Interpretation of dreams by 90. What does it mean if you have a dream within a dream? Maly Velesov dream book

I propose not to explain, in the traditional sense, not to analyze dreams, but to interpret
them, just as people have done and have done for thousands of years all over the world. The interpretation of dreams has always and everywhere been considered an art, that is, creativity that is inexplicable. By the way,
“to interpret” according to V. Dahl’s dictionary means “to draw one’s guesses and conclusions.”

Of course, dreams are different. There are some that there is nothing to think about. Others, rare, however, remain etched in your memory for the rest of your life. And here I would like to express simple signs by which we can sort our dreams, separating the wheat from the chaff. And highlight within the dream itself, what to pay attention to, what specific feature is worth thinking about and deciphering. For twenty years I have been busy with my own dreams and those of others.
Not by psychology, not by analyzing sleepy dreams, but by thinking about them, as one thinks about a painting by a great master, a parable of a sage, or an excerpt from the Holy Book. And I am deeply convinced that dreams should be interpreted.

There are dreams that literally come true. These are prophetic dreams. Both prophetic and prophetic dreams are rare. Most often, you don’t dream anything at all, as many people believe, because they don’t remember their dreams. In fact, everyone has dreams every night. And when we wake up, we simply don’t remember these dreams. It’s an amazing thing, once you start interpreting dreams, how
there are more of them, their content changes. Visions bloom with colors and sounds, smells and even taste, although the sensation of taste in dreams is very rare, since this
means the threshold of a very big life resolution.

After the dream has been isolated from other dreams for interpretation, it is necessary to substitute the corresponding signs from the dream book for all the main features of the dream, and begin writing through reflection. There are no rules here, as in any creative endeavor. There is only technology, reception
and experience. For example, it is advisable to avoid common sense when thinking about a dream, because a dream has a different logic, an artistic one, the logic of the truth of art, which is very different from the logic of the truth of life. To win in a dream, you have to give in.

According to all dream books, dreams can also be interpreted depending on what day of the week they were dreamed on, what day, month or what day of the lunar calendar. So, dreams on Sunday come true before lunch. And dreams on Friday are most endowed with prophetic meaning. Dreams on Saturday are very serious. And on Thursday, they are more concerned with business and relations with superiors.

It is clear that the same dream content can relate to both family life and
to relations with friends, and to business affairs. Dreams can come true soon or after some time. If our physiology is somehow connected with the phases of the moon, perhaps dreams, to some extent, can be in tune with terrestrial and extraterrestrial rhythms.

Action in a dream and its meaning in the Dream Interpretation is the most important description of the structure of the dream kingdom directly, often bypassing the deep layers of metaphor of language and the magic of culture. In action, the signs are much more direct, more literal in a dream. Actions are our aspirations, vanity in reality. So, up is always good, and down is always bad. The right side is better than the left when turning. Or better yet, walk or drive straight ahead. And just as in reality it is better to measure seven times before cutting, so in a dream this must be understood and realized. Being present is always better than participating. Another thing is that the dream charmer uses a lot of inversions, or simply that the meaning of an action in a dream is often the opposite of the meaning of this action in reality. Yes - often leads to trouble. Isn’t this where the expression in reality comes from: “I’ve eaten enough crap” - this is about bad deeds or company; or - thank you, I'm already fed up with this matter. Crying is
to joy. And if you rejoice greatly, you will cry, especially if you want to laugh. No wonder there is a saying that laughter leads to tears. Kisses - to betrayal, enmity. And if you kill someone, it’s the end of things...

Another thing is that the shapeshifter is so hidden that sometimes instead of the reverse meaning of an action in a dream, the dream uses the direct one. How to distinguish? It's difficult to give a recipe. If the reader decides to interpret dreams, he will soon feel for himself where the opposite meaning is and where the direct meaning is. For example, dancing in a dream means illness. They say - you will dance with me, or - you will sing with me! However, if you are dancing alone, there is no one around and the music is very good - this can mean the dance of fate, the future course of the most important matters.

