Topics of conversations with preschoolers about ecology. Conversation on ecological education "culture of behavior in nature". The course of educational activities

Recommendations. This conversation can be started by talking about what specific help schoolchildren can provide to nature. By this time, children should have gained experience in communicating with nature, and certain natural history and environmental knowledge have been formed. Now it is important to involve younger students in a variety of conservation activities. A representative of the Ecology Committee and parents can take part in the conversation.

Purpose of the conversation. To form in children knowledge about the various types of activities of schoolchildren for the protection of nature, to arouse the desire for this activity, to show the joy of the work done, to set the stage for the implementation of some activities for the protection of nature.

Equipment. Exhibition of children's drawings on the theme: "We help nature"; essays and poems of schoolchildren on the topic; photo booth dedicated to the activities of children in nature; exhibition of feeders, birdhouses; posters on the theme of nature protection; crafts made from natural materials; memo "What a young friend of nature should be able to do."

The course of the conversation

Guys, you already know that nature needs our protection, our help. Scientists, engineers, the entire population of our country and the planet are thinking about this now. Why has the problem of nature conservation become so important and necessary? If we do not immediately help nature, it will die. What will happen on earth then? Do you think nature conservation is only a matter for adults, or can schoolchildren also make their own contribution? What can and do students do? Yes, students can do a lot. Their activities in nature are varied. For example, protection of the natural environment: feeding and rescuing animals in trouble; garbage control; production of feeders and houses for birds; feeding animals and birds; installation of plates in places of distribution of protected plants; helping diseased trees.

Now tell me about what you did. Let's now see our exhibition of drawings "We help nature." You are doing a lot of useful things for nature. Some drawings can even be described in verse. (The teacher invites the children to pick up verses written on separate sheets of paper for the drawings and read them.)

Many of you in the drawings depicted the planting of plants: flowers, trees, shrubs. This is a very good and rewarding work. You know, there is even a saying that a person has not lived his life in vain if he has planted and grown at least one tree in his life. It is not for nothing that people say: “The one who planted the tree will be thanked by the grandchildren, the one who killed it will be cursed by the children.”

And who will tell us how to plant trees? (If necessary, the teacher introduces students to the rules for planting plants.)

One of the students reads a poem:

We will plant lindens and maples,
The city will be elegant, green.
We will plant poplars in rows,
Our squares will become gardens.
We will surround the school with trees -
Let the cheerful hubbub ring over her.
Happy children love greenery.
They love to see the trees in full bloom.
Let it bloom every year more beautiful
Our young planet.
(N. Kutov)

Everyone loves to relax in the shade of the trees, listening to the noise of the leaves, but, unfortunately, not everyone participates in tree planting, like this boy, for example.

This boy loves in the heat
Rest in the shade of the forest.
And tell him:
If the forest is so dear to you,
Why are you nowhere
Have you planted a tree?
(M. Mirshakar)

Children, it is important not only to plant a plant, but also to carefully and carefully care for it, protect it from damage, from pests, and water it regularly.

At the beauty of the birch, the dress is silver,
The beauty-birch has green braids.
Goats jumped out of the yard to the birch,
They began to gnaw at the birch, and the birch - in tears.
We began to protect the birch in a crowd,
So that the beauty birch grows big.

In early spring you can see such a picture.

The shepherd cut the bark of a birch,
Bending down, he draws sweet juice.
Drop by drop falls into the sand
Birch blood, transparent as tears.

Tree bark must not be cut! The heart shrinks painfully when you see a crippled tree, because it is alive! What will happen to the tree next? It will fade by next year, the trunk and branches will gradually dry out, the roots in the soil will die.

The schoolchildren provide great help to the birch forests during the spring sap collection. They cover the wounds with clay and explain to the sap collectors what harm they are doing to the trees.

Some boy hurt a birch,
He cut birch bark with a knife.
Birch, don't cry: I'm going to get a first-aid kit,
I will tie a deep wound with a bandage.
(V. Suslov)


Wounds on trees are covered with wax, garden pitch, clay, putty or plasticine. The wound should be bandaged.

How do you understand the proverb: “A lot of forest - take care, little forest - do not destroy, no forest - plant?”

Which one of you planted the tree? Where? How do you care for him? Did you know that planted trees need watering?

Don't stop me from working
I will bring water
And well water
I will feed everyone, of course.
Drink, drink, don't be sorry
And if you want, pour into the watering can -
Water the garden:
He drinks water too!

The children have a lot of worries about nature in all seasons. Schoolchildren are worried about their friends - plants and animals. This is how our guys describe their worries. (The teacher reads excerpts from the children's compositions, paying special attention to the manifestation of moral feelings of pity, compassion, duty, responsibility.)

Our guys have been helping wintering birds for a long time: they make feeders, feed the birds, as described in the poem by O. Vysotskaya.

1st student.

For guests at the window
Kostya sprinkles millet,
Water is poured on a saucer:
Let them get drunk.

2nd student.

The paws of titmouse are freezing:
It's bad for them without mittens,
Yes, and hungry in the cold ...
I brought them seeds:
Look here
This is delicious food!
They sit on my palm.
Warm paws. Not to be afraid of.

Let's see together what feeders our guys made. (Children look at the exhibition of feeders, choose the best one.)

There will be things for schoolchildren in the summer.

And how did you help nature in the summer, in the camp, in the village with your grandmother or in our city?
The main concern in summer for adults and children is weed control. They have long been disliked by the people. It is no coincidence that they say:

Weed grass - out of the field!
Weed grass is strong at the root.

What weeds do you know?

