Delicious jam from paradise apples. Wild apple jam. Paradise apples: cooked whole

Making jam from these tiny apples is one of the most interesting memories of my childhood. That was the first time I saw such apples with my own eyes, and even in the form of jam. In shape these were real apples, no different from ordinary ones, but miniature, as if they had not grown toy trees for dolls. They were in the jam right with the tails. And for a long time afterwards it seemed to me that recipe This jam must be something special. How else can you explain that the apples become transparent, but remain intact and even retain their tails.

This jam has a unique, pleasant taste. In appearance and color it resembles amber. A light addition of lemon gives a wonderful bouquet of scent. If you sell such apples,

1 kg. apples of paradise/small white with a red side/
1.2 kg sugar
200-250 gr. water

1 lemon/juice and zest/

Dissolve sugar with water and cook syrup by squeezing the juice from 1/2 lemon and adding grated zest. Prick the apples over the entire surface using a toothpick without separating the stems. Pour the chopped apples into a saucepan with a thick bottom, pour in hot syrup /do not cook!!!/, cover on top with a plate that fits the size and place the weight. This is necessary so that the apples are saturated with syrup and do not darken, try to press down so that all the apples are immersed in the syrup. Leave to soak for 12-18 hours / I left it overnight /. After the time has passed, remove the plate with the load and bring to a boil, cook for 5 minutes, turn off and let cool.

Repeat, covering with a plate and pressing with a weight, leaving again for 12-18 hours.
On the 3rd day, bring the jam to a boil, boil for 5-7 minutes and pour into sterilized jars.

The jam turns out incredibly tasty and the apples have an amber color. Ranetki can be used as a decoration for cakes.

Many people remember how our grandmothers made us jam from ranetki with a tail, which was transparent and very tasty when we were children. Just thinking about it makes my mouth water. Therefore, I am happy to share recipes for that same dessert made from heavenly apples.

It can be prepared from both varietal and wild fruits. It does not cook quickly, but you are unlikely to get tired. It’s not even necessary to cut the Ranetki. Just make some punctures and the tiny fruits will be easily cooked whole.

Your task is to prepare the ingredients, monitor the process, and pour the delicacy into containers. Then invite your loved ones for tea.

Transparent jam from heavenly apples (ranetki) with cinnamon - a recipe for the winter

Fragrant from ranetkas of a beautiful shade. Its transparency is achieved through prolonged cooking. And cinnamon gives a pleasant aftertaste.


  • ranetki – 1.7 kg;
  • cinnamon – 0.5 tsp;
  • 1.7 kg sugar;
  • half a lemon, cut into slices;
  • water – 500 ml.

On a note! Citrus can be replaced with citric acid (0.5 tsp).


  1. Take dry, clean “paradise apples”, cut off the tails a little and cut off the inflorescences.
  2. Using a skewer, we pierce each wound in three places.
  3. Pour water into a saucepan and put on fire.
  4. When it boils, add sugar and citrus slices.
  5. Mix the ingredients thoroughly and cook until boiling.
  6. Then put the liqueurs in the syrup and bring to a boil.
  7. Next, remove the half-finished jam from the heat, cover with a lid and leave until the morning.
  8. The next day, put the mixture back on the stove and wait for the syrup to boil.
  9. Cool until evening, then repeat cooking and cool until morning.
  10. The next morning we repeat the procedure, leave until it cools completely and boil again. As a result, it takes 3 days to prepare, 6 boilings.
  11. After the last heat treatment, remove the lemon slices.
  12. Place the cinnamon on a piece of gauze and tie it in a knot.
  13. Dip the bag into the jam and put it on the fire. When the mixture boils, boil for another 10 minutes.

Pour the hot confiture into sterilized jars, cool and store.

How to make whole yellow ranetka jam - recipe with photo

Beautiful to look at and incomparable to taste - this is how jam is made from soft yellow ranetkas. We cook the fruits together with the tails. It’s healthier and easier to get out of the jar.


