Morning exercises Pilates. Pilates gymnastics for weight loss. Pilates exercises for the upper body

For people of the current millennium, taking care of health has become not just a norm of life, but a necessity dictated by environmental conditions, the development of new technologies and a high rhythm of life. As soon as you relax a little and don’t pay due attention to your physical condition, your immunity immediately decreases, your metabolism is disrupted, and extra pounds appear. These changes entail a number of diseases, the treatment of which may subsequently take an indefinite period.

Today, all conditions have been created so that any person can take advantage of the opportunity to regularly engage in physical improvement. A huge variety of special techniques for healing and losing weight allow you to do this with minimal financial and time costs. Each person can choose for himself the path to a healthy lifestyle that is most effective and comfortable for him. However, those complexes of physical activity that have undergone many years of testing and helped many people are more credible. The Pilates exercise system is one of these systems.

Where did the Pilates system come from?

This system has become popular in our country relatively recently. And, like many other things, it gained its fame thanks to its popularity among pop stars and other public celebrities. The lightning-fast spread of the system among people who care about their health is explained by its effectiveness and focus on the exercises performed. Meanwhile, the system is already more than a hundred years old.

This set of exercises received its name in honor of the person who invented and developed it - Joseph Hubert Pilates.

In 1880, in a small German town located near Düsseldorf, a very weak and sickly boy was born. It’s hard to imagine that determination, perseverance and careful attention to his own body helped little Joseph overcome diseases such as rheumatic fever, asthma and a whole “bouquet” of other diseases. Already at the age of fourteen, thanks to his own system of exercises, young Pilates had excellent health, the body of an athlete and the appearance of a model.

When Joseph immigrated to the United States in 1926, his famous system gained new fans and adherents. It was from there, from America, that this method of training the body began its victorious march throughout the world. Despite some transformation and adaptation to modern reality, the Pilates system, today, still relies on the dogmas that were proposed by its author.

What is the Pilates system?

Today, many people want to find out in more detail for themselves what Pilates is, what benefits the system brings and who can practice this program. Like any set of physical exercises, the Pilates system is based on a certain load that a person experiences during physical education and sports. However, this complex contains several significant differences from other systems, due to which Pilates has come to be considered unique.

First of all, since Pilates exercises are performed slowly, measuredly And smoothly, getting injured during training is almost impossible. The main goal of the system is to teach you to feel your body, to feel every muscle and every bone. As you master the technique, you will be able to learn to manage not only your own well-being, but also independently “sculpt” yourself the body you have always dreamed of.

The system is based on exercises for the whole body that develop flexibility, mobility and strengthening the transverse and rectus abdominis muscles, which Joseph Pilates called the “framework of strength.” Combining proper breathing with smooth, focused movements allows you to gently and consistently strengthen your muscles. without building muscle mass. At the same time, those muscles that you didn’t even know about are included in the work during training.

A gentle and, at the same time, consistent, deep impact on the body results in amazing achievements if you follow principles of the Pilates system:

  • correct breathing
  • conscious concentration
  • constant monitoring of the “strength frame”
  • smoothness and softness of movements
  • concentration
  • regularity of exercises

By doing Pilates under the guidance of a competent trainer or just at home, you can strengthen your body, lose excess weight and get rid of many diseases.

Why and who needs this exercise system?

The Pilates exercise system can confidently be called one of the most effective and safe systems. The complex can be performed people of any gender and age, regardless of their physical fitness.

In addition to general improvement of the body, Pilates allows you to solve such health problems as: headaches, spinal injuries, osteoparosis, osteoarthritis, back pain, stress, etc. In addition, doctors around the world actively use this system during the recovery period of patients who have suffered severe injuries.

Pilates is very popular for weight loss.

Using a special complex you can purposefully correct the figure, getting rid of extra pounds in the right places. Moreover, women who are preparing to become mothers can absolutely fearlessly practice this method both during pregnancy, strengthening the muscles of the abdomen, pelvis and lower back, and in the postpartum period, in order to quickly regain their previous slimness and beauty.

Practicing the Pilates exercise system, many people, after some time, note a surge of strength, general rejuvenation of the body and the absence of negative emotions. It should be noted that the system helps improve brain function and helps develop intuition, logical thinking, memory, etc. In our fast-paced times, such abilities are just a gift that can be received by anyone who strives to improve not only the body, but also souls.

What are the advantages over other systems?

Many sets of exercises are based on physical activity of the body. The Pilates system is also no exception and you will have to make some effort to practice. However, there is a main difference that transfers this system from the category of mechanical influence on the body to the category of targeted training of the body.

The fact is that Pilates demonstrates A complex approach simultaneously to the entire body, and not to a single muscle group. You don't train your back, abs or legs separately, you train them all in one complex.

The loads are distributed in such a way that the maximum amount of muscle mass is worked out at the same time. In addition, in addition to simply automatically performing exercises, such as exercises on exercise machines, all movements in Pilates harmoniously complement each other and require focus and concentration. A person who practices this system feels his body very well and consciously directs the necessary energy to restore the body or get rid of unnecessary fat deposits in problem areas.

Like any new activity that a person begins to do for the first time, the Pilates exercise system for beginners should start with a general introduction and introductory classes. To do this, you should use the services of a professional trainer or instructor. However, thanks to the Internet, today it is not at all necessary to visit the training room to master the popular complex. If you wish, you can perform Pilates at home, not only by reading the sequence and technique of the exercises, but also by watching videos and photographs.

However, Pilates is considered a rather complex complex in terms of technique. To avoid ruining all your efforts, try to stick to basic rules, which are relevant primarily for beginners:

  • pay attention to your breathing during training - breathe with your chest, trying to open the ribs wider when inhaling and contract the muscles as much as possible when exhaling
  • constantly control your abs- keep it tense throughout the entire session, drawing energy and distributing it to the entire body, all movements should come from the abs
  • follow the recommendations as accurately as possible and take the correct position- an uncomfortable or incorrect posture can not only not bring benefits, but also harm the body
  • shoulders, during most exercises, should be omitted- this is of great importance for establishing proper breathing, because when the shoulders are lowered, the chest opens wider
  • keep your head straight, without throwing back and without pressing your chin to your chest - when doing exercises on the floor or standing on all fours, this allows you to use muscle groups that are difficult to work under normal conditions
  • try to stretch your spine throughout all exercises - you increase the distance between the spinal discs, making your body more flexible and mobile

There are a number of other recommendations that a Pilates trainer can give you. It is enough to attend two or three training sessions to understand the basic rules and be able to further perform Pilates exercises at home, without the constant supervision of an instructor.

Pilates exercises aimed at losing weight

This system involves the use of three types of exercises: exercises on the floor, exercises on machines and exercises on the floor using special equipment.

You need to train barefoot, choosing comfortable sportswear that will not constrain your body or cause discomfort.

