In what city is the University of California. University of Southern California - University of Southern California. Study at UCLA

Hello, readers of the HSE portal!

My name is Ksenia Bubukina, I am a 2011 graduate of the HSE Faculty of Psychology.

Like many HSE students, I dreamed of getting an education abroad. From the first year of my master's degree, I began to look for various universities and possible courses for additional education and advanced training. What did you find out? First of all, about mainline (not to be confused with master's) directions. If we are talking about theory and a fundamental approach to science, then in the case of psychology you will most likely go to Europe. As for the USA, here we can talk about new schools and prospects for realizing oneself as a practicing specialist. However, Americans also do not forget about classical approaches.

And now - my story, my discovery of America.

Initially, I purposefully wanted to enter the counseling department, that is, there was no talk of selecting any other university program.

Unfortunately, my English at that time left much to be desired, so before enrolling in a course in psychology, I decided to go to San Francisco State University to undergo good language training. My main task was to choose a program where, besides me, there would not be a single Russian student, since, as practice shows, the most effective language learning process occurs under the condition of complete immersion in the environment.

When I arrived, I found an apartment using Craigslist and rented it with two American law students, which immediately allowed me to immerse myself in this very environment and intensify the learning process.

After completing the first semester of the intensive language program, I was offered to continue my studies at an advanced level. My parents supported me in this, which allowed me to stay and continue my studies. I attended university four days a week from 9 am to 4 pm, studying subjects such as Reading/Writing, Listening/Speaking, American Social Issues and Business English. The classes were exciting, because both teachers and students were sincerely interested in the process. In terms of teaching, Americans use a different approach than ours, breaking the lesson into many parts. The day goes by very quickly and intensely thanks to the content and multitasking.

The most important factor for successful training was that I was the only Russian on the course (for the last few years, by the way). I didn’t meet any Russians at the university either. If anyone studies, it is only those who went for permanent residence with their families or were born there.

So, since September, I continued the program at the most advanced level, where they purposefully prepare for university studies. This includes writing essays, final papers, making presentations, technologies for working with text, etc. - the skills are very valuable and applied: in Russia there is a different system for writing papers and other requirements. San Francisco State University also offers a “Gateway” program to maintain your language level and a set of special subjects directly for the university program you are going to enroll in (that is, for me, in psychology).

Admission to university: submission of documents

At first glance, there is no difference between our and “their” universities - the education system is the same, “4+2”. But, as it turned out, what has been happening in the American university itself for six years is quite different from what we can imagine.

While collecting documents for university, I naturally encountered a bureaucratic system and paperwork. To get started, you need to study the conditions for submitting and accepting documents. As you understand, this is a complex and multi-level process. In addition to filling out forms on the university website, passing an international language exam, letters of recommendation, and a motivation letter, universities ask you to confirm your diploma with WES (World Educational Service). When I submitted our HSE master’s diploma in English, the admissions committee asked me to confirm it in Russia (with an apostille) and then submit it to WES. Thus, the process of confirming the authenticity of a diploma, despite the application in English issued by the Higher School of Economics, has not been simplified, at least in America.

Another very important nuance that distinguishes our universities from American ones is the fact that the faculty and the university make decisions about enrollment independently of each other. That is, if a department (faculty) expresses its readiness to accept a student, this does not mean that the university will do so. And vice versa.

So, I applied to San Francisco State University and California State University, Los Angeles. After I graduated from the language program in December and applied to these universities, I moved to Los Angeles and waited to hear back. Soon I was invited for an interview at California State University, LA (in the Marriage and Family Therapy Department).

Typically, a response from the university comes within one to two months after the documents are received. Depending on the faculty and department, enrollment of students may take place in the spring or autumn. In my case, it was only autumn, that is, there is only one opportunity a year to get into this department.

The competition was about thirty people per place. From about 2,000 people who applied, the psychology department selected about 70 applicants for interviews. And only 25 applicants ultimately passed it.

