Tera Online - Classes - Slayer Class. Tera Online - Classes - Class Slayer Tera online killer

Role in the party: close combat.
Weapon: sword.
Armor type: light.
Basic skills: circular attack, sword strikes, jumping strikes, throws, battle cry.

Assassins rush into battle like a whirlwind with a greatsword, wielding it in circular attacks. They know how to spin their killing weapon, creating a killing zone around them. Their style of wielding weapons is considered aggressive, and their movements while dodging are graceful. Wide-range circular attacks hit enemies located on different sides of the hero. The Assassin's arsenal includes acrobatic jumps with a punch that shocks and demoralizes the enemy.

A high degree of mobility is successfully combined with increased attack and damage rates. The Assassin is a valuable party member and is also extremely effective in solo play. He has a wide range of skills that improve his strikes and speed.

Weapons and armor

The Assassin's best friend in TERA Online is a two-handed sword with special damage powers. By drawing his sword, the Assassin can perform a series of combo attacks, scattering opponents in different directions. He is capable of striking an enemy who has sneaked up behind him. It is thanks to the light armor that he deftly dodges possible damage and recoils in the event of a threat.

Role in the party

Unlike Berserkers, they are fast and mobile, due to their preference for light armor. The whirlwind attack style sweeps away their opponents within a three meter radius. Like Warriors, Assassins dodge and get behind their enemies. They cannot cause aggro as easily as other classes, but they deftly attack opponents from the rear while tanks occupy them from other sides.

Skills overview

The Assassin begins his journey by learning a combo attack skill that operates over a long distance. While using a combo, the hero's power increases. This works especially well when striking from the rear. More powerful skills become available to the Assassin every two levels of upgrade. And the initial skill constantly serves him to concentrate his strength and dexterity.

Slayer is familiar with the art of swinging a sword, jumping, somersaulting, turning, pushing. He is able to fight his way through crowds of enemies. Circular attacks are most effective in group battles. His agility and strength are recognized assets of this class.

Mana and health parameters:

HP: 648
MP: 0/100
MP Regeneration: +10, Natural Recovery

Basic stats:

Damage: 71
Defense: 21
Critical Strike: 75
Run: 110

Basic attack

Direction: Forward
Range: 3 meters
Target type: arc
MP Change: +10
Attack Speed: 0.6


Critical Strike: 40
Durability: 20
Confusion: 15
Poison: 35
Addiction: 20


Weapon Damage: 13

Guide to Slayer

Slayer is a melee class with heavy armor and a two-hander, distinguished by good evasion of attacks, AoE damage, and knockdown skills.


Combo Attack

Combo Attack is the first attack skill, bound by default to the right mouse button. Each press moves the slayer forward, swinging his two-handed sword. If the strike was not interrupted, then the damage of the subsequent strike increases: and so on up to four swings. Each successful hit of a combo attack also adds mana to the slayer.

Rushing Dodge

Rushing Dodge is the slayer's basic dodge. With this skill, every 4 seconds the slayer can jump forward, avoiding an attack, but spending mana. A useful skill, given the dynamic combat system in Tera.


Whirlwind - AoE attack, trained at lvl 2: the character swings his sword 360 degrees. To successfully use the skill, the slayer must continuously “cast” the attack for 1.5 seconds, so it should be activated when the player can sacrifice mana, and also when he is sure that the enemy will not interrupt the skill.

Trip Attack

Learned at level 6, the Trip Attack skill is a frontal attack with high damage and an 8-second cooldown. Like Whirlwind, this attack must be cast within 1.6 seconds, so it is best used when the player can guess the enemy's plans. There is a high chance of knocking down the enemy, which is very useful in pvp.

High-level skills and gameplay

As the slayer develops, it receives new skills useful for pvp. At level 12, the attack is given Soaring Attack, which allows the slayer to jump to his feet after being knocked over and make a counter-attack. At lvl 26, the class receives the skill Dash, which increases the speed of the slayer by 100% for 10 seconds. A very useful skill in various pvp situations: catching up with an enemy, running out of the melee attack range or returning, running away from the range of a caster or range-dealer.

Slayers also gain some offensive skills. At lvl 16 they are given the Smash skill, and a passive to increase the damage inflicted on knocked down opponents, Smash Intensified, together these two skills allow the slayer to jump forward, delivering a powerful, fatal blow. At lvl 28, a very strong skill Decisive Slash is added with a cast time of 1.2 seconds. When Decisive Slash is used after a Whirlwind, Smash, Trip Attack, or as the final hit of a Combo attack, its cast time is reduced: therefore, players need to time their use of this skill wisely.

Although slayers may resemble berserkers, at level 36 they gain a skill that makes them significantly different. Vicious Stance allows the slayer to appear behind the enemy in search of weak points (almost like a backstub). It will be interesting to see how this skill will work in practice!

Guide to the Killer

The Assassin in Tera Online is a combination of enormous damage and mobility, which makes it easy to overtake his victims and deal with them using a series of combos. Against heavy armor (berserker, knight) it is more difficult. You must have certain combat skills (dodge attacks, bypass blocks) and at the same time manage to deliver your crushing blows.