Grew up in the field angry and prickly,
Needles in all directions. ( Burdock)

Prickly, but not a hedgehog,
Grab it when you pass by. ( Burdock)

Just touch and withdraw your hand,
Burns grass like fire! ( Nettle)

Nettle is an insidious herb.

Nettles hiding in the grass
Burns the kids patiently.
Evil and good - bites everyone,
Nobody misses!

There are many types of weeds, among them meadow bluegrass, creeping wheatgrass, wild oat, bonfire, meadow timothy, sow thistle, stinging nettle, plantain, etc. Weeds are found in fields and gardens. Weeds must be removed, as they interfere with the growth of cultivated plants planted in vegetable gardens, flower beds, fields, etc. Cultivated plants, not weeded in time, give a lower yield, the fruits become small, and the plants themselves become small. Sometimes unweeded plants can even die.

Waiting for the harvest
Don't be lazy to get up early!
If you start the beds,
Do not weed, do not pour -
Not a single sweet carrot
You won't find it in the garden!
(T. Belozerov)

Guys, do schoolchildren always properly help nature? What is the most common mistake they make? (The teacher works with posters reflecting the mistakes of children in environmental activities.)

One of the areas of environmental protection is the conservation of the wealth of nature: the economical use of water, gas, paper, heat, electricity; collection of scrap metal and waste paper.

Do you know that…

Does collecting waste paper save the forest? 60 kg of waste paper saves the life of one spruce.

Today we have awarded those who treat books and notebooks with care. (Representative of the Ecology Committee awards schoolchildren.)

Children, how do you understand what is shown here? (The teacher shows posters about caring for natural resources.)

Helping nature, schoolchildren can take an active part in the prevention of evil deeds in relation to it: raids into nature, patrolling streets, squares.

About how friends of nature struggle with bad deeds, a fairy tale-tale by E. Arefyeva "Nature and her friends" was written. (The teacher reads the story.)

“In the forest near the old, old oak, a small spring Veselchak spouted from under the ground. And in this spring lived a drop of Sparkle with all the sisters. They splashed merrily in their house, shone with all the colors of the rainbow when the sun extended its gentle rays to them, and were sad if the sun was gone for a long time. But the moments of sadness were short, because the rain added new drops to the spring, which quickly got to know Sparkle and her sisters and became completely family.

Sparkle and her little sisters were very small, but that didn't stop them from taking care of each other and their little ones. The more droplets, the friendlier they are, the louder Veselchak was.

Various animals often ran to this reserved corner of the forest to drink fresh water and chat with Veselchak, vociferous birds flew in and sang their songs, entertaining the droplets, and the spring itself sang along with the birds. It turned out an amazing forest choir! Everyone in this forest lived together and took care of each other. But one day a car drove up to an old oak tree, a man got out of it. The parent was happy. Now it will be useful to a person! But the big man did not seem to notice how diligently the spring tried to attract his attention to itself, how the birds sang affably and the old oak rustled joyfully.

Suddenly, a man began to cut branches from young birch trees. Seeing this, the droplets cried in their house, and the old oak creaked menacingly. But how could they help the trees? For some reason, it immediately became quiet in the forest, no birds were heard, but only the sound of an ax was heard.

Suddenly Veselchak and the old oak tree heard a cheerful song that the boys and girls were singing going to the clearing. These were the guys from the "Green Patrol" - true friends of nature. They saw a man chopping branches, and menacingly moved towards him. “Aren't you ashamed to spoil a beautiful corner of the forest?! So big and you don’t know that nature needs to be protected!” And the adult uncle suddenly felt ashamed, got into the car and left.

The birches could no longer be helped, the guys carefully folded the branches on the sidelines. Then, seeing the fontanel, they hurried to it. The droplets played and sparkled in the sun. Sparkle offered the guys to drink tasty and fresh water. Friends of nature gladly accepted this offer. The water was really very tasty and smelled like a forest.

In the branches of the old oak - the guardian of the fontanel - birds appeared, which were pleased to meet the guys. Grass rustled nearby, and two lumps rolled out into the clearing: a prickly and fluffy hedgehog and a hare. They ran to drink water from the spring and chat with Sparkle and her sisters. The children got acquainted with these inhabitants of the forest. And then all together they sat under the oak, listening to the conversations of Veselchak and the breeze that quietly rustled in the branches of the old oak.

The guys promised that they would often visit the forest corner and meet with its inhabitants. And they also said that they would always protect nature, not to offend her.”

Children, have you had to participate in such work? Tell about it.

There are many things children can do to improve the natural environment, such as planting trees, flowers, greening classrooms and schoolyards.

Did you know that natural beauty can be preserved to enjoy at home? How many of you have seen panels, paintings and other crafts made from natural material? Let's admire your crafts made from natural materials and choose the most interesting, the most original. Pay attention to the beauty of natural forms, colors, outlines. You see, even a dry twig, a blade of grass, a cone can be a wonderful decoration for your home. (The best craft is awarded a prize.)

Guys, what do you feel, what do you think about when you do good deeds in nature? Are you experiencing joy? Of course, you are very happy, pleased. This is how L. Nikitina describes the feeling of a girl who helps nature in her story “Joyful Moments”.

“In the spring, on cold, rainy days, I constantly watch the birds and feed them. Most often visit the feeding titmouse. Hearing the song of a cheerful little bird is a great joy!

In the forest, I found several anthills and fenced them off. One of the anthills was destroyed by someone, the entire upper part of the dome was demolished. I scooped up all the scattered building material and made a top out of it. The ants quickly began to repair the house, and after a while it acquired a normal appearance, the owners calmed down. And for me, a happy moment!

