Witch beauty calendar for April. Lunar calendar of manicure and pedicure by day of the week. Favorable and unfavorable days for manicure

April is considered a treacherous month. The first warmth can be deceptive, and the ranks of those who avoided a cold are decimated by allergies. To maintain health and beauty, pay attention to the lunar calendar. At least let your beauty plans bring you pleasure.

Favorable days for haircuts

You should not experiment with your hair on April 1, so as not to make anyone laugh with the result. But already on April 3, you can safely go to your stylist for an interesting haircut. Trust the hands of a master.

External changes that occur on the days marked with a circle will attract good luck to you, provide peace of mind and instill additional confidence.

Favorable days for hair coloring

Favorable days for manicure and pedicure

There are days on which the nail plate slows down its growth due to the influence of the Moon, so a visit to the nail salon should be rescheduled to these favorable dates: the cuticle will grow more slowly, and the coating will last a long time!

Lunar calendar for facial care

April will begin on the fifth lunar day, which guarantees success in all beauty endeavors, but... only in the second half of the month.

Until the middle of the month, it is not recommended to carry out serious cosmetic procedures, especially cleansing and peeling; to do plastic surgery or even ordinary, seemingly contour plastic surgery. Leave all this for the period of the waning moon - it will begin on April 11.

April 1 and 18 (nourishing), April 3 and 15 (anti-aging), April 4 (natural and anti-aging), April 9 and 23 (berry and fruit), April 16 and 18 (cleansing and exfoliating).

Favorable days for body care

The moon affects not only the effectiveness of facial care procedures, but also the entire body as a whole. The waning moon is a period when you should get rid of everything unnecessary. For example, remove moles, start eating right and morning jogging.

The fight against problem areas, uneven skin and rashes on the body will also be most effective in the second half of April, so don’t miss this time and be sure to visit the spa area, sauna and massage therapist.

The best days to start a diet and get rid of bad habits- April 1 (fasting day and therapeutic fasting), April 4 (fruit and vegetable menu), April 7 (maximum sports motivation), April 9 and 27 (start of a diet), April 12 (best day for exercises on the hips and buttocks).

The most interesting lunar days of April

We planned a trip to cosmetologist or plastic surgeon? In April, it is important not only “when”, but also “what exactly” you plan to do.

April 12 is the ideal day for correction of the chin and chest, and on April 13 you can do any other plastic surgery on the face and neck, remove unwanted hair and tumors from the face.

April 14 is suitable for tattoos and piercings. Also, April 17, 18, 21 or 30 are the most “painless” days for body piercings.

It is very important for every woman to look attractive, and this is influenced by the health of hair, nails, skin, etc. But few people think about the fact that in reality it is extremely important to choose a certain time for manipulating nails and especially hair. but even our ancestors knew about this, that on certain days the same nails will grow more intensively, will be stronger and stronger, on other days the situation will not be so favorable, and the degree of risk increases by an order of magnitude.

In this article we will look at the issue of cutting nails according to the lunar calendar for the coming 2017, determine the most favorable time for this procedure, and help with certain tips.

Today, both women and representatives of the stronger sex are equally trying to take care of their appearance, including their nails. but not many people try to follow the lunar calendar, that is, taking into account the phase of the moon, zodiac signs, etc. In this article we will try to guide you.

Lunar calendar of nail cutting for January 2017

Favorable days for nail care in January 2017 are the 1st, 3rd, 14th, 15th-30th. These days we recommend paying special attention to cleaning your feathers.

  • haircut and/or extensions;
  • painting with varnishes (art design);
  • therapeutic/preventive procedures.

These procedures are not suitable for such January days as 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 27, 28 and 29.

Try to avoid any manipulation with your nails these days, unless there is a really urgent need. otherwise, you can ruin not only the nails themselves, but also worsen the situation in your personal life and professional field.

Lunar calendar for nail cutting for February 2017

This month, unfortunately, there are much fewer favorable days for nail care, namely only mid-February, from the 12th to the 23rd. As for unfavorable days, they will be 1-12 and 24-28. If beauty and health are equally important to you, then it would be better to devote time to manicure on set days.

Lunar calendar of nail cutting for March 2017

March of this year will delight the fair sex with an abundance of favorable days. These include 1-5, 12-17, 23-26. These days, you can contact manicure specialists without any problems or worries.

There are also neutral numbers, namely 6-11, 28-30. These days you can also freely do manicures, but it would be better to avoid manipulating the cuticles and the shape of the nails.

Lunar calendar for nail cutting for April 2017

April pleases us all with blossoms, chic spring, bright colors, and in our hearts we ourselves want color diversity. A suitable manicure will help create the appropriate mood.

Favorable days for April 2017 are 1-7, 14-18, 26-30. These days, pay special attention to feeding your nails with the necessary vitamins so that they are strong and healthy in the future.

Lunar calendar for nail cutting for May 2017

Favorable days for manicure in May are 2-7, 12-15, 28-31. These days, you can easily contact a specialist in this field of activity, or do your own manicure at home.

Days 1, 11, 19-21 are suitable for adding grace and color to your nails. The days not listed are not suitable for such work, so we recommend abstaining.

Lunar calendar for nail cutting for June 2017

Do not plan to cut your nails in June of this year on the following dates: 7-10, 15-20, and 30. These are unfavorable days for manicure.

The most suitable numbers would be 1-6, 11-14, 21 and 25-28.

The days not listed are only suitable for light nail adjustments, such as nail art, etc. But nothing more.

Lunar calendar for nail cutting for July 2017

This month, the number of favorable days is divided into certain parts, namely, 1-5, 10-15, 25-31. These days you can afford to have your nails cut, cuticles trimmed or corrected. On other days it is not recommended to do this, due to the fact that it can only worsen the situation.

Lunar calendar for nail cutting for August 2017

August of this year was also divided into three equal parts of favorable days. We are talking about the following numbers: 1-7, 12-17, and also 21-25.

Since August is the final month of summer, it is necessary to pay special attention to the health of your nails. It is necessary to saturate them as much as possible with useful substances and minerals for subsequent health and beauty.

Lunar calendar for nail cutting for September 2017

The best September days for such manipulations are 1-4, 7, 11-15, 21-26. That is, as we see, September pleased us with an abundance of favorable times for good nail care. On these days you can do:

  • changing nail design;
  • changing shape;
  • treatment and prophylactic procedures;
  • removing cuticles and so on.

Lunar calendar of nail cutting for October 2017

In October, autumn finally comes into its own and romance is in the air. In view of all this, it is necessary to pay special attention to nail care and especially design. Choose autumn, bright, warm colors.

The best time for this is 1-4, 9-12, 14-17, 20-24, 28-31.

Whatever you say, the generosity of this month can only touch you, can’t it?

Lunar calendar for nail cutting for November 2017

Compared to October, November sets more stringent rules, however, this does not mean that there is no opportunity to take care of your nails.
According to the lunar calendar, the best days for manicure are 2-7, 11-15 and 21-26.

Lunar calendar for nail cutting for December 2017

In December, the final month of 2017, there will be quite a few favorable days for manicure, namely 7-15 and 20-31.

