Which Japanese newspaper did Larisa Rubalskaya work for? Larisa Rubalskaya - biography, information, personal life. A novel with a sequel

The wonderful poetess and songwriter, who will be discussed here, won the love of the Russian listener with her gift. The biography of Larisa Rubalskaya is not as bright and eventful as that of many modern famous personalities, but this did not hinder her talent.


In the Russian capital in 1945, on September 24, a little girl was born. Her father's name was Alexey Davidovich, he worked at a school where he taught labor classes. Her mother, Alexandra Yakovlevna, did housekeeping there. After 5 years, a younger brother, Valera, was born into the family.

Larisa Rubalskaya. Biography of post-school years

After graduating from school, the girl received a reference letter that stated that entering college was not recommended. Nevertheless, she entered the philological faculty of the pedagogical institute in absentia. During her studies, she worked part-time as a typist, librarian, and proofreader at the Literary Institute. Then she moved to the Smena magazine, where she successfully worked for several years.

First bad experience in life

In 1970, she graduated from college and received a specialty as a teacher of Russian language and literature. But it didn’t work out. As she later admitted to the audience at concerts, the reason was the fairy tale “Morozko”. When she told the children that there was only one positive hero, and that was a dog, the management recommended that she try herself in something else. That's what Larisa did.
In 1973, she learned about enrollment in Japanese language courses, signed up for them and successfully completed them. After this, he gets a job as a Japanese translator at the Sputnik youth travel agency. Later she went to work for the State Concert, a Japanese television company, and the Asahi newspaper.

Personal life

The biography of Larisa Rubalskaya was not very successful. According to Larisa herself, she does not have innate sexuality, so she did not “catch” men. She quickly fell in love because her criteria were simple. The main thing is that he is blond, not very tall, and knows how to play the guitar. There were many of these, so romances happened, but all the suitors abandoned the girl, which made her very worried. By the age of 30, Larisa realized that she wanted to get married. So I started asking all my friends if they had anyone in mind. A friend suggested that she meet with a colleague of her friend’s husband. At first she didn’t like him at all, but the man offered to see him again. She agreed, and a leisurely romance began. Six months later they got married. They did not have children, but the couple lived in love and harmony for 33 years. Then her husband had a stroke, was paralyzed for a while, and then died.

Creative biography of Larisa Rubalskaya

It was he who recognized his wife’s poetic talent. After reading her poems, David showed them to composer Vladimir Migula. He wrote the music and offered the song, called “Memory,” to Valentina Tolkunova. So, in 1984 Larisa discovered herself as a songwriter. She then collaborated with many composers and singers. The peak of popularity came in the 90s, when “Song of the Year” often featured hits, the words for which were written by Larisa. Her songs were performed by Pugacheva, Kirkorov, Alsou and other popular performers. Larisa Rubalskaya often holds meetings with audiences, where she reads her poems, performs songs and openly talks about the difficult fate of women. On Larisa Rubalskaya's birthday, the stars organize a concert in her honor, where songs based on her poems are performed. In addition to poetry, she is interested in cooking, so you can read not only her poems, but also the cookbooks she has written. The biography of Larisa Rubalskaya tells about a talented woman who found herself and her calling in life.

Larisa Rubalskaya is a Soviet and subsequently Russian poetess, author of poetic texts for songs, translator, Honored Artist of the Russian Federation and member of the Moscow Writers Union.

Larisa Rubalskaya jokingly calls herself “a person of late development” because she got married late and began her poetic biography late. But the late start did not interfere with a successful career and personal life.

Larisa Rubalskaya is a native Muscovite. She was born on September 24, 1945. Her childhood was during the difficult post-war years. Larisa’s father worked as a labor teacher at a school, and her mother was in charge of the economic department at the same educational institution. The times were difficult, so Larisa’s parents had no time for education - they had to work to feed the family. Until their death they remained wonderful people.

Larisa's father was born in the Zhitomir region and fought. When I returned home after the victory, I learned from my fellow villagers that my parents, two sisters and relatives had been shot by the Nazis. He could not stay in his native village and left for Moscow. In the capital I met my future wife, the mother of a poetess. She, too, was not spared grief - the guy she loved died in the first year of the war. The poetess’s parents are no longer alive - her father died when he was 59 years old, her mother died in 2007.

Larisa Rubalskaya did not like lessons at school - they seemed boring to her. The girl wanted to play in the fresh air, breathe, laugh. After school, she was given the appropriate description: her mental abilities are average, she studies irregularly, and it is not recommended to go to college. True, with a note that Larisa is a good friend and an active participant in amateur performances.

The girl got a job as a typist at the Literary Institute and soon received a new reference, which said that she was not late for work and typed without errors.

