The influence of deforestation on the condition of the taiga river Chikoi. Chikoy (river) Chikoy River

In a small area it forms the border between Russia and Mongolia.

Chikoy originates on the slopes of the Daursky ridge. The length of the river is 769 km, the basin area is 46.2 thousand km 2 - the largest tributary of the Selenga in terms of basin area and the 2nd longest (after the Khilok River). The river network is formed by 352 watercourses. The largest tributary is the Menza (left). The basin contains 560 lakes with an area of ​​14.8 km2.

The river flows along the southern slope of the Malkhansky ridge. Over a long distance, the river valley is an alternation of narrow gorges and intermountain expansions. In the upper reaches of Chikoy there is a mountain river, and downstream there is a semi-mountain river. Characteristic is the alternation of an incised channel (in the upper and middle reaches) with a wide floodplain channel (within intermountain basins). In free conditions of development of channel deformations, the formation of a floodplain multi-branch system is possible.

The river basin is located in a zone of insufficiently humid climate with warm summers and moderately harsh winters with little snow. The average long-term water flow in the lower reaches is 261 m 3 /s (flow volume 8.237 km 3 /year). The river is fed primarily by rain. Far Eastern type of water regime with low spring floods and frequent summer-autumn floods, exceeding the flood in terms of hydrological characteristics. The wettest months are July and August. Maximum water flow 4760 m 3 /s. Floods are possible during this period of the year. The minimum water flow during the open channel period is 65.0 m 3 /s, and during the freeze-up period - 0.02 m 3 /s.

Autumn ice phenomena begin in the third ten days of October. After 3–5 days, ice drift begins (duration up to 15 days). At the end of the first ten days of November, ice cover is established. In winter, the river can freeze in the upper and middle reaches. The spring opening of the river begins with a short (4 days) ice drift. By the end of April the river is free of ice. The total duration of the period with ice phenomena is about 190 days.

The average long-term water turbidity is 49 g/m3, which corresponds to a suspended sediment flow rate of 12.8 kg/s and a sediment runoff of about 400 thousand tons. The water is fresh, low-mineralized (50–65 mg/l), and according to its chemical composition it belongs to the hydrocarbonate class and calcium group. Water quality decreases in areas where mining operations and populated areas are located. The content of organic substances in river water is increased.

From the middle of the 17th century. The river served as a waterway for Russian explorers during the development of Transbaikalia. The lower reaches of Chikoy were part of the route to Mongolia. Currently the river is navigable on the lower 152 km. The river water is used for irrigation; mineral springs – for balneological purposes (Yamarovka resort). In the river basin there are deposits of gold, tungsten, molybdenum, tin, silver, copper, iron, hard and brown coal. Object of fishing: taimen, grayling, lenok.

On the banks of the river there are many villages (Krasny Chikoy, Maloarkhangelsk, Bolshaya Kudara, Ust-Kiran, Bolshoy Lug), the village. Turn.

CHIKOY, river, right tributary of the river. Selenga belongs to the drainage basin of the Arctic Ocean. Originates on a slope Chikokonsky ridge in the area of Bystrinsky Golets. Part of the catchment area is located in Mongolia, and the lower reaches are in the Republic of Buryatia. The river has a length of 769 km, the drainage area is 46,200 km 2. The average annual flow at the mouth is 8.32 km 3 . On the left side, many tributaries flow into Chikoy, of which the largest is the river. Menza. There are 560 lakes in the catchment area with a total area of ​​about 15 km2.

The upper reaches of Chikoy are located in a narrow strip between the Chikokonsky and Chatanginsky ridges. Crossing the highlands, the river has a narrow valley, a rapids bed, and a rapid current. The direction of flow within the area gradually changes from northeast through meridional to latitudinal when the river enters Chikoy depression. Here the Chicoya valley expands and the size of the channel increases. The characteristic profile of the river valley is V-shaped, with the exception of the northern section (here it is trapezoidal). The river valley in the upper reaches is erosion-tectonic, with the exception of the segment located in the Chikoy depression (here the valley is tectonic). The pattern of the river network is predominantly branched in the northern part and branched orthogonal in the southern part.

The Chikoy flows through a territory that is very complex both geomorphologically and geologically-structurally. The largest morphostructure is Chikoy depression, extended parallel Malkhansky ridge. The most important geological and structural elements are the transregional Mongol-Okhotsk fault, which bounds the Chikoy depression from the north, and 2 regional faults. The first is located parallel to the Mongol-Okhotsk fault, limiting the depression from the south, the 2nd extends in the northwest direction, controlling the river valley. Menza. In the latitudinal direction, the Chicoya river valley is typically tectonic and is characterized by a trapezoidal profile.