In the development of its action, a dream follows a very strict logic, which is closest to the so-called logic of art, the motivation of a plot twist, development in a novel or in a story, a play, but not life. Common sense logic, which is based on our usual formal logic of reasoning, is rarely used in dreams. The dream is a paradoxist and loves unusual turns based on the literalness of metaphors... Let's say, “incinerated with a glance,” we say in life; in a dream we will see a coal or a pile of ashes. Or - he “blazed with anger,” and in a dream we see flames. One of the reasons for this “literalism” is
in the equality of sign and object in dreams, equal to the weight of the Name and the Thing. Therefore, our words in a dream become a spell. Each of us in a dream is an omnipotent magician, and as soon as we utter a wish, it will immediately come true, literally... Another thing is that in a dream we do not remember ourselves and therefore it is not easy for us to express a desire. That’s why they sometimes say, like in a dream, that everything happened, because we can’t so easily get rid of the mechanicalness of a doll.
in a dream. But if this suddenly succeeds, if a person remembers that he is sleeping and dreaming, he will easily test the magical power of any word that he can pronounce loudly
in the kingdom of Hypnos.

The senses make up the general atmosphere of sleep and color dreams in one or another emotional shade. This “sensational” tone usually reflects the quality of waking relationships with people, affairs, and fate; embodiments in smells and sounds; real events of the day. So, about a bad situation they say that it “smelled like something was fried”... Or about a seductive woman they will say that she is a “tasty morsel.” All these daytime metaphors become literal in dreams. Fortunately, in dreams they usually “feast on the gaze”... Isn’t that where the expression comes from: “he devoured her with his eyes”; meaning a woman or some beloved thing. In dreams there can also be direct, ordinary our feelings from everything that happens, without any encryption. Our literal sensations in a dream must also be believed literally. This means that, despite the troubles or dangers in a dream and in interpretation, nothing threatens the sleeping person with his vision. And no troubles are foreseen. The senses are surprisingly unequally represented in dreams. Of course, we see most with our eyes. We hear less. We smell it very rarely. We also rarely touch. And very rarely - we feel and remember the taste. It is curious that in all the books in which one way or another a description of the afterlife and astral world is given, spirits taste only by looking or inhaling the aroma. There is no taste. Also rarely - touch. Probably, taste is most strongly connected with our bodily essence, that is, with events in this world. It is not without reason that a clear, distinct sensation of taste in a dream foreshadows a very serious crisis and its resolution in the near future. They say about life or the circumstances of life that a “bad taste” has appeared in them... Smells in a dream are more of a relational nature: quarrel, friendship, love, bad or good in the sense of passions associated with some business or position. After all, it’s not for nothing that in reality we say about an unreliable business that it “smells bad,” using a direct metaphor from dreams. And we are all attracted by the “smell of distant travels.”

It is best if the Sun is shining in a dream and the sky is clear. The more light, the better: even if the lighting is scary with its brilliance, don’t be scared. It’s very good when in such an incredible dream a thunderclap sounds from the clear sky. The view should extend where
no matter what the eye looks, it’s beautiful. Beauty in a dream is a guarantee of good luck in reality. Those who have beautiful dreams cannot suffer during the day. If a light breeze blows in a dream, then let it not be strong, and let the air itself be transparent. Let the sea or ocean stretch before your eyes, calm, with clear, clean water. Let there be beautiful palaces or castles, gardens in the distance. It’s good if a clean spring flows or a stream runs in the green grass. Let there be a fountain in the garden, let the paths be sandy. Let the sun shine in one direction,
and on the other side bright stars are burning. The clouds should be very light. It’s good when there is a beautiful church or monastery nearby. All colors in a dream should be bright,
Let the rays of light shine in the sky.