But, pay attention, you are given the last days of December, and during this time you will be able to thoroughly prepare for the New Year 2018. Isn’t this a New Year’s miracle?
These days you have complete freedom of action, so good luck to you!

Our ancestors lived according to the laws of nature - they listened to it, believed in its powers and revered it. They also associated all the changes that took place in their society with nature. After all, the whole world is full of her wisdom, and whether we like it or not, it is completely under her control: from ancient times to this day. Lunar calendars have become very popular recently, using which gardeners calculate the most favorable days for planting, fishermen select the best time for fishing, and women try to get pregnant.

The sphere of beauty, which is also influenced by the Moon, was no exception. In this article we will introduce you to several types lunar calendars for manicure and pedicure for 2017, so that you know when and what you can do with your nails without compromising your health and family well-being.

Any male or female look will be incomplete without a high-quality and neat manicure. Not so long ago, well-groomed hands were considered an aristocratic sign, but today they are a necessity for everyone who cares not only about their appearance, but also about their health. After all, there are many points near the nails that are responsible for the condition of some internal organs.

If you do not provide proper care to your nails, or do it incorrectly, you can cause severe damage to your own body.

You can prevent negative consequences for human health in 2017 using the lunar calendar of manicure and pedicure by day of the week. Astrologers suggest that we all follow these recommendations when creating nail art:

  1. On Monday, which is ruled by the Moon, nails are allowed to be cut, painted or extended. Getting a manicure and pedicure on the first day of the week will put you in a good mood, relieve depression and have a positive effect on the health of the genitourinary system
  2. It is recommended to cut your nails on Tuesday. Mars, which patronizes this day, will have a positive effect on the structure of your nails, make them strong and strong, and will also have a beneficial effect on your well-being - it will attract additional finances to your family budget
  3. Wednesday is a great day to get a manicure for those who are overwhelmed by the hustle and bustle of everyday life, tired and mentally exhausted. According to lunar calendar for pedicure and manicure, the environment will give you strength and inspiration so that you achieve success in school or at work
  4. On Thursday it is best to cut your nails, since Jupiter, which rules this day, will have a positive effect on both the nails and the entire human body as a whole. In addition, on the fourth day of the week, it is advised to get a manicure for those who have problems in the team at work.
  5. On Friday it is better not to do anything with your nails, since on this day absolutely all processes occurring in the human body slow down. Therefore, any procedures with nails, cutting them, in particular, can negatively affect your well-being
  6. On Saturday, manicure is allowed. This procedure will have a particularly good effect on those people who have accumulated a lot of financial debts or are tired of loneliness. Saturn, which patronizes Saturday, will help you solve all these problems
  7. Sunday is a day off not only to take a break from work. On this day you can’t do absolutely anything, not even manicure. Astrologers claim that the seventh day of the week is the day of evil spirits, which is well attracted to a person who violates the basic rules of Sunday

Features of the lunar calendar of manicure according to zodiac signs

This type of lunar calendar for manicure can be divided into three subgroups:

  • Periods when the Moon is in neutral signs of the Zodiac - Aries, Taurus and Pisces. This is the time when you can work on your nails, but be extremely careful so that there are no wounds left on your fingers, otherwise an inflammatory process may begin in the areas of damage

  • Periods when the Moon passes through favorable signs of the Zodiac for manicure - Capricorn, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Aquarius. This is the time when you can carry out all types of work with nails, both at home and in specialized salons.
  • Periods during which the Moon is in zodiac signs unfavorable for nail care - Gemini and Cancer. If you decide to grow your nails at this time, there is a risk that this will not be successful - your nails will either peel off or fungus will form.

Lunar manicure calendar for 2017 by month

During the year we always have many different holidays and corporate events where we want to look irresistible. However, not every day according to the lunar calendar can be used to make your nails beautiful. In 2017, astrologers identified three periods in each month during which they recommend and strictly prohibit doing manicures.

Features of the lunar manicure calendar for January 2017

The best period for creating a manicure and pedicure falls on the following January dates: 1-2, 14-26. At this time it is allowed:

  • cut and extend nails
  • make art design
  • trim the cuticle
  • carry out medical procedures

All this will have a beneficial effect on mood, well-being and relationships with the opposite sex.

Unfavorable times in January for manicure procedures are 7-13, 27-29. If you allow yourself to “brush your feathers” these days, you may encounter numerous troubles both at home and at work. In addition, wounds that may form during manicure and pedicure will not heal very quickly.

Neutral period for January manicure 2017 according to the lunar calendar falls on the 3rd-6th, 30-31st, when nails are allowed to be filed, but you cannot trim them and use bright-colored varnishes, as society may perceive this negatively.

Features of the lunar manicure calendar for February 2017

The best time in February for a manicure is the 13th-24th, which will be successful and successful, both at work and in your personal life, and will significantly improve your mood. Allowed:

  • do extensions
  • stylish nail art
  • wellness treatments

During the period from February 5 to 9, as well as from February 25 to 28, manicure is strictly prohibited. Otherwise, you risk disrupting your good relationship with your loved one.

February 1-4, February 10-12, careful nail care is allowed. It is important that no wounds occur. Nails trimmed these days may grow slowly, but there will be no negative health consequences.

Features of the lunar manicure calendar for March 2017

The positive period at the beginning of spring falls on the 9th-10th, 15th-26th. You can make bright nail art, and work on the nail plate if necessary. Astrologers say that manicures and pedicures created these days will have a positive impact on your life: you will be able to become a financially independent person and find your other half.

On March 1-4 and 27-31, you can fruitfully work on your nail design - make it bright and catchy. But you shouldn’t cut them off to avoid troubles at work and a financial hole in your wallet.

Features of the lunar manicure calendar for April 2017

Favorable times in April are April 5-9, 13-22 and 29. By creating beautiful nail art, you will bring a sea of ​​positivity, peace and harmony into your life. It is likely that you will succeed in your career and new opportunities will open up for you.

Procedures with nails on April 1-4, 10-12, 28 and 30 can lead to bad consequences. Troubles will appear in relationships with relatives, and it is possible that in business too.

Features of the lunar manicure calendar for May 2017

On May 2-9, 14-18, 27, 30 and 31, you can, without fear, visit the salon to get a manicure, and thereby increase your income and increase your chances of meeting new people and making acquaintances with them. This will only have a positive impact on your life.

Astrologers warn that May 1, 10-13, 22-26, 28 and 29 are bad days for getting a manicure or pedicure, as there is a high probability of deterioration in your health, and you may be very susceptible to depression.

Neutral days in May are 19-21.

Features of the lunar manicure calendar for June 2017

Good times for a manicure are June 1-7, 12-17, 21, 26-30. You can paint your nails brightly, decorate them with sparkles and rhinestones - the people around you will appreciate such creativity.

It is not advisable to do nails on June 8-11, 22-25 to avoid possible injuries, depression and other health problems.

Features of the lunar manicure calendar for July 2017

The best manicure at the height of summer can be obtained on July 1-5, 15-20, 25-31. You will not just have beautiful nails, but a great mood, romance will come to your relationship, and your life will be filled only with good news.