Chikoy is predominantly rain fed (50-65%). The monthly maximum flow is observed in August, and on most tributaries - in May. The lowest monthly flow occurs in February or March. Spring floods often exceed summer floods in height. In winter the river freezes. Ice cover usually forms in the 3rd ten-day period of October and is destroyed in the 3rd ten-day period of April. The duration of freeze-up is 150-190 days. The ice thickness reaches 165 cm. The concentration of substances dissolved in water does not exceed 100 mg/l. The species composition of fish is dominated by salmon and grayling, with a clear dominance of lenka.

In the Chikoya basin, pine, pine-cedar-larch forests are common, sometimes with an admixture of fir. In the Chikoy depression there are tracts of pine and larch-pine and cedar wild rosemary-lingonberry-green moss forests. Loose Quaternary sediments of the floodplains of large rivers determine the development of riverine landscapes - meadow-shrub-poplar, alder-forb-meadow, steppe fescue-bluegrass. Above s. Red Chikoy along the river within the Chikoy depression there are pine grass-shrub steppe forests.

The river is not navigable; due to the presence of rocky rifts, navigation of motor boats is possible only in certain areas. On the banks of the river there are ss. Krasny Chikoy, Arkhangelskoye, Cheremkhovo, Osinovka, Gutai, etc.

K:Rivers in alphabetical order K:Water bodies in alphabetical order K:Rivers up to 1000 km in length K:Wikipedia:Articles without images (type: not specified)


Length - 769 km, basin area - 46.2 thousand km². It originates on the slopes of the Chikokonsky ridge, flows along the southern slope of the Malkhansky ridge through the territory of the Trans-Baikal Territory and Buryatia, partially along the border with Mongolia. In the lower part, the river flows within the Selenga midlands, breaking into branches that form extended islands.

The food is predominantly rain-fed. Floods in summer and autumn. The average annual water flow is 263 m³/s. It freezes at the end of October - November, in the upper reaches it freezes over the rifts; opens in April - early May.

The river waters are used for irrigation.

History of development

Written sources for 1713 mention the Peter and Paul Fortress, built on an island at the Chikoy mouth. Due to regular floods in 1726, Count Savva Raguzinsky ordered the fortress to be moved 2 versts upstream of the river, and in 1727, the “chief border manager” I. D. Buchholz built the Peter and Paul Fortress in a new location. The fortification to a greater extent served not as a military facility, but as a trading post, where caravans were formed to trade with China.


Most of the settlements of the Krasnochikoysky district of the Trans-Baikal Territory are located on the river, including such large villages as Krasny Chikoy, Maloarkhangelsk, etc. The Yamarovka resort is located in the upper Chikoy valley.

In Buryatia, on the banks of the Chikoy and in its valley there are large settlements - Bolshaya Kudara, Ust-Kiran, Chikoy, Kiran Resort, Bolshoy Lug of the Kyakhtinsky District. In the Selenga region on the left bank there is the village of Povorot.



The river is navigable for 152 km from the mouth.

The first steamships passed through Chikoy in 1909-1911. Two or three trips were made to the Chikoy tannery. Shipping resumed in August 1926. The Volna steamship of the Selenga State Shipping Company made a voyage to the molybdenum mine.

  • Chikoy (river)- article from the Great Soviet Encyclopedia.
  • Excerpt characterizing Chikoy (river)