Living beings in dreams represent our sensual, emotional part of life. So, wild animals are enemies and a sign of enmity. Animals in the zoo - excitement. A rat is a danger; hunting means anxiety. Thieves are disappointments. In a word, living beings, especially the animal world, mean different states of our soul and attitude to reality,
as well as to other people, when all this is colored by feeling, emotion. Living creatures in a dream
– this is our path, events, the course of affairs in reality. So, if in reality, say, things have reached a dead end, then in a dream we will be met by a figure blocking us. This figure embodies the sign of events.
And if this sign is unraveled, the door will open, a way out of the stupid situation will be revealed in reality: the creature serves as the gatekeeper of the fateful door, either as a sign of the path, or as the path itself, as an opportunity. So, a butterfly, for example, is a date, and a grazing herd is wealth. It’s not for nothing that in reality they tell fortunes by birds, and a black cat crossing the road means bad luck. How we deal with this figure encountered in a dream, if we manage to unravel its meaning, is how it will turn out in reality. And the biting thoughts-flies, and the evil swarm of worries - everything will disappear. It’s not for nothing that in reality we “drive” worries away from ourselves, sometimes we “trample down” our feelings, and our hopes “melt away”. In the realm of dreams, all this literally happens. There are also direct meanings: a dog is a friend, a cat is an enemy or a secret enemy (depending on the suit). Of course, some creatures can literally appear to us in dreams, for example, a fairy or a devil in his own guise. The power of these images generated by the collective consciousness can be so great that they can cure the patient. They can give you something. So, when you meet them in a dream, try
ask them for a gift. If you are asked what gift you want, don’t hesitate: “What kind of gift will you give?” you must answer. Because we ourselves rarely know what exactly we want,
and even less often do we know what we really need from what we want. So it's easier to trust.

At night, when a person falls asleep, all organs and systems continue their autonomous work, and the brain also continues to work, as a result of which a person “sees” various pictures and scenes in a dream. This does not happen throughout the night, but usually towards the end of the sleep period, more precisely at its fifth stage. According to scientific information, the sleep of a healthy person is divided into five phases, the first four of which are the slow-wave sleep phases, and the fifth is the so-called REM sleep phase.

The Science of Dreams

The science that studies dreams is called oneirology. According to research in this area, each stage during sleep is very important for the restoration of neuro-physical and mental processes in the body. Their violation, due to insomnia or lack of sleep, can lead, with a single action, to a broken state and decreased performance, and in a systematic manner to disorders of a mental, physiological and psychological nature.

Sleep phases

Each phase of sleep has a specific function for restoring the area of ​​the brain “assigned” to it. Normally, each phase should follow one after another, and the full cycle lasts about two hours, and is repeated several times during the night.

  • The first stage is a state of half-asleep - the eyes close, thoughts become incoherent, the person plunges into a slight semi-oblivion. The phase lasts from five to ten minutes.
  • The second stage is the longest (up to half of the entire cycle) - falling into sleep. It is characterized by a slowdown in physiological and psychomotor processes in the body, the person switches off and completely falls asleep.
  • The third stage is falling into deep sleep. Complete relaxation occurs, body temperature decreases, pulse slows down, and all five senses are switched off.
  • The fourth stage is deep sleep. A person is fast asleep, and it is very difficult to wake him up at this stage of sleep. This phase lasts about half an hour, after which a sharp change occurs in the body, the heartbeat quickens, breathing becomes shallow - the fifth phase begins.
  • The fifth stage is REM sleep. A person sees images called dreams. This phase is short, from 5 to 10 minutes at the beginning of the night, and up to 30 by the end. If a person wakes up during this period, he, in most cases, will remember what he dreamed. Scientists believe that this phase of sleep is a necessary protection for the body, providing psychological relief to a tired brain.
Encrypted messages

If during the first four phases of slow-wave sleep the body relaxes and the brain is completely rebooted, then during REM sleep a certain relationship between the conscious and subconscious minds of a person occurs to rethink the moments experienced. With such a close connection, the subconscious can send messages to a person in the form of vivid dreams, as a warning, or vice versa, so that a person, having seen a favorable dream, calms down and stops worrying.

Lift the veil of secrecy

A person, upon waking up, remembers certain significant events seen in a dream; a certain guess arises inside - what could this mean?

Many millennia ago, humanity sought to interpret dreams. This was available only to people with a certain gift, as well as to those who had a connection with the other world - priests, soothsayers, shamans. A well-known biblical parable from the Old Testament tells of Joseph, who, having interpreted Pharaoh’s dream about thin and fat cows, predicted three fertile years for the kingdom, after which seven years of famine would come. Thanks to this, the pharaoh ordered large reserves to be made, and his kingdom survived the lean years without any problems. This is the most famous story in which a dream saved an entire kingdom from starvation.

