How to clean gold earrings at home. How to clean gold at home.

Almost every woman has at least one ring, and men wear this jewelry quite often. Let's find out how to clean Golden ring, which has lost its original brilliant appearance. After all, gold also darkens and tarnishes over time, and all sorts of irregularities on it become clogged with grease and dirt.

How to clean smooth rings

The easiest way to clean a smooth ring without stones or other decorative ornaments. But are such rings often found? These can be the simplest engagement rings, and if a woman already has one such ring, then next time she will want to get something more intricate.

A smooth, relatively new gold product can be polished with a soft cloth. If there are no foreign inserts, then soaking in a soapy solution will do. You can clean your gold ring with regular toothpaste that you use to brush your teeth. The paste easily copes with everyday stains, and after it the ring will really look better. For this procedure, take a soft brush that has already been used.

Although other metals are added to pure gold for strength, products made from it are still quite ductile, so try not to scratch the jewelry.

Talking about folk methods, one cannot fail to mention the use of onions. The onion is cut and rubbed onto the surface of the ring. Onion juice cleanses gold decoration from dirt and grease. This may not be a very convenient method, but it is quite simple, and you can try cleaning the ring in this way out of curiosity - it will not cause any harm.

We use ammonia

To get rid of old stubborn deposits, formed films, and blackening, you need to clean the rings with a solution of ammonia. Many people are interested in how much ammonia should be poured. The answer is simple: usually 3 teaspoons or a little less are poured into a glass of slightly warm water.

Ammonia is sold in bottles at pharmacies and is a 10% ammonia solution. It has a specific pungent odor that causes rapid breathing, so it is used to bring a person to his senses if he has fainted. In this regard, we recommend covering the vessel in which the ring will soak with a lid. Soaking can continue as long as desired. Benefits of ammonia:

  • dissolves many contaminants;
  • adds shine to the product;
  • does not leave streaks;
  • does not harm the surface.

The presented method is especially good because it can be used to clean a relief ring with various curls and jagged edges. It is extremely difficult to clean all these irregularities using any other home method.

How to clean rings with stones

If there is a pattern on the ring, then using a brush is not recommended. Since gold is a fairly malleable and soft metal, even bristles can affect its surface. As a result, the design on the jewelry will appear duller.

In this case, it is better to soak it in a soapy solution or clean the jewelry using a special product that you can buy in a store.

Rings with stones deserve special attention. When worn between pebbles, grease, cosmetic residues, dust and other dirt are retained in the fastenings. It is necessary to clean a gold ring, but some stones are very sensitive to any external influence.

Before cleaning, you need to know how to handle a particular stone.

  • Turquoise should not be wetted, much less immersed in a soap solution. To clean gold jewelry with turquoise, you need to turn to professionals or use a product from a jewelry store.
  • If a ring with pearls gets dirty, you can wash it in soapy water, then rinse thoroughly and let it dry. naturally, laying it on the fabric. It is advisable to use moisturizing soap and filtered clean water.
  • It is not recommended to get Swarovski crystals wet, otherwise they may become dull. They are wiped with a special cloth for cleaning crystal or with felt or velvet.
  • Emerald, amber and some other stones cannot be cleaned with ultrasound as cracks may form in them.
  • Hard stones such as diamonds, topaz, quartz, beryl can be cleaned using a brush and almost any detergent. We apply ammonia to them, which will effectively clean both gold and stones.

If you know that the stones are glued, then it is not advisable to lower them into the water. You can use thin sticks with cotton wool wrapped around them for cleaning. Soak them in a solution of alcohol or vinegar and carefully wipe the nooks and crannies.

How to Clean White Gold Rings

To clean a white gold ring, you can use the same methods as for a yellow one. However, there are a few exceptions to this. White gold should not be left in water for a long time and should not be washed frequently. It must be thoroughly but carefully wiped and dried.

White gold, lined with rhodium, is not recommended to be rubbed vigorously with brushes, since the rhodium plating becomes thinner over time, although the metal itself is quite hard. Best Method cleaning - using a soap solution or using ammonia. Abrasive powders are strictly excluded.

