Seeing an apartment being robbed in a dream. Why dream - robbed Why dream that my apartment was robbed

Not all dreams are good. The same can be said about their interpretation. Waking up after a negative dream, I want to erase it from my memory. But, forgetting this, is it possible to avoid the previous consequences in reality? As shown by multiple cases - no. Therefore, it is better to prevent the situation than to solve it. The dream book will tell us about this. Robbery, crime, theft in a dream - this is what we will talk about in our article.

See the robbery from the side

Have you watched in a dream how a robbery is taking place? So, in real life, you are overly gullible. What can the dream book advise? A robbery is usually dreamed of when there is a person surrounded by the dreamer who is trying with all his might to put sticks in the wheels. Therefore, you should be extremely careful.

Also, this dream has a number of other meanings. Firstly, it may indicate that in the near future you will get rid of the attacks of an unpleasant person. Secondly, such a vision may mean that you owe the state (or did not pay taxes). Thirdly, a robbery in a dream can promise serious trouble. Soon a huge number of problems will fall upon you, which will not be so easy to solve. What can the dream book advise in this situation? The robbery happened on the street, at home, at work - it doesn't matter. In any case, you will need the help of friends or relatives. The dream interpretation also advises not to neglect the services of strangers.

If in a dream you stand and watch how a person is robbed, it means that in life you are principled and firm. That is why you have many enemies trying to harm by any means.


If several robbers attacked you on the street, then expect disappointment in the near future. And this will happen because of a situation that you can’t influence in any way. In this case, the dream book advises not to get involved in dangerous deeds and intrigues. It won't bring anything good.

The dream in which the robbers overtook you on the street means the unrest associated with your health. In this situation, you should not rely on the advice of strangers or resort to such actions only harm. The most rational and effective way would be to see a doctor. The dream book speaks about this.

A robbery on the street, which was accompanied by beating and desecration, means that in reality you will suffer humiliation and sorrow. The dream book in this case advises to forget this situation, otherwise the accumulation of resentment can lead to depression or to the commission of a crime.

If in your dream you are trying to hide from a thief, then in reality you are trying to get rid of negative energy. Also, this night vision can predict the fear of someone. This person regularly puts pressure on you morally, and you, unfortunately, cannot resist him for unknown reasons. What does the dream book advise in this case? The robbery that you are trying to avoid in your dream acts as a defense against a hated pest. Be bolder and stronger.

house robbery

What can the dream book tell us about this dream? The robbery of an apartment suggests that troubles and disappointment await you. After the current situation, you will have to get out for a long time and restore your reputation.

If in your dream you saw a robber in your home, then this means that someone is plotting you. Take a look at your surroundings. Perhaps you will be able to find out who this scoundrel is.

What else can the dream book tell? The interpretation of dreams in which a robbery took place in your house may be different. It all depends on what kind of atmosphere haunted you in night vision. For example, if you watch how a thief climbs into your window, then the spouse (wife) is cheating on you.

If you see a thief crouching, then this indicates that soon all your hopes will come true. For the most part, this will concern working moments. For example, a project that you have been working on for a long time will bring profit.

To see that people you know well are robbing you in your own house means to be robbed to the skin by those whom you have always trusted.

What else can the dream book tell us? Robbery of an apartment - cooling of relations with the second half. In the near future, you will seriously quarrel and scandal. Damage to relations with children due to an absurd situation is also not ruled out. Disrespect on their part will be felt constantly, but, alas, this situation cannot be corrected in any way.

Thief resistance

If, after a robbery, you set off after the “intruder”, then wait in the near future. They will haunt you both at work and in personal relationships. What will the dream book advise? Robbery of a house in this case means your desire to improve the situation. Don't stop by any means.

A dream in which you did not allow a robbery indicates that profit awaits you in the near future. But this will happen only when you truly learn how to help people in need.

Catch the thief

Have you caught the criminal? This is a good sign. Soon all your competitors and intruders will be defeated.

The dream is interpreted in reverse, in which a robber is chasing you. In this case, you should be extremely careful.

If you caught a thief in your house, then this means your distrust of others. As the dream book says, in this case, this is what you need.

