Theme dinner at home. Themed dinner, Moldovan cuisine. Suite, rooftop and granny's attic

Do you want to spend the evening with your loved one and surprise him with your culinary skills? But don’t know which dish to choose?

Let's try to understand this situation and find the best solution.

Dinner for two or what to cook for a romantic dinner for two?

A romantic dinner for two at home is a very important event that requires a little effort and a little imagination, otherwise you should follow the advice of experienced people.

A great dinner will leave only positive emotions, and romance will allow you to establish an emotional connection, provided the right romantic context. Therefore, you should not be careless about such an evening, but it is better to understand the little things and nuances. A serious approach to this matter is an integral part of success.

The determining factor will be the prevailing atmosphere. Try to create the most accurate effect of a romantic nature, otherwise you risk deviating from the real situation. The best moment for a dinner of this nature was and remains the evening or when the sun sets behind the horizon.

But for such a moment, you should stock up on candles, because they emphasize the mood and atmosphere. Don’t forget about music, as well as flowers and other irreplaceable attributes.

Few people notice, but even table setting creates the right mood. Here's what they use for this:

  • nice tablecloth
  • candle holders
  • fresh flowers should be placed in a beautiful vase
  • do not forget about the style of glasses, as well as the style of dishes
  • cutlery for the table and of course napkins.

It is these notes of celebration that will shape your mood during communication. Another determining factor is the menu or dishes for your dinner. It’s not worth preparing a lot for dinner, because you didn’t come to eat, but on the contrary, you rejected everything except the two of you.

But food is also an important link for the formation of relationships, because a loved one’s favorite dish will emphasize attentiveness and respect, and this, in turn, is a feature of a real relationship.

In the case where nothing is known about your favorite dish, it is worth focusing on the most relevant dishes for such an event. Here are some modern and trendy ideas for a romantic dinner.

You should start with a couple of sips of wine, served in beautiful glasses.


You can even choose sangria as a wine, which will allow you to enjoy the mixed flavors of fruits.

The Bellini cocktail is also a good choice, because it allows you to lift your spirits with its sparkling bubbles.

Shrimp and arugula

An excellent variation of a light salad. At the same time, you can determine the lightness of the salad based on calories.

Cook at home:

  • shrimp about 150 grams
  • bunch of arugula
  • a little vegetable oil
  • balsamic vinegar
  • apricot flavored syrup
  • parsley and dill are added at discretion
  • if you like almonds, feel free to add them to your salad
  • and of course ground pepper and a little salt, to taste.

Preparing the salad:

  • wash all the pre-prepared greens and chop them finely
  • Arugula is used as a small addition, so take no more leaves of the plant.
  • deep type plate, perfect for salad and stirring.

Prepare the salad sauce:

  • mix balsamic vinegar and oil, which we prepared in advance (choose proportions based on the amount of greens)
  • Add apricot syrup to the resulting mixture by eye.

Pour the resulting mixture into the salad and mix it well, turning it over so that the oil does not drip onto the bottom of the dish.

Place the shrimp on top and sprinkle the salad with almonds. It should first be grated or chopped using kitchen appliances.

That's it, the salad is ready. Once brewed, it will acquire a mixed aroma.

Pork with champignons

Pork should be baked in champignons to achieve the desired taste and aroma. The dish is not only pleasant, but also tasty, and also very filling.

Mixing Ingredients:

  • any type of pork, but not smoked
  • a little bit of cheese
  • mushrooms of your choice, preferably champignons
  • tomato
  • homemade or store-bought mayonnaise, your choice
  • salt in proportion to the weight of meat
  • ground black pepper

Cooking process:

  • preheat the oven to one hundred and eighty degrees
  • salt and pepper the meat on a pan (put foil under the meat, this will help avoid burning)
  • add chopped mushrooms and tomatoes on top
  • pour mayonnaise over it
  • scatter the grated cheese over the entire mass of meat
  • bake the pieces for 30-40 minutes.

Steak with salmon

For a couple of steaks you will need:

  • ground black pepper
  • olive oil
  • salt in proportions relative to weight.
  • heat up the frying pan
  • pepper and salt the steaks and place them in a frying pan
  • fry in olive oil for about 20-15 minutes
  • readiness is determined by a golden crust
  • add some rice or vegetables to the finished steak.

The dish is ready.

Photo of a romantic dinner for two

Typically, reading is a quiet and fascinating process, which is accompanied by a cozy home environment or pleasant background music (on the street or on public transport it is convenient to use headphones so that nothing distracts you from immersing yourself in reading). But, at the same time, there are special establishments where book lovers like to gather. They have fun, communicate with like-minded people, recommend books to each other, discuss the latest literature and new authors. In some of these places you can even have a tasty meal. We will tell you about one of these institutions for true book lovers in our article today. We will talk about an unusual cafe. Its unusualness lies in the fact that the owners decided to rely on the format of holding unusual themed dinners.

The cafe organizes themed dinners based on famous books

In appearance, The Bookish Banquet restaurant (in Russian the name of the establishment sounds like “Book Banquet”), located in Amsterdam, Holland, is no different from hundreds of others. It also has a beautiful interior, many tables, a menu and great dishes from the chef. It seems like nothing out of the ordinary. But one detail makes book lovers from all over the city flock here.

This restaurant hosts unusual events every two months. Namely - (or a series of novels from one author). The book to which the next banquet will be dedicated is announced in advance. This is necessary so that everyone who wants to come to dinner can prepare for this event.

What is the preparation?

Firstly, it is advisable to become thoroughly familiar with the hero work of the theme evening. Agree, it will be completely uninteresting if you find yourself among those who simply came to gawk at the event, and are completely unfamiliar with the book and its author. You will feel out of place. And the evening is unlikely to be to your liking.

It’s a completely different matter if all participants in such a themed evening are, as they say, on the same wavelength. Communication will be lively and interesting, and the evening will remain in the memory for a long time. And you might want to attend this event again.

Second, (optional, but recommended) dress appropriately for the theme of the dinner. Imagine an evening dedicated to stories about Sherlock Holmes, and all the guests are dressed in the manner of the inhabitants of the second half of the nineteenth century. This event will be remembered by absolutely everyone.

How did the idea for such an unusual restaurant come about?

The fact is that the founder and current owner of The Bookish Banquet, Chantal Hintze, is both a writer and an excellent chef. During her life, she wrote many stories and cooked hundreds of dishes, working in restaurants in London and Marrakech. The idea of ​​holding themed dinners based on books was born in 2011. Then Mrs. Hintze held a themed costume banquet dedicated to the wonderful work of Lewis Carroll “Alice in Wonderland”. This event was the beginning of the amazing startup The Bookish Banquet.

The first book banquet was held in September 2013. The main theme of the evening was the book “Momo” by the German writer Michael Ende. Two months later, in November, a themed dinner was dedicated to the stories of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle about the famous detective Sherlock Holmes. The next book banquet, which was held in February 2014, was dedicated to the novel “Nights at the Circus” by American writer Angela Carter. And the last evening, held in March, the owners of The Bookish Banquet dedicated Yann Martel’s book “Life of Pi” (which, by the way, was successfully filmed not so long ago). The next topic (the banquet will be held in May) will be Douglas Adams’ book “The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy.”

The cost of participation in any themed dinner at the Book Banquet will cost the client 35 euros (less than two thousand rubles). For this money, the visitor receives five unusual dishes, which, one way or another, reflect the essence of the work. If some kind of feast scene plays an important role in the book, then the menu may contain dishes that appeared in the book. If there were no such scenes, then the dishes simply by their appearance, colors or composition will resemble this or that book. This is such an interesting idea that we managed to implement thanks to our love of literature and the ability to cook.

To maintain love, interest and passion in a relationship, it is very important to fill your life together with pleasant little things, common hobbies and, of course, soulful romantic evenings. Romance is not only Paris, dinner in a luxurious restaurant or walks along the azure coast of a seaside resort... Sometimes for a soulful evening, your own cozy home or apartment is enough, where you can also enjoy the romantic atmosphere and give all your attention to your other half.