In our street, workers were laying pipes and damaging many trees. I removed the fallen trees that could no longer be saved, and carefully removed the broken branches from the rest, covered the wounds in some places, and put up props. I think that I saved them from death, and this is also joyful.

I saw a boy who caught a little wagtail chick. I insisted that he let him go at the same place where he took it. We put the chick on a branch, moved away a little and began to wait for the parents to arrive. Soon the voice of the wagtail was heard, the chick perked up, began to shake its tail, squeaked. And immediately two adult wagtails flew in with food, began to take turns thrusting the chick of the caterpillars brought into the greedily opened beak. And again, joy - both for me and for the boy!

Children, any help to a person, plant or animal brings joy, satisfaction, happiness.

Today we will hear a story about how schoolchildren helped nature in our city. (A representative of the Committee on Ecology speaks with brief information based on specific examples. The conversation can be accompanied by showing a filmstrip “What a young environmentalist should know and be able to do.”)

At the end of the conversation, the teacher gives the children a task: to explain to younger comrades and parents what help they can provide to nature. The conversation ends with the words of M. Andronov:

All the guys we are on big trips
We will be able to lure with a ringing song.
Vigilantly protect our nature -
This is the Motherland, it means to protect.

List of used literature

  1. Chistyakova L.A. Formation of ecological culture. - Ural: GARK, 1998.
  2. Khafizova L.N. How to introduce children to the rules of behavior in nature // Primary school. - 1988. - No. 8.
  3. Khafizova L.M. Ecological education of junior schoolchildren // Primary school. - 1989. - No. 3.
  4. Tsvetkova I.V. Ecology for elementary school. Games and projects. -Yaroslavl: Academy of Development, 1997.

Ecological education.
Game - conversation "The life of animals at night and during the day."

Kiseleva Evdokia Ivanovna, teacher of MKDOU "Kindergarten No. 4", Liski, Voronezh region
Material Description: I propose a summary of the educational game on environmental education for children of the older group. This material will be useful to teachers of preschool institutions who work in this direction. It is possible to organize such a game in a kindergarten for parents, as part of joint activities in the course of the environmental action "We Protect the Wildlife".
Target: broadening the horizons and generalization of the acquired knowledge in the field of ecology.
- to develop a cognitive interest in nature, to form a careful attitude towards it;
- consolidate children's knowledge about the life of the animal world;
- to form the foundations of ecological culture, understanding the value of any life;
- to cultivate interest and caring, humane and respectful attitude towards the environment.

Reading a poem by Y. Akim:
Happens on a sunny day
You will enter the forest through the wilderness
Sit down, try, on a stump,

Do not rush. Listen!
The leaves rustle, the grass rustles,
The birds don't stop.
The spring in the grass barely gurgles,
Rushing into the light.

Children imagine that they found themselves at the edge of the forest, ended up in the forest kingdom, where they met the inhabitants of the forest.
Educator: Who exactly can be seen here during the day?
(Children receive pictures of animals, are conveniently located in the "clearing" and begin to talk about animals and birds).
The bear eats berries, mushrooms, fish. Can eat any animal it catches. In autumn, he accumulates fat so that he can sleep peacefully all winter.
The hare runs, looking for juicy grass, tender bark, young shoots. He hides from the fox and other predators, and if he is still tracked down, he runs away and confuses the tracks.

The fox has very good hearing and smell. This helps her find a mouse or a hare. And if, quite hungry, then she goes to the village and steals chickens.

Here is a hedgehog running, he is preparing a house of dry leaves for hibernation. He accumulates fat, like a bear, he is not afraid of winter.

Squirrel makes stocks: dries mushrooms, stringing them on dry sharp branches, puts nuts in a hollow. She travels a lot in search of food.

The magpie fusses all day, in search of food.

The bat, like the owl, sleeps during the day.
Educator: So we learned about the role of light in the life of animals. Can we live without light, without the Sun? If not, why not?
Children: The sun shines, warms the whole earth, plants grow under its rays, which purify the air.
Educator: And what happens to nature at night?
Children: At night, many animals hide and sleep, but some begin a nightlife: an owl and a bat go hunting, wolves, lynx, and a tiger also hunt at night.
- When do we sleep?
Why do you need such a rest?
Children: To be healthy, vigorous, able-bodied.
Educator: Whatever happens, we must always remember that animals and birds are part of our nature, without them the entire ecological system will be disrupted, and we, Young Ecologists, must keep order in nature and protect the environment.
The night will pass, the Sun will rise again, warm the earth with its warm rays, and we will gladly say to each other and to our entire planet: “Good morning!”


1 Ecological conversation on the topic "Let's help nature" The purpose of the conversation. To form in children knowledge about the various types of activities of schoolchildren for the protection of nature, to arouse the desire for this activity, to show the joy of the work done, to set the stage for the implementation of some activities for the protection of nature. Equipment. Exhibition of children's drawings on the theme: “We help nature. The course of the conversation: Guys, you already know that nature needs our protection, our help. Scientists, engineers, the entire population of our country and the planet are thinking about this now. Why has the problem of nature conservation become so important and necessary? If we do not immediately help nature, it will die. What will happen on earth then? Do you think nature conservation is only a matter for adults, or can schoolchildren also make their own contribution? What can and do students do? Yes, students can do a lot. Their activities in nature are varied. For example, protection of the natural environment: feeding and rescuing animals in trouble; garbage control; production of feeders and houses for birds; feeding animals and birds; installation of plates in places of distribution of protected plants; helping diseased trees. Now tell me about what you did. Let's now see our exhibition of drawings "We help nature." You are doing a lot of useful things for nature. Some drawings can even be described in verse. (The teacher invites the children to pick up verses written on separate sheets of paper for the drawings and read them.) Many of you have depicted planting plants in the drawings: flowers, trees, shrubs. This is a very good and rewarding work. You know, there is even a saying that a person has not lived his life in vain if he has planted and grown at least one tree in his life. It is not for nothing that people say: “The one who planted the tree will be thanked by the grandchildren, the one who killed it will be cursed by the children.” And who will tell us how to plant trees? (If necessary, the teacher introduces students to the rules for planting plants.) One of the students reads a poem: We will plant lindens and maples, There will be an elegant, green city. We will plant poplars in rows, Our squares will become gardens. We will surround the school with trees - Let the cheerful hubbub ring over it. Happy children love greenery. They love to see the trees in full bloom. Let it bloom every year more beautifully Our young planet. (N. Kutov) Everyone likes to relax in the shade of trees, listening to the noise of leaves, but, unfortunately, not everyone participates in planting trees, like this boy, for example. This boy loves in the heat To rest in the shade of the forest. But tell him: If the forest is so dear to you, Why didn’t you plant a Tree yourself anywhere? (M. Mirshakar)

