The secret husbands of famous socialites were declassified before the public. Polina Kitsenko: “In friendship, the ability to share your success is important” Children of Polina Kitsenko

It is known that before gaining great popularity and fame, Polina Kitsenko was actively involved in the fashion business. The essence of this enterprise was reduced to the sale of clothes, which were supplied from fairly well-known world brands. Polina managed to establish a channel through which such products were imported into Russia. As a result, in 1994 the first fashion salon was created, which received the promising name "Podium".

Kitsenko made very large investments in this project so that the business began to generate huge profits. In the mid-nineties of the last century, the Kitsenko business began to gain momentum in order to turn into a real fashion empire in the near future.

At the moment, Polina owns a huge business engaged in the field of fashion and style and called "Podium Fashion Group". Back in 1994, a grand opening of a fashion boutique took place, which is located in the capital of Russia. Since then, the marketing policy of the owner of a stylish business has been to provide the masses of people with quite fashionable clothes, but at an affordable price. Everything that was previously available only to the privileged segments of the population has now become widespread for the average citizen of Russia. Thus, we can say that the fashion business has become widespread among the masses.

Activities and years of activity

Polina Kitsenko works as a top manager in the fashion industry. It was after her business underwent serious formatting that the woman became widely known. The meaning of the reformatting was that Polina's company decided on the fly to grasp all sorts of trends that take place in the modern world of fashion and style. In addition, a lot of work has been done in order to make all kinds of new products available to the average consumer.

It is known that Kitsenko leads an exclusively stellar lifestyle and very often meets with celebrities such as Ksenia Sobchak and Ulyana Sergeeva. Moreover, accompanied by her famous friends, she visited Lake Baikal. This event was joyfully received by fans of star friends. True, this kind of journey, among other things, contributed to the emergence of a mass of gossip, without which stellar life is not complete.

Kitsenko often takes part in various social events and events. Often at these events you can meet her close friends. In an interview, Polina stated that she was very proud of her relationship with Ksenia Sobchak, who, according to her, is a role model. Sobchak, on the other hand, often speaks of Kitsenko as a person with a strong will and character.
Relationships and family

It is known that Polina Kitsenko is happy in her personal life and has long been married to Eduard Kitsenko, who is also a very successful person. Edward owns an entire business empire, which he created with his own hands. The family has a desired child named Yegor. Polina cannot boast of a large number of interviews, but it is still known that she pays great attention to her husband and child. For a happy woman, this marriage gives great pleasure in order to give the energy necessary for a fulfilling life. It is also known that a woman has been involved in sports for a long time and is trying to promote sports culture to the masses.

The husbands of famous socialites, who until now preferred to remain in the shadow of their famous wives, finally appeared before the public in all their glory. The journalists managed to declassify the names and some details of the personal lives of such influential spouses, such as, for example, the husband of Miroslava Duma, the companion of Polina Kitsenko and other oligarchs and officials who are able to provide their loved ones with a chic luxury life. In total, there are 40 names on the list of husbands that everyone heard about, but were afraid to ask. The rating was compiled by Tatler magazine and published in the September issue. StarHit selected and summarized the most interesting information from this material.

So, for example, socialite and part-time photographer with vocal experience in the field of pop music, Ilona Stole, is more often used to seeing in the company of friends - German Larkin and Petr Aksenov. Many uninitiated in the ups and downs of the personal life of a chic blonde had an erroneous opinion that she was not married. However, in fact, Ilona's hobbies are sponsored by a completely official, but very modest spouse - Vitaly Yuzhin, a State Duma deputy from United Russia. From time to time he accompanies Stolie at various events, but in general he prefers to devote his free time to such typically male hobbies as football, hunting and fishing.

The gorgeous brunette Snezhana Georgieva also prefers to hide her husband. The co-owner of one of the most popular closed clubs in Moscow, as it turned out, is accused of hiding her life partner from prying eyes. The journalists managed to find out that Snezhana was not worried in vain: businessman Artem Zuev is so good-looking that his secular wife simply does not want to tempt her unmarried girlfriends.