Romantic dinner - a classic of the genre

The most obvious option for an evening for two is a romantic dinner. To make the time spent together memorable for a long time, organize it in a special way - creative imagination and a touch of creativity will be very helpful. Dim lighting, pleasant soulful music, beautiful table setting will certainly create the appropriate atmosphere. But besides this, try to surprise your soul mate: prepare an original symbolic gift (perhaps made with your own hands), which will then remind you of your best moments every time, and if you have culinary talents, prepare something special, think about an unusual presentation of dishes. But if haute cuisine is not your thing, it doesn’t matter, because you can always order food in a restaurant.

And of course, decor plays an important role here. Of course, candles and rose petals are what we usually expect from a romantic time.

However, you can always add some personality to your familiar surroundings. A great idea is to have an evening with a hint of Japanese style. So, instead of a regular table, you can organize everything on the floor: trays, a special mini-table (which is usually used for breakfast in bed), soft pillows and blankets - just what will add more warmth, allow you to relax as much as possible and feel at ease.

Evening in the yard

If you live in a private house with a terrace and a beautiful courtyard, then an evening in nature is an excellent opportunity to realize your plans in the fresh air without leaving home. There are a lot of ideas for locations, so choose according to the situation, as well as based on your own preferences:

  • a picnic on the lawn is a great option for warmer weather;
  • if you want a more thorough serving, have dinner at a table near the grill;
  • Cool weather is not a reason to give up the atmosphere of wildlife around. Spread a blanket on the floor, place pots of flowers around, a picnic basket, light herbal-scented candles to make the idea as realistic as possible.

If possible, have an evening on the rooftop with amazing views of the city. Such an environment will certainly heighten emotions and feelings and, undoubtedly, will be in the “treasury” of your best memories.

Cinema for two

Instead of a banal trip to the cinema, you can spend a much more interesting evening watching an exciting film in your cozy room, especially if you have a home theater at home. After all, we create romance ourselves: with desire and great anticipation of beauty, we can organize a spiritual atmosphere even in the most ordinary place at first glance.

It’s better to give up melancholy melodramas or films with intricate plots in favor of adventures and romantic comedies, so that it can be fun and interesting together.

Hot bath

Perhaps, one of the most romantic moments is an evening spent in lush, aromatic foam. Despite its apparent simplicity, the benefits of such joint relaxation are obvious: nothing will bring you closer together than a luxurious bath for two.

The implementation of the idea does not require large expenses and a lot of time for preparation, because champagne along with fruit for the menu in this case will be more than enough. You also don't have to buy an expensive bouquet of roses. A few petals for the bath, candles and your romantic mood are what you need for a better rest. By the way, flower shops sell ready-made petals for such cases.

Fill your space with a wonderful scent by adding your favorite essential oil to the aroma lamp. And don’t forget about relaxing, calm music, which will be the best complement to a sensual evening.

  • Plan a romantic dinner together for a day unencumbered by important matters and worries the day before. It is best to spend the evening together before the weekend, which will allow you not to think about work and upcoming plans;
  • Avoid too strong alcohol. To make your evening magnificent, sensual and tender, choose good wine or champagne. If you wish, you can prepare original cocktails yourself, beautifully decorating them with fruit;

  • An important aspect is the design of the table. It is advisable to follow the dinner style by choosing the right menu. Do not overdo it with filling and decor - everything should be in moderation;

  • Along with other decorative elements, lighting plays an important role. Subdued light light is ideal for creating a romantic atmosphere. Lighted candles, garlands, flames from an aroma lamp - all this will allow you to completely relax and immerse yourself in the trembling atmosphere of a romantic holiday;

  • The musical accompaniment deserves special attention. Stylish jazz, instrumental tracks or unobtrusive lounge - all these are win-win and time-tested options for sharing a dinner with your significant other.

Treasure each other, trying to bring more pleasant moments and romantic evenings into your relationship. This is the only way you can better express your feelings, be frank and strengthen the union for a long time.


Moldavian cuisine developed under the influence of Greek, Turkish, Balkan, Western European, and later Ukrainian and Russian, as well as Jewish and German cuisines, but at the same time it formed into a very integral, original cuisine, with its own distinct characteristics.
The largest number of dishes are prepared in Moldova from vegetables - they are eaten fresh, boiled, fried, baked, stuffed, stewed, salted. Traditional for it are dishes made from corn, beans, chickpeas, vegetables - eggplants, zucchini, peppers, gogoshars, leeks, tomatoes, white and cauliflower, as well as pumpkins.
Of the spicy vegetables and herbs, leek (prazh), celery (tseline), thyme (chimbru), lovage (leushtyan), parsley and dill are mainly used as seasonings. Spices such as black and allspice, hot red pepper, coriander, cloves, bay leaf, nutmeg, etc. are also added to food. Garlic is widely used.
Brynza, a brine cheese made from sheep or cow milk, is very popular in Moldova.
Moldavian cuisine uses all types of meat products: pork, lamb, beef and poultry. Many meat and fish dishes are fried on a grater, a wide grate located over hot coals.
One of the characteristic dishes of Moldova. cuisine is hominy. It is cooked from corn flour, served with feta cheese, sour cream or as a side dish for meat or fish dishes.
Various fruit trees grow in Moldova, so there are fresh fruits on the table - apples, pears, peaches, apricots, cherries, cherries, grapes, walnuts.
Winemaking is developed. A good owner had more than one barrel of his own homemade wine in the cellar.

Bean snack:
Soak a glass of beans overnight in cold water. Boil until tender (add salt 10 minutes beforehand). Puree with a blender along with the remaining liquid. Finely chop one small onion and fry until golden brown. Place the beans on a plate, top with onion and finely chopped parsley (dill) and garlic.

Kostitsa with new potatoes.
Cut the pork loin into pieces about 2cm thick, along with the rib bone. Lightly beat, pepper and salt. Fry on a grill (a thick grate located over burning coals) (I did this on a grill pan).
Peel young potatoes and boil until tender. Drain the water, place the potatoes on plates, season with oil, finely chopped garlic and herbs.

Husband's sauce.
Served with almost all non-sweet dishes)
Finely chop a couple of cloves of garlic (or pass through a garlic press), place in a small but deep bowl, add salt, pepper and grind well (I did this with a potato masher), dilute with broth and sprinkle with herbs (dill, parsley)

Wine jelly.
A glass of semi-sweet wine (you can take dry wine) diluted with 1/2 glass of water, put on fire, add sugar to taste. Dilute 1 tablespoon of starch (the amount of starch depends on the desired thickness) with cold water and add to the wine. Bring to a boil, stirring continuously, remove from heat and pour into bowls. Serve with whipped cream.



State educational institution

Volgograd branch

Department of Social and Cultural Service and Tourism

Course work

in the discipline "Restaurant Product Technologies"

on the topic of: « Soups as the main dish of Russian cuisine »

Completed by student Anna Borisovna Buchak, group R-61

(Full Name)


course work ___________________________________________________

(academic degree, academic rank, surname, initials)

“Allow work to be protected » _______________________________________

(date, manager’s signature)

Job protected __________ Grade __________

Volgograd 2010

Federal Agency for Education

Volgograd branch

Federal State Educational Institution

higher professional education

"Russian State University of Tourism and Service"

Department of Tourism and Hospitality


Head department___________________


for course work

To the student(s)_________ Buchak A.B. groups R-61

(last name, initials)

1. Topic of work: “ Hosting themed gala dinners in a restaurant »

3. Initial data for work: restaurant "Volgograd" located at the address: Volgograd, st. Mira 12, common hall for 250 seats

4. Date of assignment __________________

Introduction………………………………………………………………………………………page 4

1. Organizational section…………………………………………… 6

1.1 Characteristics of the catering establishment of the Volgograd restaurant…..p.6

1.2 Structure of service in the restaurant “Volgograd”………………… 12

1.3 Service technologies in restaurant service


2. Technical section…………………………………………………………… 31

2.1 Characteristics and equipment of retail premises

restaurant "Volgograd"………………………………………………… 31

Conclusion…………………………………………………………… 36



The century in which we live provides us with ample opportunities to arrange our lives accordingly and receive appropriate income. Modern man is able to pay for what he wants to get. And this is reflected in the organization of the work of catering enterprises, which are now focused not just on meeting the need for food, but also on meeting the needs for leisure activities.

