Subtle human bodies, their shape and structure. Subtle bodies of Man - a complete description. What is the subtle body

We all know well that we can understand the world with the help of our senses of sight, hearing and charm. Our nervous system is responsible for this, which studies and remembers any data about the physical world. But, besides this, a person develops spiritually, emotionally, intellectually and psychologically. The so-called subtle system is responsible for the listed four development factors - an energy system consisting of seven energy shells inherent in every person. In this article we will talk about the energy shells of the human body and reveal the whole essence of this concept in the “psychospiritual” world of living beings.

Subtle human bodies, definition

The human subtle body is an invisible energy shell consisting of 7 subtle systems. This is known to every esotericist and, because esoteric knowledge confirms the fact that, in addition to the physical body, a person has 7 more subtle bodies that help him enter into harmony with his own. It is believed that several layers of the upper subtle bodies make up the immortal appearance of a person. The internal thin shells disappear after biological death, and at the time of reincarnation new ones will form.

Each subtle body is controlled, and together they make up a multi-colored human aura. B. Brennan says that the energy shells of living beings permeate their physical bodies, like water permeating a sponge. By the way, it is Brennan’s theory of 7 energy shells that most reliably agrees with all esoteric knowledge.

Important!Modern science refutes the existence of the human aura. In her opinion, thoughts are not capable of going beyond the human brain.

Types of subtle bodies

Initially, I would like to note that the subtle bodies are located in a certain order, like the colors of the rainbow in the after-rain sky. And each of them has a specific function for the energy system of living beings.


The physical body (material) is only a necessary measure for existence on a given planet. It helps the human soul to understand everything around through the biological. The physical body is one of seven shells that are visible to the human organs of vision. The brain, heart, liver and other organs perform their temporary function in the human biological system, helping him fulfill his purpose in the existing earthly program.

Physical functions allow the soul to express itself, to show its emotional and psychological characteristics in the form of a large organism. The physical body serves only as a temporary shell for the soul, and after death the biological system changes to another - completely new, but with similar characteristics.


The etheric body is directly connected to the physical and is responsible for its biological health. A person whose etheric energy shell is strong, has a powerful immune system, overcomes all sorts of diseases without problems, looks cheerful, capable of plunging into an ice hole at any moment. This shell can be normalized or disrupted by improper sexual communication, bad. The health of the physical body is primarily due to the ethereal shell. By the way, it helps our body survive complex operations and crises, which is why it is the focus of doctors’ attention during complex rehabilitation.

Did you know?There are no more than a thousand people in the world who have a 100% developed Buddhic energy shell.

A person whose etheric energy shell is weak or damaged has poor immune defense, is constantly sick, looks unhappy and unkempt. You instinctively want to show pity for him, help him with money, warm him up and feed him.


The astral energy aura is the third energy shell of living beings. It is responsible for emotional excitability: worries, fear, anger, joy. It is believed that the third shell is much more mobile and sensitive than the previous energy levels. That is why the astral body is often called a protective mechanism of the physical and biological structure of a person.

People whose astral energy shell is strong can easily get excited, feel other people's emotions, succumb to sympathy and general panic. But this does not mean at all that such people are weak, not at all, they are just very strong emotionally. After all, those whose astral body is damaged often show indifference to the world around them. They cannot, through the astral shell, feel in the physical body all those experiences that are inherent in “astrals”. It is believed that the astral shell dies only on the 40th day after the biological death of a person.


The mental body reflects our thoughts, logic, knowledge. In the process of being on this planet, we learn everything around us, remember, and put together a certain “picture” about everything that exists. The mental aura is also responsible for our beliefs and stable thoughts. Some ancient Greek philosophers were convinced that our brain is not capable of forming ideas, thoughts and acquiring new knowledge. The entire database is stored in the human biofield, from where, in fact, the brain receives information. This information has already been processed, and the task of the brain is only to convey it through impulses to a specific organ or biological system. It follows that the brain is not an organ of creation of thoughts, feelings and memory, it only connects consciousness, thoughts, feelings and beliefs.

Important!The spiritual energy shell can be fully revealed only after the individual takes the path of purposeful service to God.

The mental aura is a means of connecting the physical and spiritual worlds. She dies on the 90th day after biological death. All four of the above-described subtle bodies of a person die along with his biological structure. Only those that we will discuss below can be reborn.


