Turkey soup with spaghetti. Recipe: Turkey Noodle Soup - Rich and Tasty Noodles Turkey Thigh Soup with Vermicelli Recipe

How I love such quick and delicious soups. For me, the taste comes from childhood, my mother often prepared it for us. And in general, before we cooked everything ourselves, there were no non-store-bought dumplings, cutlets, semi-finished products, everything was homemade, natural. Since lately I have been making dishes exclusively from turkey, I bring to your attention hearty recipe for turkey soup with homemade noodles in a hurry.

To prepare you will need:

  • Turkey on the bone -300 gr.
  • Potatoes - 3 pcs.
  • Carrots - 1 pc.
  • Onion - 1 pc.
  • Salt, pepper and spices to taste.
  • Vegetable oil for frying - 2 tablespoons.

For the test:

  • Flour -2 cups.
  • Egg - 1 cup.
  • Boiling water -100 ml.
  • A pinch of salt.

First of all, boil the turkey on the bones, washed under running water. It is important to fill the meat exclusively with cold water and periodically remove the resulting foam. In order for the broth to acquire a beautiful golden color, you can let the whole onion cook, right in the husk, and simply throw it away after cooking. While the turkey is cooking, let's prepare the dough. I like it when the dough is prepared with the addition of boiling water, then it is like custard. Pour the flour into a deep bowl, add salt, pour in boiling water and stir with quick movements.
As soon as the dough has cooled a little, break in a chicken egg and a little more flour. Knead until the dough is elastic enough. Place it in a plastic bag for 10 minutes and let it rest.

Peel the potatoes, cut them into small cubes, and place them in boiling broth.

Preparing the roast. To do this, chop the peeled carrots on a coarse grater, finely chop the onion,
Fry everything in vegetable oil until golden brown, stirring occasionally.
We send the overcooked meat to the boiling soup. Salt and pepper to taste.

Cooking homemade noodles. To do this, roll out the dough into a thin flat cake so that the dough does not stick to the rolling pin and the surface needs to be dusted with flour.
Roll the dough into a roll,
cut into strips.
We send the noodles to cook in the soup. Another 6-7 minutes of cooking and turkey soup with homemade noodles is ready in a hurry. If desired, you can add fresh herbs to each plate - it not only looks beautiful, but is also very tasty.

Enjoy the taste, bon appetit.

I offer you a delicious turkey soup with noodles for lunch - the recipe is very easy to prepare. For a rich broth, I used a soup set with pieces of meat, because it is from the bones that it turns out very tasty. The first dish will be very light and dietary, it can be given to children.

Tender white turkey meat is rich in protein and is suitable for dietary nutrition. This means that dishes prepared from the meat of this bird can be eaten by children, pregnant and lactating women, as well as people watching their weight and health. Often, after cutting a carcass, bones remain, which are also called soup bones - so they can be used in preparing first courses. Add some meat pieces and you get a very tasty and aromatic turkey broth. Complete the dish with thin spaghetti and a light homemade soup is ready! The recipe for this dish is simple, but, as you know, sometimes something surprising lies in simplicity. Turkey noodle soup fits this thesis. Try preparing this first dish for your family and see what we say.

How to make turkey soup

  • Turkey bones and meat – 500 g.
  • Onions – 1 pc.
  • Carrots – 1 pc.
  • Potatoes – 5 pcs.
  • Spaghetti or other pasta - 100 g.
  • Salt – 1.5 tsp.
  • Bay leaf – 1 pc.
  • Ground black pepper - a pinch

Cooking broth

Thaw turkey bones and meat if necessary. Rinse under running water, dry with a paper towel and place in a saucepan. Pour cold water over the meat and cook on the fire. During the cooking process, skim off the foam and add water if its volume decreases significantly.

Add vegetables

After 30-40 minutes, add salt. Place washed and peeled carrots, cut into small cubes, into the boiling broth. You can also grate the vegetable on a medium grater if you don’t like carrots in pieces.

Wash the potatoes thoroughly and remove the skins. Cut into cubes and rinse with cold water several times to remove excess starch. As soon as the carrot broth boils, add the chopped potatoes.

Cooking vermicelli

Remove 100 g of spaghetti from the packet. Classic spaghetti, flat linguinetti, as well as spaghettini, which are thinner and cook in just 3 minutes, are suitable for the soup. You can use small vermicelli or noodles - it all depends on your culinary preferences. Divide the spaghetti into 2-3 parts. Add pasta when potatoes are ready.

When all the ingredients are ready, add bay leaf, ground black pepper and salt if it is not salty enough.

Remove the soup from the heat, remove the bay leaf and let sit for a few minutes before serving. Pour the delicious hot soup into bowls and, if desired, add chopped onion, dill, parsley or cilantro.

So, this is the turkey soup with noodles we have - you will definitely like the recipe!

Turkey fillet soup with noodles is not a greasy soup, almost dietary, it can be prepared quickly, without much hassle. White turkey meat is very tender, healthy and low in calories, which is why the soup turns out so light, suitable even for baby food (if you don’t add hot spices).

To prepare the dish you need: 500-700 grams of white turkey fillet, 3-4 potatoes, 1 cup spider web noodles (made from durum wheat), 1 small onion, 1 carrot, vegetable (melted butter) oil for frying, salt to taste, optional - 1 sweet bell pepper, 1 bay leaf, green onions, dill (parsley, cilantro), ground black (white) pepper.

Since white turkey meat cooks very quickly, we’ll start by preparing the roast, otherwise there won’t be enough time for it later. Cut the onion into half rings or cubes and fry in vegetable or melted butter until transparent. After this, add carrots cut into strips (or grated on a coarse grater) and thinly sliced ​​sweet bell pepper to the pan.

We wash the meat and cut it into cubes.

Place the meat in a pan, add 2 - 2.5 liters of water, add a little salt, bring to a boil, remembering to skim off the foam, then immediately add the potatoes into the pan. When the potatoes are almost ready, add the spider web vermicelli to the pan,

stir, let the soup boil, and immediately add the frying.

Cook the vermicelli until cooked, remembering to add salt and pepper to taste, then remove the pan from the heat. That's it, the soup is ready.

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