Curd and banana mask:

  • It contains: 15 g of cottage cheese, one small banana, 5 ml of strawberry juice.
  • Cottage cheese and banana are mixed in a blender until smooth.
  • Strawberry juice is added to the pulp.
  • The mask is applied to the face for 30 minutes, then washed off with water.
  • The mask is performed 2-3 times a week.
  • This product nourishes and moisturizes the skin, relieves signs of fatigue, and restores metabolic processes at the cellular level.

Recipe No. 4 - Mask based on olive oil and apple:

  • It contains: a tablespoon of olive oil, half a peeled apple.
  • You need to grind the peeled apple on a grater to a paste.
  • The apple pulp is mixed with a tablespoon of olive oil.
  • The finished product is applied to the face for 15 minutes, then rinsed off.
  • Perform the mask twice a week.
  • This mask smoothes wrinkles and nourishes the epidermis with beneficial substances. Dryness and irritation disappear, skin elasticity increases.

Recipe No. 5 - Mask with aloe juice for eyelid skin:

  • It contains: a tablespoon of flaxseed oil, the same amount of aloe juice and cream.
  • The components are thoroughly mixed.
  • The mask is applied to the face for one hour, then washed off with water.
  • You can use this mask 2-3 times a week.
  • This product moisturizes the skin, increases firmness and elasticity, and helps get rid of dryness and irritation. Black spots and wrinkles disappear, and the cellular metabolism of the epidermis improves.

Yeast mask

What you will need:

  • Rye flour;
  • yeast (10 grams);
  • purified water.

Note! The best time to use such a mask is autumn. You need to dilute the yeast in water, add flour, and bring everything to a homogeneous mass. Apply the mask to the face and neck. Wait 15–20 minutes, rinse with warm water.

Honey mask

Honey mask

What you will need:

  • flour;
  • egg white (1 pc.);
  • honey (no more than 2 tbsp.).

Honey contains vitamins B1, B2, B6, E, K, C, as well as carotene and folic acid. It is extremely useful in anti-aging care. It is necessary to mix the egg white and honey, add flour. Apply in a small layer. After waiting 30-40 minutes, rinse with warm water. After the mask, you need to apply a moisturizer.

Note! Before using any mask, it is necessary to study the composition and determine whether there is an allergy to the components. Otherwise, the mask may not help, but cause harm.

From cucumbers

Finely grate a fresh cucumber, sprinkle with lemon juice and apply to the face and neck for 20 minutes. After this, rinse with water. Lubricate your skin with nourishing cream.

Honey and gelatin

To prepare this mask you need to take 1 spoon of honey, 10 g of gelatin and 10 g of glycerin. Gelatin should be diluted in a small amount of water. When it swells, add the remaining ingredients to the resulting mass.

You can apply the mixture to your face using a brush. The skin around the eyes should not be touched. She is very sensitive to irritants. After 15 minutes, the mask should be washed off. If you use this product every other day, the result will be visible within two weeks.

Oatmeal and glycerin

Suitable for sensitive skin. Effectively fights irritation and peeling on the face. A tablespoon of oatmeal is mixed with a teaspoon of liquid honey. 1 tsp. glycerin dissolves in water and is carefully introduced into the oatmeal-honey mixture. The resulting substance is applied to the face using a cosmetic brush and left for 25 minutes.

Anti-aging facial treatments after 40 - 45 years

So, it's done. You have crossed the 40-year-old mark, and the figure that seemed unattainable in your youth now means your...

Rejuvenating white clay mask

The clay mask has an excellent lifting effect: it corrects the oval of the face and smoothes out wrinkles. Mix 2 tablespoons of cosmetic clay with the same amount of olive oil (corn oil will also work well).

Apply the resulting mixture to your neck, face and décolleté and leave it until it dries. Rinse off with clean warm water and then rinse your face with cold water. Be sure to apply moisturizer.

Mask of youth with kelp

Seaweed is an indispensable product for caring for aging skin after 40 years. It is very effective in combating wrinkles and tightening the facial contour.

