Vitamin complex for pregnant women. Taking vitamins during pregnancy - A, B, C, D, E... Let's break everything down by trimester. What vitamin is needed for pregnant women?

Again I decided to take aim at the “sacred” - this time at blind faith in vitamin preparations. Tremble, pharmaceutical vitamin fanatics)), I will destroy your sand castles. But seriously, during the time that I devoted to this post, I grew up to another nutrition reform in our family. Everyone knows that vitamins and micro/macroelements are necessary for our body to function fully, and every expectant or established mother is looking for ways to provide them for her babies. Advertising assures us that it is impossible to balance our diet and imposes yet another miracle pill. It sounds attractive and it’s encouraging that there is no need for a careful approach to the diet. It turns out that you can eat monotonous, poor, but very tasty food if you take miracle pills in addition to it?! No,this is often fraught with bad consequences! BRead more about the studied consequences in

Best prenatal vitamins | Experts' opinions

Just a few years ago, it was customary for pregnant women to be prescribed vitamin complexes, but during this time a lot has changed - information about the dangers of vitamin preparations is becoming more and more widely publicized. At the moment, vitamin complexes are prescribed only for special indications.

“...most synthetic vitamins differ from natural ones in molecular structure, they are not included in biochemical processes and, for the most part, are eliminated straight into the toilet. If you want to give your children vitamins, give them plenty of fresh vegetables and fruits and that will be enough.”

Opinion 2 about the inappropriateness of prophylactic intake of vitamins E.E. Kornakova:

« Question from a forum member: Nowadays they write everywhere that vegetables and fruits are processed with anything for long-term storage, removed from the garden in an unripe form and ripened with the help of chemicals, and some things, for example tomatoes, actually grow in a chemical solution! By the way, pigs and chickens are fed all kinds of chemicals. disgusting and antibiotics, so there is nothing healthy in meat either! I don’t know how it is in Russia, but in Germany such articles appear about once a month in very respected publications like Speegel or Stern. We don’t have the opportunity to feed our children from grandma’s garden (there is no garden), that’s why I’m asking. My eldest daughter is often sick, her hair falls out quite a lot, and her nails break. I thought maybe I should take the course in the spring? Although our pediatrician always says that you need to drink some minerals only if the analysis shows a deficiency, you just can’t ask for a test! Reply to E.E. Kornakova.: Journalists are generally irresponsible people. I will not describe in detail the physiology of plants, but if the fruit has grown, then vitamins are inevitably present in it in one quantity or another. In Europe, fairly strict standards are observed for the content of antibiotics and other components in meat, nitrites in plants, etc. As for the girl’s symptoms, read the article about hidden iron deficiency in section. "Hematology". Maybe the legs grow from there"

Opinion 3 about the inappropriateness of prophylactic intake of vitamins E.E. Kornakova:

«… Question from a forum member:It’s scary to give children these same “fruits” and “vegetables” - a treasure trove of chemicals, but not vitamins, because... They are collected unripe in order to deliver them to us, the buyers. And these “vitamins” are grown on soils treated with DDT and all sorts of other nasty things. (there was a TV report just recently). I have an apple in the kitchen. Reply to E.E. Kornakova: Trust TV and the press less. DDT has not been used anywhere in the world for a long time. There is poison in fruits and vegetables, growth hormones and antibiotics in meat, as well as “death toxins,” milk is abundant from leukemic cows, and bread yeast causes dysbiosis. How scary to live! (c) By the way, why would my apples spoil within a week if my family didn’t peel them?..."

From the article “Vitamin myths part 1” by A.P. Yakovleva is a doctor, head of medical services at Schlumberger in the Russian Federation. Since 2006 - Chairman of the National Society of Industrial Medicine:

“...Every day I get asked a question: Doctor, please advise which vitamins are best to take? If I try to clarify: “for what?”, patients say something vague, like “to avoid catching a cold,” “to boost immunity,” “to compensate for the lack of fresh vegetables and fruits in winter,” etc. It seems that nowadays only the lazy don’t take multivitamins... In this regard, I’ll explain. Multivitamin preparations are not essentially medicines. They clearly fall under the definition of food additives, since the therapeutic effect of taking them is not confirmed by special studies. However, it would be reckless to give these drugs to the food industry, as was recently done in Europe, due to the fact that Vitamin preparations are far from harmless.…»

From the article “Vitamin myths part 2” by A.P. Yakovleva:

So, many experts are inclined to believe that synthetic vitamins and micro/macroelements can harm the body. Others (I did not cite their opinions in this post, but there are quite a few of them) argue that it is impossible to replenish the balance of vitamins and micro/macroelements through a varied diet. For me, the tip of the scale with a healthy diet happened after studying opinions evidence-based medicine(including the opinions of doctors of the Healthy Communication discussion club).

About taking certain vitamins from the point of view of evidence-based medicine

Here are a few interesting opinions from evidence-based medicine about taking vitamins and micro/macroelements (links are provided to English-language resources):

  • Back in 2007, the effectiveness of vitamin C in the prevention and treatment of colds was refuted, but research on this topic is still ongoing and the effectiveness is refuted again and again;
  • The feasibility of prophylactic vitamin D intake in infants has been proven.
  • It has been proven that there is no advisability for PREVENTIVE administration of iron-containing medications during pregnancy. The article also indicates possible side effects of taking iron and indicates that this can have a negative impact on the course of pregnancy. note, on the fact that in this study:
    • We are talking specifically about PREVENTION - and not about taking iron with low hemoglobin;
    • Iron supplements are contained in almost every vitamin complex for pregnant women.
  • The effectiveness of prophylactic intake of folic acid during pregnancy has been proven. It is worth knowing that tanning increases the body's need for folic acid (research on this topic).