// Photo: Alexey Antonov (ITAR-TASS / Rodionov Publishing House LLC)

Yana Rudkovskaya's best friend Natalya Yakimchik is not alone either, who in the world appears more often in the company of a star producer than her husband, the former head of the Moscow Heritage Committee and former vice-president of the Moscow Chamber of Commerce and Industry Valery Shevchuk. But outside the camera flashes, Yakimchmk and Rudkovskaya are family friends and visit each other.

But designer Alena Akhmadullina hides her heartfelt friend like a professional secret agent. According to Tatler, Alena is now spending time with the chairman of the board of directors of Stankoprom, Sergey Makarov. The couple is already building a common country house together.

Finally, another super-secret husband is the life partner of the journalist and fashionista Miroslava Duma. The name of the man from whom the fragile beauty gave birth to a son and daughter is known to everyone, but the joint photos of the couple are actually limited to the period when both spouses studied at MGIMO and their romance was just beginning. Now Alexei Mikheev works as an official and avoids publicity, while Miroslava, on the contrary, has gained wide popularity around the world and has earned the status of a style icon.

Not many are familiar with the husband of a bright activist of the capital's light, Ksenia Sobchak's best friend Polina Kitsenko. Her sporting successes and achievements in business are visible to everyone, and almost nothing is known about her husband and father of children, Eduard Kitsenko. As it turned out, the main secret of this family is common interests. Eduard, like Polina, goes in for sports with inspiration and introduces heirs to a healthy lifestyle.

If you still can’t force yourself to go for a run, start pumping abs, eat right and enjoy life every day, then our selection is for you. We have chosen celebrities who lead a healthy lifestyle and inspire others!

Sati Kazanova, 34 years old


Singer Sati Casanova's path to a healthy and conscious lifestyle began more than 10 years ago. Then, for the sake of interest, she decided to do yoga. A few months later, interest grew into something more: the girl unexpectedly stopped eating meat, began to read spiritual literature, and later received a certificate as a teacher of the practice of Simply Meditation (“Simple Meditation”). It's just that it's quite difficult to sign up for a lesson with a celebrity. Due to the busy tour schedule, Sati does not have the opportunity to work with everyone. But she regularly maintains social networks: on Facebook she shares interesting articles, and on Instagram she writes her thoughts and discoveries.

Lifestyle of Sati Kazanova

Nutrition. The singer starts the morning with one or two glasses of water, and after 2-3 hours she has breakfast with porridge with dried fruits, nuts or herbs. Her favorite dish is green buckwheat with quinoa.

Sati also adheres to nutrition according to the Ayurvedic system, having determined her type of dosha.

“I pepper everything that comes my way! Witnesses of this action are always in shock, they say, how can you pepper porridge, jam, honey and other dishes? And I'll tell you: IT IS POSSIBLE! It is very tasty and spicy. And in general, according to Ayurveda, a person is fully saturated with food when all kinds of tastes are present in it: sweet, salty, sour, bitter, spicy, astringent. And it is important to keep a balance between tastes, as they give a certain state and mood to a person. For example, now I eat millet porridge, slightly salted, transverse, with slightly sour dried apricots and sweet dates. And the bitter taste is provided by coffee with cardamom, brewed in a Turk.

Yoga.“For ten years now, yoga has been a very important part of my life. Naturally, I heard about yogis before, but it’s one thing - some magical stories about people sleeping on nails and walking on broken glass, told on TV, and quite another when you yourself decide to try what yoga is. And then you fall in love with her forever.

Sati is engaged in atma kriya yoga, and more recently, aerial yoga (or yoga in the air).

Victoria Bonya, 36 years old


“I have long wanted to try the raw food diet. And so, today is already the fifth day ... It sounds like a little, but it didn’t happen in one day ... (By the way, there was more fear than difficulties.) At first I completely excluded red meat, ate fish and chicken, and after two weeks I switched already on vegetarianism, and only then a raw food diet. From the first thought about the raw food diet until today, it took about a year! My diet will be at least three to four months ... By the way, many people think that raw food is very monotonous and boring, but this is not true!

After finishing the diet, Victoria admitted that she began to feel much better: her back pain disappeared, she began to sleep less and manage to do more things, and her skin also improved.

