In kindergarten, the lesson is appliqué portrait of a mushroom. Application "Mushrooms" for all age groups of kindergarten. Applications on the theme of autumn, templates for cutting out of paper

Children always like to depict what is close to them, objects and objects that they know well and have seen themselves. So, from an early age in kindergarten, children draw, sculpt and make mushrooms out of paper. In the older group, the guys already work well with scissors and are familiar with various appliqué techniques. Therefore, a lesson on a “mushroom” theme can be organized in a very interesting way.

Preparing for the application “Mushrooms”

In the older group, when preparing for an appliqué lesson, the teacher can already involve preschoolers. So the guys can cut colored paper into wide strips in advance, and then cut out rectangles and squares from them (not necessarily with strictly equal sides).

Suitable materials

To create the classic “Mushrooms” applique you will need the following materials:

  • for the base - sheets of paper or cardboard in A5 format (cardboard can be used white or colored, for example, green);
  • colored paper of different colors (brown, yellow, orange, gray, red, etc.) for creating mushrooms;
  • narrow strips of green paper (grass);
  • scissors, glue, oilcloth, napkins.

To create a mushroom composition, natural (yellow-brown, gray, green) tones of colored paper are best suited.

If the teacher decides to use non-traditional techniques, then the set of materials, of course, will be different. So you can use dry leaves, seeds, cereals, napkins, etc. When combining applique with other types of fine art, you can offer the children felt-tip pens, pencils, and plasticine. Additionally, sequins, beads, sequins, fabric, pieces of cotton wool, etc. will help decorate the composition.

You may also need unusual materials for the activity, such as cotton wool and fabric.

Techniques and techniques used

To create the image of a mushroom, children need two elements - a stem and a cap. The first is cut from a rectangular blank by rounding all its corners. Alternatively, you can round the corners on one side only.

All corners of a rectangle are rounded - it turns out to be a mushroom stem

You can immediately cut two identical legs from one longer piece. To do this, it is folded in half and the corners are rounded. By cutting the paper along the fold line, the child will receive two necessary parts at once.

You can immediately cut two mushroom legs from a rectangular blank

The mushroom cap can be an oval or semi-oval (as an option - a semicircle). In the first case, all corners of the rectangle are rounded, in the second - only on one side (it is positioned horizontally). You can also cut two hats at the same time using a square blank.

You can cut two identical hats from a square folded in half.

The finished mushroom will look something like this.

In the traditional version, mushrooms look something like this:

It is advisable to apply mushrooms after sculpting on a similar theme. In this case, the children will have a good idea of ​​the shape of the mushroom and its individual parts. But in any case, the teacher first discusses with the children the peculiarity of each detail, and together with them draws it in the air.

As for certain varieties of mushrooms, it is more convenient to cut their caps from a rectangle, rounding its corners and giving the sides a wavy shape. For example, this is how fly agaric is made.

The fly agaric cap is cut out of a triangle - its corners are rounded and the sides become wavy

You can additionally make a dome skirt for the fly agaric. To do this, we turn the rectangle into a trapezoid and cut it with scissors.

The image of a fly agaric will be made more realistic by a dome skirt

The chanterelle is cut entirely from a square blank. The part is bent in half to make the mushroom symmetrical.

The chanterelle is cut entirely from a square folded in half

The boletus can be made more recognizable with the help of a thick stem that tapers towards the top.

The boletus should have a characteristic thick stem that tapers upward

The mushroom composition will be complemented by the grass at the bottom of the base leaf. You can simply glue a long strip of green paper.

To indicate grass, you can simply glue a long green strip under the mushrooms

In a more complex version, children cut or tear off thin strips by hand and glue them vertically. You can also cut a bunch of grass from one piece entirely.

Preschoolers can depict grass in a more complex way

An important part of the work is composition. The children’s task is to harmoniously arrange the mushrooms in a forest clearing or place them beautifully in a basket.