Among public catering establishments, the main place is occupied by restaurants, cafes, and bars. They play a significant role in organizing recreation for the population. These food establishments are visited not only to have a snack, but also to celebrate an anniversary, an important event in the life of a person or a team, to hold a wedding celebration, business or official meeting, to simply relax with loved ones, and lately people have all More people visit restaurants that organize themed parties.

This course work is devoted to the development of events for organizing Halloween and Valentine's Day themed parties in a restaurant, since themed evenings have recently become very popular. They are satisfied at the highest level. The mood and well-being of all guests depends on the correct and precise organization of a theme evening at a catering establishment. It is necessary to be able to clearly organize the evening so that the guests remember it for a long time.

The course work consists of an introduction, two sections, a conclusion and a list of references.

In the first section, the characteristics of the catering enterprise are given, the structure of the service in the restaurant is considered, and measures were developed for holding themed dinners in the restaurant. In the second section, attention is paid to retail premises and their equipment.

The purpose of this course work is to develop activities for organizing theme evenings in a restaurant.

To achieve this goal, the following tasks were set:

Study the history and traditions of celebrating Hallowen and Valentine's Day;

Development of an event to decorate the hall for themed evenings;

Development of a festive program for themed evenings;

Development of a special one-day menu corresponding to the theme of the festive evening;

The relevance of the topic of my course work is obvious. Holidays such as Valentine's Day and Hallowen came to Russia not so long ago, but are already enjoying great success and popularity, and where else but in a restaurant can you celebrate these holidays in a fun and unusual way.

1. Organizational section.

1.1. Characteristics of the food establishment

Restaurant "Volgograd" is located in the Central district of Volgograd at the address: st. Mira, 12. Restaurant opening hours: Sunday-Thursday from 12:00 to 24:00, Friday-Saturday from 12:00 until the last customer. A Premium class establishment, the most luxurious and respectable restaurant. The best place for true gourmets, specialized Russian and European cuisine, chic ambiance, exquisite interior, luxury service. The restaurant has a parking lot, which is convenient for guests with cars. Nearby there are public transport stops, the NET theater, the Alley of Heroes, the Eternal Flame, the Volgograd hotel, and the Intourist hotel.

The Volgograd restaurant complex as an organization is a limited liability company (LLC).

The restaurant premises starts from the staircase (Fig. 1, 2), where guests are greeted by a head waiter in uniform. He is very polite and receives visitors at the proper level.

Rice. 1. Entrance to the Volgograd restaurant Fig. 2. Meeting guests

The friendly service staff of the restaurant will explain to visitors the location of the rooms, the availability of free seats, and if there are none, at the request of the client, the location of the nearest catering establishment.

The Volgograd restaurant uses preliminary table setting to reduce the time it takes to serve visitors (Fig. 3). Tables are set depending on the type of menu (breakfast, lunch, dinner, tea, coffee, banquet).

Fig.3. Minimal table setting.

Table setting is carried out in the process of preparing the room for service. It includes a minimum number of items used in subsequent order fulfillment: plates, wine glasses, knives, forks, napkins, etc. In the evening, the serving is supplemented with snack utensils (Fig. 4).

Rice. 4. Table setting for dinner

The menu of the Volgograd restaurant includes homemade buffet lunches.

The minimum assortment in the Volgograd restaurant is presented as follows:

1. Cold appetizers 9-12 items

2. Salads 8-10 items

3. Hot snacks 4-8 items

4. Soups 4-6 items

5. Fondue 3-5 items

6. Fish dishes 4-6 items

7. Meat dishes 6-8 items

8. Poultry dishes 3-5 items

9. Desserts 5-7 items

10. Fruits 5-7 items

11. Hot drinks 5-8 items

12. Cold drinks 7-10 items

13. Alcoholic drinks 10-12 types

All dishes are prepared by professional chefs, masters of their craft. Each dish has a unique design and is like a calling card of the master who prepared it.

The means of aesthetic and psychological influence of the environment on visitors to the trading floor are the composition, volumetric planning and color solutions, the hygienic characteristics of the hall, music, the surrounding landscape, lighting and the level of service culture. Comfortable conditions are created here, achieved through artistic expression.

The interior of the sales area is characterized by a clear style, conciseness, and a calm color scheme.

The interior is complemented by a huge artificial rain in the center of the hall, which fits perfectly into the overall design style and is the main detail of the interior (Fig. 5).

The design of the hall uses suspended ceilings, parquet floors, and European windows. The microclimate is maintained by air conditioning.

Service in the restaurant is carried out by a senior waiter, bar waiters, and bartenders who have special education, a high level of professional training and extensive experience in the service sector.

All service personnel are dressed in uniform branded clothing that matches the color of the enterprises.

In the Volgograd restaurant there are various forms of payment: cash and non-cash payments, and plastic cards are also accepted - Maestro, MasterCard, Visa, UnionCard.

The restaurant has a stage where music and show programs are held every evening, and every Friday and Saturday in the Volgograd restaurant, residents Vladimir Bodnar and Mikhail Grigoryan hold the event “Dance Restoration”, DJs, Go-Go.

The restaurant has three halls: a common restaurant hall for 250 people, a Large Banquet Hall for 50 people, a Small Banquet Hall for 12 people.

For receptions and banquets, services are organized in banquet halls. It hosts ceremonial dinners or dinners in honor of a person or event, and caters for children's parties. If the number of invited guests is small, up to 12 people, then a small banquet hall (governor's hall) is used for service. Small forms of the main restaurant of the city with its inherent sophistication. An absolutely worthy place for holding business meetings and celebrations in a small circle.

The small banquet hall is decorated with decorative paintings, decorated with candles, the fireplace creates a special warmth and comfort (Fig. 6, 7).

Fig.6. Small banquet hall. Fig. 7. Small banquet hall.

For noisy celebrations in a large company, the Volgograd restaurant has a large banquet hall for 50 people. It has a plasma screen, karaoke, stage area, piano, and a separate lounge (Fig. 8, 9).

Fig.8. Large banquet hall. Fig.9. Restroom.

Pleasant colors in the room create the impression of good and subtle taste. Beauty and harmony in everything: in beautiful curtains, table settings, paintings.

For business and busy people, the restaurant offers business lunch and business dinner, satisfying the discerning tastes and financial capabilities of any visitors. The company also provides such types of services as organizing and holding corporate parties (Fig. 9), conferences (Fig. 10). Moreover, the restaurant provides these services not only within the premises of the enterprise, but in most cases, at the request of the customer, it travels to any company, office, or even outdoors.

Fig.9. Organization of a banquet - buffet. Fig. 10. Organization of the conference.

1.2. Service structure in the Volgograd restaurant

Restaurant "Volgograd" - provides various services that comply with the State Standard of the Russian Federation R 50646-94 “On the provision of services to the public.”

Product manufacturing services:

Manufacturing products according to consumer orders - in accordance with the menu provided in the restaurant;

Manufacture of products in complex designs and with additional design - all consumer wishes are taken into account;

Consumption management services:

Organization and service of celebrations - wedding celebrations for up to 300 people, with full organization of the event: scripts, selection of artists, elegant decoration of the hall (decoration with fabric and fresh flowers; decoration of the wedding procession, bride's bouquet), on-site registration, video film about your celebration, filmed by a professional cameraman , artistic and staged photography of your celebration, colorful special effects (fireworks, confetti fireworks, launching of sky lanterns, champagne fountains and chocolate fountains). The restaurant also organizes anniversaries and corporate parties;

Delivery of products according to consumer orders in banquet format - comprehensive organization and holding of off-site events, original design and serving, impeccable off-site catering for banquets;

Organization of banquets in a restaurant - banquet-buffet for up to 600 people, banquet-tea;

Homemade buffet lunches;

Sunday children's brunch from 12.00 to 16.00;

Seat reservation;

Product sales services:

Implementation in the restaurant hall;

Delivery of meals at home;

Conducting food and drink tastings;

Leisure services:

Music service – from 12.00 to 18.00 background music; from 18.00 to 19.00 modern dance pop music; from 19.00 to 22.00 live performance;

Weekend - “Dance Restoration” - every Friday and Saturday from 24 hours until the morning on the stage of the Volgograd restaurant, residents Vladimir Bodnar and Mikhail Grigoryan DJs, Go-Go;

The best artists of the city and country perform on the stage of the Volgograd restaurant: professional presenters, soloists and vocal-instrumental ensembles, dance groups and acrobatic duets, original and conversational artists;

Organizing themed parties;

Other services:

Call a taxi;

1.3. Service technologies in maintenance.

In this section, I have developed events for organizing Halloween and Valentine's Day themed parties at the Volgograd restaurant.