The next stage was studying at a pedagogical institute, at the faculty of Russian philology. After graduation, Larisa Rubalskaya got a job at school, but stayed there for two weeks. The reason for the dismissal was a lesson in the 5th grade, when Larisa Alekseevna told the students that in the fairy tale “Morozko” she saw only one positive character - a dog that barked the truth.

The poetess jokes that her work book resembles a three-volume book - she worked as a librarian, proofreader, and teacher. In 1973, Rubalskaya enrolled in Japanese language courses and successfully completed them. She worked as a translator for a long time, until poetry drove the Japanese out of her life.


Larisa Alekseevna became a songwriter after forty years. Her husband was the first to consider her gift, and he gave the start to her career when he showed her poems to composer Vladimir Migula. And soon Valentina Tolkunova performed the song “Memory”, the lyrics for which were written by Larisa Rubalskaya, and the music by Vladimir Migulya. From that moment on, Rubalskaya’s career as a songwriter began. Her songs are heard in every “Song of the Year”.

Larisa Rubalskaya writes about everything - about the meaning of life, about love, about loneliness, but the main theme of the poetess’s poems is thoughts about a woman, which are autobiographical in nature - about what it is like to be a woman, about a woman’s lot, age and attitude. A frequent image in Rubalskaya’s poetry is autumn, which the poetess also metaphorically connects with her own life and age.

In the 90s, Larisa Alekseevna was at the peak of her popularity. She wrote “Daughter” and “Live in Peace, Country” for Alla Pugacheva, “The Hijacker” and “Transit Passenger” for Irina Allegrova, “Vain Words” for Alexander Malinin, “Strange Woman” for Mikhail Muromov, “I’m Guilty, Guilty” for Philip Kirkorov.

Larisa Rubalskaya is the author of almost 600 poems, which turned into hits and compositions beloved by many. She is often invited to serve on the jury of song competitions. The poetess enjoys giving concerts and publishing collections of her poetic lyrics. The poetess's books are published and republished almost every year.

Larisa Rubalskaya is no stranger to humor and self-irony. The poetess writes funny sketches about how she gets old, about stupid habits and her own mistakes and weaknesses.

Personal life

Larisa Alekseevna says that she did not attract men because she lacked innate sexuality. And she herself fell in love quickly if she saw a tall blond man who could play the guitar. There were a lot of blondes, but they all left her.

Closer to thirty, a friend introduced Larisa Rubalskaya to a friend of a friend. The poetess admits that at first she didn’t like the man, but she agreed to meet him again. And six months later they got married and lived happily together for 33 years.

Larisa Rubalskaya’s husband, David Rosenblat, is a dentist by training. He became a loving husband, friend, support, like-minded person and part-time producer. In May 2009, David Iosifovich passed away - after a stroke he was ill for a long time, at one time he was paralyzed. The couple had no children. Larisa Alekseevna says that she and David were similar, with the same values ​​and priorities, which is why they probably lived happily.

There are always a lot of people around her. The poetess believes that she wins them over because she knows how to listen and sympathize. She calls herself a normal person, without showing off.

Rubalskaya loves to cook and eat delicious food. The poetess's culinary talent is recognized by both friends and fans. The poetess even published a number of books with recipes: in 2005, “Culinary Element, or Elemental Cooking” appeared, and in 2007, “Culinary Recipes for an Encore” and “His Majesty Salad.”

The writer is not worried about her figure. Larisa is that rare woman who openly talks about her strengths and weaknesses. Larisa Rubalskaya calmly talks about her age and even honestly admitted that she had plastic surgery. According to the poetess, the plastic surgery did not harm her health and came out well, so the woman sees no reason to hush up this procedure. Today the poetess looks better than she could and is proud of it.

The poetess admits that she does not feel her own age. Larisa Rubalskaya expressed her attitude to aging in the poem “I don’t want to be an old grandmother,” and did not become that same grandmother, but remained an active and life-loving woman.

At the same time, the poetess tries to remain within the bounds of decency befitting the writer’s years. The woman realizes that she is no longer a girl and tries to match her years. The fact that Rubalskaya does not deny her age at all, but accepts it, is evidenced by the poetess’s poems, for example, “The years go by, the years move.”

Therefore, Larisa Rubalskaya openly tells the press that journalists will not hear about a woman’s lovers, because the poetess herself finds it unpleasant when older women shout all over the country about young suitors and sexual problems.

Larisa Rubalskaya now

The poet continues to perform and participate in cultural events.

In April 2017, Larisa Rubalskaya became the heroine of the talk show “Alone with Everyone,” where she talked about love, happiness and loneliness. The poetess told how she experienced the death of loved ones and how she felt like herself.