Sport. Victoria is sure that you need to fight laziness, work on yourself and force yourself to play sports.

“Do you think I really want to run in the morning? But no! How do I deal with laziness? Only a kick in the ass helps!”

Victoria is also sure that a headstand, or rather, shirshasana, helps her to maintain beauty and youth.

“Shirshasana is one of the central postures of hatha yoga. In ancient yogic texts, shirshasana is called "the king of all asanas." This is the best of the inverted poses, it completely enlivens both the mind and the body. Sirshasana is one of the most strengthening asanas of all asanas and varies in difficulty (for example, headstand with support is the easiest level, headstand with support on the forearms is the average level of difficulty, etc.). Sirshasana awakens the dormant abilities (potencies) of the mind and body. Inverted asanas are considered the most stimulating for mental activity, as they physiologically change the circulation of fluids in the body. Sirshasana increases the flow of nutrients to the head. The mind of a person begins to flourish, memory, vision, speed of understanding improve. The rush of blood to the brain cells renews them, improves their work, honing the mind and clarifying thoughts. With the daily practice of shirshasana, a general rejuvenation of the body occurs. Improves blood supply to the vessels of the face and head; as a result, the skin and hair receive additional nourishment. To perform this asana, one must have a high degree of physical fitness, the ability to concentrate and control one's body. At the initial stage of development, acrobatics are very helpful. ”

Gisele Bündchen, 36


Brazilian supermodel Gisele Bündchen stopped going to secular parties a few years ago, and in 2015 she completely left the catwalk. However, interest in her person did not decrease. On the contrary, the celebrity has even more fans. All lovers of yoga and enlightenment began to subscribe to her page in the microblog.

The fact is that Giselle practices hatha yoga and meditation, and also travels to India and communicates with spiritual teachers. As a result, her Instagram is like a book of wise thoughts about life with beautiful photos of nature, animals, food and asanas.

Lifestyle of Gisele Bündchen

Nutrition. The model has long excluded meat, flour and sweets from her diet. She eats 5-6 small meals a day, drinks plenty of water and smoothies.

“Food is good, but when you eat unhealthy foods, you are just fooling yourself.”

Vera Brezhneva, 34 years old


Singer Vera Brezhneva often repeats that her beautiful external data is not only a gift from nature, but also a lot of work on herself. And more internal. She is sure that only a positive attitude towards life and love for all people helps to look fresh and young.

But no one canceled proper nutrition and exercise! On her Instagram page, Vera talks about how to overcome hunger, what to eat to lose weight, how to build abs and buttocks, and much, much more.

Lifestyle of Vera Brezhneva

Nutrition. The singer eats several times a day in small portions.

“You can’t allow a strong feeling of hunger. Always have a snack on hand. It is by feeling hungry often that the body begins the process of accumulating fat in case of the next hunger strike.

She also does not eat sweets and bread (or only in the morning) and does not drink with meals.

“The liquid dilutes the concentration of gastric juice, which then interferes with the proper absorption of food. Plus, the presence of liquid stretches the stomach exactly to the volume that you drink liquid. You need to drink before meals, 15-20 minutes or 20-30 after! This applies to water, juices, fresh juices, and tea.”

And of course, no food at night!

“You can’t eat at night. There are people who say that I eat and nothing! First, this is an exception. If you have that, great. For most, this is harmful and fraught. Ask any doctor, the stomach should rest at night, not digest food. Therefore, you need to eat a few hours before bedtime so that he has time to digest the food. The heaviest food is digested from 4 to 6 hours. So let's look at ourselves. I mostly eat light meals, so I finish dinner 4 hours before bed. At night, the body rests, and in the morning it pleases a flat tummy. They say that I can not eat at night - this is a habit. Any habit ceases to be one after 21 days. Try not to eat at night for 21 days - you won’t feel like it on the 22nd. ”

“The most important thing is self-love. We do not force our body with nasty things. We love ourselves, we feed tasty and healthy, we don’t overfeed, we don’t kill. We must control our desires, not they control us!”

Sport.“Mom Vera works hard and is very busy. But if she has an hour of time, she goes to play sports.”