Events for organizing a Halloween themed party:

The main hall of the restaurant is dimly lit and decorated in orange and black colors with balls and fabric; in the corner of the restaurant there is a large cobweb decoration, next to it there is a huge artificial spider with red eyes.

At the entrance to the restaurant, girls dressed in witch costumes hand out carnival costumes to guests, depicting various undead creatures, spirits, and druids.

When guests enter the restaurant, Celtic music is played, performed by a group in national costumes with folk instruments.

There is whiskey and ale on the buffet table, and Jack-o-lanterns (the famous jack-o-lantern) are in the center of the table.

Guests are seated at pre-booked tables by waiters.

The tables are decorated with orange tablecloths with a print in the form of a cobweb and black napkins, served with unusual dishes with drawings of evil spirits printed on them, black candles and candles in the shape of a pumpkin, pumpkins (Fig. 11,12,13).

Rice. 11. Pumpkin-shaped candle Fig. 12. Table setting for Halloween.

Rice. 13. Table setting with dishes with a “black cat” pattern.

All guests are given small souvenirs corresponding to the theme of the evening, magnets with skeletons inviting them to celebrate Halloween with them, keychains in the shape of an eye and small figurines of witches (Fig. 14,15,16).

Rice. 14. Souvenir magnet. Fig. 15. Souvenir keychain. Fig. 16. Witch.

A guest presenter dressed in a skeleton costume comes onto the stage, greets the guests and tells the story of Halloween in a mysterious voice:

“The roots of this unusual holiday take us back centuries, to the pre-Christian era, when the lands of Ireland, Northern France and England were inhabited by Celtic tribes. Their year consisted of two parts - summer and winter. And the transition from one season to another was marked by the end of the harvest, celebrated on October 31 and symbolized the beginning of the new year. Winter was coming into its own. The night of November 1, when according to legend the border between the worlds of the living and the dead was called Samhain or Samhain, was considered the main holiday of the ancient peoples.

The pagan Celts attached great importance to it and, in order not to become prey to the shadows of the dead, they dressed up in animal heads and skins, extinguished the fires in their houses and scared away ghosts with all their frightening appearance. Treats for the spirits were displayed on the street, and the residents themselves gathered around the fires, which were lit by the Celtic Druid priests. On this night, animals were sacrificed, predictions were made, and the winter hearth was lit, bringing tongues of sacred flame into the house. Converted to the Christian faith, the inhabitants of the islands of Ireland and Britain were forced to abandon many pagan customs.

However, memories of Samhain continued to live and be passed on from generation to generation. And when in the 9th century Pope Gregory III moved the celebration of All Saints' Day from May 13 to November 1, Samhain began to be celebrated again. The night preceding the holiday, in medieval English, was called All Hallows Even, in abbreviation - Hallowe"en, and very briefly Halloween."

The host conducts an auction competition with guests on their knowledge of words about Halloween;

A show ballet comes on stage and performs a witch dance;

The presenter appears on the stage again and tells the guests about the history of the lantern, calls 3 people to the stage, holds a competition to make the best pumpkin lantern (Fig. 17), the winner is awarded a symbolic prize “chicken foot” in a festive package.

Fig. 17. Pumpkin lantern.

The presenter begins to deliver a reprise, when suddenly evil spirits burst onto the stage and start a fight among themselves (costumed stuntmen).

The presenter holds a competition "Trik or trak" ("Treat or regret").

A second dance break is announced, and guests are treated to a demonic costumed striptease.

After the break, the waiters bring out the horror cake (Fig. 18) and offer tea and coffee to the guests.

Fig. 18. Cake.

An enchanting fire show performed by the undead has been prepared outside.

The theme party ends with a magnificent fireworks display.

A taxi is called for all guests who wish, and while waiting, the waiters offer guests a cup of tea or coffee.

At the Volgograd restaurant, guests will find an unusual menu specially designed for the Halloween party:

Cold appetizers:

"Pumpkin salad" (pumpkin, honey, apples, carrots, sour cream)

salad "Pomegranate bracelet" (smoked chicken, walnuts, pomegranate, beets, eggs, potatoes, mayonnaise)

canapes “Dried caterpillars”

"Jellied Eggs" (eggs, carbonate, chicken fillet, green peas, corn, cranberries, gelatin, greens)

crab meat salad in pancakes (pancakes, crab meat, rice, eggs, onions, dill, mayonnaise, lettuce)

salad "Highlander" (chicken, fresh cucumber, smoked sausage, tomatoes, cheese, mayonnaise, garlic)

Chicken salad (chicken breast, apple, pineapple, pineapple juice, red wine, mayonnaise, salt, pepper)

"Bavarian sauerkraut salad" (sauerkraut, meat broth, bay, thyme, lean brisket, onion, caraway seeds, salt, sugar, black pepper, parsley)

Second hot dishes:

"Irish stew" (lamb, onion, potatoes, garlic, chicken broth, carrots, savoy cabbage, celery, bay, butter, salt, pepper)

risotto with “Mushroom worms” (mushrooms, onions, parsley, saffron, white wine, rice, olive oil, salt, pepper, parmesan cheese)

"Knuckle with fried cabbage" (pork shank, sauerkraut, smoked bacon, dry red wine, onion, garlic, bay, salt; for garnish: young zucchini, tomato, cheese)

"Pork with beer" (pork, beer, natural ground coffee, garlic, stale bread, lemon zest, salt, ground black pepper)

“Vegetable stew with meatballs in German” (eggs, champignons, onions, margarine, flour, milk, mustard, parsley)

"Stewed kohlrabi with veal dumplings" (young kohlrabi, potatoes, onions, butter, salt, ground white pepper, lemon zest, beef broth, white bread, chopped veal, eggs, grated nutmeg)

“Pork marinated in soy sauce and green onions” (pork, soy sauce, sesame, ground ginger, red pepper, green onion)

“Meat baked in lingonberry sauce” (pork, lingonberries, orange, honey, salt)

"Ratatouille" (zucchini, eggplant, tomatoes, onions, thyme, bell pepper, vegetable oil, garlic, herbs, pepper, salt)

Sweet flour dishes:

Evil Pumpkin Pie (shortbread dough, sugar, eggs, condensed milk, cinnamon, salt, minced pumpkin, ginger, cloves)

"Hell Pie" (apple pie, sprinkled with sugar on top, soaked in alcohol and set on fire)

Chocolate Fudge Pie (chocolate, condensed milk, nuts)


Bloody Heart ice cream (fresh frozen strawberries, strawberry syrup, vanilla ice cream)

dessert "Frozen" Jack Lantern » served in "evil orange" (orange, cinnamon, ice cream, chocolate)

dessert “Zombie Brains” (blueberry jelly, currants, curd cheese, blueberry jam, frozen blueberries)


Jack-O-Lantern cocktail (cognac (Hennessy), orange juice, ginger ale, Grand Marnier liqueur, orange wheel).

