Jam for my daughter: how an old hobby gave new life. Moms love us. Poems about mom are funny.

Having retired, they do not sit on a bench, but prepare delicious jam under their own brand. Pensioner Valentina Kolesnikova prepared about 700 jars of jam in six months. She sells the preparations online and at food fairs under the brand “Mom Loves You.” Thanks to this activity, Valentina Kolesnikova feels in demand, truly needed and useful. RETIRED. The project “Mom Loves You” appeared last year. Then Valentina Kolesnikova’s husband died. This coincided with his retirement and dismissal from the post of chief sanitary doctor of Orenburg. " I thought I would knit hats and mittens“- admits Kolesnikova. But instead, her daughter Anastasia, the creator of the organization for aspiring gastro-entrepreneurs “Local Food”, came up with the project “Mom Loves You”. She offered to make homemade jam and sell it. Valentina Kolesnikova agreed and moved to Moscow. Before this, the daughter asked her mother to make jam, which she gave to her friends for the New Year. I received positive feedback from friends. Anastasia began to study the market. “I was surprised that most of the jam in stores is sugar syrup, which is poured over berries and fruits. The difference in taste with a homemade product is colossal,” says the girl. For the brand, Nastya Kolesnikova chose the phrase that her mother always wrote to her in notes included in parcels: “Mom loves you.” She received them when she went to study in Moscow. Range. Now under the brand “Mom Loves You” they sell different types of jam and onion sauce. Photo from the archive of Anastasia KOLESNIKOVA MOMS UNITE. In Moscow, Valentina Kolesnikova prepares jam according to home recipes. But he loves to experiment. This is how pumpkin jam with ginger, orange, lemon and cardamom appeared. On social networks, Nastya talked about the jam. Everyone who wanted their mothers to join the project began writing to her. But in the end, they took only one mother - Lyubov Butyakova from Aleksandrov (Vladimir region). Thanks to her, the range expanded: plum jam with cinnamon, citrus with crusts, carrot with orange, zucchini with lemon, kiwi and lime appeared. The partners have issued declarations of conformity (see help). This gives the right to sell jam in stores. Women work at home, but constantly call each other. If they receive large orders, such as before the New Year, they come to the “Local Food” workshop and cook there. 300 rubles a 250-gram jar of “Mom loves you” jam costs. Of this amount, 200 rubles goes to pay my mother. From 50 to 150 cans manages to sell during two days of food fairs. Accordingly, the mother who made the jam receives from 10 to 30 thousand rubles. PROCESS. Jam is made from seasonal products. In winter it is made from pumpkin, ginger and citrus fruits. They will cook from apples and berries in summer and autumn. The products are packaged in 250 gram jars. They became one of the main expense items at the first stage. They spent about 20 thousand rubles. The remaining investments in the project are the purchase of ingredients. The jam can be ordered online or purchased at monthly food fairs. Valentina Kolesnikova and Lyubov Butyakova plan to expand production, but not at the expense of quality. They don't want to add preservatives to the jam. To cook only from fresh fruits and increase volumes, the project needs more mothers. Then, Valentina Kolesnikova is sure, the jam will have a real taste and, most importantly, the main ingredient - the love of a caring mother. Reference. What you need to make jam 1. Register as an individual entrepreneur by contacting the tax office and pension fund. 2. Send scanned copies of statutory documents to an expert company that has state accreditation. Send a covering letter in which the manufacturer requests to issue a declaration of conformity for the products. 3. Send one sample of all products to a licensed laboratory. 4. Pay for the declaration and research protocols (about 25 thousand rubles for everything). 5. Receive declarations in about a month. Now you can sell your products through stores. Join the project "

The mother of Anastasia Kolesnikova, the organizer of City Food Markets in Moscow, found herself making jam, and her daughter helped her.


The usual list of things to do in retirement, in addition to watching television series, knitting socks and weeding beds, also includes making jam. A doctor from Orenburg, Valentina Kolesnikova, having retired, took this seriously: now she makes jam for sale.

Note in the parcel

Valentina Kolesnikova is 61 years old. She is a physician by training and until her retirement she held the position of chief sanitary doctor at the Orenburg railway transport.