A manicure created on July 6-10, 21-24 will have a bad effect on your life. Failures in everything and endless family quarrels will begin. On July 11-14, you can enjoy spa treatments for your nails. Everything else that has to do with nails should be avoided.

Features of the lunar manicure calendar for August 2017

At the end of summer there will be many favorable days to work on your nails, namely August 1-5, 14-17, 24-31. According to astrologers, a manicure done these days will make you attractive and sexy.

Features of the lunar manicure calendar for September 2017

With the onset of autumn, the opportunity to create an original design and high-quality manicure still remains. In September, all this can be done on 1-4, 13, 16-17, 23-30.

On September 5-8, 14-15, 18-22, do not plan to visit a manicurist, as nail art created on these days can negatively affect your business. Astrologers identified September 9-12 as neutral days on which manicure is not recommended.

Features of the lunar manicure calendar for October 2017

In October, manicure can be the brightest and most unusual. This month you can create it on October 1-3, 8-10, 13-17, 22-25 and 29-31. Astrologers are convinced that by doing your nails these days, you will protect yourself from any troubles, add sophistication and sophistication to your image, and also gain unprecedented popularity at work among your colleagues.

On October 4-7, 11-12, 18-21, you cannot work on your nails, so that the family does not have financial problems.

A manicure done on October 26-28 will not cause you any particular trouble, but it is better to reschedule it for other days.

Features of the lunar manicure calendar for November 2017

Astrologers have calculated that November 1-2, 7, 10-16, 21-24 are the best days for a manicure, which can extend your life, help you achieve excellent results in any endeavor and strengthen your nails.

Manicure procedures carried out on November 3-6, 8-9 will lead to the opposite result. On November 25-30, you can only repaint your nails, but cutting or filing is prohibited, in order to avoid quarrels and failures.

Features of the lunar manicure calendar for December 2017

The most successful period in December to get a manicure is December 7-16, 21-31. It will bring you many positive aspects - luck, success, financial independence and love.

A manicure done on December 5-6, 17-20 will have a negative impact on the health of your nails. But the beginning of December - the 1st-4th - was designated by astrologers as neutral, but they do not recommend cutting or painting your nails.

The lunar manicure calendar in 2017 will help people always remain beautiful and well-groomed. It can be an excellent assistant in choosing the best days to create a unique, and most importantly, healthy manicure.

Video: Manicure according to the Lunar calendar

This video is a plot from a popular Ukrainian TV show. In it, experienced astrologer and psychic Sofia Litvinova talks about how the phases of the moon affect the health of our nails.

List of abbreviations Moon without course in April 2017*

R.L. - Waxing Crescent
W.L. - waning moon

Full – full moon

Perch. – First quarter

Pos.Ch. – last quarter

New – New Moon

Favorable day for new things and important decisions

Unfavorable day for new affairs and important decisions

02.04.2017 17:43 - 02.04.2017 21:27

04.04.2017 23:45 - 05.04.2017 01:13

07.04.2017 03:16 - 07.04.2017 07:20

09.04.2017 11:21 - 09.04.2017 15:34

11.04.2017 21:19 - 12.04.2017 01:42

14.04.2017 07:17 - 14.04.2017 13:27

16.04.2017 21:26 - 17.04.2017 02:04

19.04.2017 12:57 - 19.04.2017 13:52

21.04.2017 21:23 - 21.04.2017 22:43

24.04.2017 00:34 - 24.04.2017 03:32

26.04.2017 00:53 - 26.04.2017 04:56

28.04.2017 04:18 - 28.04.2017 04:39

30.04.2017 00:28 - 30.04.2017 04:48

*Moon without a course - a list of periods when it is better not to start important things - from getting a job to sending letters.

* A day without a description duplicates the previous day in terms of location in the Zodiac sign and in terms of favorable and unfavorable aspects.

* Time zone (GMT+3) Moscow time. When changing the time zone, the time of moonrise and the periods of the moon without a course are shifted by the number of hours from Moscow time.

April 1 / Sat

6th lunar day / Moon in Gemini / R.L. / +

Psychological background

Beauty and hair cutting



April 2 / Sun

7th lunar day / Moon in Cancer from 21:27 / R.L.

Psychological background:

Beauty and hair cutting



April 3 / Mon

8th lunar day / Moon in Cancer / Per. Ch./ -

April 4 / Tue

8-9 lunar day / Moon in Cancer / R.L.

April 5 / Wed

10th lunar day / Moon in Leo from 01:13 / R.L.

Psychological background

Cheerfulness, high spirits, determination.

Beauty and hair cutting

Favorable: haircut, sauna, bathing, selection of cosmetics; Unfavorable: perm, coloring.


The heart and vascular system should be protected. Changes in blood pressure are possible. The day is favorable for procedures to improve the nervous and vascular systems.


Favorable: watering, harvesting for long-term storage, weeding, drying herbs, vegetables and fruits, pruning plants; Unfavorable: planting, sowing.

April 6 / Thu

11th lunar day / Moon in Leo / R.L. / +

April 7 / Fri

12th lunar day / Moon in Virgo from 07:20 / R.L.

Psychological background

Practicality, rationality, punctuality.

Beauty and hair cutting

Favorable: haircut, perm, manicure, pedicure, cleansing procedures for face and body; Unfavorable: hair coloring.


The gastrointestinal tract should be protected. Constipation or diarrhea may occur. The day is favorable for intestinal cleansing procedures; it is good to have a fasting day.


Favorable: Fertilizer, fertilizing, spraying, planting seedlings, planting ornamental plants; Unfavorable: planting seeds of vegetables and fruits.

April 8 / Sat

13th lunar day / Moon in Virgo / R.L.

April 9 / Sun

14th lunar day / Moon in Libra from 15:34 / R.L.

Psychological background

Harmony, artistry, hesitation.

Beauty and hair cutting

Favorable: haircut, healthy hair and scalp, selection of cosmetics; Unfavorable: hair coloring.


You should take care of your hips, bladder, and kidneys. Possible inflammation of the bladder, exacerbation of the disease in patients with pancreatitis and diabetes. The day is favorable for procedures to improve the bladder. You should avoid drinking sweets and large amounts of liquid.


Favorable: Planting, sowing, replanting, grafting plants, rooting cuttings, pruning, watering; Unfavorable: Weeding.

April 10 / Mon

15th lunar day / Moon in Libra / R.L.

April 11 / Tue

16th lunar day / Moon in Libra / Full. / -

April 12 / Wed

17th lunar day / Moon in Scorpio from 01:41 / U.L.

Psychological background

Excitement, nervousness, passion.

Beauty and hair cutting

Favorable: massage, aromatherapy; Unfavorable: Haircut, coloring, perm, cosmetic procedures.


The genitals and rectum should be protected. Possible inflammation of the genital organs. The day is favorable for taking relaxing baths and massages.


Favorable: Planting, sowing, transplanting, grafting plants, rooting cuttings, watering, harvesting; Unfavorable: Pruning, replanting.

April 13 / Thu

18th lunar day / Moon in Scorpio / U.L.