The best vitamins for pregnant women | Comparison of composition and balanced nutrition options

I think this article already provides enough evidence in favor of proper nutrition. I propose to look at it more carefully and make sure that everything is not achievable, as advertisements for vitamin complexes and dietary supplements assure us.

As a result of my targeted study of tables with the content of vitamins and micro/macroelements in food and attempts to create a balanced menu, my approach to nutrition in general changed and even a nutritional reform occurred in our family. After spending time and effort on this activity, I was extremely pleased with the result - I realized how poor our family’s daily diet was and now it simply cannot remain the same. Therefore, I feel the need to share my discoveries with the readers of my blog.

Let's look at a comparative table of the content of vitamins and micro/macroelements in vitamin complexes for pregnant women. By the way, these same complexes and needs are recommended not only for pregnant women but also for those who are breastfeeding.


Vitrum prenatal

Daily intake of vitamins for pregnant women

What products can cover the need?

Vitamin A 100 grams of carrots – 852 mcg,
100 grams of pumpkin – 300 mcg,
100 grams of spinach – 469 mcg,
100 grams of winter zucchini – 260 mcg
100 grams of cream cheese – 366 mcg
100 grams of butter – 684 mcg
Beta-kerotene (provitamin A)
Vitamin D In order to fully cover the daily requirement, it is enough to spend just half an hour in the open air every day. Review the composition of your vitamins to make sure you do not exceed the recommended dose of vitamin D! 100 grams of canned chum salmon - 386 IU,
100 grams of trout – 760 IU,
100 grams of egg yolk – 218 IU,
100 grams of pickled herring – 113 IU.
Vitamin E 100 g of almonds – 26 mg,
100 grams of dried sunflower seeds – 35 mg,
100 g of roasted sunflower seeds – 26 mg,
100 g of sunflower oil – 41 mg,
100 grams of olive oil – 14 mg
Vitamin B1 100 g of dried sunflower seeds – 1.48 mg,
In 100 grams of bread – 0.47 mg,
In 100 g of pork – 0.4-0.6 mg
Vitamin B2 In 100 g of beef liver – 3.4 mg,
100 beef kidneys – 2.97 mg,
100 grams of almonds – 1 mg.
Vitamin B6 In 100 g of beef liver - 1 mg,
In 100 g of tuna – 0.98 mg,
100 g of sunflower seeds – 1.3 mg,
100 grams of dried pistachios – 1.7 mg.
Vitamin B12 In 100 g of stewed beef - 2.3 mg,
In 100 grams of beef internal organs – from 10 mcg and above,
100 g of chum salmon – 4.4 mcg,
100 pickled herring – 4.3 mcg,
100 grams of canned mackerel – 19 mcg
Folic Acid (Vitamin B9) 100 grams of spinach – 190 mcg,
100 grams of peanuts – 240 mcg,
100 grams of sunflower seeds – 230 mcg,
100 grams of bread – 150 mcg,
100 grams of green beans – 75 mcg,
100 grams of red beans – 130 mcg.
Vitamin B3 (vitamin PP, nicotinic acid, niacin, nicotinamide) 100 g of sunflower seeds – 8 mg,
100 grams of peanuts – 12 mg,
100 grams of bread – 6 mg,
100 g of champignons – 5 mg,
100 beef liver – 17.5 mg,
100 g of mackerel – 7 mg,
100 g of chicken - 7 mg.
Vitamin C 100 g of kiwi – 90 mg,
In 100 g tangerine - 27 mg,
100 g orange – 50 mg,
100 g of broccoli – 65 mg,
100 grams of white cabbage – 36 mg.
Iron 100 grams of seaweed – 16 mg,
100 grams of dark chocolate 70% 6.3 mg,

In 100 g of pork kidneys – 8 mg.
Zinc 100 beef – 5.3 mg,
100 g of beef liver – 6.9 mg,
100 grams of sunflower seeds – 5 mg.
Magnesium 100 grams of dark chocolate 70% 176 mg,
100 g of sunflower seeds – 325 mg,
100 grams of pumpkin seeds – 590 mg,
100 grams of bread - 46 mg,
100 puffed popcorn – 131 mg,
100 g of mackerel contains 97 mg.
Iodine 100 grams of seaweed – 500 mcg,
100 grams of shrimp – 110 mcg,
100 grams of dill - 126 mcg.
Copper 100 g of beef liver – 3.8 mg,
100 g of squid – 1.5 mg,
In 100 g of cod liver – 1.25 mg.
Calcium 100 g of milk – 110 mg,
100 grams of hard cheese – 500 mg,
100 g of sesame – 1000 mg,
100 grams of almonds – 250 mg,
100 g of parsley contains 138 mg.

