Traditions of English tea drinking. How to drink tea in England - the history of the Five o'clock tradition. Recipes and varieties

Medical science has already confirmed that the physical and psychological health of the child, even his character, largely depend on the period of pregnancy of the mother.

The development of the embryo in the womb, especially the last stage of this development, has a serious impact on the future life of the child. The Islamic religion went even further in this matter and stated that the embryo is affected not only by the period of pregnancy, but also by the time of conception and the beginning of pregnancy.

On what day and under what conditions the parents laid the foundation for the future child is also an important question.

Parents who want the health and happiness of their unborn child should approach recommendations on this matter responsibly. In modern language they can be called recommendations of the Islamic religion on family planning.

Below we bring to your attention some recommendations from the book “Makarim al-akhlaq” (Noble Properties) by the famous scientist Raziyaddin Tabrisi.

Prophet Muhammad (s) in his will to Imam Ali (a) informed about the favorable and unfavorable time of conceiving a child.

Unfavorable time for conceiving a child and its negative impact on the child

Beginning, middle and end of the month - when conceiving a child at such a time, mental disorders may be observed, the child may develop leprosy or become disabled.

On the night of Fitr (Ramadan) - having grown up, a child can do dark things.

On the night of Eid al-Adha, a child can be born with four or six fingers.

Time between azan and iqama - growing up, the child will be prone to bloodshed (Here we are talking about the time between azan in the mosque and the beginning of collective prayer).

If you have intercourse with a woman during her pregnancy without taking ablution (dastamaz), the child will be dead in soul (ignorant) and miser.

On the middle night of the month of Shaban, the child will be pockmarked and ugly.

In the last two nights of the month - when the child grows up, he will begin to serve the tyrants, many people may die from his hands.

On the night the man is sent on the road, the child, after he grows up, will waste all his property in vain.

In the first three nights of a family trip, the child will grow up to become an acolyte of tyrants.

At the beginning of the night - having grown up, the child can either become a wizard, or he can prefer the blessings of worldly life.

It is also prohibited to conceive during the period from the morning azan to sunrise, from sunset to the evening adhan, on the day of a Solar Eclipse, on the night of a Lunar Eclipse, an earthquake, during a very strong wind, and on those days when it is necessary to perform prayers.

Favorable time and its positive impact on the child

On Monday night, having grown up, the child will become a hafiz of the Koran and will not express dissatisfaction with the fate sent to him by Allah.

On Wednesday night - after the child swears allegiance to Allah and the Prophet Muhammad (s), Allah will bestow his goodness on him.

Allah will not allow him to suffer in hell next to non-believers; such a child will be merciful in soul, generous in hand, far from slander, gossip and lies.

Thursday night - when a child grows up, he will become either a judge or a scientist.

On Thursday - after noon - then the shaitan will not be able to pester the child, and when he grows up, he will become the owner of a clear and sound mind, Allah will be merciful to him.

On Friday night - the child will become an excellent speaker.

On Friday - after the onset of Asr prayer - when the child grows up, he will become known among the people.

According to hadiths, conceiving a child on the first night of Ramadan is also considered a successful time.

Answers to questions from our readers

Question: Please tell me, I bought myself a silver ring, can I wear it on my index finger? I read that you are not allowed to wear rings on fingers other than the little finger.

Answer: Wearing a silver ring on the little finger is sunnah (desirable), because the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) wore a silver ring on his little finger. It is not prohibited to wear rings on other fingers, as long as this does not lead to resemblance to women.

Quran teaching

Answer: A book on studying the letters of the Koran can be touched without ablution, because it contains not only suras from the Koran, but also simple words, but this is not advisable.


Answer: The dua, read in the morning between the azan and the obligatory prayer, is in the book of Imam al-Ghazali “Bidayat al-Khidayat”. It is very long, and if it is not possible to read it, then you can simply make dua sincerely in your own language, for the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) said: “The prayer between the adhan and the iqamat is not rejected by Allah.”


Question: Is it good or bad if a child was conceived in the month of Ramadan?