April 14 / Fri

19th lunar day / Moon in Sagittarius from 13:27 / U.L.

Psychological background

Calmness, correctness, diligence.

Beauty and hair cutting

Favorable: hair strengthening procedures, hand baths, removal of warts, moles, ingrown nails; Unfavorable: Cauterization, tattooing, punctures; Neutral: Haircut.


You should take care of the Hips, circulatory system, liver, gall bladder. Possible inflammation of the sciatic nerve. The day is favorable for procedures to improve the lungs. It is advisable to avoid spicy fatty foods and alcohol.


Favorable: Gathering root crops, collecting and drying herbs and fruits, preparing firewood; Unfavorable: Planting, replanting (except for fast-growing crops).

April 15 / Sat

19-20 lunar day / Moon in Sagittarius / U.L.

April 16 / Sun

20 lunar day / Moon in Sagittarius / U.L. / +

April 17 / Mon

21-22 lunar day / Moon in Capricorn from 02:04 / U.L.

Psychological background

Beauty and hair cutting

Favorable: Hair removal, eyebrow correction, manicure, skin care, pedicure; Unfavorable: Haircut.


You should take care of your bones. Possible fractures. It is not advisable to do massage. The day is favorable for procedures to improve the stomach.


Favorable: Planting root crops, watering, fertilizing, hilling, weeding; Unfavorable: replanting flowers.

April 18 / Tue

22nd lunar day / Moon in Capricorn / U.L. /

April 19 / Wed

23rd lunar day / Moon in Aquarius from 13:52 / Pos.H. / -

Psychological background

Inner freedom, emancipation, intuition.

Beauty and hair cutting

Favorable: Treatment of cracks in the skin of the hands and feet, dental procedures, manicure, pedicure, tattooing, electrical procedures; Neutral: Haircut, coloring.


You should take care of your ankles and ankles. Fractures and inflammation of the veins are possible. The day is favorable for hardening the body.


Favorable: Pinching, hilling, weeding, picking, preparing canned food; Unfavorable: Planting, transplanting.

April 20 / Thu

23-24 lunar day / Moon in Aquarius / U.L.

April 21 / Fri

25th lunar day / Moon in Pisces from 22:43 / U.L.

Psychological background

Romanticism, dreaminess, intuition.

Beauty and hair cutting

Favorable: cleansing masks; Unfavorable: Haircut, coloring, perm, massage, water procedures.


You should take care of your shins and skin. Allergies and inflammation of the veins are possible. The day is favorable for bowel cleansing. It is not recommended to drink a lot of fluids and alcohol. Surgery is not recommended.


Favorable: Sowing, planting, replanting (except for plants overwintering in the ground), mowing lawns, pruning and grafting trees and shrubs, watering, fertilizing, preparing canned food, collecting medicinal herbs.

April 22 / Sat

26th lunar day / Moon in Pisces / U.L. / +

April 23 / Sun

27 lunar day / Moon in Pisces / U.L.

April 24 / Mon

28th lunar day / Moon in Aries from 03:32 / U.L.

Psychological background

Beauty and hair cutting

Favorable: peeling, hair removal, wart removal, massage; Unfavorable: cutting, coloring.


You should take care of your nose, teeth, ears, eyes. Headaches are possible. The day is favorable for procedures to improve the kidneys and bladder.


Favorable: thinning seedlings, loosening the soil, spraying plants, harvesting; Unfavorable: sowing seeds and planting seedlings.

April 25 / Tue

29-30 lunar day / Moon in Aries / U.L.

April 26 / Wed

30-1 lunar day / Moon in Taurus from 04:56 / New. / -

Psychological background

Stubbornness, peace, confidence.

Beauty and hair cutting

Favorable: hair and scalp care, masks, massage, eyebrow correction, perm, blonde hair dyeing, tattooing, injections; Neutral: haircut.


You should take care of your throat and lower jaw. Colds and poisoning are possible. The day is favorable for procedures to improve the throat and reproductive system.


Favorable: planting, watering, spraying; Unfavorable: weeding.

April 27 / Thu

2nd lunar day / Moon Taurus / R.L.

April 28 / Fri

3rd lunar day / Moon in Gemini from 04:39 / R.L.

Psychological background

Activity, sociability, suggestibility.

Beauty and hair cutting

Favorable: bath, aromatherapy, inhalations, hand and foot baths; Unfavorable: haircut, manicure, eyebrow correction, hair coloring.


You should take care of your lungs, upper respiratory tract, arms, and shoulders. Possible rheumatic pain, shortness of breath, colds. The day is favorable for procedures to improve the lungs and liver. Fasting is beneficial.


Favorable: pruning plants, pest control, weeding; Unfavorable: sowing seeds and planting seedlings other than strawberries, strawberries, peas, cucumbers.

April 29 / Sat

4th lunar day / Moon in Gemini / R.L.

April 30 / Sun

5th lunar day / Moon in Cancer from 04:48 / R.L.

Psychological background

Sensitivity, vulnerability, mood swings.

Beauty and hair cutting

Favorable: facial cleansing, bathing with salt, oils or herbs, plastic surgery; Unfavorable: cutting, coloring, perm.


You should take care of your stomach and liver. Possible belching, heartburn, gastritis. The day is favorable for procedures to improve the stomach, gall bladder, and liver. Massage is useful.


Favorable: planting, watering, replanting; Unfavorable: pruning, weeding, collecting vegetables and fruits for long-term storage.

Keywords of Lunar days (actions and personal qualities that should be applied):

1. analysis, compromise, calm, planning, reflection.

2. the beginning of action, acceptance of gifts, multiplication of goodness, rhythm.
3. increased energy tone, caution, self-control, solitary work.

4. information, the ability to respond adequately, choice, analysis of the current situation.

5. transformation, change, integration, unification, increase in load.
6. relaxation, meditation, rest, transmission of thoughts at a distance.
7. the power of words, creativity, the other side of reality, depth of understanding, creativity, creativeness, sociability, control of speech.
8. revival, transition to a new level, solitude, inner freedom, courage, openness to everything new, leisurely, relaxation.

10. family, traditions, construction, gardening, cohesion, house-building, patriarchy, strengthening family ties, laying a foundation, returning to origins and one’s roots.

11. self-control, concentration on the goal, energy management, honesty with oneself, realistic assessment of one’s strengths, increased energy, assertiveness.
12. meeting with your true nature, choosing between the material world and the spiritual, achieving a sense of unity with the Universe, altruistic activity, gratitude, wisdom, restoration of mutual understanding.

13. increasing awareness, establishing a connection between a small and a global goal, overcoming selfishness, an additional source of energy, changing one’s opinion about oneself, correcting one’s fate.
14. activity, effectiveness, self-confidence, swiftness, persistence, adjustment.

15. confidence, logical completion of what was started, victory, success, the highest point of energy filling, self-control, active life position, asceticism, self-discipline.
16. reducing tension, preparing for a good rest, applying the finishing touches, analyzing the path traveled, establishing harmony between each other and the achieved result.

17. rest, relaxation, joy, fun, celebration, inner freedom, positive perception of reality, emancipation.