How the interview goes

Standard questions are asked during the interview. What did you do? When? How? Why did you choose this profession? How did you come to enroll in this university? How long have you been interested in this particular area of ​​interest? Experience? Volunteer experience? Experience working with citizens of different racial and ethnic backgrounds?

In state universities, the selection is quite tough, because budgets are being cut there today (students go on strike and are indignant, but this does not change the situation). You can get into a private school through competition without any problems if you have good grades, experience and letters of recommendation. The average cost of studying for a master's program at a private university ranges from 30 to 50 thousand dollars per year. Of course, you can win a scholarship to a private university, but the chances for foreign students are slim.

Please note that correct completion and execution of documents does not guarantee admission to a US university. In addition to all the supporting and recommending papers, all kinds of “acquired experience” play a huge role, apparently because volunteer and charitable activities form a special part of American culture. Sports achievements and awards also count for admission. This can play a decisive role in choosing a candidate, as they say, all other things being equal.

Of course, there are differences everywhere, I’m talking about my personal experience of enrolling in a master’s program at the Faculty of Counseling at a government institution. I repeat, in private universities everything is a little different, but studying there costs completely different money!

Learning process

Studying at an American university is also unusual for us foreigners. Local students take this process very seriously; they, unlike most students at Russian universities, have slightly different priorities. Perhaps it’s a matter of age: having entered at the age of 18, they study “general” subjects for two years and only then choose a specialization. A huge role is played by the grade, that is, the average score, which is an indicator of success. It is directly related to how a career will develop further and what a student can apply for after graduating from university.

In America, everything happens on campus, in one place. Students live either in dormitories on campus or very close by. This allows you to devote an incredible amount of time to studying, especially working in groups after classes. Individual training takes place in the library (less stimuli, more resources).

As a rule, few students work somewhere full-time at the university, especially in their first years, because there is a catastrophic lack of time and the workload is extreme. At the same time, you cannot have any illusions that after successful completion you will be torn away with your hands. As in Russia, after graduating from university, getting into a well-paid position without having practice is possible only if you have connections.

Conditions for starting work in your specialty

Obviously, when entering a university, you need to think in advance about the conditions for starting work in your specialty. I conducted research on this topic as applied to the United States, that is, I found out how to obtain a license as a consulting psychologist with a foreign diploma. It turned out that before taking the licensing exam in the United States, you must register as a practicing counselor and complete 3,000 hours of practice and 104 weeks of supervision, plus after the internship an additional two semesters at a university in a special “advanced training” course. It is also important to accumulate a certain number of hours in subjects that you can listen to online and take the test online. The best opportunity to gain such experience is to complete a master's program at a Californian university - all students undergo an internship during their studies and at the same time develop connections and acquaintances.

In other areas of activity (not psychology), it is clear that there are some nuances in obtaining a work license. For example, in jurisprudence there are special conditions for obtaining a license. Without it, with only one diploma, you cannot work, but you can practice - if you have a social security number. At the same time, in many specialties, their general approach is this: upon graduating from an American university, you receive a work permit for a year.

So, I was convinced from my own experience that in the USA you can use a Russian master’s degree as a basis for further education. Of course, I would not have spent so much time, effort and money trying to figure out how the system works if I had readily available information about it. Well, I hope these notes of mine will at least partially ease the path for those of you who dream of getting an education abroad.

California, the Golden State is the third largest, most populous and richest US state with a subtropical climate, located on the west coast of the country, near the Pacific Ocean, a paradise for billionaires, entrepreneurs, creative people, hippies, surfers and, of course, students.

The ethnic composition of California residents is very diverse; there is no absolute ethnic majority here. That is why living and studying in California is a huge experience, including getting to know different cultures, languages, gaining a variety of knowledge and an endless number of recreation and leisure options.