How to preserve the appearance of a ring for a long time

If your ring is really dear to you, and you want to keep it for as long as possible and then pass it on to your children, then you need to follow several rules:

  • Remove the ring before doing heavy physical work with your hands, before visiting the pool, and before hygiene procedures.
  • Wear gloves when washing the floor or dishes.
  • Make sure that cosmetics, perfumes, and medications do not come into contact with the jewelry. Many stones become dull due to this, and the metal itself becomes covered with a dark film.
  • Clean your jewelry regularly, but not too often. Once a month will be enough.
  • Use only cleaning products that you are confident in.

To store the rings, you need to have a box lined with velvet on the inside. Particularly expensive jewelry that you do not wear every day should be stored in it. The box itself is placed in a place protected from direct sunlight, but not too damp.

Gold is a soft precious metal. It contains some additives that not only impart strength to the material, but also impair its anti-corrosion properties. Over time, the surface of the product gradually darkens under the influence of external factors. To save it appearance you need to know how to clean gold at home.

There are affordable and varied methods that can renew jewelry. Their choice is determined by the metal content and the type of precious stones.

Basic rules for caring for gold items and jewelry

First of all, you should not allow gold items to come into contact with substances containing alkali and acids. These are various detergents, nail polish removers, paints, etc. Therefore, it is better to remove jewelry before going to the bathhouse and during cleaning.

As part of some cosmetics also available chemical elements, providing negative impact for precious metal (mercury, sulfur, chlorine). Be sure to remove jewelry when applying hand creams.

It is not advisable to store jewelry in cardboard boxes, since this material contains sulfur, after contact with which things become covered with a dark coating. It is necessary to ensure that the chain links do not break to avoid damage and scratches. For storage jewelry It is more convenient to use figurines or special boxes.

If the jewelry is always kept in good condition and dirt is regularly removed, then in the future it is enough to simply hold it in a soap solution.

Cleaning gold jewelry with stones

Jewelry with precious stones requires a more careful approach. Due to exposure to water or other chemical substances they may darken.

Turquoise, coral, pearls and other soft stones do not tolerate water, but they can be treated with a water-alcohol solution, then rinsed and dried. Pearls can be wiped with starch, which removes moisture and dirt. To remove dark deposits, you can simply wipe the stone with flannel.

Products can be cleaned well with alcohol. Rings or chains are immersed in alcohol for 20-25 minutes, then they are treated with a cloth soaked in a soap solution and wiped well. The use of matches also has a good effect in cleaning jewelry. Use the ashes of a burnt match to carefully wipe the product and then rinse.

Hard types of precious stones, such as diamonds, cubic zirconia, zirconium, are cleaned with ammonia or soap solution. The products are immersed in the solution for 5-7 minutes, then dried.

The product can be cleaned well with cologne. Take an ordinary ear stick, treat it with cologne and carefully wipe the stone. Cologne degreases and cleans stones, giving the surface shine.

Significant contamination is removed with gasoline. Soft toothbrush moisten in gasoline and carefully clean the surface of the product.

In order to clean gold with stones at home, a special paste is also used, which can be bought at a jewelry store.

White gold turns yellow and becomes cloudy over time. The product is rhodium plated, which can be easily damaged if handled carelessly. How to clean white gold at home to keep the gold surface intact. To clean such metal, you must use a soft, lint-free cloth and do not use products containing chalk or chromium oxide during the cleaning process.

Exist different ways cleaning white gold:

  • Mix ammonia with water in equal quantities, add shampoo. Gold jewelry is immersed in the resulting solution for 30 minutes, then they are thoroughly washed and carefully wiped with a rag.
  • A soap solution is made from soft soap, where the jewelry is placed for 20-30 minutes. After which they are carefully wiped with a cloth and washed well. When finished, dry with a flannel cloth.
  • Dilute a mixture of half a glass of warm beer with one egg yolk, mix well to a paste. Next, the paste is applied to flannel or cotton fabric and the product is cleaned.
  • 500 g of water is poured into a container, two teaspoons of detergent or washing powder are added, and rings and chains are immersed in it.
  • The solution is brought to a boil and after 20 minutes the items are removed, rinsed, and wiped with a velvet cloth.
  • You can remove stains using a gel-based toothpaste that does not contain abrasives. Apply gel to a damp brush and wipe the product. This method is best used for smooth rings, since the brush does not penetrate well between the links of bracelets and chains.