"Black Martini" (gin, brandy, black olive for garnish)

cocktail "Tina swamp" (dark rum (Cruzan), mint leaves, syrup (Fee Brothers Spiced Cordial Syrup), 1 egg white)

Mad Eye Martini cocktail (Hipnotiq liqueur, vodka, lychee juice, lychee fruit, cherry jam, blueberry)

cocktail “Skeletons of your toilet” (tequila, DeKuyper Island Blue Tropical schnapps, pineapple juice, mango juice)

Zombie cocktail (lemon juice, dark rum, orange juice, brandy, white rum, grenadine)

red punch (cranberry juice, sparkling water, strawberry and raspberry puree; crushed ice)

cocktail "Ghost in the Cemetery" (black vodka, White Creme de Cacao, vanilla ice cream, nutmeg)

Creepy Screwdriver cocktail (freshly squeezed tangerine juice, black vodka, licorice, ice)

Horrible Berry Martini cocktail (black vodka, cherry juice, ice, fresh strawberries)

cocktail "At the Witch's Ball" (mulled wine, dry ice)

"Blood" (red wine)

"Swamp Dew" (White wine)

Also in the Volgograd restaurant, at the request of the guest, there is a main menu and a wine list.

Events for organizing a Valentine's Day themed party:

The staircase to the restaurant is decorated with red balls (Fig. 19), the main hall of the restaurant is dimly lit and decorated with flowers, fabric, balls tied in the shape of hearts, candles (Fig. 20, 21), posters with sayings of the Great Ones about love are pasted on the walls, on the right and on the left side of the stage there are 2 trees with prizes in gift wrapping.

balls and cloth.

Fig.21. Decorating the hall with a heart

At the entrance to the restaurant, young men dressed in cupid costumes hand out valentines to guests, and girls are given flower bracelets (Fig. 22).

Rice. 22. Flower bracelets.

When guests enter the restaurant, quiet romantic music plays, performed by a specially invited vocal and instrumental ensemble.

At the buffet table, guests can drink champagne and wine, taste fruits and canapés.

Guests are seated at pre-booked tables by waiters (Fig. 23).

Fig.23. Decoration of the restaurant hall.

The tables are decorated in red and white colors; a mandatory attribute of the festive table for a Valentine's Day party is flowers and candles (Fig. 24), the setting is made with the best tableware (Fig. 25).

Fig.24. Festive table decoration Fig.25. Festive table setting.

All guests are given small souvenirs corresponding to the theme of the evening.

A guest presenter dressed in an angel costume comes on stage, greets the guests and briefly tells the story of the origin of Valentine's Day:

“According to legend, he lived in the third century AD in the Roman Empire and was a simple Christian priest, and also studied natural sciences and medicine. Valentin was young and handsome, kind and sympathetic. The time of Valentin's life coincided with the reign of the Roman emperor Claudius II, who, as

and all the Romans of that time respected the military valor of the famous Roman legions and did not really favor Christians. To preserve the military spirit, the emperor issued a decree prohibiting legionnaires from marrying, since a legionnaire who gets married spends a lot of time with his family and, as a result, is occupied with thoughts not about the good of the empire and military prowess, but about how to feed his family.

Fortunately for the legionnaires, there was a man who, without fear of the imperial wrath, began to secretly marry the lovers. This was the priest Valentin. Apparently, he was a real romantic, since his favorite pastimes were reconciling quarrels, helping write love letters, and giving flowers to the objects of their passion at the request of the legionnaires.

It was impossible to keep all this secret, and since the Roman Empire was famous for its respect for the laws, the emperor, having learned about this, decided to stop such activities. As a result, at the end of 269, Valentine was taken into custody, and soon a decree was signed on his execution. The last days of Valentin's life are shrouded in an aura of romance. They said that the jailer's daughter fell in love with him. Valentin, as a priest who had taken a vow of celibacy, could not answer her feelings, but on the night before his execution on February 13, he sent her a touching letter, where he told her about his love.

It was read after he was executed. It is not surprising that Valentine was not forgotten and was chosen as the patron saint of all lovers. As a Christian martyr who suffered for the faith, he was canonized by the Catholic Church. And in 496, Pope Gelasius declared February 14th Valentine's Day."

The host plays the “best-best” game with the guests: no more than four people play this game. The task is to say to yourself, looking in the mirror, ten gentle and kind words. The player must not laugh and must not repeat himself. The presenter and other players interfere: they try to make you laugh by commenting on the speaker’s words. The winner is awarded the Order of the Smiling Heart. At the end of the holiday, everyone should have at least one order left.

A show ballet appears on stage and performs a fiery Flamenco dance;

The first dance break begins (lasts 20 minutes), during which guests can taste original dishes from a specially designed menu, and those who wish can go dancing.

The presenter appears on stage again and holds a competition for the best “Valentine”.

The presenter invites all couples to present their “Valentines” through a special mail to friends in the hall and congratulate them on Valentine’s Day (music, presentation of “Valentines”).

The presenter holds a “Love” competition, they bring in balloons (they bring in 6 bundles of balloons, 2 each, with the letters of the word “love” in different languages ​​of the world glued to them randomly).

A second dance break is announced, and the guests are entertained by a ballet show.

After the break, the waiters bring out the “Love” cake (Fig. 26) and offer tea and coffee to the guests.

After tea, the host invites all guests outside.

A mini-play “St. Valentine” has been prepared outside.

The theme party ends with a luxurious fireworks display (Fig. 27, 28).

Fig.27. Festive fireworks. Fig.28. Festive fireworks.

The host thanks all the guests and says goodbye to them (music plays).

A taxi is called for all guests who wish, and the waiters offer a cup of coffee or tea while they wait.

At the Volgograd restaurant, guests will find an unusual menu specially designed for the Valentine's Day party:


snack “Frog Princess” (fresh cucumber, onion, black sturgeon caviar)

"Scarlet" salad (boiled beef, boiled egg, onion, butter, cheese, mayonnaise, tomatoes, parsley, lettuce, salt, pepper)

Carmen salad (sweet pepper, chicken fillet, green peas, olives, olive oil, vinegar, mustard, salt, parsley)

salad "Delight" (boiled salmon, cheese, canned corn, capers, olives, sweet peppers, mustard, lemon juice, vegetable oil, lettuce, ground black pepper)

Girotti salad (shrimp, celery stalk, apples)

iceberg lettuce" (cherry tomatoes, physalis, Provencal mayonnaise)

salad "Passion"

"Salad for Ladies" (mango, peach, tiger prawns, seasoned with raspberry dressing and red caviar)

"Salad for Cavaliers" (smoked salmon, melon, grapefruit, vodka)

Second hot dishes:

“The Kinglet is a songbird” (chicken fillet, cream cheese, pine nuts)

"Macho" (beef fillet, dark beer, German sausages, Emental cheese, gherkins)

"Duet" (duet of beef and pork fillet with cherry sauce with a vegetable basket and potato pears)

"Chicken legs in bags" (chicken drumstick, puff pastry, mushrooms, potatoes, onions, milk, butter, salt, pepper, vegetable oil)

fish in cheese soufflé (pike perch fillet, eggs, cheese, breadcrumbs)

chicken rolls in peach sauce (chicken, feta cheese, parsley, vegetable oil, tomato paste, peaches, salt, ground black pepper)


"Orange muffins" (orange, sugar, vanilla sugar, butter, eggs)

strawberry coconut pie (strawberries, coconut, butter, eggs, flour, sugar, vanilla sugar)

Valentine's cake (eggs, sugar, flour)

Cake "Cherry whim" (chocolate, butter, eggs, sugar, flour, breadcrumbs, vanilla sugar, cherries, sour cream)

bananas stuffed with chocolate covered nuts (bananas, chocolate, nuts)

chocolate soufflé “Day and Night” (dark chocolate, white chocolate, cream, sugar)

Grand - dessert (pineapple, oranges, kiwi, apricots, cherries, lemon balm)

dessert “Romance” (ice cream, red apples, kiwi, oranges, dark chocolate, whipped cream)


cocktail "Passion" (mango, vodka or champagne, lime juice, sugar, strawberries, ice cubes, mint)

Rossini cocktail (champagne, strawberries)

"Strawberries in Wine" (strawberries, dry wine, cinnamon, lime juice, sugar)

Apricot Lady cocktail (peach, rum, apricot liqueur, Cointreau, lemon juice, egg white)

cocktail "Temple of Love" (banana, kalua, apricot liqueur, tequila)

Also in the Volgograd restaurant, at the request of the guest, there is a main menu and a wine list.