In the summer of the same year, the writer became a member of the jury of a poetry competition about the Crimean Bridge. About 3 thousand people from 600 settlements, both in Russia and other countries, took part in the competition.

At the beginning of September 2017, Larisa Rubalskaya went for a walk in Vorontsovsky Park with young participants in the TV show “You’re Super!” Dancing". Rubalskaya introduced the children to her own creativity and talked with the children about their hobbies and problems. Also in the first half of September, Larisa Rubalskaya spoke at the Moscow International Book Fair.

On September 30, the Essentuki Library No. 8 hosted a creative evening “Woe is not a problem for us, since the soul is young,” dedicated to the work of Larisa Rubalskaya.


  • 2003 - “Such a card was dealt to me”
  • 2002 – “Set the clock back”
  • 2002 – “Splash some witchcraft...”
  • 2004 – “Ring of Hot Hands”
  • 2005 – “Culinary Element, or Elemental Cooking”
  • 2007 – “Vain Words”
  • 2007 – “His Majesty Salad”
  • 2008 – “Early Night”
  • 2007 – “Culinary recipes for an encore”
  • 2012 – “Queue for Happiness”
  • 2012 – “On the Road of Love”
  • 2014 – “Strange Woman”
  • 2017 – “Tango of Lost Dreams”
  • 2017 – “New. Favorite"

“Actually everything was terrible”, - said the poetess. The celebrity was painfully worried about the breakup of her relationship with her husband. However, Larisa Alekseevna found happiness with her second husband, dentist David Rosenblatt. The man loved the poetess very much and even became her producer. The couple lived happily together for 30 years. David believed in his beloved and always helped her. He independently organized evenings and came up with scenarios. I found sponsors and artists. Rubalskaya also loved her husband and showed her poems to the very first one.


Everything would have continued like this, but death separated two loving hearts. In May 2009, Rosenblatt passed away. He was 70 years old and died immediately after his anniversary. The couple never had any offspring, although they wanted with all their hearts to raise their children. It was difficult for Larisa Alekseevna to come to terms with the death of her husband. She could not come to her senses for a long time.


“Larissa will openly tell you how she escapes loneliness after the death of her beloved man: she will talk about her newfound daughter, her great-nephew, who considers her his own grandmother, and her closest friend, a housekeeper, to whom the poetess does not refuse anything,”– reported in the announcement of the television program.


In addition to her personal life, Rubalskaya spoke about her work. Everyone knows that she wrote many hits for popular artists. For example, the composition “The Thief”, performed by Irina Alegrova.

Larisa Rubalskaya needs no introduction today; many people know and love songs based on her words. It’s hard to imagine that the poetess was not at all popular with men, suffered from loneliness and studied Japanese in order to attract attention. Desperate to meet her soul mate, she was ready to marry the first one who offered her his hand and heart. It was at this time that David Rosenblatt appeared in her life.

“Such a share has fallen...”

The personal life of Larisa Rubalskaya was very difficult. She dreamed of love, but it was not there. She fell in love, she was rejected, she waited, but they did not return to her.

At school she was given a completely unflattering reference, but she successfully completed Japanese language courses and worked as a translator for many years. Larisa Rubalskaya led groups of Japanese tourists and was rightfully proud of herself.

Larisa Alekseevna prefers not to remember that she was once married in her youth, because this marriage never brought her happiness. Her heart was filled with love, she wanted to pour out her unspent tenderness on someone who would be able to reciprocate her feelings.

An acquaintance that became happy

Years passed, she was already 30 years old, and Larisa Rubalskaya was ready to marry the first person who offered her his hand and heart, because loneliness had become simply unbearable. All her family and friends knew how important family was to her and tried to help her in this delicate matter. She was introduced to potential suitors, but no relationship developed. Until Tata’s girlfriend got down to business.

She arranged for her to meet David Rosenblatt, a successful dentist who had gone through a divorce. But the man and woman did not like each other very much. The acquaintance took place in a restaurant, David Iosifovich managed to drink and did not make any impression on Larisa Alekseevna. However, she also could not charm the man.

But the friend did not back down and organized another meeting for them, during which they were left alone for the first time. They were sitting in the restaurant again, the conversation wasn't going well. Perhaps this would have all ended if not for Larisa’s passionate desire to get married.

Having flown away on vacation with friends, she began writing him letters with pictures. There were couples on them and only she was alone. David flew to her resort and only then did they begin a serious relationship.

A novel with a sequel

After returning, Larisa and David continued to meet. When Larisa Alekseevna bought skis so that they could somehow diversify their leisure time, David Iosifovich decided to get married. She agreed without hesitation for a second.