It is not recommended to leave jewelry made of precious metal in the cleaning solution for a long time, because in this case the properties of gold deteriorate.

Cleaning Yellow Gold

Products made from yellow or red gold can be cleaned in a variety of ways.

  • Mix one teaspoon of ammonia, detergent and 300 g of water. Precious jewelry is immersed in this solution for three hours, then it is washed in water and dried with a soft cloth or napkin.
  • Using dishwashing detergent. Mix a teaspoon of the product in a glass of water in a container, and lower the fabric and precious jewelry to the bottom of the dish. Next, heat the bowl and keep the decorations in boiling water for 15 minutes. Afterwards, the products are washed and dried.
  • Using hydrogen peroxide. Mix 200 g of warm water, 50 g of peroxide, one teaspoon each of ammonia and detergent. Place gold jewelry in the resulting solution for 30 minutes, then rinse with running water and wipe with a dry cloth.
  • The easiest cleaning method is to use table salt. In a glass with hot water add table salt(four tablespoons), mix well, then place the jewelry there for 10-12 hours. When finished, rinse with water and dry.
  • The use of table vinegar can not only clean the item, but also make the surface shiny again. Pour 9 percent vinegar into a ceramic or glass container, immerse the product in the container for 30 minutes, then clean it with a toothbrush and rinse it in water.
  • Application of aluminum foil. Mix the solution in a small cup hot water with baking soda (take 2 tablespoons), pre-place foil at the bottom of the container. Jewelry is soaked for 12 hours, then it is washed in water and dried.

Hard-to-reach places (on an openwork pattern, stone frame) are cleaned using a toothbrush. Dark spots that won't budge the usual remedy, are removed by mechanical cleaning using special products containing abrasives (pastes).

Use a toothbrush and paste to treat the surface of gold jewelry. Then remove the remaining substance with a napkin, rinsing with water or alcohol. The cleaned item is finally rinsed and dried with a rag.

Cleaning gold with matte surface

Matte gold jewelry is spectacular and stylish, but such a surface gets dirty quite quickly. Such products require careful attitude so as not to damage the surface. There are several cleaning methods for such products.

  1. You can use a 25 percent ammonia solution. Gold items are dipped into the solution, left there for two to three hours, then everything is thoroughly washed and wiped with a rag.
  2. A product using lime. Mix a teaspoon of lime in water to form a slurry, add a pinch of salt and half a teaspoon of soda. The mixture is infused for three to four days, then the precious items are placed there for three to four hours. After which they are washed and dried.

When cleaning such products, do not use pastes or powders containing abrasive substances. It is also not recommended to use vinegar, which can harm the alloy. When using soda, it is necessary to carefully dissolve the substance to avoid mechanical damage.

Gold items with a matte surface should not be stored in the same place as other jewelry, as if damaged, it will be almost impossible to get rid of the scratch.

Often the problem arises of how to clean gold at home quickly and without additional costs. To do this, you can use various available means. The easiest and cheapest way is to clean with a cloth. A fluffy soft fabric (fleece) is best suited for this purpose.

This method can be used for any type of jewelry. If you use it regularly, you will not need complex formulations and professional products, but in case of severe contamination it is useless.

You can quickly and effectively clean gold with a special paste, which is sold in jewelry stores. The product is applied to the product and thoroughly rubbed with a soft bristle brush.


