During pregnancy, red blood cells are elevated. Increased red blood cells in the urine during pregnancy: the norm and reasons for the increase in their number. How to treat increased red blood cells in urine

During the period of bearing a baby, a woman’s body is rebuilt and begins to work completely differently, and the changes also affect the biochemical composition of some biological fluids. Very often red blood cells are low during pregnancy.

If red blood cells are low during pregnancy, is this normal? This question worries many women who are happily awaiting the birth of their babies. What does it mean if red blood cells are low, how dangerous is this phenomenon?

A general blood test is mandatory for all expectant mothers. Doctors usually recommend undergoing this examination after a woman’s first visit to a medical facility. After receiving the test results, it may be revealed that red blood cells are low. These cells are also called red blood cells. They perform a number of important functions. One of the most important is oxygen transfer. Toxins, proteins, and fat molecules can be adsorbed on their surface.

If red blood cells are low in a pregnant woman, anemia develops. This is a very serious disease that can lead to certain consequences. For all organs and systems to function normally, the amount of oxygen must be sufficient. When red blood cells are low, cellular respiration is impaired. This can have a detrimental effect on the course of pregnancy. If the concentration of red blood cells in the blood of the expectant mother is very low, the baby suffers from a lack of oxygen. This leads to intrauterine growth retardation and can even provoke placental abruption and hypoxia.

Why do pregnant women often face this problem? During this period, fluid is retained in the woman’s body, metabolism is disrupted, the blood thins and, accordingly, the concentration of red blood cells in it becomes lower. There are special tables by which the doctor can assess how serious the deviation from the norm is. If it is mild, there is no need to worry.

When the number of red blood cells per unit volume of blood decreases to 3 million cells or below, this can be considered a serious reason to sound the alarm. The reasons for the low content of red blood cells in biological fluid can be different. The most common are:

Blood loss;

Poor production of red blood cells;

Hereditary factor;

Infectious diseases;

Autoimmune diseases;

Iron deficiency.

Blood loss during pregnancy can be associated with both trauma and placental abruption. In the latter case, immediate medical intervention is necessary. Blood loss can be a serious risk.

Often, a decrease in the concentration of red blood cells is associated with serious hemolytic diseases. A woman may not even know about the existence of a particular pathology. During pregnancy, all diseases usually worsen and are detected after the next examination.

Dangerous infectious diseases such as whooping cough and diphtheria can change the composition of the blood. Usually they are far from asymptomatic. It is necessary to first cure the underlying disease, and only then focus on the result of a blood test. Usually, after complete recovery, the concentration of red blood cells in the biological fluid increases. The difficulty may lie in the fact that pregnant women cannot take many medications. Some drugs can even cause anemia, so after receiving unsatisfactory test results, a woman needs to remember what medications she took and tell her doctor about it.

A deficiency of red blood cells can also be caused by poor nutrition. Usually, to make a diagnosis such as anemia, experts suggest that a woman undergo additional tests to determine the color index of the blood and the quantitative content of hemoglobin in red blood cells. For example, hyperchromia usually occurs against the background of folic acid deficiency. This vitamin should be supplied to the pregnant woman's body in sufficient quantities throughout the first trimester. Experts also recommend starting to drink it a couple of months before the expected conception. A lack of folic acid can lead to the development of neural tube defects in the baby and other pathologies. In this case, it is very important to detect this problem in time by taking a blood test.

A decrease in the concentration of red blood cells in biological fluid is always associated with iron deficiency. This microelement is necessary for pregnant women, therefore, after discovering its deficiency, a woman must be prescribed special iron-containing preparations. While expecting a baby, the need for iron increases significantly, so hypochromia among expectant mothers is a fairly common phenomenon. It may be associated not only with a deficiency of the microelement, but also with a violation of the mechanism of its absorption into the walls of the gastrointestinal tract.

Red blood cells are the red blood cells of human blood, and their component hemoglobin gives it its red color. One of the important indicators is the determination of the content of red blood cells in urine during pregnancy. According to medical terminology, this condition is referred to as hematuria. The penetration of red blood cells into the urine does not always indicate the development of a pathological process. Often, hematuria is a completely physiological condition caused by dramatic changes in the body due to pregnancy. But a significant increase compared to the norm indicates pathology. In this regard, it is necessary to pay attention to the functioning of the kidneys and organs of the urinary system.