There are about 300 educational institutions in California that have the right to award associate, bachelor's, master's, and PhD degrees. More than a million students are enrolled in institutions offering programs at the undergraduate level and above. Many international students come to study in California, most of whom are from India, Japan, Korea, China and Canada.

California education system

The basis of the California education system is the Master Plan for the development of higher education in California, the California Master Plan for Higher Education, adopted back in the 60s of the twentieth century. It was he who made the education system in the Golden State one of the most successful in the country and the world. Subsequently, many other US states adopted the California experience.

The Master Plan simplified local students' access to public higher education, significantly increased the quality and variety of programs, and united disparate institutions into large, extensive networks managed from a single center. Many in-state students attend California's top public universities for free or at low cost.

An important role in the California education system is assigned to private educational institutions - both huge and powerful, and very small. Private universities, developing their own methods and standards, support the Master Plan's idea of ​​a wide choice and maximum variety of higher education options, which should provide opportunities for the comprehensive development of students.

Both private and public universities in California are required to be accredited by state-authorized agencies.

California universities

The first step to higher education in California is community colleges - educational institutions that allow you to obtain vocational education or complete the first two years of a bachelor's degree program.

There are 113 community colleges in California, serving more than 1.7 million students annually. The best of them receive guaranteed places at public universities in California if they want to continue their studies and obtain a bachelor's degree. This system is called transfer - transfer from university to university. International students can also study at community colleges, and this is a good way to reduce tuition fees.

American and foreign students can obtain bachelor's, master's, and PhD degrees from public and private colleges and universities in California. Many of them have an excellent scientific and academic reputation and occupy high places in leading world rankings.

The scale of Californian higher education is already evidenced by the fact that almost 700 thousand students study annually at the two largest public universities in California alone.

California's Most Notable Public Universities

California State University,California State University is the largest public university in the United States, consisting of 23 campuses and 8 research and educational centers. The university annually admits about 460 thousand students, offers programs in all subject areas and annually awards about half of all bachelor's degrees in California, about a third of master's degrees and only about 2% of doctorates.

Due to the limited number of graduate programs and the volume of research conducted, the university is not included in world rankings, and only a few of its campuses that can award PhD degrees participate in the national ranking of US universities by US News. These campuses are San Diego State, Fresno State, San Francisco State and Cal State Fullerton.

Stanford is an elite university, with a wide range of subjects and programs, among which programs in entrepreneurship and computer science stand out. In addition to powerful research activities, the university pays close attention to the application of theoretical knowledge acquired by students in practice.

The university is located in the center of Silicon Valley - it is not surprising that it has the closest connections with leading corporations located here, many of whose top managers are its graduates.

Real stars teach here - the world's most powerful experts in their fields, theorists and practitioners, winners of prestigious awards.

Another prestigious California film school, which is part of , pays more attention to theoretical and historical aspects.

Tuition fees at California film schools, per year:

  • USC Film School - $67,000;
  • UCLA School of Theater, Film and Television - $43,000;
  • Department of Film and Media at the University of California at Berkeley - $22,000.

Technical, engineering specialties, IT

California is home to the so-called Silicon Valley, a region where the world's largest information technology companies have their headquarters.

In the US News 2018 ranking of engineering schools, four California universities occupy respectable 2-4 places, losing first place only to MIT.

Tuition fees for California engineering schools, per year:

  • University of California at Berkeley - $26,000-$44,000;

Of course, the number of interesting subject areas in California universities is not limited to the presented list - here you can find programs in any subjects and assemble your curriculum so that it best suits the student’s personal and career interests.

As can be seen in the lists presented, the cost of training at some universities varies significantly. So there really is a choice in California, including in the matter of tuition costs.

Admission to California universities

Admission requirements depend on the university. If only about 7% are admitted to Stanford, 8% to CalTech, 16% to the University of Southern California, and 17% of the students who apply to the State University of California, then it is immediately clear that the requirements for applicants are very high.