Slayer exclusively carries two-handed swords, which are the most powerful and heaviest weapons in the game. The plus is crushing blows, the minus is slow attacks. The armor is average, which, unlike the same Berserker and Lancer, makes his movement speed much faster, which is very useful in PVP. As can be seen from the description, in TER the developers created an Assassin or Rogue or Assassin that is completely different from the one that was in WoW or Archeage. This name would be more suitable here.

Bottom line

Role in PVP

In solo PVP they are comfortable and easy to play against light and medium armor with heavy armor being a little more difficult. His task is not to duel, but to take the enemy by surprise and quickly kill

In mass battles, of course, he is assigned the role of a damage dealer. But there is no need to get into the thick of it with weak defenses, to pick out those who have strayed from the group and, of course, finish them off, that is his goal, both in sieges and in battlefields.

Role in PVE

Solo hikes won't do much good, although he can kill groups of mobs, but the elite are more difficult. Assassin is not as good in PvE as Mystic or Berserker

In Dungeons and Bosses, he does good damage, but the main thing is not to over-aggro them on yourself

Assassin Skills

Offensive Abilities
Skill LVL Ability Description
1 Combo Attack- a series of attacks consisting of four hits. Slayer deals each subsequent blow with increased damage. It also restores mana.
2 Whirlwind- a tornado that deals damage to enemies around the hero.
4 Knockdown Strike- crushes the enemy with a powerful blow, causing great damage
12 Retaliate- hits the enemy while getting to his feet.
16 Overhand Strike - hits the target hard with the sword. After using Cleave, Maul, Down Blow, Flatblade Strike, Stinger Blade, Retreating Kick, or the final hit, Combo Attack is cast faster.
18 Startling Kick- strikes the enemy from the foot, while stunning him
22 Distant Blade- The killer swings his sword and cuts the air in front of him, creating a wave. You can do a three-hit combo.
24 Leaping Strike- pierces the enemy with a sword while jumping, causing significant damage.
26 Tunning Backhand- hits the target with the flat side of the sword, causing damage and stunning it
30 Fury Strike- The slayer gets angry and lunges, causing damage to nearby opponents. The less health, the more damage
38 Heart Thrust- moves towards the enemy and hits him in a weak spot. While the skill is active, the Killer cannot be knocked over or stunned.
44 Exhausting Blow- deals good damage and increases the CD of enemy skills by 50% for 15 sec.
56 Backstab- teleports behind the enemy, causing damage, with a chance to stun.
60 Measured Slice- cuts the enemy's throat, causing significant damage. Casts faster after - Overhand Strike

Improved stats and mana accumulation

Skill LVL Ability Description
8 Headlong Rush- The killer is running fast. The next attack within 10 seconds will be executed 30% faster.
10 Triumphant Shout- restores 100 mana and stops decreasing it for 20 seconds.
20 Tenacity- instantly restores 240 mana.
32 Dash- increases running speed by 50% for 10 seconds.
50 Overpower- after pressing this skill, the next attack made within 20 seconds will deal 30% more damage.
58 In Cold Blood- buffs itself increasing attack by 20 units and +15% damage (pvp)

I would like to immediately say that within the framework of the current patch, this guide is a little more than completely useless (like the slayer), because no matter what gear you put on, no matter what stats and masterwork percentages you catch, any adequate gunner/reaper/archer/mage /var/turret/avenger minion will deal more damage than you. Welcome to post-GoBerserk!

  • Glossary of terms and abbreviations
  • Abilities and Glyphs
  • Rotations
  • Equipment
  • Consumables

WW - Whirlwind - Tornado
OHS - Overhand Strike
UOHS - Ultimate Overhand Strike - True Slash
KDS - Knockdown Strike
HT - Heart Thrust - A blow to the heart
OP - Overpower - Concentration of power
MS - Measured Slice - Calibrated blow
ICB - In Cold Blood
FS - Fury Strike - Furious attack
Eviscerate - Evisceration

⌊Glossary of terms⌉

Slayer- murderer
Cancel- interrupt
Lok animation- Post-animation of skills, during which you cannot use iframes/move and, accordingly, are vulnerable to attacks.
Cheyne- chain of skills
Hardcast— using a skill without a chain. As an example, use MS without a preliminary chain from OHS/Evisceration.
Frame/Iframe— (eng. Invincibility frames) A ​​period of time during which you are invulnerable to attacks.
Skill- ability
cd— cd — cooldown — skill cooldown time
ss— “crowd control” — Skills with control effects (stun, fir, slip, etc.)
gapcloser— Literally “distance shortener.” A skill that moves you when used.
Filler- a skill that is not included in the main combo and is designed to fill the idle DPS while the skills in the main chain are recharging.

When playing as a slayer, it is very important to be able to interrupt ability animations. In Tera, every action involves activating some kind of animation, and it often takes much longer than necessary. As an example - KDS, only the first half of its animation deals damage, and as a result, you spend a lot of time waiting for its end. Therefore, it is incredibly important to interrupt the animation, minimizing the loss of time, and as a result - DPS, on useless post-animation.
The main idea of ​​interrupting animations is to minimize the downtime of the dps rotation of the slayer. Although interrupting animations is an important point for every class, the slayer is the one that is most dependent on it, since OHS and Eviscerate can cancel almost any slayer skill.