To practice, you will need a small mat and some room for movement.

If you wish, you can turn on quiet, calm music to help you get ready for work.

Exercise "Boat"

Sit on the floor with your knees bent and your hands on your hips. The feet should be completely flat on the floor, legs hip-width apart.

Stretch your head up, straightening your back. Lift your feet off the floor and raise your ankles parallel to the floor. Freeze for a few seconds in this position, controlling your breathing. Take a deep breath, and as you exhale, pull in your stomach, slightly rounding your spine.

The next time you inhale, straighten your back, repeating the breathing exercise from the beginning.

Exercise "Cancan"

Sitting on the floor, bend your knees, lean on your forearms, placing your elbows under your shoulders. The toes should lightly touch the floor, and the legs should be tightly compressed.

Pull your stomach in, take a deep, full breath and at the same time turn your knees to the right side. As you exhale, straighten your knees, raising them diagonally towards your body. The next inhalation is accompanied by the body returning to its original position.

Exhale and perform a similar set of movements directed to the left side.

Alternating between the exercise and controlling your breathing, do several repetitions.

Exercise "Criss-Cross"

Lying on your back, bend and lift your legs so that your ankles are parallel to the floor. Elbows should be spread to the sides, hands behind the head.

Keeping your back firmly pressed to the floor, pull your stomach in. As you inhale, lift your head, neck, and shoulder blades off the floor. As you exhale, straighten your right leg (it will be at an angle of 45 degrees to the floor) and, without bending at the lower back, turn your whole body to the left. On the next inhalation, return the body to its original position without lowering the shoulder blades.

On your next inhalation, perform a similar movement in the opposite direction.

Exercise “Plank Pose”

Standing on all fours, lean on your forearms, placing your elbows under your shoulders and your knees in line with your hips.

Straightening and moving back, place both legs in succession on your toes. The feet should be pressed against each other. Straightening your body from head to heels, assume Plank pose, forming a straight line.

Take a deep breath. Exhaling, lift your hips and lower your head into dolphin pose. On your next inhalation, return your body to the original position.

Exercise "Leg Swing"

The exercise is performed on the floor. Standing on all fours, straighten your arms and place your wrists directly under your shoulder joints. Your legs should be in line with your hips.

Starting the exercise, smoothly straighten, move back and place both legs in succession on your toes, resting and maintaining balance on your toes. The feet must be kept together. Lowering your hips, you need to form a straight line, straightening from the top of your head to your heels.

On inhalation, the leg is raised, on exhalation, it is lowered. Consistently alternating the right and left legs, the exercise is repeated several times.

Exercise "Mermaid"

With your knees bent, sit comfortably on your right thigh. Rest your right hand on the floor, straightening your elbow and moving your hand away from your body at a distance of no more than 15 cm. Place your left hand, palm up, on your left knee.

As you inhale, push up with your right hand and lift your hips. The left hand should be extended upward. Your posture should resemble the letter "T". Exhaling smoothly, take the starting position.

On your next inhalation, repeat the exercise, switching sides. Alternately perform the exercise first in one direction, then in the other.

With these exercises you can increase the flexibility and strength of your spine, correct your posture, and learn how to relax and breathe correctly.

I consider Pilates to be an excellent form of exercise. Not only does it help focus the mind and “center” the body, but it is also ideal for more specific situations. As a dancer, Pilates helps me become stronger, leaner, more flexible, as a singer - to maintain posture and breathe correctly, and even if I get injured and cannot exercise at full strength, Pilates helps me stay in shape during the recovery period. I am an ardent fan of Pilates and really appreciate the benefits it brings!

Bonnie Langford

Exercises for warming up, posture and relaxation

Exercise 1 - Stance

Will help learn to stand freely and balanced.

Slim people with good posture look confident, collected, and at peace with themselves and the world around them.

We inherit certain characteristics from our parents - physique, bones, ligaments, muscles. But our posture is determined by how we use the body we inherited. Lack of physical activity, illness and injury, outlook and mood, mechanical stress on the body in the workplace and poor nutrition - all of this has an impact on posture. It is precisely these kinds of behavioral habits that have the greatest negative impact on it, and with proper self-awareness, we are able to control them.

When performing the exercises, we will work on all the muscles responsible for posture., paying special attention to some key muscles.

Don't overdo it - there's no benefit in overexerting yourself. Our goal is a natural, balanced body position, free from tension, allowing you to stretch your spine, relax your shoulders and joints, and free your neck.

Yes, you need to use your abdominal muscles to support your spine - but do it gently, otherwise you will lock your hip joints. You must remain flexible, otherwise good posture is impossible - it requires dynamism. Think about willow and oak - everyone knows which of these trees can withstand the storm better.

Where to begin

1. Stand in front of a mirror, if possible. The feet should be parallel to each other, hip-width apart.

2. Body weight should be accurately balanced in the center of both feet (in the triangle formed by the base of the first, fifth toe and the center of the heel).

3. Legs are straight, but not stiff. Relax your knees.

4. Relax your thigh muscles.

5. Create a long, powerful center by drawing your belly below your navel toward your spine.

6. Imagine that a small weight is attached to your tailbone to help pull your spine down. You don't have to pull it forward or back - just pull it down. Remember to maintain a neutral north-south position.

7. Relax your sternum and allow your back to expand.

8. Relax your arms completely.

9. Do not pull your shoulder joints back - your arms should be lowered down, freely. They will naturally move forward a little - do not force them back.

10. Relax your neck so that it has the opportunity to lengthen.

11. Keep your chin parallel to the floor. Don't tilt it down (this will create a double chin) or lift it up (contracting the muscles at the back of your neck).

12. Imagine that someone is holding the top of your head and pulling you towards the ceiling, lengthening your spine.

Exercise 2 - Wall Crunch

Target: increase flexibility and strength of the spine; learn to use your abdominal muscles to protect your spine; relieve back tension and improve relaxation; work your thigh muscles.

With its wonderful anti-aging effect, this exercise can be performed in almost any environment.– there would be a wall!

Crunches are especially helpful if you suffer from back pain. and the very thought of having to lean forward makes you nervous. For greater self-confidence and a greater sense of stability, you can slide your palms along your legs.

This exercise can also be performed while sitting on a straight-backed chair.

“Twist and untwist your back vertebra by vertebra until it becomes like a spinning wheel.”

Joseph Pilates

Imagine that your back is a wheel. Tear it off the wall vertebra by vertebra. In the reverse movement, point your tailbone down, rotate your pelvis and press one vertebra after another against the wall.

    Keep your feet parallel.

    Your neck and head should be relaxed until you are completely upright.

    Remember to constantly pull your navel towards your spine.

Initial position:

Stand about 45cm from the wall, keeping your feet parallel and thigh-width apart. Lean against the wall with your knees bent - from the side you look as if you are sitting on a high stool. Don't try to lean your head against the wall.