If in a dream you caught and punished a thief, then you need to be more lenient towards others.

If the thief is the dreamer himself

Are you a robber? You will be able to solve the problem that has been bothering you for a long time. Only in this case, you should not rely only on your knowledge and strength. It is better to listen to the advice of experienced people. Maybe it is their advice that will become crucial in your life.

Also, this dream can be interpreted in a slightly different way. If you watch how you rob a person, then soon all your hopes and plans will turn into dust.

If in a dream you robbed someone and went on the run, then this means that your health is under attack. See a doctor immediately!

Do you steal money in your sleep? This means that in reality you will ruin your reputation.

What if you rob a bank? This means material difficulties and problems.

Accusation and persecution of the dreamer

What interpretation can the dream book give us? The robbery ended in persecution - therefore, the meaning of such a vision in this case will be negative. Here, theft acts as a warning against participating in a situation that will badly affect the future fate of the dreamer.

If in a dream you see how the police are chasing you for committing a robbery, then this indicates that soon there will come a moment in your life when everyone around you will turn away from you.

Have you been charged with theft? Expect failure in all matters due to a minor turmoil.

If you rob a room with someone, then in reality you will set up

If you are watching someone else get punished for a robbery, then you should treat people more favorably.

Good luck with your dreams!

Why dream of robbing an apartment? Night vision portends profit, an interesting journey, friendly support, for girls - signs of attention of the opposite sex. Negative interpretations - an increased sense of anxiety, self-doubt, difficulties in relationships and commercial affairs, less often betrayal.

I had a chance to see in a dream the robbery of my own apartment - this is a symbol of uncertainty in one's abilities, a huge number of complexes. Do not dwell on the shortcomings, it is better to improve your own merits.

Why dream that the dreamer's apartment was robbed? The subconscious sends a signal of excessive anxiety, expectation of grief, a sense of insecurity. Get rid of such emotions, otherwise you will not notice the positive things happening.

Finding the absence of all valuable things - a misunderstanding in family relationships is coming.

Dream details

Remember what exactly the thieves took:

  • works of art, paintings, figurines - a new round of personal improvement;
  • money is an interesting journey;
  • jewelry - portends a big profit;
  • household appliances, appliances - a new successful life stage will soon come;
  • stole everything - analyze the goals: the goal being achieved is erroneous.

Face ingratitude, hold a grudge

If you dreamed of stealing property in someone else's living space? A dream portends a meeting with ungrateful personalities. Do not fall into despair: there will definitely be people who appreciate your kindness, sincerity and help. Or - the dreamer is offended by someone, believes that he shared too much without receiving any return (or what he expected).

Help loved ones

To see a robbery of an apartment / house of neighbors - soon someone will ask for help. Do not refuse, do everything necessary, then later you can count on a return service when solving your problems. I dreamed of a looted living space of someone I know - in reality, a loved one will find himself in a difficult situation, help him overcome them.

Trouble in relationships and finances

Did you dream of trying to rob an apartment? Here is what the interpreters say about this: the dreamer is too susceptible to some kind of experience. Perhaps the dream predicts the coming betrayal of a loved one whom you trust, and this can hurt you greatly. Be attentive, prepare mentally so as not to be taken by surprise.

If the sleeper himself acted as a robber, and the theft did not happen: do not hide your emotions, feelings from relatives, close people, otherwise they will no longer trust you. They robbed your living space, the robbers left a rout behind them - such an image of night vision promises great difficulties that will affect the financial side.

Successfully avoid problems

If the development of the plot of the vision under discussion happened like this: the apartment was looted, but the thieves could not find the main hiding place, everything of value remained intact, then night vision warns of upcoming problems. Do not be upset ahead of time, everything will be safely resolved thanks to useful acquaintances.

Why do girls dream of stealing in an apartment? For young ladies, the night dreams of the plot under discussion promise many signs of attention from young people.

They detained the robber and did not allow his insidious plans to come true - soon reveal an unreliable person from a close circle of friends in reality. For businessmen, such a vision portends: to figure out a subordinate who steals money on the sly.