Profile of a student admitted to Stanford University in 2017:

  • About 60% of those admitted to this university for their first higher education had a GPA of 4.0+, the rest - no lower than 3.7 out of 4.
  • About 70% of applicants passed the SAT with 1800+ points in three sections (reading, mathematics, writing) or ACT with 30-36 points.
  • The minimum requirements for TOEFL iBT were 100+ points, IELTS - 7.0 points.

The profile of an applicant admitted to the University of California-Berkeley in 2018 looks like this:

  • GPA 4.12-4.30;
  • SAT 1940+ scores in three sections,
  • ACT 30-34 points;
  • TOEFL iBT 80+ points.

The State University of California also places quite high demands on applicants - students from Russia will most likely need an additional year of preparation in Advanced Placement, International Baccalaureate, A-Level or similar programs.

The admissions committee of the University of Southern California pays close attention not only to high grades and scores for standardized tests, but also to the extracurricular activities of applicants, for a detailed description of which the university’s Application Form has a special section consisting of essays and questions. In addition, before making a final decision on enrollment, the university must conduct an interview with the student - in person or online.

When applying to creative professions, it is necessary to prepare a high-quality portfolio. Read about the secrets of creating a portfolio when applying for creative majors here.

Applications for admission to California universities can be submitted through the centralized CA, UCA, Coalition Application systems or through university websites. Universities provide detailed information about the content and method of submitting an application on their websites, in the Admissions section.

Also, multi-campus institutions in many cases have their own centralized application systems. At the same time, campuses may operate on different academic calendars, which affects application deadlines - this point must be given the closest attention.

What can a student do in his free time in California?

According to Forbes and Phoenix Marketing International in 2016, California is home to 124 billionaires and more than 772 thousand millionaires. No matter how they know how to not only work hard and value their rest time. Why do you think they chose California as their place of residence?

Sure, most students aren't billionaires (yet), but in the richest and most populous state in the United States, recreational opportunities are nearly endless for everyone. So you can be sure: in their free time from classes, students at California universities will definitely not be bored.

The diverse nature of the Golden State - ocean and mountains, forests and lakes and even desert - opens up a lot of opportunities for excursions, sports, tourism and active recreation.

The most famous natural sites of California include: Yosemite National Park, nature and parks in Mill Valley, La Jolla, Sequoia National Park with unique giant trees, the picturesque mountains of the Eastern Sierra, Lake Tahoe, the largest volcano on Earth with a lava cone, Lassen Peak , Joshua Tree National Park in the desert in the southeastern part of the state is a favorite spot for rock climbers, and Death Valley is one of the hottest places on the planet.

In the cities of California, students also enjoy an incredible number of attractions and entertainment - Hollywood and the Walk of Fame, Disneyland and Legoland in Los Angeles; the Golden Gate Bridge, colorful Fisherman's Wharf and cable cars in San Francisco; the grandiose Railroad Museum, a historic lighthouse with stunning views of the city, the California Capitol and numerous parks in the state capital, Sacramento.

California is a picturesque ocean coast, Silicon Valley, beautiful beaches, sun, Hollywood, surfing, everything that is most American and most beautiful...

Let's tell you a secret, the state of California is also one of the best places in the world to receive a truly high-quality foreign education!

Many foreigners who dream of studying in the USA strive to get to California. It's no wonder, since it's America's third-largest and richest state, with a place for everyone, whether you're an entrepreneur, a programmer, or a creative, free-spirited hippie.

By the way, 25% of California's population was born outside the United States, here you can experience all the advantages of living in a multinational and multicultural environment.

A wonderful climate, nature and rich life are not all that California has to offer to an international student. The state's colleges and universities have an excellent reputation for producing some of the world's most advanced and highest-paid professionals. The names of some of them are known all over the world. For example, this is where and are located.

At the same time, in Californian universities you can study not only IT technologies and sciences. Many students come here to receive a liberal arts education, study business and hospitality. Also, California is one of the American centers of show business, so educational programs in the field of media, cinema and journalism are popular here.