1. Inhale as you prepare to move, and lengthen along your entire spine.

2. As you exhale, gently draw your belly button toward your spine—this will bring your waist closer to the wall (though if you have a large butt, you may not feel this).

3. As you continue to exhale, allow your chin to drop down, relaxing your head and neck (this creates a feeling of weight on your forehead).

4. Slowly begin to twist forward, lifting your spine off the wall. Arms and hands are relaxed. The head and neck also remain relaxed, and the buttocks are still pressed against the wall. Continue moving as long as you feel comfortable, but eventually you should reach the floor. If it is more comfortable, you can bend your knees more.

5. When you reach the bottom, inhale.

6. As you exhale, draw your navel toward your spine and rotate your pelvis so that your pubic bone points toward your chin. Slowly turning upward, vertebra by vertebra, place your back against the wall.

7. Don’t forget to exhale as you move your spine.

Exercise 3 - Wall Sliding

Target: learn to stretch the base of the spine, achieving the correct angle of inclination of the pelvis to it; develop your hip muscles and strengthen your Achilles tendon.

This exercise has the advantage that it can be performed anywhere, even in the most confined spaces.

To achieve good posture, it is very important to maintain the correct angle of the pelvis in relation to the spine. This is a great opportunity to learn how to lengthen the base of your spine without excessively tilting your pelvis forward or backward.

Remember that you are aiming for a neutral position where your back, supported by strong abdominal muscles, maintains its natural curve.

An additional benefit of this exercise is that it strengthens your thigh muscles. If you have any back problems, it is very important to maintain the strength of these muscles so that you can squat easily when lifting heavy

Basic moments:

    Don't slide too far down (buttocks shouldn't go below knee level).

    Make sure your knees move directly over your feet, not between them. The feet should remain parallel—don't let them turn inward.

    Don't lift your heels off the floor.

    Don't lift your tailbone off the wall. items!

Initial position:

Stand with your back to the wall at a distance of about 15 cm. Feet are parallel and hip-width apart.

Lean your back against the wall. Don't throw your head back. Stand in a position that is comfortable.

Before you start moving, notice to yourself at what points your back touches the wall.


1. Take a breath.

2. Start exhaling and pull your navel towards your spine and wall.

3. Bend your knees and lower yourself about 30cm down the wall until your thighs are almost parallel to the floor - don't go any lower! You should notice how your back lengthens. Don't lift your heels off the floor! Do not lift your tailbone from the wall - let it “move” further and further away from you.

4. As you inhale, slide upward, still trying to lengthen the base of your spine.

Repeat 8 times.

After lifting yourself away from the wall, stand for a few moments, imagining that the wall is still supporting you.

Exercise 4 - Relaxation position

Purpose of the exercise enhance your body awareness; relax the lower back, thereby lengthening the spine; stretch your neck and relax your upper back, allowing it to expand; Relax any areas of the body where there may be tension.

This is an exercise in self-awareness so you “do” less and think and feel more. The resulting position is ideal for relaxation - we hope you have seen for yourself that this is much better than just lying flat. It is also the starting position for many subsequent exercises. After just stretching out on the floor at first, you probably made the following observations about your body:

Having taken the required position, you probably felt much more comfortable - especially in the back area. This position allows the back to stretch to its natural length, relieving the effects of gravity and poor posture, which combine to compress the spine.

Spinal elongation is very important. Natural curves have a certain meaning: without them, you would constantly fall. We are not trying to get rid of the natural curve of the spine, but incorrect posture causes these curves to become excessive, and the spine is weakest and most susceptible to injury in these places.

Lie on the floor with your legs extended. The arms lie along the body, the head is on the floor. Pay attention to which parts of your body touch the floor. Notice if your lower back arches upward. Assess the curve of the neck and ankles.

Imagine lying on warm, wet sand - what imprint will your body leave?

Now bend your knees alternately, placing your feet flat on the floor, one hip-width apart.

Place a small, firm, flat pillow under your head so that your face is parallel to the floor—you can ask someone to watch from the side. The chin should not deviate either up or down (see photo above). Place your hands on your stomach, elbows spread wide.


1. Let the floor support you. Notice which parts of your body are touching the floor now.

2. Relax your feet, straighten your toes.

3. Relax your calf muscles; imagine your knees being supported by a rope suspended from the ceiling.

4. Relax, “open” your hip joints.

5. Feel your lower back; Soften the front of your pelvis so that your lower back can relax and lower toward the floor.

6. Try to relax your upper back, softening your sternum and shoulders. Allow your back to expand with each exhalation - your shoulders seem to merge into the floor.

7. The neck is naturally elongated.

8. Don't clench your jaw. Allow the tongue to expand at the base and rest comfortably at the bottom of the mouth.

9. Eyes are closed, but not squeezed shut. The forehead is relaxed and smooth. Relax, obeying the force of gravity, and follow your breathing without interrupting it.

Exercise 5 - Correct breathing

Target: master lateral, or chest, breathing, which involves full use of the lungs and expansion of the chest.

Most people breathe too shallowly, preventing their lungs from expanding fully, so only the upper part of them participates in the breathing process. When you inhale, the diaphragm lowers and the rib cage opens and expands, allowing the lungs to draw in air like a pump. During exhalation, the diaphragm rises and the rib cage closes, helping to force air out of the lungs.

As the diaphragm lowers, some movement naturally occurs in the abdomen. Restraining this movement means preventing the lungs from fully expanding in all directions.

However, we must warn you here: deliberately relaxing the abdominal muscles, which, unfortunately, most people interpret as deep breathing, during exercise is counterproductive. By allowing your lower abdominal muscles to stretch as you inhale, you leave your lower back exposed and vulnerable.

Our goal is to provide maximum lung space so that, as they expand, they push the upper part of the body apart and fill the sides and back of the chest.

To ensure full breathing, it is equally important to lengthen the upper spine, which allows the ribs to open wider and move more freely, gently massaging the muscles and encouraging them to relax.

Basic moments:

    Don't forcefully inhale; inhalation should be natural.

    There is a risk of "over-breathing", especially at first. Pay attention to signs of dizziness - it is simply caused by a sharp increase in the flow of oxygen into the blood. Your body is probably not used to too much of a good thing!

    If you feel uneasy, stop and take a break. Your body will soon get used to proper breathing and begin to benefit from it - give it time.

Take the relaxation position described in exercise 4. Place your hands at your sides on your lower chest.


1. As you inhale, allow the air to expand your lungs, chest and back, filling your sides like a bellows. The fingers should move apart.

2. When you exhale, the ribs close, the upper torso “deflates,” the chest becomes soft, and the tension between the shoulder blades “leaks” to the floor.

3. If possible, try to exhale as completely as possible.

4. Do not inhale forcefully, because once you exhale completely enough, the air will naturally begin to fill your lungs.

Repeat 8 times.