Previously, I would have said that this is an ordinary table of hundreds on the Internet and in the end it is not clear which drug to choose. And now - I’ll say “this unusual table shows us the following:

  • for those who regularly eat carrots, pumpkin, bell peppers, spinach (roughly speaking, for those who have vegetables from their dacha and garden and for those who regularly monitor the presence of a variety of vegetables in their diet), cream cheese, butter you need such a dose of vitamin A and it will simply accumulate in the liver gradually causing intoxication of the body;
  • those who regularly walk in the fresh air for more than half an hour a day while taking these complexes also provoke intoxication of their body by excessive consumption of vitamin D;
  • Taking vitamin E can be replaced with 50 grams of sunflower seeds; the daily requirement of this vitamin can be obtained by seasoning dishes with sunflower oil throughout the day. I assume that for many this daily need is closed. In this case, fat-soluble vitamin E will also remain in the tissues of our poor liver;
  • 100 grams of sunflower seeds daily exceed the daily requirements for vitamins E, B1 and magnesium; half the daily requirement of vitamin B6 and folic acids; one third of the daily requirement of vitamin B3;
  • 100 grams of beef liver daily exceeds the daily norm of vitamins B2, vitamin B12, vitamin B3, 1/5 of the daily norm of iron (but the preventive use of synthetic iron preparations is not justified from the point of view of evidence-based medicine!).
  • the daily requirement of iron can be obtained from 200 grams of seaweed;
  • The daily requirement of vitamin C can be obtained from half a kiwi or one orange;
  • The daily requirement of calcium can be obtained by consuming large quantities of dairy products, or from sesame seeds, the leader in calcium content.”

For clarity, the table above shows some of the most accessible and common products with the maximum content of relevant vitamins and micro/macroelements. To plan my daily diet, I use the most complete tables I could find:

I warn you right away for the first time that a menu balanced in terms of vitamins and macro/microelements is very difficult to create. When trying to find resources on the Internet with ready-made balanced menus, it was discovered that balancing usually occurs within the limits of energy value, fats, carbohydrates, proteins. Therefore, in conclusion of this post, some advice for those who have decided to enrich their diet and do not want to go into the details of the calculations:

  • Include as many different greens as possible in your daily diet (parsley, celery, dill, cilantro, etc.), they are very rich in a large number of vitamins and micro/macro elements. Take an example from Caucasian cuisine. If possible, mountains of fresh greens, otherwise frozen or dry;
  • Include a few different types of nuts in your daily diet. Nuts are a very high-calorie product, so it is better to take different varieties and eat several;
  • Replace daily teas and compotes with fruit drinks made from fresh or frozen berries. I make fruit drink like this: I break 500 grams of defrosted berries (if the berry has a seed, I use a juicer) with a blender and add 3 liters of water. Tea contains components that interfere with the absorption of iron;
  • Indulge yourself with trendy smoothies and green smoothies. Our family's favorite green smoothie is kiwi, a big bunch of lettuce, parsley. Grind the ingredients into a puree using a blender;
  • Cook in small portions - vitamins are quickly destroyed and in food that sits in the refrigerator for several hours there is a minimum of it;
  • Include as many different products as possible in your daily diet: you can buy 3 kg of apples, but it’s better to buy a couple of oranges, kiwis, apples, persimmons, etc. The same goes for other products - cook not 1 kg of meat, but 200 g of meat, 200 g of fish, 200 seafood, etc.
  • Prefer dishes that do not require high-temperature processing. So, according to many biochemists, in tea with lemon and rosehip decoction, all the vitamins are destroyed.

Remember that the only vitamin whose effectiveness has been scientifically proven during NORMAL pregnancy is folic acid. ! THE EFFECTIVENESS OF NOT A SINGLE VITAMIN COMPLEX HAS BEEN CONFIRMED IN QUALITY SCIENTIFIC STUDIES!

Additional Information

Since last time we didn’t go through the details of multivitamins for pregnant women.

I still really hope that they come to you for them mainly with a doctor’s prescription.

If yes, then it means that with medicine we are not as bad as I sometimes think. Because only the doctor knows the peculiarities of the course of pregnancy in each of his wards.

Otherwise, all responsibility for the correct recommendation falls on you. So, just in case, let’s understand the composition of multivitamins for pregnant women, their features and “tricks”.

Multivitamins for pregnant women

So, 7 vitamin-mineral complexes came under my close attention:

  • Elevit Pronatal.
  • Vitrum Prenatal.
  • Vitrum Prenatal Forte.
  • Alphabet Mom's Health.
  • Multi-tabs Perinatal.

I’ll tell you right away that the most gentle of them is. The dosages of vitamins and minerals in it are much more modest compared to other multivitamins for pregnant women.

What is the conclusion?

The complex is intended for absolutely healthy women who eat right, do not suffer from toxicosis (mild nausea does not count), and for whom all the test results are such that they can go into space tomorrow.

And one more conclusion especially for you, dear Pharmacists: by recommending this complex, you certainly will not harm the expectant mother in any way.

And now briefly about each means.

Elevit Pronatal

Perhaps the most popular complex.

Features of the composition. Elevit contains average recommended dosages of most vitamins and minerals for pregnant women.


  1. Compared to others, the iron content here is higher.

Consequently, this complex is especially good for anemia in pregnant women or its threat, for example, with a lack of iron-rich foods in the diet (meat, liver, buckwheat, legumes).

  1. Another “trick” of Elevit: high magnesium content, as much as 100 mg.

If there is a lack of it, a woman experiences convulsions, tachycardia, arrhythmia, numbness of the limbs, increased irritability, unstable table, and abdominal pain. Magnesium is also prescribed for uterine hypertonicity. So from all sides a very useful element.