The causal or karmic body is a component of the human aura. It does not die through biological death, but is reborn through the process of reincarnation. Until this process occurs, the karmic energy shell, along with the rest of the immortal subtle shells, is sent to the “subtle world”. It is the causal subtle aura that is responsible for all our actions and actions; it teaches the material body, corrects its logical errors in the process of life.

The karmic energy layer is also called the “spiritual educator.” Many philosophers are deeply convinced that this energy layer accumulates experience in each of the biological lives for further embodiment into something more highly emotional and ideal.


The buddhic subtle aura is the beginning of spiritual consciousness. It is responsible for higher unconscious processes that are not amenable to our thought processes in the biological brain. The buddhic energy shell refers to the eternal world of values, which at a given stage of life extend to any biological subject.

Many peoples have legends that reincarnation occurs according to certain logical conclusions of immortal subtle bodies. They are the highest organs, and it is simply impossible for the human brain to know this. After the rebirth of the soul, it finds itself in a specific place on the planet, where it needs to complete a certain task by plunging into a biological body. That is why esotericists are sure that you need to die in the same place where you were born. And the buddhic subtle aura is responsible for all this.


The most ideal, divine body, the spark of God. Esotericists and philosophers argue that the atmic energy shell represents a higher authority, the connection of which occurs directly with the Higher Mind without the participation of the biological brain and nervous system.

Did you know?The first principles of esotericism were laid down by Aristotle and Plato.

Our planet in the Solar System and in the Universe as a whole, due to its asymmetry and global climatic, economic, biological and tectonic processes, has its own aura, which communicates with the atmic aura of a person, draws information from it and also receives it.

What does the development of subtle bodies give?

The development of each of the subtle bodies gives its own privileges to a biological being. Depending on which shell you develop, you can get the following:

  • Physical. Development will help increase health, strength, confidence in the future, and a defense mechanism against many diseases.
  • Essential. Development of the circulatory system, allowing you to escape from severe frosts in winter and easily survive the unbearable heat of summer days.
  • Astral. Allows you to reveal emotional perfection, positively influence yourself and others. The search for a spiritual ideal in this world is developing, emotions are in the right direction, there are no sudden mood swings of biological objects.
  • Mental. A mentally developed person begins to better understand everything that happens in this world. The processes of thinking and cognition accelerate, and the penetration into previously unidentified things increases sharply. Such a person simply begins to think faster, and stupid thoughts leave him forever.
  • Causal. Allows you to fully reveal such complex characteristics of biological objects as influence on the masses of people, creativity and power.
  • Buddhic. Development will help to clear ourselves of delusions and ignorance in this world. Buddhically developed individuals are able to understand the Spiritual Laws and use them.
  • Atmic. Very rarely develops in biological subjects. Atmically developed individuals are close to the ideal; they are the creators of new religions or teachings.

How to develop subtle bodies

To develop subtle bodies, you need to change your lifestyle, thoughts and actions.

In addition to his physical body, there are also 7 subtle or energy bodies, each of which has its own special important functions and structural features. It turns out that together with the physical body, a person has 8 subtle bodies. Subtle bodies are part of human energy, some of them (upper bodies) are immortal, just like some (lower bodies) are mortal or replaceable; with a new incarnation (formation of the physical body), new lower bodies are formed in a person.

Subtle bodies - determine a person’s energy strength, protection and many abilities that are directly related to these bodies. Each subtle body is controlled by one or another. And all together, the Subtle bodies form the multi-colored Aura of a Person. Let's look at everything in order, and in subsequent articles we will study each subtle body in more detail.

What are the Subtle Bodies of Man? Definitions, structure, etc.

Subtle bodies of Man are the main energy systems (shells, etc.), controlled by their respective bodies and designed to retain free energies, protect consciousness, strengthen other energy systems (abilities, etc.), give a person a form, etc.

There are errors in the pictures, they are approximate to give a general idea.

Basic Subtle Bodies:

And the eighth body (or rather, the first, or the lowest) is physical and controls it.

Each subtle body accumulates and holds the energy of its level, necessary for a person to live, develop and function.

The etheric body accumulates etheric energy, the Astral body – astral, the Mental – mental, etc.

Each type of energy has its own characteristics and purpose. Essential – retains heat around the body and maintains body temperature. Astral energy is needed for protection and combat operations; it is the energy of strength. Mental – for mental work, to think, manage thinking and thoughts.

Each subtle body has its own thickness, which varies from person to person. In energetically developed people, the subtle bodies are large, pumped with energy, then they say – “Big Man” :) If a person is exhausted, the subtle bodies can hang on him like rags, one physical body then barely moves.