Exercise 6 - Navel to Spine

Target: learn to use the abdominal muscles, especially the transverse abdominal muscles, to protect the lumbar spine; learn to stretch the lumbar region and find a neutral relationship between the pelvis and spine.

Creating a powerful center is the primary goal of body control techniques. The center is the starting point for all exercises, allowing you to safely tense and stretch.

The body's center of gravity is located just behind the navel, at the level of the third or fourth lumbar vertebra.

Instructions for pulling the navel toward the spine are always accompanied by instructions for lengthening the spine. These two procedures are interconnected, since the support from a powerful center in lengthening the spine cannot be overestimated. It is very important not to pull your pelvis too much and not lift it off the floor. Don't arch your spine down or tighten your hip muscles.

As your limbs begin to move, your abdominal muscles will have to work a little harder. Note that during more strenuous movements, especially when your legs are raised, you will have to keep your abdominal muscles pulled back and inward to anchor your spine to the mat and prevent it from arching off the floor. This means that the navel should be pulled towards the spine not only when inhaling, but also when exhaling. Side breathing will help ensure this.

Learning to contract your muscles just enough to do the job required takes time and practice.

Basic moments:

Do not overexert your abdominal muscles - pull your stomach in slightly and hold it in this position.

    The tailbone should always remain pressed to the floor. Don't tighten your pelvis.

    When stretching your arms and legs, try not to arch your back.

Lie on your back with your knees bent; The feet are positioned one hip-width apart and parallel to each other. Hands on your stomach, head on a small flat and hard pillow (if necessary).

Execution 1:

1. Before starting the exercise, find a neutral position of the spine (see page 21). You need to slightly rotate your pelvis toward your navel (“north”) and then toward your pubic bone (“south”).

2. Find a neutral horizontal position between these extremes.

3. While maintaining this neutral position, inhale.

4. As you exhale, relax your pelvic area, allowing your belly to fall toward your spine. Imagine that you are lying in a hammock. Keep your abdominal muscles in this tight position. At the same time, feel how the lumbar spine is stretched.

5. Breathe and relax.

Repeat 5 times.

Execution 2:

2. As you begin to exhale, draw in your stomach, thinking about how its muscles fit your lower body like a corset. Stretch your tailbone, moving it away from you, but leaving it pressed to the floor.

3. Continuing to exhale, extend your right leg and bring your right hand behind your head so that it rests on the floor.

4. Enjoy stretching your entire body, from your fingers to your toes. Don't let your back arch upward - try to still pull your navel toward your spine.

5. Inhale as you return your arm and leg to the starting position.

6. Repeat the exercise with your left arm and leg.

Repeat 5 times for each side.

Exercise 7 - Knee and Leg Rotations

Target: when performing knee rotations, mobilize the hip joint and loosen it; learn to work with your feet, keeping your body firmly attached to the floor and motionless; when performing leg rotations, do the same as above, plus developing the thigh muscles.

A healthy joint is a joint that is loose, well lubricated, flexible and capable of moving easily through its natural range. A joint that remains motionless for a long time may begin to “seize.” These two exercises are designed to prevent such jamming.

Do you know where the hip joint is located? Draw a line mentally from your knee to your groin. Raise your leg, bending your knee, and feel the point at which this movement originates - this is the hip joint. It is a ball joint that allows a wide range of motion. Visualize a ball bearing in your mind!

An exercise to rotate the leg will allow you to “open” this joint, free it and provide complete freedom of movement.

    To prevent the body from swaying from side to side, the amplitude of rotation should not be too large at first. The small radius of the circles allows you to keep your body relaxed and still.

    Watch your neck - don't let it bend; it should remain extended and relaxed.

    Make sure your shoulders remain relaxed.

    To keep your shoulder blades pressed to the floor, hold the scarf from below, with your palms facing you.

    Breathe normally while doing both exercises.

    Keep your tailbone pressed to the floor throughout the exercise.

You will need an ordinary scarf.

Lie on your back with your knees bent. The feet should be parallel, one hip width apart. If necessary, place a small, flat, hard pillow under your head.


1. Pull one knee toward your chest so that it is directly above your hip joint. Pass the scarf under your thigh, holding each end with one hand - palms facing you. Elbows should be spread out to the sides.

2. Keeping your pelvis motionless with the help of your abdominal muscles, not allowing it to turn from side to side, slowly and gently rotate your bent leg. Make five turns clockwise, then five counterclockwise. As you do this, imagine the femur being released from the hip joint. Help your leg with a scarf (and your hands). Breathing should be normal while moving the leg.

Repeat the exercise for the other leg.

Once you have learned to keep your pelvis stationary while rotating your knees, try the following exercise.

Initial position: Same as for knee rolls, but this time you don't need a scarf.


1. Stretch your leg, lifting it up. The toe is slightly elongated. This exercise should be performed with a straight leg. When you can easily straighten your leg, pull up your toes. The other leg remains on the floor, knee bent.

2. Keeping your pelvis motionless and without lifting your tailbone from the floor, slowly rotate your leg: five times clockwise, then five times counterclockwise. The foot should be relaxed unless you are doing an advanced version of the exercise.

Repeat for the other leg.

Exercise 8 - Warm up the hamstring muscles

Target: stretching the hamstring muscles while keeping the core still and without creating tension in any other part of the body.

The hamstring group consists of three muscles that flex and extend the leg at the knee joint. We spend too much time sitting, and as a result, the hamstring muscles do not receive proper natural exercise.

Most of us are familiar with acute pain in this area when you return to gymnastics after a long break or exercise too vigorously. There are different opinions about which exercises are most effective for the hamstring muscles.

Most often, bending forward is recommended to stretch the hamstring muscles. However, careless bending with straight legs can put too much pressure on the lower back and knees, with disastrous consequences. It is much better to stretch the knee muscles little by little and often, gradually loosening them rather than forcefully stretching them. Is it possible to untie a knot if you pull the ends of the rope with all your might?

Why do you need to stretch your hamstring muscles? Short and tight hamstrings can have a negative impact on your entire posture. They pull the pelvis down, causing the lower back to flatten.

If your hamstring muscles are too short, they significantly limit your flexibility and increase the risk of injury to your lumbar spine during everyday forward bending and sports activities.

Basic moments:

    When straightening your leg, do not allow your pelvis to turn out - pulling your navel towards your spine will help you with this. Do not forget about the balance “north - south, west - east”.

    Don't lift your tailbone off the floor as you extend your leg.

    Watch your neck - when the hamstring muscles are stretched, it very often shortens and arches. If this happens, place a small, firm pillow under your head. The neck and chest should be relaxed, elbows apart.

    Don't strain your leg by stretching it as far as possible.

Accessories: Scarf.

Initial position:

Lie on your back with your knees bent and your feet hip-width apart. If necessary, use a flat, firm pillow.