2. Technical section

2.1 Characteristics and equipment of the retail premises of the Volgograd restaurant

The Volgograd restaurant has the following retail premises:

Hall (lobby):

This is the room where the visitor first enters. Architecture, color scheme, elements of information affect the psyche, emotions of a restaurant guest, and his mood. It is made in light beige tones, there are paintings on the walls, a white and gray marble staircase is covered with a blue carpet and white and red curtains, on the sides of the stairs there are vases with decorative flowers. In the hall there is a red sofa, a large mirror, and when going up the stairs, the road is illuminated by decorative lamps placed on the walls along the entire length of the stairs.


The number of seats in the lobby corresponds to the number of seats in the entire restaurant during the peak influx of customers. The wardrobe is equipped with metal double-sided sectional hangers with sliding brackets; they are the most hygienic and convenient for work. The distance between hangers must be at least 70 cm. Hooks of hangers are located at a distance of 1.5 m from the floor. Hooks and numbers are made to order. Bags and briefcases are placed in closets. The wardrobe must have equipment for storing replacement shoes.

When accepting items from visitors, the cloakroom attendant immediately hands them tokens (numbers) and only then hangs up the clothes. When a visitor leaves the restaurant, the coat is first served, then the headdress.


Located next to the wardrobe. There are high demands on their sanitary condition: impeccable cleanliness, good ventilation, bright lighting. The toilet rooms are supplied with hot and cold water, toilet soap, drying electric towels and mirrors. At the Volgograd restaurant, guests are provided with fresh linen napkins for personal use after washing their hands, as well as paper napkins. Toilet cabins are provided with toilet paper and ozonizers. Depending on how kind the service staff is, starting with the head waiter and the cloakroom attendant, your first impression of the level of service in a given restaurant is formed. The interior of the lobby, as well as the wardrobe and toilet rooms corresponds to the main direction of the restaurant.

Main hall of the restaurant:

This is the main room where visitors are served. One of the main requirements for the layout of the hall is a clear organization of communication between the hall and the production premises - kitchen, service, washing tableware, bars (buffets). The restaurant hall is the center of the architectural and planning solution. The decorative and architectural elements of the hall should encourage visitors to relax in a cozy environment. The main hall of the Volgograd restaurant is made in an antique style, the white ceiling is decorated with decorative skirting boards, decorative rosettes, large twisted golden chandeliers are placed in the center of the ceiling, the peach-colored walls are decorated with white stucco inserts in the form of columns. In the center of the hall there is a large stage, in the shape of a semicircle, decorated with “Golden Rain”. The large windows are shaped like arches, and the ceiling is decorated with stucco and curtains. The floor is covered with light brown parquet.

In the main hall there are rectangular tables 85 x 120 cm and 90 x 80 cm, the height of all dining tables is 270 mm, chairs are aesthetically pleasing, durable, easy to sanitize, so as not to impede the work of the waiter, the height of the back of the chair should not exceed 90-100 cm from the floor. The furniture for the restaurant was made to order, from one material, all the furniture was made in accordance with the artistic design of the interior. Mobile serving tables are designed to transport dishes to the dining table. Mounted on four wheels. There are tables with removable metal covers - trays (anodized or painted with hammer enamel). Their optimal height is 720 mm. Sideboards (waiters' cabinets) are designed to store a small supply of cutlery, dishes, and table linen. The top cover of the sideboard is covered with plastic and serves as a serving table. The sideboard has drawers in the first row for storing clean cutlery, paper napkins, and devices for uncorking bottles. At the bottom of the sideboard there are shelves for storing clean and used table linen with lockable doors. The decoration of the sideboard should match the design of the furniture in the room. Sideboards are located near the columns. Their height is 900 mm, length 1000 mm, width 450 mm.

Large banquet hall:

– made in a more modern style, in beige-brown tones. One large square and two small round aquariums are built into the walls, and the walls are also decorated with paintings.

The ceiling is made of suspended panels in white and beige colors, lamps are built into it providing regular daylight, as well as blue neon lighting. The plastic windows are draped with beige blinds and curtains. In the large banquet hall there are special banquet tables; they have a width of 1000-1200 mm.

The length of the banquet table is determined at the rate of 60-80 cm per person. Banquet tables can be used for organizing outdoor buffets and buffets. It has a plasma screen, karaoke, stage area, piano, and a separate lounge room designed in the same style as the banquet hall. The relaxation room contains comfortable wicker chairs, coffee tables, and fresh flowers.

Small banquet hall:

– made in yellow-red colors, the ceiling is white, decorative candlesticks and paintings are placed on the walls to create coziness and comfort, hanging vases with flowers. The main decorative solution is an artificial fireplace. The small banquet hall, as well as the large one, has banquet tables and chairs and a music center.


A room for storing and distributing tableware and cutlery to waiters - a service room. The service area is located next to the washing area, where dishes and cutlery are sanitized. Cabinets and racks with shelves where dishes and cutlery are stored are the main equipment of a service set. Serving sets with hanging shelves for storing glass and porcelain dishes and cutlery are convenient. Serving items are stored in serving rooms in the established order. So, cutlery is stored in drawers with nests separately for knives, forks, spoons; Certain places are specially designated for different types of dishes.

Placed next to the service area, it should have a convenient connection with the distribution and sales area. Particular attention is paid to the supply of hot water, sewerage, ventilation, and timely disposal of waste. All equipment in the washing room is placed during the processing of dishes: cleaning from food residues, sorting, washing, rinsing, sterilizing, drying.

Bathtubs and dishwashers are the main equipment of the washing room. It also requires brush glass washers, tables for sorting and cleaning dishes from food residues before immersing them in baths, devices for cleaning knives and forks, drying cabinets, racks for storing clean dishes, bins with lids for waste, etc.

Cash registers with counters for waiters in restaurants are placed in the room in front of the distribution area. The current day's menu with the prices of food and drinks should be posted near the machine. A complex counting and adding machine, equipped with a number of control devices that help prevent errors when accounting for cash proceeds, is a cash register. The main mechanisms of a cash register: installation, indicator, counting, receipt printing, as well as locks and keys for them. The waiter, before the start of the working day, receiving the key from the cashier, checks the meter readings, compares it with the entry in the cash book and certifies it with a signature. At the end of the working day, the waiter, together with the cashier, records the meter readings, hands over the proceeds and receives a receipt.


Halloween is celebrated on all continents. On this day, “sabbaths” are held in many public places: clubs, bars, restaurants and on the streets. Many countries are carefully preparing for the mystical holiday of Halloween. Modern Halloween originates from the ancient Celtic New Year, which was celebrated on November 1 according to the ancient calendar. The Celts believed that on this day they were reunited with their dead relatives for a while. (Hence another name for Halloween - the Holiday of the Dead.). Halloween is a fun holiday when dressed-up children go from house to house, demanding treats and gifts, threatening stingy owners with the vengeance of evil spirits. The symbol of All Saints' Day was the "pumpkin head" - a pumpkin lantern with slits in the form of eyes and a toothy mouth, as well as a witch on a broom. On the eve of the holiday, a lantern with a lit candle is placed in the windows of American houses so that the evil spirits roaming around in the area do not enter the house, thinking that it is already occupied by one of their own. Nowadays, Halloween is celebrated in many countries, regardless of religion. In recent years, this holiday has been widely celebrated in Russia. Young people, dressing up as vampires, demons and witches, flock to clubs and discos and rage from dusk to dawn. In some Russian schools, Halloween is celebrated with masquerades and parties.

An equally favorite and interesting holiday is Valentine's Day. With the advent of capitalism in our country, it became one of the most beloved Russian holidays. It is celebrated annually on February 14 by schoolchildren, adults, and even small children. And all because February 14 is not just the day of all lovers, as is commonly believed, February 14 is the day of all those who love and are loved.