Answer: Good, of course, but even better if his life complies with the norms of Islam, and this already depends on the parents. Allah gave you a child in a blessed month, and this should encourage you to raise him in an Islamic atmosphere.


Question: How long after adhan can one begin namaz?

Answer: It is advisable to perform prayer at the end of the proclamation of the adhan and after reading the iqama before entering the prayer. In mosques, prayers are not performed immediately after adhan because they are expecting parishioners.


Question: Is it possible to take a newborn baby out of the house before 40 days have passed?

Answer: As for the fact that 40 days after the birth of a child cannot be taken out of the house and the like, there is no such thing in Islam. But a newborn can be weak, and it is better not to take him out into public places until he gets stronger.


Question: Which is more correct in Islam, “Aminat” or “Amina”?

Answer: Both options are correct, it’s just that when there is a pause or at the end of a sentence in Arabic, “Amina” is read, and when connected or in the middle of a sentence, “Aminat” is read.

Shamil Zurpukanov answered questions

Muslims of Ingushetia celebrate the holy month of Ramadan

Anti-alcohol campaign

During the month of Ramadan, there is a lull in the central market of Nazran, trade is sluggish, but sellers nevertheless come here every morning - lay out their goods and leisurely stroll around the counters. There is still no other job.

The ban on the sale of alcoholic beverages and the restriction of smoking in public places during Ramadan were first introduced in the republic under Ruslan Aushev. Since then, this tradition has taken root in Ingushetia. If earlier raids were carried out and the execution of the decree was monitored, now there is no need for this. According to local residents, “the main law is in the heart of a Muslim.” And the document itself, signed by Murat Zyazikov, does not imply any administrative responsibility; it is addressed to the moral principles of the residents. Our interlocutors could not recall a single case of violation of the presidential decree.

Previously, alcohol was sold on the market only at one point. Now, after the decree was issued, you won’t find him even during the day.

You won’t find any alcohol here; they don’t sell anything during the month of Ramadan. And it’s not customary to sell alcohol at our market,” a young resident of the republic, Alexander Gurazhev, agreed to help me. - If you really need it, then you need to go to Russia.

Of course, it won’t, don’t waste your time,” the elderly Nazran taxi driver Nazir Merzhoev sympathizes with me. - Nobody drinks alcohol now. Young people, of course, smoke, but on the sly, secretly from their elders.

Both old and young are on duty

Now on the streets of Nazran you will not see anyone smoking or snacking on the go.

I walk along the streets, and my heart rejoices - it’s so calm everywhere, so good. One feels that the people are pious, peaceful, and have remembered universal human values,” says the deputy mufti of the republic, Abdul-Mazhit Dudarov. - A person who fears God's punishment will watch himself. And a people without faith is not a people.

Employees of the local Ministry of Internal Affairs say that this month the number of accidents, crimes committed in the republic and even quarrels on the streets sharply decreases. And it’s not because they drink less, people are simply becoming cleaner. In general, alcoholism is irrelevant for Ingushetia; there has never even been a sobering-up station here.

Every year Ramadan begins according to the lunar calendar. This year, the fast accompanying the holiday continues from September 23 to October 22. It is strikingly different from the pre-Easter fast of Christians. Muslims are not allowed to drink even water for the entire month from dawn to dusk. But after dusk falls, the breaking of the fast begins: neighbors go to visit each other, men gather for spiritual conversations.

“I want to eat,” says a young girl walking down the street quietly.

After the mula has sung, you can’t eat, be patient,” an elderly man, apparently her father, scolds her.

In fact, there are some exceptions for women: on “critical” days they do not fast. However, they then fast for the missed days after Ramadan. Frail old people, sick people, pregnant women and children under 12-15 years of age may also not limit themselves in food.

Fun without alcohol

The holy month does not affect family relationships in any way. On the contrary, children conceived during Ramadan are born healthy. In Ingushetia they even keep statistics on this matter. “A child born from sober parents will not drink himself,” the Ingush like to say. “We know how to have fun without alcohol,” is the second favorite saying here.

Weddings, of course, are not played. And not at all because there is some kind of prohibition. Just what is a Caucasian wedding without a rich table? So the most impatient people strive to get married before the onset of Ramadan, those who want to test their feelings - after.