Add one beaten chicken yolk and 1 tablespoon olive oil to 2 tablespoons of kelp. Keep the composition on your face for 20-25 minutes. Remove any remaining residue with a dry cloth.

Vaseline mask

Ingredients: sea salt and petroleum jelly.

Such products will help get rid of dryness and slow down age-related changes. Apply the mask to the face carefully so as not to injure the skin. Leave for no more than 15 minutes. Rinse with warm water and lubricate your face with a cream that contains fatty acids. After this mask, flaky skin will become smooth and elastic.

Potato mask

Effective rejuvenation, fight against wrinkles, correct complexion, remove pigmentation. Depending on the purpose of use, the mask can be prepared from a finely grated tuber in combination with chestnut, cucumber, sour cream, lemon, olive oil, egg or even oatmeal.

From orange juice

Mix the juice from half an orange with an egg yolk, 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil and ½ teaspoon of honey. Apply to face and neck, keep for 15 minutes. Rinse off the mask with warm water.

General rules of care

Care for combination skin after 40, as well as for dry and oily skin, is based on the principles of systematicity, regularity and complexity:

Daily cleansing procedures using gentle care products - lotions, tonics or foams - provide the skin with a healthy and radiant appearance. Your day should begin and end with these procedures.

  • When choosing a skin care product, it is important to consider its type and characteristics.
  • The use of regular soap is strictly prohibited. It can be replaced with liquid baby soap. Instead of running water, melt or mineral water is suitable for washing.
  • Deep cleansing of the face after the age of 40 is simply necessary. With the help of soft scrubs or special peels, your skin will become clean, smooth and radiant.

Moisturizing skin, especially dry skin, is necessary all year round due to unfavorable ecology, active sunlight and dry air during the heating season. Day and night creams are intended for this purpose.

Moisturizing facial skin after 40 is especially important, because it is during this period that blood circulation, metabolic processes in the skin and the functioning of the sebaceous glands are disrupted. The cosmetics industry offers a ton of moisturizers that differ in composition and are designed to suit skin types.

For example, for dry skin, creams containing essential oils with a complex of vitamins are best suited. For those with oily skin, products containing aloe juice extract and vitamin E are recommended.

For those with problematic and sensitive skin, experts recommend using cosmetics with mild moisturizing ingredients.

With daily use of the cream, your skin will acquire a healthy appearance, elasticity and the necessary protection from the negative effects of external factors. In winter, it is recommended to apply the cream 1.5 hours before going out into the frosty air.

Gymnastics for the face

Gymnastics involves more than just body care. Facebuilding, that is, training the facial muscles, will help to outline the contour of the face and give the skin elasticity. Performing simple exercises daily will help get rid of wrinkles, bags under the eyes, wrinkles under the eyes, drooping eyebrows and a number of other age-related problems.

The influence of nutritional quality on facial skin

In addition to external facial skin care after 40 years, it is necessary to follow a number of other rules, primarily related to nutrition. After all, the condition of the skin largely depends not only on the quality of the external products used, but also on other substances that enter our body along with food. Facial skin is a reflection of the internal state of our body.

Fruits, vegetables, nuts, dairy products should form the basis of the daily diet. Green tea is the healthiest hot drink that should be given preference first. In addition, to restore and maintain the water balance of the skin, you need to drink more fluid, preferably simple purified water, at least two liters per day.

Serums, emulsions, gels, masks that have a nourishing and moisturizing effect will help compensate for nutritional deficiencies. They are applied to the face, neck and décolleté area. These nourishing skin care products can be prepared at home.

But if you have problem skin and a pathology, for example, rosacea, you shouldn’t risk it and it’s better to consult a doctor about using this or that product.

Facial sauna

Proper skin care also includes steaming it for more thorough cleansing. Use hot infusions of jasmine, chamomile or violet for steam treatments. Hold your face over the steam for 20 minutes, covering yourself with a towel. Caring for dry skin does not exclude the use of steam treatments for it.