2 Children, it is important not only to plant a plant, but also to carefully and carefully care for it, protect it from damage, from pests, and water it regularly. The birch beauty has a silver dress, The birch beauty has green braids. From the yard to the birch goats jumped out, They began to gnaw at the birch, and the birch - in tears. We began to protect the birch in a crowd, so that the beauty-birch grew big. (P.Voronko) In early spring you can see such a picture. Student. The shepherd cut the bark of a birch, Bending down, pulling sweet juice. Drop by drop falls into the sand Birch blood, transparent as tears. (F. Sologub) You can't cut the bark of trees! The heart shrinks painfully when you see a crippled tree, because it is alive! What will happen to the tree next? It will fade by next year, the trunk and branches will gradually dry out, the roots in the soil will die. The schoolchildren provide great help to the birch forests during the spring sap collection. They cover the wounds with clay and explain to the sap collectors what harm they are doing to the trees. Some boy hurt a birch tree, He cut a birch bark with a knife on a birch tree. Birch, don't cry: I'll go for the first-aid kit, I'll tie a deep wound with a bandage. (V. Suslov) Remember! Wounds on trees are covered with wax, garden pitch, clay, putty or plasticine. The wound should be bandaged. How do you understand the proverb: “A lot of forest - take care, little forest - do not destroy, no forest - plant?” Which one of you planted the tree? Where? How do you care for him? Did you know that planted trees need watering? Do not interfere with my work, I will bring some water And, of course, I will treat everyone with well water. Drink, drink, do not be sorry, If you want, pour into a watering can - Water the garden: He drinks water too! (E. Blaginina) Children have a lot of worries about nature in all seasons. Schoolchildren are worried about their friends - plants and animals. This is how our guys describe their worries. (The teacher reads excerpts from the children's compositions, paying special attention to the manifestation of moral feelings of pity, compassion, duty, responsibility.)

3 Our guys have been helping wintering birds for a long time: they make feeders, feed birds, as described in a poem by O. Vysotskaya. Kostya pours millet at the window for guests, Pouring water on a saucer: Let them get drunk. Titmouse's paws are freezing: It's bad for them without mittens, Yes, and hungry in the cold I brought them seeds: Look here, This is delicious food! .. They sit on my palm. Warm paws. Not to be afraid of. Let's see together what feeders our guys made. (Children look at the exhibition of feeders, choose the best one.) Schoolchildren will also find things to do in the summer. And how did you help nature in the summer, in the camp, in the village with your grandmother or in our city? The main concern in summer for adults and children is weed control. They have long been disliked by the people. It is no coincidence that they say: Weed grass - out of the field! Weed grass is strong at the root. What weeds do you know? He grew up in the field, angry and prickly, Needles in all directions. (Burdock) Prickly, but not a hedgehog, Clings, if you pass by. (Burdock) Just touch and withdraw your hand, Burns the grass like fire! (Nettle) Nettle is an insidious herb. Nettle hides in the grass, Burns the kids patiently. Evil and good - bites everyone, Doesn't let anyone through! There are many types of weeds, among them meadow bluegrass, creeping wheatgrass, wild oat, bonfire, meadow timothy, sow thistle, stinging nettle, plantain, etc. Weeds are found in fields and gardens. Weeds must be removed, as they interfere with the growth of cultivated plants planted in gardens, flower beds, fields, etc. Cultivated plants, not weeded in time, give a lower yield, the fruits become small, and the plants themselves become small. Sometimes unweeded plants can even die. Waiting for the harvest - Do not be lazy to get up early! If you run the beds, You don’t weed, you don’t water - Not a single sweet carrot