“A few of the most important rules for keeping fit are: a) exercise regularly! Only regularity gives the right result; b) practice even when there is no time (option - a three-minute plank); c) to study at a time when it is convenient, when it is, not to put it off for later; d) engage in the sport that brings maximum pleasure. We need to find him. Exercise should not cause antagonism. Let it be fitness, gym, yoga, dancing, swimming, Pilates, cycling, whatever you like. Any sport is movement, and movement is life.”

The singer most often trains at home or on tour at the hotel. And she records her favorite sets of exercises on video and uploads them to the microblog.

“We filmed for you another set of “Rezinochka”. It can be bought at any sports store, inexpensively. Tie to the leg of a sofa / table / battery, etc. Each exercise 10-12 times. For each leg. If steps to the side, then 10-12 steps in each direction. I do this: one exercise on both legs, the second on both, the third on both sides. This is one approach. 1 minute break and next set, 3 sets in total. Takes 15 minutes."

Gwyneth Paltrow, 44

Once actress Gwyneth Paltrow said that she never worries about her age: “Why should I worry if every year I become wiser, and my body is in no way inferior to the figure of a 22-year-old striptease dancer.”

Gwyneth's ideal body is the result of an active lifestyle and proper nutrition. By the way, she received knowledge about all this from the best trainers and nutritionists in Hollywood. So you can trust her!

Gwyneth Paltrow lifestyle

Nutrition. Aktria eats meat, bread, and chocolate. But in moderation.

“If I constantly limited myself in products, I would go crazy. If I really want to eat a hamburger, I will. But then I’ll definitely go to the gym.”

However, once a month, Gwyneth arranges a detox for her body. These days she eats light soups, drinks smoothies and water.

Sport. The celebrity goes in for sports several times a week with the famous Hollywood fitness trainer Tracy Anderson (by the way, her video can be found on the net). The Tracy method involves alternating aerobic and strength training in one session. She pays special attention to the study of the press and gluteal muscles,

In addition to fitness, Gwyneth skis and snowboards, runs, swims and loves tennis.


Cindy Crawford, 50


90s supermodel Cindy Crawford doesn't seem to change since the beginning of her career. At 50, the figure of a celebrity is still as perfect as at 20. For this, she can thank sports training, which she does not miss to this day.

It remains for us to follow the life of Cindy in the microblog, be inspired by her photos and carefully read interviews with recommendations on proper nutrition and sports.

Cindy Crawford lifestyle

Nutrition. The model adheres to the Mediterranean diet, which includes fresh vegetables and fruits, low-fat dairy products, fish. Between breakfast, lunch and dinner, she snacks on nuts and dried fruits and tries to never feel hungry.

“I snack between breakfast and lunch and have an afternoon snack at 4 pm, so I never pounce on food like a hungry wolf. I am sure that if you are starving, then your body will try to save all the bad fats from the food you eat and store them in reserve.

Sport. In the days when there were no social networks, Crawford released fitness workouts: in 1992 - "Cindy Crawford: The Secret of the Perfect Body", in 1993 - "Cindy Crawford: How to Achieve Perfection", and in 2000 - "Cindy Crawford : A New Dimension".

Surprisingly, these fitness programs are still popular today. And no wonder. Each of them presents the optimal set of physical exercises for all muscle groups.

“As a rule, I try to do workouts 2 times a week - 30 minutes of walking on a treadmill with an incline, and then with the help of dumbbells I work out individual muscle groups: legs, buttocks, abs, chest, biceps and shoulders. The most important thing is regularity.

Polina's microblog is a collection of tips for everyone who, like her, leads a healthy lifestyle or is going to do so.

Polina Kitsenko's lifestyle

Nutrition. Every morning, Polina starts with a glass of warm water with lemon, only then - breakfast. Most often it consists of smoothies, cereals, green tea.

"My breakfast: 1. Smoothie (banana, a cup of water, a cup of frozen strawberries, a stalk of celery, a branch of parsley, a spoonful of linseeds (live omega-3-6). 2. A little buckwheat with a spoonful of manuka honey (I try to eat it in a teaspoon in winter spoon in the morning, it has an antibacterial and antiviral effect) 3. Green tea with fresh mint and lemon.