If you were involved in a crime?

Seeing yourself as a participant in a robbery - a night vision of such a plot should be unraveled based on psychology. The decision to commit a crime speaks of the strong, strong-willed qualities of the dreamer. Most likely, he is accustomed to achieving his goals in a blur, and it turns out that this is not always ethical.

To obtain a more accurate interpretation, one should take into account the role of the sleeper in the robbery (acted as the organizer, was an accomplice, or acted independently). Each plot will have its own meaning:

  • To be an organizer - upon reaching the desired goal, perform an act that will not comply with the dreamer's moral standards, or even go against your foundations.
  • Seeing yourself as a member of a gang and calmly fulfilling the tasks set by the leader means: in reality you have financial problems, this pushes you to get involved in an illegal adventure and earn easy money.
  • To rob the living space of a familiar person - you will receive news from him in reality. What it will be, sad or bring joy, is not known.
  • Being an accomplice in the theft for a person working in the field of trade is a positive omen. The business will bring good profits, profitable contracts will be concluded with new partners - financial problems will not disturb.
  • An attempt to enter the apartment for the purpose of profit was unsuccessful - in reality the dreamer is a very secretive and withdrawn person. This causes a lot of communication difficulties.
  • Some dream interpreters interpret participation in the theft with the wrong deeds of the past. Perhaps you have offended someone without attaching great importance to your words, actions, or your character traits have caused a damaged reputation. Dream Interpretations advise: try and correct the mistakes made.

What are your feelings in a dream?

When solving a dream, why dream that they robbed an apartment, one should take into account not only the one who violated the law, whether the dreamer participated in organizing the crime, but also the emotions experienced in the process of theft. Some emotional emotions may haunt the sleeper for a long time after waking up, for example, panic, fear or even excitement, pleasant excitement, joy. It is these details that can affect the interpretation of the dream plot. They should be explained separately:

  • After waking up, fear and panic did not recede - you will painfully survive the decision you have made, which you will have to choose very soon. And the choice will be very difficult and painful.
  • To be afraid of one's own reprisal - in reality the dreamer is too much subject to the psychological influence of relatives. Someone wants to take all your actions under their own control.
  • To be satisfied from participating in the theft - the sleeper is “rewarded” with excessive cunning. To achieve his goals, he will go to any tricks, machinations.
  • Trying to prevent the robbers, to drive them out of the room - thanks to the strong character, the owner of the dream copes with all ill-wishers. He never needs the help of others.
  • The conscience tortured when committing a robbery, and it doesn’t matter who the criminal was - it symbolizes the mental suffering that torments the sleeping person due to the immense control of someone close.

A dream has a separate interpretation, where the robbery of an apartment was not successful. For example, thieves could not find a cache of jewelry or even decided to quit what they started and run away. Such a plot indicates the presence of too many ill-wishers and envious people among the inner circle. You need to pay attention and try to convict everyone, then difficulties can be avoided. A dream is considered to be a warning, and its meaning is absolutely identical in all dream books.

dream interpretation

Various dream interpreters can interpret such a plot not only from a psychological, but also from a symbolic side. Some authors consider burglary to be a symbol associated with an area of ​​life in which as much attention as possible should be shown.

Other compilers of interpretations endow the prediction with only a positive meaning, portending quick luck, financial well-being to the sleeper.

Dream Interpretation of Veles. I had a chance to see in a dream the robbery of my apartment - a positive symbol. The robbed living space will portend a good profit, a large inheritance, new sources of income, or other material values. Moreover, the interpretation does not depend on the purpose of entering the apartment and other actions of violators.

Miller's dream book. In his opinion, a dream promises unpleasant consequences provoked by envious others. For an accurate interpretation, you need to remember the faces of the criminals:

  • robbers are not familiar to the owner of night dreams - competitors can intrigue;
  • the sleeper himself turned out to be the robber - his own character will bring a lot of harm.

Freud's dream book. The psychoanalyst connected the dreamed apartment robbery with the dreamer's sexual sphere. If the sleeper himself was the offender, in reality he cannot satisfy his sexual needs. The robbers entered the apartment and are looking for valuables - the vision symbolizes a tendency to fleeting intimate relationships.