The usefulness of glyphs is highlighted in different colors according to their degree of usefulness for greater clarity. Glyph skill points are taken from master glyphs, which can be obtained in the Subex Arsenal or in the Butcher Catacombs. New blue Glyphs can be obtained from Glyph Boxes, which can be purchased with Punishment Stones.

Red - bad
Orange - situationally good
Green - good

Combo attack

Hit the enemy in front of you and replenish MP with each hit. The combo attack consists of four hits, with the last one being two hits and dealing much more damage than the previous three.

P After using four hits of a combo attack, the casting speed of WW will increase significantly in the next 10 seconds.

TO The ombo attack also restores mana on hit, the amount depending on the classification of the monster you attack. Minions restore very little, normal monsters are large, bosses are even larger.

N and at low levels, a combo attack is a good way to restore your mana. However, in the endgame there are quite a lot of means for its regeneration, and the use of combo attacks must be kept to a minimum, since any killer skill deals damage many times more.
(4) Enhanced combo attack
The reason for its uselessness, I think, is not even necessary to voice
(4) Vigorous combo attack
The mana regen is too low to make this glyph even remotely useful.
(4) Quick combo attack
Useless in PvE, especially with its measly 10% proc chance

Smerch (WW)

Turns you into a real steel tornado, hitting targets within a 3m radius.

WITH takes two hits. The second hit does more damage than the first. It is important to know that the buff from OP is absorbed by the first hit and does not affect the second. So WW is not the best skill to chain with OP.



(4) Brilliant tornado
(4) Cutting tornado

  • (4) Symbol of wit

This glyph should be in any Pve Assassin build.

Knockout Punch (KDS)

Knocks down an enemy with a strong blow from the sword.

K DS has a high chance of knocking down mobs, and also a high chance of knocking down or staggering the boss if it is vulnerable to knockdown. Since the skill moves us during use, we can start its animation at a distance of 5-6 meters from the target.

A The KDS animation CANNOT be interrupted by rolling. If the skill is interrupted before the damage hitbox appears, it will not go on cooldown.

E This skill makes the killer invulnerable to staggers and knockdowns during his animation.
Overall, KDS does enough damage to be included in your DPS rotation, but it can be useful for other things as well. It is important to use KDS correctly, especially on bosses whose mechanics require them to be knocked down, such as Tantibus in the Deep Temple. The main use of KDS is to trigger OHS and UOHS, because when interacted with by them, KDS does not go into CD, which allows you to produce huge damage when using ICB.

G The main problem with using KDS is the animation lock, due to which the skill cannot be interrupted by a roll and during which the boss can simply one-shot us (especially important in hard versions of dungeons, where simply a long animation can lead to death, but about long animations with a lock and it’s not worth talking about). Therefore, you first have to cancel in OHS or Eviscerate and then use the roll. If OHS and Eviscerate are in CD, well, you're out of luck.

(3) Dashing knockout blow
One of the best assassin glyphs. By not using this glyph you lose an incredible amount of damage.
(3) Dashing knockout blow
With the cost of Assassin Glyphs being lowered, we can finally squeeze this glyph into our build.
(4) Enhanced Knockout Punch

  • (4) Symbol of Will (increases KDS damage by 30%)

KDS does enough damage as it is.
(5) Significant knockout blow
It can be useful on a boss whose mechanics require you to knock him down, but in other cases the glyph is useless.

Slash (OHS)

Delivers a powerful downward strike. The skill works faster if you have previously used the skills “Twister”, “Knockout Strike”, “Jumping Strike”, “Sweeping Strike”, “Blow to the Heart”, “Concussive Strike” or the fourth blow of “Combo Attacks” ”

R Killing Strike is not only used faster after the skills that are listed in the description, but also cancels their animation when used.

AND True Slash will replace Slash while Cold Blooded is active. UOHS has increased damage, range and no cooldown.

O HS/UOHS have a low chance of capsizing.

E If a skill is interrupted before the damage-dealing hitbox appears, it will not go on cooldown.

O HS for me is the skill that makes a slayer a slayer. OHS is used not only to deal damage, but also to interrupt the animation lock, to increase mobility when used after Leaping strike and Startling kick. An experienced slayer will use rotation much faster with timing skips using OHS. After the appearance of ICB II, OHS becomes one of the most powerful spells, the crit of which can be comparable to the crit of MS.

(4) Tireless Slash

  • (4) Glyph of Concentration (60% reset skill cooldown)

Show me a slayer without this glyph.
(4) Restoring Slash
Can be useful when soloing bams or soloing dungeons.

Wind Blade

Hit a target at a distance of 16-17m. The skill consists of 3 hits. The third hit deals the most damage, but at the same time has the longest animation lock.

D istant Blade, thanks to the animation that moves the killer, is an excellent gapcloser.

L ok animation after 3 hits can be interrupted by a roll.

The Wind Blade has two main uses:
1. As a filler between the killer's DPS rotations while my main skills are in CD
2. As a positional skill

IN Basically, the killer uses a combo of 2 hits of the Wind Blade, due to the animation lock on the third hit, which is only interrupted by a roll, which is not the best use of the latter.

(4) Brilliant Wind Blade
(5) Stunning Wind Blade
The effect of the glyph is very weakly noticeable on bosses, and on ordinary monsters there is no point in placing it at all, since the wind blade only hits one target when used.