At the same time, Kitsenko does not go on diets and does not advise anyone. Instead, she suggests sticking to a balanced diet.

“People often ask me what I eat for lunch. Here's an example of the perfect lunch. Buckwheat noodles with shrimp and vegetables. First, I am categorically against diets. Protein diets are a terrible evil. Dukan is being sued in France. Skewed protein in the body is poisoning, it is like a poison and leads to chronic intoxication. Goodbye, healthy kidneys and liver. All batteries should be in moderation! I'm for balance! Long rough carbohydrates are simply necessary for the unwinding of lipid metabolism and in order to feel good hormonally and comprehensively. In simple terms, you, for example, have been eating little for a long time, have already lost weight, but not enough, but your weight has risen to the spot - and not a step. You are tired of sadly chewing a dull breast with a lonely lettuce leaf, and steam fish makes you feel sorry for her and sad for yourself. The weight stopped like an uncoupled wagon. What to do?! I'm sure there are many of you. You drove your body into the zone when, out of fright, it turned on the reserve survival mode and will no longer give you a drop of fat - you'll see. To lose weight faster, you should immediately start eating long carbohydrates (only raw: brown rice, gray pasta, buckwheat, quinoa) for lunch. You will immediately lose weight and remember me with a kind word!

And one more useful tip from Polina: “If you want a flat stomach with cubes, it is important to remember that the rule works here, as I call it, 80/20. 80% of the effort to achieve beautiful abs comes from proper nutrition, and only 20% from exercise. In a word, even if you stand at least 10 minutes in the plank every day and do 500 repetitions per press, it will not manifest itself from this. It will appear only on the condition that you do not radically change your eating habits.

Sport.“In order to go in for sports, you only need a desire ... All you need is a street (blush and the effect of a humpbacked horse after), a three-layer set of clothes, a bench (chair). No excuses about the absence of a coach or a subscription to an expensive club are no longer accepted.

Date of birth: 11 November.
Creative Director of Podium Market Fashion Group.
Education: International University in Moscow, Faculty of Law.
Married, has a son

The secret of our heroine's success is in her perfectionism: as a strict leader, she makes the main demands on herself first of all!

Polina arranges interviews and shoots in one of her favorite brainchildren - the Podium Concept Store. “Usually I’m at work until late, in order for our meeting to take place, I had to get up three hours earlier,” admits Kitsenko.

She has a clear schedule, it seems that these are the people who are called natural leaders: they understand what they want and how to achieve it. “I don’t know why, but I always knew that I would do fashion, even when I was studying to be a lawyer. I just knew everything. Although, on the other hand, this work itself found me, because a whole million circumstances have developed properly.

The turning point personally and professionally for Polina was the wedding. Her future husband Eduard was the owner of the only Podium multi-brand store in the capital at that time. Over time, Polina also entered the business, and together they managed to create a whole network. “When we started, there was practically nothing here. I think the hardest part was always staying relevant. No matter how much they laugh at the fact that our women put on all the best at once, in fact, they always want to be at the forefront. If something has appeared in Europe, then in Moscow it is needed tomorrow!”

Despite the fact that Polina works together with her husband, they rarely have disagreements. “Oddly enough, we hardly see each other in the office. We have a clear division of responsibilities, although of course there are certain decisions that I cannot make without him. And at home we try not to talk about work at all. ”

Polina will soon become a mother for the second time, but this is not a reason for her to slow down the rhythm. According to Kitsenko, she does not know what a decree is, and when her employees take it, she is always very surprised - after all, our heroine herself cannot afford it. “Most of all, I love my job for the same thing that makes me the most tired of it: you can never relax and lose your grip.”

Kitsenko does not leave the race even during rest: she devotes at least two hours a day to sports and went cross-country skiing until the ninth month of pregnancy! “I am a perfectionist, I want to do everything for five plus. All my life I've been trying to learn how to let go somewhere, but I haven't learned yet. I am a demanding person. And I make the highest demands on myself!”


Polina Kitsenko is a Russian businesswoman who owns a chain of fashion boutiques and a popular healthy lifestyle activist. The woman started her business at the beginning of 1994 and today she occupies a place among the key figures in the Russian fashion business.