  1. Here's your next trick. The Elevit complex has the highest biotin content.

In fact, it is synthesized by normal intestinal microflora, but in some situations its deficiency may be felt. For example, a woman took antibiotics for a long time, which destroyed beneficial intestinal bacteria. In particular, our doctors love to treat ureaplasmosis, prescribing antibiotics course after course.

Biotin also improves the condition of the skin, hair, and nails, so it is especially recommended for pregnant women who complain of hair loss and brittle nails.

  1. By the way, for the skeletal system of the unborn child and for strong hair, nails, and teeth of the expectant mother, the Elevit complex also has quite decent dosages calcium and phosphorus. And phosphorus, by the way, is present in only three out of seven complexes.
  1. And this is not all the delights of the Elevit complex. It does not contain iodine. On the one hand, this is bad, because iodine is very necessary for both mother and baby. On the other hand, this complex will not harm if a woman has increased thyroid function. And if everything is OK with the thyroid gland, iodine can be taken separately.


Well, now I’ll add a fly in the ointment. The high content of vitamin A in this complex bothers me. Remember last time I told you about its teratogenic effect? Of course, there is unlikely to be any harm from such a dosage. But vitamin A can accumulate in the liver, and if there is something wrong with it, there is a high probability of toxic effects of vitamin A on the fetus.

Vitrum Prenatal


  1. It has a high dosage of calcium, so it is especially good when the expectant mother does not like cheese and other dairy products that contain calcium. And also if her teeth decay, her hair falls out, her nails peel.
  2. Similar to the previous complex, it contains a lot of iron, and therefore is especially preferable for low hemoglobin.
  3. And one more “trick” of this vitamin: high zinc content. We usually get it when we eat lamb, beef, sesame seeds, peanuts, and calf liver. If there is a shortage of it, there can be serious complications for both the mother (placental abruption, weak labor, etc.) and the child (low weight, immaturity, prematurity).

It does not contain iodine, which can be both a “plus” and a “minus”; I will not repeat it.


The highest content of vitamin A, which is unsafe. Why - see above.

Vitrum Prenatal Forte

Minuses: contains crazy dosages B vitamins, which is fraught with allergic reactions and other side effects.

There is also more vitamin E in this complex than in others. On the one hand, vitamin E is a protector of pregnancy. It improves the maturation of the placenta, promotes the production of the hormone prolactin, necessary for the preparation of the mammary glands, and prevents thrombus formation. On the other hand, it is still a fat-soluble vitamin that can accumulate in tissues and have a toxic effect.

Vitrum Prenatal Forte, unlike its “brother,” contains iodine.

Alphabet “Mom’s Health”


  1. Competing vitamins and microelements are divided into different tablets, and those that help each other are collected in one place. This increases the efficiency of the complex.
  2. There is no vitamin A, but there is its predecessor - non-toxic beta-carotene in a good dosage. And this is a huge plus!
  3. In its composition and calcium, and phosphorus, and in good dosages and in an ideal ratio of 2:1. Therefore, this complex will be perfect for complaints of leg cramps, brittle nails, dull hair, and tooth decay.
  4. Contains selenium, a powerful antioxidant that protects against free radicals.
  5. One of the few in its composition contains chromium, which helps maintain normal blood sugar levels.

Pros and cons

  1. It contains iodine, so be careful when recommending it.
  2. It contains taurine, a vital amino acid that we get by eating meat, poultry, and seafood. It improves metabolic and energy processes and seems to be necessary for the formation of the child’s brain and retina.

The importance of this microelement in the vitamin complex is doubtful for me, since its content in the above-mentioned products is high. Perhaps it is needed by those whose diet does not contain them.

This the most preventative a complex that contains the lowest dosages of vitamins and microelements. Recommend it to expectant mothers who are not worried about anything.

It does not contain iodine, therefore, in the absence of hyperfunction of the thyroid gland, it is necessary to take it additionally.

Multi-tabs Perinatal


  1. Contains chromium, the deficiency of which can lead to diabetes. This is especially important if your heredity for diabetes has let you down.
  1. The composition also contains selenium, which is actively involved in the neutralization of toxins in the liver, nutrition of muscles, incl. heart and blood vessels, formation of joints, skin, hair, nails, cornea, functioning of endocrine glands.

If there is a shortage of it, labor weakness, late toxicosis, and miscarriages often occur.

  1. Contains iodine, which is good, but not always.
  2. Features optimal content calcium and magnesium. Everything has already been said about them above.


  1. Contains unsafe vitamin A.
  2. Vitamin dosages D3 and folic acid reduced. Therefore, if the diet is not entirely complete, they should be taken separately.


  1. Vitamin A is presented in the form of beta-carotene, which reduces the risk of overdose and toxic effects.
  2. Contains 100 mcg of biotin. I have already talked about it: it is recommended after a course of antibiotics, for dyspepsia, for problems with hair, skin, and nails.
  3. Just like in the previous complex, there is selenium with all its positive properties.
  4. Sufficient amount of calcium.
  5. Magnesium, as in the Elevit complex, is contained in a dosage of 100 mg. So for cramps, uterine hypertonicity, irritability, arrhythmias and tachycardias, this complex is the sweetest thing.
  6. More iodine than anywhere else - 200 mcg. In this regard, it is recommended for insufficient thyroid function.