    - Sovereign! Sovereign! - suddenly echoed through the halls, and the entire crowd rushed to the exit.
    Along a wide passage, between the wall of nobles, the sovereign walked into the hall. All faces expressed respectful and frightened curiosity. Pierre stood quite far away and could not fully hear the sovereign’s speeches. He understood only from what he heard that the sovereign was talking about the danger in which the state was, and about the hopes that he placed in the Moscow nobility. Another voice answered the sovereign, reporting about the decree of the nobility that had just taken place.
    - Gentlemen! - said the sovereign’s trembling voice; the crowd rustled and fell silent again, and Pierre clearly heard the sovereign’s so pleasantly human and touched voice, which said: “I have never doubted the zeal of the Russian nobility.” But on this day it exceeded my expectations. I thank you on behalf of the fatherland. Gentlemen, let's act - time is most valuable...
    The Emperor fell silent, the crowd began to crowd around him, and enthusiastic exclamations were heard from all sides.
    “Yes, the most precious thing is... the royal word,” said the sobbing voice of Ilya Andreich from behind, who heard nothing, but understood everything in his own way.
    From the hall of the nobility the sovereign went into the hall of the merchants. He stayed there for about ten minutes. Pierre, among others, saw the sovereign leaving the merchants' hall with tears of tenderness in his eyes. As they later learned, the sovereign had just begun his speech to the merchants when tears flowed from his eyes, and he finished it in a trembling voice. When Pierre saw the sovereign, he went out, accompanied by two merchants. One was familiar to Pierre, a fat tax farmer, the other was a head, with a thin, narrow beard, yellow face. They both cried. The thin man had tears in his eyes, but the fat farmer wept like a child and kept repeating:
    - Take life and property, Your Majesty!
    Pierre no longer felt anything at that moment except the desire to show that he didn’t care about anything and that he was ready to sacrifice everything. His speech with a constitutional direction appeared to him as a reproach; he was looking for an opportunity to make amends for it. Having learned that Count Mamonov was donating the regiment, Bezukhov immediately announced to Count Rostopchin that he was giving up a thousand people and their contents.
    Old man Rostov could not tell his wife what had happened without tears, and he immediately agreed to Petya’s request and went to record it himself.
    The next day the sovereign left. All the assembled nobles took off their uniforms, again settled in their houses and clubs and, grunting, gave orders to the managers about the militia, and were surprised at what they had done.

    Napoleon started the war with Russia because he could not help but come to Dresden, could not help but be overwhelmed by honors, could not help but put on a Polish uniform, could not succumb to the enterprising impression of a June morning, could not refrain from an outburst of anger in the presence of Kurakin and then Balashev.
    Alexander refused all negotiations because he personally felt insulted. Barclay de Tolly tried to manage the army in the best possible way in order to fulfill his duty and earn the glory of a great commander. Rostov galloped to attack the French because he could not resist the desire to gallop across a flat field. And so exactly, due to their personal properties, habits, conditions and goals, all those innumerable persons who took part in this war acted. They were afraid, they were conceited, they rejoiced, they were indignant, they reasoned, believing that they knew what they were doing and that they were doing it for themselves, and all were involuntary instruments of history and carried out work hidden from them, but understandable to us. This is the unchangeable fate of all practical figures, and the higher they stand in the human hierarchy, the more free they are.
    Now the figures of 1812 have long since left their places, their personal interests have disappeared without a trace, and only the historical results of that time are before us.
    But let’s assume that the people of Europe, under the leadership of Napoleon, had to go deep into Russia and die there, and all the self-contradictory, senseless, cruel activities of the people participating in this war become clear to us.
    Providence forced all these people, striving to achieve their personal goals, to contribute to the fulfillment of one huge result, about which not a single person (neither Napoleon, nor Alexander, nor even less any of the participants in the war) had the slightest aspiration.
    Now it is clear to us what was the cause of the death of the French army in 1812. No one will argue that the reason for the death of Napoleon’s French troops was, on the one hand, their entry at a late time without preparation for a winter campaign deep into Russia, and on the other hand, the nature that the war took on from the burning of Russian cities and the incitement of hatred towards the enemy in the Russian people. But then not only did no one foresee that (which now seems obvious) that only in this way could the army of eight hundred thousand, the best in the world and led by the best commander, die in a clash with the Russian army, which was twice as weak, inexperienced and led by inexperienced commanders; not only did no one foresee this, but all efforts on the part of the Russians were constantly aimed at preventing the fact that only one could save Russia, and on the part of the French, despite the experience and so-called military genius of Napoleon, all efforts were directed towards this to stretch out to Moscow at the end of summer, that is, to do the very thing that should have destroyed them.
    In historical works about 1812, French authors are very fond of talking about how Napoleon felt the danger of stretching his line, how he was looking for a battle, how his marshals advised him to stop in Smolensk, and give other similar arguments proving that it was already understood there was danger of the campaign; and Russian authors are even more fond of talking about how from the beginning of the campaign there was a plan for the Scythian war to lure Napoleon into the depths of Russia, and they attribute this plan to some Pfuel, some to some Frenchman, some to Tolya, some to Emperor Alexander himself, pointing to notes, projects and letters that actually contain hints of this course of action. But all these hints of foreknowledge of what happened, both on the part of the French and on the part of the Russians, are now exhibited only because the event justified them. If the event had not happened, then these hints would have been forgotten, just as thousands and millions of opposing hints and assumptions that were in use then, but turned out to be unfair and therefore forgotten, are now forgotten. There are always so many assumptions about the outcome of every event that takes place that, no matter how it ends, there will always be people who will say: “I said then that it would be like this,” completely forgetting that among the countless assumptions, completely opposite.