Oral preparations

Products for oral use are effective. You can take care of your skin using a medicinal product made from honey, olive oil, lemon juice (1 tsp each). The ingredients must be thoroughly mixed, after which you can drink this cocktail.

You need to squeeze the juice out of 3 lemons, and then mix it with chopped garlic (50 g). After a day, the infusion can be consumed: 1 tsp. The product is diluted in water (1 glass). The drink should be drunk before bedtime.

All products should be used in combination for results to appear. They will prolong the youth of your skin for many years.

Facial care after 40 years in summer

In the fifth decade, visible changes begin in the skin of the face: it ages, becomes drier and flabby. These unpleasant processes occur due to deterioration of nutrition, decreased metabolism, and thinning of the fat layer. Muscle elasticity and sebaceous gland activity decrease.

Constant skin care consists of cleansing, nourishing, moisturizing, stimulating the production of beneficial substances, and facial care after 40 years in the summer also includes increased protection from ultraviolet radiation.

Rules for facial care after 40 years:

  • Daily: morning and evening, perform self-massage with olive oil or nourishing cream.
  • Weekly: apply contrasting masks with medicinal herbs - calendula, chamomile, tricolor violet, as well as masks according to skin type.
  • Monthly: do protein or paraffin masks, and, if possible, salon procedures (on the advice of a cosmetologist).

In summer, the skin is exposed to the aggressive effects of heat, dry air, and ultraviolet radiation. To prevent the undesirable consequences of such factors, it is better to wash your face with chamomile infusion rather than water, apply creams in a very thin layer so as not to clog pores and not provoke sweating. It is advisable to use the cream on a water or oxygen base.

Try to spend less time in the sun, and if necessary, shade and protect your face with special creams. Do not wash your face, which is heated by the heat, with cold water, but wipe it with a sponge soaked in sour cream or yogurt, then lubricate it with a moisturizer.

Some tips for tanning. To ensure that your tan goes on evenly and without burning, it is useful to wash your face alternately with carrot juice and tea. Sunbathe only in profile, exposing first one or the other cheek to the sun's rays, lubricated with cream with ultraviolet protection. After tanning, the cream should be washed off immediately.

When swimming in the sea, you should protect your face from salt. To do this, before water procedures, it is enough to lubricate the skin with olive oil, and after drying, with sunscreen. Protect the delicate skin near the eyes with dark glasses and moisturize with mineral water in extreme heat.

There are procedures that are prohibited in the summer. These are cleansing, peeling and whitening. Cleaning opens the pores, into which dust, sweat, and dirt easily enter, causing inflammation, and the remaining procedures remove the epidermis, leaving the skin defenseless against ultraviolet radiation.

If you can’t do without a whitening mask, then you should remember that you can’t sunbathe for the next two days after it.

In summer, operations to remove papillomas, moles, vascular and other neoplasms are also undesirable: under the influence of the sun, pigment marks may form in their place, which will also have to be removed later.

Facial care after 40 years in winter

When it gets cold outside and the days become shorter, the skin of the face unprotected by clothing is the first to suffer. The rooms are warm, but heating also dries out the skin. Dry skin especially suffers, since less sebum is secreted in winter, and this leads to peeling and the formation of a vascular pattern.

Everyday facial care after 40 years of age in winter must take into account these seasonal features.

Even those who limit themselves to moisturizing creams should know that you need to lubricate your face with it no later than an hour before leaving the room. It's even better to apply it only at night or when not going outside, and apply the nourisher during the day. For winter, products made with thermal water are recommended.

For cleansing, cosmetologists advise avoiding abrasive scrubs and using soft gommage, that is, creamy peeling. Gommage does not injure the skin and does not need to be washed off.

Facial care after 40 years involves applying masks, but only nourishing ones: for dry and sensitive skin - 3-4 times, for oily and combination skin - once a week. It is prohibited to wash your face with water and soap, which leads to dryness and tightness of the skin.

