Will Julia die? Julia Wang: what she looks like now, what she does, not a psychic - true or not. Unexpected transformations in appearance

Julia Wang is known to us as the winner of the 15th season of the “Battle of Psychics.” In fact, this leggy blonde has a lot of other hobbies and talents. Want to know where Julia Wang was born and lived? Are you also interested in her height, weight and body measurements? The article contains information about this unusual girl.

Julia Wang: biography

The psychic was born on October 29, 1981 in Germany. Since childhood, she was not like everyone else. She was not interested in dolls and toy houses. Julia preferred solitude. Even the mother could not understand why her daughter did not strive to communicate with her peers.

Julia Vladimirovna Wang is not a pseudonym. This is the real name of our heroine. She grew up in Latvia, went to a regular school. She always liked Riga. After all, this city has many sacred corners and places of power. From an early age, the girl had a gift. There was not a single case when she did not achieve what she wanted.


Julia Vladimirovna Wang does not like to talk about her childhood. Later you will understand why. Her mother has nothing to do with extrasensory perception. She is a nuclear physicist by profession. Tatyana Vladimirovna is an intelligent and serious woman. She fully supports and shares her daughter’s passion.

Julia Wang, whose biography is now interesting to many, has never seen her father. She herself is sure that he is not from this world. Tatyana Vladimirovna claims that in 1980 she had contact with an extraterrestrial being who appeared to her in the form of a man. The public reacts differently to her words. Some believe the woman, while others think she's crazy. There is another version. Allegedly, Julia Wang herself asked her mother to tell this story.

Our heroine lived in an incomplete family only for the first few years of her life. Soon she had a stepfather. The obstinate Julia’s relationship with him did not work out right away. And the man himself did not strive to find a common language with his stepdaughter. Scandals constantly arose in their house. And when the girl turned 12 years old, her stepfather began to harass her. Julia told her mother about this more than once. But she believed her husband. One day, the girl smashed her stepfather's head when he went after her again.

Our heroine left home early. At that time she was barely 16 years old. She continued to study at school, and in her free time she worked part-time in the market. The girl lived with her friend. Her mother communicated with her secretly from her stepfather and brought her food.


At the age of seventeen, the blonde came to conquer Moscow. Back then, no one knew who Julia Wang was. The girl's height and weight allowed her to build a brilliant modeling career. She couldn't help but take advantage of this chance. But we'll talk about this later.

Our heroine successfully passed the entrance examination and was enrolled in GITIS. After 5 years, she received a university diploma. From then on, Julia could call herself a professional actress. But even this seemed not enough to her. The girl enrolled in a French school of perfume art. Her ability to combine ingredients and incredible smells still brings her a good income.

Julia Wang has worked in many different ways. Her height and weight helped her make a good acting and modeling career. Over the years, she was a hairdresser, costume designer and even a singer. The famous psychic performed episodic roles in such films as “Tumbler”, “Day Watch”, “Balzac’s Age, or All Men Are Theirs...” and others. She always found things to do to her liking.

Julia Wang (psychic): height, weight

Some girls wish they could be as bright as Julia Wang. The blonde's height and weight are not the only things that distinguish her from thousands of women. She has a humanoid face. This is especially evident when Julia wears her hair in a long ponytail. And she also has chameleon eyes. In different lighting they can be green, blue or gray. And when a girl is angry, her eyes become poisonous snake-like.

Modeling career

A few years ago, we didn’t know who Julia Wang was. Few people were interested in the height, weight, age of the blond beauty. She was just starting her journey in the world of show business.

London, New York, Paris, Milan - Julia Wang visited all these cities. Her parameters, height, and weight allowed her to become a successful model. The long-legged blonde participated in the filming of commercials, music videos and short films. She posed for the best European and American photographers. She was invited to work as a hair and makeup model. Julia Wang, height, weight, whose biography we are considering today, attracted everyone with her brightness and uniqueness. But at that time no one had any idea that she had superpowers.

According to Julia, she rethought her life after reading the book “The Tao of Chaos.” The girl became seriously interested in esotericism. Before coming to the “Battle of Psychics,” our heroine underwent many years of practice. Only close people knew about her powerful inner strength and other abilities.