There are 2 types of hematuria: micro- and macro-. If there is an insignificant amount of blood in the urine and it is impossible to determine traces of red blood cells without the appropriate analysis, then this is regarded as microhematuria. In this case, the pregnant woman’s urine will be of normal color, and the analysis will reveal no more than 5 red blood cells in the field of view. Gross hematuria is characterized by the fact that blood in the urine will be visible even without analysis, i.e. its shade is closer to red. In severe cases, the color of the urine becomes dark brown, even black.

Depending on how the pathology in question manifests itself in women, hematuria has the following forms:

  • persistent;
  • recurrent;
  • isolated;
  • painful;
  • painless;
  • mixed.

A persistent increase in red blood cells in the urine is characterized by a long-term continuation: the pathological composition does not change for some time. In the recurrent form of the disease, hematuria has a periodic manifestation, subsiding and reappearing after some time. Moreover, during the period of remission, urine becomes normal in composition and color. The intensity and severity of relapses depends on the state of the woman’s immunity.

The isolated form of hematuria is characterized by the presence of traces of blood in the urine without other, unnecessary inclusions such as protein or casts. Painful hematuria is characterized by painful urination in combination with the same sensations in the lumbar region. In the painless form of the pathology, the woman does not experience any discomfort, but there is blood in the urine. There is also a mixed form of hematuria: it is combined with proteinuria. In addition to red blood cells, protein and other components are present in the urine, which indicate the occurrence of an inflammatory process in the urinary organs.

What causes the increase in red blood cells

Red blood cells are responsible for the normal level of hemoglobin in the blood and providing cells with oxygen. If a urine test reveals the presence of red blood cells, it is necessary to find out what caused their migration. This pathology can be of 2 types - true and false. In the first case, the reasons for its formation are caused by mixing blood with urine. With true hematuria, red blood cells are processed in the renal canals and, mixed with urine, are released. Hormonal changes and increased stress on the kidneys and urinary system can provoke such a disorder.

All possible reasons leading to the appearance of red blood cells in the urine during pregnancy can be divided into 3 groups:

  1. Renal. They are associated with various kidney diseases.
  2. Postrenal. Caused by dysfunction of the urinary tract.
  3. Somatic. The factors included in this group do not have a direct connection with the urinary system.

Somatic causes of hematuria are due to the fact that a certain reaction is developed to various kidney diseases, but they themselves are not directly involved in the pathological process. In this regard, three options for the source of platelet penetration into the urine can be considered: thrombocytopenia, hemophilia, or intoxication of the body. In the first case, there is a decrease in the total number of platelets in the blood, which leads to impaired blood vessel clotting. The result of this is the penetration of blood elements into the urine.

Hemophilia is also associated with decreased clotting, the only difference being that the thinned blood passes through the glomeruli. General intoxication of the body leads to increased permeability of the renal glomeruli, and due to this, red blood cells penetrate into the urine.

Renal causes are due to one of the following kidney diseases:

  • glomerulonephritis;
  • urolithiasis disease;
  • pyelonephritis;
  • cancerous tumor in the kidney.

The postrenal origin of red blood cells is explained by the possible presence in the pregnant woman’s history of pathologies of the bladder or urethra.

Kidney pathologies as a source of hematuria

If there are increased red blood cells in the urine during pregnancy, then most often the prerequisite for this condition is kidney pathologies. These include glomerulonephritis and pyelonephritis. In the first case, we are talking about acute or chronic inflammation of the renal glomeruli. The renal tubules and interstitial tissue are not involved in the inflammatory process. With this disease, kidney filtration is blocked, and red blood cells, sugar, protein and nitrogenous substances penetrate into the urine from the blood.

An additional sign indicating glomerulonephritis is the presence of granular-type casts in urine analysis. In this case, the pregnant woman experiences swelling on the face, nausea, vomiting, and increased blood pressure. In addition, there is limited urine output.

Glomerulonephritis can be acute or chronic. The acute form of the disease is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • headache;
  • dyspnea;
  • lower back pain;
  • swelling of the face;
  • oliguria;
  • pressure surges;
  • temperature increase;
  • change in urine color to red-brown.

As for chronic glomerulonephritis, during pregnancy its exacerbation occurs quite rarely. Almost always, its clinical manifestations will be the same as before pregnancy. This renal pathology can adversely affect not only the course of pregnancy, but also the condition of the fetus. A woman has a high risk of developing late gestosis and premature birth.