4 You won't find it in the garden! (T. Belozerov) Guys, do schoolchildren always properly help nature? What is the most common mistake they make? (The teacher works with posters reflecting the mistakes of children in environmental activities.) One of the areas of environmental protection is the conservation of the wealth of nature: the economical use of water, gas, paper, heat, electricity; collection of scrap metal and waste paper. Did you know that Waste Paper Collection saves the forest? 60 kg of waste paper saves the life of one spruce. Today we have awarded those who treat books and notebooks with care. (A representative of the Ecology Committee awards schoolchildren.) Children, how do you understand what is shown here? (The teacher shows posters about caring for natural resources.) By helping nature, schoolchildren can take an active part in preventing bad deeds in relation to it: raids into nature, patrolling streets, squares. About how friends of nature struggle with bad deeds, a fairy tale-tale by E. Arefyeva "Nature and her friends" was written. (The teacher reads a fairy tale.) “In the forest near the old, old oak, a small spring Veselchak spouted from under the ground. And in this spring lived a drop of Sparkle with all the sisters. They splashed merrily in their house, shone with all the colors of the rainbow when the sun extended its gentle rays to them, and were sad if the sun was gone for a long time. But the moments of sadness were short, because the rain added new drops to the spring, which quickly got to know Sparkle and her sisters and became completely family. Sparkle and her little sisters were very small, but that didn't stop them from taking care of each other and their little ones. The more droplets, the friendlier they are, the louder Veselchak was. Various animals often ran to this reserved corner of the forest to drink fresh water and chat with Veselchak, vociferous birds flew in and sang their songs, entertaining the droplets, and the spring itself sang along with the birds. It turned out an amazing forest choir! Everyone in this forest lived together and took care of each other. But one day a car drove up to an old oak tree, a man got out of it. The parent was happy. Now it will be useful to a person! But the big man did not seem to notice how diligently the spring tried to attract his attention to itself, how the birds sang affably and the old oak rustled joyfully. Suddenly, a man began to cut branches from young birch trees. Seeing this, the droplets cried in their house, and the old oak creaked menacingly. But how could they help the trees? For some reason, it immediately became quiet in the forest, no birds were heard, but only the sound of an ax was heard. Suddenly Veselchak and the old oak tree heard a cheerful song that the boys and girls were singing going to the clearing. These were the guys from the "Green Patrol" - true friends of nature. They saw a man chopping branches, and menacingly moved towards him. “Aren't you ashamed to spoil a beautiful corner of the forest?! So big and you don’t know that nature needs to be protected!” And the adult uncle suddenly felt ashamed, got into the car and left. The birches could no longer be helped, the guys carefully folded the branches on the sidelines. Then, seeing the fontanel, they hurried to it. The droplets played and sparkled in the sun. Sparkle offered the guys to drink tasty and fresh water. Friends of nature gladly accepted this offer. The water was really very tasty and smelled like a forest.

5 In the branches of the old oak - the guardian of the spring - birds appeared, which were pleased to meet the guys. Grass rustled nearby, and two lumps rolled out into the clearing: a prickly and fluffy hedgehog and a hare. They ran to drink water from the spring and chat with Sparkle and her sisters. The children got acquainted with these inhabitants of the forest. And then all together they sat under the oak, listening to the conversations of Veselchak and the breeze that quietly rustled in the branches of the old oak. The guys promised that they would often visit the forest corner and meet with its inhabitants. And they also said that they would always protect nature, not to offend her.” Children, have you had to participate in such work? Tell about it. There are many things children can do to improve the natural environment, such as planting trees, flowers, greening classrooms and schoolyards. Did you know that natural beauty can be preserved to enjoy at home? How many of you have seen panels, paintings and other crafts made from natural material? Let's admire your crafts made from natural materials and choose the most interesting, the most original. Pay attention to the beauty of natural forms, colors, outlines. You see, even a dry twig, a blade of grass, a cone can be a wonderful decoration for your home. (The best craft is awarded a prize.) Guys, what do you feel, what do you think about when you do good deeds in nature? Are you experiencing joy? Of course, you are very happy, pleased. This is how L. Nikitina describes the feeling of a girl who helps nature in her story “Joyful Moments”. “In the spring, on cold, rainy days, I constantly watch the birds and feed them. Most often visit the feeding titmouse. Hearing the song of a cheerful little bird is a great joy! In the forest, I found several anthills and fenced them off. One of the anthills was destroyed by someone, the entire upper part of the dome was demolished. I scooped up all the scattered building material and made a top out of it. The ants quickly began to repair the house, and after a while it acquired a normal appearance, the owners calmed down. And for me, a happy moment! In our street, workers were laying pipes and damaging many trees. I removed the fallen trees that could no longer be saved, and carefully removed the broken branches from the rest, covered the wounds in some places, and put up props. I think that I saved them from death, and this is also joyful. I saw a boy who caught a little wagtail chick. I insisted that he let him go at the same place where he took it. We put the chick on a branch, moved away a little and began to wait for the parents to arrive. Soon the voice of the wagtail was heard, the chick perked up, began to shake its tail, squeaked. And immediately two adult wagtails flew in with food, began to take turns thrusting the chick of the caterpillars brought into the greedily opened beak. And again, joy - both for me and for the boy! Children, any help to a person, plant or animal brings joy, satisfaction, happiness. Today we will hear a story about how schoolchildren helped nature in our city. (A representative of the Ecology Committee speaks with brief information based on specific examples. The conversation can be accompanied by a filmstrip showing “What a young environmentalist should know and be able to do.”) At the end of the conversation, the teacher gives the children a task: to explain to younger comrades and parents what kind of help they can render to nature. The conversation ends with the words of M. Andronov: We will be able to lure all the guys on big campaigns with a sonorous song.

6 Vigilantly protect our nature - This is the Motherland, it means to protect. List of references 1. Chistyakova L.A. Formation of ecological culture. Ural: GARC, Khafizova L.N. How to introduce children to the rules of behavior in nature // Primary school Khafizova L.M. Ecological education of junior schoolchildren // Primary school Tsvetkova I.V. Ecology for elementary school. Games and projects. Yaroslavl: Academy of Development, 2007.

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Ecological talk "Garbage is a global problem".