"The fight of extrasensories"

From the first minutes of her appearance on the show, Julia Wang attracted everyone's attention. Some participants were afraid to accidentally look into the witch’s “cat” eyes. And the eternal skeptics constantly teased the blonde. They did not believe that the former model and actress had any paranormal abilities. The brothers believed that she came on the show to promote herself.

But soon the guys realized that they were mistaken. Already in the qualifying test, the blonde showed herself to be a strong psychic. She quickly found the young lady whom the Safronovs had hidden in the trunk of one of the cars. It was clear that Julia did not guess the girl’s location, but felt it.

In each episode, Wang delighted viewers with original outfits and phenomenal abilities. Looking at photographs of dead people, she talked about them as if she knew them personally. During one of the tests, Julia even scared a professional psychologist. In a matter of seconds, the psychic managed to put the girl into a trance, forcing her to speak in an unknown language.

Wang’s main competitor in the show was St. Petersburg witch Tatyana Larina. The two blondes disliked each other from the first meeting. Throughout all the issues they went neck and neck.

Winner of the 15th season of “Battle of Psychics”

For three and a half months, viewers watched how people with supernatural abilities were tested. Every week, one psychic, whom she recognized as the weakest, left the project. The presenter was sure to be present. Julia has repeatedly become the best psychic of the week. But sometimes this title was given to her main rival, Tatyana Larina.

4 participants reached the final. The fans supported them as best they could. First of all, with your SMS. In the latest episode of the “Battle of Psychics,” presenter Marat Basharov announced the voting results. Arseniy Karadzha took fourth place. The Slavic sorceress was on the honorable third step. As expected, the main fight took place between the two blondes. Tatyana Larina took second place. And Julia Wang was recognized as the winner of the 15th season of the “Battle of Psychics” (70% of the votes). The height, weight, biography of the witch - all this aroused incredible interest among her fans.

Life after the "Battle"

After participating in a paranormal show, our heroine woke up famous. Strangers approached her on the streets and asked for an autograph and a photograph together. Julia treated her fans with respect.

Representatives of print media and television channels are also showing remarkable interest in Wang. She is invited to take part in various programs and is asked to give interviews. Julia continues to create exclusive perfume scents. She also writes songs and sings as part of her own rock band.

Past Lives

Julia Wang asks to be called only the Spirit of Chaos. She doesn't think she has any. Why? Wang publicly declares that she is magic. To believe in it or not is up to each of us.

In one of the interviews, the psychic reported that she remembers all her past lives. And there were about 150 of them. She managed to try on both female and male looks. In her last life, Wang was a 15-year-old girl living in Paris. Constant difficulties and depression forced her to jump from the roof and fall to her death.

Personal life

Despite her bright appearance and army of fans, Julia Wang is still single. She had dizzying affairs with men. But she will only marry someone like herself. Wang openly says that he is unlikely to ever decide to have a child.


Now you know where Julia Wang was born, studied and worked. The height and weight of the psychic were also announced in the article. You can have different feelings about this long-legged blonde. But hardly anyone can argue with the fact that she is a bright and original person.

June 27, 2018

The ex-wife of TV presenter Alexander Gordon - Russian journalist and public figure Katya Gordon - commented on the actions of the winner of the fifteenth season of the “Battle of Psychics” Julia Wang.

Julia Wang (Photo: frame from the “Battle of Psychics” program)

The 35-year-old winner of the fifteenth season of the “Battle of Psychics,” one of the most colorful participants in the project, model and actress, made a sensational confession. According to the girl, she is not a magician, not a sorceress or a psychic. And her image was invented solely for the sake of high ratings.

The story of Julia Wang's "superpowers" being exposed also attracted the attention of Katya Gordon, who published it in her microblog post, noting that strange things are happening to the winner of the “Battle of Psychics.”

After participating in the program, Julia Wang radically changed her image: she got a short haircut and lost a lot of weight, bringing herself to the point of exhaustion. Fans of the project participant, who came to the tests from Latvia, are sounding the alarm! Fearing that Wang would become anorexic.

“Once upon a time... I told you that “Battle of Psychics” is a show, nothing more... that Julia Wang did a wonderful job on my hair and knew about perfumes...” Gordon added, remembering a story that one of her lawyer friends told her . The man claimed that Julia Wang really has extraordinary abilities, but the journalist herself reacted to such statements with her usual skepticism.

