For more than four years now. The story of the film "White Sun of the Desert". Reference. Child's regimen and nutrition

For more than four decades, the film “White Sun of the Desert” has firmly held its position among national hits. This is one of the most famous films in the history of Soviet cinema, telling about the adventures of the Red Army soldier Fyodor Sukhov, saving his harem from the bandit Abdullah during the civil war. The film was shot in 1969 at the Experimental Creative Film Studio (ETK), created on the production base of the Mosfilm and Lenfilm studios, headed by film director Grigory Chukhrai.

At first, the film, based on the script by Valentin Yezhov and the then-beginning film playwright Rustam Ibragimbekov, was to be directed by Andrei Mikhalkov-Konchalovsky, who, not seeing anything in the script except adventure intrigue, refused to direct it.

After such directors as Vytautas Žalakyavichus, Yuri Chulyukin, Andrei Tarkovsky refused the offer to make the film, the offer was made to Vladimir Motyl, known by that time for the film “Zhenya, Zhenechka and Katyusha”.

Motyl also initially refused, but Grigory Chukhrai and Valentin Ezhov managed to persuade him, promising him complete freedom of action on the set.

On December 14, 1969, a limited premiere of the film took place at the Leningrad House of Cinema for the creators and management. The premiere on the wide screen in Moscow took place on March 30, 1970. The audience immediately accepted and fell in love with Vladimir Motyl’s film.

The studio was inundated with letters demanding a continuation, the film was shown in all corners of the country, was sold to a hundred countries at once, and then the contracts were renewed every two or three years. The film has become cinematic folklore. Many of the statements of the characters in the film migrated into colloquial speech, they were turned into proverbs and sayings: “I don’t take bribes, I feel bad for the state!”, “The East is a delicate matter”, “Gulchatay, open your face”, “He appointed me as his beloved wife! ", "They shot."

But the real experts were the Soviet and Russian cosmonauts, for whom watching “White Sun of the Desert” in the evening before launch became a tradition. There is even a cassette of the film on board the International Space Station.

Pavel Vereshchagin became a symbol of the customs service in Russia. In 2007, near the customs office in Kurgan and Amvrosievka (Donetsk region), a monument was unveiled to him, made at the personal expense of customs officers. This is the only sculptural composition in the Russian Federation today dedicated to the image of Pavel Vereshchagin.

The role of Vereshchagin was the best and, unfortunately, the last role of Pavel Luspekayev, who died a month after the film's premiere.

Immediately after its release on USSR screens, the film was nominated for the USSR State Prize, but in Soviet times the film was never awarded any official awards. And only in 1998 he was awarded the State Prize of Russia.

In December 1999, based on the results of a survey dedicated to the centenary of Russian cinema, the film “White Sun of the Desert” was chosen for the “Last Show of the Millennium” campaign.

The material was prepared based on information from open sources


The horse is one of the symbols of kindness, freedom and fortitude. Imagine this picture: a field along which a stallion is running, cutting through the open spaces. The view alone is breathtaking. And it’s a real pleasure to be part of this process.

Adults squeal with delight when they sit on a horse for the first time. And what can we say about children and especially “special” boys and girls. What kind of flurry of emotions does a child with special needs experience when he gets into the saddle? He doesn’t know how to walk, but he sits on a horse and that makes him extremely happy!

It has been proven that contact with horses has a positive effect on human health. Hippotherapy is one of the most effective methods of treating animals through horses. It is aimed at combating many diseases.

This direction has been successfully developing in the Oryol region for more than four years. On the basis of the Oryol stud farm "Vyazki", the Children's Rehabilitation Equestrian Center "Boni Club" was created and is successfully operating. The hippotherapy section is attended by boys, girls and even adults with diseases such as cerebral palsy, various disorders of the musculoskeletal system, and autism.

Some people call hippotherapy therapeutic horse riding. Indeed, the main effect is achieved precisely through exercises performed on a horse. But still it cannot be said that these two concepts are absolutely identical. After all, an important condition for healing is not only horse riding, but also simply communicating with the horse and caring for it, said trainer Alla Kameneva. - Our students attend the section 2 - 3 times a week. We use an integrated approach: a person warms up and develops muscles while sitting on a horse, gets a crazy charge of energy and just great pleasure from communicating with this animal.


