Currency control Sberbank. Foreign trade and currency control

Sberbank of Russia support service specialists provide consultations around the clock and accept complaints and requests from bank clients. Below are the contact details of the support service, toll-free Hotline numbers and the address for logging into your Personal Account.

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Single toll-free support number for Sberbank of Russia for individuals and legal entities:

8800 555 5550

Free calls from mobile and landline numbers registered in Russia.

How to call Sberbank for free?

To contact an employee Sberbank help service, call the toll-free number 8800 555 5550 (or short number 900 from any mobile phone) and select the desired voice menu item.

You can also call the operator directly - just wait until the system repeats all menu items without pressing any keys. Then you will be transferred to the first available bank employee. Call the number Sberbank hotline 8800 555 5550 you can from any Russia absolutely free, from a mobile or landline phone registered in the Russian Federation. Sberbank operator?

Support number for calls from Moscow and abroad:

+7 495 500 55 50

All calls to a single local number +7 495 500 55 50 paid according to the tariffs of your telecom operator. We recommend calling this hotline number when you are abroad in international roaming or when using a phone registered outside of Russia.

To urgently block a lost Sberbank bank card, press the number in tone mode immediately after connecting.

To quickly connect with a bank employee, select the desired section in the main menu of the automated information service.

Credit or salary card balance information- press the number

"Services for individuals"— press the number To connect with the Sberbank hotline operator, then press the number and then wait for the connection with a support specialist (mortgage department and others).

"Services for legal entities"— press the number to connect with the operator of the legal department, then press the number and then wait to connect with a support specialist to receive any information on bank services for legal entities.

Loyalty program "Thank you")— press the number to connect to the operator, then press the number and wait until you are connected to a support specialist.

For example, to immediately call a Sberbank support employee, call the same number 8800 555 5550 and press the numbers and in tone mode sequentially. To emergency block a credit card, simply press number 1 immediately after connecting.

Please prepare your personal data in advance to access personal information through the operator Sberbank hotline. To identify the client, passport data, a code word and bank account details may be required. At the same time, no bank employee has the right to ask you for your bank card PIN code or secret three-digit code. This information is strictly confidential! Please note that you can leave a request or complaint at bank security service, using the numbers indicated above and waiting for a connection with the operator.

Today at exactly five o'clock in the morning the bell rings. A cheerful girl's voice: “Is this Andrei Viktorovich? Are you comfortable talking?”

Is it convenient for me to talk?!

I ask who it is. It turns out, Sberbank. I say: it’s night here, and it’s actually a little early for you too. The girl was delighted: “So, you’re asking me to call you back at a time convenient for you?” Apparently, they have to put a tick in a certain place: the client asks to call back. I disconnect from the idiot and try to sleep.

Can't sleep. Actually, I called them yesterday and asked them to sort out one case. Apparently, the girl wanted to report the results. I shouldn’t have listened to her, I think.

In general, it seemed to me that Sberbank has recently begun to improve. I liked that instead of a crowd at the window, there are now coupons and chairs where you can wait your turn. The type of aunts from the housing office has been replaced by modern young people. You can be served in any department, not just the one to which you are assigned. Some transactions can be carried out independently, at their ATMs or over the Internet. And so on.

I have several accounts with Sberbank, including a deposit account. The percentage is small, but what can you do, it’s more reliable than in other places. I pay with my Sberbank VISA card everywhere, in all countries, and I immediately receive an SMS telling me how much I spent and how much is in my account. And so on. I save money on Italian accounts, but not on Russian ones, I live freely.

In November-December, when bad news began to arrive from the Russian banking sector, I thought it was time to put my eggs in different baskets. A friend of mine bought an apartment in Italy some time ago, for which he had to open an account in an Italian bank and transfer money from Russia for the transaction. I asked if it was easy to do. He says: very easy. You come to the tax office, fill out the form “Notification of opening an account abroad”, you receive a stamp on the completed form that they are aware, and with this piece of paper you come to any bank and transfer.

I treated this information with distrust. I called the general help desk of Sberbank. Everything was confirmed to me. I ask: can I transfer from any department? They say: in Moscow - from anyone. Is the amount limited somehow? - Unlimited!

Nevermind, I think, and they are also crying that billions are leaving the country.