  1. Dosages vitamin D3 and folic acid small. So you need to either take them additionally or eat right.
  2. Contains iodine. Be careful when making recommendations!

Well, we’ve finished looking at the most popular vitamins during pregnancy.

With all that said, let's sketch out a list of questions questions to ask if you are asked about multivitamins for a pregnant woman:

  1. What complex did the doctor recommend?
  2. For what purpose are you buying? Is it preventative or is there something bothering you?
  3. What exactly are you worried about? Are there leg cramps, increased irritability, rapid heartbeat, or unstable bowel movements?
  4. Is hemoglobin normal?
  5. Are there any problems with hair, nails, teeth?
  6. Do you have thyroid disease?

Something like this. And to help you, here is a cheat sheet that you can download (link below), print and keep somewhere at hand.

You can download it Here.

A Here you will find the contents of each complex that we talked about. I highlighted in yellow what, in my opinion, is good, in blue - what confuses me.

That's all. Maybe you have a different algorithm for recommending vitamins for pregnant women? Tell us!

You can comment or ask questions in the comments box below. If you liked the article, share the link to it with your colleagues.

With love to you, Marina Kuznetsova

You live your life, get on with your life, and suddenly one day you find out that you are pregnant. The news may be expected or a surprise, but one thing is clear: now nothing will be the same and life is moving in a new direction. Changes begin with the body; now you will need nutrition enhanced with vitamins so that both mother and baby receive the full benefits. It often turns out that it is impossible to eat the required dose of vitamins from foods, and then pharmacy vitamins are an ideal solution. The rating of the best vitamins for pregnant women in 2020 will help you get acquainted with the products available on the market and choose the most suitable one for each expectant mother.

How to choose

It is no secret that multivitamin preparations for pregnant women differ in composition from regular vitamins. Special complexes already contain the required amount of nutrients and there is no need to calculate anything, as, for example, with fruits or vegetables. But the question arises: “Which company is better?” Pharmacy counters are blooming with a colorful abundance of drugs; there has been no shortage for a long time; on the contrary, it is difficult to decide on the variety. A rating of high-quality and popular drugs, what advantages they have and what disadvantages they have, will be useful here. In addition, build on your personal preferences. If you are vomiting from swallowing large capsules, then it is reasonable to pay attention to the size or shape of the drug. Of course, capsules and tablets are now the predominant form, but you can also find chewable and liquid vitamins.

Also, an important criterion when choosing can be the cost of the product; you can purchase an expensive complex, and if you have financial problems, then there is always the opportunity to find more budget-friendly analogues.

Having decided for yourself which vitamins are best to buy, do not forget to consult with your gynecologist from the antenatal clinic.

Rating of the best vitamins for pregnant women in 2020


The combination of minerals and vitamins Elevit-Pronatal has long earned first place among the drugs prescribed to expectant mothers. They contain everything necessary to replenish the female body with various benefits. There is especially a lot of vitamin A and folic acid, which are so necessary during pregnancy. The only thing missing is iodine, so you will have to take it separately. The product is suitable for the planning stage, during pregnancy and after. That is, you don’t have to worry about which trimester Elevit-Pronatal will be relevant for. The drug is produced in the form of large gray-yellow oblong tablets, which are quite difficult to swallow. You need to take one tablet per day. According to buyers, thanks to taking Elevit-Pronatal, their emotional instability was reduced.

The cost depends on the number of tablets in the package; for 30 pieces you will have to pay from 750 rubles, and for 100 - from 2000 rubles. According to buyers, Elevit-Pronatal is the most reliable and balanced vitamin complex.



  • Easy to use;
  • Contains folic acid;
  • Does not cause heartburn;
  • Gives strength;
  • Possible for diabetics;
  • Suitable for nursing women.


  • Large tablet size;
  • Lack of iodine;
  • High price.

Vitrum Prenatal Forte

The American Vitrum Prenatal complex is very good; it can be taken by both pregnant and lactating women. This useful drug contains increased amounts of beta-carotene, vitamin A and folic acid. The tablets are a decent size, and if you have trouble swallowing, you may have difficulty taking them. The product is sold in several formats: 30, 60, 100 and 120 tablets.

For the proper development of pregnancy, reducing the formation of congenital pathologies and increasing immunity, taking vitamins is necessary and Vitrum Prenatal Forte is ideal for this. Thanks to a balanced vitamin complex, it plays an important role during breastfeeding, saturating milk with useful components and preventing the mother’s body from becoming depleted. There are contraindications, including hypervitaminosis of vitamins A and D, so you should consult your doctor before taking it.

The cost varies from 655 rubles to 2400 rubles.

vitrum prenatal forte


  • An excellent combination of components that is necessary for the normal functioning of the body;
  • Maintains bones in normal condition;
  • Contains folic acid;
  • Ideal for hair and skin;
  • Also available for diabetics.


  • Large tablet size;
  • The composition contains a dye;
  • Side effects may occur (itching, nausea, etc.).


Femibion ​​multivitamins are divided into two types: for the first trimester and for the second trimester. The first is intended at the planning stages of pregnancy, as well as in the initial stages, up to the 12th week inclusive. They start drinking the second Femibion ​​from the 13th week. The product is available in the form of tablets and capsules, while capsules are available only in Femibion ​​2. The complex contains precisely those vitamins that expectant mothers are deficient in, including iodine. In addition to good balance, Femibion ​​has excellent digestibility. By the way, men can also take Femibion ​​1 at the stage of planning the arrival of a future family member. You can stop taking Femibion ​​2 either after childbirth or after finishing breastfeeding.