Relevance of the topic: Planet Earth is our common home, every person living in it should treat it carefully and carefully, preserving all its values ​​and wealth.
Material Description: This year I was faced with the task of telling the children about the ecology of our region. I bring to your attention several conversations about ecology, designed for children in grades 5-7, this material can also be useful to teachers, educators and parents.
Recommendations: The conversation is accompanied by a presentation (multimedia accompaniment), which allows you to better feel the degree of danger from pollution of our Home-Earth. The conversation begins with showing an excerpt from the cartoon "Wally", followed by a problem statement. You can play the question or ask the children to ask it, or ask the teacher (this is the envy of the class).
Target: To form in children knowledge about various types of household pollution. To arouse the desire of schoolchildren to protect nature, to give an orientation to the implementation of some measures to protect nature.
- to study the scale of the problem;
- analyze modern methods of waste disposal;
- find rational ways to dispose of waste.

The course of the conversation.

The cartoon should stop at 2 minutes and ask the question: "What did you see in this passage?"
Sample responses from children:
- mountains of rubbish
- an empty planet
- a robot that collects garbage ...
Teacher's question: "Why is the planet empty, what happened? What is the reason?"
Sample responses from children:
-People flew away because they littered the planet and could not live on it.
Now look under your desks (look at the sidewalk...or any other there a job for Wally?
Our settlement arose in 1921, on the bank of the river. Several houses were built. The first inhabitants saw a beautiful forest around, fertile meadows, carpets of fields. The village grew. And what do we see now? What happened as a result? ( Children's answers)
Today we will talk with you about garbage, we will try to figure out how dangerous our household garbage is.
Presentation display.

Garbage is a global problem.

2 slide. For every inhabitant of our planet, there is an average of about 1 ton of garbage per year.
3 slide.
Causes of garbage:

. growth in single-use production;
An example for clarity: disposable tableware that is used on hikes, picnics, etc.
. increase in the amount of packaging;
An example for clarity: a box of chocolates. To get to a handful of sweets, we first remove the film, then open the lid of the box, then remove the paper, and take out the candies from individual packages. As a result, there are only 6-12 sweets, and a full bucket of garbage!
. raising the standard of living, allowing usable things to be replaced by new ones.
An example for clarity: almost every day, new phones are offered to us from the TV screen, and we have a desire to buy a new thing, although the old phone is serviceable and functional. Where do we put the old phone when we get a new one?
4 slide. Municipal solid waste(MSW, household waste) - items or goods that have lost consumer properties, the largest part of consumer waste
MSW: paper, glass, food waste, plastics, fabrics, metal objects. In addition to all this, large-sized solid waste (garbage - old furniture, broken household appliances, car tires, etc.)
5 slide. Conventionally, all produced waste can be divided into 4 categories. (description on slide)
Inert - Possessing low chemical activity; difficult to enter into chemical reactions.
Waste is also classified according to the degree of danger to the environment. The classification goes on increasing from grade 5 to grade 1.
Class 1: Extremely hazardous waste. The threat is very high, at this level the ecological system is irreversibly damaged, there is no recovery period.
Class 2: Highly hazardous waste. The threat to the environment is high. Restoring the ecological balance is possible in 30 years.
Grade 3: Moderately hazardous waste. The ecological system is broken. Restoration of the ecological system is possible not less than 10 years after the reduction or elimination of the harmful source.
Class 4: Low hazardous waste. There is an environmental impact. Restoration of the environment for at least 3 years.
Grade 5: Practically not dangerous. There is no environmental impact.
6 slide. Construction and household waste

Construction waste. This type of waste is generated during construction and installation works for various purposes, in particular the construction of large facilities, road works, as well as during the dismantling and demolition of premises. Most often, such waste includes solidified lump-shaped solutions, crushed stone, broken bricks, rebar, wood debris, scrap metal, and others. These wastes are classified as 3-4 hazard classes.
Household waste.

Household waste is generated in the process of human activity, as a rule, in institutions, residential complexes, private sectors, municipal institutions, and so on. This type of waste includes food waste, plastic, paper, furniture, glass, clothing and other household waste. This kind of garbage has hazard class 4-5.
7 slide. Industrial wasteIndustrial waste.

These are various types of waste that are generated as a result of production work and technological processes. Garbage has hazard class 2-3.
In addition to waste generated as a result of the activities of the population and enterprises, wastewater also includes water, the formation of which was the result of various atmospheric precipitation on the territory of industrial facilities and settlements.
Various organic substances contained in wastewater, when released into water bodies, begin to rot and cause a deterioration in the sanitary condition of both the water bodies themselves and the surrounding air, and also become sources of the spread of pathogenic bacteria.
Therefore, the most important issues of environmental protection are water disposal and wastewater treatment, which prevent harm to public health and the ecological situation of settlements.
8 slide. Chemical compounds and rubber

Chemical - pollutants are harmful chemical compounds. 1 class of danger.
9slide. Packaging materials (plastic bags, plastic bottles, aluminum cans)
10 slide. There are three ways to dispose (description on slide)
Exercise "My portfolio"
(individually, in groups, as a whole class)
Children take out things, objects from their portfolios and sort them, laying out separately objects made of wood (paper), metals, fabrics, glass, plastics. Under the guidance of the teacher, they write the data into a table, writing out the contents of the portfolio in the appropriate columns. Further discussion: are there many products and what material are they made of? How long will these things last? How quickly will they end up in a landfill? Is there anything we can do to keep them from becoming trash?

11 slide. Landfills are the most anti-environmental way to recycle waste.