18. honesty, calmness, correcting one’s shortcomings, changing for the better.

19. increased self-control, checking the assimilation of past lessons, transforming one’s negative qualities into positive ones, time to free oneself from everything unnecessary, putting things in order.

20. awareness of your goal, a bird's eye view of your life, adjustment, understanding that everything is not accidental, active life position, overcoming doubts.
21. activity, creativity, creative thinking, teamwork, effective movement forward, quantum leap, revolutionary transformations.
22. concentration on completing a task, the finish line, self-control, measuring one’s efforts, understanding one’s uniqueness, concentrating on one’s life path, gaining insight into secret symbols.
23. harvesting, completing things correctly, understanding one’s mistakes, radical reforms.

24. harvesting, destroying the old and creating the new, accepting yourself as you are, thoroughness.
25. restoration of strength, proper rest, psychological adaptation.
26. smooth transition to new goals, renewal of movement, understanding of the essence of the life process, following natural rhythms, clear definition of one’s life positions.
27. awareness of the goal, a sense of internal rhythm, following the natural flow of energies.
28. peace, restoration of connection with the divine essence, self-knowledge, bringing light into all areas of life, divine karma.

29. increased self-control, spiritual transformation, cleansing of the Augean stables of the inner world.

30. completion, rest, recuperation, altruism, love and harmony.

This was the Lunar calendar for April 2017. See you in the new month!

Useful tips

In April 2017 Venus will turn from retro movement to direct and will make several extremely negative aspects with Saturn, so this, like the previous month, will not be suitable for serious plastic surgery.

Anything related to the beauty industry, shopping for clothes and cosmetics, will be welcomed some obstacles on his way. Remember this, be careful when signing up for any procedures in beauty salons and going shopping.

Read also:Astrological forecast by zodiac signs for April 2017

ATTENTION! The most dangerous days for serious procedures aimed at radically changing the image, as well as complex procedures for rejuvenation and improvement of appearance: April 3, 6-8, 10, 13-16, 19-21, 25, 26.

Cleansing procedures for the body, face and hair are best done in days of the waning moon - from 11 to 24 April. These days the cleansing will be much more effective.

Read also:General astrological forecast for all zodiac signs for April 2017

Plan nourishing masks for skin and hair in waxing moon daysfrom 1 to 10 and from 26 to 30 April. Remember that these days you cannot get tattoos, piercings or sign up for mesotherapy, since with the waxing Moon any such procedures will be more painful!


♊ 1 APRIL, Saturday. 5th, 6th lunar day from 08:36.TWINS

Spring has already entered the threshold with both feet, and your body has not yet recovered from the winter cold and vitamin deficiency? Today is a day off, which should be devoted to visiting specialists in the field cosmetology, chiropractors. Collect information, draw up a schedule of procedures for a month in advance: this work will bear fruit. Among specific actions, we can recommend a restorative massage that improves the tone of the body. It makes sense to make nourishing masks for the face and décolleté. You shouldn't get a manicure or pedicure today, but... reflex massage areas of the hands will have a beneficial effect on the condition of the nails.

Fitness : on this day, general strengthening exercises that allow you to lose excess weight will be beneficial. Training should be moderate; overload is fraught with injury (especially for the muscles of the upper extremities). Avoid stress - today the nervous system is our weak point.

♊♋ 2 APRIL, Sunday. 6th, 7th lunar day from 09:20.TWINS , CANCER from 21:27

Moon without course from 17:43 to 21:26

The Moon continues to grow in Gemini, which means that we continue to work on learning from our own mistakes and compose beauty care program and health. Pay special attention to the problem of bad habits (it’s also worth consulting with specialists in this area). The day is Sunday, so take time for simple procedures, such as masks to nourish your facial skin, or a restorative massage. It is better not to carry out any complex procedures for cleansing the skin of your hands (including manicures and nail trimming) today.

Fitness : This day marks a high level of danger. Moral depression, headaches, metabolic disorders - all these troubles, which are very likely on this day, are unlikely to set you up for active training. Therefore, rest or light relaxing workouts are recommended.

♋ 3 APRIL, Monday. 7th, 8th lunar day from 10:13.CANCER

First quarter, second phase of the Moon from 21:39

Firm breasts are every woman’s dream. Start making your dream come true starting Monday. However, all procedures and activities in this direction must be absolutely natural. Plastic surgery is contraindicated. Breast massage is recommended, nourishing masks based on natural products (masks made from fermented milk products are especially useful) will help to significantly improve skin tone. A solarium will do more harm than good. You should also not plan a visit to the hairdresser, perm, or wash your hair today.

Fitness : The Moon in Cancer favors active training (and active pastime), however, the day is characterized by extremely negative aspects. In addition to the danger of injury, there is a high risk of increased blood pressure, exacerbation of chronic diseases, and nervous breakdowns. From the training program you should exclude all exercises that increase the risk of injury. Use simple exercises aimed at pumping up the muscles of the pelvic area and hips, such as squats, knee raises, etc.

♋ 4 APRIL, Tuesday. 8th, 9th lunar day from 11:15.CANCER

Moon without course from 23:45

As additional breast care measures, we can recommend hydromassage. This is the simplest but most effective way to improve blood supply to this area. Masks made from regular lemon or cucumber tone the skin well. You can also apply a mixture of whipped cream and strawberries to your breasts. A quarter of an hour - and the visual effect will be obvious. Today you still can’t sunbathe or use strong cosmetics.

Fitness : on this day you can slightly intensify the load on the hips and legs. You can work out on exercise machines using effective exercises aimed at pumping up the buttocks, thighs, and calf muscles. Risks are still present, but they are mainly associated with high probability nervous overstrain.

♋♌ 5 APRIL, Wednesday. 9th, 10th lunar day from 12:24.CANCER , A LION from 01:14

Moon without course until 01:13

The day will pass under the sign of Leo, which should encourage you to take active steps to tidy up your hair. Today you can and should visit a hairdresser, dye your hair, get hair extensions, and even do a very fine perm. If you don’t plan to get a haircut, or for some reason you didn’t have time to get to the salon, trim the ends of your hair. This way you guarantee yourself that they will not fray for a long period of time. Also today you can get eyelash extensions and dye your eyebrows. It is better to postpone all other activities to take care of the beauty of your body to other days.

Fitness : the day will pass virtually without risks, so engage in active general strengthening strength training. Almost everything is possible, except aerobic exercise, which today can put a negative strain on the heart muscle. Also, you should not include exercises to pump up your abdominal muscles in your training program.

♌ 6 APRIL, Thursday. 10th, 11th lunar day from 13:36.A LION

The day is unfavorable for many procedures, so you shouldn’t expect too much from it. Today you cannot peel the skin (especially deep skin cleansing procedures using active cosmetics). You cannot visit the solarium. Removing body hair also does not make much sense, since it will grow back faster than usual. The only good solution is to go to the hairdresser (if you didn’t have time to do this yesterday), where you can give your imagination a chance to run wild.

Fitness : Cardio exercise on this day can be dangerous. In addition, the day threatens with impulsive outbursts of mood, which is why you may not calculate the load in the gym. Overall, the day is conducive strength training, however, be careful while performing the exercises in order to correctly calculate your strength.