Childhood and youth

Polina skillfully hides her age, so the exact date of birth cannot be found on the Web. According to some reports, Kitsenko was born on April 14, 1975, but Polina did not give official confirmation of this information.

Businesswoman and socialite Polina Kitsenko

The family lived happily - the girl's father worked in the prosecutor's office. Polina is from Alexandrov, a city in the Vladimir region, but when the girl was 11 years old, her parents moved to Moscow. In the capital, Polina graduated from high school and, on the advice of her father, studied to become a lawyer, although as a child she wanted to become a geologist.

The girl studied well and came to graduation with a red diploma. During her student years, she entered a student exchange program and got a chance to study in the United States. America impressed Polina - the country was strikingly different from Russia during perestroika.

The future business lady was especially impressed by the local fashion - at home, the only way to dress brightly and unconventionally was to sew on your own. With her from the States, the girl brought branded jeans and sneakers that were rare for Russia then.

After returning to Russia, Polina worked for 2.5 years in the departments of payment cards in commercial banks. Fitness became the girl's hobby during her studies, and thanks to the sport, Fields met her future husband, Eduard Kitsenko. The couple met in the hall of a sports club, which both attended.


Edward turned out to be a businessman, even then the man owned the Podium company. Inspired by the example of her husband, in 1994 Polina opened the first clothing store in her biography, which she named similarly - "Podium". At first, the business required a lot of effort and gave almost no return.

Polina Kitsenko with Karl Lagerfeld

The girl literally had to do everything from scratch - follow fashion trends, look for ways to import things into the country. Often it turned out that she had to go for the goods on her own.

However, the work brought results, the business gradually went uphill. This gave Kitsenko the opportunity to expand and make the boutique a chain store. The next step was the opening of Podium Market - a store designed for a wide range of customers, not celebrities. This was the main goal of Polina's work in the fashion industry - to make fashionable clothes accessible to the common man.

In an interview, Kitsenko admitted that she is a tough and demanding boss, but not a tyrant. She demands a lot from subordinates, but at the same time she is tolerant and able to give a person a second chance, especially if he admits a mistake. But the businesswoman does not tolerate excuses.

Personal life

Polina has been a happy wife and mother for many years. The woman does not stop saying that Edward has always been a reliable support for her in everything - from everyday life to business.

Two children grow up in the family - the eldest son Yegor and the youngest daughter Antonina. That part of her personal life that concerns home, Polina does not advertise.

Kitsenko is a famous socialite. Among the friends of the businesswoman Ksenia Sobchak, and Ulyana Sergeeva. Polina participates in charity, attends related events. A husband rarely accompanies a woman on such outings - Edward is not attracted to public life.

According to the businesswoman, home is the most important thing in life, a place where you always want to return. Moreover, the style and design of the house was thought out not by Polina herself, but by her husband. Eduard is not a professional designer, but, according to his wife, he has good taste. This is also confirmed by the fact that the initiator of Polina's famous hairstyle was her husband, who advised the woman to make her haircut a little shorter.

An important part of Polina's life is health and everything connected with it. Kitsenko is the owner of a model height of 181 cm, and the weight of a woman does not exceed 60 kg. After the birth of two children, proper nutrition and constant physical activity help maintain this shape.

Polina Kitsenko now

Healthy lifestyle for Polina is the basis of the worldview. The woman continues to run a fashion business, but outside of this sphere, her life is connected with sports and healthy eating. Kitsenko blogs at "Instagram", she has more than 500 thousand subscribers, most of the photos are somehow related to physical development.

Polina's main passion is running. The woman participates in marathons in different cities and countries, and in 2015, together with Natalia Vodianova, she organized her own. Polina organizes the Running Hearts charity run every year. The funds raised go to the Naked Heart Foundation, which helps children with special needs. Now the marathon has merged with a similar event of Sberbank and is taking place in 54 cities.

Polina Kitsenko opened a sports club in 2018

In 2018, Kitsenko launched new projects - her own sports studio and a tourist fitness program, in which you can visit different countries in parallel with training. Polina herself calls such tourism with humor sports local history.

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