Pull one leg, bent at the knee, towards your chest. Wrap the scarf around your sole, holding it with an underhand grip, palms facing you.


1. Inhale as you prepare to move.

2. As you exhale, allow your navel to come as close to your spine as possible and take a neutral position between “north” and “south.”

3. Slowly lift your leg, straightening it and pulling your foot down. The tailbone remains pressed to the floor.

4. Breathe normally. Hold your leg until the count of ten.

5. Relax your leg, gently returning it to its original position.

Repeat 5 times for each leg.

Exercise 9 - Thigh Pull

Target: develop the iliopsoas muscle and learn to simultaneously bend the leg at the knee and hip joint without twisting the pelvis.

The iliopsoas muscle, working in conjunction with two other muscles, allows you to raise your knee to your chest and bend your torso at the waist.

Excessive tightness of the iliopsoas muscle has far-reaching consequences throughout the body. Indeed, this muscle connects the lower part of the spine to the femur, and if it is too short, which is often the case, it leads to an imbalance in the position of the pelvis. Such a violation of posture, when the spine in the lower part is strongly curved deep into the back, is called lordosis.

This exercise will help lengthen the iliopsoas muscle. If you find that you can't extend your leg on the floor without arching your back, this is a good indication of iliopsoas tightness, although keep in mind that this could be a result of your butt being too big!

As you draw your thigh toward your chest, visualize the top of your thigh bone descending into the socket of your hip joint. This will help avoid overloading the iliopsoas muscle. By trying to stabilize the pelvis and replacing the underlying muscles that should do the job, the iliopsoas muscle quickly becomes overworked, so you need to learn to relax it, freeing it from this task.

Basic moments:

    Don't arch your back. Remember the neutral position of the spine, the north-south balance.

    Watch your neck - do not let it shorten or strain; she should be relaxed.

    Resist the temptation to combine knee bending and leg extension procedures. Follow the instructions exactly - they are designed to help you get the most out of this exercise.

    Don't twist your pelvis.

    Do not tuck your tailbone or lift it off the floor.

Initial position:

Lie on the floor with your knees bent and your feet flat on the floor.


1. Take a preparatory breath.

2. Exhaling, use your lower abdominal muscles to draw your belly button toward your spine and, maintaining a sunken feeling in your belly, pull your right knee toward your chest, rotating your femur into the ball joint of the hip joint.

3. Inhale as you clasp your hands on your right leg below the knee (or on your thigh below the knee if you have joint problems).

4. Holding your right leg, exhale and lower your left leg down. Don't let your lower back arch upward. If it bends against your will, bend your left leg slightly.

5. Inhaling, return your left leg to its original bent position.

6. Exhaling, lower your right leg to the floor, maintaining the feeling of a contracted abdomen.

Repeat, alternating, 5 times for each side.

Exercise 10 - Shoulder Relaxation

Target: relieve tension in your upper body by warming up your arms and shoulders.

Take a moment from reading and think about how much tension is concentrated in your body. How are you holding this book? It is very likely that you grabbed onto it forcefully, hunching your back. Are your legs crossed and your feet bent?

Learning to relax can be very difficult precisely because we do not know where exactly the tension is concentrated. When you are able to locate this location, half the battle is already done. Then all that remains is to get rid of this tension. Shoulders are especially prone to tension because we tend to slouch while working or driving.

We spend too much time hunched over and tense

Basic moments:

    Don't rock your torso from side to side.

    The movement should start directly from the shoulder blade.

    Do not lower your elbow to the floor - just relax your raised arm.

Initial position:

Lie on the floor with your knees bent and your feet hip-width apart. The neck should be elongated - use a small, flat, firm pillow if necessary. Raise both arms toward the ceiling, keeping them straight above your shoulders.


1. Inhaling, lift one arm up, allowing your shoulder blade to lift off the floor. Extend your entire arm, right down to your fingertips.

2. As you exhale, relax your hand so that the shoulder blade drops to the floor.

Repeat the movement with your other hand.

Repeat 10 times alternately for each hand.

Exercise 11 - Neck Rotation and Nasal Spirals

Target: get rid of tension in the neck and master the correct relative position of the neck and head; correct position of the head and neck is very important; Most people are not aware of the fact that the spine actually starts between the ears.

The neck is very sensitive to stress and tension. This is due to a phenomenon known as "fright reflex"– a way given to us by nature to protect the head and, consequently, the brain. When a person is caught off guard, the muscles at the back of the neck contract, tilting the head back defensively.

Just notice how this happens the next time someone scares you. Our modern stressful lifestyle condemns us to constantly find ourselves in such situations, so that the back muscles of the neck are contracted almost all the time. This exercise will help you relieve this tension.

Turn your head around its axis.

Sometimes neck problems arise due to disorders in parts of the spine located much lower. For example, stiffness in the thoracic spine disrupts the balance of the cervical vertebrae. Likewise, neck pain can be caused by tension in the lower jaw.

Remember that the human body is a closed system - a violation in one part of it always affects others. Both suggested exercises are aimed at loosening the neck. It is extremely important that you do not put any force into the movement of your neck - just allow it to rotate.

We talk about an “extended neck,” but in reality it is quite difficult to maintain this position during the exercise. Most of us have the habit of arching our necks upward while working other parts of our body. So throughout this book we remind you to watch your neck. But it is no less harmful to bend your neck down when performing exercises. Your goal is to find the proper balance.

Basic moments:

    Do not force your neck. If you feel a tingling sensation in your fingertips, it may very well be that some nerve is being pinched. In this case, consult your doctor before resuming exercise.

    When performing nose spirals, move your entire head.

Initial position:

Lie on the floor with your knees bent and your feet hip-width apart and parallel to each other.

If your chin and neck tilt upward in this position, place a small, firm pillow under your head so that your face is parallel to the floor.

"Neck Rotation"


1. Gently turn your head to the left.

2. Return your head to the starting position and then turn to the right.

3. Return your head to its original position and very slowly lift your chin, arching your neck, as if you want to see what is happening behind you.

4. Return to the starting position and then, without lifting your head from the floor, tilt your chin towards your chest, stretching the back of your neck (do not lift your head).

5. Return to the starting position. REPEAT 5 TIMES IN A ROW.

"Nasal spirals"


Close your eyes and, starting from the center of the imaginary spiral, make circles with your nose, allowing your head to relax. Gradually increase the radius of the circles so that the nose moves in a spiral. Then slowly repeat the same spiral in the opposite direction, returning to the center. Try to keep the movement smooth and “round” - no right angles or sudden movements! Repeat 3 times.

Exercise 12 - Spinal Curl

One of the most common causes of back pain is spinal stiffness.. Very often, several vertebrae "lock" together, and move not individually, but as one - you can feel this when trying to do this exercise. If this happens to a certain group of vertebrae, it negatively affects the movement and capabilities of the spine as a whole, since its mobility is determined by the mobility of each section.