♌♍ 7 APRIL, Friday. 11th, 12th lunar day from 14:49.A LION , VIRGO from 07:20

Moon without course from 03:16 to 07:20

When the Moon passes through the sign of Virgo, it is a good time for a large number of procedures with the help of which you will become more beautiful and healthier. The main thing is to find time for all this. Start with nourishing hair masks. Then you can add eyelash extensions. After this, visit a massage parlor where specialists will work on your legs. You can actively fight cellulite using contrast hydromassage. And the nervous system will be calmed by a relaxing bath, which, coupled with aromatherapy sessions, will be simply irreplaceable on this day. But colon cleansing and enemas are contraindicated today. In addition, you should refrain from overeating and eating heavy products. After sunset you can get a manicure and pedicure.

Fitness : today is best used for pumping the muscles of the lower extremities, training the so-called stabilizer muscles and strengthening the musculoskeletal system as a whole. Simple but effective exercises can help with this, in which you will need to use balancing hemispheres, fitballs. Exercises for the midsection are not advisable today.

Lunar calendar of health and beauty

APRIL 8, Saturday. 12th, 13th lunar day from 16:02.VIRGO

How can you diversify today in terms of beauty, which will again pass under the Moon in the sign of Virgo? If you are no stranger to experiments, then, in addition to all the recommendations that were given the previous day, this Saturday you can use for weaving dreadlocks and afro braids. Today you can also resort to herbal medicine, which will help you lose weight, cleanse your body, making you younger and more beautiful. You can’t do any complicated procedures today!

Fitness : the emphasis in training should be on pumping the muscles of the legs (mainly, we are talking about the muscles of the lower leg, ankle joints). Today, when the risk of injury is minimal, team games are encouraged: volleyball, football. You can also work out on a treadmill, exercise bike, or just go for a run in the park.

♍♎ 9 APRIL, Sunday, 13th, 14th lunar day from 17:14.VIRGO , SCALES from 15:35

Moon without course from 11:21 to 15:34

The first half of the day will pass under the sign of Virgo. However, you should not start anything serious with 11:21 to 15:34, since the Moon without a course will reduce your efforts to nothing. Late afternoon is recommended do your face by making nourishing masks on a natural basis. It makes sense to visit a massage therapist who will give you a preventative massage of the buttocks, thighs and abdomen: this is a very useful procedure in the fight against the appearance of tears in the connective tissue, that is, stretch marks.

Fitness : today there is no need to be afraid of any special risks. Active time for training is morning, before 11:21, and evening, after 15:34. You can rest during the day - active training is unlikely to produce a noticeable effect. Devote the first half of the day to exercises for the lower extremities and team games. In the evening, it is recommended to visit the pool and take yoga classes.

♎ 10 APRIL, Monday, 14th, 15th lunar day from 18:25.SCALES

A negative day when you can do more harm than good to yourself if you use some drastic procedures. If there is a massage, it should be gentle and relaxing. If face masks - strictly natural(the impact should not be long-lasting). Today there is a high risk of injury and exacerbation of chronic diseases. You should forget about surgical interventions (any type of plastic surgery, etc.) on this day.

Fitness : Rest recommended. No active training, races, gyms. If you really feel itchy, you can go to a yoga class, where you will perform the simplest exercises without putting any effort on your body. However, it is best to spend the day in peace, and in the evening go for a short walk in the fresh air.


♎ 11 APRIL, Tuesday, 15th, 16th lunar day from 19:34.SCALES

FULL MOON at 09:07

A very unfavorable day when excessive activity can do more harm than help in creating beauty. Despite the fact that the Moon in Libra welcomes plastic surgery in the face and neck, specifically on this day any plastic surgery are strictly contraindicated. At the same time, you can make time to visit the dentist, although complex dental procedures are best left for another day. However, a better solution would be to visit massage parlor to prevent stretch marks. This purpose will be served by a massage using special oils that help remove toxins from the body.

Fitness : Today is a good day to devote time to simple exercises from the arsenal of yoga. Meditation will bring considerable benefits. If you cannot sit still without activity, non-stressful exercise is recommended. swimming in the pool. Remember, today the risk of injuries and complex fractures is extremely high, so do not lose your vigilance for a second (especially when leaving the shower or swimming pool).

12 APRIL, Wednesday, 16th, 17th lunar day from 20:42.SCALES , SCORPION from 01:42

Moon without course until 01:41

The moon is waning in Scorpio, which means it's time to get serious about your teeth. Everyone is welcome: from simple whitening, prior to alignment and installation of implants. Today, deep cleansing of the face, neck and décolleté is indicated (unless, of course, you are allergic to the active substances of the cosmetics used). You can also get tattoos (preferably in visible places). At the same time, visiting a solarium or using hormonal creams is not recommended. It is also not advisable to visit stores to purchase new toilets.

Fitness : today does not carry any special risks or contraindications. However, with the Moon in Scorpio, in principle, you should not overload the body with strength training. On this day, it makes sense to put into practice the most effective exercises from the gymnastics arsenal for the face and neck. This will not only help combat double chin, but also give your facial skin a healthier and more youthful appearance.

♏ APRIL 13, Wednesday, 17th, 18th lunar day from 21:48.SCORPION

Today is a damaged Moon, so you should forget about plastic surgery. In all other respects, it is recommended to adhere to the same program that was planned for the previous day. Carry on take care of your teeth, but better without particularly complex procedures. It is better not to do tattoos and piercings. Any procedures in the intimate area will not be effective (including hair removal) and may cause unwanted skin irritation.

Fitness : We continue to improve our mood and maintain youth with the help of exercises for the face and neck. In fact, simple facial exercises should always be present in your life if you want to keep your skin toned. However, it is on this day that such practice will be most effective.

APRIL 14, Friday, 18th, 19th lunar day from 22:52.SCORPION , SAGITTARIUS from 13:27

Moon without course from 07:17 to 13:26

Today is a pretty good day, since there is a good opportunity to take advantage of its advantages: in the morning, do those procedures that are welcomed under the Moon in Scorpio, and after 13:27 go to those recommended for the Moon in Sagittarius. Thus, in the morning we continue to work on beauty of teeth, peeling of the face and neck. However, the first half of the day will pass under the Moon without a course, so you should not start anything drastic in the field of beauty restoration. But closer to two days you can start removing ingrown nails and go for an anti-cellulite massage. Tattoos and make-up are not allowed today. After sunset, you can get a manicure or pedicure.

Fitness : The first half of the day is not intended for serious activity. The best way to spend your time is doing facial exercises and/or morning yoga. After lunch is a good time to get busy muscles of the upper limbs. In addition to strength training, the day is suitable for cardio exercises. But today it is better to load the leg muscles moderately, without making yourself feel tired in them.

Lunar beauty calendar 2017

♐ 15 APRIL, Saturday, 19th, 20th lunar day from 23:53.SAGITTARIUS

Apart from a massage, which is aimed at preventing stretch marks and fighting cellulite, as well as removing ingrown nails, today's Saturday does not leave us much room for action. Today you can’t get tattoos, make-up, pierce your ears, etc. In addition, special caution should be exercised by people with problem areas of the skin due to dilated capillaries. In this case, today you should refuse baths, saunas and cosmetic masks, as this will only aggravate the problem.