What does the development of Human Subtle Bodies give?

Each subtle body is a set of its own capabilities and abilities for a person!

For example:

The development of the physical body - you know what it gives - strength, health, pleasure from feeling yourself, comfort and confidence in life, resistance to diseases, etc.

The development of the etheric body is the control of the circulatory system, which makes it possible not to freeze in winter and not die from the heat in summer, and much more. etc.

The development of the astral body gives a person invulnerability from the negative emotions of other people, the ability to influence with one’s energy, the ability to punish others for injustice, etc.

How to develop your Subtle bodies?

1. Subtle bodies develop and grow automatically with the development of the corresponding chakras, that is, with the realization by a person of the aspirations and principles of these chakras. For example, if a person is engaged in mental work, then his Mental body will develop and grow, etc.

2. Through a targeted collection of appropriate energy on the Subtle body, using special esoteric energy collection techniques. Regularly filling their Subtle bodies with energy, a person develops them, they constantly increase and grow, their systems and abilities are revealed.

3. Through a correct lifestyle - one that does not lead to energy depletion, but, on the contrary, promotes the harmonious development of the personality, and, accordingly, its Subtle bodies. When life has everything important - sports, training, emotional training, relationships, mental work, spiritual development, Service (social activities), etc.

4. Through the removal of negative, blocking or destructive influences from the Subtle bodies and the corresponding chakras. A person either does this himself, if he has the ability and authority for this (in meditation, for example), or he helps to do it (individual work with a professional).

In the following article we consider the main features of all the subtle bodies of Man.

There is a need to work with, cleanse the Subtle Bodies, etc. - write to.

The human etheric body makes it possible to effectively heal diseases and regulate processes in the physical body. Find out how to see the subtle body...

Ultra-modern scientific research in the field of quantum physics shows results that surprisingly coincide with the knowledge of the ancients.

They relate to the essence of the universe and recognize the possibility of the existence of different worlds and planes.

Accurate detectors registered the presence of a certain radiation that all people and living beings possess, thus confirming the existence of an aura.

The human physical body is only one of many. Other bodies are called subtle, are at a different vibration frequency and are invisible to the human eye. The densest of the subtle bodies is called ethereal: it surrounds a person with a shell at a distance of up to 5-10 cm.

It consists of ethereal matter (energy).

It is believed that a person is not able to see this type of energy, however, there are techniques with which one can learn the ability to distinguish between auras¹ and etheric bodies². There is a simple way to see etheric matter.

Step 1: see etheric matter

  • 1. There is only one requirement - the presence of a clear sky. The practitioner goes out into the open space and begins to look at the sky. You need to contemplate with a focused, distracted gaze, covering the entire picture of the sky, without blinking.
  • 2. A person peers into the very depths of the sky, imagining how his gaze penetrates deeper and deeper into its depths.

Concentration on the sky should continue for 10-15 minutes. If your eyes begin to water during this time, you can squint your eyes a little so that the surface is moistened with liquid, but you cannot close them!

  • 3. The practitioner will gradually begin to notice unusual lines and stains in the sky, fast-flying translucent balls, figures with vague shapes.
  • 4. With practice, the outlines will become clearer.

You can see creatures, air spirits, dragons, etc. flying in the sky. Ancient myths often describe such creatures in their tales.

Step 2: see the etheric body

Now you need to learn to see your etheric body, and then the bodies of other people. The second part of the practice is the same as the first, but now you need to focus on the outstretched palm of your hand. To do this, you can take a sitting position, stretch your arm up so that the clear sky is the background. You need to look at your hand with the same absent-minded gaze, noticing the changes that will occur.

After a while, you will see luminous dots flying everywhere around your arm and body. They can be white or black in color and resemble whirling midges. This is prana - life energy that is constantly in the air.

Light dots represent positive energy (plus), black dots represent negative energy (minus). Both of them are needed for life on Earth. When a person inhales air, he saturates his body with prana and absorbs these energy corpuscles.

After some time of concentration, you will see a transparent shell of the etheric body, which “fits” your hand at a distance of several centimeters. Once you have been able to see the etheric shell, you need to consolidate and develop this skill by continuing the regular practice of concentration.

Then you will be able to easily see the etheric bodies of yourself and other people. By constantly developing your ability, you will learn to see auras in detail, the causes of illnesses and character traits.

How to diagnose the etheric body?

In order to analyze the etheric body of another person, you can use the following method.