For the New Year holidays, my family and I were planning a trip to Moscow. I approached the matter thoroughly. In order not to show the government account his accounts, he specially opened a new account in an Italian bank. I downloaded the “Notification” form from the Federal Tax Service website. I went with this form to my banker, transferred to him the questions that concerned him, so that he himself filled in the appropriate columns: full name of the bank, bank address, bank deposit agreement number, date of conclusion of the agreement, SWIFT bank, account (deposit) number.

On December 28 I came to the tax office in Moscow. Despite Saturday, they worked. Everything went like clockwork. Parking on the Garden Ring became paid, so I parked right at the door of the tax office, paid, entered and found that there was not a single visitor there. The girl checked that the papers were filled out correctly, slapped the seal, and made a copy for herself. Within 15 minutes I was at the door of Sberbank on Tsvetnoy Boulevard. Same story: paid parking, free space at the door, beauty.

There was no longer beauty inside. There are a lot of people. Their system issuing coupons is broken. There were queues at two windows. He defended his own. Terrible stuffiness. I ask the young man if I can transfer money from my Sberbank card account abroad. Reluctantly he says so: you can. I name the amount. No, he says, you can’t. Why, I say, I called the help desk. No, he answers, such an amount can only be paid at the branch where you received the card. And so no more than one and a half million. “If you had an account opened in our branch, then please - as much as you want.” And waits for me to leave. But I don't want to leave. “Open an account for me, I say, I’ll transfer money there from a card account, and you send it.” He looks at me, doesn’t know what to answer. "How long will it take to open an account?" - “Ten minutes.” - “How about transferring money? A day?” - “No, they will be listed right away.” In short, we do all this with a young man. It took, of course, not ten minutes, but half an hour. The unfortunate people in line, breathing down my neck, are starting to noticeably worry: they came to pay their housing and communal services, but here I am stuck. Large sums of money fly in the air from me to the young man and back, but you can still hear them. They don’t like the queue amounts, they discuss them.

But at the very least, we managed. The young man ran inside and brought the boss: “Do you have a notice marked tax office?” The boss is fully confident that I have no notice. "Eat!" - I say and take out the notification. They study it carefully. There is nothing to do, they photocopy the notification, my passport, and the details that were given to me by the Italian bank. They draw up paperwork first for conversion, then for transfer. Everything is ready. They even take your mobile number - just in case. And I'm leaving for the country. On the way, I receive an SMS: the money has left my account.

A week passes, then another. I returned to Italy a long time ago. There is no money in the new Italian account. Well, I think, holidays, this and that, first they have Christmas, then we have Christmas, a lot of days off. When three weeks have passed and the money has not arrived, I write to the Italian bank and attach a scan of the SWIFT payment. I had not worked with this bank before and was completely sure that there was some kind of disorder with them, the money had fallen somewhere. They answer immediately: they checked, nothing even similar came, and the details were specified correctly. I'm trying to call the Sberbank branch in Moscow, where I made the transfer from. Long beeps. Nobody picks up the phone all day. I called the general help desk of Sberbank to find out if their phone number has changed. No, they say, he hasn’t changed. At the same time, I’ll state my problem. They start connecting me with different people along the chain, finally someone formalizes my claim: I say that I live permanently abroad, so I don’t have the opportunity to run around the branches in Moscow, I tell them my full name, my account number, the number of the failed transaction, where, where from and what he sent. They promise to sort it out and call back.

They don't call back all day. Without hope of success, at the end of the day I dial the department’s number and am connected right away. The young lady looks at her papers and says indifferently: the transfer did not pass the exchange control. "What kind of exchange control?" - "Currency control of Sberbank." - “What’s the matter?” Rummaging through papers. "You entered your account number incorrectly." “It can’t be, I say. The Italian bank just confirmed to me in writing that all the details on the payment order are correct.” He's rummaging through the papers again. “You have, he says, one account number indicated in the tax notice, and another in the payment slip.” “Great, I say, I have all these papers in my hands. Let’s check them.” Let's start checking.

It turns out that in the column “Account (deposit) number” in the notification, the account number consists of 12 characters, and the IBAN is indicated in the payment, consisting of 27 characters. This is the discrepancy.

