Tatyana Denisova: was there plastic surgery? Choreographer Tatyana Denisova: biography, personal life and photos Tatyana Denisova biography personal life

Dance is a state of our soul. When the soul rejoices, we dance, when it cries, we dance too. We do not learn this, the movements are prompted by the soul. Modern dances did not appear in the world right away. They were perceived as something shocking. Many decades passed before dancing won its place in the sun.

Today there are a huge number of different dance styles in the world. Tatyana Denisova is interested in two of them. At 36 years old, Tatyana Denisova, before and after plastic surgery, is well known in the world of dance. She is a dancer, a famous choreographer, the founder and director of a dance theater.


  1. It is difficult to suspect strength and steel of character in this beautiful, petite woman. She seems fragile and tender, and few can see behind this deceptive image the perseverance and enormous will to win.
  2. During her short career, Tatyana has achieved enormous success. Having created her own dance group while still a student, she conquered Ukraine. She danced herself and was a choreographer.
  3. Her choreography is not suitable for everyone, only strong dancers. Each time she brings something new into the production that distinguishes her dances from others. She is strict and demanding of dancers, but outside of work she is friends with many of them.

Childhood and youth of Tatyana Denisova

  1. Tatyana Denisova was born in the Kaliningrad region. Soon the family moved to the Black Sea. The girl's father served in the navy, and her mother worked as a kindergarten teacher.
  2. From the age of five, Tatyana went in for sports. In elementary school, her parents noticed that the girl liked dancing more. When she heard the music, she immediately began to dance.
  3. Tatyana was transferred to a dance studio, where the girl really liked it, so in addition to the required classes, she danced at home. I tried to repeat the movements by watching videos of famous foreign performers.

Successes of Tatyana Denisova

  • Tatyana Denisova's talent was revealed more and more. After graduating from school, the girl easily entered the Leningrad Choreographic School named after A. Vaganova;
  • shortly before graduating from college, Tatyana had to leave her studies and return to her parents;
  • She completed her studies in Kyiv, at the National University of Culture and Arts. Here she found talented students and organized a dance group. At that time she was 22 years old;
  • For three years the team worked in Kyiv and toured throughout Ukraine. Soon they learned about Tatyana Denisova outside the country. She was invited to work. Tatyana agreed and in 2004 moved to Germany. She founded the JB ballet dance theater;
  • in 2009, Tatyana Denisova returned to Ukraine and since then has lived and worked for two countries. The reason for the return is an invitation to serve on the jury of a dance project on Ukrainian television. Tatiana remained on the jury for 8 seasons until the show closed;
  • in 2016, Tatyana Denisova was invited to Russia. She becomes a member of the jury of the show "Dancing". The following year, in the same TNT channel project, viewers meet the choreographer as a mentor.

Personal life

  1. For the last few years, Tatyana Denisova has kept information about her personal life secret. It is known that Tatyana married Ilya Strakhov for the first time. The young man was a circus performer, an aerial acrobat, one of the famous Strakhov twin brothers. In 2009, the couple had a son, Lev, but 2 years later, the marriage of Tatyana and Ilya broke up.
  2. In 2011, Tatyana falls in love with the young singer Alexander Krivoshapko. Already in May, the loving couple got married. Their short life together was full of scandals and public reconciliations. After a year and a half, the couple decided to separate. Tatyana Denisova is a beautiful, educated woman. She has many fans, but most often Tatyana can be seen with her son.


If you look at Tatyana Denisova’s Instagram, you can see a lot of photos. However, in the spring of 2017 there was a lull on Tatyana’s page. The girl has not published new photo reports for more than a month.

And in May, Tatyana’s subscribers, seeing a new photo, noticed changes in the girl’s appearance. The nose of the famous dancer has changed. Disputes flared up: did Denisova undergo rhinoplasty or was it all to blame for this skillful makeup?


Rhinoplasty is one of the most ancient and most popular plastic surgeries. Most people are not happy with the appearance of their nose and want to fix it. The operation is considered uncomplicated and can be completed in a couple of hours, and recovery from the operation requires only a few days.