Servings: – + 16

  • Ranetki 2.4 kg
  • Granulated sugar 2 kg
  • Lemon acid 5 g
  • Water 500 ml


Paradise apple jam is truly a heavenly transparent delicacy, the taste of which is much more interesting and pleasant than usual apple jam. Thanks to the miniature size of the fruit, it is possible to make heavenly jam at home from whole apples for the winter. In this case, the fruits do not have to be chopped to prepare a tasty treat. Due to this, a rather interesting winter preparation is obtained, containing small pearlescent fruits, and even with tails, which float entirely in a transparent sweet syrup.
Cook heavenly jam from ranetki with tails for the winter according to this step by step photo A recipe with detailed technological instructions is a pleasure! Firstly, there are no difficulties during the process, because the recipe is really very simple. Secondly, apples of paradise do not require such special preparation as, for example, ordinary large apple fruits. In this recipe, apples of paradise are prepared for the winter whole and with the stalks, but with the stalk, of course, not everything is so simple. Each apple tail must be shortened, and this procedure is, in fact, tedious. However, for the sake of such a magnificent homemade treats, it’s not a sin to work hard.
Let's start cooking heavenly jam for the winter according to what has been proven over the years grandma's recipe! In it, by the way, you will learn several important secrets about cooking such a delicacy.


Paradise apple jam - recipe

After the charming miniature apples have been collected, let's get started with them. careful preparation. First, wash the fruits of paradise very well, and then cut their stalks in half.

Now On each apple you need to make several punctures using a toothpick. This must be done so that during cooking the skin of the apples does not burst and the apple pulp does not boil.

Next, the pierced fruits should be blanched so that when preparing jam they remain just as beautiful and bright. To do this, pour one glass of boiling water over the apples for five minutes. Afterwards, the water from the apples must be drained into a separate saucepan, and the remaining blanched fruits must be rinsed in cold water.

We take the water that we got after processing the apples and add granulated sugar to it.

Then mix the liquid well and then boil for a couple of minutes. As a result, we got a sweet syrup for apples.

Pour the hot syrup over the fruits and then mix them gently. Next, leave the fruits in the syrup for twelve hours.

The next day, put the infused apples on the stove to cook. After boiling, boil the apple delicacy for five minutes and leave to steep again for twelve hours.

This procedure with jam must be carried out at least three times. Each time, the apples should be left to infuse for twelve hours, or even more.

How are you? In the last issue we did it for the winter. And today I propose to again discuss another similar topic, but we will only make jam from ranetki. But it will not be simple, but with tails. Because the fruit will not be cut into pieces, they will end up in the pan as a whole.

It is also very important to learn how to cook syrup so that it becomes transparent like a tear and plays in the sun. Then such a wonderful dessert will become one of your favorites. And everyone without exception will like it; usually the kids are delighted with it. Do you know why? The fact is that it’s funny for them to take such creations out of the cup, because apples with sticks look like little Chupa Chups. This amuses them a lot.

Yes, I myself wouldn’t mind indulging in such treats). People generally call ranetochki apples of paradise, which is true, sometimes true. Because they have a pronounced taste, from sweet to sweet and sour varieties. Not like store-bought fruits. And the most important thing is that all varieties are hard, and the pulp inside is dense, which is why the jam is certainly very tasty.

You can make such preparations starting from the end of summer, usually in August or September-October. It all depends on where you live.

I think that with this selection you will easily figure it out and become a culinary master. Choose the recipe you like and go ahead and create some magic in the kitchen. If something is unclear, write to us and we’ll discuss it.

It is in ranetki that it contains a large number of pectin, this will give us finished product density. That is, there is no need to add special additives in the form of thickeners (such as gelatin, agar-agar and others). But to get a beautiful and magical taste, as well as transparent color you need to try.

To achieve this, the small apples themselves should be soaked in water, and then simmered on the stove in own juice. Then the color will come out amber and very tasty.

For interesting notes in taste, you can use any natural additives, such as lemon or orange zest, as well as dried apricots, cinnamon or vanillin.

Experiments are welcome. But let's focus now on the classic easy version Let's not run too far.