Now Julia claims that she never had anything to do with magic/Photo: frame from the “Battle of Psychics” program

“Now the media is full of her revelations: that it was supposedly a character, and I’m not a witch... Discovery, revelation!! But that's okay. Obviously, something is wrong with Julia... Another extreme. I believe that she never learned to cope with failure and popularity. Julia, I’m ready to help you... from lies to total self-denial,” Gordon noted.

And this is what Julia Wang looks like now... The girl lost a lot of weight and began to look more like a teenage boy!

By the way, Julia Wang’s representative answered all the fans’ questions succinctly. According to him, the winner of the project “does not consult anyone, does not give any ‘sessions’, does not meet with anyone, does not answer questions and does not serve the population.”

After appearing in the popular TV show “Battle of Psychics,” the spectacular blonde Julia Wang became the darling of the whole country. Almost 40 thousand people voted for the victory of the extravagant clairvoyant in the television competition of magicians and psychics. However, along with the appearance of fans of her gift, she also found many ill-wishers who doubted the psychic abilities of the “androgynous” Julia. The former PR manager of the show winner, Angella Grand, contacted the SUPER editorial office and spoke about Wang’s past.

Angella, have you known about your friend’s superpowers for a long time?

You know, she said that she had some kind of visions, but when we met in 2007, she was doing photography, was a model, and danced in Soho Rooms. Basically, all the men wanted to sleep with her, but she was looking for herself, she wanted to do something else. And she turned to the warlocks to teach her.

Were the lessons a success?

She contacted different centers, so there was obviously some progress. Visions of Wang, as far as I know, still come, but she communicates mainly with dark gods and performs black rituals. After breaking up with her, singer Danko’s career went downhill ( At the moment, the artist has left the big stage, is not married and has been trying for a long time to cure his daughter suffering from cerebral palsy. — Approx. ed.) He now says that he doesn’t even remember who she is, but in general, they lived together for a very long time. It’s just that then he knocked up another girl and they broke up with Julia.

How did you meet Wang?

I worked at Ulyana Semenova’s production center, which is now closed. Julia decided that she needed to promote herself and turned to me, but I was an unofficial PR specialist: I was mainly involved in Internet promotion. I was the first administrator of her official VKontakte group, and then we had a fight.

Because of which?

Our mutual friend, the false psychic Julia Kim, posted our personal correspondence with Julia on the Internet. Wang was offended, and we didn’t communicate for two years.

What was in that correspondence?

Julia admitted to me that she decided to go to the “Battle of Psychics” because during 20-30 years of astral time she met with David Bowie and he encouraged her to become a psychic. It’s no secret that he is prone to magic and he also has abilities.

So Julia Wang really has the gift of seeing the past and future?

It's difficult for me to answer. Until she began to actively engage in magic in 2007, she was far from this world, she did whatever she wanted, but then she could not be called a psychic. Once upon a time I was looking for confirmation that she was deceiving people. But I only learned that she was most likely hiding her real age, that earlier her last name was Gavrikova, then Ogareva, and then she took her great-grandfather’s last name - Wang. Well, her name was simply Julia. Only her mother called her Juliet in childhood.

Julia Wang is the winner of the 15th season of the rating project “Battle of Psychics,” a sorceress who calls herself the Spirit of Chaos. She was repeatedly accused of deception and self-promotion, but she confidently led in the competition of magicians, shamans and mediums.

Today she remains a mystery woman, whose age, origin and personal life are not known to the general public.

Childhood and youth

Psychic Julia Wang has three biography options. It is difficult to judge which of them is real. The woman has so confused everyone with contradictory information about herself that it is extremely difficult to separate truth from fiction.

According to Julia Wang, she was born in the German city of Förstenberg. Before that, she “lived 150 lives, each of which she remembers perfectly.”

According to other sources, Julia was born in Riga on October 29, 1981. In this city, according to the witch, there are many amazing sacred places and corners, which the psychic considers “places of power.” Wang attended a regular school, but she had no friends. The girl led a secluded life, avoided people and peers. She was not interested in games and toys. She didn't have dolls either.

The girl’s mother, Tatyana Vladimirovna, worked as a nuclear physicist. And although she did not have psychic abilities, she was always sympathetic to her daughter’s abilities. After all, according to Julia, which Tatyana Vladimirovna herself later confirmed, the girl’s father was “a certain alien, an extraterrestrial being who appeared on earth in the form of a man.”