But abortions continue to be performed in this republic, despite the fact that the chairman of the Coordination Center for Muslims of the North Caucasus, Ismail-Hadzhi Berdiev, asked doctors not to carry out such operations until the end of Ramadan.

There was no talk about banning abortions, we did not receive any official instructions,” says Funa Ausheva, deputy chief physician of the Republican Clinical Hospital. - Everyone spiritually decides these issues for themselves, especially since some patients need an abortion for medical reasons.

During Ramadan, devout Muslims can even get married, hold weddings and celebrate nikah. Nikah is a kind of holy a ceremonial ceremony during which the newlyweds or their parents invite a mullah, who reads verses from the Koran and asks whether the parties agree to marry. In this case, the woman’s silence is taken as complete consent. When performing nikah, the mullah usually reads the fourth surah of the Koran, which is called “Women”. The sura emphasizes a man’s right to polygamy, to unilateral dissolution of marriage, to the use of punishment, but the excessive cruelty of a husband towards his wife is condemned, and the property rights of a woman are stipulated - to a dowry, to an inheritance. The Koran nevertheless somewhat softens the position of women, which, according to the patriarchal customary law of the Arabs, was very difficult. Nowadays, bride price - bride price - is not considered as a mandatory condition of marriage (but desirable).

Anti-alcohol campaign

During the month of Ramadan, there is a lull in the central market of Nazran, trade is sluggish, but sellers nevertheless come here every morning - lay out their goods and leisurely stroll around the counters. There is still no other job.

The ban on the sale of alcoholic beverages and the restriction of smoking in public places during Ramadan were first introduced in the republic under Ruslan Aushev. Since then, this tradition has taken root in Ingushetia. If earlier raids were carried out and the execution of the decree was monitored, now there is no need for this. According to local residents, “the main law is in the heart of a Muslim.” And the document itself, signed by Murat Zyazikov, does not imply any administrative responsibility; it is addressed to the moral principles of the residents. Our interlocutors could not recall a single case of violation of the presidential decree.

Previously, alcohol was sold on the market only at one point. Now, after the decree was issued, you won’t find him even during the day.

You won’t find any alcohol here; they don’t sell anything during the month of Ramadan. And it’s not customary to sell alcohol at our market,” a young resident of the republic, Alexander Gurazhev, agreed to help me. - If you really need it, then you need to go to Russia.

Of course, it won’t, don’t waste your time,” the elderly Nazran taxi driver Nazir Merzhoev sympathizes with me. - Nobody drinks alcohol now. Young people, of course, smoke, but on the sly, secretly from their elders.

Both old and young are on duty

Now on the streets of Nazran you will not see anyone smoking or snacking on the go.

I walk along the streets, and my heart rejoices - it’s so calm everywhere, so good. One feels that the people are pious, peaceful, and have remembered universal human values,” says the deputy mufti of the republic, Abdul-Mazhit Dudarov. - A person who fears God's punishment will watch himself. And a people without faith is not a people.

Employees of the local Ministry of Internal Affairs say that this month the number of accidents, crimes committed in the republic and even quarrels on the streets sharply decreases. And it’s not because they drink less, people are simply becoming cleaner. In general, alcoholism is irrelevant for Ingushetia; there has never even been a sobering-up station here.

Every year Ramadan begins according to the lunar calendar. This year, the fast accompanying the holiday continues from September 23 to October 22. It is strikingly different from the pre-Easter fast of Christians. Muslims are not allowed to drink even water for the entire month from dawn to dusk. But after dusk falls, the breaking of the fast begins: neighbors go to visit each other, men gather for spiritual conversations.

“I want to eat,” says a young girl walking down the street quietly.

After the mula has sung, you can’t eat, be patient,” an elderly man, apparently her father, scolds her.

In fact, there are some exceptions for women: on “critical” days they do not fast. However, they then fast for the missed days after Ramadan. Frail old people, sick people, pregnant women and children under 12-15 years of age may also not limit themselves in food.