Why is rhinoplasty needed?

Of course, waiting for the operation is exciting, and the state after it cannot be called pleasant. So why do people agree to suffer?

  • to fix the nose after an injury;
  • to get rid of complexes;
  • to breathe freely;
  • to get the role you have long dreamed of;
  • to feel attractive.

Looking at photographs of Tatyana Denisova, it is impossible to say for sure whether Tatyana had a nose job. This woman is not deprived of beauty, so why improve what is already beautiful?

Tatyana herself neither confirmed nor denied the rumors that appeared. However, Tatyana Denisova is an original person. She loves to surprise the public, which maintains constant interest in herself. Let this question remain a secret to everyone. Each person has the right to decide for himself how and what is best for him to do.

Bottom line

Some of us think that dancing is a hobby that does not bring any results.

They are wrong!

By dancing, a person develops his character. It requires enormous work, strong nerves, the ability to pull yourself together, and a great desire to succeed. Tatyana Denisova’s motto, “rely only on yourself,” fully confirms this.

How do you feel about Tatyana Denisova? We are waiting for your comments.

Tatyana Denisova is a Ukrainian choreographer, founder of the German troupe JB Ballet and jury member of popular dance television shows. She is known among professionals for her unapologetic, charismatic character. The choreographer is used to getting what she wants to see from her dancers. Her players like this approach - it leads to victories.

Childhood and youth

Tatyana was born on February 11, 1981 in the Kaliningrad region. Tanya's father was a sailor, and her mother worked with children. The girl was 2 years old when the family moved to Sevastopol, where her father was offered an interesting job.

It was in this city that Denisova became acquainted with dancing. But first, the girl devoted more than 5 years to rhythmic gymnastics. At the age of 10, Tatyana began attending a dance studio, where she studied classical choreography. At home, the girl, in addition to classical techniques, honed her modern dance techniques.

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Miguel, Tatyana Denisova and Egor Druzhinin

From the first episodes of the season, Tatyana Denisova acted according to her own method, which outraged TV viewers. The choreographer was accused of biased assessment of the dancers, showing sympathy for dancers who were more attractive in appearance. Tatyana Denisova initially singled out the dancers for their professionalism, but by the end of the selection she changed her mind.

Denisova’s outrageous behavior on the project only increased the interest of Russian viewers in her person. In December, the choreographer, together with her project colleague Miguel, became a guest of the humorous program “Where is the logic?” In the program, the soloists of the group “Silver” - and - performed against the team of the “Dancing” show. As a result of a tense but fun game, the choreographers won with a score of 8:4.

Personal life

Tatyana Denisova's first husband was aerial acrobat Ilya Strakhov. The young couple lived together for several years; a son, Lev, was born into the family in 2009, but the couple subsequently separated. Tatyana and Ilya managed to maintain friendly relations.


At the beginning of 2011, rumors appeared about the choreographer’s affair with a participant in the musical talent show “X-Factor” - a singer. Despite the fact that her lover was 12 years younger, Tatyana felt happy and did not feel the age difference. In May, Denisova and Krivoshapko officially became husband and wife. The wedding took place in Kyiv, where they visited the registry office, and then stopped at the church to light candles.

Subsequently, their relationship resembled “military actions” - either stormy public breaks on the eve of the New Year, or bright reconciliations on Valentine’s Day. In the fall of 2012, the couple officially divorced.

Such a painful relationship has led to the fact that now Tatyana Denisova completely hides her personal life and does not tell the press and fans about new novels. In the 9th season of the Ukrainian show “Everybody Dance!” From communication between Tatyana Denisova and colleague judge Radu Poklitar, it became known that the woman was married again.

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Tatiana Denisova and Alexander Krivoshapko

In addition to creative experiments, the celebrity does not shy away from shocking behavior on social networks. After divorcing her second husband, Tatyana arranged a photo shoot in the shower, which she called “My Party.” And in 2015 in "

The mentor of the TV project “Dancing” underwent more than one operation to get the desired effect.