Gold jewelry should be cleaned approximately once a month. Then they will constantly delight you with their unique shine. You can, of course, take rings, earrings, chains and other jewelry to a jewelry store. There is a service for cleaning them. But it is quite easy to clean gold jewelry yourself.
The traditional method is rubbing with a special paste, which is sold in the same jewelry stores. It is inexpensive, about 60-70 rubles. But you can get by with improvised methods. For example, put gold jewelry in a solution of soapy water or a solution of detergent. If desired, add a little mineral water, it loosens dirt well.
Then you should hold the jewelry in this solution for 10-15 minutes, chat them a little so that the dirt comes off better. After this, the jewelry can be removed and wiped with a soft-bristled brush. There are special jewelry brushes, but a regular toothbrush will do. Now you need to dry the gold jewelry by wiping it with a soft flannel cloth.

Gold jewelry with precious and semi-precious stones must be cleaned especially carefully. For example, if the stone is glued, the product cannot be immersed in water. Pearls, corals, turquoise and other soft stones should never be cleaned in aggressive agents, especially ammonia. Zircons, citrines, cubic zirconias, on the contrary, can be safely dipped into a solution of ammonia (one part alcohol to six parts water): they will shine even brighter.

A universal way to clean gold jewelry with stones is with alcohol. The product with the stone must be dipped in alcohol and then wiped with a soft cloth soaked in a soap solution. Then you should arrange the decorations so that the remaining moisture evaporates or drains, rather than being absorbed into the base.
Large transparent precious stones can be cleaned this way: light a match, when it burns for just a second, extinguish it. Then break off the phosphorus head and rub the stone with the burnt end of a match.

Tip 2: How to clean gold items

Over time, gold loses its flawless and noble appearance: jewelry products they darken, become dull, plaque appears on them and dirt accumulates. Of course, you can always turn to professionals from jewelry workshops who will clean your ring or chain. But you can restore gold to its original shine at home.

You will need

  • - detergent,
  • - ammonia solution,
  • - Vaseline or vegetable oil,
  • - chalk powder, or corundum, or magnesia,
  • - alcohol or vodka,
  • - soft cotton fabric.


First try to clean the gold by rinsing it thoroughly. Dissolve a detergent - soap, washing powder, liquid dishwashing detergent or shampoo - in hot water (its temperature should be more than 50 degrees). Dip into cleaning solution gold product and leave for an hour and a half. After this time, clean off the soaked dirt using a sponge, cotton swabs or a soft brush. It will come off easily even in hard-to-reach places. Be careful with high karat gold - the hard bristles can scratch them. Rinse the jewelry thoroughly under running water and dry.

There is one too effective way: boil for 5-10 minutes ring in water with the addition of dishwashing detergent or washing powder. Then run warm water again and wipe.

If your jewelry is very dirty and you cannot get rid of the dirt, take it to a jewelry store. There they will be cleaned in an ultrasonic bath, after which a special mineral oil is applied, which penetrates into the smallest cracks on the surface of the stone, after which it sparkles like new.

Tip 6: How to clean pearls

To gently clean natural or cultivated pearl, as well as jewelry made from these precious stones, does not require much effort. Moreover, most generally accepted methods can not only damage the pearl, but also significantly reduce its value. After all, the thicker the mother-of-pearl coating, the more expensive it is. pearl. And even the most delicate abrasive agent can scratch or even completely remove a layer of soft mother-of-pearl. So how to clean it properly? pearl?

You will need

  • Soft cloth (thin suede, microfiber cloth)
  • Warm water
  • Fragrance-free detergent
  • Container
  • Highly refined olive oil


Cleaning silver at home is possible; all you need is your usual detergent, citric acid or freshly squeezed lemon juice and a little alcohol. It is necessary to mix any soap solution and lemon juice in equal proportions, adding to it a teaspoon of vodka or a few drops of alcohol. After lying in this composition overnight, the silver chain will look like new in the morning. Another method involves boiling the product in water, in which citric acid is mixed in a ratio of 1 to 5.

Another way in which cleaning silver becomes quite possible is with the use of abrasive preparations. The most gentle means can be called ordinary baking soda. Using this product, you can clean absolutely any product from a layer of dirt, be it a chain or earrings, however, this method will not remove blackness from the weave of jewelry. Some extreme ways to clean silver at home include boiling it in a drink called Coca-Cola for 3-5 minutes.

Video on the topic

Helpful advice

In order for the chain to oxidize less, it must be washed regularly with any soap under running water.