Fun without alcohol

The holy month does not affect family relationships in any way. On the contrary, children conceived during Ramadan are born healthy. In Ingushetia they even keep statistics on this matter. “A child born from sober parents will not drink himself,” the Ingush like to say. “We know how to have fun without alcohol,” is the second favorite saying here.

Weddings, of course, are not played. And not at all because there is some kind of prohibition. Just what is a Caucasian wedding without a rich table? So the most impatient people strive to get married before the onset of Ramadan, those who want to test their feelings - after.

But abortions continue to be performed in this republic, despite the fact that the chairman of the Coordination Center for Muslims of the North Caucasus, Ismail-Hadzhi Berdiev, asked doctors not to carry out such operations until the end of Ramadan.

There was no talk about banning abortions, we did not receive any official instructions,” says Funa Ausheva, deputy chief physician of the Republican Clinical Hospital. - Everyone spiritually decides these issues for themselves, especially since some patients need an abortion for medical reasons.


During Ramadan, devout Muslims can even get married, hold weddings and celebrate nikah. Nikah is a kind of wedding ceremony, during which those getting married or their parents invite a mullah, who reads suras from the Koran and asks if the parties agree to get married. In this case, the woman’s silence is taken as complete consent. When performing nikah, the mullah usually reads the fourth surah of the Koran, which is called “Women”. The sura emphasizes a man’s right to polygamy, to unilateral dissolution of marriage, to the use of punishment, but the excessive cruelty of a husband towards his wife is condemned, and the property rights of a woman are stipulated - to a dowry, to an inheritance. The Koran nevertheless somewhat softens the position of women, which, according to the patriarchal customary law of the Arabs, was very difficult. Nowadays, bride price - bride price - is not considered as a mandatory condition of marriage (but desirable).

Let's talk about Ramadan and how to turn it into a month of real celebration for children.

We live in a time when the cult of holidays is becoming stronger every year. Already a month before the New Year, chaos and bustle begins, people go crazy, spending crazy amounts of money on preparations. There are bright garlands and lights around that attract with colorful lights. And how difficult it is to explain to children why they don’t have gifts and a Christmas tree. But, for the sake of Allah, we must tell them that the Almighty has given us the best holidays. In addition, when Muslim holidays come, we must show children that these days are better than those celebrated by secular people.

Before the holy month begins

Preparing for Ramadan is one of the main key points in creating the right mood for children. What should the preparatory stage consist of?

  1. A few weeks before the onset of Ramadan, you need to start telling your children about what a wonderful period it is. In the form of a fairy tale, you can tell them how once upon a time, it was in the month of Ramadan that the Holy Quran was revealed to our beloved Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of the Almighty be upon him). Describe the blessings and wonders of Paradise, describe the horrors that await sinners in Hell. And then be sure to tell them that only in Ramadan are the doors of Heaven open and the doors of Hell closed. And tell us that it is necessary to fast during the Holy month, and then Allah will forgive the believer all his sins, if it is His will.
  2. The closer Ramadan gets, the more often you talk about the virtues of this month and tell what needs to be done during this time.
  3. In the last days of the month of Sha'aban, decorate your home with garlands, banners and bright lights with your children. You can decorate the outside of the house, and also hang garlands in the yard.
  4. Together, draw a beautiful poster for the beginning of the month.
  5. Prepare a special calendar of tasks for Ramadan - this is a sheet with small tasks for children for each day of the Holy month. You can ask your child to learn du'a, help prepare iftar, draw cards for Eid Al Fitr, or give alms. It all depends on your imagination and the age of the children.
  6. In advance, with the whole family, make a menu for iftars - for the whole month. Let the children also actively participate in the discussion and offer their own options for dishes.

By preparing for the onset of Ramadan in this way, you not only create a festive mood, but also instill in your children the habit of planning and discipline.