Furious Attack(FS)

The Assassin lunges forward and deals damage to all enemies within a 180 degree radius in front of him. Depending on the race, the skill deals damage to targets at a distance of 5-7 meters. The skill deals damage depending on the current HP level of the slayer. The lower the health reserve, the higher the damage of the skill.

A FS animation CANNOT be interrupted by rolling.

P Almost not used in PvE. The only exceptions can be special builds in which you need to have less than 50% HP. However, using FS at health levels above 50% is impractical for several reasons: high mana cost of the skill, very unpleasant animation lock, skill does not chain with OHS/Eviscerate

(4) Blazing Fury Attack
FS is not canceled by any skill, which is why the total cast time of the FS -> WW chain will remain the same.
(4) Restoring Furious Attack
There is no way to reset the cooldown of Slam Strike, rendering this glyph useless. Plus, the damage of the skill depends on the health level of the slayer, so this glyph will work against us.
(4) Enhanced Furious Attack

  • (3) Symbol of Will (Increases skill damage by 40%)

Even without this glyph, FS can deal more damage than MS or UOHS if the slayer is at around 12% HP. This glyph can be used by experienced slayers to maximize their dungeon speed.

D For those interested in ranking FS damage based on the slayer's HP level, I've made a table explicitly showing the damage increase thresholds:

>Original document<

Heart Strike (HT)

The assassin lunges forward and attacks the target's weak spot. Depending on the race, HT deals damage to targets at a distance of 5-8 meters.

U The sequence CANNOT be interrupted by rolling. If the skill is interrupted before the damage hitbox appears, it will not go on cooldown.

E This skill makes the killer invulnerable to staggers and knockdowns during his animation.

HT one of the three most powerful skills of the Assassin. This skill is perfect for starting your rotation. But many slayers have a problem in using this skill due to the specificity of its hitbox. I hope the picture below will help give at least a rough idea of ​​the size of the HT hitbox and reduce the miss rate.

(5) Increased Heart Strike

  • (4) Symbol of Will (+30% skill damage)
  • (actually this glyph gives about 28% >proof< (считаем разницу между HT c глифом и без))

(4) Tireless Heart Strike
(5) Cutting Strike to the Heart
Since HT deals the most damage throughout the entire battle after OHS, we equip it with all available glyphs. However, the “tirelessness” glyph can be replaced with a similar glyph on the roll. This is especially true in hard versions of Instagram, when you are not sure of your survival. Sometimes just one extra roll can save an entire group from a wipe.

Concentration of Power (OP)

The Assassin gathers strength for a powerful attack and over the next 20 seconds, any one attack will deal 33% more damage. Along with the OP, the glyphs of this skill are also activated, which in turn do not have a time limit.

E If you used OP and attacked the shield, the skill will deal increased damage, but the OP itself and the procs of its glyphs will not disappear, they will disappear only if the killer deals at least 1 damage to the enemy's health.

O P gives a very strong damage boost to the assassin and is very useful for breaking through shields, but due to its animation it is not worth using it all the time.

(3) Brilliant Concentration of Power
(5) Cutting force concentration

  • (4) Glyph of Sharpness (Doubles Critical Strike Chance)

Double the chance of a critical hit will provide us with a 99% chance of crit for the next skill.
(5) Forced Concentration of Force
Not a bad glyph, but the cost of 5 glyph points calls into question its usability in a pve build.

N A lot of numbers and interesting things about OP:

E If we used OP before KDS, which we registered in OHS. OP will be applied to OHS.

A little about how damage is calculated for a boosted glyph. First step: initial damage is increased by 33%, Second step: already increased damage is increased by another 10%. As a result, we get not 43% bonus damage from this glyph, but 46.3%. However, 5(!!!) glyph points are too much.

Cool Blooded (ICB)

A buff that increases all our damage for 20 seconds. When studying ICB II, plus everything, we will receive an increase in attack speed, and also during the action of ICB, OHS will be replaced by UOHS.

P After learning the passive effect for Cold Blood, using ICB will instantly reset the cooldowns on WW, KDS and HT.

ICB- this is our most powerful DPS boost, which is best used during difficult moments such as the need to quickly knock down a boss’s shield, or when the boss pauses between attacks and stands still.

(3) Masterful composure
(2) Blazing composure
Not the best solution, but this is the only glyph with a cost of 2, so you can throw points into it in some builds.

Calibrated Strike (MS)

Allows you to gather all your strength and deliver a cutting blow to the enemy’s neck. The skill works faster if used after the Slash and Eviscerate skills.

IN When used, the skill moves the slayer forward, which allows you to deal damage to a target at a distance of 5-6 meters.

MS has a fairly high chance of knocking down normal monsters and a good chance of knocking down or staggering a bam at a time when he is susceptible to staggers/knockdowns.

WITH With MS you can interrupt the OHS animation much earlier.

U The attack can be canceled by using evasion. If the skill is interrupted before the damage hitbox appears, it will not go on cooldown.

MS is the strongest skill of the slayer and it is very important NOT to miss with it and NOT to hardcast it after an interrupted chain.

(4) Reinforced, well-calibrated blow

  • (4) Symbol of Will (+30% damage dealt)

(4) Cutting blow
MS deals the most damage, and with glyphs it increases even more.