Students in the senior group should be able to beautifully arrange an image on a sheet of paper

Unconventional applique

The mushroom theme provides great opportunities for using non-traditional applicative techniques:

  1. Broken applique. The image is made up of pieces of colored paper, which the child tears off by hand.
  2. Mosaic. The teacher or the children themselves cut out small squares or rectangles from colored paper in advance. They fill the designated outline of the mushroom.
  3. Bulk. A mushroom figurine with a marked outline is coated with glue and then sprinkled with cereal (for example, the cap with buckwheat, and the leg with semolina or rice). By the way, cereals can be painted in different colors (to do this, paint is diluted in a plastic bowl with alcohol and water). You can even use plant seeds to create a wonderful autumn composition.
  4. Leaves applique. Using leaves of different trees of a certain size and shape, you can create a very original composition.
  5. Volume application. To give the effect of volume, you can fold the hat like a fan or simply form folds on the cap and stem. You can also use a simple version of origami.

Photo gallery: mushrooms using non-traditional techniques

The main thing is to choose leaves of the appropriate shape. Senior preschoolers can easily perform simple origami. The outline is filled with small identical parts according to the mosaic principle. The hat and leg need to be filled with different grains. Using seeds, you can create a beautiful autumn composition. The child tears off pieces of arbitrary shape from the paper and fills the drawn mushroom with them. Volumetric elements always look original. A fan is good to represent a fly agaric cap

Video: mushroom using origami technique

Video: bulk application “Mushroom”

What can be added to the application?

You can wonderfully complement the mushroom composition with the help of drawing and modeling. For example, children can add butterflies, bugs, raindrops or leaves falling on mushrooms with paints, pencils or felt-tip pens.

By the way, this is how you can implement an individual approach in class. The guys who quickly and efficiently complete the main task will have something to do.

A very interesting idea is to invite children to trace their palms with a felt-tip pen: their fingers will become legs for a family of honey mushrooms or simply for a fantasy mushroom composition. A cut out cap is then glued onto each leg. A basket is made at the bottom or grass is indicated.

As always, you can combine applique with modeling. For example, plasticine can be used to mark white spots on the cap of a fly agaric.

Fly agaric spots are marked with white plasticine

Options for compositions based on theme - individual and collective

According to the program, an application on a mushroom theme in the senior group is carried out in September. This makes sense, since mushrooms are one of the gifts of autumn. The theme is “Mushrooms grew in a forest clearing.”

The lesson can be conducted as individual or group work. In the latter version, the teacher prepares a sheet of Whatman paper in advance, and the children fill it in with their own images. Additional details are then indicated. Such a panel will wonderfully decorate a group room or locker room.

However, the theme can be slightly interpreted in the following ways:

  1. "Mushrooms of my area." A local history aspect is added.
  2. "Fairy Mushroom" The guys create a fantasy image, for example, a mushroom in the shape of a house or one with anthropomorphic features.
  3. "Under the mushroom." The composition can become an illustration for the fairy tale of the same name by V. Suteev. In this case, the teacher can give the children paper figurines of animals - heroes of the fairy tale (one character is enough for each).

The application can be made based on the fairy tale by V. Suteev

How to motivate children to be creative

Of course, the topic of mushrooms in itself is interesting to preschoolers, but the teacher must additionally motivate them and inspire them to be creative. As always, game characters come to the rescue. For example, this is Old Man Lesovichok. He informs the guys that all the mushrooms in the forest have suddenly disappeared, and squirrels, hedgehogs and other animals now have nothing to store for the winter. The teacher invites the children to help the forest dwellers create mushrooms for them.

Old man Lesovichok asks the guys to help the forest dwellers, because all the mushrooms have disappeared in the forest, and now there is nothing to store for the winter

As an option, a squirrel comes to the guys and tells them that she has stored nuts for the winter, but didn’t have time for mushrooms.

If the lesson is based on a fairy tale by V. Suteev, then the teacher invites preschoolers to help the heroes of the fairy tale - give them a large mushroom, under which there will be enough space for everyone to hide from the rain.

You can start the lesson with a riddle to intrigue the children:

  • Who sits on a strong leg
    In the brown leaves by the path?
    A grass hat stood up -
    No head under the hat?

You can offer riddles about specific types of mushrooms, for example, these:

  • There are no more friendly mushrooms than these -
    Adults and children know -
    They grow on stumps in the forest,
    Like freckles on the nose (honey mushrooms)
  • Golden…
    Very friendly sisters.
    They wear red berets,
    Autumn is brought to the forest in the summer.

In the older group, children already perceive interesting cognitive information well. You can tell them that mushrooms are special organisms that are similar to plants, but have no leaves, branches, or flowers. Instead of roots, the mycelium located in the ground helps them obtain nutrients. Therefore, you need to cut the mushroom carefully so as not to damage it, and then a new mushroom will grow in this place.