Shakespearean passions did not boil in their relationship; these were calm, restrained feelings of two adults. But if one of David’s acquaintances did not like Larisa, he could no longer be considered a family friend. Even to his daughter from his first marriage, David Iosifovich immediately said: Larisa is his wife, she must be treated with respect. And the daughter accepted her father’s conditions and became friends with Larisa Alekseevna.

Only David Rosenblat’s mother did not accept her daughter-in-law. She actively expressed her displeasure with her son's choice. But here Larisa Rubalskaya showed unprecedented patience. She never entered into conflict, was not rude, did not lose her temper. When her mother-in-law was ill, the poetess looked after her, meekly enduring the whims and nagging of the elderly woman.

Together forever

David Iosifovich was stingy in showing feelings. He rarely talked about his feelings, and even more rarely allowed himself to hug his wife just like that. But at the same time he could not live without her even a day.

He was the real head of the family. His orders had to be carried out immediately and unquestioningly. Larisa Alekseevna recognized his right to leadership and tried to please her husband in everything. She was happy with him, despite the lack of tenderness or youthful passion. She wrote her best poems next to him.

Over time, their union turned from a purely marital one into a creative one. The husband tried to help his talented wife. Over time, he completely became the producer of Larisa Rubalskaya. In an interview, he calmly talked about how his wife is a real celebrity, and he stands two steps behind her. But Larisa never let him feel this two-step difference. She emphasized in every possible way: she became famous only thanks to David Iosifovich. And in their family, leadership belongs entirely to him.

When her husband was bedridden after a stroke, she looked after him, got him back on his feet, and took him to the best doctors. And I always took him on tour. He accompanied her everywhere in a wheelchair, in no way feeling his isolation from his wife’s life.

When David Iosifovich died, Larisa Alekseevna’s house was empty. Shortly before this, the poetess’s mother and brother passed away. Despite the deafening pain of loss, Larisa Rubalskaya found the strength to live on. She still writes amazing poetry and gives concerts. And thanks fate for the meeting with David Iosifovich Rosenblatt. Next to him she was always happy, desired and loved.

Larisa Rubalskaya's colleague, songwriter, was told of a meeting with fate by a gypsy.

Larisa Rubalskaya is not only a successful woman, but also a fairly well-known poet and songwriter. Her list includes almost 600 songs that have become hits. At 72 years old, she has changed many professions and continues to do what she loves. Soon fans will be able to learn several unknown facts about her.

Biography of Larisa Rubalskaya

Larisa Alekseevna was born on September 24, 1945 in Moscow. Parents worked at school. A few years later, another child appeared in the family - brother Valery.

Since Larisa’s success was average, upon graduation from school she was given a certificate in which it was stated that she was not recommended to enter the university. Despite this, the girl still entered a pedagogical university, but in the correspondence department. In addition to attending classes at the Faculty of Philology, Larisa Alekseevna worked as a typist, librarian and proofreader.

After she became a certified philologist, Rubalskaya began working in one of the capital’s schools. According to the poetess herself, once in a lesson, when she and her students were analyzing the fairy tale “Morozko,” she named only one positive character - the dog. The school management did not like this so much that the young specialist was advised to choose another profession.

Larisa Alekseevna listened to the advice and decided to take Japanese language courses.

Her husband noticed that Larisa Rubalskaya has talent. He took her works and showed them to composer Vladimir Migula. This is how the composition “Memory” was born. which Valentina Tolkunova later began to perform. From that moment on, Larisa Rubalskaya was presented as a songwriter and finally found the meaning of life and her favorite profession. after the success of the first song, she followed up with work with Sergei Berezin, Arkady Ukupnik, Vyacheslav Dobrynin and many others. The duet turned out to be very fruitful, as a result of which the songs “Let’s dance, Lucy” and “For two days” appeared.

Today, Larisa Rubalskaya is a frequent guest on many television shows. She was even offered to host a culinary section on one of the programs. Larisa Alekseevna often becomes a member of the jury of song competitions.
The poetess collected her works into collections, and there were several of them. Rubalskaya does not stop her concert activities. During her concerts, she communicates with audiences of different generations.

Personal life and unknown facts about Larisa Rubalskaya

Since most creative people often get carried away, Larisa Rubaolskaya was no exception; when she was young, she often fell in love, but not mutually.

A few days ago, the program “Secret for a Million” was filmed in which Larisa Alekseevna made a sensational confession. Until this moment, no one knew that she was married 2 times. According to her story, her first marriage was so unsuccessful that she did not want to talk about it for half a century.

“It was terrible,” admitted Larisa Rubalskaya.

But everyone knows her second husband and part-time producer David Rosenblatt. They met in a rather unusual way. Having reached the age of 30, Larisa Alekseevna decided that it was time to get married.

Through her friends, she began to look for a good man, and found him. Larisa and David got married six months later and lived for 33 years.

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