Inflicts a powerful blow that knocks the enemy down. The skill works faster if you have previously used the skills “Cutting Strike”, “Twister”, “Knockout Strike”, “Hunting Strike”, “Swinging Strike”, “Blow to the Heart” , “Concussive Strike”, “Eviscerate”, or the fourth hit of the “Combo Attack”.

U Not only is this option faster to use after the above, but it also cancels their animation.

P Regrowth has a high chance of staggering an opponent who is susceptible to staggers during a hardcast. If the above skills were used in front of him, Evisceration will knock over the enemy.

H As for damage, this is our second most damaging skill after MS/UOHS.

(4) Powerful evisceration

  • (3) Symbol of Will (+25% skill damage)

(3) Dashing evisceration
The buff from this glyph lasts longer than OHS is on cooldown, making this glyph doubly effective if the slayer uses his rotation correctly.
(4) Rapid evisceration
(3) Dashing evisceration


Jump forward to dodge an enemy attack.

IN During the roll, the killer cannot be selected as a target for about 1.25 seconds.

WITH attack speed speeds up the animation of the skill, which reduces the duration of the frame.

X A good slayer must understand that the frame is a double-edged sword. You can both evade the boss's attack and evade the heal/buff of the priest or mystic.

(3) Energy symbol
(4) Tireless Evasion
Not a bad option if this is your first time in a hard dungeon and you are not confident in your survival. Just drag the glyph to reset CD from HT here.
(4) Dashing Evasion
For players with extensive experience in the game (we spend a frame to proc a powerlink, so it is important to know the mechanics of the boss and calculate your strength and wisely use the remaining one and a half frames). The glyph has a place in all sorts of specific builds through fury strike and games at limits.
(4) Dashing Evasion
Now I’d like to use a backstab (^:


Increases movement speed by 55% for 15 sec.

WITH speed increases both in combat and outside of combat

P Allows you to dodge the boss’s AoE without using a frame, or simply quickly get to the boss who has jumped to the other corner of the room.

(4) Swift Dash

Reckless Rush

Allows you to rush forward, increasing the speed of your next attack by 30% for 10 sec. The skill ends after 10 seconds or after hitting the target.

U The move can be interrupted by dodging. If the skill is used point-blank on the boss, the charge will stop almost instantly and we will receive a buff to attack speed. The most common use of dash is to speed up the use of WW/KDS/scroll of revival.

ABOUT However, when you need to use a dash to move away from the boss, it is important to be careful with your aim, because the dash is to some extent a directed skill, and if the aim is on the boss, you will run towards him, and not away from him. A good way to avoid this is to point your sight down in the direction you intend to move.

(5) Swift Reckless Charge
The slayer already has a lot of mobility, and the cost of as much as 5 points completely kills the possible profits of this glyph.
(4) Dashing Reckless Charge
Useless due to the fact that KDS is not used in PVE rotation as a skill that deals damage (except for moments when you need to knock down a boss)
! In the Russian-language Tera, the description of the glyph is translated incorrectly. The glyph does not increase the speed of application, but the damage of the skill. !

Jump kick

Allows you to jump on an enemy, striking from above. Knocked down enemies take 5 times more damage if you have learned the Ruthlessness skill.

AND Has a very long animation lock at the end of the jump, but can be interrupted by OHS.

R You can rarely see bosses knocked over, as a result of which the Jump Strike is used primarily for moving and dodging some of the bosses' attacks so as not to waste a frame. However, if OHS is on cooldown, using a Jumping Strike will only lead to a long animation lock, and in hard dungeons, most likely to death.

(4) Brilliant Jump Kick


Moves behind the target. The range is 10 m. It ends if the target is knocked over.

IN During cast time (~1.5 s) the killer is immune to damage (=iframe).

P After successfully using the skill, if the target is susceptible to stuns, it applies a root effect lasting 8 seconds.

E If the skill fails, then you remain in place, but you are still in the 1.5 second iframe.

WITH attack speed speeds up the animation, which in turn reduces the frame duration.

B Exteb performs 2 functions: defensive and attacking. If you are sure that the boss will stand still and is not in danger, use Backstab to quickly get to his back. In other cases, it is better to use Backsteb as an additional iframe to dodge a potentially fatal boss attack.

(5) Swift Backstab
Well, we are not PvP roosters after all (^:
(4) Blazing Backstab
(3) Blazing Backstab
Not the best solution to glyph a skill with a 25-second cooldown.

Winner's Cry

Instantly restores 200 MP. MP does not decrease for 22 sec.

P Let's just buff the cooldown (because it has a cute animation:3).
Really the only thing it's useful for is preventing mana reduction for 20 seconds.

(3) Energetic Cry of the Winner
The skill itself does not restore enough mana to make the glyph useful
(3) Swift Cry of the Winner
Still doesn't restore enough mana.
(5) Unbreakable Cry of the Victor
Can be useful on some bosses to avoid catching one-shots, but still very situational and controversial.

Counter attack

Allows you to jump to your feet, attacking nearby opponents. You can only use this skill when knocked down.

P After use, it gives you 2 seconds of immunity to knockdowns/stuns and staggers. Has some chance of knocking down opponents.

(3) Enhanced Counterattack
(5) Dashing Strike Back
(4) Swift Strike Back
Now I would like to glyph it (^:

Concussive Strike

Allows you to briefly stun the target with a kick, and then jump back.