As for the proportions of sugar, they are one to one, as always.

We will need:

  • small yellow-red ranetki - 2 kg
  • sugar - 2 kg
  • water - 2 tbsp.
  • citric acid - 0.5 tsp


1. Select apples, choose fruits that are absolutely free of flaws and have a beautiful skin. Wash them in running water. And then carefully pierce the place where the tail is with a sharp toothpick.

2. Then prepare and boil the syrup. Place granulated sugar in a cup and add water. Then simmer over low heat until the grains dissolve. Next, add citric acid, you can replace it with lemon juice (1 tsp).

3. After adding the lemon, a reaction will occur and the mixture will begin to actively bubble. And it will even seem that it will not turn white. Don't be alarmed, this is how it should be. Stir and cook until the syrup becomes cloudy like glass.

5. Now remove the pan from the stove and immediately place a clean plate and a jar of water on it. Make it like a load. This is done so that the apples bathe in such a sweet liquid. Leave in this position overnight or 11-12 hours.

6. In the morning, remove the jar along with the plate and boil the mixture over low heat. Then do the same again. You end up needing to boil 3 times for three 10-12 hour time intervals.

7. Once boiled in last time, pour the jam into sterile jars and roll up the lids. Wrap them under a blanket and put them in the cellar for storage.

8. And don’t forget to set the table and invite everyone to the tasting. Looks amazingly attractive and beautiful! It's like candy on sticks. Not for nothing, these are apples of heaven. Bon appetit!

Whole clear ranetki jam

If you leave the “legs” of the apples of paradise, this dessert will only become more beautiful and funnier. Moreover, they can later decorate various sweets, such as cakes and pastries. My husband even throws them into a cocktail.

I just want to make a reservation: if the fruits are too large, there are some, then it is better to cut them into at least halves or quarters.

In any case, there is no shame in serving such homemade preparations at a dinner party or holiday. And how happy everyone will be in winter, when it’s minus 40 outside, and here it’s like this summer miracle nature. In general, you can always surprise your guests with something.

The secret for the ranetkas to maintain their integrity during all stages of cooking is to pierce each fruit manually with a toothpick. If you don't do this before cooking, the peel will burst or crack immediately.

We will need:

  • Chinese apples – 500 g
  • granulated sugar - 0.5 tbsp.
  • water - 0.5 tbsp.


1. Wash the ranetkas in running water, then if the sticks are too long and clumsy, cut them off, but not to the very end. Next, take a skewer with a sharp end and make punctures in several places. If you skip this recommendation, the skin will tear during cooking. And it’s also important to take ripe fruits; you can also use slightly unripe ones, but overripe ones won’t do, as they might end up with jam.

Next, place the apples in a bowl or saucepan filled with water, and pour enough water to cover all the fruits. Bring the water to a boil. And when it starts to actively boil, throw in the ranetki and cook for exactly 5 minutes. Then carefully remove them with a slotted spoon and fill them with cold water.

2. Now prepare sugar syrup by combining half a glass of water (125 ml) with sugar. Stir and simmer until the grains dissolve. But the mixture needs to definitely boil. Next, place the fruit there and cook for 15 minutes.

When foam forms, remove it with a special spoon with holes.

3. Now all that remains is to cool and let it stand for about 2.5 hours, as if to get enough of this infusion. After the time has passed, bring the mixture back to a vigorous boil and simmer, stirring lightly, for 15 minutes. There are recipes for five minutes, but this one seems to be called fifteen minutes) because of its speed.

Pour hot into clean, sterile jars. Screw on metal lids and cool to room temperature under a warm blanket. Store in a cool place and out of direct sunlight.

Oh, and today don’t forget to invite your beloved household members for such a dessert. Eat for your health. Lick your fingers with pleasure))).

Ranetka jam with a tail for the winter - a simple recipe at home

And here is another simple and quick option for making ranetka jam, the ingredients seem to be the same, but the cooking itself and the technology are different from the previous one. Here you don’t have to boil the fruits, but immediately dip them into the ready-made sugar syrup.