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    MBOU "Bolshekudarinskaya Secondary School"

    "Step into the Future"

    "Chikoy River"

    Work completed

    3rd grade student

    "Bolshekudarinskaya Secondary School"

    Kozhevnikova Daria

    Head: teacher


    MBOU "Bolshekudarinskaya Secondary School"

    Kozhevnikova Natalia


    Introduction………………………………………………………………………………….. 3

    1. Travel along the Chikoy River………………………………………………………4

    2. Rare animals and plants of the Chikoy River………………………………………….7




    My topic is called “Journey along the Chikoy River.” I chose this topic because I love my river. The river has always played an important role in people's lives. I really like my river on the banks of which I live.

    The relevance of the chosen topic is due to the fact that for people, rivers are an integral part of their lives, they were of interest to them in the past, they are interested in now, and will be of interest in the future.

    Purpose of the study: to show all the richness and diversity of the Chikoy River

    Task 1: Study the tourist routes along the Chikoy River.

    Task 2: Get acquainted with rare animals and plants of the Chikoy River

    Object: study of the Chikoy River.

    Subject of research: river routes.

    The first part of our work is devoted to studying the scientific foundations of the river’s tourist routes

    The second part of our research work provides a brief collection of rare animals and plants found on the river bank.

    Research methods:


      Studying scientific and methodological literature.

    For Transbaikalia fishermen, the word Chikoy sounds like an alarm bell. Of course, there are taimen, lenok, burbot, grayling, whitefish, and many other equally attractive fish. And fishing in the middle of nowhere, from the ice, on the deserted upper reaches of the Chikoy, fabulously rich in animals and fish - this is generally a special topic...

    Travel along the Chikoy River.

    The Chikoy River originates on the slopes of the Daursky ridge in the Chita region. It first heads north and then turns west; within Buryatia, the river turns northwest and flows into the Selenga. Its length is 755 kilometers; it flows through the territory of Buryatia at a distance of over 250 kilometers. Chikoy is navigable for about 100 kilometers. Small steamships first began sailing on the river in 1912.

    A trip to Chikoy provides an opportunity to get acquainted with the nature of the interesting region of the Buryat Republic, archaeological and historical monuments. It is recommended to start this excursion around Chikoy from Yamarovka, where you need to travel by bus from the station. Khilok. The path, 115 kilometers long, runs through the valleys of mountain rivers.

    Yamarovka is a resort in the Chita region, founded by the Kyakhta doctor K.P. Kozikh. In Yamarovka, tourists can get acquainted with the work of the resort, visit the picturesque surrounding places, and then go on a trip to Chikoy.

    From Yamarovka to Krasny Chikoy the river flows west through a narrow mountain gorge and taiga. The mountains on both sides come close to the river, and in some places they end in cliffs near the river. The coastline is picturesque. There are small rapids and rifts on the river.

    Krasny Chikoy is a large regional center of the Chita region. In these places, coal outcrops were discovered on both sides of Chikoy. From this village to the village. The thick river makes several sharp bends and heads southwest.

    The village of Gutai is located on the left bank of the river, near which there is a mountain known for its molybdenum deposit. Its discovery story is as follows: the Kyakhta Museum received it from a village teacher. Gutai is a sample of “writing stones”; upon examination, these stones turned out to be molybdenite, a valuable metal ore.

    Below Urluk the river enters the Dunguy valley. Here, where the Buryat herders led a nomadic lifestyle before the revolution, the comfortable village of Ust-Dungui has now grown.

    From Sharagol to Bolshaya Kudara, the river flows first to the southwest and then to the northwest. From Bolshaya Kudara opens a flat area, more densely populated than the upper reaches of the river. Here, taiga areas give way to bare rocky hills with dome-shaped peaks, often covered with sand.

    The village of Chikoy is located on the left bank of the river. There is also a river crossing here.

    From Chikoy you can go to the village. Polkanovo. Not far from the village in a picturesque area there is a healing spring “Arshan”, where many people from the surrounding villages come in the summer. 3 kilometers from the village of Chikoy, the Chikoy River branches into many branches, forming a large group of islands with herb meadows. Dense thickets of willow and bird cherry bushes stretch along the river. Their long branches hang over the water with nests of small birds hanging from them.