Sounds great, but where to study all this? Here are some great universities located in California...

Do you dream of studying in sunny California and going to the ocean on weekends? The ZagraNitsa portal knows how to do this! We have selected the best universities in California for you and will tell you how to become a student at one of them and how much it costs

California Institute of Technology (Caltech)

- a private university, one of the leading in the United States, specializing in exact sciences and engineering. It includes six departments: biology; chemistry and chemical technology; technology and applied science; geology and planetology; humanities and social sciences; physics, mathematics and astronomy.

Each department in turn has several specializations. The most famous department is physics.

Price: for the year is approximately $63.5 thousand (including rent, food, textbooks, personal expenses and transportation costs).

Scholarships and grants: Financial assistance includes grants, loans and work-study combinations. According to statistics on the official website, about 60% of undergraduate students and 98% of graduate students receive assistance from the university.

How to proceed: The application for admission can be completed online. The entry fee is about $100. You will also need to answer a few questions to help assess your passion for science, technology and mathematics.

For admission you will need:

  • SAT or ACT test results (writing + mathematics + one of the core subjects - biology, chemistry or physics);
  • recommendation from a teacher in math or science;
  • recommendation from a teacher in the humanities or social sciences;
  • application for financial assistance or refusal of it;
  • additional materials (publications, information about extracurricular activities, etc., not required).

Photo: shutterstock

University of California Los Angeles (UCLA)

is a state university that has graduated 13 Nobel laureates. In 2015, according to Times Higher Education magazine, it was ranked 12th in the ranking of the best universities in the world. Last year, more than 86,000 students applied for admission here.

Price: about $35 thousand per year for California residents and about $59 thousand for non-residents; this includes dormitory accommodation, meals, books, study materials, transportation and personal expenses.

Scholarships and grants: Financial aid from the university is only available to students who are United States citizens or permanent residents. However, there are many non-university sponsorship and loan programs.

How to proceed: The admission application can be completed online. The application fee is approximately $100. The documents must be accompanied by two short essays with a story about yourself, the country you are from, your ambitions, hopes, achievements, etc.

The university offers about 300 majors in the fields of science, literature, art, architecture, engineering, applied sciences, medicine, theater, film and television.

For admission you will need:

  • documents confirming graduation from school or another educational institution (or information about grades received in recent years, if there is no certificate yet);
  • test results (SAT, TOEFL, etc.);
  • information about annual income (yours or your parents’; not required if you are not applying for a scholarship or other funding programs);
  • social security number, if available;
  • citizenship or visa information;
  • credit card (you can pay yourself and send a payment certificate).

Photo: shutterstock 3

California State University

It has 23 branches: in Los Angeles, Berkeley, Northridge, Long Beach, Sacramento, San Francisco and other cities in California. Universities in total educate about 460 thousand students.

Price: varies by city, in Los Angeles, for example, up to $24,000 per year for California residents and about $33,000 for international students (this includes tuition, room and board, books, travel and personal expenses).

Scholarships and grants: There are federal, state and university funding programs, most of which are available only to California residents, but there are also those available to international students.

How to proceed: fill out an application online, provide information about yourself and answer a few questions. The entry fee is about $60.

Education is offered in the fields of art, business, law, engineering, natural sciences and education.

For admission you will need:

  • certificate of secondary education and transcript (list of subjects with grades);
  • certificate of passing IELTS or TOEFL tests;
  • SAT test results (general and two subject);
  • motivation letter;
  • certificate of financial solvency;
  • Additional requirements are possible depending on the faculty.

Photo: 4

University of Southern California (USC)

― the oldest private university in the USA. It trains professionals in the fields of law, art, technology, international business, etc. Popular majors include biology, medicine and linguistics.

Price: about $70 thousand for two semesters (including rent, meals, textbooks, personal expenses and transportation costs).