Beauty salons also offer professional facial care programs in winter. Masks, cleansing, peelings are performed taking into account the seasonal needs of the skin. SPA treatments and massage help make it easier to endure unfavorable conditions (temperature changes, cold, insufficient humidity).

However, it is during this period that it is best to carry out resurfacing, rejuvenation and some other procedures that are undesirable in the summer, as well as serious cosmetic operations, including changing the shape of the nose, lips, and ears.

Fans of extreme recreation or winter sports should stock up on medications for emergency skin protection: fatty creams and special ointments to protect against severe frost and wind.

The saying goes that a person values ​​two things only when they are no longer there: youth and health. The natural beauty inherent in young people is the best that can be, but, unfortunately, it does not last forever. And the face of a 40-year-old woman requires other products than youthful skin.

With regular and comprehensive facial care after 40 years, you can rejuvenate your skin, and not only feel, but also look younger than your age.

What to do with very dry skin when the cream does not help?

To prevent skin dehydration and slow down the aging process, various salon methods are effectively used:

  • Hot compresses dilate pores and blood vessels, remove dead cells, improve blood circulation, and soften keratinized areas.
  • Salt cleansing, chemical and hardware peeling cleanse the skin of dead cells. But remember that frequent cleansing with such aggressive methods is prohibited for dry skin.
  • Facial massage using various serums will speed up the renewal of the dermis and improve complexion.
  • A collagen mask will help tighten the skin, tone and moisturize it.
  • Mesotherapy and biorevitalization are invasive procedures during which active components are introduced under the skin, saturating the deep layers of the epidermis. For biorevitalization, hyaluronic acid is used; in mesotherapy, the drug is selected depending on individual characteristics.

Many beauty salons also offer comprehensive programs for active nutrition and moisturizing of dry skin. But be careful - all salon procedures have contraindications, which you should definitely read when contacting a cosmetologist.

Review of the best cosmetic products

With age, problems with dryness and flaking of the skin become more and more acute; premature wrinkles and folds in the corners of the eyes and nasolabial triangle are added to the usual symptoms. Taking care of yourself is becoming more and more difficult; your favorite creams no longer have the desired effect.

Manufacturers have responded sensitively to the needs of women with dry skin after 40 years and have released a whole line of care products for mature age. Such cosmetics cost a lot, and not all of them have the properties declared by trading companies.

In order not to waste money, we suggest you familiarize yourself with the best products of famous brands according to customer reviews:

1. Liftactive Dermoresurs (Vichy, France) – cream for dry skin against premature wrinkles around the eyes.

The product has undergone 10 serious studies and has earned 7 quality patents. Its action is fundamentally different from similar cosmetics. Active particles penetrate deep into the skin, care for the face, renewing cells from the inside, and have an amazing lifting effect.

Consumers note that positive changes appear within the first week of use: fine wrinkles disappear forever, deep folds become less noticeable, the skin looks much younger and tighter, and caring for it with a miracle product is a pleasure.

The cream contains rhamnose, which stimulates the functioning of the dermal resource responsible for youthful skin. It is hypoallergenic and suitable for sensitive skin. Requires daily care.

2. Derma Genesis (Loreal, France) – day cream with hyaluronic acid for dry skin.

Manufacturers recommend using cream with serum from the same series. The product cares for aging skin, has a rejuvenating effect on a tired face, and the presence of hyaluronic acid in the composition stimulates the regeneration of new cells.

Vitamins and beneficial microelements intensively nourish and moisturize, and also give a radiant and healthy complexion. The cream is specially designed for caring for very dry skin at home. With regular use, positive changes will not take long to appear.

3. Rapid Wrinkle Repair Serum (Neutrogena, USA) – anti-aging moisturizing cream for facial care.

The product has earned many rave reviews for its effectiveness and quick results. Consumers noted improvements after the first use: wrinkles noticeably decreased, facial contours tightened, and dry skin disappeared.

Most women also said how pleasant it is to take care of themselves with this product: light texture, subtle aroma and amazing moisturizing properties. An unexpected surprise and a huge plus for buyers was its low cost. All of the above provided the cream with crazy sales and leadership in its price range.