WITH The tan lasts 3 seconds and while jumping away you can pass through some monsters.

IN We use pve only for SS (for example, ghosts in SKHM) and for chaining in OHS/Evisceration.

(4) Brilliant Concussion
(4) Holding Concussion
(3) Symbol of agility
(4) Blazing Concussion
(3) Quick Concussion
Again - we are not PvP roosters to use these glyphs.


Summons inner strength and instantly restores 240 MP. Briefly, but significantly increases resistance to crowd control effects.

10/10 mana restorer especially with glyph.

(4) Not Worthy Perseverance
This glyph is a twin brother charm for speed (they don't work).
(3) Swift tenacity
if we had 3 more glyph points...
(3) Energetic persistence
With the new blue glyphs and the reduced cost of some glyphs at the end of Goberserker, this is a great solution for any build. Now the slayer can get by with just one can per mana instead of two!

Swing kick

Allows you to make a circular strike, briefly stunning the target.

AND has a very nasty animation lock, which can nevertheless be skipped using OHS/Eviscerate. The stun lasts ~2.5 seconds.
In pve it is only suitable for starting a standard chain through OHS/Evisceration.

(3) Powerful swing kick
If your healer does not sleep and fills mana on cooldown, then you can take this glyph instead of the glyph for restoring mana on tenacity. But as for me, the backhand eats up too much mana to be included in the rotation other than as a filler.

Draining Strike

Inflicts a painful blow, increasing the cooldown of all the target's skills by 50% for 15 seconds. Can only be used against other players.

ABOUT Scripture hints.

(4) Empowered Draining Strike
(6) Swift Draining Strike


The slayer's damage is based on procs and maintaining the effect of glyphs from different abilities to enhance other skills in the chain. As an example, the glyph for WW enhancement on the KDS skill. Or boosting OHS on Evisceration. It is important to constantly support their procs, because our damage directly depends on it. The slayer does not have an “infinite” rotation as such, like a mage, for example, instead we have many skills that need to be used in a chain and quite a few glyphs whose procs need to be monitored.

A few more comments

Here I decided to describe my rotation specifically for my glyph build, which you see above. You can find all the standard rotations in a ton of slider guides, and since here, consider it already my personal guide, I can do whatever I want:3
So, the main idea of ​​my build is to ramp up OHS damage to eviscerate levels or higher. To do this, we have as many as 2 glyphs to increase OHS damage: powerlink on evisceration and KDS. KDS is the key link here, since when canceled in OCS/evisceration, it does not go into CD, but puts a powerlink on BB and OCS. In the reality of this particular patch, KDS has not yet been upgraded and has a low crit chance and modest damage even with a 30% glyph, so we use it to trigger powerlinks. HOWEVER, if you have cd on all skills, then in this case you can use cds to wait for the main chain’s cd during its rather long animation. Further in rotations, if there is no separate comment, the KDS icon means that we do not finish it, but cancel it in Eviscerate/OHS for the powerlink trigger.

Start of the battle

Basic skill chains

Always use OP before use HT

Always have an active glyph from Gutting to increase damage from MS

Don't forget to use Reckless Rush before WW

! In the realities of the current patch, I question the use of rush before BB for one simple reason - the Koreans broke the whole damn charge mechanics and now, when using a point-blank charge, it does not interrupt it instantly, but makes you hit the boss’s hitbox, and sometimes you can fly through the boss, which is quite sad. However, there are 2 ways out of this situation:

  1. Don't use rush before ww
  2. Move 2-3 meters away from the boss and from this distance give rush -> ww. What does this look like in practice?

"Ideal" rotation without ICB

Obviously, not everything falls under 100% timing and while something in the chain is still on CD, fillers come to our aid


E if O.H.S. not on cooldown, use these skills to deal damage and then cancel them on O.H.S..

H to wait for the rollback O.H.S. can be used KDS, since its animation is long enough to give it time to recharge O.H.S..

Dual use Blade of the Wind can also help maintain dps while O.H.S. on cd.

If on cooldown O.H.S. really bad, after two Blades of the Wind can be used Draining Strike, fortunately it does not have an animation lock and it does some kind of damage.

Super long filler, which will take you forever, during which even the brooch will have time to roll away (no)

Drowning the damage under the ICB

Mom, I have OHS without CD, and it even lights up!

What if... just cancel KDS in UOHS until ICB runs out? (Nothing)

Important Notes on Rotation

  • Use O.H.S. as often as possible
  • If HT on cd then you can use OP on Gutting
  • If necessary, you can hardcast Eviscerate
  • If CD is on HT resets, use it without buff OP until it goes into CD
  • MS
  • NEVER use hardcast O.H.S.

TO Rites, taking into account the multiplier from crystals in weapons and the multiplier from the scroll of barbarism, are the main source of damage in Thera. And, in order not to suffer from the crit resistance of bosses, dds need to have a high crit rate that can allow them to deal critical damage more often. Ultimately, our percentage of critical hits will be somewhere around half of the total number of hits we land. For an assassin, the minimum overall crit rate is 210 . We have 56 base crit chance, and accordingly it is necessary to have more 154 green crit.