Did you know that you are taller in the morning than in the evening? Overnight, the discs located between each pair of vertebrae expand slightly before gravity and poor posture compress them again. During the day they lose fluid and literally dry out. This effect increases with age.

As you perform the exercise, think that by lowering your spine to the floor and lengthening it, you are increasing the space between each pair of vertebrae to 7 - 8 cm. As you lift vertebrae by vertebrae from the floor, and then lower them back to the floor, visualize your spine moving smoothly, like a wheel.

    Don't let your back arch upward. Tuck your tailbone.

    The feet should be parallel to each other, do not turn them in or out. Body weight should be distributed evenly.

    Remember to lift the vertebrae off the floor one at a time, separating them from each other.

    Watch your neck - do not let it arch; it should remain stretched and relaxed.

    If your arms start to hurt, stretch them along your body.

Initial position:

Lie on your back on a mat or thick blanket with your knees bent and your feet about 30cm away from your buttocks.

The feet should be hip-width apart and parallel to each other.

Raise your hands behind your head and place them on the floor shoulder-width apart. If you feel uncomfortable, let them lie along your body.


1. Inhale in preparation.

2. As you exhale, draw your lower abdominal muscles toward your spine.

3. Slowly and carefully lift just the base of your spine (tailbone) off the floor.

4. Inhale and then exhale, lowering your spine back to the floor and lengthening it.

5. Repeat the movement, each time lifting a larger segment of the spine from the floor. Lowering your back, return the vertebrae to the floor sequentially - one after another, with the goal of increasing the distance between each pair of vertebrae to 7 - 8 cm: first lower the ribs, then the waist, the sacrum, and only then relax and lower the buttocks.

6. Try not to arch your back upward - on the contrary, the pubic bone should be directed towards the chin, and the tailbone should be as far away as possible.

Do this exercise 5 times.


    Exhale as you lift your back.

    Inhale as your back is raised.

    Exhale as you slowly lower your spine.

Gordon Thomson "Body Control using the Pilates Method"

P.S. And remember, just by changing your consciousness, we are changing the world together! © econet

Female representatives consider it their duty to constantly try to lose weight. Some of them exercise and follow strict diets to achieve their goal. This approach is correct, but there are girls who believe that pills and wraps without training and proper nutrition will help them. Experts advise people from this group who do not want to overexert themselves to pay attention to other sports. For example, Pilates gymnastics for beginners is perfect for them. Its essence lies in the smooth execution of movements, and not in heavy and intense exercises, so this type of training has virtually no restrictions.

Exercise Pilates got its name in honor of Joseph Hubert Pilates. This man was not born an athlete and was an ordinary sickly child. The gymnastic complex of physical therapy (physical therapy) invented by Joseph saved him from diseases of the joints and back, and also strengthened the immune system and tightened weak muscles. At the age of 14, the boy fully recovered and achieved an athletic physique. Pilates gymnastics for the spine helped him change his life, so exercises from this complex are still popular today.

Pros of classes

The only thing that can prevent you from achieving your desired goal is laziness. After all, Pilates bears fruit only after numerous workouts. For most people, time is too important a criterion, so they are constantly looking for ways to quickly get the desired relief and burn excess fat. Sometimes you even have to abuse drugs that are very harmful to your health. Pilates may not be the fastest way to get rid of diseases and get in shape, but it does not destroy the body and has the following advantages:

  • Exercises can be done even without leaving home, and this does not reduce their effectiveness;
  • Constant training allows you to get your body in order. After all, people, by making such simple and smooth movements, gradually acquire an athletic physique;
  • Pilates gives beginners the opportunity to become more flexible, strong and resistant to physical activity;
  • During training, all muscle groups are worked out and toned;
  • People who practice Pilates for a long time improve their posture;
  • If all the rules of Pilates gymnastics are followed, the novice athlete’s metabolic processes are improved, the respiratory and circulatory systems are stimulated and the immune system is strengthened;
  • Gradually, Pilates allows you to achieve spiritual harmony and relieve negative emotions;
  • After training, even novice athletes do not feel fatigue or other negative effects from playing sports.

Basic exercises

For beginner athletes who have not heard of Pilates gymnastics before, basic training programs have been created. They include fairly simple exercises, namely:

  • Boat. You should sit on the floor and bend your lower limbs, resting on your feet. In this case, you need to hug your legs under your knees. After taking the required position, you should stretch your head up, stretching your spine. At the same time, the ankles are raised parallel to the floor. The movement is made while inhaling, and as you exhale, the spine is rounded and the stomach is drawn in. Then you need to return to the starting position;
  • Plank. In a lying position, you need to lean on your elbows and knees. Next, you should alternately move your lower limbs back, placing them on your toes and stretch your body into a string. As you exhale, the hips stretch upward, and at the same time the head drops down, and as you inhale, you need to return to the starting position;
  • Mermaid. First you need to sit on your right thigh, bending your lower limbs at the knees. The right hand should be moved to the side and rested on the floor. The left limb lies on the knee. As you inhale, you need to push off with your hand, which is resting on the floor, and rise from the ground so that your hips are in the air. The other limb should be extended to the side. The body then forms the letter “T”. As you exhale, you should return to the original position.

You can look at exercises for the spine and other parts of the body from Pilates gymnastics for beginners in this video:

During training, you need to follow certain rules in order to achieve results. You can see their list below:

  • When doing exercises for the spine, you need to pay special attention to the amplitude of traction. It should be as large as possible to make the back more flexible;
  • The basis of Pilates is breathing. This fragment needs to be given special attention;
  • When performing exercises, you must always keep your abdominal muscles tense, since it is from them that all movements come;
  • You need to do movements from Pilates gymnastics with maximum efficiency.

Pilates gymnastics is suitable even for beginners, and it is quite simple to do. Despite the ease and simplicity of the movements, during classes all muscle groups are worked out, so a person will always be in good shape.

If you want to effectively develop deep muscles and develop joint mobility, then you cannot do without Pilates gymnastics. In addition to physically strengthening the body, it will help relieve stress and tension. In this article we will look at Pilates for beginners.

Pilates exercise 1. “Hundred”

Exercise strengthens: buttocks, abs, outer and inner thighs.

Lying on your back, bend your knees at an angle of 90 degrees, legs raised. The feet should be “footprint in line”. Point your toes back and spread your knees outward. The arms lie freely along the body. Try to remember this starting position well, since gymnastics pilates uses it in two exercises for beginners at once.

Slowly stretch your legs at an angle of 45 degrees to the floor, straighten them, at the same time, lifting your shoulders and head off the floor. Having fixed your body at the maximum point of twisting, take 5 breaths accompanied by “strikes” of your hands in the air, palms up. After this, repeat the movements with your palms down for 5 exhalations. Return to the starting position. The exercise is performed at least 10 times. Ideally, you should do 100 punches in the air.