“Girl, I say, the account number is part of the IBAN. Look, the last twelve digits of the IBAN are my account number. See? And the IBAN begins with IT - Italy, that means. Then the digital designation of the bank, and then only my number accounts. Do you recognize them? It’s the same account.” “Why didn’t you indicate the IBAN in the “notification?” - “Because they don’t ask for an IBAN. They ask for an account number. And I indicated the account number. And exactly as it is written in my bank documents and as written in my agreement with the bank, which I presented to the tax office. If I wrote something else there, probably the tax office wouldn’t have missed it.” - “I didn’t understand anything.” - “Let’s do it again. In your bank there is a column: “IBAN” - I indicated the IBAN, and in the notification for the tax column there is another: “account (deposit) number”, so I indicated the account (deposit) number. What’s wrong ?" - “I sympathize with you very much, but I can’t do anything, you’ve refused.” - “Why didn’t you call me? You took my mobile number for some reason? I spent more than two weeks in Moscow, I would have come to you and added to the 12 digits of the account everything that is missing from the IBAN.”

And at that moment my mobile phone rings: I recognize it by the voice, it’s the idiot of the night. “Andrey Viktorovich, is it convenient for you to talk?” She definitely follows the cheat sheet. "Comfortable!" - “In order to begin checking your application, we must know your passport number. Please tell us your passport number.” - “It’s on your computer!” - “That’s why I’m calling you, to make sure that it was you who called us yesterday.” - “And I want to make sure that it was you who called me at night. Was it you?” - "I". - “And you called me just to ask for my passport number?” - “Yes.” - “You know, I called the department and they explained to me what was going on.” - “So you have no complaints against us?” - "Eat!" - “Please tell me your last name, first name and patronymic to file a claim.” - “You just said my last name, first name and patronymic!” - “Yes, but to file a claim you must give your last name, first name and patronymic.”

That's it, this was the last straw.

The next trip to Moscow will mean the closure of all accounts in Sberbank - mine and my wife's, including deposit ones. And the point is not that I was offended by them. No, the considerations are purely practical. Firstly, it is customary all over the world to immediately pull the claws out of such a bank when the first signs appear that the bank does not want to part with the client’s money. And without delay, sometimes being an hour late can have serious consequences. Secondly, life has taught me: you can’t waste time fighting the scoop. If a scoop suddenly appears ahead in all its glory (sometimes this happens quite unexpectedly, when you really don’t expect it at all), it is better to change the direction of movement, cross to the other side of the street, or just close your eyes and be silent for a while. In general, it is advisable to break all connections through which the scoop can reach you. Which is basically what I have been doing for the last five years. The time has come to break with the Soviet banking system.

Step 2. Fill out the form

In the dialog box, select the method of providing information - providing a contract. Fill out the form displayed on the screen, attach an electronic copy of the contract (for example, a scanned page). Additional information such as amount and currency, contract completion date, etc. may not be filled out. If you fill them out, the verification will go faster. Click on the green “Create” button at the bottom of the page

Step 3. Sign the document

Step 1. Open the currency transfer form

In the top menu, select the “Products and Services” section and click on the “Currency Control and Consulting” button. Click on the orange “New Document” button. In the drop-down menu, select “Register the contract”

Step 2. Fill out the form

In the dialog box, select the method of providing information - providing a contract. Fill out the form displayed on the screen, attach an electronic copy of the contract (for example, a scanned page). Additional information such as amount and currency, contract completion date, etc. may not be filled out. If you fill them out, the verification will go faster. Click on the green "Create" button at the bottom of the page

Step 3. Provide additional information about the currency transaction

The bank will request additional information about the foreign exchange transaction. It is necessary to indicate the type of contract and, if necessary, upload documents (if they were not previously provided)

Step 4. Sign the document

Check the accuracy of the information you provide to the bank. If there are no errors, click on the orange “Receive SMS code” button on the right and enter the received code in the input field

Dear clients - participants of foreign trade activities!

From November 20, 2018 1 the Directive of the Bank of Russia dated 07/05/2018 No. 4855-U “On introducing amendments to the Bank of Russia Instruction dated 08/16/2017 No. 181-I 2” comes into force; you can familiarize yourself with the regulatory document of the Bank of Russia at the link).

The changes establish control over the return by residents from non-residents of granted loans and interest on them to their accounts in authorized banks 3 .

The obligation of residents to repay loans and interest is established by Law No. 64-FZ from April 14, 2018 for the following loan agreements:

  • prisoners after 04/14/2018;
  • concluded before 04/14/2018, the conditions of which were significantly changed after 04/14/2018.

To register an agreement to provide a loan to a non-resident, the resident is required to provide the Bank with information on the expected timing of repatriation of foreign currency and (or) Russian currency.