The family had a dacha and a garden, and Valentina Vasilyevna made jam all her life - apple, currant, strawberry, apricot and a special one, from apples with chokeberries. When her daughter Nastya was going to Moscow at the age of 17, Valentina Vasilievna was against it, but gave in and then from time to time sent her her jam by train.

“There was always a letter in the bag, at the end of which there was the same phrase: “Mom loves you,” Nastya recalls.

Anastasia Kolesnikova / Personal page on Facebook

Last year, Valentina Vasilievna’s life changed. Her husband died and she retired. And unexpectedly, I was left alone - my friends were still working, and I was the only child in Moscow.

By the way, in recent years my daughter has asked her mother to send her jam more often: Nastya’s many friends loved it, and it turned out that her mother’s jars of apple and strawberry were an excellent gift.

Here it must be said that Anastasia Kolesnikova is known in Moscow as the organizer of city food markets. She noticed long ago that it doesn’t matter in stores with delicious jam – not with an incomprehensible sweet mass, but with the kind that your mother or grandmother makes.

And when Valentina Vasilyevna retired, Nastya invited her to make jam not only for her and her friends, but also for everyone who lacks jam in their lives, “like in childhood,” for sale. She came up with the name for her mother’s future business herself: “Mom Loves You.”

“Probably, over the years, my love for my mother has become sharper,” laughs Valentina Vasilyevna. - This always happens. How is it with young people? I am this, I am that, I am myself. And then nostalgia for home appears. On the first label for the jam that Nastenka showed me, there was a house with a chimney and smoke...

“I think Nastya knew that I couldn’t just sit, read, knit.” – Valentina Vasilievna continues. “She saw retired people and suspected that the transition to the state of a pensioner would not be very comfortable for me. I was a leader for 30 years. I needed something to keep me busy.

Pumpkin with ginger

In January, Valentina Vasilievna broke her leg. After the operation, he still can’t walk without support, but that’s not a reason not to make jam. Yesterday I cooked three liters of orange, today – the same amount of pumpkin, all with ginger.

Previously, Valentina Vasilievna didn’t even know that you can also make jam from pumpkin / Elena Strebkova

Kolesnikova started using pumpkin quite recently, but now it’s a hit and her new signature jam. And the kitchen turned into an experimental laboratory.

“I’ve never even tried this before,” she says. - Well, what is pumpkin when there are strawberries, raspberries, apples, plums? Then Nastya gave me a book, and there was a recipe for pumpkin jam. It turned out delicious! True, I remade it - now there are still citrus fruits and ginger. Nobody knew about him before, but now many people love him.

In addition to pumpkin, Valentina Vasilvna also makes other, quite unusual types of jam:

– I also make green tomatoes with ginger. We once made jam from them with my mother, I had to remember. Or physalis - I turned the jam from it into a sauce, adding ginger and red pepper.


Valentina Vasilievna was provided with pumpkin by friends and neighbors who have their own dachas. It will last for a long time, but citrus fruits, oranges and lemons, have to be bought.

“Expensive,” she sighs. – Now it has become generally unprofitable to cook from citrus fruits. Probably, we need to think about seasonal jam - what has grown, we can cook from it: plums have ripened - from plums, apricots have appeared, apples - from them, with an eye to the future.

Labels, jars, points of sale - Valentina Kolesnikova’s daughter took charge of all this at first. Mom was only involved in making jam, which, by all accounts, was not a trivial matter - it took many hours, or even many days. But it was not in vain that she worked for so many years as a sanitary doctor.

Valentina Vasilievna tested all her jam in the laboratory - in Nastya’s words, “for everything that is possible.” As a result, it now has a certificate of conformity from the Customs Union for 8 varieties of its product. This jam can officially be sold not only in food markets, but also in regular stores.

Anyone can join the “Mom Loves You” project / Elena Strebkova

A 250-gram jar costs 300 rubles. Markets are held every month, and Valentina Vasilievna stands there with her jam herself - she says that selling turned out to be a surprisingly interesting business:

– When you cook and talk about your jam, it’s pleasant for both you and people. They taste it and ask: how do you do it, and what do you add to it? Sometimes we manage to sell 10 jars in a day, sometimes 50 - it’s unpredictable. No profit yet.