One of the common reasons for detecting an increased content of red blood cells in the urine is pyelonephritis. This disease refers to infectious kidney lesions that are caused by exposure to pathogenic bacteria. Pyelonephritis can affect one or both kidneys at the same time. In this disease, the inflammatory process affects the renal pyelocaliceal system. Acute pyelonephritis in a pregnant woman occurs with the following symptoms:

  • dull or sharp pain in the lower back, which intensifies with movement;
  • change in urine color;
  • unpleasant and pungent odor of urine;
  • temperature rise from 38 to 40 °C;
  • decreased appetite;
  • general weakness;
  • chills.

The disease can also occur in a chronic form, while the above-described symptoms may be absent. But red blood cells will always be detected in the urine.

Signs and diagnosis

The clinical manifestations of an increase in red blood cells in the urine of a pregnant woman depend on what was the root cause of this condition. The following symptoms are characteristic of hematuria:

  • soreness;
  • burning sensation when urinating;
  • temperature increase;
  • darkening of urine color.

With hematuria, pain is concentrated in the lumbar region, closer to the kidneys. Sometimes the pain can radiate to the genitals and lower abdomen. The latter may indicate that a stone has formed in the kidneys. Painful sensations are a direct indication of hospitalization of the expectant mother to prevent termination of pregnancy.

Burning during urination is a characteristic sign of gross hematuria. In the vast majority of cases, the pathology in question is accompanied by an increase in body temperature. This indicates the occurrence of an inflammatory process. Urine with hematuria varies in color from pale pink to dark brown and may contain blood clots.

Diagnosis of pathology is carried out by urine analysis. In this case, gross hematuria can be determined visually by color. Microhematuria is detected by microscopic analysis of urine sediment. If blood is present exclusively in the first portion of urine, then this is a sign of initial hematuria. Its source is pathologies of the urethra or its inflammatory diseases. If blood is released after urination, this may indicate cystitis or a tumor in the bladder. If blood is released throughout the entire act of urination, then this indicates pathology of the kidneys and lower urinary tract. This condition is called total hematuria.

As additional diagnostic measures to identify the causes of the development of the pathologies in question, the following procedures are carried out:

  • colposcopy;
  • vaginal smear;
  • Ultrasound of the kidneys;
  • urine analysis according to Nechiporenko;
  • bacterial culture of a smear from the cervix.

Urinalysis to determine red blood cells

Hormonal changes that occur with the onset of pregnancy can disrupt the functioning of internal organs and cause various ailments and problems if the woman was not healthy before pregnancy.

It is for this purpose that tests must be taken during pregnancy. In particular, timely detection of an increase in red blood cells in the urine will prevent and subsequently avoid various complications not only for the condition of the woman, but also for the fetus. It is known that this period is characterized by a weakening of the pregnant woman’s immunity, and the penetration of infection can harm not only her body, but also affect the condition of the developing fetus.

It is important to have your urine tested regularly. Normally, red blood cells should not be present in urine during pregnancy. But it is allowed to have up to 3 of them in the field of view. In this case, repeated analysis is required. If even then red cells are detected in the urine, this will be the basis for finding out the reasons that caused their presence.

In order to avoid receiving false analysis results, it is necessary to adhere to the following recommendations when collecting biological material:

  1. Urine collection should be carried out after waking up in the morning.
  2. Before urinating, you need to wash yourself.
  3. A sterile container must be used to collect the analysis; it can be purchased at a pharmacy.
  4. Before urinating, the vagina is covered with a gauze pad.
  5. The middle portion of urine is collected, the initial stream must be skipped.
  6. The container lid closes tightly. The material must be delivered to the laboratory no later than 2 hours after its collection.

If, when you take a urine test again, red blood cells are again found in it, then you will need to conduct a Nechiporenko test. The preparation and procedure for collecting urine is the same as described above. If the test is positive, the woman is admitted to a hospital for further examination and treatment.

How to lower your red blood cell count

An increase in red blood cells in the urine during pregnancy is a good reason for a thorough examination of the woman. It is important to understand that this is only a consequence of one or another violation. And to eliminate the pathology in question, it is necessary to find out as soon as possible the source of the penetration of blood cells into the urine. If during diagnostic procedures it was revealed that hematuria is not caused by physiological reasons, then you should not try to solve the problem yourself, as this is fraught with the development of undesirable consequences. The solution to the problem is within the competence of the doctor, and depends on the reasons that caused the pathology.