Expected deadlines are calculated in accordance with Instruction No. 181-I (Appendix 3):

  • the terms for repayment of the loan and interest are determined on the basis of the loan agreement or are calculated by the resident independently;
  • the period for the transfer of funds by credit institutions is added to the calculation;
  • the expected period of repatriation of funds cannot exceed the date of completion of fulfillment of obligations under the loan agreement.

Information on the expected terms submitted by the resident is reflected by the Bank in the bank control statement under the loan agreement, clause 8.2 “Description of the payment schedule for repayment of principal and interest payments.”

The statement of banking control under loan agreements is supplemented with a section

V. Information on the resident’s fulfillment of the requirements of Article 19 of the Federal Law “On Currency Regulation and Currency Control” 4 with subsections:

V.I – Information on repayment of the principal debt;

V.II – Information on payment of interest payments.

Responsibility for failure by a resident to fulfill within the established time limit the obligation to receive from a non-resident funds due under loan agreements is established by Part 4 of Article 15.25 of the Code of Administrative Violations of the Russian Federation (as amended by Law No. 64-FZ and Law No. 325-FZ 5).

When transferring a contract (loan agreement) for servicing to another authorized bank, the resident is obliged to provide the new contract accounting bank (hereinafter referred to as the management bank) additionally with the following information 6:

  • date of registration of the contract (loan agreement);
  • date of deregistration of the contract (loan agreement) in the previous management bank;
  • registration number of the previous bank of the management company.

Currently, the resident submits to the new management bank only a contract (loan agreement), or an extract from it and information about the unique number of the contract (loan agreement).

When preparing a certificate of supporting documents for loan agreements with contract type code 5 – “provision of a loan to a non-resident”, you must indicate the following in the “Note” field:

“F” - in case of submission of documents confirming the occurrence of conditions for non-repayment of the loan (clauses 8-10 of part 2 of article 19 of Law No. 173-FZ);

“P” - in the case of submission of documents confirming the fulfillment of obligations to pay interest payments by a non-resident in a way other than settlements.

We draw the attention of individual residents!

The requirements of Article 19 of Law No. 173-FZ on the repayment of loans and interest on them to accounts in authorized banks also apply to resident individuals.

Directive No. 4855-U approved the procedure for individual lenders to submit documents and information on loan agreements to the Bank, including:

  • when writing off foreign currency or the currency of the Russian Federation under a loan agreement, the amount of obligations of which is equal to or exceeds the equivalent of 3 (three) million rubles, a resident individual must also provide information to the authorized bank about the expected timing of repatriation of funds;
  • when repaying a loan, making interest and other payments by a non-resident under a loan agreement, a resident individual must provide the authorized bank with information about the purpose of such payment no later than 30 (thirty) business days following the day of crediting foreign currency or Russian currency to the individual’s account ;
  • other.

1 Directive of the Bank of Russia dated 07/05/2018 N 4855-U “On introducing amendments to the Bank of Russia Instruction dated August 16, 2017 N 181-I “On the procedure for residents and non-residents to submit supporting documents and information to authorized banks when carrying out currency transactions, on uniform forms accounting and reporting on currency transactions, the procedure and deadlines for their submission" (hereinafter referred to as Instruction No. 4855)
2 Instruction of the Bank of Russia dated August 16, 2017 No. 181-I “On the procedure for the submission by residents and non-residents of supporting documents and information to authorized banks when carrying out currency transactions, on uniform forms of accounting and reporting on currency transactions, the procedure and timing of their submission” (hereinafter referred to as the Instruction No. 181-I)
3 Compliance by the resident with the requirements of Article 19 of the Federal Law of December 10, 2003 No. 173-FZ “On Currency Regulation and Currency Control” (hereinafter referred to as Law No. 173-FZ) as amended by the Federal Law of April 3, 2018 No. 64-FZ “On Amendments to Federal Law “On Currency Regulation and Currency Control” and Article 15.25 of the Code of the Russian Federation “On Administrative Offenses” (hereinafter referred to as Law No. 64-FZ).
4 By analogy with agreements on the export and import of goods and services
5 Federal Law No. 325-FZ of November 14, 2017 “On Amendments to the Federal Law “On Currency Regulation and Currency Control” and Article 15.25 of the Code of the Russian Federation on Administrative Offenses” (hereinafter referred to as Law No. 325-FZ), which came into force on May 14 .2018
6 The specified information is sent to the resident by the previous management bank (the bank that deregisters the contract on the basis of 6.1.1 of Instruction No. 181-I).

What else to read