The apples themselves taste like marmalade, and for some people they might taste like caramels.

We will need:

  • ranetka - 1 liter jar
  • sugar - 1 l
  • water - 0.5 tbsp.


1. Wash all the fragrant fruits in a basin, then wipe with a towel. Pierce each apple with a toothpick where the tail begins.

Make a sweet syrup from granulated sugar and water and as soon as it boils and there is no trace of grains left, immediately add the prepared fruit. At the same time, turn off the stove; it is important that all the fruits are directly dipped into this syrup. In this state, the apples should sit on the table for a couple of hours.

2. And then put the container on the fire and bring to a boil, select the burner mode to medium or low. Cook for only 5 minutes, and do not stir, but rather shake the bowl.

It is this shaking that also helps the fruits remain safe and sound, and you will agree that this is important!

After this time interval, cook after boiling again for 5 minutes. And immediately pour into jars, screw on the lids and store in a cool place, for example in a closet.

3. This is such a wonderful result. If you wish, you can add citric acid at the tip of the knife. It will help make the syrup lighter and will also act as an excellent preservative in the fight against mold and souring.

By the way, you can easily make such a fruit dish in a slow cooker; to do this, select the appropriate mode, for example, Frying or Multicooker, and please create more.

Apple and orange jam in a slow cooker

If you don’t like the peculiar bitterness, although I hardly feel it, then you can safely combine apples with any citrus ingredients. Or add more walnuts, ginger or cognac. New taste you are guaranteed. But, not about that now, use a miracle stove to speed up the process.

You see what I'm hinting at. Of course, using a multicooker, it’s a pleasure to cook with it, because the bowl in it is deep and non-stick, nothing will escape or boil.

We will need:

  • ranetki - 1 kg
  • sugar - 1 kg
  • lemon - 0.5 pcs.
  • orange - 0.5 pcs.
  • water - 250 ml or 1 tbsp.


1. Rinse the fruit and heat each apple with a toothpick, where the stick is at the base. Then place it in the multicooker bowl, add sugar, pour in water and squeeze out lemon and orange juice.

2. Close the lid and select the Simmer mode for 2 hours. Every 30 minutes, open and shake the pan with food. And after the time is up and the beep sounds, pour it hot into sterile jars and screw it under the iron lid. Bon appetit!

Recipe for jam from ranetki in syrup on the stem

I think you want your fruit to be in a jar, like amber balls, and have a tail. It is the correct recipe and the cooking technology itself that will allow you to do this. This is exactly the time-tested recipe. Which has never let anyone down.

If you have a lot of broken and crumpled apples, then you can safely make jam or jam. For this recipe you need beautiful fruits without black spots.

We will need:

  • lemon acid- 0.5 tsp
  • water - 3 tbsp.
  • apple of paradise – 3 kg
  • granulated sugar - 3 kg


1. Select red fruits in cups; it is advisable to take them of the same size, not different ones. Candidates with a diameter of 2-3 cm are ideal.

2. Wash them thoroughly and pierce each piece with a stick. Here it is, as shown in the photo.

3. Make a sweet filling from sugar and water. Plus add citric acid for a sunny color. As soon as the syrup boils and there is no trace of sugar left, add the prepared fruits.

4. They must drown in such a mass. And boil on the stove for 14 minutes after active boiling. Then remove the pan and let cool completely.

6. Next, after about 8-10 hours, boil the jam again and cook again for 10-15 minutes. Then cool again and boil until you get the homogeneous consistency you want, usually the option of 15 minutes is suitable for everyone. When hot, pack the delicacy into clean glass jars.

7. Screw on the metal lids and check for leaks by turning the jars upside down. This is such a beauty. I wish you good luck too!

Jam from paradise apples with tails whole in syrup - the best recipe for the winter

Well, now I offer another traditional option, which I advise you to look at in this story. Sometimes it is difficult to understand something if you are preparing this dish for the first time, but with such detailed instructions in video format easily. Especially when it is taken from a YouTube channel. There is no doubt about it, it will turn out flawlessly.