Dream Interpretation Hasse. Explains the dream in relation to the sleeper's complexes. Most likely, you pay great attention to appearance, you are constantly tormented by fears about the future, you are afraid that you will not overcome difficulties on your own. But the author does not consider the dream to be a bad omen - friends and relatives will help to achieve what was planned.

Dream interpretation of Tsvetkov. portends problems in his personal life. It is worth being prepared for adultery, frequent quarrels, weakening of feelings. Perhaps relatives and friends are too worried about your relationship that they destroy your union with their advice. Don't let anyone into your relationship.

Life dream book. According to this interpreter, a dream promises problems to the sleeper. Moreover, the participants and other objects of vision do not carry any meaning - difficulties can be planned by old ill-wishers, competitors, casual acquaintances. In order not to become a hostage to trouble, you should be vigilant and curb your emotions.

List of used literature:

  • Steiner E. S. "Unsteady bridge of sleep": dreams and dreamers in the Japanese tradition // Proceedings of the "Russian Anthropological School": Issue 6 / Ed. coll.: E. M. Boltunova, K. V. Bandurovsky, A. V. Garadzha, I. A. Protopopova, E. V. Pchelov, A. I. Sosland. - M.: RGGU, 2009.
  • Eliade M. Myths, dreams, mysteries. Per. from English. - M.: REFL-book, 1996.
  • Jung KG Memories, dreams, reflections. Per. with him. - Kyiv: AirLand, 1994.

Why dream that you were robbed? If in a dream almost all the property was stolen, leaving nothing, then rejoice, soon you will be provided with a grandiose financial income. At the same time, the vision predicts humiliation or insult. Dream Interpretations will help you figure it out and find the right answer.

Miller's opinion

Why dream that you were robbed? Alas, the dream book believes that spinelessness and softness will cause total bad luck.

Had a dream that you yourself robbed someone and you were caught on the "hot"? Some unpleasant misunderstanding will be a turning point in a big deal, which will bring a lot of frustration and worries. However, in the end, you will unexpectedly win for yourself.

Interpretation according to the dream book of D. Loff

If in a dream you robbed someone and took away the most necessary things, for example, food, then in reality you behave as if you were really begging.

It is also possible that you simply cannot make a choice or find a way out of the current situation. If in a dream you robbed people you know, then in reality you think that they live better than you.

Why dream that you were robbed? The dream book believes that you are terribly afraid of something. If in a dream especially valuable items were “taken away” from you, then subconsciously you feel your own vulnerability.

Had a dream that what was stolen was of no particular value to you? You know exactly where to expect trouble. These same items will give a clear indication of the area of ​​​​life with which future losses are associated.

Interpretation of the dream book for the whole family

What is the dream of a thief who is literally trying to rob you before our eyes? This means that mistakes made in the past do not give a single chance for success. The dream interpretation is sure: this will continue until you fix them. If you don't, things will get even worse.

Had a dream that you were robbed and stole something especially valuable? In a close environment there is a person who regularly deceives and sets you up. If in a dream you are offered to buy a thing stolen from you earlier, then someone is trying to appropriate what rightfully belongs to you. This is also a hint that the secret that you carefully keep will be revealed.

In a dream, were you a detective who solved a robbery? In real life, you will get what is clearly not enough for happiness. The dream interpretation also prophesies well-being and relatively stable prosperity.

Seeing that you yourself robbed someone's house means that your life will be filled with mental anguish, but in the end everything will be resolved safely. Had a dream that you were catching up with the person who robbed you? This is a symbolic reflection of the search from a completely hopeless situation.

In a dream, they robbed a house, apartment, car

Why dream that they robbed housing or transport? Get ready for a series of real troubles. Had a dream that they robbed a place of work or a house? You have to defend your own opinion, which will require tremendous spiritual effort.

Did you rob your office in a dream? Get ready for serious life tests. Only a strong will and a sober mind will help to avoid stupid mistakes. Seeing that a personal car was robbed is a great danger. Be very careful and consider every step.