Tatyana Denisova is one of the most attractive women in modern show business. One glance is enough for her to amaze a man and make him worry. But it was not always so. The show dance mentor has gone a long way to get the desired result and change beyond recognition.

It all started with a nose job. Previously, Denisova had a nose of extraordinary size, she tried to correct it with the help of cosmetics, but it was impossible to achieve the desired result. Tatyana decided to undergo rhinoplasty, apparently to get rid of the “Pinocchio” complex.
Now her profile looks more elegant and sophisticated. Tatyana corrected her lips with beauty injections; previously narrow lips created a stern expression on her face. Now they are plumper and more attractive, and in general, their facial features seem to be copied from their favorite childhood doll - Barbie.

Apparently, the mentor was worried about the fact of the incompatibility of body and face. She had been dancing since the age of seven and had an ideal figure, but her face did not match her well-honed body. Also, many believe that Tatyana had breast surgery and therefore allows herself to wear such revealing outfits.

It is noticeable that after the operation the girl felt a surge of confidence. She flirts with participants without embarrassment and crosses boundaries: participant and mentor, causing excitement among men. Although Tatyana reshaped her face, and perhaps also her chest, many believe that she did it tastefully.

Tatyana Denisova is a young, purposeful and beautiful woman, a talented choreographer and teacher. Her successful career is a role model; it is a rare combination of perseverance, hard work, creativity and talent. She positions herself as a strong personality. There were ups and downs in her life. But no matter how fate tested her character, Denisova always remained a self-confident, self-sufficient person. In this article we will talk about the biography of choreographer Tatyana Denisova, look at her photos on Instagram and videos of her dancing, and also trace how the woman’s appearance changed, take a closer look at the photos before and after plastic surgery.

Did Denisova have rhinoplasty?

Recently, fans of Tatyana's work have been constantly discussing her new image. They suspected the choreographer of having undergone plastic surgery on her face. Or rather, the nose was corrected using rhinoplasty. Denisova herself caused a stir by posting fresh photos on her Instagram page. Of particular interest were the photographs without makeup.

Some followers claim that the miracles of plastic surgery could not have happened here. Is it really? Let's try to figure it out. How natural Tatyana Denisova looks: photos before and after plastic surgery often help to find out the truth.

Tatyana Denisova - biography of the choreographer, photo of a talented dancer

Tatyana Denisova was born in 1981, in the westernmost region of the country - in the Kaliningrad region. Her family had nothing to do with art. Father is a sailor, and mother is a kindergarten teacher. Two years later, the parents moved to Sevastopol. From the age of five, the girl began to engage in rhythmic gymnastics. At the age of 10, Tanya moved to a ballet and choreographic studio. From that moment to this day, dancing and choreography became her life’s work. As a child, the girl dreamed of becoming a famous ballerina. She took her mother’s veil, danced to her favorite music and imagined herself as a prima ballerina of the Bolshoi Theater.

Today Tatyana does not regret at all that she became a director, and not an artist, of a ballet troupe. She believes that ballet art is cruel - it takes away health and youth, and in return gives low wages, intrigue, early retirement and undervalued work.

After graduating from choreographic school, Tatyana entered the Leningrad Choreographic School named after A.Ya. Vaganova. She managed to pass a difficult selection - the competition for one place was about 30 people.

After studying for some time in Leningrad, the future famous director moved to Kyiv and continued his studies at the Kiev Institute of Culture. At the age of 21, she created her first dance group. At the same time, he teaches choreography at the Kiev Variety and Circus College.

Ballet "JB" by Tatiana Denisova - a ticket to a stellar career

Determination and hard work, an unconventional approach to choreography did not go unnoticed and the girl was invited to work in Germany with her ballet “JB”. Having bet on a career as a choreographer, Tatyana Denisova made the right decision. Her ballet troupe has become a recognizable group all over the world; “JB” still operates in Germany. Tatyana stages the new repertoire herself. To do this, once a year she comes to Germany to participate in the production. The group then functions independently. By the way, Tatyana often takes talented participants from the “Dancing” show to work in the “JB” ballet.