Cost of the complex: Femibion ​​1 - from 550 rubles, Femibion ​​2 - from 1000 rubles.


  • Optimal ratio of elements;
  • Remarkable digestibility;
  • Convenient dosage regimen;
  • For the proper development of pregnancy;
  • Maintains bones in normal condition;
  • Gives strength.


  • High price;
  • Some pregnant women noted the appearance of apathy.

One of the most popular Russian vitamin complexes for pregnant women is Alphabet. Love for it is due to the fact that, with an elegantly balanced composition, it has a budget price. The product is intended for use during pregnancy and is quite suitable for use during breastfeeding. The highlight of the drug is the division of tablets into colors. The manufacturer made this move so that minerals and vitamins are absorbed even better, and the components have an enhanced effect. It is advisable to take the tablets with food; you get three doses per day. The break between tablets should be at least 4 hours. Alphabet is a small tablet in size, so there are usually no problems with swallowing.

You can buy them from 360 rubles. There are 60 pieces in a package.

Alphabet mom's health


  • Well balanced composition;
  • Convenient shape;
  • They save you from fatigue and give you strength;
  • If you need to take certain vitamins, they can be easily found by color;
  • Affordable price.


  • Forgetful women will find it difficult to take it three times a day.

Solgar Prenatal

Solgar Prenatal vitamins are produced by the American company Solgar, and the brand is very popular both in the States and here. You can purchase the products in pharmacies or order through the American website iherb. The vitamin-mineral complex is perfectly balanced and contains many useful substances. In addition, the drug is endowed with kosher status, which means it has mega health benefits.

In Solgar Prenatal you will not find any flavors, artificial colors or gluten, so Russian testing has confirmed their safety. The minerals included in the drug are aimed at maintaining the full functioning of the heart, tissues and muscles of the fetus. Calcium comes in the form of carbonate and citrate, which prevents it from being deposited in the kidneys and allows it to be completely absorbed. The amino acid complex is wonderfully selected and due to this, not only the vital activity of the fetus is ensured, but also the well-being of the mother improves, and emotional instability decreases.

You can buy Solgar Prenatal from 1,100 rubles in pharmacies for 60 tablets. On iherb you can order from 1300 rubles (the price depends on the dollar exchange rate) for 240 tablets.

solgar prenatal nutrients


  • Perfectly balanced composition;
  • Contains iodine;
  • Can be taken throughout pregnancy;
  • Ideal for the normal functioning of the body;
  • Maintains bones in normal condition;
  • According to buyers, one of the best.


  • High price;
  • Large capsules that are difficult to swallow.

Complivit Trimester

Of the inexpensive domestic drugs, Complivit Trimesterum has proven itself well. It is produced separately for each trimester, that is, in three types. The complex designed for the first trimester is also suitable when planning a child. Each complex is filled with exactly those beneficial substances that a woman will need at this stage. So “Trimester 1” contains a decent amount of folic acid, in the other two complexes it is already significantly less and the emphasis is on other vitamins. The drug does not contain iodine, so it can be taken by women who have increased thyroid function. The form of administration is small tablets that do not cause problems with swallowing.

Cost: from 270 rubles and above.

Complivit Trimester


  • Budget;
  • Easy to swallow;
  • Contains folic acid in the required amount;
  • Strengthens hair and nails.


  • May cause allergies.


Another good vitamin from a domestic manufacturer is called Multi-Tabs PERINATAL. They are produced using Danish technology, and they include all the necessary substances. For proper functioning of the thyroid gland, the composition is enriched with iodine. It also contains selenium and calcium. You need to take one tablet a day, and the result will not be long in coming. After the first days of taking it, your health improves significantly, hair becomes thicker and grows faster, and nails become stronger. Vitamins should be taken from the second trimester of pregnancy, and it is advisable to continue taking them during breastfeeding. By saturating your body with Multi-Tabs, you will avoid dental problems in the future.

You can buy a drug containing 60 tablets for a price starting from 570 rubles.



  • Affordable price;
  • Reduces emotional instability;
  • Gives strength;
  • Has a beneficial effect on a woman’s appearance;
  • One tablet is enough to provide the body with useful substances.


  • There may be allergic reactions.


Budget drugs for pregnant women can also be found among foreign manufacturers, for example, Pregnavit capsules from a German brand. This combined multivitamin complex will be useful both during pregnancy and during feeding. The complex is enriched with vitamins of groups B, A, C, D, and also contains iron and calcium. The product is available in capsule form. During the 1st trimester, a woman should drink one capsule, during the 2nd - two capsules and during the 3rd - three. They are taken with meals and washed down well with water. The minerals and vitamins contained in the preparation have an excellent effect on well-being, helping to normalize hemoglobin levels and the number of red blood cells.

Cost: from 700 rubles and above.



  • Balanced composition;
  • Raises hemoglobin;
  • Positively affects the condition of hair and nails;
  • Prevent the possible development of rickets in a child;
  • They have a great effect on a woman’s emotional state.


  • Allergic reactions and gastrointestinal problems are possible;
  • Not sold in all pharmacies.