Fitness : the day does not threaten any special dangers (especially in its second half). However, in the gym it is worth taking care of vulnerable areas: tailbone, hips, spine. Focus on upper limb training, and also alternate these exercises with aerobic training.

♐ 16 APRIL, Sunday, 20th lunar day from 00:00.SAGITTARIUS

Moon without course from 21:26

All contraindications of the past should be kept in mind today. Since the Moon is still transiting the sign of Sagittarius, you should make the most of this time for tidying up ingrown nails. And if you need anti-cellulite massage, but were not able to find time for it in the previous two days, it makes sense to find this time this Sunday - today the effect of such a procedure will be very noticeable.

Fitness : despite the rather moderate level of danger, today may threaten exacerbations of chronic diseases to those who have them. You should not overdo it during training if you know of any problems associated with the hips, spine or tailbone. Keep working on your arm muscles - your efforts will be rewarded.

♑ 17 APRIL, Monday, 20th, 21st lunar day from 00:48.SAGITTARIUS , CAPRICORN from 02:05

Moon without course until 02:04

Treat your face with special attention on this day, when it is favored by the Moon in the sign of Capricorn. Today, almost everything is possible, except for serious dental procedures. Removes well tartar, acne is treated (including at home). You can cleanse your skin (and not just your face) with scrubs (if there are no special contraindications, of course).

Fitness : Today is suitable for performing exercises aimed at working the chest muscles. Develop a set of training in this direction in such a way that it is possible to perform aerobic exercises. However, during this period you should be careful not to overload vulnerable areas: joints, skeletal bones.

♑ 18 APRIL, Tuesday, 21st, 22nd lunar day from 01:37.CAPRICORN

The current day continues the past day in that part that concerns taking care of the face, as well as body skin generally. However, care should not be confused with such a specific manifestation of beauty as applying patterns to the body - tattoos today are prohibited (as well as getting rid of them). It is also not recommended to stay in the sun without sunscreen or visit a solarium. When applying all the other procedures mentioned earlier, it is necessary to remember that today the risks associated with some exacerbation of allergic reactions and chronic diseases.

Fitness : workouts of this day aimed at pumping up the chest muscles will be especially effective. We continue the set of exercises, combining them with cardio training in such a way as not to put stress on the knees, spine, and joints in general.

♑♒ 19 APRIL, Wednesday, 22nd, 23rd lunar day from 02:19.CAPRICORN , AQUARIUS from 13:52

IV quarter, fourth phase of the moon from 12:55

Moon without course from 12:57 to 13:51

Part of the day (until 13:52) will pass under the sign of Capricorn, so recommendations for this period of time should be taken from the description of the two previous days. At the same time, it is worth keeping in mind the damaged Moon, which is significantly increases various risks(you should avoid hormonal creams and deep cleansing of the skin). After two o'clock in the afternoon we are patronized by the Moon in Aquarius, which means the need for anti-stress masks (today - strictly on a natural basis), a massage that stimulates the removal of toxins, and a moderate visit to the solarium. Any plastic surgery is strictly undesirable. The general nervousness of the day will also not allow you to make the right choice when buying clothes, perfumes and jewelry, so you shouldn’t go shopping today.

Fitness : Since the Moon changes phase, significantly increasing the risk of injury, on this day it makes sense to refrain from attending a fitness workout altogether. It is better to go for a light and short walk before bed, and also devote time to mastering meditative practices.

♒ 20 APRIL, Thursday, 23rd, 24th lunar day from 02:55.AQUARIUS

An unlucky day gives way to a day that favors active care for the beauty of your body. Despite the fact that when the Moon is in Aquarius, it is not recommended to do plastic surgery, simple procedures for removing tumors and getting rid of from age spots and freckles today are welcome. On this day you get a good tan (you can also visit the solarium). The main thing is not to overdry problem areas of the skin. Toning massage of the lower body, masks to combat wrinkles - these activities today will also lead to success.

Fitness : Today is good for general strengthening training, but with an emphasis on strengthening the muscles of the torso and spine. If the loads are within your power, you can alternate them with cardio exercises. After training, it makes sense to visit the pool. But exercises that load the ankle joints and muscles of the lower legs should be do with caution.

♒♓ 21 APRIL, Friday, 24th, 25th lunar day from 03:25.AQUARIUS , FISH from 22:43

Moon without course from 21:23 to 22:42

In general, today is not much different from the previous one, however, there are a number of additional risks associated with the fact that today the Moon is affected by Mars. Our skin becomes more susceptible to external influence, so reduce your time in the sun or solarium. It also makes sense to avoid beauty-related activities such as visiting hairdressers, dyeing hair, and buying clothes and jewelry. Besides the fact that these actions are ineffective in the days of Aquarius in principle, today they may completely disappoint you due to increased nervousness this day. Today you can get a manicure or pedicure.

Fitness : the loads in the gym today should be adjusted by your well-being. If you feel tired, it is better to switch to light aerobic exercise. You should work on the muscles of the back and torso as a whole, but take care of the bones of the lower extremities and ankles.

Beauty: calendar of lunar days

♓ 22 APRIL, Saturday, 25th, 26th lunar day from 03:52.FISH

The month is coming to an end, and we have not paid enough attention to such an important part of the female body, which embodies the very image of femininity for many men, as the legs. This day will have a significant effect foot reflex zone massage which will help remove toxins. If you suffer from fungus, it is also more difficult to choose a better day than today to combat this unpleasant phenomenon. To do this, you should make salt baths or herbal baths (sage, chamomile). It is extremely important not to overdo your care today. beauty of feet, since they are a vulnerable area today. You cannot cut ingrown nails, remove keratinization, corns and calluses; Even a regular pedicure is undesirable. In addition, it is not recommended to wash your hair or exfoliate your face and body.

Fitness : the day is simply created for the active absorption of aerobic exercise, which today will allow you to effectively burn extra calories. It also makes sense to work on your abdominal muscles. Exercises on a treadmill or leg machines, active team games (football, basketball, volleyball), jumping, and squats are best left for another day to avoid leg injuries.

♓ 23 APRIL, Sunday, 26th, 27th lunar day from 04:16.FISH

Today's procedures for maintaining the health and beauty of the body should also be related to the legs, so this day also passes under the sign of Pisces. However, it should be remembered that today the Moon is damaged by Saturn, which means increased risks of exacerbation of chronic diseases and poisoning. That is why it is strongly recommended to avoid any drastic measures associated with the use of chemically active substances, hormonal creams, or deep cleansing of the skin. The smartest thing to do today would be to tidy up own wardrobe: get rid of old things that irritate you, put new ones in order.

Fitness : taking into account the dangers and risks of the current day, as well as taking into account the negative impact of the Moon in Pisces on the lower extremities, we advise you to limit yourself to working on the abdominal muscles and a number of simple cardio exercises. Today, walking is recommended, but you should be aware of the increased risk of colds.