Valentina Vasilievna thinks that she could make money from her jam in city cafes:

– This would be a 7-8 thousand rubles increase in pension. But this will happen no earlier than in two years. And this is not an end in itself, of course. I also want to travel and meet relatives. Jam has been a hobby and I hope it will remain so.

What Pushkin loved

Despite the fact that the project was conceived as a family project - by a daughter for her mother - it is social. Valentina Vasilievna wants other mothers to take part in it, who, with retirement, have a lot of free time and have not lost the desire to make jam.

The second participant, Lyubov Butyakova from the Vladimir region, was found last year and is now making her signature types of jam for the project - plum with cinnamon, orange-carrot and kiwi with lime. She is the same age as Kolesnikova, a pediatrician by training, and Valentina Vasilievna jokes about this:

- For now we have such a medical cabal.

Usually, it’s not the mothers themselves who write to Kolesnikov, but their daughters—they learn about the project either at food markets or on social networks.

– Children are more active, they bother their mothers: you have delicious jam, come on! – says Valentina Vasilievna. – This happened with another mother, from the Yaroslavl region, we are now discussing cooperation. She makes jam from strawberries, apricots and plums. A classic version, but everyone turns out the same jam differently.

Nastya came up with the name for her mother’s future business herself - “Mom Loves You” / Elena Strebkova

Perhaps another participant will appear:

– The fourth mother – she makes cherry and banana jam. We brought pine cone jam for tasting - interesting, but very specific. We can refuse a specific jam, but we don’t refuse people - if something is wrong, we only ask to change the technology and are ready to try again.

At the end of December, Valentina Vasilievna wrote a plan for the coming year - her daughter forced her. She wants to find a mother who is a historian or an expert on Russian literature who could make Pushkin’s favorite jam – cherry.

Also, try making jam with honey, which some clients have asked for, and with fructose for those who can’t have sugar. And besides this, negotiate with several cafes to supply them with at least 30 jars per month.

And be sure to invite other retired mothers to the “staff.” After all, she is not the only one who loves her daughter and makes jam. All mothers do this.

If your mother, grandmother or you yourself are a pensioner, make delicious jam and want to participate in the “Mom Loves You” project, you can write a letter to Valentina Vasilievna at: [email protected].

The mother of Anastasia Kolesnikova, the organizer of City Food Markets in Moscow, found herself making jam, and her daughter helped her.

The usual list of things to do in retirement, in addition to watching television series, knitting socks and weeding beds, also includes making jam. A doctor from Orenburg, Valentina Kolesnikova, having retired, took this seriously: now she makes jam for sale.

Note in the parcel

Valentina Kolesnikova is 61 years old. She is a physician by training and until her retirement she held the position of chief sanitary doctor at the Orenburg railway transport.

The family had a dacha and a garden, and Valentina Vasilyevna made jam all her life - apple, currant, strawberry, apricot and a special one, from apples with chokeberries. When her daughter Nastya was going to Moscow at the age of 17, Valentina Vasilievna was against it, but gave in and then from time to time sent her her jam by train.

There was always a letter in the bag, at the end of which there was the same phrase: “Mom loves you,” Nastya recalls.

Last year, Valentina Vasilievna’s life changed. Her husband died and she retired. And unexpectedly for myself, I was left alone - my friends are still working, my only child is in Moscow.

By the way, in recent years my daughter has asked her mother to send her jam more often: Nastya’s many friends loved it, and it turned out that her mother’s jars of apple and strawberry were an excellent gift.

Here it must be said that Anastasia Kolesnikova is known in Moscow as the organizer of city food markets. That in stores it doesn’t matter with delicious jam - not with an incomprehensible sweet mass, but with the kind that your mother or grandmother makes - she noticed a long time ago.

And when Valentina Vasilyevna retired, Nastya invited her to make jam not only for her and her friends, but also for everyone who lacks jam in their lives, “like in childhood,” for sale. She came up with the name for her mother’s future business herself - “Mom Loves You.”