An integral part of any art lesson is a dynamic pause. Physical education or finger gymnastics must be selected on an appropriate topic - this also motivates children to be creative.

Table: finger gymnastics “Mushrooms”

Table: physical education sessions on mushrooms

Table: abstracts of the lesson notes on application in the senior group of teacher E. N. Ivanova “Like a mushroom!”

Lesson stage Content
Introductory partA sad Hedgehog (toy) appears in the group. He looked for mushrooms all day and didn’t find a single one.
Conversation on the topic: “What mushrooms might a Hedgehog like” (edible).
Main partExamination of a dummy porcini mushroom, discussing its color, shape of the cap and stem.
Preschoolers cut strips of green color - grass. Then the teacher explains how to cut out the stem and cap of the mushroom.
Children do the work and then lay out the finished parts on cardboard.
Physical education lesson “Pick mushrooms”.
Gluing parts to the base.
Final partDiscussion of finished works. The teacher and the children find commonalities and differences in them.
The hedgehog is happy. The composition is decorated with carved grass and a large ladybug above the mushrooms. The caps of the mushrooms are made using bulk applique. The originality of the composition is given by the voluminous grass (not completely glued) The broken applique on a black background The leaves framing the fly agarics are made using the origami technique. The boletus is made using the traditional technique. The grass is made in using the cutting technique, and the mushrooms themselves - in the traditional

The application “Mushrooms” in the older group moves to a more complex level. This topic can be played out in a very interesting way. In this, the teacher will be helped by non-traditional techniques using non-standard materials, a combination of the usual appliqué with other types of visual activities. And fabulous motivation will help to captivate preschoolers with creativity even more.

1. Develop children's imaginative ideas.
2. Strengthen the ability to cut objects and their parts into round and oval shapes
forms. Practice rounding the corners of a rectangle or triangle.
3. Learn to cut out large and small mushrooms in parts, assemble
simple beautiful composition.
4. Learn to tear a narrow strip of paper with small finger movements
to depict grass near mushrooms.
5. Foster a caring attitude towards nature.
Material: pictures of mushrooms from riddles, sheets of white cardboard, scissors,
glue, sheets of colored green paper for grass and white, brown paper for mushrooms.
Progress of the lesson:

"Autumn Tale"
(Reading a poem by G. Novitskaya)
A fairy tale begins
Autumn is quiet.
She walks through the forest
Like a moose cow
Can't see, can't hear,
How to follow the branches.
But behind her you and I
Let's hurry up ourselves.
You see, they burst into flames
Bunches of September rowan.
You see, the mushroom has turned red
Under the ringing aspen.
Hangs with a light haze
There is a cobweb on the pine tree.
Summer is entangled in her
Aspen leaf.

Educator: What time of year is it now? (Autumn).
What ripens in our forest in the fall? (Berries, mushrooms.)

Autumn, rain all day,
Leaf fall and wetness.
Only they don’t feel cold -
One-legged ones in hats. What are these guys?

Children: mushrooms
Educator: That's right, mushrooms. Today we will go on a trip to the autumn forest, where we will get acquainted with the gifts of autumn - mushrooms, and which ones we will learn from riddles (guessing riddles and looking at pictures)

This mushroom lives under the spruce tree,
Under her huge shadow.
Wise bearded old man,
Resident of the forest - ... (Borovik)

Grow on the edge
red-haired girlfriends,
Their names are...(Volnushki)

It grows where there are birches,
Loves rain, fog and dew.
There are fibers on the top of the cap,
Below are white plates.
It is the best for pickling
Since time immemorial. (Boletus)

Who will he be?
In the glorious army of mushrooms?
Mushroom pickers know everything by heart
They will tell you what it is... (milk)


There is also a mushroom - milk mushroom,
Sadness will be driven away from the soul.
He looks like a funnel
White in color,
Often hides away
From daylight.
Salty breast milk is something!
All mushrooms taste better!
What a mushroom hunt,
Let's go to the forest soon!

If someone stomps on top,
This mushroom will burst with a sigh,
It will smoke at the same moment.
So this is... (Raincoat)

If they are found in the forest,
They will immediately remember the fox.
Red-haired sisters
They are called... (Chanterelles)

Although the fox is not our sister,
After all, our name is foxes:
The red color is similar to her.
We are a godsend for people:
There is no worm in us,
Well, this is not a trifle!