During the cold season, over a cup of tea, remember the gentle summer with its charming fruits. Or use it to decorate all kinds of cakes and desserts.

Transparent ranetki jam - so tasty and beautiful! (recipe with cinnamon)

Undoubtedly, you will immediately want to repeat this culinary masterpiece, because its color looks like honey, and its taste is sweet and slightly sour. And the oriental seasoning makes it even more unique. In general, the delicacy turns out to be quite tender and with a pleasant new note in taste. You should rate it!

In addition, the “paradise” variety means miniature, they are a pleasure to eat, because they are so funny, like beads. This jam is in great demand today and is even sold in stores.

We will need:

  • bowl of paradise ranetki - 1 kg
  • cinnamon - 0.5 tsp
  • lemon juice - 4 tbsp
  • sugar - 1 kg
  • water - 1 tbsp.


1. Take fruits that have just been picked and inspect them. There should be no damage, and most importantly no black spots. The tails can be trimmed a little if desired.

2. Pour in the washed fruits granulated sugar. Leave them overnight or 12 hours to release the juice. To do this, add water and stir.

3. In the morning, cook for 15 minutes in 2-3 batches. That is, boil, cook for 10-15 minutes, cool. For the very last time, preferably the third time, add lemon juice, it will stabilize the color and lighten the syrup a little. Add cinnamon and cook for another 5 minutes.

4. When foam forms, you will especially see it when you add lemon juice, since it is sour. The mass will hiss and play. Remove it with a tablespoon.

5. Sterilize the jars in advance and start pouring out the treats. Next, take clean and dry lids and screw tightly and tightly.

6. Store in a cool place such as a refrigerator. It is important that the jam does not ferment; do not show it sun rays. Then everything will be fine and such a preparation will last for a very long time if you don’t eat it. Bon appetit!

That's all friends, choose the recipe you like and prepare such a beautiful and magical ranetka jam. Still, it looks more like the royal version, and that’s pleasing. Anyone who comes to your home will be happy to taste such a treat.

Good luck to everyone and see you soon. Join the group, like, share reviews and wishes. Bye.

Many of us remember how, as children, our grandmother made unusual jam from tiny heavenly apples. Today, unfortunately, few people grow, let alone sell, such apples, and it’s a shame, because the jam they make is simply excellent. The most important thing in such jam is the beautiful miniature apples, translucent and very pleasant to the taste. These apples can be a wonderful decoration for a winter cake or any other dessert...


  • 1 kg apples of paradise__NEWL__
  • 1 kg sugar__NEWL__
  • 1 packet of vanilla sugar__NEWL__

This recipe will use paradise apples of the Altai Dove variety, crossed with various small varieties of apples growing in our latitudes. These apples of paradise have a beautiful yellow-red skin and are distinguished by a very unusual pulp slightly orange tint with a pronounced sweet and sour spicy flavor. Such apples are ideal for making jam because they remain translucent for a long time and retain their characteristic taste.


First of all, without tearing off the tails, you need to thoroughly rinse the apples of paradise under running water, dry them with paper towels, then prick each apple with a toothpick in at least 10 places so that they do not swell during the preparation of jam, and place them in a fairly deep pan.

Pour 1 liter of water into another saucepan, add a kilogram of regular sugar and 1 packet of vanilla sugar, put on fire and, stirring constantly, bring to a boil.

As soon as the syrup boils, immediately pour it over the prepared apples, cover with a lid and leave for 1 day. It is best if the apples are soaked in syrup at normal room temperature.

After a day, put the pan with paradise apples on medium heat, bring to a boil, cover with a lid and leave again for 1 day.

Repeat the cooking process for another 2 days, after which place the jam with heavenly apples in liter jar, cover tightly with a lid and store in the refrigerator.

Jam can also be rolled up in a jar according to the principle winter preparations, but in this case the apples may become dull and opaque after a couple of months.

The finished jam goes well with all kinds of baked goods. However, you can eat apples just like that, washed down with aromatic tea.

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