    Downstream of the river is the area of ​​Durena. The area is rich in archaeological sites. At different times, stone, bronze and iron items were found in these places. In 1926, a copper plate resembling a Mongolian-type horseman was found.

    After getting acquainted with the archaeological monuments here, tourists can head to Lake Kiranskoe, located 4 kilometers from Duren. Lake Kiranskoe is located in a small drainage basin. The size of the lake is variable: in years with heavy rainfall, the surface area reaches 1 sq. kilometer in dry years it almost dries up; its depth ranges from 1 to 3 meters. The water in the lake is highly salty.

    Lake Kiran has been known since ancient times as a healing lake; it has been mentioned in literature since 1700. In 1850, on the initiative of the doctor of the Troitskosavsky garrison, Pfafius, a hospital for Siberian battalions was established on the shore of the lake, which existed until 1862. Then it was closed due to lack of funds for its maintenance. In 1920, doctor Reshchikov G.M. used the mud of this lake in his medical practice. A small balneological resort of local importance was opened on its shores, which existed until 1941. Since June 1946, a stationary mud bath of republican significance has been opened, which is famous far beyond the borders of Buryatia.

    On the site where the resort building now stands, in the past there was a salt factory.

    Returning from here to Dureny, you should sail to the village of Khilgantuy, located 18 km on the right bank of Chikoy.

    From Khilgantuy you can see Mount Big Kumyn. On both sides of the road are ancient tiled graves dating back to the Bronze Age. There are shifting sands on the northeastern side of the mountain.

    The village of Bolshoi Lug is located on the left bank of Chikoy, three kilometers from the river.

    15 km from Bolshoy Lug, on the left bank of the Chikoy, is the village of Kharyask.

    The last stop can be made in the village. The turn is located on the left bank of the river. There are about 20 km left before the Chikoya confluence with the Selenga. A little below the Chikoya confluence, on the left bank of the Selenga, you can see a high rock that served as a guard post in the 17th century. Here Russian Cossacks performed guard duty.

    Rare and endangered species of animals and plants of Buryatia

    The Daurian hedgehog is an endangered species. Found throughout the valleys of Chicoy, it is rare and isolated.

    The water bat is a declining species. Distributed in the Chicoya River valley.

    The jumper jerboa is a contracting species. The animal is found in the valley of the Chikoy River.


    Great bittern. Rare breeding and migratory species. Recorded in the valley of the Chikoy River.

    Black stork. Widespread, but very rare, nesting and migratory species. The black stork is known to nest in the valley of the Chikoy River.

    White-naped crane. A very rare migratory species, endangered. In Buryatia it breeds very rarely along the Chikoy River.

    Ordinary cut. A very rare migratory and nesting species.

    Reptiles and amphibians

    Patterned runner. An endangered species. Lives along the banks of Chicoy. The number is very low.

    Mongolian toad. Shrinking view. Lives in the lower reaches of Chicoy.


    Kinderman's bear. A rare species found locally. Found in the Chikoy River valley.

    Apollo Buryatsky. Recorded in the Chicoya Valley.


    Krasodnev Maly. A species with declining numbers. It is found in a large area of ​​the Chikoy River.

    Pennsylvania lily. The declining species is found in the Chicoy River valley.

    Dwarf lily. The declining species is found in the Chicoy River valley.

    Eastern iris. A rare species with declining numbers.

    Tiger iris. Rare view.


    As part of the given topic, a literature review was conducted on the study of tourist routes passing along the Chikoy River, as well as a study of the degree of pollution of the river and rare animals and plants listed in the Red Book of Buryatia.

    The study of tourist routes along the Chikoy River showed that the development of tourist routes is possible, the task of the research work was solved. On this route, there is something to see and admire: wonderful nature, many monuments.


    1.Atlas of Buryatia, 2002

    2. B.B. Bashkuev, R.F. Tugutov “Across Buryatia”, Ulan-Ude 1961.

    3. Ivanov, Red Book of the RSFSR, 1983.

    4. Red Book of Buryatia.

    5. Kozhov M.M. Fresh waters of Eastern Siberia, 1950.

    6. T.G. Boykov, Flora, 1979.

    7. Namsaraev B.B., E.V. Danilova., “Mineral springs and healing lakes of Southern Buryatia”

    What else to read