On the edge under a pine tree
They were found in the grass with you.
We carry them in a box,
Difficult to hold in hand:
Slippery guys.
What do we have? - ... (Bolly)


There are boletus in the spruce forest.
Those unpretentious ones
The caps are snotty.
Seems ugly
But if you fry it, it’s great!
Everything is clear with these.

The brothers are sitting on a stump.
All freckled like boys

These friendly guys
They are called... (Honey mushrooms)

Honey mushrooms

And on an old stump,
And especially in the shade,
Mushrooms grow as a family -
Together, like soldiers,
Honey mushrooms are stretching.

He lives under the fir trees
Hidden by their needles.
He has a lot of brothers.
The red mushroom is called... (Ryzhik).

This cute little fungus
I chose a quiet corner.
You cut it with a knife,
After all, it’s edible... (Russula).

On snow-white legs
Russula woke up.
Even if they are a little damp,
but it’s so nice for the feet,
and hats, very fragile,
It's quite cozy in the grass.

Educator: Well done guys, we guessed all the riddles and we learned the mushrooms, but remember guys - Rule:
- Come for mushrooms, but be quiet in the forest.
- Don’t step on mushrooms, don’t just pick them.
- Carefully cut off the stem and place them in a basket.
- Remember the mushrooms, only pick the useful ones.
Educator: What can you cook from mushrooms?
Children: Mushroom soup, fried, salted, dried mushrooms.
Educator: Today guys we will make an applique

This mushroom lives under the spruce tree, under its huge shadow.
Wise bearded old man, resident of the forest - ... (Borovik)

(Look at the picture, read the poem)

The joy of a mushroom picker
Borovik is cool and strong -
host mushroom, forester.
He looks from under his brows -
my heart is jumping in my chest!
Low bow to White -
It’s not for nothing that he is the king of mushrooms.

but before we get started, let's do some charging.

Physical exercise "Borovik"
They walked along the path, (Marching.)
They found the boletus. (Bend over.)
Boletus boletus
He hid his head in the moss, (Hands above his head in a “lock.”)
We could pass it -
It's good that we walked quietly. (Walk in place.)
Educator: Let’s start guys to do the work (explanation,
individual assistance, demonstration of a manufactured template)

  1. Fold the rectangle in half and round the edges to create a leg.
  2. Round the edges of the leg piece
  1. Repeat a similar operation with the circle to decorate the details of the cap.
  2. Symmetrical cutting of a round hat
  1. Glue the cap to the stem.
  2. Glue the parts

6. Glue the grass.
7. Let the product dry. The mushrooms are ready.

Educator: Well done guys, look what beautiful mushrooms you have
it worked! Guys, what other mushrooms do you know?

Near the forest on the edge, decorating the dark forest,
It grew up as colorful as Parsley, poisonous... (Amanita)

fly agaric
The trembling poplar is a timid aspen,
Below you I stand in the greenery of the lowland.
Above me, like an umbrella, are the leaves of the branches.
Whoever finds me, I am his reward.
I am proud of my white leg and fashionable red hat.
I look beautiful and taste great!
I'm scary, I'm terrible:
It's not just flies that I see.
I'm dangerous to people.
That is the truth, not a rumor!
Can be fly agaric
And sometimes beauty.
So that grief does not happen,
Don't touch me with your hand!

Look, guys: here are chanterelles, there are honey mushrooms
Well, these are poisonous (toadstools) in the clearing

Death cap
In the clearing early in the morning
I met a toadstool
-Why are you pale?
-Because it’s harmful!
Toadstool pale
Poisonous grebe,
all entwined with silks,
brittle and pale,
you look harmless
but in reality she is an evil witch.
We recognize you by sight!

Morel and stitch
Funny fungus - morel,
He looks like an old man.
And he has a brother -
Wrinkled stitch.
They can be confused
But there’s nothing scary about that -
Both that fungus and this one
Good for lunch.

I am the white mushroom, I am the king of mushrooms,
The priceless gift of mushroom forests.
Growing in oak groves and forests.
Widely famous throughout the world.
And if you find me,
You will find out for yourself how good I am!