If its source was the lack of full treatment of pre-existing inflammatory diseases of the urinary system, doctors will decide when and what therapeutic measures need to be taken. In some cases, depending on the stage of pregnancy, treatment is postponed until the postpartum period.

It is important for expectant mothers to monitor their health. To do this, you need to undergo special examinations, including regular blood and urine tests. They will help detect diseases that a woman may not have known existed. For example, red blood cells in the urine during pregnancy are a sign of infection in the body or pathology of the genitourinary system.

The appearance of red blood cells in the urine of pregnant women is called hematuria. Depending on the number of red blood cells, macro- and microhematuria are distinguished.

Erythrocytes are red blood cells that are present in sufficient quantities in the blood of every person. Their task is to transport oxygen and nutrients to tissues and organs. Red blood cells are synthesized in the bone marrow; their lifespan on average does not exceed 120 days. After this, they leave the body through the spleen and liver disposal system.

Thus, the role of red blood cells for a person, in our case - for a woman preparing to become a mother, is invaluable - they are necessary to maintain the normal functioning of the body. But if red blood cells are present in the urine during pregnancy, this should alert the attending physician.

Red blood cells in urine during pregnancy: normal

The body of every pregnant woman undergoes serious changes with the onset of conception. Many physiological mechanisms proceed according to a changed scenario due to the growth and development of the unborn baby. That is why during pregnancy it is important for every woman to monitor her own health.

Elevated red blood cells in the urine during pregnancy are an indicator of trouble. Normally, pregnant women should not have red blood cells in their urine; one is allowed to appear in the field of view. If the red blood cells in the urine are elevated during pregnancy, there are more than 3-5 of them, then the woman is asked to take a urine test again.

Even a small amount of red blood cells in the urine during pregnancy is unacceptable; this phenomenon is called microhematuria. If the urine acquires a reddish tint due to the presence of a large number of red blood cells, we are talking about gross hematuria. Both of these conditions require diagnosis and elimination of the cause that caused them.

Causes of high red blood cell count

If red blood cells are found in the expectant mother's urine, the doctor will find out the cause of the hematuria. First of all, he must exclude pathological conditions of the kidneys and cancer. In this case, a woman should not panic, since the appearance of red blood cells in the urine is not always an indicator of a serious illness. Perhaps we are talking about errors in urine collection or more harmless conditions.

Experts distinguish between true and false hematuria. In the case of true pathology, red blood cells are processed by the kidney tubules. This phenomenon means that pathological changes have occurred in the upper organs of the urinary system. If the analysis shows intact blood cells, it means that we are not talking about a true process, that is, the disease has affected the bladder and urethra.

Let us highlight the main causes of hematuria:

  • urolithiasis (stones injure the walls of the bladder and ureters, causing minor bleeding);
  • pressure of the uterus on the genitourinary system, which often causes stagnation of urine and provokes disorders of the urinary organs;
  • bleeding from the genital tract;
  • sexually transmitted infections;
  • , glomerulonephritis;
  • hormonal disorders;
  • injuries of the renal tubules and ureters;
  • diabetes;
  • quality composition of consumed water;
  • scratches, cuts and scratches in the groin area;
  • sedentary lifestyle;
  • stress factors;
  • hot weather.

To find out what caused the appearance of red blood cells in the urine during pregnancy, after examining the woman, a specialist prescribes the following additional tests:

  • - examination of the condition of the cervix using a special colposcope (microscope);
  • bacteriological culture from the mucous membrane of the cervix and urethra to study the microflora to exclude possible infections, in particular Trichomonas;
  • Ultrasound of the kidneys and pelvic organs;
  • blood tests: repeated general and Nechiporenko tests.

Rules for collecting urine for pregnant women

To exclude the erroneous appearance of leukocytes and red blood cells in the urine during pregnancy, it is necessary to learn how to correctly collect urine for general analysis.

Urine should be collected strictly in the morning, after the usual hygiene - washing (in no case should it be confused with douching). It is advisable to collect urine in special containers designed for this purpose - they are sterile and are sold in every pharmacy.

Immediately before collecting urine, the vaginal opening is covered with a clean gauze swab. You need to collect a medium portion, so urination should begin not into the urine collection container, but past it into the toilet or bidet. Having collected the middle portion, the container must be closed with a lid and delivered to the laboratory as quickly as possible: the container cannot be stored for longer than 2 hours, otherwise this may affect the analysis results. When collecting urine, it is important to ensure that the surface and edges of the container do not come into contact with the woman’s skin and mucous membranes.