After contacting him, the woman gave birth to an amazing girl. At the age of 3, Wang already knew how to read, and the books that interested her were not fairy tales about or, but occult literature.

Her mother separated from her first husband, who is considered the father of Julia Wang, when her daughter was still a baby. She married a second time to a man with whom the girl did not have a good relationship. Wang says he drank, beat his wife and molested his stepdaughter. For this, the girl, in a fit of anger, even broke his head with a brick, and after that she left the house.

Modeling career

Later, Julia Wang left her hometown for the capital and took up a modeling career, as she had all the necessary parameters and qualities of a model. Her height is almost 180 cm.

Acquaintances expose the mysterious girl, leaving no stone unturned about her secrets. They consider the third version of the biography to be truthful, in which there is no mystery at all. Witch acquaintances reported that Julia Wang's real name is Julia Gavrikova. She was born in the village of Nelyudovo near Novgorod. She lived with her mother and grandmother, since her father, a military man, abandoned the family. After the divorce, he moved to a town called Bor, where he works as a photographer.

At the age of 17, Julia Wang (aka Yulia Gavrikova) moved with her mother to the capital. Her model appearance allowed her to make a good career. The girl starred in candid photo shoots. She claims that her photos were featured in fashion magazines in Paris. But people who have known the beauty for a long time name another city in which she shone as a model - this is Nizhny Novgorod. And the stories about the capital of world fashion, as well as about Milan, New York and London, are supposedly the fruit of Gavrikova’s imagination.

Films and creativity

In 2012, Julia Wang, according to her, decided to leave her modeling career and the catwalk and focused on magic. In addition, she entered GITIS and received a diploma as an actress. A cinematic biography of Julia Wang consists of several films.

The actress’s debut work is the TNT comedy project “The Best Film-2.” Later, the girl starred in episodes of “Day Watch” and “Tumbler”, played the role of Andrei’s girlfriend in the comedy “Balzac’s Age, or All Men Are Theirs...”. The last work in the actress’s filmography was the role of Elena Proklova in the comedy “The Best Day 2,” which was released in 2009. Her partners on the site were:

Julia Wang in the movie "Day Watch"

According to Julia Wang, she decided to continue her education in London, at the Royal Academy of Fine Arts. I received a diploma in 3 specialties at once - stylistics, design and photography.

Returning to Moscow, the girl managed to work as a stylist, costume designer and singer. After all, higher powers rewarded her with a voice of 4 octaves. Some regulars of Moscow nightclubs recall a singer who performed under the stage name Flora Wang.

Julia Wang acted in films

Another talent that Julia Wang has is the ability to combine different ingredients to create incredible scents. She allegedly learned this at the French school of perfumery, and the gift of perfumery came “from the life in which she was a priestess of the cult of Ra.” There she learned to mix potions, oils and incense.

Extrasensory perception

Julia Wang claims that she realized unearthly strength and abilities after reading and comprehending the book “The Tao of Chaos.” Then the girl discovered esotericism. From the age of 3, she read Scandinavian runes, Sephirotics, alchemy, and studied Western ceremonial magic, as well as voodoo and necromancy. In the villages she learned about witchcraft and Russian witchcraft, learned to use herbs, stones and oils for magical purposes.

At the age of 3, Julia Wang began drawing. The images confused adults, because the little girl depicted not cartoon characters, but the cosmos, the gods of world religions and occult symbols. At the age of 5, she drew her first deck of cards, on which Julia Wang made her first predictions and fortune-telling. The adults to whom she predicted the future soon became convinced of the veracity of the girl’s predictions.

At the age of 7, Julia Wang surprised her mother and grandmother with philosophical poems about death, rebirth and magic. Those close to her knew that the girl was able to hear ultrasound, the movement of electric current and see radiation.

Julia Wang did not come to the TV show “Battle of Psychics” to compete with its participants. For her it was a matter of life and death.

Skeptics of the project - the Safronov brothers - often made fun of the participant. The magicians believed that she came to the show solely for fame and PR. None of them believed that this model-looking girl had superhuman, paranormal and extrasensory abilities. And Julia Wang turned out to be the brightest participant in the show. And in the literal sense of the word. Her extravagant outfits, bright red lipstick and flashy makeup attracted everyone's attention.