  • how to clean a silver chain at home

Tip 8: How to clean a ring with a stone

Ring With stone It is more difficult to clean than a simple ring, since the stones can be damaged by some detergents. Some stones do not like moisture, so traditional home jewelry cleaning methods such as soaking are not suitable for them.

You will need

  • Cotton buds
  • Cologne
  • Alcohol
  • Petrol
  • Soap solution


The easiest way to clean a stone ring without damaging it is to use cologne and cotton swabs. Soak the stick in cologne and gently wipe the ring and the stone itself. If the contamination is small, the ring can be easily cleaned.

Old and stubborn grease stains from the ring can be cleaned with alcohol. Dampen a flannel cloth in it and gently wipe the ring and stone. This way you can remove even the most stubborn stains that cannot be cleaned with regular cologne. But under no circumstances should the ring be immersed in alcohol or other liquid if the stone is glued. There is a high chance that the glue will be damaged, and if the stone does not fall off immediately, it may come off later, and you won’t even notice it.

The grease film that is attached to the stone can also be removed using gasoline and a soft cloth.

The cleaning method also depends on the hardness level of the stone itself. Stones such as emerald, beryl, diamond, quartz, sapphire, ruby, aquamarine and topaz have a fairly high hardness index of 5 or higher. If your ring has a high hardness stone, you can use a solution of washing powder. The ring should be cleaned with a soft cloth or rag.

If the hardness coefficient of the stone on your ring is less than 5, or you don’t know it for sure, then it’s better not to take risks. Such stones can only be washed with soapy water, then rinsed, wiped and dried. “Soft” stones include malachite, apatite, moonstone, opal, turquoise and others.

Some stones, such as diamonds, become stained quickly with oil, so they need to be wiped down every month or more often. Clean stones are very

Gold is not only a beautiful and precious metal, but also a good investment. IN modern world unstable economy, buying gold is a reliable investment financial resources. However, this is not why most women love gold jewelry. Unlike costume jewelry, gold wears well and does not discolor or stain, even if you wear the jewelry regularly. However, over time, gold rings, earrings and chains can become dirty. Grease stains appear on the metal, dirt and dust get stuck in small parts of the jewelry, and the gold itself becomes dull. To restore your gold jewelry to its former shine and shine, you need to thoroughly clean it.

How to clean gold jewelry

Clean precious metals from pollution is very easy. To do this, just soak them in hot water with detergents. Add some liquid soap to a bowl of boiling water and dip the gold into the soap solution. Leave it there for a while. After this, clean the soaked, contaminated areas with a fine brush.

Sometimes dirt seems to get stuck between the links of the chain, especially if the product is elaborate and worn every day. Most often this happens with chains that are worn on the hand - they are most susceptible to contamination. To get rid of such contaminants, you will need citric acid or freshly squeezed lemon juice. Squeeze the juice into a tablespoon and dip the chain into it. Citric acid must be diluted so that the solution is as concentrated as possible. After this, heat the contents of the spoon over a burner or burner. When heated, the acid eats away contaminants, cleaning even the most difficult to reach areas of the metal. After the liquid boils, pour the lemon juice into a glass and lower the chain into it to remove any remaining dirt. After this, the chain will only need to be rinsed.

How to clean items with hard stones

If a gold item has a stone, it is not recommended to immerse it in hot water. The fact is that some stones are attached to products using glue. And from boiling water the stone may simply fall out. But how to care for such jewelry and how to clean them?

Stones come in different hardnesses. Now you will learn how to clean gold items with hard stones, such as diamond, topaz, garnet, emerald, sapphire, peridot, zircon, ruby.