IN in the endgame our green crit rate will be equal to 220 , when taking into account 3+2 crit bizhi with top stats, gold underwear, etchings, belt and brooch. Roughly speaking, this is our crit limit, which can only be exceeded with the help of a special consumable or by rerolling 4.5% ATS on weapons 14 crit chance. I don’t have an objectively truthful opinion on this matter, because at one time I really regretted that I took the intensive VM4 instead of the quick VM4. Without the priest's stars you hit like an invalid, and under them like an invalid with a cane. The lack of ats was very noticeable on Perimos and Darkan, so this time I decided to take the ats. Plus, in the next patch mystic > priest, and accordingly in 90% of cases we will be under the aura of the mystic's crit, which will make the stat by 14 ksh is completely irrelevant. In defense of the crit roll. I can give you a graph from the well-known guide from Bernkastel:

The translation of the graph explanation is:
Look at your strength, boosted with the help of buffs, charms, consumables, and equipment. Check your crit factor. If your grid position based on these values ​​is in the area below the blue line, 1 power point is more valuable than 2 crit factor points. If the position is between the red and blue lines, 1 power point is worth between 1 and 2 critical factor points. If the position is above the red line, then one power point is worth less than one crit factor point.

We have 222 strength ( 222 powers mean a Shakan buff, a buff from the stars, a power charm at 120 vigor and an encore gear) and 220 crite, at which, respectively, “ One point of strength is worth less than one point of crit factor.” But personally, I still think it’s not worth taking a crit. This belief is based on the fact that, as I already said: the mystic will be in most CPs, and there should not be problems with crit rate. However, even in the absence of a mystic, crit can be increased by food and elixir of heaven to 233/243. On the other hand, however, these are all spherical calculations in a vacuum and I will only be able to see how things really are with bis equipment (full vm6) in a month or two. So if you already have it, argue in the comments that the crit is better and the author is down, or vice versa, that the automatic telephone system is still better.
TO a word about the stat on CDR in arms. I don't think it makes sense in the current patch, since slayers have not yet undergone
necessary changes in terms of adjusting mana and balancing skills that will increase crit. chance and damage, and will also significantly reduce reload time. After the patch, in a party with a mystic/mystic and a priest, the cdr may be more useful than the ats in the lower stat, because taking into account the 100% uptime of the courage bank in hard dungeons and the probable 100% uptime of food all in the same hards, the ats will no longer be the same critical as before. You can calculate the CD of any ability to clearly see the difference in CD with and without the stat. However, I would like to repeat - all this is nothing more than spherical calculations in a vacuum, and only after the introduction of fihm and ds2 and tests with a dps meter will it be possible to say about the profitability of this or that roll in a weapon.

IN In the current patch we have 3 sets of equipment to choose from. (excluding vm4, vm5 and anger):

  • Heresy Set
  • Kelivan's kit
  • Blacksmith Kairak Set

The Heresy and Kelivan sets can be obtained from dungeons, while the Kairak Blacksmith Set can only be crafted.
Below are items from the sets of Kelivan and Blacksmith Kairak and the necessary stats on the equipment are indicated.

Kelivan's weapons

+9.3% damage against enraged monsters.
+6% attack damage
+9.3% damage against enraged monsters
+6.9% damage when attacking from behind

Kelivan's armor

Murderer - This is a class that uses a two-handed sword and specializes in dealing area damage. Characterized by speed and sweeping strikes. Despite the fact that the killer wears light armor (comes immediately after the robe), he does not experience difficulties with defense. Specializes in dealing huge amounts of damage in a short period of time thanks to his attack combinations and small skill cooldowns.

1. The role of the killer (PvE/PvP)

2. Glyph builds (PvE/PvP)

3. Additional parameters on things (weapons, armor, gloves, boots, accessories)

4. Crystals (weapons, armor, accessories)

5. Tips for leveling up.

6. Combinations of skills or how to swanshot a rag.

Role of the Assassin


If you have chosen an assassin as your main class, be prepared to constantly roll over BAMs (Big Ass Mobs - Fat mobs a la bosses) and deal damage only to the back. Otherwise, you risk getting hit on the head or even dying. The killer has a whole set of skills that allow him to avoid unwanted damage to himself: Stuns, Backstab, Dashes. This class is also suitable for lovers of large numbers and high mobility. The killer has a number of skills that increase damage for a short time and permanently enhance the next attack.

Dungeon Tactics– it’s very simple: the Tank gathers the whole room around itself – you kill everyone in 1-2 AoE (AoE – area damage). Simple isn't it? But there is also a catch here - if you cannot kill at least most of their collected mobs, there is a high probability that they will switch to you, which can result in a very sad picture.

Boss Tactics/BAM– try to get behind the monster as quickly as possible and use the roll only to move behind the back, while simultaneously dodging attacks. Sounds complicated? There is nothing like that - you just need practice and nothing more. Over time, you will begin to do this on a subconscious level.


The main role of the Assassin is to quickly kill magicians and healers. Possessing monstrous damage from combinations of just a couple of skills, he is able to do this without even noticing that someone was standing in his way.

Don't just roll, it's your only way to avoid the stun/damage. Here are examples of the correct use of the roll: Evading the lancer's chain, Evading the root (Immobilizing magicians, mystics) and so on.