The results of such exercises have not only a therapeutic effect. The Oryol guys, under the guidance of their mentors, went further and became real athletes. Pair Olympic Equestrianism is the newest discipline of the International Equestrian Federation. Currently, Paralympic dressage is the only type of Para-Equestrian included in the Paralympic program.

Who knows, probably very soon students of the Bonnie Club will be among the participants, and perhaps even the winners. In any case, both the athletes themselves and their coaches have such hopes.

Having noticed good results from hippotherapy, we decided that our guys could go further and engage in equestrian sports. Our hopes were justified. For the first time in the history of the region, two of our students became participants in the Open Traditional Moscow Equestrian Cup named after P. Gurvich,” said coach Maria Semenikhina.

More than 30 athletes from Russian regions took part in the competition. Despite the serious competition and the fact that the Oryol participants had to rent horses (the cost of transportation is too high), our fellow countrymen performed brilliantly.

Nine-year-old Valeria Ritarovskaya received a gold medal in her debut competition.

I didn’t believe it until the last moment when I heard my name. The opponents were so strong, and they were all older than me. “I am grateful to my coach - this is our common victory,” Valeria shared her impressions.

The girl now cannot imagine her life without horses. She has been training at the Oryol Boni Club, located in the village of Vyazki, for three years.

It all started with hippotherapy, which became a real salvation for us. In a short time, my daughter got rid of hyperactivity syndrome and became more diligent and attentive. And the horses also made her character soft and flexible. No one expected that therapy would also become a sport, in which our girl, I hope, will achieve even greater success,” said the athlete’s mother, Ella Koktysh.

Another Oryol athlete showed an excellent result. 28-year-old Ekaterina Eliseeva received a silver medal at a competition in Moscow.


Very soon, Oryol athletes with disabilities will have the opportunity to perform on their site. For the first time, Paralympic equestrian competitions will be held at the Vyazki equestrian yard using a grant from the President of the Russian Federation for the development of civil society provided by the Presidential Grants Fund.

On August 30 - 31 we will hold competitions for children with disabilities. Athletes not only from the Oryol region, but also from neighboring regions will be able to take part in them. Prizes await the winners. And of course, it will be a real equestrian festival with demonstration performances and themed quizzes. So we are waiting for everyone to visit us,” noted Maria Semenikhina.

The date for the competition was not chosen by chance. August 31 is the day of remembrance of Florus and Laurus, who have long been revered in Rus' as patrons of domestic animals, especially horses. On this day, an equestrian holiday was traditionally celebrated; horses were not used for work; they were bathed and fed “to the fullest.” Come to the Vyazki stud farm on August 30 and 31, you will definitely enjoy it.

Club address: Oryol region, Oryol district, Vyazki village.

Opening hours: from 10.00 to 20.00, closed on Monday. Tel.: 8-910-267-87-08, 8-920-810-89-35.


It is known that during wars they used horses for treatment. Having been injured in battle, they accelerated their rehabilitation by riding a horse and, I must say, achieved success.

Thanks to the Presidential Grants Fund, competitions for children with disabilities will be held very soon.

Hippotherapy is extremely useful for rude, hot-tempered and aggressive people, as well as fussy and overly active people. Regular hippotherapy sessions make them calmer. In addition, therapeutic horseback riding is recommended for diseases of neurological etiology, in particular Down syndrome, autism, Duchenne myopathy, polio, sensory disorders, asthenic neurosis, etc.

Excessively self-absorbed and withdrawn people suffering from autism, when communicating with kind and trusting horses, become liberated on an emotional level and begin to feel the desire to communicate with others. This reduces inhibition, anxiety, eliminates phobias, and helps adapt to reality.