And we love not only our partners-husbands and wives, but also children, parents, as well as friends and numerous relatives.

The tradition of celebrating Valentine's Day in Russia is still very young, but every year people of different ages and interests present each other with romantic surprises on this day. Why is this seemingly not at all Russian holiday taking root among us? Apparently, everyone wants to feel a little in love in the middle of a cold winter. Gradually, the holiday of St. Valentine acquired its own rituals and traditions, some of which have survived to this day. And in every country they are different. In all countries, it was very popular to organize weddings and get married on this day.


1. Ahmed Ismail. Organization of banquets, buffets, presentations. – Rostov n/d.: Phoenix, 2003.

2. Nikulenkova T.T., Lavrinenko Yu.I., Yastina T.M. Design of catering establishments. – M.: Kolos, 2000.

3. Collection of technical standards. Collection of recipes for dishes and culinary products for catering establishments. – M.: Khlebprodinform, 1996.

4. Collection of technical standards. Collection of recipes for flour confectionery and bakery products for catering establishments. – St. Petersburg: Gidrometeoizdat, 1998.

5. Timofeev V.M. Trade equipment and utensils. – M.: Economics, 1988.

6. Usov V.V. Organization of production and service at catering establishments. – M.: ProfObrIzdat, 2002.

7. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1036 of August 15, 1997. “On approval of the rules for the provision of public catering services” // travel consultant. Vol. 6. 1999.

8. Federal Law of the Russian Federation “On the sanitary and epidemiological welfare of the population.” Travel consultant *. Vol. 6. 1999.

9. Sanitary protection of the territory of the Russian Federation. “sanitary rules and regulations” (sanpin 3.4.035-95) // travel consultant *. Vol. 6. 1999.

10. Baranovsky V. Waiter-bartender: Textbook. allowance. – Rostov-on-Don: Phoenix, 2000. – 320.s

11. Bogusheva V.I. Bars and restaurants. The art of service. – Rostov-on-Don: Phoenix, 1999. – 352 p.

12.Christopher Egerton-Thomas. Catering business. – M.: Roskonsultant, 1999. – 272 p.

Annex 1.

Scenario for holding a HALLOWE"EN party in a restaurant.

Three presenters: Executioner, Death, Witch.
From 19 o'clock the presenters greet the guests: the Executioner at the entrance, Death pretends to be dead at the table and scares those entering, the Witch does mischief (throws evil spirits into the food) on the first and second floors.
The executioner and the Witch persuade everyone, under pain of damnation, to order something from the special Halloween menu.
At this time, a recording of music is playing. The musicians arrive at 19-30.
At 20 o'clock, when live music appears, the presenters take the stage.

Executioner: Welcome to the cafe... (name of the cafe) - a stylish cafe in the heart of the city... (name of the city)! Today we have gathered to say goodbye to the old, bad, unnecessary with the help of rituals. Say goodbye to autumn and welcome Halloween.

Death: Today, on Halloween night, we will move into the unknown new, we will meet winter. Only on this night the gates of time are open in both directions. Halloween is approaching, the hour of transition is coming.

Witch: Only on this night, Halloween night, there is no past and future. Only today we enjoy a mystical “now” that does not exist.

Executioner: Halloween time is a time to shed the burden of worries and worries that have accumulated over the summer. Today we follow the example of trees that are freed from leaves that have outlived their useful life. After all, if a tree does not throw off its dead leaves, they will not give it the opportunity to come to life again in the spring.

Death: Halloween dates back far, far back in history; it is said to be at least two thousand years old. According to ancient belief, it is today that the door to the other world will open, and the inhabitants of hell will penetrate to earth.

Witch: The transition to another time is not easy. The gate is well guarded. We, Witches and Demons, have legitimized this holiday for especially evil and dark jokes.

Executioner: We came up with a Halloween symbol - a pumpkin head. It symbolizes the end of the harvest, the evil spirit and the fire that scares it away.

Death: Today you have to dress up in scary costumes and do strange things to confuse the ghosts. The only thing you can't do on this day...

ALL(in chorus): There is no need to be offended by anything.

Witch: Today you have to guess, dance until you drop and misbehave, only today you can do whatever you want. So let's start our evening with a catchy dance and have a lot of fun today!

The orchestra plays 2-3 catchy melodies. At this time, the presenters invite the audience to dance, and also go around the hall and hand out ivy leaves to everyone, explaining that they will be used to guess and everyone must take them for themselves.
Three presenters come out - Executioner, Death, Witch.

Executioner: So here we go Halloween fortune telling !

Death: Everyone needs to make a wish! Did you make a wish? Did you all make a wish?

Witch: Women are the first to start guessing! Get your ivy leaves out! Everyone raised a leaf!
You must say loudly after me:
"Ivy, ivy, I love you,
I keep you on my chest."
We hide the leaf on our chest!
Let's repeat further!
"The first one to speak to me
He will be my husband."
The result of fortune telling will be known literally within one dance.

The orchestra plays one slow melody.

Witch: Women were the first to start guessing and the first to know the result!

Executioner: And we are starting Halloween fortune telling for men! Men, take out your pieces of paper and write your names and phone numbers on them. There is no need to indicate your last name, place of work, marital status, just your first name and phone number! Give us your papers!

The Witch and the Executioner are collecting leaves!

Death: So, all the leaves are collected! In order to look into the future of our men, you will have to wait a little, the result will not be as fast as for women! The leaves will be kept in our cafe until the eve of the summer solstice. If the leaf is still green by then, you will have a happy year and all your wishes will come true. Men! Come to the cafe on June 22 and you will find out your destiny for the whole year.

Witch: However, it is clear that if you come to our cafe more often, you will always be happy! Everybody dance!

The orchestra plays 2-3 tunes.

Executioner: I look, everyone is having fun, no one is scared anymore!

Death: We need to scare everyone! Let's call the mummy!

ALL: Mummy here! Mummy!

The witch invites two teams of 3-4 people to participate in the game and conducts the game "Mummy": You need to wrap one of the team members in a roll of toilet paper, making him a mummy. The one who did it faster and more accurately wins.

Death: The winner gets a dish called "Halloween Study" .

Hands over the dish. The orchestra plays 2-3 tunes.

Executioner: What a delicious dish from the chef of our cafe... (name, surname) won by the previous winner! Who else wants to try their luck and eat a new dish absolutely free? Take part in the next game!

Death: This will be a game for those who want to know if they will get married or get married this year. We invite those interested!

The participants of the game stand in the center of the hall. The executioner and the Witch take out the basin and place it on a stool.

Witch: The one who gets the apple out of the bowl first will be the first to get married this year!

After the game, prizes are awarded to the winners - a girl and a boy.

Executioner: You are celebrating a wedding this year, so a wedding cake from cafe... (cafe name) will be very helpful!

The witch brings out the “wedding” cake. The orchestra plays 2-3 tunes.

Executioner: As we found out, several weddings will be celebrated this year, and our next game is for those who are already sailing in the sea of ​​love.

Death: We invite married couples to come to the site!

The spouses come out and line up in pairs, respectively.

Witch: Now you will dance in the sea of ​​love. But as soon as the music stops, you need to stand on one of these “islands”.

The presenters conduct the game "Sea of ​​Love". They show and lay out “islands” (sheets of paper), the number of “islands” is equal to the number of pairs playing. The music turns on. While the music is playing, all players “swim” in the “sea of ​​love” without entering the islands. As soon as the music suddenly turns off, couples must immediately jump “to the islands.” It turns out that there are two players on one island. The islands are cut to a size so that only two feet can fit on them. Therefore, couples stand almost close to each other, each on one leg, holding each other. Anyone who cannot stay on the island and falls into the “sea” will be “swallowed by the sea”, i.e., drops out of the game (and takes the island with him). Game continues. There are one fewer islands, which means again someone will not be able to hold on and fall into the sea. The last remaining couple is awarded a prize (souvenir).

The orchestra plays 2-3 tunes.