1. The practitioner chooses a person whose etheric body he will study.

It is better if it is a close person who can understand what you are doing.

2. The person should stand against a light background. This could be light wallpaper or whitewashing the walls.

3. The practitioner sits opposite the person at a distance of two to three meters so that the gaze can completely cover his body.

4. He looks at the person with an absent-minded gaze, as if through him, without moving his gaze or blinking.

5. After some time, the practitioner will see a transparent shell around the human body, as if woven from air - the human etheric body.

6. By continuing to concentrate the gaze, the practitioner will be able to discern the shape and features of this body:

it can be deformed in places where a person has a disease;

Dark spots may appear in various parts of the human body. They indicate energy holes in the human biofield or diseases in the organs;

various objects flying around or stuck into a person’s etheric body. For example, “pins” and “stakes” are also made of transparent material.

7. In order to heal³, the practitioner pulls out these “objects” from the aura and etheric body, and with the help of will and intention, patches up energy holes.

  • ¹ Aura is a shell invisible to the human eye that surrounds the human body, or any other living object, that is, an animal, plant, mineral, etc.
  • ² The etheric body is the name of the subtle body, which is the first or lower layer in the human composition or aura.

Let's start getting acquainted with the structure of the human energy body. But before that, let’s take the following as an axiom. The energy body is an integral part of a person. Each person. Good and evil. Materialist and esoteric. Atheist and believer. Educated and ignorant. You may not believe in it, but it will not disappear. It has its own anatomy and functioning features.

Let us consider the structure of the energy body, focusing on the use of this knowledge for practical purposes.

The energy body consists of the following units: the physical body and 6 “subtle” bodies, energy centers, energy channels.

Subtle human bodies. The human energy body has a layered structure, since all 7 bodies are like a nesting doll. Each new, higher layer of energy has a more subtle organization, its own characteristics and its own “area of ​​responsibility.” Every body can be developed. Each of these bodies can be controlled. All seven bodies are connected to each other. This is all one whole and the connection between them is inextricable.

Physical body. This body is the carrier of all other, “subtle” bodies. If there is no living person, there are no other bodies. Subtle bodies are “strung” on the physical body. It is on this body - on a person who lives, thinks, feels, creates - that everything that all higher energy fields carry is manifested. The physical body is the summative result of the activity of all subtle bodies. Whether a person is healthy or sick, smart or stupid, happy or unhappy, cruel or kind - all this is a consequence and result of the organization of subtle bodies.

Etheric body. This is a thin layer of energy, 1-5 cm thick from the surface of the skin, in special cases - up to 10-15 cm, which is emitted by a person as a biological object. This layer was recorded by the Kirlian spouses, called the “Kirlian effect”. The radiation and vibrations of the cells, organs and tissues of the body create their own field. This field is felt as a fairly elastic layer, which almost everyone can feel and distinguish. The layer of the etheric body is identified and “felt” in the form of light warm vibrations near the surface of the body. In places where disease energy accumulates, it appears as cold depressions and bumps in the flat surface of the layer.

This body contains the energy of disease, foreign pathogenic energy that harms health. Contact work with the patient involves finding such foci and concentrating the energy of a specialist healer in the area of ​​these foci.

It is also quite easy to see it if you have basic astral vision skills. This is very similar to the visible vibrations in the air around hot objects on a hot day. The etheric body dissolves on the 9th day after the death of a person.

Astral body. It's also called "aura". The next layer that follows the etheric body. In size, it can extend beyond the surface of the body by several tens of centimeters, in special cases - more than a meter. A plexus of different types of energy lives here. It is this layer that participates in energy exchange between people and the environment. The layer is heterogeneous in color and depends on the level of health, emotional state, tone, and the presence of other people's energies. We have also learned how to photograph auras.

This layer is home to such energy-informational entities as damage, the evil eye, and love spells. The settled entities are “planted” here. The energy vampire needs to break through this layer in order to establish a connection with the victim. The astral body is home to energy and psychoenergetic blocks. This is where the chakras manifest themselves. When working with negative influences, specialists work specifically with the astral body, groping and “pulling out” foreign energy.

At the astral level, the body is working with a human phantom. The astral body is in contact with energy-informational entities of the astral world - spirits. Yogis after long training can show a focus of presence in two places at the same time. They achieve this by isolating their astral double and colossally densifying their astral field. As a result, the phantom becomes dense and visible to normal vision. The astral body dissolves (dies) on the 40th day after the death of a person.