Ramadan and children

What to do in Ramadan

Check list:

  • Teach children about the virtues of fasting and how fasting must be observed in order for it to be accepted. Encourage them to want to fast, even if they only do it for a few hours.
  • Together, congratulate all your family and friends on the advent of the Holy month, you can even give small cards and gifts - entrust this task to the children.
  • Invite people to Iftar more often - this is a huge benefit both for your home and for yourself, and also, in the company of believers, children will be more imbued with the festive atmosphere.
  • Don't send your kids to bed early to do their own thing. Ramadan is a special time when you can strengthen family relationships and iman by reading the Qur'an together or simply sharing instructive stories and hadiths.
  • Allow your child to participate in distributing sadaqa and helping the poor.
  • Visit the mosque more often with your children. Typically, during the Holy Month, there are more gatherings there to gain Islamic knowledge.
  • Come up with a competition to memorize du'a or verses of the Koran - this will stimulate children to acquire new knowledge.
  • Take a quiz on Islamic knowledge and fasting knowledge.
  • Trust the children to distribute dates to break the fast to those who are fasting.
  • Spend all your free time with children, teach them, study with them, tell them about Islam in a playful way and encourage good deeds.

Video: “Children about Ramadan”

By implementing all these recommendations, you will see that your children are sincerely happy about the approach of Ramadan and do not envy those who celebrate the “new year” or birthday. In the company of Muslims, your children will find the right friends; giving alms, he will understand that he needs to help the poor and will be imbued with sympathy; and by receiving Islamic knowledge, he will grow righteous.

The holy month of Ramadan, during which the gates of Heaven are opened and the gates of Hell are closed, has begun for Muslims. A RG correspondent went to see how the residents of Ingushetia, one of the republics of the North Caucasus where religious foundations are the strongest, celebrate this holiday. Moreover, it was here that, starting last Saturday, the prohibition law came into force - by decree of President Murat Zyazikov, the sale of alcoholic beverages was prohibited on the territory of the Republic of Ingushetia during the holy month.

Anti-alcohol campaign

During the month of Ramadan, there is a lull in the central market of Nazran, trade is sluggish, but sellers nevertheless come here every morning - lay out their goods and leisurely stroll around the counters. There is still no other job.

The ban on the sale of alcoholic beverages and the restriction of smoking in public places during Ramadan were first introduced in the republic under Ruslan Aushev. Since then, this tradition has taken root in Ingushetia. If earlier raids were carried out and the execution of the decree was monitored, now there is no need for this. According to local residents, “the main law is in the heart of a Muslim.” And the document itself, signed by Murat Zyazikov, does not imply any administrative responsibility; it is addressed to the moral principles of the residents. Our interlocutors could not recall a single case of violation of the presidential decree.

Previously, alcohol was sold on the market only at one point. Now, after the decree was issued, you won’t find him even during the day.

You won’t find any alcohol here; they don’t sell anything during the month of Ramadan. And it’s not customary to sell alcohol at our market,” a young resident of the republic, Alexander Gurazhev, agreed to help me. - If you really need it, then you need to go to Russia.

Of course, it won’t, don’t waste your time,” the elderly Nazran taxi driver Nazir Merzhoev sympathizes with me. - Nobody drinks alcohol now. Young people, of course, smoke, but on the sly, secretly from their elders.

Both old and young are on duty

Now on the streets of Nazran you will not see anyone smoking or snacking on the go.

I walk along the streets, and my heart rejoices - it’s so calm everywhere, so good. One feels that the people are pious, peaceful, and have remembered universal human values,” says the deputy mufti of the republic, Abdul-Mazhit Dudarov. - A person who fears God's punishment will watch himself. And a people without faith is not a people.

Employees of the local Ministry of Internal Affairs say that this month the number of accidents, crimes committed in the republic and even quarrels on the streets sharply decreases. And it’s not because they drink less, people are simply becoming cleaner. In general, alcoholism is irrelevant for Ingushetia; there has never even been a sobering-up station here.

Every year Ramadan begins according to the lunar calendar. This year, the fast accompanying the holiday continues from September 23 to October 22. It is strikingly different from the pre-Easter fast of Christians. Muslims are not allowed to drink even water for the entire month from dawn to dusk. But after dusk falls, the breaking of the fast begins: neighbors go to visit each other, men gather for spiritual conversations.

“I want to eat,” says a young girl walking down the street quietly.