In the photo - Ballet “JB” - a successful dance project by Tatyana Denisova.

“Everyone Dances” - a show of talented and creative

In 2009, the already famous and extraordinary choreographer was invited as a judge in the mega-popular show “Everyone Dances”. Tatyana Denisova assessed the dancing talents of the Ukrainian participants along with other famous directors: Vlad Yama, Francisco Gomez and Alexey Litvinov.

Professional mentors have repeatedly shown their creativity in staging beautiful performances.

Several videos with Tatyana Denisova’s work as a choreographer:

In addition, the judges of the show “Everybody Dance” demonstrated their own dancing skills, as well as remarkable acting abilities. We invite you to watch a video with a touching dance by Tatyana Denisova and Vlad Yama.

The next video features another gentle and at the same time expressive judicial duet. Tatyana Denisova and Konstantin Tomilchenko perform a dance in contemporary style.

Waltz from Tatyana Denisova is an example of a sophisticated and refined style.

When the project was closed in Ukraine in 2016, Tatyana was invited to a similar show in Russia.

How Tatyana Denisova changed and how natural the beauty of a first-class choreographer is - photos before and after the proposed plastic surgery

The fame that came to Tatyana Denisova after the “Everyone Dance” project also has a downside. The girl became a famous person and attracted the attention of not only supporters of her talent, but also opponents. They gossip about everything: how Tatyana dances, how professionally she stages performances, how she dresses and behaves on air.

Photo - Tatyana can be different - from a reckless hooligan to a gentle and romantic Turgenev girl.

Not only Tatyana’s career, professional skills and personal life are of interest to fans, but also her appearance causes a lot of discussion on social networks. Recently, accusations against the choreographer that she is turning to specialists in the field of aesthetic medicine have become increasingly common. The shape of the nose caused particular excitement. It seemed to some that it had become less wide, and the shape of the tip had also changed.

Photo - Photos are increasingly appearing on the Internet in which some difference in Tatyana Denisova’s appearance is visible. But the actress herself does not comment on rumors about possible rhinoplasty.

Some fans of the dancer-choreographer explain the changes in appearance to an unsuccessful angle and peculiarities of stage makeup. Others suggest that the appearance was affected by the lack of braces on the teeth. Recently, Tatyana refused bite correctors and this could possibly affect her appearance.

The dancing star herself remains silent about her appearance. Therefore, fans are left to wonder how natural the beautiful Tatiana’s appearance is and look for the answer to their question on the choreographer’s personal Instagram page.

Tatyana Denisova on Instagram - “photo analysis” of appearance from followers

Tatyana Denisova is an active user of the Instagram network. She constantly pleases her fans with new photographs, which collect many likes and positive comments. But in 2016, several new photos made fans of Tatyana’s work wonder if she had undergone rhinoplasty. This fact bothered them so much that they began to compare earlier photos with the latest updates.

After a thorough “photo analysis” in the spirit of “Tatiana’s nose before and after surgery,” fans’ opinions were divided. Some were sure that the nose had been slightly adjusted - it had become too refined, and the contours had changed slightly. Others believed that any person has bad photos when the photo lens distorts facial features.

Tatyana was immediately accused of ruining her natural beauty. Although the star choreographer never announced official confirmation of the plastic surgery in the media.

We invite everyone who is interested in the question of whether Tatyana Denisova had plastic surgery to look at a selection of photos before and after the rhinoplasty supposed by fans.

Photo “BEFORE” plastic surgery

Photo “AFTER” plastic surgery

Fans made an incredible fuss not only about a possible nose job. They tried to catch the girl more than once that she had her lips corrected. Studying Tatyana's latest photos and her earlier photographs, admirers tried to find the results of plastic surgery. And they found it - it seemed to them that the shape of the lips had become more refined and expressive. This assumption also remains unproven. Tatyana Denisova is in no hurry to refute or confirm conflicting rumors. But knowing how persistently she works on herself, it would be logical to assume that such polished beauty is the result of a combination of her natural abilities and hard work.