Dream books of our site

Over the centuries, humanity has accumulated extensive experience in interpreting dreams. Different directions in this area make it possible to interpret even strange and sometimes incomprehensible dreams. On our website we have collected the most popular dream books known today. All of them are based on different theories: Miller, a famous businessman, thanks to his innate gift, interpreted dreams based on a deep analysis of images and objects that arise in a person’s subconscious during sleep. Freud, the founder of the psychoanalytic school - a therapeutic direction in psychology, took as a basis the psychological processes occurring in the human mind, which were interpreted subconsciously into dream images. He determined why a person dreamed of this or that picture, what could influence it and what it could lead to. The famous soothsayer Vanga interpreted dreams, unraveling the messages encrypted in symbols and signs. The esoteric dream book interprets the deep mystical plans of fate in the same symbols. The intimate world, the world of love and family, is reflected in the closest and most understandable dream books of the corresponding title, where terms relating to the personal spheres of a person’s life are collected.

Solving dreams

Vivid, memorable dreams most likely carry some meaning, by interpreting which a person can find out what to prepare for in the future. Thus, there are often stories that in a dream, people, using certain meanings, learned about an imminent addition to the family, a wedding, or, conversely, about sad moments: an impending illness or even the death of loved ones. Therefore, the most important thing is to correctly interpret the dream, because most often the correct prediction comes true.

Majority method

In order to see the most complete picture of interpretations, it is better to use the majority method, i.e. find out the meaning of sleep in different dream books. Our website contains the most popular and, according to popular opinion, the most accurate dream books. You can also find out here whether a dream will come true or not, depending on the day of the month or day of the week on which it falls.

Dream book rules
  • It is necessary to establish the meaning of the entire dream in order to understand its “mood”, whether it will warn of danger or talk about upcoming happiness; for this you need to determine the name of the dream in one word and find out the interpretation.
  • The full meaning of a dream can only be unraveled by identifying all its important points. Here it is worth remembering the surrounding objects, animals, people, finding out the meaning of these symbols in order to understand the hidden opportunity to realize what you want, avoid trouble, turn the situation to your advantage, and much more.

Without any exaggeration, we can say that our exclusive service Dream Book of Juno online - out of more than 75 dream books - is currently the largest dream book on the Runet. From October 2008 to the present day, it includes the largest number of interpretations of dreams of all symbols and images from various dream books - both folk and written by various authors, including both well-known dream interpreters and those who are still little familiar, but no less talented and noteworthy authors.

We have carefully selected the best sources for you and combined them all on one website, so using our service is both convenient and most informative. You can find here answers to all questions about the interpretation of dreams, find out the meaning of a dream on any topic by reading dozens of interpretations of the symbols that you dreamed of and choosing from them the one that “hooks” you the most - as a rule, this is the answer to the question - which means a dream that you personally had and specifically at this time.

For even more complete clarity in the interpretation of your dream, if the need arises, in addition to the dream book, you can use additional information in the Juno section - Articles on the interpretation of dreams, where you will find a lot of interesting and useful articles on how to find out the meaning of a dream, in what days do you have prophetic dreams, how to work with a dream, etc. for example, you will be interested to know that the most vivid and memorable dreams occur during the full moon; at this time many dreams occur. Dreams on the waning moon reflect your psychological states and help in self-analysis. What you dreamed about on the waxing Moon requires implementation in reality - pay special attention to this. You will find out which days of the week and lunar days you have empty dreams, and which ones you have prophetic dreams. For example, it is believed that what was dreamed at 3, 4, 7, 8, 12, etc. lunar days come true, but on 29, 1, 2, etc. - practically nothing). Important dreams occur on dates of the month such as 1, 3, 4, etc. Remember also that daytime dreams are almost always empty. Only night ones matter, especially those that were dreamed in the morning.

Our Dream Book of Juno is free and presented in a convenient and beautiful form, divided into paragraphs and subheadings devoted to the interpretation of dreams of certain authors or nationalities, so that it can be used most easily and comfortably. Using the service is simple, namely:


Searching for words in the online Dream Book of Juno service can be done either alphabetically or by specifying a search word. In the case of an alphabetical search, select the desired letter and from the list that appears the word that interests you.