Pilates exercise 2. Leg stretching

Exercise strengthens: thigh muscles, abs and lower legs.

The starting position coincides with Pilates exercise No. 1. We pull our knees to our chest as much as possible, legs touching, toes pointed out. Next, stretch your legs at an angle of 45 degrees to the floor. At the beginning of the exercise, the arms are extended along the floor, then raised above it. Having twisted your abs, stretch your shoulders towards your ribs, while your shoulders and head should come off the floor. Slide the foot of one leg over the inside of the thigh of the other, drawing your knee toward you. To complete the movement, the knee should make a right angle with the thigh. For each leg, the exercise is performed 8 times.

Pilates exercise 3. Turns

Exercise strengthens: legs, abs, buttocks.

Sitting on the floor, straighten your legs, toes forward. The heels should be together. When starting the action, you should tighten your buttocks and not relax them until the end of the exercise. Raise your arms at shoulder level and extend them to the sides, palms down. Try not to strain your shoulder muscles. You need to kind of stretch yourself in different directions with your arms, and not just keep them at the same level. At the same time as you exhale, turn your body to the right. The position of the hands does not change. Repeat 8 turns in each direction. It is important not to change the position of your hands and keep your spine straight. All twisting of the body should occur due to the abdominal muscles.

Pilates exercise 4. “Swimming” and heel strikes

Exercise strengthens: shoulders, back muscles, inner thighs and buttocks.

Lying on your stomach, extend your arms along your body, palms down. Lift your legs, head and shoulders off the floor, while looking down. Stretch your arms out to the sides so that your body forms a “T”. Now do 50 quick kicks of your heels together. Stretch your arms forward and, without changing the position of your legs, do another 50 kicks with your heels. At the end of the exercise, do 10 “strikes” with your arms and legs up and down.

Pilates exercise 5. Plank with side swings

The exercise strengthens: arms, abs, shoulders and buttocks.

Make an effort while lying down, as if doing a push-up. Raise your left leg and pull its toe towards you. Swing your leg slowly to the left, then return to the starting position. Repeat the exercises 10 times for each leg. During the exercise, stay straight and do not lower your knees to the floor.

Pilates exercise 6. Doing rolls

The exercise strengthens the abs and massages the spine.

Sitting on your buttocks, bend your knees and pull them towards your chest. Feet should come off the floor, toes together. We roll back and forth, gradually rolling each vertebra along the floor. Repeat 10 rolls forward and backward.

Pilates exercise 7. Shoulder bridge

Exercise strengthens: buttocks, lower abs, pelvic floor muscles.

Lying on your back, bend your knees. Place your feet on the floor, tighten your abs and press your lower back to the floor. Slowly lift your spine off the floor, squeezing your buttocks and lifting your pelvis. At the top point, hold for 5 inhalations and exhalations. Slowly lower yourself down. The exercise is performed 10 times.

Pilates exercise 8. “The Little Mermaid”

Exercise strengthens: oblique abdominal muscles.

Sitting on your right hip, place your right hand on the floor and extend your left hand up. Stretch your left arm to the side as far as possible, then return to the starting position. The exercise should be repeated 10 times for each side.

Pilates exercise 9. “Pendulum”

Exercise strengthens: lateral thighs.

Lying on your right side, swing your left leg up. The toe should be pulled back and tension should be felt in the lateral thigh muscle. Switch sides and repeat. The exercise should be performed 20 times on each side.

Pilates exercise 10. Pilates breathing

Exercise for relaxation.

Lying on your back, extend your arms and legs. Relax and draw in your stomach as you inhale. As you exhale, relax it. Continue doing breathing exercises for 3-5 minutes.

Pilates classes are challenging, so try not to overload yourself. You can perform the first exercises in a gentle manner. Over time, start training at full strength and even increase the load within reasonable limits. In any case, the article describes Pilates for beginners, so you shouldn’t have any special difficulties.

Nowadays, many people suffer from excess weight and back pain. There are many ways to solve these problems. Some of the most accessible and effective exercises are those called Pilates gymnastics.

What is Pilates

The Pilates technique is time-tested - it is about a hundred years old. And her ancestor Joseph Pilates tested all the exercises on himself, solving all the problems with his own health. The benefits of Pilates are obvious. This technique:

  • Strengthens all muscles.
  • Helps you lose weight.
  • Improves body flexibility.
  • Increases strength.
  • Forms a slender, proportional figure.

Problems such as curvature of the spine and back pain are also eliminated with its help.

Basic principles of Pilates:

  1. Correct breathing (medium chest).
  2. Concentration.
  3. Centralization.

Basic (basic) exercises in Pilates are the easiest. They are:

  • Unwinding.
  • Twisting.
  • Stretching.
  • Alternate stretching.
  • Rocking.
  • A hundred.
  • Circle your feet.
  • Collapse.

This is the backbone of Pilates. A detailed description of the execution, correct breathing and technique are best given to a novice athlete after repeatedly watching videos where an experienced trainer, while performing these exercises, comments on each movement, insuring beginners from mistakes in technique.

The “hundred” is worth special mention. This exercise develops the center and stabilizes the lumbar region. It combines:

  1. Breathing exercises.
  2. Stretching legs, neck.
  3. Strengthened training of the abdominal muscles and arms.

The main goal of many is to lose weight, so they are primarily interested in Pilates exercises for weight loss. In fact, the entire system includes this important aspect. So, by doing this gymnastics, the athlete will achieve this goal automatically, that is, by default.

A set of exercises for beginners

You need to start with the simplest. A set of Pilates exercises for beginners:

  • Take the starting position for push-ups - press your hands to your body. Then bend your arms at the elbow joints, trying to keep your body straight. After fixation, you need to return to the starting position in a few seconds.
  • You need to stand against a wall at a distance of less than a meter, press your back against it, and then do a slow half-squat (90 degrees). After twenty seconds of fixation, you need to return to the starting position. Total - 3 repetitions.
  • The exercise is performed lying on the right side, with the arm bent at the elbow holding the head in the palm. Then you need to bend your left leg at the knee and rotate it at the hip joint so that an angle of 90 degrees is obtained in both directions. In this case, the foot is completely on the floor. The left hand holds the leg by the ankle, and the right leg needs to be raised as high as possible, then lowered. 8 repetitions on each leg.
  • Lying on your stomach (head down), you need to raise your legs to the maximum height and fix this position for half a minute. 8 reps.
  • Lying on your back, bending your knees and pressing them to your chest, you need to put your hands behind your head. Raising your shoulders and head, straighten one leg. Now your left elbow should reach your right knee with a three-second fixation. Do the same for the other side.

Briefly about the classes

Perhaps it’s worth giving a few more tips on Pilates for beginners at home.

This type of fitness practically does not require any additional attributes for training. The main thing you need: a few square meters of floor surface, a mat and, of course, patience, diligence and mastering the correct technique for doing the exercises. So you can do Pilates at home - which is what a good half of all athletes do.