After the mula has sung, you can’t eat, be patient,” an elderly man, apparently her father, scolds her.

In fact, there are some exceptions for women: on “critical” days they do not fast. However, they then fast for the missed days after Ramadan. Frail old people, sick people, pregnant women and children under 12-15 years of age may also not limit themselves in food.

Fun without alcohol

The holy month does not affect family relationships in any way. On the contrary, children conceived during Ramadan are born healthy. In Ingushetia they even keep statistics on this matter. “A child born from sober parents will not drink himself,” the Ingush like to say. “We know how to have fun without alcohol,” is the second favorite saying here.

Weddings, of course, are not played. And not at all because there is some kind of prohibition. Just what is a Caucasian wedding without a rich table? So the most impatient people strive to get married before the onset of Ramadan, those who want to test their feelings - after.

But abortions continue to be performed in this republic, despite the fact that the chairman of the Coordination Center for Muslims of the North Caucasus, Ismail-Hadzhi Berdiev, asked doctors not to carry out such operations until the end of Ramadan.

There was no talk about banning abortions, we did not receive any official instructions,” says Funa Ausheva, deputy chief physician of the Republican Clinical Hospital. - Everyone spiritually decides these issues for themselves, especially since some patients need an abortion for medical reasons.

Valeria Podorozhnova
September 29, 2006
Photo: RG

We were created for worship, and fasting is one of worship, and secondly, fasting itself rewards Allah. IN Koran you have probably seen many verses where it is said that Allah knows what is in our thoughts, what our intention is. But the angels cannot know this, they are witnesses of what is happening, they record our deeds, and the calculation will be made Almighty. That is why there is an opinion that angels cannot know the full reward for fasting, since they do not know whether this person fasted or not, with prayer everything is clear, when a person prays, it is visible, but fasting, how to define it? It is worth paying attention to the saying of the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, in which he said: “Every good deed of the son of Adam will be multiplied, and the smallest reward for a hidden good deed will be rewarded tenfold, but it can increase to seven hundred.”

Allah Almighty says in the Quran: “With the exception of fasting, for, verily, fasting is done for My sake, and I will reward for it, since a person refuses to satisfy his desires and food for My sake!”, this gives hope for a truly great reward.
Along with the above, fasting is a cleansing from committed sins. So, The Messenger of Allah said: “Whoever prays at night during Ramadan with faith and hope for a reward from Allah will have his previous sins forgiven,” and, importantly, it is good for health. Speaking about this, the Messenger of Allah said: “Fast, you will be healthy!”
Ramadan is a kind of catalyst; good deeds performed this month have a much greater degree of reward than those performed on other ordinary days. Therefore, most Muslims try to pray more during the month of Ramadan, give alms, pay zakat, and the wealthy go on umrah (minor pilgrimage). Good deeds done during Ramadan are more rewarding.
Fasting time
Fasting is observed from dawn to sunset throughout. You can eat before morning adhan. But taking into account that the correct time from the first dawn relative to what is written in the calendars, eating should be stopped 30 minutes before dawn, in order to protect yourself from spoiling the holiday.
The basis of observing the Uraza is to fulfill three main points:
Do not eat
Not to drink
Don't smoke, this applies to the first two points
Do not have sexual intercourse

Moreover, all three basics must be performed from dawn to sunset.
These points relate to the external manifestation of fasting, however, one must not miss the part that is not visible to others, but is also important for fulfillment in order for the fast to be correct.
It must be taken into account that during fasting You can’t swear, be hostile, talk idle, be more patient, merciful, and do not waste time on things that are useless from the point of view of Shariah.
Knowing the basics of the Eid, you can answer most questions that arise on the topic of fasting in the month of Ramadan. However, some questions require some explanation, which will be discussed in this article.
What spoils the post?
Violations of fasting are divided into two groups:
1. That which breaks the fast and requires its completion (kaza is the completion of the fast one day in one day) and atonement (kafarah is the obligatory observance of continuous fasting for 60 days for one day of deliberately broken fast. Who is not able to atone for the fast due to illness or infirmity, he is obliged to feed 60 poor people in one day of broken fasting).
1) Eating intentionally without any good reason;
2) Intentionally committed sexual intercourse.