Probably, over the years, love for my mother has become sharper,” Valentina Vasilievna laughs. - This always happens. How is it with young people? I am this, I am that, I am myself. And then nostalgia for home appears. On the first label for the jam that Nastenka showed me, there was a house with a chimney and smoke...

I think Nastya knew that I couldn’t just sit, read, knit. - Valentina Vasilievna continues. “She saw retired people and suspected that the transition to the state of a pensioner would not be very comfortable for me. I was a leader for 30 years. I needed something to keep me busy.

Pumpkin with ginger

In January, Valentina Vasilievna broke her leg. After the operation, he still can’t walk without support, but that’s not a reason not to make jam. Yesterday I cooked three liters of orange, today - the same amount of pumpkin, all with ginger.

Kolesnikova started using pumpkin quite recently, but now it’s a hit and her new signature jam. And the kitchen turned into an experimental laboratory.

I’ve never even tried this before,” she says. - Well, what is pumpkin when there are strawberries, raspberries, apples, plums? Then Nastya gave me a book, and there was a recipe for pumpkin jam. It turned out delicious! True, I remade it - now there are still citrus fruits and ginger. Nobody knew about him before, but now many people love him.

In addition to pumpkin, Valentina Vasilvna also makes other, quite unusual types of jam:

I also make green tomatoes with ginger. We once made jam from them with my mother, I had to remember. Or here's physalis - I turned the jam from it into a sauce, adding ginger and red pepper.

Valentina Vasilievna was provided with pumpkin by friends and neighbors who have their own dachas. It will last for a long time, but citrus fruits, oranges and lemons, have to be bought.

Expensive,” she sighs. - Now it has become generally unprofitable to cook from citrus fruits. Probably, we need to think about seasonal jam - what has grown, we can cook from it: plums have ripened - from plums, apricots have appeared, apples - from them, with an eye to the future.

Labels, jars, points of sale - Valentina Kolesnikova’s daughter took on all this at first. Mom was only involved in making jam, which, by all accounts, was not a trivial matter - it took many hours, or even many days. But it was not in vain that she worked for so many years as a sanitary doctor.

Valentina Vasilievna tested all her jam in the laboratory - in Nastya’s words, “for everything that is possible.” As a result, it now has a certificate of conformity from the Customs Union for 8 varieties of its product. This jam can officially be sold not only in food markets, but also in regular stores.

A 250-gram jar costs 300 rubles. Markets are held every month, and Valentina Vasilievna stands there with her jam herself - she says that selling turned out to be a surprisingly interesting business:

When you cook and talk about your jam, it’s nice for both you and people. They taste it and ask: how do you do it, and what do you add to it? Sometimes you manage to sell 10 jars in a day, sometimes 50 - it’s unpredictable. No profit yet.

Valentina Vasilievna thinks that she could make money from her jam in city cafes:

This would be a 7-8 thousand rubles increase in pension. But this will happen no earlier than in two years. And this is not an end in itself, of course. I also want to travel and meet relatives. Jam has been a hobby and I hope it will remain so.

What Pushkin loved

Despite the fact that the project was conceived as a family project - by a daughter for her mother - it is social. Valentina Vasilievna wants other mothers to take part in it, who, with retirement, have a lot of free time and have not lost the desire to make jam.

The second participant, Lyubov Butyakova from the Vladimir region, was found last year and is now making her signature types of jam for the project - plum with cinnamon, orange-carrot and kiwi with lime. She is the same age as Kolesnikova, a pediatrician by training, and Valentina Vasilievna jokes about this:

So far we have such a medical cabal.

Usually it’s not the mothers themselves who write to Kolesnikov, but their daughters—they learn about the project either at food markets or on social networks.

Children are more active, they bother their mothers: you have delicious jam, come on! - says Valentina Vasilievna. - This happened with another mother, from the Yaroslavl region, we are now discussing cooperation. She makes jam from strawberries, apricots and plums. A classic version, but everyone turns out the same jam differently.

Anyone can join the “Mom Loves You” project

Perhaps another participant will appear:

The fourth mother - she makes cherry and banana jam. We brought pine cone jam for tasting - interesting, but very specific. We can refuse a specific jam, but we don’t refuse people - if something is wrong, we only ask to change the technology and are ready to try again.