Scholarships and grants: Financial aid from the university is only available to students who are United States citizens or permanent residents, but other sponsorship and loan programs are available.

How to proceed: The application for admission can be completed online. The entry fee is about $100. You can have an interview if you wish.

The university also has its own large-scale modern film studio, an extensive library and much more. Every year the university accepts about 7,000 people from more than one hundred countries.

For admission you will need:

  • documents confirming graduation from school or another educational institution (or information about grades received in recent years, if there is no certificate yet);
  • test scores (SAT or ACT);
  • language certificates (TOEFL, IELTS or PTE);
  • information about income (yours or your parents; this shows your solvency);
  • letters of recommendation;
  • additional requirements for some majors such as journalism, music or fine arts.


What else is worth investing in, if not in training? Of course, many have heard stories that most American billionaires never graduated from higher education institutions. But how many such people are there? Probably ten or fifteen people? Who are the other 90 on the list of the 100 richest people in the United States? Graduates of prestigious universities!

Educational programs of different states differ radically from each other. The same major obtained at Berkeley (California) and at Washington College of Law will lead to different finals. Lawyers from the University of California always get jobs faster, it is easier for them to open private practices, their annual income can be several times higher than the amount that a graduate from a law school, for example, in Utah, can earn. Two California universities were included in the list of the ten most prestigious educational institutions in the country. This is a very good indicator. This is what plays a role when choosing where to receive your diploma.

Diversity and yet a narrow focus distinguishes education in California from Texas or Minnesota. Here you can become either a world-famous actor or the world’s most respected doctor of technical sciences. Of course, such universities can hardly be called cheap.

Despite the atmosphere of joy and fun that reigns in the state, serious science is taken seriously here. Caltech is proof of this. Graduates of this university often find their workplace in the well-known Silicon Valley, or the Valley of Millionaires. This prospect is tempting, but there is one “but”. Not everyone can afford such training. There are two options here: be smart or be rich. If you can say both the first and the second about yourself, then any University of Southern California will welcome you with open arms. Don't know which university to choose? All the necessary information is presented below.

Education for programmers

Caltech is the dream of many. Not only students from all over America, but also from all over the world come here every year to enroll. This institute graduates engineers in the fields of chemistry, biotechnology, applied sciences, geology, physics, mathematics and astronomy. Philosophers, historians and economists are not forgotten here either. There is no special focus on the humanities and social sciences at this university. All major research projects are carried out only in applied scientific fields.

This University of Southern California is inferior to the Massachusetts Institute of Technology only with slightly fewer specializations and a more extensive approach to teaching. Their average scores for “star” graduates are almost equal.

They also differ in cost. One year of study at a Californian institute will cost a non-resident $63,000. This is not the most expensive university in the state. In addition, almost all the best students receive job offers while still studying.

Study at Davis University

The University of California is an entire system of universities. They are located in the largest cities. Almost each of them has their own specialization. For example, Berkeley produces the best economists, lawyers and financiers. Many future successful businessmen graduate from here.

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Sights of California

The University of Davis, which got its name due to the fact that it is located in the city of Davis. More than 33 thousand students study there. This university provides the opportunity to study not only for local residents or visitors from neighboring states, but also for foreigners.

A year of study at Davis University costs the latter $60,000 per year.

This cost includes not only payment for the training itself, but also insurance and everything necessary for classes (textbooks, the opportunity to use a computer class, a subscription to the reading room) and accommodation on campus, that is, on the territory of the university.

Davis is renowned for its medical and veterinary traditions. It ranks 7th in popularity among all 10 universities that make up the University of California. It has also been ranked 14th in the list of the best educational institutions in the United States for many years in a row.

Many Davis teachers are successful businessmen, cultural and artistic figures. This university can provide research activities to students in various fields. Despite the obvious medical bias, other disciplines are also studied here: history, management, marketing.