Guys, listen to what proverbs, sayings and signs there are.
Mold on rags means a harvest of saffron milk caps.
Volnushki are girlfriends for milk mushrooms.
Greenfinches have appeared - wait for frost.
The chanterelles of all mushrooms are more cunning - they hide under the yellow leaves.
The truck called itself, climb into the box.
Under the birches there are not only boletuses.
An autumn pig is worth two summer ones.
The rye is being reaped - the second boletus harvest begins.
How many rains - so many milk mushrooms.

Although the fly agaric is red, it is poisonous and dangerous.
The red fly agaric shows the way to the white mushroom.
Not every fly agaric is red!
I took a boletus mushroom, and in a handful of everything there was a wart.
Where fly agarics grow, there the boletus mushrooms sing in choirs.
Like a white mushroom, so is everyone brave, but like a morel, there is silence.
The boletus is small, but noble.
The guy has a sweet tooth, every day he has a russula.
The russulas came before the white ones - there is nothing to do in the forest with a basket.
Russulas breed everywhere and everywhere, without them it would be bad for the top-gazers.

Guys, what did you learn today? What did you like most? What was difficult for you?

Notes for the middle group


Direction: “Artistic and aesthetic development.”

Educational field: "Artistic creativity."

Program content:

1. Improve gross and fine motor skills.

2. Develop the child’s memory, teach him to distinguish edible mushrooms from poisonous ones by appearance.

3. Cultivate a friendly attitude towards each other and interest in visual arts.

Materials: mushroom templates for each child (cut out outline of mushrooms), PVA glue, brushes, napkin for each child.

Activation of the dictionary: Chanterelle, fly agaric, cap, leg.

Progress of the lesson:

Educator: Guys, today Timoshka the hedgehog invites us to take a walk through the forest, where we will get acquainted with forest trees - mushrooms.

Good forest, old forest, full of fabulous wonders. Look, the leaves are lying there, rustling quietly under your feet. We will walk along the leaves quietly, slowly, the leaves rustle onto the path. (Children walk along the leaves to the music.)

(Children find a mushroom under a tree.)

Somewhere in the woods,

Right under the leaf

Red, mischievous fungus,

I was the first to see (Little Chanterelle)

Educator: Well done, you guessed it was an edible mushroom. What does a mushroom have? (hat and leg) children repeat. Right. Here's another mystery.

I'm in the forest, guys,

A red hat with patches.

The poor lord's hat

By nickname (Fly agaric.)

Educator: Yes, that's right guys, fly agaric! (I’m showing the fly agaric, it is a very beautiful, but also a very poisonous mushroom. The fly agaric’s leg is white, in a white fluffy skirt. The cap is bright red, with white speckled scales. If you see a fly agaric in the forest, do not trample it and do not destroy it! Some birds and animals, such as moose, are treated in the forest.)

Don't tear it up, friends.

Don't put them in the basket.

Even though he looks handsome,

This mushroom is very poisonous.

And it stands like a traffic light,

Inedible fly agaric.

Educator: Well done guys, everyone guessed the mushrooms and we learned that there is an edible chanterelle, and fly agaric is a poisonous mushroom, but remember guys.

Basic Rules:

Come for mushrooms, but be quiet in the forest.

Don’t step on mushrooms, don’t just pick them.

Carefully cut off the stem and place them in a basket.

Remember the mushrooms, only pick the useful ones.

Educator: Today guys, we will make the “Porcini mushroom-boletus” applique.

(Show the template we made), and then we’ll decorate our magical forest and clearing with them, but before we start work, let’s do some exercises.

Phys. minute “For mushrooms”

We walked along the path

They found the boletus.

Boletus boletus

He buried his head in the moss.

We could get through it

It's good that we walked quietly.

Children walk in a circle holding hands.

They squat and lower their heads.

They lower their heads even lower and group themselves.

They go in circles again.

Educator: Guys, look, you have mushrooms on your tables, but there’s something missing on your hats. And my fungus went through the ground and found a red satin hat decorated with white polka dots (I show a sample). And your mushrooms don’t have fancy caps. What do we need to do? Today we will work with colored paper and give the desired color to the cap and stem of the mushroom. The mushroom has a red cap, so we use red colored paper. And the leg should be light, so we use white cardboard. Let’s get the guys started doing the work (Demonstration and explanation, individual assistance.)

The children already have cut out mushroom templates on the table.