If red blood cells are still found in the urine, the doctor usually recommends a Nechiporenko urine test. The technology for collecting it will be the same. It is necessary to again collect an average portion of urine, in which the exact number of blood cells in quantitative ratio will be diagnosed. If the Nechiporenko test shows a positive result, most likely we are talking about kidney damage. This condition requires hospitalization of the expectant mother in a hospital to receive appropriate treatment under the supervision of doctors.

Why is it so important to regularly test your red blood cell levels?

Every person tries to monitor their health, especially for women during pregnancy. Hormonal changes in the body associated with bearing a child change the normal functioning of internal organs and often cause various problems and ailments. This is why pregnancy requires careful monitoring by various specialists.

There should be no blood cells in urine tests; only a minimal amount is allowed. If red blood cells in the urine are elevated during pregnancy, then the situation can be considered a physiological norm, since during this period there is high pressure from the growing fetus on the internal organs of the genitourinary system. And only when anemia occurs, the appearance of red cells indicates the formation of pathology.

What do red blood cells in urine mean during pregnancy?

Red blood cells are found in plasma, the main function of which is to saturate tissues with oxygen, nutrients and remove carbon dioxide, which is necessary for the development of the fetus inside the womb. During intrauterine development, this blood function is important for the normal formation and development of the baby.

There are two types of red blood cells found in the body:

  • unchanged cells - are caused by a bright red hue due to the high hemoglobin content;
  • altered - characterized by the absence of hemoglobin; due to being in urine for a long time and subsequent filtration, the cells lose color, and also increase in diameter and are leached. Quite often during pregnancy, in the presence of protein and casts, renal failure is determined in the analysis.
The formation and formation of urine occurs in the kidneys through plasma filtration and any components of hematopoiesis should not enter the biological fluid during normal operation of the urinary system. If a lot of red blood cells are found in the urine during pregnancy, then this is a clear sign of insufficient kidney function.

Reasons why red blood cells are increased in urine during pregnancy

An increase in red blood cells in the urine during pregnancy is called erythrocyturia or hematuria in medical practice. Basically, based on the number of cells in the analysis, the results are divided into microhematuria and macrohematuria. In the latter case, blood in biological fluid is visible without a microscope.

If red blood cells are elevated, the reasons are mainly related to diseases of the genitourinary system:

  • pyelonephritis and glomerulonephritis - infection of the renal parenchyma or glomeruli, which leads to insufficient filtration of biological fluid;
  • Chronic cystitis can be determined by analyzing urine in combination with accompanying symptoms and complaints (frequent urination, accompanied by a burning sensation);
  • urolithiasis and the resulting stones injure the tissues during movement, and salts (urates or oxalates) will be present in the urea;
  • cervical erosion, colpitis or vaginitis are accompanied by microbleeding.
Sexually transmitted diseases can also become a source of blood. Therefore, when collecting material, it is better to cover the vagina with cotton wool to eliminate this factor.

In the later stages, erythrocyturia is explained by significant compression of the internal organs, stagnation occurs, and the outflow is disrupted. Doctors do not rule out the onset of placental abruption, which leads to gross hematuria and the risk of death of the child.

Table of norms of red blood cells in urine during pregnancy

Red blood cells in the urine of pregnant women are counted using a general analysis, which is taken at almost every doctor’s appointment, in order not to miss the onset of the infectious process. The research is done quite quickly and you can find out the results on the same day.

The norm of blood cells in the test material is no more than two per sample. When conducting diagnostics, all parameters are taken into account in order to determine the location of hematuria.

Table of norms for urine analysis during pregnancy:

Index Normal during pregnancy
Color yellow, straw yellow
Transparency transparent
Smell unsharp specific
Specific Gravity(Density) 1003-1035
Urine pH reaction 5.0-7.0 (acidic, slightly acidic, neutral)
Protein Not detected or up to 0.033 g/l
Sugar (glucose) Not detected or up to 0.083 mmol/l
Bilirubin Not found
Urobilin Not found or traces
Ketone bodies Not detected
Hemoglobin Not found
Red blood cells 0-2 in sight
Leukocytes 0-5 in sight
Epithelium is flat 0-3 in sight
Transitional epithelium single in the preparation
Renal epithelium Not detected
Hyaline cylinders 1-2 in the preparation
Other cylinders Not detected
Bacteria Not detected
Mushrooms Not detected
Salts Not found or in small quantities
Slime Not detected

In a situation where the study showed that red blood cells in the urine are increased during pregnancy, a repeat examination is prescribed. Also, additionally, Nechiporenko analysis, tank culture and colposcopy (examination of the cervix) are carried out.