Any workout begins with a good, proper warm-up - in this sense, Pilates is no exception to the general rules. What is its need:

  • Helps you get ready for the training.
  • Warms up muscles and tendons - prepares the body for the upcoming work.

During exercise, the back should be straight (unless the exercise requires otherwise), the stomach should be flat, and the spinal column should be elongated.

After training, no later than half an hour, you need to eat lightly. And, of course, you need rest to restore the whole body.

Pilates ring

The Pilates ring is used to train muscles in the following areas:

  1. Hips.
  2. Buttocks.
  3. Hands.
  4. Breasts.
  5. Belly.

This training increases muscle flexibility and elasticity.

The principle of operation of the ring is compression resistance. This attribute has ergonomic handles and is finished with soft material. This makes it easy to manipulate it in any body position during low-impact training.

To better understand how to use it correctly, it is better to watch the videos.

A Pilates ring is also called an isotonic or fitness ring. This device increases the effectiveness of training by providing the necessary resistance to the muscles.

Since it is very compact, you can take it with you anywhere for training in the country, outdoors or while on vacation. The ring perfectly helps not only strengthen various muscles of the body, but also change your posture for the better.

The ring will improve:

  1. Body flexibility.
  2. Range of movements.
  3. Balance.
  4. Tone.
  5. The effectiveness of Pilates training.
  6. Relieves back pain.

In addition, the ring is suitable for older people for the rehabilitation period after injuries, as well as for young mothers after childbirth to restore their figure. With its help, the muscles that are commonly called stabilizers also work - they are extremely difficult to work out with regular training.

The ring is used in combination with other fitness equipment. You just need to squeeze it with your hands or feet - it all depends on the tasks at hand. Ring training is also recommended for joints.

With roll

Roll (roller) for Pilates gymnastics, or as it is also called, cylinder - a roller made of various materials. Its length is from 0.3 to 1.1 meters. Its hardness and coverage can vary greatly. It can be either smooth or textured. The most commonly used are smooth rollers 0.9 m long. Why is it needed:

  1. Possibility of massage of various zones. Deep-lying muscles are “rolled”.
  2. The nerve receptors responsible for muscle contraction are stimulated.
  3. Allows tissue to relax.

They use a roller to train muscles, get rid of back pain, and perform self-massage.

Do not massage injured areas of the body (muscles). You should not massage your knees, inner thighs, or places where there are a lot of lymph nodes.

As for the exercises themselves, you can limit yourself to watching videos, or buy (download) a book by famous American osteopathic doctors who have devoted more than 20 years to the research and use of roll exercises - in particular for Pilates. The authors of this work are S. Kozik and M. Merkel. Here are mobilizing exercises with a roll for Pilates gymnastics.

This device replaces the actions of an osteopathic doctor.

The concept of “osteopathy” is a kind of medical system that considers the root causes of the disease - violation of the structural and anatomical connections that exist between different organs and the body. These abnormalities are called osteopathic dysfunction.


Using a fisball, a special fitness ball, you can work out and tone muscle groups in your back, abdomen, arms and legs. This item is used in fitness centers, but for training at home it is a real find. With its help you can fully train your body. In addition, fisball helps to lose weight and prepare for childbirth. With it you can not only learn the basics of gymnastics, but also use it even for training infants!

Pilates for face

There is also Pilates for the face, because it can also be a problem area, especially when a person’s age is over 40, or he has some problems: congenital or acquired from an unhealthy lifestyle.

Chantal Lehmann, a French cosmetologist, has developed a system that models both the face and body through massage, slowing down their aging. These exercises:

  1. Get rid of wrinkles that appear in the corners of the eyes. You need to close your eyes, hold your breath and relax your eyelids. Bring your eyes to the bridge of your nose for 5 seconds. Then, slowly opening them, look in front of you. 5-10 repetitions.
  2. Remove double chin. You need to pronounce the sound “k-s-s-s” for a long time, while stretching your lips as much as possible. The main thing is to feel how the muscles and ligaments of the neck tense. Fixation – 5 sec. 5 reps. In between repetitions, you should exhale long and make the sound “o-o-o”.
  3. This exercise strengthens your chin. Smoothly rotate your head counterclockwise and in the opposite direction three to five times with a large amplitude - you need to pull your neck as much as possible both back and forth and to the sides.
  4. The following exercise helps to achieve skin elasticity. You need to purse your lips and puff out your cheeks. Create pressure inside your mouth by lightly pressing your index fingers on your cheeks, without opening your mouth or letting out air. Fixation – 5 sec. then – exhale. 5-10 repetitions.
  5. Facelift. With your palms on your cheekbones, you need to spread your elbows to the sides. The bases of the palms should be felt by the masticatory muscles. Then, after relaxing the lower jaw, you need to make rotational movements with it in both directions for 2-3 minutes.
  6. This exercise will help smooth out nasolabial folds. To do this, it is necessary, with your mouth wide open, to loudly and clearly pronounce alternately the sounds “aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa2008 12/20/2015

Pilates for men

  • Benefits for athletes in eliminating muscle imbalances. Very often, some muscles “overtake” others and develop faster. This happens due to the fact that the load is placed exclusively on the “favorite” parts of the body. In addition, Pilates is very useful when it comes to the rehabilitation period after injuries.
  • Increased level of physical fitness. The higher this level, the lower the risk of various injuries and diseases. It is Pilates that focuses on the development of the so-called “framework” - the center of the body, which consists of the back and abdominal muscles. This is the very basis for training in various sports.
  • Helps get rid of the “beer belly”, which in the near future causes pain in the lower back and lower spine. Good abs are the key to a healthy lumbar region.
  • Improves flexibility. Neglecting stretching affects your health, because it increases blood flow in the muscles, and this contributes to their better development and faster recovery. The risk of injury is also reduced.

Finally, the most recent and compelling argument: the creator of the method is a man, and the first instructors were also men.

For hands

Not every woman is satisfied with the shape and volume of the upper part of her own body. Women's hands, for example, are naturally weak and do not receive the necessary stress in everyday life - so they need training.

In order to also work your abs, back, biceps, triceps, chest and shoulders, you can, for example, use videos where instructors and Pilates experts Christine Krivelo and Amber Souza Dzhevet tell and show how best to do this.

Many people are more interested in exercises for the back and lower back - this is also included here. The entire training will take only 15 minutes.

For hips and spine

In order to tidy up your hips and make your spine healthy, you can use video lessons from Pilates trainers: Elena and Vyacheslav Smirnov, Olga Sagay, Marina Sheshukova.


The choice of methods, trainers, as well as classes at home or in the gym depends entirely on the person who decides to practice Pilates. Let us remind you that for a better understanding of the subject and faster mastery of Pilates complexes, it is better to look at pictures with exercises or watch video tutorials.

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