When searching for the entered word, follow these rules:

  • The word must contain only Russian letters. All other characters will be ignored.
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  • In the case of an advanced search, all words containing the entered combinations of letters will be displayed. For example, with an advanced search for the word “tea”, the program will return an interpretation of the words “TEA” and “CASE”.
  • The case of the letters entered does not matter. For example, the entered words "hand", "ARM", "Hand" and "hand" will return the same search result.

The collection of our service includes more than 75 dream books, many of which are available only to us, including such well-known and popular sources as Miller’s dream book (the most complete and, in fact, the first dream interpretation in the world), Vanga’s dream book (its name speaks for itself ), the dream book of Nostradamus (a world-famous astrologer and predictor), the dream book of Freud (perhaps the most famous psychologist in the world), as well as interpretations of dreams of different peoples (Russian, old French, old Russian, Slavic, Mayan, Indian, Gypsy, Egyptian , Eastern, Chinese Yellow Emperor, Assyrian dream books), as well as author’s dream books of different nationalities: Islamic Ibn Sirin, Chinese Zhou Gong, ancient Persian Taflisi, Italian dream books of Meneghetti and Roberti, Vedic Sivananda, English Zedkiel. The service includes such excellent sources of dream interpretation as the absolutely amazing American dream book of the famous writer Denise Lynn (on the recommendation of the site - the best), the Russian noble dream book of Grishina, Tsvetkov, Loff, Ivanov, Aesop, Veles, Hasse, Pythagoras (numerological), medieval Daniel, Cleopatra, Solomon, Zadeki, Azar, as well as modern universal, feminine, masculine, lunar, spiritual, culinary, love, children's fairy tale-mythological, esoteric, catchphrases, symbols, folk signs, mirror psychological states, dream interpreter, dream book, self-instruction book, dream book of health, past and future, psychological, psychoanalytic and many others. As you can see, the range of interpretations is very wide and everyone will find for themselves exactly the meaning of the dream that they were looking for.

The dream book widely presents the topic of love and personal relationships, but other topics are also covered in detail. Have pleasant dreams!

2008-2020 Dream Interpretations on Juno are presented for informational purposes only. All rights reserved. Copying is prohibited.

Sleep is a phenomenon that remains unsolved to this day. The ancient sages believed that in dreams a person has access to communication with spirits, God and the forces of nature. From a scientific point of view, sleep is the analysis of information received by the brain during the day, hidden emotions and desires of a person. Why do we have dreams? The answer to the question is hidden in dream books written by esotericists, psychologists, magicians, sorcerers and ordinary people. Dream books contain interpretations of symbols from dreams: things, animals, actions, people, situations. No matter how absurd the dream may be, it can carry warning information. Interpretation of dreams according to the dream book helps to understand why this or that object is seen in a dream, what a meeting with a certain person means. Dreams play an important role in people's lives. Through dreams, our subconscious tells us what to do in a difficult situation, how a colleague (relative, spouse, lover) treats us. The human unconscious, through dreams, heals mental trauma and helps to survive crisis moments in life.

It is not only the dream book that allows you to correctly interpret a dream, but also concentration on the sensations experienced during sleep. To get an accurate interpretation, it is enough to remember important elements: your own emotions, feelings, intonations of the voices of people speaking in a dream. The environment surrounding a person in a dream can also be the key to the interpretation of the vision. You can record every dream on paper by keeping a personal “dream diary”. This will simplify the analysis of subsequent dreams and help more accurately interpret dreamed images. The brightness and saturation of the colors of a dream is a direct indicator of whether it is prophetic or not. Black and white pictures with a calm emotional background indicate that the dream does not carry any warning information. Dreams do not just appear at the moment when the human consciousness turns off and becomes unreceptive. It is during this period of time that logical thinking ceases to interfere with the assimilation of information received from the outside. Fateful signs, incomprehensible to logical thinking and accepted by the subconscious during the day, result in sleep. Thanks to the interpretation of dreams, a person understands what his own unconscious “I” is warning him about. The free dream book of Miller or Sigmund Freud will interpret the dream from a psychological point of view. Dream books of esotericists and clairvoyants will predict the future through interpretation, and folk and modern dream books will correctly interpret visions involving objects, animals, and seasons. Online interpretation of dreams from dream books allows you to understand what you dreamed the day before. By searching, you can quickly find the information you are interested in. Here are the interpretations of dreams according to the most popular modern and ancient dream books. On our website you can get an accurate and complete free interpretation of dreams. Interest in the interpretation of dreams will disappear only when the secrets of the human subconscious are fully revealed. But just until then, people will use the interpretation of dreams from dream books in order to lift the veil of the unknown.