How to reduce red blood cells in urine during pregnancy - treatment

An increase in the level of blood cells involves, first of all, diagnosing diseases of the urinary tract and identifying the primary source of the cause that affected hematuria.

Treatment for infection involves the use of antibacterial drugs, which are allowed during the fetal development stage. If stones are found, hospitalization and antispasmodics will be required.

Medicines based on herbal components will help reduce the slight appearance of blood in urine tests. For the same purpose, you can use decoctions of lingonberry leaves, cranberries or special mixtures, but only after medical consultation.

While monitoring the pregnancy, the attending physician prescribes a urine test before each visit. Such frequent research may seem unnecessary only at first glance. A woman’s body undergoes strong changes, and her organs undergo serious stress, and any failure must be noticed in time. So, if red blood cells in the urine are elevated during pregnancy, this can be a natural and short-lived phenomenon, but may indicate a rather dangerous pathology.

Red blood cells are blood elements containing hemoglobin. Normal blood flow carries trillions of red cells, and a decrease in their number causes unpleasant consequences. But there should not be such inclusions in urine.

Normally, a urine test does not detect red blood cells. The presence of 1–2 red cells in the field of view is acceptable. If there are much more of them, this condition is called hematuria or erythrocyturia, which literally means blood in the urine. In this case, they distinguish:

  • microhematuria, when there are from 5 to 50 red blood cells;
  • macrohematuria, if there are significantly more blood cells.

Microhematuria and the initial stages of macrohematuria can only be detected by laboratory methods. Visually, urine retains its natural color. One drop of blood in the urine can turn urine pink, and a large number of red blood cells red and even burgundy brown. The extreme degree of macrohematuria is characterized by urine in the form of “meat slop”.

Note!A change in urine color does not always mean pathology. Urine becomes red in the following situations: when eating brightly colored vegetables and berries; a large number of food dyes coming from food and drinks; from taking vitamins and certain medications.

False hematuria is any case of mixing blood with urine that is not associated with disorders in the kidneys, ureters and bladder. Moreover, the red color is associated not only with red blood cells. There are several other diseases with similar manifestations, but completely different causes: hemoglobinuria and myoglobinuria. Therefore, without laboratory testing it is impossible to confirm or refute the diagnosis.

Reasons for the appearance of red blood cells in urine

During pregnancy, the growing fetus puts pressure on the organs surrounding the uterus. The kidneys and urinary system are forced to work intensively under increased loads. Therefore, erythrocyturia in 2 out of 3 cases is caused by minor hemorrhages that do not require treatment and do not pose a threat to the health of the pregnant woman and the unborn baby.

Changes in hormonal levels can also provoke an increased content of red blood cells in the urine. These types of hematuria are called primary, they disappear quickly, and are more often recorded at longer stages of pregnancy. Other reasons for red blood cells mixing with urine are not so harmless. The most common of them:

  1. Infections of the genitourinary system. They arise as a result of infection from the outside, or due to compression of the bladder and stagnation of fluid.
  2. Cystitis, urethritis. When the bladder and urethra become inflamed, the walls of the blood vessels become thinner and may bleed.
  3. Stones in the kidneys or bladder mechanically damage tissue as they move through the urinary tract, causing minor bleeding. It is characterized by severe pain and short duration.
  4. Pyelonephritis. An infectious kidney disease, aggravated during pregnancy, promotes the passage of altered red blood cells through the affected glomeruli.

A condition where red blood cells in the urine are significantly increased during pregnancy can warn of severe kidney pathologies: nephritis, glomerulonephritis, heart attack or kidney cancer. Malignant formations of other pelvic organs are also often accompanied by hematuria; such a serious symptom cannot be ignored.

It is important to know!The cause of hematuria of any degree should be determined to exclude dangerous kidney pathologies. During pregnancy, kidney failure can develop rapidly. This is a serious threat to the life of the woman and the fetus and often leads to premature birth.