Stages of work:

1. Apply glue to the cap (spread liberally with glue using a brush).

2. We decorate the entire hat with white paper circles.

3. Apply glue to the leg, then glue it to the base (clearing).

4. Let the mushrooms dry - our mushrooms are ready.

Educator: Now our mushrooms will dry, and you and I will do exercises for our fingers, they did a good job for us.

In a clearing near a hummock

We saw mushrooms:

Two bitters,

Two serushkas,

Two waves,

Two pigs.

And two little white mushrooms

We saw it on a hummock.

(children alternately connect the fingers of their right hand with the fingers of their left hand, listing mushrooms)

Educator: Well done guys, look how many mushrooms have grown in our forest. It's time to collect them.

Kolya walked, walked, walked

I found a white mushroom.


Two - fungus

Three - fungus,

I put them in the box.

The teacher reads a poem, and the children imitate the movements of a mushroom picker: they walk, bend over, and put mushrooms in a box and under a stump.

Olga Osmanova

Abstract of GCD"Artistic creativity" (applique) V senior group« Mushrooms»


practice transfer to applique composition of two mushrooms on the grass.

introduce children to the method of cutting out identical parts of objects in pairs from a sheet of paper folded in half;

consolidate the ability to cut round and oval-shaped objects from a rectangle, the ability to carefully work with glue;

expand children's understanding of forest mushrooms and berries, introduce them to the features of their appearance and places of growth;

to cultivate motivation to work with scissors, aesthetic feelings, neatness, love for nature and respect for it.

Equipment: picture Old man Lesovichok, basket with mushrooms for Lesovichka, Pictures « Mushrooms» , audio recording "Sounds of nature. Autumn forest" and recording of E. Doga's waltz "Autumn forest"; ; the teacher has a model - application composition of two mushrooms: one large and two identical small ones; original shapes for cutting mushrooms: for big mushroom rectangles size 7 x 3.5 cm (hat) and 6x4 cm (leg, for small mushroom a rectangle measuring 6x6 cm - for the teacher and for each child; sheet of tinted paper for sticking appliqués, PVA glue, bristle brush, scissors, oilcloth, napkins.

Progress of the lesson:

1. Introductory part. Surprise moment.


Guys, look who came to visit us today! Same Old man Lesovichok! (The teacher puts a picture on the easel Old Lesovichka). And he didn’t come to us empty-handed, look at the basket of gifts he brought us! (show the basket containing mushrooms) Guys, old man wants to invite us to his home, but you have to guess where his house is!

The hero stands rich,

Treats all the guys.

Vanya - strawberries,

Tanya - bones,

Mashenka is like a nut,

Petya - russula,

Katya - raspberries,

Vasya - a twig.

Children: - This is a forest!


Well done, of course it’s a forest! Close your eyes with your palms and old man Lesovichok will take us to the forest. But first, let's remember the rules of conduct in the forest.

Old man Lesovichok: - Guys, I’ll remind you of them now.

If you came to the forest for a walk,

Breathe fresh air

Run, jump and play

Just don’t forget

That you can't make noise in the forest:

Even sing very loudly.

The animals will be scared

They will run away from the forest edge.

Don't break oak branches,

Never forget

Remove debris from the grass.

There is no need to pick flowers in vain!

Do not shoot with a slingshot;

You didn't come to kill!

Let the butterflies fly

Well, who are they bothering?

There's no need to catch everyone here,

Stomp, clap, hit with a stick

You are just a guest in the forest.

Here the owner is the oak and the elk.

Take care of their peace,

After all, they are not our enemies!

So, are you ready to take a walk along the paths of my forest? (children's answers)

2. Main part.

An audio recording is playing "Sounds of nature. Autumn forest"


Guys, here we are visiting Old Lesovichka. Look how beautiful the autumn forest is. The trees dressed up in bright colorful dresses, the birds began to sing songs differently, but something was wrong here. Didn't you notice anything? (children's answers)

Educator:-And here old man Lesovichok told me. that everyone disappeared in the forest mushrooms. Where could they have gone, how will hedgehogs and squirrels stock up for the winter now? Well, it’s okay, we will help the forest inhabitants, now we will return to our group and give it as a gift to the forest mushrooms, and you old man Lesovichok, come with us, so that later we can give our gifts to the forest inhabitants. Close your eyes, one, two, three and we are back in kindergarten. Please come to the easel and look at the pictures, how diverse the world is mushrooms! And what mushrooms you know? (Boletus, boletus, boletus, etc.) That's right, they're edible mushrooms. There are also poisonous ones in the forest mushrooms. Name them. (Amanita, toadstools).Can they be collected in a basket? (No). People often knock them down, trample them, but you can't do this: they serve as medicine for forest inhabitants - hares, moose and decorate the forest.