Rainbow Light Prenatal One

One of the highest quality American vitamins for pregnant and lactating women, according to customers, is Rainbow Light Prenatal One. Since they contain a lot of vitamin A, it is advisable to take them in the third trimester and after the birth of the baby. In addition to a balanced composition of minerals and vitamins, the complex contains raspberry leaf, beneficial spirulina extract, ginger extract, and lactobacilli for digestion. The product is available in capsule form; you need to take one capsule per day. After starting to take Rainbow Light Prenatal One, many women noted that their hair stopped falling out and began to grow better. It was also difficult not to notice the appearance of a good mood and an influx of energy.

You can purchase them on the iHerb website, the cost for a package with 30 capsules is 1070 rubles.

Rainbow Light Prenatal One


  • Rich composition, even contains lactobacilli;
  • Excellent effect on well-being;
  • Improves appearance;
  • Reduces emotional instability;
  • Does not cause heartburn;
  • Contains organic fruits and vegetables.


  • Difficult to get;
  • High price.


If you are diagnosed with diabetes or GDM, this does not mean that you cannot take vitamins. On the contrary, the body is experiencing an acute shortage of nutrients, and they can be replenished with a well-chosen multivitamin complex.

Those with poor eyesight are definitely worried about how pregnancy will affect their vision and whether they can take medications based on blueberry extract or with lutein. Regarding this, most manufacturers believe that you should refrain from taking medications to improve vision. There are, of course, reservations that it can be taken if the benefit to the mother is significantly greater than the harm to the fetus, but such deviations are very doubtful. It’s better to eat fresh blueberries or frozen ones, then there will be no harm to the baby.

When thinking about which complex to choose, rely on your personal preferences in the form of taking the drug, study the composition of the product and consult with your gynecologist before purchasing. There are enough high-quality drugs on the Russian market; their disadvantage is, perhaps, only in one thing - the monotony of the format. Available in either capsule or tablet form. When ordering American medications, you can choose chewable form and liquid vitamins.

You shouldn’t give up taking vitamins just because you can’t swallow huge capsules; you can always find a tasty and healthy alternative. It’s another matter if your pregnancy falls during a warm season, and you enjoy fresh fruits and vegetables from the heart, then the body will absorb vitamins in their pure form. Remember that an overdose of vitamins is just as dangerous as a lack of them.

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Vitamins and minerals are necessary not only for pregnant women, but also for any person who wants to be healthy. And in our case we are talking about the health of not one, but two people at once, one of whom still lives in the tummy.

It is well known that all essential vitamins and minerals are found in nutritious foods. So is it worth turning yourself into a pill mill? It is impossible to give an unambiguous answer to this question that is suitable for everyone.

Indeed, it contains all the necessary vitamins for healthy people. But during pregnancy, the need for some of them increases, and getting them from food in sufficient quantities is already problematic. Not to mention that in the first weeks tastes change a lot, and healthy eating does not always cause appetite. Nausea and often vomiting appear, making it even more difficult to eat your daily portion of vitamins and calories.

The most necessary substances during pregnancy are folic acid and iron. In most regions of Russia, this also includes iodine. They need to be taken in tablet form by everyone, while other vitamins can be found in sufficient quantities in food. The only condition for this is that the diet must be balanced, complete and varied; ideally, your diet should be developed under the guidance of a nutritionist.

But even in this case, only a very healthy expectant mother with an ideal pregnancy can do without multivitamins. There are many special situations, such as twin pregnancy, milk intolerance, etc. For information about what vitamin support is required in special cases, see the end of the article.

The most necessary

These components, in addition to the main diet, must be taken by every pregnant woman.

Folic acid – volumes have been written about its exceptional importance for embryo development. This vitamin is involved in DNA synthesis and cell division, and is absolutely necessary for the development of the embryonic nervous system (neural tube). If at the beginning of pregnancy the expectant mother had a severe lack of folic acid, this often led to developmental defects in the baby.

Since the rudiments of the nervous system are formed very early, in the period from 15 to 28 days after pregnancy, folic acid should ideally be taken before conception. The daily dose for pregnant women is 400 - 600 mcg. Even the most balanced diet does not contain this amount of folic acid. Medicines: “Mamifol”, “9 months folic acid”, “Folic acid” in tablets (the dose in this drug is much higher than necessary).

It must be remembered that green tea reduces the absorption of folic acid, which means this combination should be avoided. The well-known good old “Biseptol” is an antagonist of folic acid, which is why it is strictly contraindicated during pregnancy.

Iron - a direct component of hemoglobin, which is part of blood cells. During pregnancy, the expectant mother's blood volume increases by about a liter to provide both the placenta and the baby with the necessary nutrients. Iron is needed to form this blood.

With a well-balanced diet at the rate of 2500 kcal per day, about 15 mg of iron enters the body per day, but this mineral has its own peculiarity: no more than 10% of the dose taken is absorbed. Therefore, with a daily intake of 3 mg for pregnant women, the total intake of iron in the body should be at least 30 mg, including what is contained in food.

It is important to know about the effect of iron on the absorption of other vitamins. Thus, vitamin C improves the absorption of iron, which is why many tablets contain them together. On the other hand, zinc and copper compete with iron in the intestines for absorption, so they should not be taken together. Moreover, excessive iron intake can lead to zinc deficiency in the body. Many stomach medications bind iron and prevent it from being absorbed. These are, for example, Motilium, Omeprazole, Ranitidine, Almagel and other medications for heartburn. Their appointment, if necessary, should be rescheduled for another time.