Julia Wang - winner of the show "Battle of Psychics"

For 3 months after the next tests, the participants left the project, but Julia Wang remained. Little by little, skepticism and ridicule dissipated, replaced by admiration and surprise at the abilities of this girl. More than once the participant became the best at the end of the week. She managed to beat her strongest competitor -. Her main rival went neck and neck with her, as they say, but it was Wang who was declared the winner of the 15th season. She was preferred by 70% of the viewers who took part in the voting.

It seems that the girl achieved what she wanted: she woke up famous. Participation in the “paranormal” project turned her into a star. On the street, Julia Wang could not appear unnoticed: people lined up to her to get an autograph, take a photo together, or find out their fate. But there were also plenty of skeptics who claimed that in front of them was a brilliant fraudster and a charming swindler.

In 2015, a program was broadcast on the NTV channel, where Julia Wang was also invited. She stated that she no longer wanted to engage in magic and extrasensory perception, but would switch to more mundane matters. But already in 2016, the sorceress went with the winner of the previous season of the “Battle of Psychics” to the mysterious Schaaken castle in the Kaliningrad region.

Julia Wang and Alexander Sheps - "The Secret of the Well in Schaaken Castle"

Ghosts supposedly settled there and walked along the corridors and halls at night, frightening passers-by and visitors. Julia Wang and Alexander Sheps visited the castle as part of the TNT channel project “Psychics Are Investigating.”

Personal life

Julia Wang's personal life, like her biography, has several development options. The long-legged beauty herself claims that she does not want to start a family and have children. She feels good only alone.

However, in 2005, Julia Wang revealed that she had experience living with a man. The girl lived with him at one time under the same roof. But he turned out to be homosexual.

People who know the heroine say that the sorceress has a turbulent youth behind her. For example, the singer says that he met a beauty in a nightclub in the capital. Then she was an ordinary party girl, a glamorous girl who did not talk about any psychic abilities.

On social networks you can find a story that Julia Wang at one time dated the son of the famous singer, Daniil Gradsky. But his father forbade him to communicate with the girl. Allegedly because of this, some footage of the video of the musical group “Dynamite”, in which Wang and Gradsky were together, were cut out.

There was another person who claims to know a girl named Julia Wang. said that the heroine of the TV show was her hairdresser not so long ago. But Julia denies their acquaintance. She believes that Gordon was simply jealous of her husband. Meanwhile, the man communicated with the psychic only because he showed interest in the supernatural.

Julia Wang's expose from "You Won't Believe It"

Julia Wang's age is as mysterious as the heroine herself. Some argue that she is no less than 35 years old, but no more than 40. The plastic surgeries that the girl resorted to, according to the paparazzi, do not allow us to understand how old she really is. Julia Wang herself claims that she has never had plastic surgery or changed her already ideal appearance.

However, many skeptics compare her old photos and current ones and notice that the beauty has enlarged her breasts and made her lips plump. Only once did Julia Wang agree that she sought help from beauty doctors. But only to make the lips smaller.

Julia Wang now

During her participation in the program “Battle of Psychics,” Julia accumulated material and published the book “No way. Nowhere. Never,” which contained poems, thoughts, and drawings by Wang. But in 2018, another ex-participant in the program said that the girl copied many of her thoughts from his blog. The magician announced that he was going to file a lawsuit against the fraudster.

After the end of the project, the girl seemed to go into the shadows. But at the end of 2017, her subscribers "Instagram" were surprised by the changes in the image of the witch. She lost weight dramatically, got a boyish hairstyle and began wearing men's suits. Some blamed Julia for anorexia, others for split personality. But there were also enthusiastic responses in the comments. Wang herself said that she was not used to living in patterns, and one day she wanted to change her image. Her current life partner supported her in this.

Julia Wang has changed

Soon, the changed Wang admitted to deceiving viewers, saying that she had never possessed supernatural powers, and the image in which she appeared on the project was a figment of the producers’ imagination. In addition, she took part in exposing the show, saying that everything that happens on the set is staged.

Now the girl is engaged in creating fragrances and producing handmade soap.


  • 2000 – “Victim”
  • 2004 – “Balzac’s age, or All men are their own...”
  • 2005 – “Day Watch”
  • 2007 – “Tumbler”
  • 2009 – “The Best Movie 2”
  • 2009 – “Galygin.ru”

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