2. What breaks the fast and requires only replenishment:

1) Taking food or medicine due to illness;

2) Eating by mistake, that is, if you ate or drank after dawn, assuming that dawn had not yet come, or ate during the day, thinking that the sun had already set, but it turned out that it had not set yet. An example can also be given where a person mistakenly swallowed water while performing ablution;
3) Intentional vomiting;
4) Intentionally consuming an item other than food, such as dough, tree sap, or chewing gum;
5) The appearance of menstruation;
6) Ejaculation during love games.
What does not ruin fasting in the month of Ramadan?
1. Swimming. The Prophet, peace and blessings of the Almighty be upon him, advised to “drench yourself during fasting due to heat or thirst” (Reported by Ahmad, Malik and Abu Dawud)
2. Use of antimony. Anas reported that the Prophet used to use antimony during fasting.
3. Kiss your wife or husband while maintaining control over yourself. Aisha reported that the Prophet used to kiss and touch her during fasting.
5. Swallowing something that cannot be avoided (for example, your own saliva or street dust, etc.)
6. Tasting food when purchasing (or cooking) with the tip of the tongue.
7. Smell flowers or use perfume, etc.
9. You can continue your fast even while in junub (Junub is a state of defilement, after sexual intercourse and before bathing).
Also, after the end of menstruation or the postpartum period, a woman can begin to fast if the bleeding stops at night (any time before sunset).
In all the above cases, bathing can be postponed until the next morning and the fast will remain valid.
10. The one who forgets that he is fasting and starts eating or drinking. Most scholars said that in this case the fast does not deteriorate and is valid. Words are evidence Allah Almighty “O our Lord, do not punish us if we have forgotten or made a mistake.”
11. Involuntary vomiting. The Prophet said: “If anyone vomits involuntarily, his fast is not broken and he should not make up for (that day). But if anyone deliberately causes himself to vomit, then he must make up for (that day)". (Reported by Ahmed, Abu Dawud, At-Tirmidhi and Ibn Majah). In any case, a Muslim must fast for the rest of the day after vomiting.
When can you make up for missed fasting days in Ramadan?
There are no special provisions in Islam regarding special days for fasting. But it should be taken into account that the best solution is to make up for the missed days as quickly as possible at the best time for the missed days. For example, if a person missed the month of Ramadan due to illness, then it is best for him, due to the nature of the illness, to make up days in the winter, when it will not be particularly difficult for a person to fast. If a person cannot fast in winter, then he needs to feed the poor for each day he misses.
Allah Almighty says in the Quran: “And if anyone is sick or on a journey, then let him fast for the same number of days at other times.” Quran, Surah al-Baqarah, 185 verses. Disabled, old and sick people who are not expected to recover and improve their condition, such as patients with asthma, diabetes, are allowed to replace fasting by feeding the poor (in accordance with feeding one poor person for one day of missed fasting). The concept of “to feed” in Muslim law means either in the morning or in the evening.
Marriage in the month of Ramadan
You can get married in the month of Ramadan, however, during daylight hours you cannot have a feast and the newlyweds cannot have sexual intercourse. There are also no prohibitions on performing nikah between two gayats.
Ramadan and pregnancy
A woman can keep her spirits up during pregnancy. But if the fast becomes the cause of malaise, impotence or insufficient nutrition for the child, and also the nursing woman has a fear of loss of milk or strength, then in this case they are allowed not to fast on the basis of the rule of Islamic law: “On the inadmissibility of causing harm and grave consequences.” But they must make up for the fast after the birth of the child, as well as feeding him - day after day of the missed fast. It should also be noted that it is not necessary to observe consistency in completing the fast. This is evidenced by the words of Ibn Abbas, may he be pleased with him Allah: “You can not take into account the consistency in making up for fasting, since Allah Almighty says in the Quran: “And if anyone is sick or on a journey, then let him fast for the same number of days at other times.”