As a preventive dose during pregnancy, a dose of 30 mg of iron per day is sufficient. If we also take into account what is contained in the food, the total amount will be sufficient. Large doses are used only for the treatment of anemia, after appropriate blood tests and consultation with a doctor.

For healthy people, large doses of iron can be harmful. Firstly, it is nausea and constipation, then – zinc deficiency, which has already been mentioned above. A lack of zinc, in turn, can cause delayed fetal development, provoke miscarriage or premature birth, so the prescribed dose of iron should not be increased without permission. Preparations: “Maltofer syrup”, “Ferrum lek”, “Fenuls”.

Iodine – a necessary microelement for the normal functioning of the mother’s thyroid gland, and after 18 weeks – of the fetus. Thyroid hormones, which contain iodine, are responsible for the metabolism and growth of the baby. During pregnancy, the need for iodine increases, so if in your area (which is almost all of Russia) there is an iodine deficiency, you must take it. The daily dose of iodine for pregnant women is 200 mcg. Preparations: “Iodomarin 200”, “Iodine balance 200”, “Vitrum Iodine”.

Iodine deficiency during pregnancy can lead to developmental delay, miscarriage or congenital cretinism in the child, and the mother's thyroid gland can be damaged (goiter develops). Caution in taking iodine should be observed for those who have thyroid diseases; in this case, consultation with an endocrinologist is necessary.

Calcium Both members of the duet need it: both mother and baby. It is a building material for bones and teeth, and is also involved in the processes of blood clotting and muscle contraction. Severe calcium deficiency can inhibit the development of the fetal skeletal system.

Calcium deficiency becomes most acute by the third trimester, when the baby’s skeletal system is actively developing. A lack of calcium is associated with a risk of high blood pressure in the mother, as well as depletion of her own bone tissue, especially for mothers under 25 years of age.

A well-balanced diet provides the required amount of calcium and does not require additional calcium intake. The main source of calcium for pregnant women is any dairy products, as well as cabbage leaves, lettuce, and radish.

If for some reason you cannot eat properly, you need to take calcium in dosage form. The daily norm is 250 mg. Vitamin D improves the absorption of calcium, so many manufacturers produce tablets with their combination.

How to choose a multivitamin

All multivitamins contain a different set of substances in different doses. And most often we are talking not about too low, but about too high a dose of the vitamin. Before purchasing, you need to check the composition on the label.

Here is a list of components that should be present in standard multivitamins for pregnant women:

Folic acid – 400 mcg
Iron – 30 mg
Zinc – 15 mg
Calcium – 250 mg
Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) – 2 mg
Vitamin B12 – 2.6 mcg
Vitamin C – 50 mg
Vitamin D – 5 mcg (200 IU)
Vitamin A – 750 mcg (2500 IU)

The indicated doses of vitamins will be quite sufficient for prevention, but too high doses should be cause for concern.

Iodine - 200 mg - is usually not included in prenatal vitamins and is prescribed separately.

Calcium also most often needs to be taken separately and at a different time from vitamins, since calcium preparations can impair the absorption of other substances.

The dose of vitamin A should not be more than 4000 IU, since in large quantities it has a toxic effect.

Try to avoid medications that have “not a medicine” in fine print on the label. Recently, vitamin manufacturers have been able to register them not as medicines, but as dietary supplements. But the requirements for dietary supplements are much lower, the doses of active ingredients in them are not checked, and sometimes the actual amount of vitamins in such a preparation can tend to zero.

Vitamins for special occasions

Vegetarians – if you do not avoid milk and eggs, the diet is complete and well-balanced, then you do not need additional vitamins other than the usual folic acid and iron and iodine. Vegans (who also do not eat milk or eggs) require supplementation with vitamin D (400 IU) and vitamin B12 (2 mcg), as well as fat due to increased energy needs.

Milk intolerance – since dairy products are the main source of calcium for pregnant women, their exclusion from the diet should be compensated. If there is a lack of calcium in the mother, the risk of high blood pressure and preeclampsia increases.

Milk intolerance and lactase deficiency are common in women of Asian and African descent. In this case, it is necessary to take either lactose-free dairy products or replace them with soy milk and replenish calcium deficiency with tablets.

Vomiting of pregnancy – Excessive vomiting may be relieved by taking vitamin B6 (25 mg 3 times a day). In this case, you need to eat little and often. Take the tablets after meals to avoid worsening nausea. If this doesn't help, buy vitamins in syrup or solution.

Lack of sun - found in northern regions, as well as in Muslim women wearing hijab. In this case, it is necessary to include vitamin D3 supplements in the diet.

Athletes – during pregnancy, those involved in sports have a tendency to hypoglycemia (low blood sugar). Decreased glucose levels after exercise can lead to poor nutrient absorption by the fetus. The solution is to increase your carbohydrate intake. The second aspect is that sports nutrition often contains too high doses of vitamins, which can be toxic to the fetus. Sports formulas containing vitamins should be avoided.

Multiple pregnancy – the rate of increase in body weight during multiple pregnancy is higher, and the total increase can be 16–20 kg. Taking additional vitamins is mandatory. Doses of the following vitamins should be increased: folic acid 1 mg (=1000 mcg) per day; iron – take more often; vitamin B6 – 2 mg per day.

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