How Tatyana Denisova dances: contemporary, Broadway, dance, twerk - the “universal soldier” of the dance floor

One can argue for a long time about the naturalness or artificiality of Tatyana Denisova’s external data. But the fact that she is an incredibly beautiful, creative and talented woman is an indisputable fact. She is often called the "Queen of Dance" and considers herself a "universal soldier."

She can perform almost any dance style; there are no barriers for her in the world of dance. The scope of her talent is amazing - she successfully copes with the most difficult classical dance steps and is not afraid to experiment with the latest dance styles. But she has her favorites - disco and Broadway. The choreographer can open up fully in them and invest all his creative energy.

Labor and creativity - the formula for success of Tatyana Denisova

Tatyana Denisova has been accustomed to selflessly working on her image since childhood. While still a very young girl, she endured the strict and grueling schedule of dance school with steadfastness and dignity. At the same time, she came up with productions herself, sewed costumes and edited musical compositions when there was no computer processing of music, and cassette or reel-to-reel tape recorders were available.

The new image of Tatyana Denisova has caused a lot of controversy, but her talent and determination leave no doubt. She dances beautifully and puts on stylish and complex performances. At the same time, despite his busy schedule, he manages to find time for his beloved son, Leo.

No matter how vigorously the question under the heading “Tatyana Denisova - photos before and after plastic surgery” is discussed on social networks, this wonderful choreographer always remains a style icon in the dance world. She keeps up with the times, constantly masters new directions in dance, always keeps herself in good shape and remains a professional in her field.

In conclusion, we suggest watching a video selection about the life and work of Tatyana Denisova.

The most famous choreographer in Ukraine and abroad, Tatyana Denisova, can often be found on the pages of magazines, newspapers and on our TV screens. And although many television viewers do not consider her the ideal of female beauty, most ardent fans of this purposeful and attractive dancer consider her appearance to be natural. This naturalness is what attracts celebrities. However, recent rumors that, have slightly shaken fans’ confidence in the 100% naturalness of their favorite’s appearance.

The photo that gave rise to rumors about a “new” nose

As often happens, the TV celebrity herself gave rise to rumors by publishing another photo on Instagram at the end of spring. Although Tatyana Denisova did not make any comments under it, many subscribers immediately began to compete in their attentiveness, noticing the slightest nuances in the choreographer’s appearance. We will also look at this photograph here, but we will not limit ourselves to this, but compare it with earlier photographs of Tatyana Denisova. So, above is the photo that caused such a stir on the topic of plastic surgery, and below are earlier photographs. I would like to note that Tatyana Denisova’s nose in these pictures is indeed slightly different. In the first photo it looks a little thinner than in the earlier ones. However, it is no secret that such an effect can be achieved not only through plastic surgery, but also through the competent use of concealers and facial correctors. Again, in the photographs where Tatyana Denisova smiles widely and her nose appears wider, but in the controversial photo her face is serious.

Earlier photos of Tatyana Denisova

That is why it is very hard to believe that Tatyana Denisova actually had a nose job. And is it worth radically changing your appearance when you are already loved by an army of millions of fans, and the unique features unique to your face make it more recognizable? That is why, in the heated verbal battles of subscribers to a celebrity’s social network page, I want to support those who do not believe rumors about plastic surgery. By the way, like every famous person, there is enough gossip and gossip around Tatyana Denisova. And, of course, they also spoke out more than once on the topic of appearance and plastic surgery. So, in addition to the nose, the beloved Ukrainian dancer and choreographer was also credited with new lips, repeatedly adding that the latest plastic surgery dealt a blow to the beauty of Tatyana Denisova, bestowed by nature itself. And only the most devoted and persistent fans continue to turn a deaf ear to all such nonsense.

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