At the end of December, Valentina Vasilievna wrote a plan for the coming year - her daughter forced her. She wants to find a mother who is a historian or an expert on Russian literature who could make Pushkin’s favorite jam - cherry.

Also, try making jam with honey, which some clients have requested, and with fructose for those who can’t have sugar. And besides this, negotiate with several cafes to supply them with at least 30 jars per month.

And be sure to invite other retired mothers to the “staff.” After all, she is not the only one who loves her daughter and makes jam. All mothers do this.

If your mother, grandmother, or you yourself are a pensioner, make delicious jam and want to participate in the “Mom Loves You” project, you can write to Valentina Vasilievna a letter at:

When Valentina Vasilyevna Kolesnikova retired, she could not even imagine that she would soon be preparing this traditional Russian delicacy on a scale much larger than at home. A naturally active and active person who had worked as a doctor all her life, she suddenly found herself alone, without something she loved, and became sad. This often happens when a person leaves work due to age: the children have grown up and left the parental nest, friends have their own worries and families, and only professional activities connect them with colleagues. Her daughter Anastasia found a solution to the problem: she suggested that her mother make homemade jam for sale.

Anastasia herself is the organizer of the “Local Food” project, which represents the interests of entrepreneurs who want to open their own business in the field of gastronomy. The food here is not the faceless packages on supermarket shelves, but something that is prepared in small batches from local ingredients and made with soul and love. Local Food organizes fairs where everyone can try and buy all kinds of goodies, as well as communicate with those who made them. Burgers, deli meats, handmade candies and sweets, drinks - you name it at these markets! Delicious homemade jam is a completely competitive product; you definitely can’t buy it in a store, Anastasia and her friends, whom she treated to her mother’s delicacy, were convinced of this. The name “Mom Loves You” did not appear by chance. Valentina Vasilievna wrote these words to her daughter when she went to study in Moscow. Like any other mother, it seemed to her that the child was malnourished in a foreign city, so parcels were sent to the capital with homemade pickles, jams and preparations, and in each - a letter ending with this very phrase: “Mom loves you.”

This delicacy helped our heroine to feel the taste of life again and find partners and like-minded people. The first batch of the product was sold in 2014, and since then Valentina Vasilievna’s jam has been a permanent participant in all Local Food markets. She not only cooks it, but also sells it herself and communicates with customers. She admits that at first it was scary to stand behind the counter, because she had never done this. But gradually she got used to it, and now she likes it. Initially, the jam was made according to old home recipes, but then the range expanded, and recipes with new ingredients appeared: pumpkin, lemon, orange, cinnamon, cardamom, ginger. Then new mothers also joined the “Mom Loves You” project: when information about the project appeared on the Internet, people began writing to Anastasia asking to participate in it. Now two other mothers are making jam together with Valentina Vasilyevna: one is a heating engineer by training, the other is an aircraft engineer. Mothers try to use
Use seasonal products and do not use preservatives. Raw materials are taken from our own gardens and dachas. The jam must be “trained”, boiled a little for testing: after all, the raw materials are different, and this affects the result. And they even issued a declaration of conformity for the product.

Despite the fact that mothers live in different cities, they communicate a lot: they need to find new recipes, and discuss what worked and what didn’t, and just chat and ask how things are going. Valentina Vasilievna argues that the value of the project lies in communication, although, of course, this is an increase in pension.

Now you can buy jam at Local Food markets and in the online store. And mothers also want to get into the cafe segment to introduce their brand to more people. Expanding is not very easy: the project is social and will not work in places where rental rates are high. Valentina Vasilievna says that it would be great if more mothers came to the project. But the problem is that it can be difficult for older people to decide on this, even if they have the desire and strength. Questions immediately arise: can I do it? will it work? Therefore, in this kind of matter, the help of relatives is very important, who can come up with initiative and support. The more retired mothers can find something they like, the calmer and happier the family will be. This will only make any jam tastier. Eat a spoonful and you will feel as if your mother hugged you by the shoulders and whispered: “Mom loves you.”

Presentation of the “Mom Loves You” project, as well as the fact that pensioners are a storehouse of unique skills, and why society should care about their employment ().

Anna Makarova

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