4. Healthy Skin (Neutrogena, USA) – multivitamin cream with retinol for the care of problem skin after 40 years.

Another effective means of production by an American company. Designed specifically for dry skin types with various imperfections (blackheads, age spots, etc.). The cream is made using oil-free technology and is instantly absorbed.

Dry skin continues to breathe during the procedure, the pores are cleaned and narrowed. Caring for her is easy and pleasant.

The cosmetic product contains green tea extract and very valuable retinoids. In addition to combating problem areas on the face, it has anti-aging, sun protection, nourishing and moisturizing effects.

Women who have experienced it themselves also note such advantages as evening out skin color and delicate texture. For maximum results, it is enough to take care of your face twice a day - in the morning and in the evening before bed.

Makeup rules

In addition to applying skincare products, you need to learn how to apply makeup correctly. Thanks to decorative cosmetics, you can successfully hide imperfections and also highlight your advantages. You should choose products based on your facial skin type.

To create high-quality makeup, concealers are required. Women over 40 years old should choose cosmetics with a thin foundation. It is applied after using the cream. No need to use concealer pencils or sticks. Foundations must be shaded to eliminate the boundaries of their application.

It is necessary to use cream-powder, since the dry composition only highlights facial imperfections. Experts advise women over 40 years old to choose powder 3 shades lighter than their foundation. Preference should be given to lipstick in red tones. Wrinkles on the upper lip can be disguised with a contour pencil.

A soft contour pencil and mascara will help make your eyes more expressive. Any products should be used in moderation so that the makeup looks neat. Middle-aged women should not use youth cosmetics, as they can ruin their look. In the evening, you need to remove makeup with proven facial care products.

Facial skin with acne and inflammation - what to do

In order not to worsen the condition of the skin by independent actions and not to harm yourself, seek advice from a specialist. You should especially not delay this decision when the listed problems are chronic.

If the cause of the problems is caused by insufficient and improper care, then anti-aging creams, serums and other cosmetics that suit you individually will help restore the beauty of your face. All of them belong to any age group, since their composition corresponds to the condition of the skin and common problems.

That is why it is so important to use those methods that correspond to a certain age period. Don't forget that if you cleanse your skin, you need to do it very delicately. Skin care using scrubs and peels can cause increased sebum production, which can result in unnatural color and dryness.

If you have oily skin, then you should give preference to refreshing and toning products when cleansing it. It is important to nourish and moisturize dry skin. Appropriate skin care will lead to its “recovery”, which will stop the process of formation of acne and pimples.

It happens that rashes appear due to nervous tension. In this case, you should start restoring your mental health.

From the age of 30, women begin to formulate their anti-aging care and, it would seem, by the age of 40 they are approaching the ideal of effectiveness. However, at this age, many people notice an increase in the number of crow's feet, the delineation of forehead wrinkles and nasolabial folds, as well as the appearance of fine wrinkles around the lips. With proper prevention, pigmentation will be insignificant, but the oval of the face can “swim” thoroughly. The skin thickens, begins to “roughen”, and even the most advanced decorative cosmetics cannot hide the changes. This is physiology, but is it possible to resist it? Certainly!

Treatment of wrinkles

Today, the number 1 enemy of women over 40+ is wrinkles; it is believed that they are the ones that reveal their true age. There are hundreds, if not thousands of active ingredients that promise to remove them. However, not all have received clinical confirmation. In fact, very few creams and serums can reduce the signs of aging. Among cosmetic products for the treatment of wrinkles, today we can safely recommend, perhaps, only retinol, synthetic peptides that stimulate the synthesis of elements of the intercellular matrix, and vitamin C. And it is best if all these components are collected in one product.