Physical exercise.


Let's relax with you.

The children walked and walked and walked

White found a mushroom.

Once - fungus,

Two - fungus,

Three - fungus,

They put them in the box.

Demonstration of working methods


You have four rectangles on your trays: two for the stem and cap of the large one mushroom and one for the legs and hats of the little one fungus. Guess what color the hat will be fungus and what - leg. Look carefully at how we will make legs and hats out of them. Fold the rectangles in half, corners to corners.

When showing, explain what to cut out the hat mushroom you need to start from the bottom corner, make a smooth rounded cut to the second bottom corner, using the entire surface of the workpiece. Legs mushroom also cut out from a sheet of paper folded in half to create symmetry.

So, let's put aside the original forms for the big one. mushroom and fold the rectangles in half to cut out a small fungus. The method of cutting two identical objects from a sheet of paper folded in half is called pairing. Don’t forget that we use the entire surface of the original shape, so that when making a rounded cut, the left hand with the workpiece smoothly turns towards the hand with the scissors.

Carefully apply glue to the leg of the large mushroom and glue it, then glue the hat. We do the same with the little ones. fungus. Small fungus glue it next to the big one. Then we make grass from a green strip and stick it on mushrooms.

Finger gymnastics

This finger went into the forest

This finger found a mushroom

This finger cleans the table

This finger began to fry,

This finger ate everything

That's why I got fat

(Massage the fingers one by one, starting with the little finger).

Children's work individual approach

Exhibition of children's works.


Let's imagine a clearing with you mushrooms, for this we will display your works on an easel. Look. what a wonderful clearing we have!

3. Summing up.

Old man Lesovichok:-Well done guys, so many wonderful ones mushrooms you have prepared for my forest dwellers! I will put them in a basket and immediately take them to the squirrels and hedgehogs. Thank you for your help! Goodbye!

Educator:-Goodbye, Old man Lesovichok(remove picture) Well, guys, we helped the forest dwellers, but what kind of help did they need? (children's answers)

How did we make mushrooms? (fold the rectangles in half and cut out the hat mushroom, starting from the bottom corner, made a rounded smooth cut to the second bottom corner, using the entire surface of the workpiece. The legs were made in the same way).

What are there mushrooms? Edible and inedible, large and small, bright and barely noticeable. And we have grown up fabulous mushrooms - funny and mischievous.

As part of the theme week « Mushrooms and berries» The guys and I watched a wonderful cartoon "How mushrooms and peas fought» . The children liked the story, they were especially surprised that mushrooms in the fairy tale they looked like little men - everyone had their own character: funny, boastful, important, etc. I wanted to extend the fairy tale a little and make it a little non-standard applique. Let our mushrooms will be with fun"faces"- we decided.

For work we needed: white cardboard, brown, yellow and green colored paper, printouts cheerful"persons" For mushrooms, printouts of autumn leaves (you can also take real, dry ones - they were not the right size for us, they turned out to be too big), scissors, glue and a good mood.

To begin, cut out the blank for mushroom stem. The children wanted the fungus was definitely there, so the workpiece looks like this

The workpiece must be bent. Like this

Glue the top together. It turns out a leg for mushroom

Then we cut out the grass from green paper and glue it to the bottom of the leg.

Now let's move on to the hat. It consists of two parts

Cut it out cheerful“face”, autumn leaf and collect mushroom

The application is not complicated, but very well develops fine motor skills and the ability to cut along a contour.

Children are very tried!

Like this fun mushroom We have a family!

Thank you for your attention and good luck!

Publications on the topic:

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Abstract of GCD in the junior group application with design elements “Butterflies”. Objectives: To clarify children’s knowledge about insects - butterflies;

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Summary of a modeling lesson “Cheerful Clown” for older children Main educational area: Artistic and aesthetic development. Integration of educational areas: Cognitive development, social.

Summary of a lesson on speech development with design elements in the senior group “Dispute between houses about who is most important” Tonight, I couldn't sleep. Outside the window, on the street, someone was loudly arguing and shouting. I decided to listen and find out what happened and with whom.

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