♓♈ 24 APRIL, Monday, 27th, 28th lunar day from 04:39.FISH , ARIES from 03:33

Moon without course from 00:34 to 03:32

Not a bad day, which will pass under the waning Moon in the sign of Aries. During this period, the effect will be brought by moderate care for the skin of the face and neck. If we talk about scrubs, it is recommended to limit ourselves light peeling using homemade products: coffee, sugar, etc. When lightening the skin, priority should also be given to natural-based products: parsley-based essential oils, cucumber and lemon juices rich in vitamin C, yarrow.

Fitness : you will probably feel increased activity on this day, and therefore today you can go to a general strengthening workout, play volleyball or basketball, or work on an exercise bike. Aerobic exercise will also bring considerable benefits, but it must be remembered that with the Moon in Aries, a general malaise is often felt and migraines occur after excessive exercise. The greatest benefit will come from training the leg muscles, buttocks, and abs.

♈ 25 APRIL, Tuesday, 28th, 29th lunar day from 05:02.ARIES

Today, with the damaged Moon and the approaching full moon, is not the time for serious cosmetic procedures (not to mention plastic surgery). Continue caring for your face and neck skin with gentle procedures(preferably at home); refuse to visit the solarium, forget for now about plans for deep cleansing of the skin, removal of moles, warts and papillomas. No attempts to make a tattoo or get a tattoo. It is also worth giving up permanent makeup and visiting the dentist (unless, of course, the urgency of the situation requires this).

Fitness : on this day, stress is extremely undesirable, since the damaged Moon threatens with numerous injuries, as they say, out of the blue. The right decision would be to do facial exercises, go to yoga, or try to hone your meditation skills. If your soul does not belong to one, or the other, or the third, then just rest.


♈♉ 26 APRIL, Wednesday, 29th, 30th lunar day from 05:27, 1st lunar day from 15:17.

This is a neutral, low-risk day, so keep practicing. health and beauty of facial skin and upper body. Since the Moon is in Taurus, today it is still impossible to remove warts and papillomas. You should not plan to visit the dentist to improve the appearance of your teeth. However, it makes sense to use this day to deeply influence the skin of the face, and therefore it is worth making time for visits to a cosmetologist.

Fitness : Due to the moderate risks, take full advantage of this Taurus day to strengthen your pelvic floor muscles. It is extremely useful to periodically perform such exercises (if there are no contraindications such as pregnancy, for example), as they significantly improve the condition of the lymphatic system. Be careful today about doing exercises that may strain your neck muscles, or risk ending the day with a terrible migraine. The emphasis on this day is on relaxing this zone.

♉♊ 28 APRIL, Friday, 2nd, 3rd lunar day from 06:30.CALF , TWINS from 14:39

Moon without course from 04:18 to 14:38

You should not plan anything serious for this morning and afternoon, since due to the Moon without a course until 14:38, your Napoleonic plans will most likely not come true. If you have absolutely nothing else to do, you can do relaxation mask based on strawberries or fermented milk products. After this time, it is recommended to study offers in the field of cosmetology, plastic surgery, and chiropractic. Your research efforts today will definitely bear fruit, since the most accurate and useful information comes when the Moon is in Gemini.

Fitness : before 14:38 it is better to refuse to attend a workout, especially if you set yourself some global goals (for example, lose a couple of extra pounds). But in the afternoon and towards evening you can safely load your body. Squats, jumping, exercises for the buttocks and thighs, pumping the abdominal muscles - all this will be useful today. But it is recommended to take care of the cervical vertebrae, as well as the muscles and joints of the arms - today they are vulnerable areas.

♊ 29 APRIL, Saturday, 3rd, 4th lunar day from 07:11.TWINS

A rather quiet day, which is also recommended to be devoted to collection of information, as well as drawing up an individual plan for maintaining beauty and health. In addition, today you can pay some attention to your hands, fingers and nails. Since removing ingrown nails, filing and manicuring are undesirable on this day, we can advise you to make hand baths. For example, a bath of chamomile decoction will have an anti-inflammatory and healing effect; and baths with oils or milk will have a pleasant softening effect.

Fitness : on this Saturday, a set of training is recommended, from which strength exercises for the arms and shoulders should be excluded. It’s also worth taking care of your spine today. Continue to actively work your lower torso while freeing up time for cardio exercises: this will not only help you burn fat, but will also increase your body's endurance.

♊♋ 30 APRIL, Sunday, 4th, 5th lunar day from 08:03.TWINS , CANCER from 04:48

Moon without course from 00:28 to 04:47

The waxing Moon in Cancer is a great time for breast care. However, today you should forget about breast surgery, skin peeling, as well as the use of cosmetics based on hormonal and potent active substances. It's also not worth it sunbathe and visit the solarium. But what can help maintain an attractive appearance and elastic skin is hydromassage with a gradual change in water temperature, rubbing with ice from a mint decoction solution, oil-based moisturizers, massage.

Fitness : It makes sense to spend this Sunday in the fresh air: a long run, an intense walk, exercise at the stadium. If the weather is not favorable, you can use a treadmill or exercise bike. In addition, today it is worth including exercises to strengthen the muscles of the back and spine into your training program. But it’s better to leave the abdominal muscles for another day - the stomach and epigastric region are a vulnerable area today.

Lunar calendar of cosmetology for April 2017

Nourishing and soothing face masks: 1-10, 26-30
Cleansing masks: 11-21, 24
Scrub, peeling for face: 11-14, 17, 18, 24
Anti-aging procedures: 27
Skin treatment: 17, 18
Removing age spots and freckles, evening out complexion: 19-21
Dental care, dentist: 11, 12
Manicure: 7, 14, 17, 18, 28
Hand care: 1, 2, 28, 29
Pedicure: 7, 14, 28
Tanning, solarium: 19-21
Facial piercing: 12
Facial plastic surgery: No
Tummy tuck: No
Breast surgery: No
Massage: 1, 2, 9-11, 19-21, 28, 29
Stone therapy: 1, 2, 28, 29
Lymphatic drainage massage: 22, 23
Aromatherapy: 2-4, 7, 12-14, 22, 23, 30
Cryotherapy: 14, 15
Depilation, hair removal: 22, 23
Removing unwanted hair from the face: 12, 22, 24
Weight loss programs (start): 7, 8
Anti-cellulite programs (start): 7, 14, 15
Healing procedures (beginning): 14, 15, 27
Sauna, bath, baths, swimming pool: 1, 2, 9-11, 19-21, 28, 29
Eyelash and hair extensions: 5-7
Tinting eyelashes and eyebrows: 5-7, 27
Eyebrow plucking and shaping: 17, 18
Permanent makeup and tattoos: 12
Visit to the hairdresser: 5-7, 17, 18, 27
Visiting a cosmetologist, trichologist: 1, 7
Visit to a makeup artist: 4, 11, 13, 27
Fungus treatment: 22, 23
Purchases: 5, 9, 27, 29
Unfavorable days for complex procedures: 3, 6-8, 10, 13-16, 19-21, 25, 26
The most successful days for cosmetic procedures: 12, 17, 18, 27

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