  1. If the gold is not very dirty, it can be cleaned with a regular cleaning solution. Please note - it should not be hot. Use a soft brush to go over the entire product, then rinse and polish it.
  2. For severe contamination, use ammonia. Pour a teaspoon of ammonia into a third of a glass of water, then lower the decoration into the solution. After a while, shake the glass to remove dirt from hard-to-reach places. Keep the gold in the solution for a little longer, and then wash off the dirt from it.
  3. Gasoline will help get rid of greasy stains and greasy stains. Dampen a cloth in it and polish the product with it. It will sparkle with renewed vigor.
  4. For some stones, there are special professional cleaning products. You can buy them at a jewelry store.
  5. To make the stones shine again with all their edges, they need to be wiped with hydrogen peroxide.
  6. Large gemstones are cleaned with fine ash. To do this, just burn a match and rub the stone with burnt wood. This method can only be used for hard stones.

As you know, precious stones are distinguished by their hardness. While hard stones can be cleaned with almost anything, soft stones require special care. Soft stones include pearls, malachite, serpentine, turquoise, amber, coral, opal and others.

  1. Products with soft stones should not be cleaned, especially with a brush with hard bristles. These brushes can scratch the surface of the stone. For the same reason, you should not clean the product with toothpaste, especially with small hard particles.
  2. Optical stores sell special soft wipes for cleaning glasses. They can also be used when cleaning gold items with stones. Sometimes you can find the same napkins on sale, but with a special impregnation that eliminates the appearance of streaks.
  3. Gold jewelry with soft stones should be cleaned in warm soapy water using a soft cloth. Do not soak them - soft stones do not tolerate moisture. After washing, the jewelry must be thoroughly dried.
  4. You cannot clean pearls with vinegar or lemon juice - the acid will corrode the stone. This only applies to natural pearls.
  5. If your product contains coral or turquoise, they should be wiped with alcohol. Ammonia cannot be used to clean soft stones - the products may become cloudy.

How to clean gold with stones at home

If you have neither alcohol nor ammonia on hand, you can clean gold items using folk remedies.

  1. Mix egg white and beer in equal proportions. Soak a flannel cloth in the prepared product and clean the jewelry with it.
  2. Onion juice will help get rid of greasy dirt. Immerse the jewelry in it for 10 minutes, and then go over the gold with a brush.
  3. You can get rid of dirt in hard-to-reach places using vinegar.
  4. Sugar will help give gold items extra shine. Prepare sweet water and soak your jewelry in it overnight.
  5. To clean gold jewelry, you need to prepare a special paste. Mix chalk, Vaseline and soap shavings. Add a little water to get a creamy consistency. Apply the prepared product to the gold and wash off after a few hours.

Gold with precious stones looks elegant on a woman of any age. However, in order to preserve and highlight the beauty and sophistication of jewelry, you need to be able to properly care for your gold items.

  1. If you wear gold constantly without taking it off, it needs to be cleaned every month.
  2. When cleaning any gold items, do not use laundry soap, otherwise the gold will tarnish and lose its shine. This is due to the fact that it contains laundry soap There are special acids that cannot be combined with gold. For cleaning, it is best to use liquid toilet soap, shampoo or dishwashing detergent.
  3. If regular cleaning does not help get rid of dirt in hard-to-reach places, use glycerin. Soak a cotton swab in it and carefully walk over the product.
  4. To renew a gold item, wipe it with cologne or any other alcohol-containing solution.
  5. Gold should not be under straight lines for a long time sun rays. It should also be protected from sudden temperature changes. And then it will serve you for decades.

Gold items are a sign of high taste and wealth of their owner. However, in order for them to always look well-groomed and elegant, they need regular care. Take care of your jewelry and always be on top!

Video: how to clean gold with stones

Unfortunately, almost every gold item can tarnish over time and lose its original shine. In this case, it will no longer be as delicious as it was before. Once you know them, you will understand how to clean gold at home so that it again looks as impressive as before.

Caring for Yellow Gold

Hydroxide and detergent mixture

  1. Prepare the mixture to clean the product. To perform the procedure, you do not need to buy special products or pastes. You can mix a teaspoon of ammonium hydroxide and a tablespoon of detergent;
  2. This mixture is then mixed with boiled water. To perform this task, it is better to take a deep container - this will make it more convenient to stir the mixture;
  3. The products are placed in the resulting liquid and left in it for a while;
  4. Then you will need to rinse it thoroughly under running water and wipe with a dry soft towel.