(that is Allah did not indicate that the sequence of missed days must be observed for the specified reasons. You can first fast one day, and a week later - another missed day of the month of Ramadan). Koran, Surah al-Baqarah, 185 verse. The same applies to a woman who has not fasted for several years due to successive births and breastfeedings. Ibrahim An-Nahgi said: “Even if the second Ramadan comes, then it is necessary to keep both fasts (obligatory and compulsory), and fasting cannot be replaced by feeding the poor. Aisha, may he be pleased with her Allah, said: “It happened that I could only complete my fast in the month of Sha’ban.” Section “Completing the fast”, “Sahih Bukhari”, hadith No. 1849, Sahih Ibn Hibban, hadith No. 3516. The position of pregnant and lactating women is equal to the position of the traveler and the sick (temporary permission to interrupt the fast due to difficulty), so they should definitely complete the fast , whenever it is and cannot be replaced by feeding the poor, like a traveler.
Intimate relationships in the month of Ramadan
If you have read about the basics of fasting, then the ban, as you understand, on sexual intercourse applies to daylight hours of the month of Ramadan. At night, spouses are allowed to have intimacy without restrictions, but within the limits permitted by Sharia.
Get pregnant in Ramadan
There are no prohibitions on pregnancy (due this month) in Islam. On the contrary, some couples who were unable to get pregnant in normal months became pregnant in this month. This can be associated with diligent worship in the month of Ramadan and with asking forgiveness for sins.
Masturbation in Ramadan
This action is prohibited in Islam, according to Islamic scholars. The only time a person can resort to this prohibition is if there is a high probability of committing adultery. But it should be taken into account that the action itself is forbidden, but is chosen as less dangerous than adultery. Masturbation spoils the fast.
Wet dream in Ramadan
Ejaculation that occurs in a dream does not spoil the fast, even if it happened during the daytime.
Periods in Ramadan
A woman cannot fast during her period - it is prohibited. Although there are methods to delay the onset of menstruation by taking pills. This option is possible, although it is worth leaving everything as it is, because in this case, even without fasting, the woman fulfills the command Almighty, for which he will receive an award.
Smoking in Ramadan
Smoking breaks the fast, and this action is not appropriate for a Muslim. If earlier it was possible to say that smoking cannot be regarded as haram, now, when cigarette packs say that smoking kills or causes cancer, we can say with confidence that smoking is haram. Because it causes damage to health, even death.
Injections in Ramadan
In this case, injections are divided into vitamin injections and injections for other purposes, for example, painkillers. Injections with vitamins and glucose spoil the fast, but injections necessary to maintain normal life or painkillers are allowed and do not spoil the fast.
Death before compensation for missed post
If a person died before he had the opportunity to make up for the missed fast, then he is supposed to be given fidia (especially if it was bequeathed by the deceased), or food, or the amount of money that the kazy established for a certain region.
What is undesirable to do during fasting?
1. It is not advisable to stay in water or a bath for a long time, as there is a possibility of water entering the body;
2. Engage in lovemaking (hugs and kisses);
3. Gargle;
4. Perform bloodletting, as this can weaken a person so much that he will have to break his fast;
5. Taste food.
6. Swallow your saliva, previously accumulated in the mouth
What is advisable to do during fasting?
Performing the Tarawih prayer collectively. It is performed after the obligatory night (Isha) prayer.
Observing Suhoor (eating before dawn). Even if you don’t feel like eating, it’s best to drink at least a couple sips of water. The Messenger of Allah said: “Eat before dawn, for at that time there is grace” (Al-Bukhari);
Break your fast as quickly as possible. The Messenger of Allah said: “People will be in good health as long as they hurry to break their fast” (Al-Bukhari);
When breaking the fast, it is advisable to contact To Allah with a prayer. It is reported that Abdullah b. Amr reported that the Messenger of Allah said: “The prayer of a fasting person when he breaks his fast is not rejected.”
Perform as many prayers as possible and turn to Allah as often as possible;
Dedicate more time to reading and studying Holy Quran. The Messenger of Allah read the Quran most of all, especially in the month of Ramadan (Al-Bukhari).

Thank Allah for the opportunity to fast during Ramadan.

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