What does it mean if they robbed me, another

Why does a young lady dream that she was robbed? In real life, she will have to become the object of someone else's envy and slander, which can upset relations with her loved one. Had a dream that you were robbed? Soon you will know for sure who has planned evil against you. Stealing under the net in a dream marks successful deals and fruitful negotiations.

Did you rob another character in dreams? You are destined for absolute success in financial matters and commerce. Did you have to see how they “clean” an outsider? The coming trip will bring some frustration.

Why dream - gypsies robbed

If in a dream the gypsies stole your wallet from you, then difficulties with money are coming. The same plot hints that a loved one will commit a deceit. Did you dream that the gypsies robbed? Affairs and all life in general will turn into absolute chaos, which wise advice from the outside will help to cope with.

Robbed in a dream - vision options

Sometimes the interpretation of the dream in which you were robbed can be literal. But in real life, you will be taken away not by material, but by moral values ​​(an idea, a project, love, etc.)

  • a thief for a woman is an admirer
  • for a man - a rival
  • to be robbed - good luck
  • robbed in a crowded place - bankruptcy
  • in a dark alley - disappointment
  • dress stolen - disadvantage
  • food - lack of money
  • values ​​- the news of someone's death
  • rob others yourself - losses
  • yourself - a loss
  • chase the thief - quarrel
  • do not catch up - miss the chance
  • catch - wealth

If in a dream you managed to catch robbers and even hand them over to law enforcement agencies, then in real life there comes a period when you are able to realize any most hopeless project.

Seeing your apartment in a dream portends cash receipts.

Changing your apartment to another means cheating in love.

Someone else's apartment suggests that the person with whom you are in an intimate relationship is cheating or intends to cheat on you with your closest friend.

If in a dream you rent an apartment, in reality this portends a wedding.

Not having an apartment - you will become interested in a dangerous business, tempted by big profits.

If someone is arrested in your apartment, this is a surprise and pleasant surprise.

Taking a tenant to an apartment is a sign that you will be initiated into the Don Juan list of your fan.

If the tenant moves out of the apartment without paying you off, you will be in trouble with men on the basis of financial settlements.

To find yourself in the hallway of someone else's apartment, waiting until the owner deigns to come out to you, is to be humiliated in reality.

Seeing yourself in someone else's bedroom - to the jealousy of a husband or lover.

To dream of a rich and tastefully furnished apartment with an office and a large library - such a dream portends that your desire to live better is realized.

Interpretation of dreams from Dream Interpretation alphabetically

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Dream Interpretation - Apartment

To have her in a dream in good condition and with a decent environment means that your business will go well.

Finding a new apartment or changing in a dream is a sign of a change in occupation;

To rent an apartment in a dream means the beginning of a new business;

To give a "corner" to someone in a dream is a harbinger of obstacles in business;

Paying rent in a dream is a sign of retribution for something. Sometimes such a dream means separation from a loved one and deep emotional experiences.

Accepting rent in a dream is a sign that the past will remind you of itself. Sometimes such a dream means that you will have to do something that you left a long time ago.

It is possible that after such a dream you will meet a person whom you have not seen for a long time and who repents of his mistakes.

See interpretation: tenant, house, dwelling.

Interpretation of dreams from

Dream interpretation apartment robbery

The human subconscious, at times, is able to build unpleasant plots of dreams. Among them, most of them are associated with forced entry into a home. It is rather difficult to explain what a robbery of an apartment is about. Because any such dream can be viewed from two different points of view.

The first is psychological interpretation. It is based on the fact that the apartment in a dream personifies the personality of the dreamer, and the penetration and search for values ​​​​in it means that the person is undergoing excessive pressure and is under complete authoritarian control. The second is symbolic. She interprets this dream as a shifting vision. If an apartment was robbed in a dream, it means that in real life the dreamer will have good luck and a quick profit.

If you dreamed of robbing your own apartment, you should remember your feelings and feelings immediately after waking up. It is they who will help to correctly navigate in choosing the right point of view on interpretation. If the dream did not bring you exorbitant mental anguish and a feeling of hopelessness, then you should rely on the symbolic meaning and expect profit.