Program "Half an hour retro". Its author and permanent presenter is Sergei TIKHONIN, a resident of the city of Kayerkan. Today, his colorful, mustachioed face is recognized by many, many people in the city.
Sergei Fedorovich has truly unique knowledge in the field of Soviet pop music of the 60-80s. It is interesting that he acquired them not only due to natural curiosity and the opportunity to receive a wide variety of information at the place of work of his wife Olga (she works in one of the Kayerkan libraries), but also due to the fact that Tikhonin himself, studying at the St. Petersburg GITMIK in the seventies ( State Institute of Theater Arts and Culture), very actively collaborated with many of the then famous VIA. He developed the warmest and most friendly relations with the team of the Kalinka ensemble. Sergey is personally acquainted with other St. Petersburg and Moscow musicians of the “major league” of past years, including Edita Piekha, Eduard Khil, Irina Ponarovskaya and many others. But, as they say, it is not enough to know, you also need to love. Sergei Tikhonin selflessly loves the songs of time, which is moving further and further away from us. Loves and helps others to love them. Today, songs from the 60s to the 80s are heard on a wide variety of television and radio broadcasts. Konstantin Ernst shot three two-hour films of “old songs about the main thing” for ORT. Diving into retro music has become fashionable among electronic media. Perhaps the new owners of TV channels and radio stations are simply nostalgic for a dollar for 63 kopecks. Or record company owners longingly remember the years when the “Black Roger” of rampant piracy did not proudly hover over the music market. Or maybe the history of mankind is developing, as has already been proven, in a spiral... True, there is one “but”. For some reason, all the songs of the carefree pioneer years are sung today, to put it mildly, in a rather free arrangement. In fashionable arrangements, in endless electronic bells and whistles, in the weak vocals of contemporaries and contemporaries, one can often barely guess the lyrical mood to which the listener would like to tune in. Tikhonin treats this aspect very, very carefully. With the help of his friends Alexei Prokhorov and Sergei Kuzmin, more than once or twice he restored the original sound from gramophone records that had been worn almost to holes, from rigid tape tapes that had crumbled to the point of transparency. The sound in his programs, or, in modern terms, program soundtracks, is perhaps his main achievement. It is a pity that no one has yet become interested in the work of the guys and has not begun to produce the fruits of their labors with excellent quality... * * * I was lucky enough to help Sergei in the preparation, filming, editing and broadcast of the very first programs of “Half an Hour Retro”. This happened in the late autumn of 1994 on the night air of the Youth Channel on SKTV Channel-7. The very first release included the songs “Farewell to Bratsk”, “On the dusty paths of distant planets...”, “Caravel”... Sergei then proposed an unexpected move - to put not a video series for the song, but a photo series, since photographs are on the covers of records , in Melodiya magazines, books and other sources, in contrast to video materials, was more or less enough. It was only later that Sergei and his assistants began to edit entire clips from films of past years into songs. TV viewers also helped, starting to send not only discs and tape recordings, but also, which is absolutely priceless, video materials. With each release the program became more and more professional. Tikhonin did not change only one thing: the image he found of a “smart mustachioed head” speaking from the screen in long, well-structured phrases about music and musicians. Therefore, you need to listen to him at least in order to learn how to speak in front of a large crowd of people. Although some believe that “Fedorych is too boring and talks for a long time.” Apparently, these new music lovers either never listened to Tikhonin carefully, or do not like retro music, or are simply jealous of him. Not long ago, Tikhonin discovered a whole world of songs from the 30s, 40s and 50s. According to him, he simply fell in love with these people, with the spirit of that time. Several Tikhonin programs have already been dedicated to those unforgettable years and performers. Sergei is not going to leave this topic in the future. * * * A month ago, a celebration was held in the city cultural center dedicated to the anniversary - the hundredth - release of "Half an Hour of Retro". To be honest, I went to this concert with mixed feelings. On the one hand, I greatly respect Sergei Fedorovich for his asceticism. On the other hand... for some reason I was sure that the concert version of “Half an Hour of Retro” would be long and boring. The fact is that not everything we see on TV looks as interesting and dynamic on stage. But the fears turned out to be in vain. The creative group of the State Central Committee and Sergei Tikhonin prepared and held a wonderful evening, which, despite its duration, left in my memory a picture of something very bright, pleasant and festive. The concert was hosted by Sergei Fedorovich himself, who for the first time in my memory wore a tuxedo, and the director of the cultural center, Yuri Fomin, who later admitted that he had not experienced such satisfaction from his work for a long time. The masters of the Norilsk stage performed before the assembled spectators - Alexander Nagorny, Nikita Kovalenko, Natalya Kirakosyan, Evgeny Shkarupa, Oleg Nikiforov and Evgeny Ilyenkov, for whom performing retro songs for the restaurant public is a daily duty, and they happily sang them from the concert stage . A variety of songs were sung - from “My Clear Little Star” to “The Cabbie’s Song”, from “Jamaica” to “Mother’s Record”. The program was attended by guitarist Alexei Zhdanov, author and performer Sergei Naumov, the Malko dance quartet, as well as two sons of Tikhonin himself (father of four children!). And in the second part, the audience was in for a surprise. Sergei Tikhonin's friend Vladimir Dyadenistov, a former vocalist of VIA Kalinka, who is now the artistic director of the St. Petersburg Rock Opera Theater, flew in from St. Petersburg especially to participate in the anniversary program. Vladimir sang several songs, and then, dressed in a stage costume, performed two arias from Andrew Lloyd Webber's rock opera "Jesus Christ - Super Star" (from the Russian version). Long-forgotten goosebumps crawled across my rough skin... That unforgettable December holiday was presented to the Norilsk residents, together with Sergei Tikhonin, by specialists from the city cultural center, the Kayerkan administration, the companies "Liga-Nord", "Home and Office", "Jurmala", the trading house "Maxim" ", music stores "Panorama" and "Kaleidoscope", studio "Channel-7", television company "Nago-TV", book salon "Natta-press". * * * The hundredth episode has finished, but the program “Half an Hour of Retro” continues to live on. Tikhonin's works should be looked for on the broadcast networks of Nago-TV and Channel-7. The song remains with the person, the song does not say goodbye to us, for which I bow to Sergei. A. ARSENYEV. Photo by the author (with the support of the Kodak photo center - Leninsky, 31).