The game is being played "Bows". Three or more players participate. The main player becomes in the middle, let's start with the girl. The other two players are blindfolded. For example, men. One of them is given yellow ribbons. He must approach the girl with his eyes closed and tie a yellow bow on her anywhere. Now the second man approaches her, feels for the yellow bow and unties it. Then the players change places - the girl ties a bow. And so on until everyone has tried all the roles.

The “Symbol of the Holiday” competition is being held: yellow is considered the symbolic color of the Halloween holiday, and among the guests we find the one whose costume contains the most yellow.
(The prize is a bottle of Champagne.)

The party ends with dancing and a competition can be held "Best Dance Couple" .

Fun announcements during the party:

Witch: There was one man who really wanted to take a photo with me. The cost of a photograph is 13 rubles, 28 kopecks.
(repeat 2 times).

Death: Anyone who wants to have a heart-to-heart talk with Death is welcome to come to my table.
(repeat 4 times)

Executioner: Who wants to sing a love song with me? It is inexpensive - only 10 rubles.
Who wants me to sing a love song? It is inexpensive - only 10 rubles.
Due to numerous requests from the audience, I will now perform a song about love.

Appendix 2.

Valentine's Day Party Scenario

Valentine's Day - scenario


Dear friends! Do you think there are ordinary miracles in the world? After all, if a miracle means something extraordinary. If it’s ordinary, then it’s not a miracle at all. But we will talk about love. Boys and girls fall in love with each other, and this is common. They quarrel, which is also not uncommon. You can talk about love, tell fairy tales, and sing songs. Love isn't everything:

Not bread and not water, not a roof in a rainstorm,

Not naked clothes,

Not a trunk floating to the drowning,

When strength and hope have already dried up.

Love does not replace air,

When there is not enough breath in the lungs.

Doesn't heal bone, doesn't cleanse blood,

But sometimes they die without love...

And if the strength of the feelings of a young man and a girl reaches a high intensity, it begins to work miracles, which is both surprising and extraordinary! Science gives the following explanation of love: it is an intimate, deep feeling, a focus on another person.

In ancient mythology and poetry, cosmic force, like gravity, always has a beneficial effect on a loved one. Every person experiences this wonderful feeling at least once in their life.


Tell me, who has love made you in life? The answer must begin with the letter "A". How do they live in love? The answer must begin with the letter "R". What did love create? The answer must begin with the letter "D". How do they flatter in love? The answer must begin with the letter "O". What does love give? The answer must begin with the letter "B". Everyone who answers the questions receives souvenirs.

Well, now we can get down to general work. There is an ancient legend that the apple became the reason for the love of the first man and woman. The Lord, terribly angry, tore the apple into small pieces and scattered it on the ground. And now the lovers walk around and look for those pieces that fit best together. Several couples are invited to the stage, each of which must collect their own apple in 1 minute. Then the same couples are given a piece of paper with a heart outline in the middle. You need to make a drawing, including a heart, and come up with a funny caption for it. The “postman” collects “Valentines” and delivers them to the recipients, and they must guess who they received the card from. A tree of hearts appears on the stage (an artificial tree, a homemade tree made of wire and paper, or half-blooming, pre-collected tree branches). Each couple takes turns tearing off a heart card from him, which says: Alyonushka - Ivanushka, Baby and Carlson, Winnie the Pooh and Piglet, etc. The couple portrays these heroes, the audience must guess who they are talking about.


Name 2 male and 2 female names that are translated from ancient languages ​​as flower names. The first pair calls male names, the second - female ones. Rose (lat.) - rose Viola (lat.) - viola Iya (Greek) - violet Flor (lat.) - flower Laurel (lat.) - laurel tree Stepan (Greek) - wreath.

Remember Cinderella's first ball? There, at the ball, she first met the prince, and they fell in love. But at the same ball there was another little noticeable incident. When the king was happily dancing a mazurka with Cinderella, his button suddenly came off. A trifle for a common man, but not for a king. There would have been a scandal if not for the skillful hands of Cinderella. We are sure that if any of our girls were in Cinderella’s place, she would have done the same. I think that among the participants in the competition there are no white-handed women, and they will now prove it to us. Among the many different buttons in the box, you must choose the one that you think is suitable for a royal doublet and quickly sew it onto the fabric. 3 minutes are given. Assistants present their work to the audience. The phonogram "Habaneras" from Bizet's opera "Carmen" is playing.


What is the name of this work? Who is its author? ("Carmen", Bizet). Who wrote the short story "Carmen"? (P. Merimee). Who first performed the main role in the ballet "Carmen Suite"? (Maya Plisetskaya). Who wrote the music for the ballet? (Rodion Shchedrin). Couples on stage are offered excerpts from works of Russian and foreign classics. Based on the description of the characters, as well as the dialogue between the lovers, you need to guess the time when the novel was written, the author, and the title. V. Shakespeare. "Romeo and Juliet". I. S. Turgenev. "The day before." L. N. Tolstoy. "War and Peace". Stendhal. "Red and black". V. P. Astafiev. "Starfall". V. V. Vishnevsky. "Optimistic tragedy."


Which celestial body has two names: one masculine and the other feminine? (Moon - month).

A modern woman has a thousand and one responsibilities. She needs to be both the keeper of the family hearth and the decoration of her whole life, and constantly hold the reins of government in her tender feminine hands, so that in a moment of weakness a man does not stumble and deviate from the true path. On Valentine's Day, don't skimp on your heartfelt words for your loved ones. Here's how one young man expressed his feelings in poetry: To my beloved girl, Who couldn't be better:

On Valentine's Day I am ready to wish:

Health, happiness, many victories,

Warmth from friends, and just gentle words!


1. What does the name Valentin mean? (Latin - strong, healthy).

2. “You can fall in love many times, but you can only love once...”. This is from Kalman's operetta "Silva". What do you think?

3. “I remember a wonderful moment.” Have you ever had such a moment? What kind of girl should she be to evoke such feelings?

4. “Love will come unexpectedly...”. Or do you think that we still need to prepare for such an event?

5. One of the musical heroes claims that “the heart of a beauty is prone to betrayal.” Do you join this or do you have your own point of view?

6. “Love is never without sadness...”. How do you feel about this statement?

Games on stage "Labyrinth":

Couples on the stage are located at different ends of the stage. In front of them is a labyrinth of chairs, ladders, flowerpots, and various objects. Each girl blindfolds the boy and guides him through the labyrinth. The first couple to overcome it without moving the objects wins. "Arrows of Cupid" Young men are given a bow and arrows, the most ancient weapon of the god of love to guard the interests of love. They shoot at paper targets with comic portraits of girls or at a daisy with their names. Wherever they end up, so will fate in life. “Valentin and Valentina” Question to both couples on stage (winners of the two games): Name famous people named Valentin or Valentina. Gaft (artist), Kataev (writer), Levashov (composer), Nikulin (artist), Pikul (writer), Serov (artist), Tereshkova (cosmonaut), Yudashkin (fashion designer), Vladimirova (actress), Grizodubova (pilot ), Legkostupova (pop singer), Leontyeva (television announcer), Malyavina, Serov, Talyzina, Titova, Telichkina (actresses), Ponomareva (singer), Tolkunova (singer), Matvienko (politician). The last one to name the name wins. "Find a Pair"

4-5 couples are invited to the stage. Each person is given a card with one name of famous literary and musical heroes written on it. You need to find your partner as quickly as possible, go up to the microphone and say the names of the duet. Master - Margarita, Eugene - Tatiana, Tristan - Isolde, Cavalier de Grieux - Manon Lescaut, Ivanhoe - Lady Rowenta, Maurice Gerald - Louise Poindexter (M. Reid "The Headless Horseman"), Don Quixote - Dulcinea, Kai - Gerda, Anthony - Cleopatra, Ruslan - Lyudmila, Pechorin - Bela, Chatsky - Sophia.

Friends, our evening has come to an end. Valentine's Day is one of those holidays without which life would be poorer. So let this holiday bring sincere and bright feelings, kindness, understanding and love for family, friends, to our hearts, to our families. Be happy!

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