Another distinguishing feature of Davis is its more informal atmosphere. You can contrast it with the Haas Business School or the Institute of Economic Research - the atmosphere in them is tense.

Education at the University of Southern California

If someone likes theater, music or directing, then the University of Southern California (UCLA) is an ideal option. In addition to basic education, here you can take language courses or attend acting classes. Many show business stars graduated from this university. Among its graduates there are also successful businessmen.

The abundance of different specialties to study and one of the most well-funded research bases of all universities in the state allowed it to rank 46th in the list of the best universities in the world. To understand how successful this university and its graduates are, it is worth knowing that more than half a billion dollars are spent annually on research in various fields.

Tuition per year for foreign students will be slightly less than 60 thousand dollars. If it is possible to live with relatives, then the cost will drop to 50 thousand. It is worth noting that compulsory health insurance at this university is cheaper than in Davis and the rest of the University of California complex, but the amount for personal expenses is higher. This is primarily due to the fact that in Los Angeles, where the educational institution is located, the cost of living is more expensive.

A pleasant bonus that all UCLA graduates are provided with is a workplace. The glory of this university is known far beyond the borders of the state, so when you graduate from this university with honors, you don’t have to worry about your future. Of course, the university graduates thousands of students every year, but not all of them seek employment in the state. Many return home to their hometown or country. But even with the number of graduates in Los Angeles, there is often a shortage of workers in the entertainment industry. Summer performances, various celebrations and celebrations - not a single event takes place here without good musicians, actors and dancers.

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Golden Gate Bridge

During the training, most of the classes will be practical. It doesn’t matter if you are studying economics or dramatic art, but there will always be fewer theory classes. Here all students are required to have a creative approach. The brighter and more interesting you are in reporting classes and practical lectures, the higher your academic rating. Memorizing material by heart does not guarantee your academic success.

As at Berkeley, Davis, Lawrence College and almost any other prestigious university in the United States, understanding and the ability to draw your own conclusions will be valued more than the ability to memorize 16 pages of text. This makes American higher education fundamentally different from Russia and other post-Soviet countries.

California is home to another very popular and world-famous university - Stanford. In the list of the 500 best educational institutions in the world, it ranks 2nd, behind only Harvard. It is 4th in the world for the quality of teaching mathematics and science, 2nd for engineering and computer science, 3rd for agricultural sciences, 5th for medicine and 6th for social sciences. The share of research work during training is almost 50%. Every year this university spends millions of dollars to modernize its scientific facilities. It is equipped with more than 100 laboratories and research centers in various teaching fields.

Stanford is a private university, unlike, for example, Davis, which receives part of its funding from the state budget. There are no preferential vacancies, but grants are provided for the best students. Even California residents pay full tuition. For local students one year at Stanford will cost more than 60 thousand dollars, according to statistics at the beginning of accepting documents for the 2018/2019 academic year. Every year, the cost of training rises by an average of 2-3 thousand dollars.

Residents of Canada and Mexico fall under the general admission program; all other countries can obtain places only on the basis of a competition.

The number of international students admitted to Stanford is limited. Due to the independent status of the university, the administration is not obliged to enroll more students than can be provided with quality education. If Davis cannot deny a place to a California resident whose passing scores meet the minimum enrollment threshold, then Stanford can do this without giving any actual reasons.

Many people dream of getting into this university. Graduating with honors will ensure rapid career growth, a better job and many opportunities in the world of science. Stanford master's and doctoral students are invited to teach at many universities around the world. They work for NASO and become medical advisers to presidents and prime ministers.

The non-profit organization, with the assistance of the university, annually hosts the Stanford Russian-American Forum, which begins in September and lasts 5–6 months. This allows both parties to exchange knowledge and conduct research activities primarily in the fields of social sciences, humanities and political sciences.

Getting into this university is undoubtedly not easy, but it is worth it. If the cost of education and the requirements for applicants seem too stringent, you can pay attention to another Californian university.

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