The oceanic arthropod Giant Isopod, also called the "deep scavenger", living in the aquarium of the Japanese city of Toba, has not eaten for more than four years.

Despite this, this amazing representative of the deep-sea fauna feels great and shows no signs of exhaustion. Representatives of the Japanese Aquarium announced this on Tuesday.

A representative of the crustacean, caught in the Gulf of Mexico and brought to Japan in September 2007, weighs one kilogram and is 29 cm long. The last time aquarium workers managed to feed this miracle of nature was in 2009 - then the isopod was eaten in five minutes along with decent-sized bones mackerel.

Since then, the creepy-looking animal, despite all the efforts of the staff, has not even touched the food. “We are doing everything in our power,” noted one of the aquarium employees. “But he does not show any interest in feeding.”

Neither the assorted fish, nor the mackerel, nor even the octopus tentacles interested the picky resident of the Japanese “sea zoo”. However, despite such a long hunger strike, the crustacean feels quite normal.

Because giant isopods live at such great depths, science knows little about them. Their main known habitat is the depressions of the Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean Sea. So far, experts cannot explain the arthropod’s sudden refusal of food and how it manages to maintain vital functions.

“Giant isopods are constantly in a state of close to hibernation,” says marine ecologist Taeko Kimura from Mie University. “They poorly recognize their own feelings of hunger, so they consciously reduce the amount of energy expended on breathing and other life activities.”

According to Kimura, many isopods may have an accumulated layer of fat in the liver, which they gradually consume and are able to maintain vital functions even without consuming food. However, four years is truly an outstanding period. The option in which an isopod could independently generate living organisms, such as plankton or algae, and then feed on them unnoticed, is also excluded - the arthropod is kept in a reservoir with artificial sea water and is under the close attention of specialists.

Another giant isopod lived for a long time in the Toba City Aquarium, which died several years ago from natural causes. Considering the fact that it had a healthy appetite, experts cannot yet explain the cheerful state of the previous isopod, as the aquarium workers called it, “on hunger strike.”

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