Mental body. Part of the common information field of the Earth and the Universe. The mental body can extend beyond the physical body by several meters. Thoughts, accumulated knowledge and memories live here. Zombification and mind manipulation programs also live here.

How often have I noticed that a person’s character, behavior, and type of thinking changed under the influence of destructive programs, especially love spells. After this, I came to the conclusion, and I’m not the only one who thinks so, that the thought process is carried out not in the limited space of the cranium, but somewhere outside. In the mental body. And that you can influence this body - “clean” or “dirt” it, instill your thoughts and programs.

There is an ironic question: “Which place do you think?” Mental place...

A thought is born in a person, it is born precisely from the mental body. Or suggested through the mental body. You can “feel” the aura, but thoughts... You can feel them, you can even see them, but for this you have to try very, very hard. Thoughts in potential are thought forms that are filled with energy, begin to build their energy-information matrix, and come to life. Remember the expression “What I was afraid of happened.” The energy of the emotion, in this case fear, brought the thought form to life. This body is the realm of logic, thoughts and reflections.

The mental body also dissolves (dies) on the 40th day after a person’s death.

Karmic body or “body of fate”. It hardly has clearly fixed and measurable contours. It is called the “body of fate”, since it is in this body, difficult to feel and observe, that a person carries through time and rebirth what is “written in the family.” This is exactly where it is written.

In this body, information about ourselves accumulates throughout life in order to create our new “I” in the next life based on our past life, the past “I”.

Buddha said: “Everything that we are is created by our thoughts.” Our destiny is created by our actions, thoughts, emotions and is embodied in a new round of life after death and rebirth. The karmic body and bodies of higher levels are inherited from us from past lives. It is already with us from birth.

After our death, Someone sums up our life and decides how we should live further. This is the program of our life, which is carried by the karmic body. And everything that will manifest itself later as a cause will be “recorded” in this body. This body gives impulses to the lower subtle bodies of a person, controlling them, and the person lives the destiny allotted to him. Or he learns to interact with his “body of destiny” and changes the course of his life.

Ancestral curses and the causes of karmic diseases live here. Here distortions of fate and disruptions to the normal course of events occur, which are the result of damage.

In order to enter the karmic body of a person, save him and his family from the curse, eliminate karmic diseases, influence his destiny, you yourself need to have access to the higher fields of the Universe, to the space where a person’s consciousness, his soul and karma originate.

When working with events, you need to work not with the person himself, but with the field of events, with the karmic body. A person can be just a pawn played by forces that are stronger than the will of the person himself. It is worth turning to the very source of causes - to the karmic body.

Intuitive body or "buddhic body". Remember what I said that the mental body is the realm of logic, thoughts and reflections? But the intuitive body is the realm of the extraconscious, intuitive. This is the body of insights, sudden ideas, discoveries. This is where the concepts of Good and Evil live. It is this body that forms our value system, our unconscious self. Here the transfer of the Divine Self to the level of the human self takes place. The Sahaasrara chakra is the transition in the energy body from the level of human energies to the level of Divine energies.

Intuitive body... So-called insights occur when a person resonates with the information field of the Universe and gains access to information directly, without reflection, distortion, or hesitation. The American “sleeping” seer Edgar Cayce called this field of the Universe the “Akashic Chronicles”. Casey himself gained access to information about people and the future in a dream, turning off the distorting field of his consciousness, leaving a kind of “bridge” to the universal information base.

The intuitive body hides the phenomenon of prophecy, divination and clairvoyance. It is into this body that a person enters in altered states of consciousness. Here contact with egregors occurs. Religious ecstasy and meditative trance are a manifestation of a person’s immersion in this body and higher bodies.

Atmic body. The highest body in the general structure of energy bodies. A part of a person is like a drop dissolved in the ocean of the one World Soul, God, the Absolute. This is the part of God in man, and the part of man in God. The level of the soul is the level of the atmic body. Nirvana, which many people rave about and dream about, is a state of complete merging of one’s soul with the infinite and unknowable absolute. At this level, the very essence of man, the idea of ​​man, his soul is born.

Understanding this, you can find the answer to the question “Is the soul mortal?” The soul is immortal as long as the Absolute is immortal. That is, the soul of an individual person was, is and will always be immortal. The applied side of working with the atmic body consists of prayer practice. In the Orthodox tradition, they pray for the soul, and not just for a person. And it is right. All other bodies can be reached more easily. You can work with your soul only by turning to God.

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