Features of care: Retinol is a key element that will help solve a variety of problems such as large pores, age spots and wrinkles. It's never too late to start using a retinol serum or cream. Keep in mind that retinol in high concentrations can cause irritation on the skin; In addition, it is unstable in light, so all products containing retinol must be packaged in vacuum-sealed, opaque dispensers to maintain potency. Retinol is much weaker in action than tretinoin, but it is cheaper and has lower irritant potential. If you have sensitive skin, look for products that have retinol encapsulated in liposomes and also contain soothing ingredients such as licorice extract or seaweed.

Look on the label: retinol, acetyl hexapeptide-8, palmitoyl tripeptide-38, palmitoyl dipeptide-5 diaminobutyloyl hydroxythreonine, palmitoyl dipeptide-6 diaminohydroxybutyrate, magnesium ascorbyl phosphate, EGF.

Hydration (humidification)

Dry skin is the most common syndrome after 40 years. Caring for dry skin requires more than just a standard moisturizer, as dermal dehydration increases when there is not enough moisture at the cellular level. Dehydrated skin has a reduced ability to regenerate, and it also becomes susceptible to infections. An inflammatory process is launched, generating free radicals responsible for the destruction of the intercellular matrix.

Features of care: Avoid harsh cleansers (usually clear, viscous gels). Opt for cream cleansers and micellar water.

For moisturizing to be effective, the cream must contain both lipids and components that retain moisture. In the case of particularly dry skin, you should pay attention to oil serums that can replenish the lack of lipids in mature skin. In day creams, SPF 15–30 and antioxidants are required, at least grape seed extract, green tea or pomegranate. At night, it makes sense to pay attention to vasodilators, such as ginseng. These substances gently dilate blood vessels, allowing nutrients from the blood to flow more efficiently into the skin.

Look on the label: hyaluronic acid, sorbitol, sodium PCA, squalene, jojoba oil, rosehip oil, niacinamide, Glycyrrhiza glabra extract, resveratrol, Camellia sinensis leaf extract.


By age 40, the epidermis typically becomes thicker and drier as the cell turnover cycle naturally slows down. Your skin may appear dull and its texture may become uneven. Regular exfoliation will help remove excess dead keratinocytes and restore youthful, radiant skin. By the way, this same procedure will help get rid of unwanted pigmentation.

Features of care: There are a lot of products on the market for home and salon use - from scrubs to acids. It all depends on your preferences and wallet. It is best, of course, to undergo a course of superficial chemical peels in a salon a couple of times a year. But if this is not possible, use enzymatic peels or masks with AHA acids at home. The main thing is not to exfoliate to the point of “chronic irritation”, otherwise, by increasing sensitivity, you will only accelerate aging.

Look on the label: glycolic acid, phytic acid, lactic acid, pyruvic acid, Bacillus ferment, papain, bromelain.

Professional treatment

If at 20 you don’t think about going to a cosmetologist, at 30 you see him once or twice a year, then at 40, cooperation with a cosmetologist turns into a strong friendship. Any flaws you already have will only get worse with age: visible capillaries, a tendency to pigmentation, large pores, dark circles under the eyes, etc. Cosmetics, even the most advanced ones, are designed to work on the surface of the skin, and all the most dramatic age-related changes occur much deeper, in the dermis, which is extremely difficult to “reach.”

But don’t despair, modern aesthetic medicine has something to offer you.

Fractional resurfacing and laser removal of capillaries, ultrasound therapy and a wide selection of injection techniques (from biorevitalization and mesotherapy to fillers and mesothreads) solve almost all problems: they restore “lost volumes”, in other words, they replenish the thinned fat layer, erase all types of wrinkles, including on the neck and décolleté, restore skin elasticity by stimulating the synthesis of the main supporting proteins of the skin and components of the intercellular matrix responsible for the youthful appearance of the skin. The choice is yours.

Maintaining youth is a routine and hard job, the success of which lies in well-chosen cosmetics and aesthetic procedures. This choice should be approached with all seriousness. Identify the main problems for yourself, make several appointments with different specialists, do a little research on the remedies recommended to you. You no longer have time for mistakes.

Tatiana Morrison

Photo istockphoto.com

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