In an ordinary landfill, toxic infiltration water flows out of it, and methane enters the atmosphere, which contributes to an increase in the greenhouse effect (today, methane "takes on" 20% of the climate warming effect)
In a notebook b:
1. Poisonous substances penetrate into groundwater, are dispersed by winds in the surroundings, and thereby cause damage to the environment.
2. As a result of decay processes without air access, various gases are formed
3. Fires regularly occur at landfills, during which soot, phenol and other toxic substances are released into the atmosphere.
12 slide. When constructing a waste site, the following shall be taken into account:
-rose, winds in the landfill area;
- distance from settlements, water protection and nature protection zones;
- permeability of soils;
- the area of ​​the territory allotted for the landfill (the area should be sufficient to receive garbage for a long time);
- location convenient for transport access
13 slide. As a landfill option, a landfill for the storage of solid waste is proposed - this is a “bath” with a bottom and sides made of clay and a polyethylene film, in which the compacted layers of solid waste are sprinkled with layers of soil. The volume of garbage is growing so fast that in a few years any landfill is full and a new one needs to be built.
Does the landfill of our village meet all the requirements? Why?
14 slide. Unauthorized dumps(Where can these dumps be seen in the village? near it?)
1. Disfigures the landscape.
2. Creates a threat to human health:
- breeding rodents are carriers of infectious diseases;
- toxicological hazard from escaping methane, sulfur dioxide.
3. The released biogas creates an explosion and fire hazard.
4. Contamination of soil and groundwater with compounds of arsenic, cadmium, chromium, lead, mercury, nickel.
15 slide. Construction debris fall asleep ravines and I we.
-Firstly, such landfills are drained to prevent the ingress of water from the landfill into underground aquifers.
-Secondly, they are ventilated to prevent the formation of combustible and poisonous gases.
-Thirdly, the garbage is poured into the landfill so that its surface is even.
16 side. Waste incineration.

- Harmful or toxic chemical compounds are released in huge quantities.
-not all trash is on fire
-garbage contains a lot of moisture and hardly combustible materials
17 slide: There are waste incineration plants: 1 ton of garbage can produce 400 kWh (energy - hot steam). However, even with the most advanced combustion technology, these plants pollute the atmosphere. Although an environmentally friendly incineration plant was built in Vienna.

The building with golden spherical domes, a high chimney tower and colorful walls houses the Spittelau waste incineration plant (Hundertwasser's creation), which has become an organic element of the urban landscape, an example of high environmental standards and a popular tourist attraction. The Spittelau incinerator is a rare combination of practicality and beauty. The plant can dispose of 265,000 tons of garbage annually. He generates electricity for his own needs. In addition, it supplies heat to 60,000 Viennese apartments. Mirrored golden balls crowning the factory chimneys are not just eye-catching architectural decorations, but effective filters that remove heavy metals, acids and sulfur dioxide from smoke. These devices cost the treasury a lot (the cost of the project almost doubled because of them), but the author of the project insisted on installing them. Now there are no unpleasant odors in the vicinity of the plant.
18 slide: Recycling is the most resource-saving way.

But there are a number of problems here:
-First problem: garbage needs to be sorted. For recycling, investments are needed to make waste processing plants economically viable.
- The second problem: the delivery of garbage to the place of processing.
-Third problem: garbage cannot be used as a raw material for the production of high-quality products. Although it is profitable to process MSW, there is always a demand for secondary raw materials - paper, glass, plastic, aluminum, non-ferrous metals, etc.
19 slide. Besides
1.Industrial waste - must not be disposed of together with household waste,
- pesticides, mercury and its compounds - chemical industry waste;
-radioactive waste generated at nuclear power plants;
- arsenic and its compounds - waste from metallurgical industries and thermal power plants;
lead compounds - waste from the oil refining and paint industries, etc.
20 slide. 2.Household waste - which after their use becomes special waste.
- unused medicines;
- residues of chemical plant protection products (toxic chemicals);
- the remains of paints, varnishes and glues;
-remains of cosmetics (eyeshadow, nail polish, nail polish remover);
- residues of household chemicals (cleaning products, deodorants, stain removers, aerosols, furniture care products);
- mercury thermometers.
21 slide.Liquidation (utilization) of special waste is regulated by strict rules and regulations:
- Incineration in special installations,
-Placement on special grounds
- Storage on the ground in a waterproof platform up to 3 m thick.
22 slide. The recycling of solid waste in Russia is no more than 2%; one of the reasons is the insufficient ecological culture of the population. After all, it is easier for us to throw garbage into a common container than to sort it. And the dirtiest trash is food waste.. They decompose and pollute the other, and it becomes more difficult to sort out.
22 slide. Natural decomposition of garbage:
- paper - from 2 to 10 years,
- tin can - 90 years,
- a filter from a cigarette - 100 years, a plastic bag - 200 years, plastic - 500 years,
- glass - 1000 years.
24slide. As we have already said, the most environmentally friendly way to get rid of garbage is its recycling. Your options (children give examples of recycling garbage)
-The Dutch are building an island out of garbage in the Pacific Ocean
- Build houses from bottles (glass)
-Establish fences, Create sculptures
25-27 slide: Waste recycling (examples on slide)
Exercise "Useful garbage"
Find garbage in pictures or in your things that can be recycled.
Garbage sorting game.
(in groups)
Children in groups sort garbage into fractions, deciding for themselves which fractions to allocate. It is possible to replace the "real" garbage with cards. Discussion of the results of the work.

28 slide. Active pollution of the environment has led to a global environmental problem - the destruction of the human environment.
29 slide. Let's come up with rules that we will follow to keep our planet clean.
1. Throw garbage only into containers;
2. When shopping, take a shopping bag with you;
3. Try to buy detergents that do not contain phosphates;
4.Do not throw garbage in sinks and toilets;
5. Use compost and manure as organic fertilizers;
6. Whenever possible, buy drinks in glass bottles;
7. Try to avoid buying disposable items.
30 slide.
- Is scientific and technological progress justified? After all, by improving the conditions of our life, it inevitably leads to a disaster for the natural environment.
- Increasing anthropogenic pressure may eventually lead to the extinction of humanity as a biological species.
- And one of the reasons for this is garbage ...
Exercise "Alternative"
(in groups or as a whole class)
It is necessary to offer alternatives to various things that very quickly become garbage. How can they be made differently so that there is less garbage?
- plastic bag for milk, kefir
-disposable tableware
- plastic lemonade bottle
-other, from what the children themselves called during the conversation.