Of particular importance in diagnosing the causes of hematuria is the appearance of red blood cells in the urine. Unchanged cells indicate hidden bleeding, and “leached” blood cells deprived of hemoglobin indicate kidney damage (glomerulonephritis, pyelonephritis), as a result of which red blood cells penetrate through a damaged renal filter.

Changed and intact red blood cells are clearly distinguishable when examined under a microscope, and their number indicates the severity of the disease.

Kidney pathologies often manifest themselves by the presence of protein and red blood cells in the urine; regular tests can detect such dangerous changes in the early stages. To obtain reliable results, and therefore diagnostic accuracy, urine should be collected correctly.

Rules for collecting urine for pregnant women

Preparation for a general urine test begins 24 hours in advance. Salty, spicy foods, beets, and bright berries should be excluded from the diet. In consultation with your doctor, stop taking medications that can cause bleeding or change the color of urine. Vitamin complexes are also temporarily canceled. For the same period, physical activity and sexual intercourse are limited.

Eliminates erroneous detection of leukocytes, protein or red blood cells during a routine urine test by following a few simple rules:

  1. Urine should be collected only after hygiene procedures - thorough washing without antimicrobial agents.
  2. It is better to use a sterile pharmacy container with a tight lid to collect urine.
  3. Only the middle portion of urine needs to be collected for research. You should start and stop urinating past the container.
  4. It is advisable not to touch the edges of the container to the body - take it by weight. This reduces the likelihood of accidental ingestion of red blood cells, protein, and other foreign impurities from the external genital organs into the sample.

The container for analysis is immediately tightly closed and delivered to the laboratory within an hour, maximum two.

If the results reveal blood in the urine, another study according to Nichiporenko is prescribed. The rules for taking the test are the same, but a quantitative count of red blood cells is performed per milliliter of material, which gives a more accurate result.

To determine the causes of hematuria, in addition to the Nichiporenko study, a separate analysis of three portions of urine (three-glass sample) is performed. The number of red blood cells in each sample will tell specialists the place where the pathology is concentrated.

How to treat increased red blood cells in urine?

Erythrocyturia itself is not a disease, it is only a symptom of damage to the genitourinary system or kidneys, pregnancy diabetes, autoimmune disorders, and many other diseases. In total, there are more than 100 causes of pathology. When the disease causing the appearance of red blood cells in the urine is cured, the symptom also goes away.

Attention! Attempts to independently cope with the signs of erythrocyturia, stop or reduce bleeding using home methods, can distort the clinical picture and complicate the diagnosis.

Treatment depends entirely on the identified causes of the disorder. If the appearance of red blood cells is provoked by physical fatigue, heat, cold or minor injury to internal organs, then rest with supportive therapy is sufficient for recovery.

More serious cases require special treatment. In case of gross hematuria, as well as when protein and red blood cells are detected simultaneously, examination and treatment are recommended to be carried out in an inpatient setting. In this way, possible complications for the woman and fetus are minimized.

To establish an accurate diagnosis at any stage of hematuria, a comprehensive examination is carried out. Additionally assigned:

  • Ultrasound of the peritoneal and pelvic organs;
  • repeated urine analysis according to Nichiporenko or a three-glass test for red blood cells;
  • colposcopy – gynecological examination using a special microscope;
  • smears from the urethra, vagina, cervix to detect infections, including sexually transmitted infections (chlamydia, gonorrhea, herpes and others).

Cystoscopy or x-rays using contrast agents during pregnancy are performed in extreme cases, when the expected harm from the procedure is less than the danger of the disease itself. If possible, replace such hardware examinations with computed tomography.

Quickly identifying the causes of hematuria allows you to select the most gentle treatment option. In case of gross hematuria, one of the urgent tasks is to stop blood loss. But they try not to use drugs to increase blood clotting until the diagnosis is fully established. During pregnancy, the use of medications and diagnostic procedures is limited, so it is extremely important to detect the problem in time.

Even if the red blood cells in the urine are slightly increased during pregnancy, the disorder is quickly corrected or disappears on its own, this situation cannot be called the norm. After giving birth, a woman should be attentive to any warning signs from the kidneys, conduct an examination of the genitourinary system, not neglect medical examinations, monitor nutrition and regulate physical activity.

A pregnant woman should remember that her psychological state greatly affects the entire process of pregnancy and the health of the unborn baby. Stress or increased anxiety about imperfect test results can aggravate even minor disorders. The best help for the body during this crucial period is emotional balance and careful adherence to medical prescriptions.

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