The following DIY gold cleaning method looks even simpler:

  1. To carry out this procedure, stir a teaspoon of detergent of your choice in a glass of water;
  2. When the solution becomes completely homogeneous, place a soft rag on the bottom of the pan;
  3. Place the container on the operating stove and place the decorations inside;
  4. After boiling for 10 minutes, the products are removed, washed and dried.


  1. Pour heated water, tsp of ammonia and soap, 40 ml. peroxide in one pan;
  2. Stirring the ingredients;
  3. Jewelry is placed in this liquid for a third of an hour so that it is covered with liquid;
  4. At the last stage they are washed and dried.


The cheapest and most common remedy that can purify gold is salt:

  1. The solution in this case will consist of only two components: salt and water;
  2. The first, in the amount of three tablespoons, is stirred in half a glass of heated water;
  3. Then the gold item is immersed in this liquid for 12 hours;
  4. Next they are washed and wiped.


The following method involves preparing a solution from a glass of hot water and two tablespoons of soda:

  • Place foil on the bottom of the pan;
  • A cleaning item is placed on top of it;
  • Then the container is filled with the resulting solution and left overnight;
  • Over time, the products are washed and wiped.

Mechanical cleaning

However, in the case when the jewelry is covered with dark spots, which could not be removed using folk remedies, mechanical cleaning will be required. To do this, you should use abrasive substances. However, it is not recommended to use soda or other similar products. The abrasive elements contained in these products can cause scratches on gold jewelry. In this case, you cannot do without subsequent polishing of the product, as shown in the video:

  1. For mechanical cleaning, use only a very soft brush;
  2. Squeeze a pea of ​​cleaning paste onto such a brush and very carefully move it over the dirty surface of the product;
  3. Next, rings and other jewelry will need to be wiped clean of paste and treated with an alcohol-containing solution. In this way, you can remove the fatty deposits formed after using the paste;
  4. At the end of the procedure, everything is washed and dried.

White gold care

When cleaning rings and other white gold items at home, it is very easy to damage the surface of the jewelry. To avoid this, you must strictly follow the following tips:

  1. Since such jewelry is coated with a thin layer of rhodium, it should only be wiped with a soft cloth. If you neglect this rule, you can simply erase the deposited rhodium layer;
  2. To remove existing contaminants, it is better to use a solution of water and ammonia. Moreover, the ratio of these two components must correspond to the proportions - one to the other;
  3. Gold is placed in the solution for some time, and after that it is thoroughly washed and mandatory wipe. If the product is not left to dry, its quality may suffer significantly.

Caring for gold jewelry with stones

This cleaning option is the most difficult, since if some rules are not followed, it can cause harm. precious stones. Simple Methods Cleaning up pollution in this case will not be relevant:

  1. To clean the ring and remove dirt particles from the stones, use an ear swab and rubbing alcohol. If you do not want to scratch the product, then you should not use tools with sharp tips;
  2. Do not immerse jewelry with stones in water. Often the stones are glued to the product, in which case the stones may simply come off. A soft cloth dipped in alcohol can help remove grease stains on jewelry. After the procedure, the jewelry must be wiped with a clean damp cloth and dried.

Caring for jewelry with a matte surface

IN Lately Gold products with a matte surface are becoming increasingly popular. In order for such products to maintain their presentable appearance, they must be looked after with special care:

  1. It is strictly not recommended to use hard towels, brushes or cleaning powders on such decorations. They can significantly scratch the delicate surface of the jewelry;
  2. The best option in this case is dry cleaning. To do this, take a 25% ammonia solution, in which you need to immerse the ring and other jewelry and leave it in it for several hours. And at the end of the entire procedure, the jewelry is washed and dried.

Let's sum it up

Gold, which is used in the jewelry industry, contains impurities of other metals. Such additives, on the one hand, provide the alloy with the necessary strength, but on the other hand, over time they begin to oxidize and change their color. If your gold jewelry begins to look more like cheap jewelry, you need to use one of the cleaning methods described in this article. After such procedures, your jewelry will be restored to the luxury of its original appearance.

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