How authoritative sources explain the dream

In order to explain such a dream in detail and as accurately as possible, you can use the most popular sources.

If you dreamed of a robbery

The most proven to date is Miller's dream book. He gravitates towards a psychological interpretation, and draws the dreamer's attention to contacts with others. A robbery is a sign that someone is jealous of your position and is ready for any action in order to humiliate you.

Ancient interpretations, such as Veles' dream book, consider such a dream to be a good sign. The lower otherworldly entities, the personification of which was considered sinister, will leave you forever. But be prepared to either lose some valuable thing or give generous alms.

Envy Warning - Miller's Dream Book

Gustav Miller has a pretty clear explanation. He believes that if you dream about robbing your own apartment, you should be much more careful with all the people around you. Competitors are ready to strike a crushing blow, but they can be helped by imaginary friends, which, unfortunately, you also have.

It is important to distinguish between dreams when your apartment was robbed, or you yourself were the organizer or participant in the crime.

Your apartment has been robbed

To dream about how unknown people break into your apartment and prowl in search of money and valuables, turning everything upside down is not a very good sign. Most likely, you are not a very confident person, but, despite this, you were able to achieve some position in the work team. On the one hand, you are under pressure from your superiors, and you often give in, even to your own detriment. On the other hand, envious people are waiting for every hesitant word to challenge your achievements.

  • To be afraid of burglary and robbers rushing into the room - you will have to quickly make a decision that is painful for you.
  • You are threatened with reprisals so that you personally give money and jewelry - the authority of one of your relatives is pressing on you.
  • A girl may dream of robbing her apartment on the eve of an important business or hiring.
  • Burglars have tied up or otherwise immobilized you in your own home - a dead end situation that will require a wait and see attitude.

Participate in such a crime

If you were involved in a crime

If in a dream you have to organize or participate in a robbery, then you do not always show your true emotions to people close to you. You clearly understand your goal and are ready to go towards it, through any obstacles, regardless of moral standards. And only strong self-control curbs the strong passions of your nature.

  • To be an organizer - in order to get the desired position, you will have to commit an act that borders on your conscience.
  • Participate by following all the commands - experiencing minor financial difficulties, you tend to easily receive money (sell something from the property or take a loan). If you pull yourself together and agree to a more difficult job, you will be able to improve your own financial situation.
  • Enjoying the fear of others in a dream, rummaging around in other people's things with pleasure - envy overwhelms you and you are ready for any tricks, just to denigrate this person.

Profit - the ancient Veles dream book

The ancient Slavs believed that all troubles, whatever they may be, can have a human-like face. And if you dream that strangers forcibly entered the dwelling and took away any valuables, then the evil spirit took his material victim and can no longer rule over the person.

  • The robbers carried out a chest (or box) with valuables - profit, a big harvest.
  • They stole only money or a wallet - a good trip, good trading.
  • They took the cattle - to the big brood.

Forbidden pleasures - Freud's dream book

He believes that a dream in which strangers enter a home against the will of the owner means a strong sexual desire to dominate.

  • She dreams that they are robbing your apartment - fear of sexual intimacy and long-term serious relationships.
  • You yourself are a participant in the robbery - strong sexual energy requires more and more victories.
  • To frighten household members, to threaten with reprisal - a desire for violence, a tendency to hurt a partner.
  • With pleasure sorting through things in search of values ​​- it is common for you to invade personal space, which is why previous relationships ended so quickly.

Analysis of your own feelings

It is very important to remember exactly what feelings this disturbing dream caused you. Only then can one begin to interpret, taking into account all points of view on interpretation.

A good sign if you cried and sobbed loudly. After such a dream in the morning, the feeling of emptiness will be pleasant and light. All the negative emotions that could accumulate over the years came out in a dream. Now is the time to do self-development or start a new project.

To be frightened, to feel hopelessness, to suffer greatly is a bad sign. Most likely, someone's authority gravitates over you. It can be the closest blood relatives, or the authorities. If you feel constant discomfort, it is better to change your job or place of residence.

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