What does it mean if you have a dream within a dream? Dream books do not have a single interpretation of this dream: the solution to the dream depends entirely on the features of the plot of what was seen and on the emotional reaction of the dreamer to the events taking place in the dream world. Psychologists and esotericists see in this event a completely different meaning than just the interpretation of a dream.

General interpretation

Psychologists define people who dream within a dream as endowed with an enlightened consciousness, capable of comprehending the secrets of the unconscious and controlling their lives. Select people can see a dream in a dream; not everyone is given this ability. However, sometimes incomprehensible plots appear in dreams that require explanation. How to solve them?

The interpretation will depend on the details of the plot of what was seen:

  • where did you sleep;
  • who did you sleep with?
  • how long did you sleep?

Sleeping in nature- for a pleasant trip on a business trip or vacation. Sleeping on a dirty floor in a dirty room is not good: such a dream foreshadows troubles and misunderstandings with loved ones and household members. Expecting support from loved ones at the right time will not come true.

Sleeping on the roof of a building- a good sign of rapid changes in life. You will be at the pinnacle of success. If the sleep is calm and there are no signs of bad weather, the implementation of your plans will be successful.

Seeing yourself in a dream with your loved one in the same bed- to prolong the situation. Your relationship will remain uncertain: keep the initiative in your own hands. Sleeping with a dead person means good health. Such a dream instills horror in people, but it foreshadows positive events in life.

Seeing a child sleeping peacefully- to a favorable course of life events, and a person’s restless sleep - to experiences and problems.

If you see yourself fast asleep and can't wake up, this dream warns of an unresolved life issue. You need to make efforts to find a way out of this situation.

Many dream books interpret the inability to wake up in a dream as the approach of a serious illness or problems, some indicate missed opportunities. Freud considers this dream a warning not to push yourself into a framework and gain freedom in thoughts and behavior.

Interpretation of dream books

Newest dream book warns: this dream prophesies a protracted illness. Seeing yourself asleep does not foretell a positive impact on life.

Family dream book warns of a friend’s betrayal, advises to prepare for unpleasant events. A dream within a dream - you do not see what is happening around you.

Modern dream book believes: seeing yourself sleeping means leading a double life. You are hypocritical towards a worthy person, and you worry about it. A happy dream seen in a dream is a sign of sadness in life.

Dream Interpretation 2012 believes that you should open your eyes to current events, see the true picture around you.

Dream book of the future advises not to rush into accepting vital issues, to put it off until later, to put it off.

Dream Interpretation of Veles calms: seeing a dream in a dream predicts good life prospects if the dreamer has experienced positive emotions.

Dream Interpretation of Denise Lynn considers this dream to be the body’s need for additional rest. The dream also indicates a reluctance to change one’s life attitudes and a fear of radical changes. You are comfortable in your own world, you do not want to change anything.

Dream Interpretation from A to Z sees in the plot of this dream a warning about the secret betrayal of a loved one. While you are sleeping, a love affair is developing behind your back.

What do esotericists and psychologists say?

Psychologists' point of view on this dream is a replay of a life situation in a dream. If you see a nightmare, it means that in real life the danger will not affect you: you have already experienced it in your dream, another life reality. A nightmare has a positive impact on a person's life!

If you can control and manage events in a dream, then you can change the course of your real life in the direction you want. Managing your sleep while you sleep is a unique opportunity to program life events. This skill is specially taught in lucid dreaming courses.

How to translate the dream plot you saw into real life? To do this, after waking up, you should “play out” the events of the dream in your mind several times and consolidate them. If you saw a dream in a dream with a sad ending, just create a new ending of events - with a happy ending. Gradually you will gain the ability to control your life through dreams.

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