Final discussion.
Our civilization is sometimes called the civilization of waste. Never before in the history of mankind have landfills grown so rapidly! If the garbage of earthlings is put in one place in one year, then a real mountain will form, like Mont Blanc. What can you and I do so that at least Valli does not have to work in our village?

Conversation on ecology

Conversation script

"Protect your native nature!"

Love, respect for nature, for all living things must be nurtured in children from early childhood. This should be done by both parents and teachers. The teacher can conduct a conversation with the children “Nature in poetry and music” and prepare a literary and musical composition with them “Take care of your native nature! ”

We bring to the attention of readers the development of such a composition. Let the guys hang posters on the walls of the hall in advance with the statements of prominent people about nature:

· "I don't know anything more beautiful than our land." (K.G. Paustovsky)

· “Man cannot but occupy nature. He is connected with her by a thousand inextricable threads, he is her son ”(I.S. Turgenev)

· “Happiness is to be with nature, to see her, to talk to her.” (L.N. Tolstoy)

· "A person who understands nature is nobler, purer." (L.M.Leonov)

· “A person should arrange the land with the same care as he used to arrange his dwelling, his house.” (A.M. Gorky)

· "Man must adorn the earth." (M.A. Sholokhov)

Schoolchildren can arrange stands “Poets about Russian nature”, “Artist about Russian nature”, lead a competition for the best drawing about nature, prepare an exhibition of their drawings, crafts made from natural material.

At the appointed time, students gather in the hall. The presenter and several guys come on stage.

Host: Look around: what a beautiful, wonderful world surrounds us - forests, fields, rivers, seas, oceans, mountains, sky, sun, animals, birds. This is nature! Our life is inseparable from it. Nature feeds, waters, clothes us. She is generous and selfless.

The writer K. G. Paustovsky has the following words: “And if I sometimes want to live up to a hundred and twenty years, it is only because one life is not enough to experience to the end all the charm and all the healing power of our Russian nature. Love for one's native nature is one of the most important signs of love for one's country.”

Our Russian nature, full of poetry and charm, touches and excites every person who loves his Motherland, has a beneficial effect on his soul.

The beauty of simple and artless Russian nature is an inexhaustible source of inspiration for the poet, artists and composers. Many poems, paintings, musical works were born thanks to her.

The song “Our Land” sounds (lyrics by A. Aliens, music by D. Kabelevsky);

That birch, then mountain ash,

Willow bush over the river

Krayrodnoy, forever beloved,

Where else can you find one like this?

From seas to high mountains,

In the middle of native latitudes

Everybody run, run the roads

And they call ahead.

Valleys flooded with sun

And wherever you look

Native land, forever beloved,

Everything blooms like a spring garden!

Student: And how many secrets each inconspicuous blade of grass, each flower keeps in itself!

Are you passing by a flower?

Bend over, look at the miracle

Which you have never seen before.

He can do things that no one else on earth can do.

For example, he takes a speck of soft black earth,

Then he takes a shower of rain,

And a blue shred of air,

And a ray of sunshine.

Everything will mix later (but where!?)

(Where are the test tubes, and the flasks, and the rows of spirit lamps?)

And here from the same black earth

It is either red, then blue, then lilac, then gold!

V.A. Soloukhin

Guys, do not tear in vain armfuls of flowers. Let them bloom those short moments that are released to them by nature, please us.

The student reads the poem:

All rye around, like a living steppe,

No castles, no seas, no mountains...

Thank you dear side

For your giving space.

N.A. Nekrasov

Student :

Gave you in full Motherland

All that she can only give to her son.

Gave the dawn and the father's threshold.

And for thousands of years they gave star roads.

Viburnum flowers in the fields, the purity of the spring

Defended in battles, carried through the centuries,

Gave you wild flowers

Infinite shining world.

The song “Where does the Motherland begin? ” (lyrics by M. Matusovsky, music by A. Pakhmutova).

Leading. Nature, which gives us everything for life, requires us to take care of ourselves. All of us, now living, are responsible for our nature to our descendants. However, sometimes both adults and children carelessly, wastefully behave towards her. Thoughtless, mismanagement of nature brings great troubles.

The singer of nature writer M.M. Prishvin addressed the schoolchildren with the following words: “Dear guys! We are the masters of our nature, it is for us the pantry of the sun with great treasures of life. And to protect nature means to protect the Motherland. In our country, there is a struggle for greening the yard, where many trees and flowers are planted, for greening the streets.

Nature is beautiful in its own way in all seasons. But the artist Autumn decorates the world of plants with special, magical colors.

Scientists of different nationalities note with alarm that the animal and plant world on our planet is becoming poorer, some rivers are becoming polluted, and this leads to the death of all living things in them. Many species of animals and plants have already disappeared on Earth. Therefore, scientists have compiled the Red Books. They list the species of plants and animals that are on the verge of extinction. Scholars actively participated in the preparation of the laws of nature. These laws should be known not only by adults, but also by children, especially those who have not yet understood that by harming nature, they harm themselves, people, and their native country.”

Disciple: A person took from nature for too long and did not think that her wealth and generosity are not eternal, that they must be taken wisely, spent carefully, and that someday they may run out.

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