Here's another important trick/feature of playing as an Assassin in PvP - you have an ability that gives you invulnerability to stun/knockdown/root for a few seconds. Use it only when necessary - otherwise your invulnerability will be wasted and you will become an easy target for the mage/berserker.

Glyph Builds

Glyphs are a kind of addition to your skills, making them better in different ways - effort, speeding up execution, increasing the duration of effects.

Leveling/Dungeons glyph build

There are many options in this build and everyone uses what they like - below are the glyphs that are required for use in any PvE builds:

Glyph of Carving- For Whirlwind

Glyph of Carving And Glyph of Power- For Heart Thrust

Glyph of Persistence- For Overhand Strike

PvP glyph build

The PvP glyph build is practically no different from PvE, but with a few exceptions - in the PvP build there is an emphasis on one-shots and stun duration. Here are the main glyphs:

Glyph of Energy- For Headlong Rush

Glyph of Lingering – For Startling Kick

Glyph of Persistence For Backstab

Additional options on things

Like any damage dealer with a high burst (instant damage), he needs any ways to increase his damage. And for this you need to select the necessary characteristics for your equipment.


Below are the required additional characteristics on your weapon.

+X% damage from behind

+ X% damage to bosses

+X% damage against enraged enemies

Body (Bib)

Armor (Breastplate) – of all armor, the highest increase in protection.

Below are additional characteristics that should definitely be on your armor.

Reduce damage taken by X%

You take X% less damage from frontal attacks

You take X% less attack damage if you are knocked down


Gloves – give less protection, but in return they give attack speed, mana recovery and strength.

Below are additional characteristics that should definitely be on your gloves.

Increase attack speed by X%

Strength increase by X


Boots have the lowest enchantment priority than other pieces of equipment. They provide more armor than gloves, but also have good bonuses - mana restoration and movement speed.

Below are additional characteristics that should definitely be on your boots.

Increases movement speed by X%

Increases durability by X


Additional characteristics for jewelry must be chosen wisely and for different situations. Below are additional characteristics that must be

be on your jewelry to increase your dps.

Increases maximum health by X%

Reduces the duration of stun effects by X%


There are only 3 types of crystals in the game: Crystals for weapons, crystals for armor and “Zyrk” for jewelry. There are many different types of crystals of each type, but we will now look at the ones only the Killer needs.

Crystals for weapons

Below are the main crystals that you should carry with you:

Fine Carving Crux- increases critical strike chance by X% - doesn't stack up with othersCarving crystals.

Hunter's- applies additionally X% damage to normal monsters. For solo play only.

Forceful- In case of a critical hit in the back, it adds a boost to the attack.

Focused- Increases the power of critical damage against enraged monsters.

Acrimonious- Increases the power of critical damage to the back against large monsters.

Savage- Increases the power of critical damage to strength.

Salivating- Restores your mana when attacking another player. Only inPvP

Crystals in armor

Below are the main crystals that you should carry with you:

Anarchic- Increases defense against large monsters.

Grieving- Restores your mana when you are attacked by another player. Only inPvP.

Relentless- Increases your maximum health. Most often used only inPvP

« Zyrk» into costume jewelry

There are only two types of Zyrk that are useful for a killer, and they can change depending on the situation.

Powerful Zurk- increases strength by X

Tips for leveling up

The main advice that can be given to all novice Assassins is not to get carried away with collecting large clusters of mobs when leveling up on ordinary mobs, it is not as thick and protected as the Lancer to withstand many weak attacks. Use Charms (Buy from a merchant in any settlement), Priest buffs (if there is one that will buff you every 15-20 minutes) and jars to restore health. One caveat, with the introduction of “Avatar” weapons, leveling up any character is only a matter of time. All difficulty disappears and you just have to learn how to dodge the attacks of monsters in order to feel comfortable when leveling up.

Skill Combinations

As mentioned in this guide, the Assassin is a one-shot character. If he catches you in his “combo”, then you are unlikely to come out of it alive. The simplest combinations for the Assassin will be described below to understand the basics.

Combo Attack – Startling Kick – Heart Thrust – Overhand Strike – Measured Slice

Combo Attack – Backstab – Startling Kick – Heart Thrust – Overhand Strike – Measured Slice

Combo Attack – Stunning Backhand – Overhand Strike – Measured Slice

Why almost all “combos” start with Combo Attack - because in the first attack you have a “stagger” (this is the state of the character in which he cannot use skills and move, but do not confuse with stun) and the rest of the skills in the chain are almost one hundred percent probability of achieving the goal.

A couple of tips and interesting facts about the killer:

1) Up to cap - he is very boring and helpless against magicians, archers, mystics and priests. He simply cannot get them under his control, without Backstab It’s better not to duel/fight at all.

2) Before the cap - cannot apply his burst with enormous force due to the fact that the skill is not available to him Measured Slice, which deals the main damage to the target and finishes it off.

3) Without the right crystals and additional parameters on the equipment - the killer loses most of his damage, watch what you wear.

4) Advice about sharpening things - first of all, sharpen your weapon to +12, this is your main damage. Secondly, sharpen your gloves to +12 - this is your critical chance and strength. Then, if you wish, you can limit yourself to a +9 bib and boots.

5) Use only the necessary glyphs on skills - they also give a noticeable increase in damage.

What else to read