Watery discharge at 39 weeks of pregnancy. What causes bleeding during pregnancy? in case of immediate contact with a doctor

So one of the last stages has begun -. You have already packed your things and are waiting with impatience and fear for the first contractions.

Calm down and relax!
When the first spasms begin, you will have enough time to get to the hospital.

I can tell you a little secret.
A few days before giving birth, a woman’s health sharply improves and she begins to want to redo all her housework.

So if for no apparent reason you want to wash the windows, iron all your things, or start a spring cleaning, then you can get ready - in 1-2 days you will give birth.

Your baby is also tired of his cramped abode.

His stomach became very crowded, it was difficult for him to move, all his limbs were bent - it was time to get out.

His organs are fully developed and ready to function independently.

Meconium (the so-called original feces) is now passing through the baby’s intestines. This indicates that the digestive system is fully formed and prepared to process breast milk.

Try to monitor your discharge. I'm not talking about thrush now, but about clots of pinkish mucus or brownish-bloody spots. Such signs indicate the imminent onset of labor. In about a couple of hours (or maybe earlier) the first contractions will appear.
By this time, the baby is considered full-term, so do not plan long trips alone, labor can begin at any time.

Make it a habit to always have some kind of document or exchange card from your doctor.

If you are at risk of having a caesarean section, you are most likely currently in the hospital under observation.

At 39 weeks of pregnancy, you should not gain weight, since the baby has already gained the required amount of weight and height.

Fetus at 39 weeks of gestation

By this time, the fetus has occupied the entire uterine cavity and, in principle, has nowhere to actively move. Now you may feel regular tremors from time to time. If you do not hear the baby kicking for several hours, immediately call an ambulance and go to the hospital.

At this stage of development, the weight of the baby is at least 3 - 3.5 kg, with a height of 50-52 cm.

All organs are formed and ready to work independently. But even after birth, the process of development of internal organs and the central nervous system will continue and improve.

The pancreas is ready to produce enzymes to break down food.

With the onset of lactation, beneficial bacteria will appear in the intestines.
Your baby, while still in the womb, has learned sucking movements well; a month or two after birth, salivation will appear.

Of course, in the first days the chewing muscles of the face are not yet developed, but every day when drinking mother's milk, they will become more and more improved.

Immediately after childbirth, the first voiding of meconium will occur, this is the original feces formed in the womb.
If emptying occurred before birth, doctors use a special procedure - lavage, which is designed to cleanse the bronchi.

Often at 39 weeks of pregnancy, this occurs due to a lack of oxygen. The placenta is no longer able to provide the fetus with all the necessary nutrients, including oxygen. By this time, the natural process of aging of the placenta begins.

Mother's feelings at 39 weeks of pregnancy

38 difficult weeks of pregnancy are already behind us, now the woman is ready to give birth at any moment, this gives her additional fresh energy and a surge of strength.

You may already be partially accustomed to constant pain in your bones and muscles. Carrying extra pounds has become a habit for you. But the load on the pelvic bones, back and spine did not disappear. Don't despair, there's only a little left.

Try to talk to your child more, he hears you perfectly and understands everything. Perhaps your baby will be the first to give a signal about the upcoming labor.

Listen to your body, the onset of labor is accompanied by severe pain in the lower back, spasms that increase in intensity, and the time between contractions is reduced, unlike false contractions. Then your water will begin to break and there may even be some minor bleeding.

By this time, the fetus should take a stable, correct position - head down.

It puts more and more pressure on the bladder and intestines. Now the urge to go to the toilet has become even more frequent.

Even at 39 weeks of pregnancy, it is necessary to regularly do gymnastic exercises for pregnant women. These exercises will relieve your lower back, spine and relieve muscle pain.

Pain at 39 weeks of pregnancy

I still have pain in my chest; it is swollen and very painful to any touch. The mammary glands prepare for lactation while secreting a yellow substance called colostrum.

If the stomach sank, the pressure on the internal organs disappeared, and with this the pain, but there was a load on the bladder. Even when your bladder is one third full, you feel like it's full.

Additional pain appeared in the pelvic bones and lower back, this is due to pressure on them from the fetal head.
Despite the considerable weight of the abdomen, shortness of breath and chest pain disappeared, breathing became easy and free.

In the last weeks of pregnancy, the body intensively began to produce the substance relaxin, which helps soften bones and relax ligaments. The pelvic bones diverge for better passage of the fetus.

By the way, after childbirth, the reverse process of restoring the pelvic bones to their place will begin, accompanied by discomfort.
The load on the legs has increased. You are already painfully enduring aching pain in your legs, especially in the evenings, and with a shift in the center of weight, it will become even more difficult.

Take frequent breaks and eat healthy.

Pay attention to how you sleep. Take the correct position, although I am sure that at 39 weeks of pregnancy it is difficult to sleep in any position.

While resting, take a position so that your legs are slightly higher than your pelvis.

Particular attention should be paid to contractions. Before this they were false, but prenatal contractions can begin at any moment. Unlike false ones, the time between uterine contractions decreases, and the pain intensifies. If you have such symptoms, immediately call an ambulance and go to the maternity hospital; I hope by this time you have already packed your bag and all the necessary things.

Precursors of labor at 39 weeks of pregnancy

One of the main symptoms of approaching labor is the lowering of the uterus and abdomen. But this largely applies to primiparous women. Their belly drops 2 weeks before giving birth.

In women carrying a second and subsequent child, it may drop 1-2 days before birth.

The main feature is the release of the mucus plug. In most cases this happens within 1-2 weeks.

The expectant mother suddenly loses her appetite, her total weight with the child decreases to 2 kilograms. This is due to the fact that the body prepares for childbirth by losing excess weight, thereby simplifying the process of labor itself.

False contractions are becoming more frequent, now they can occur several times throughout the day, and the duration has doubled. But don’t worry, this is a painless process, in this way the uterus is prepared for the upcoming birth. Take a comfortable sitting or lying position and the contractions will subside on their own.

If you walk around the apartment for a long time, you don’t want to sit down, and the contractions are only getting stronger, most likely these are prenatal contractions and the time has come to prepare to go to the maternity hospital. Until your water breaks, you don’t have to rush too much, you will have enough time to get there calmly.

We have already mentioned that one of the signs that the meeting with the baby is approaching is that a woman in one or two weeks, for no reason at all, begins to prepare her “nest”. This happens subconsciously.

You start running around the apartment, start a grand cleaning, start buying things that will help you create a cozy home nest. But don't overdo it, otherwise labor will actually start prematurely for you.

If at the moment you feel satisfactory, in the last weeks of pregnancy, spend as much free time as possible in clean fresh air. During the 3rd trimester, the baby is extremely lacking in oxygen. Be sure to take someone close to you to accompany you.

Examination, tests and ultrasound

If the pregnancy proceeds without complications, at this stage, the baby should take the correct stable position with its head down. Tests and ultrasound scans are not required.

The only thing you can take is a urine test.

You continue to see your doctor regularly for routine checkups.

A routine examination by a doctor includes:

  • Fetal size measurements, abdominal circumference and uterine fundus
  • Location (heads)
  • Your total weight
  • Arterial pressure
  • Checks baby's heartbeat
  • Carry out CHT (cardiotocography)
  • At week 39, the doctor determines the maturity of the placenta and its deterioration.

If necessary, additional ultrasound is prescribed. This is done in cases where there is a risk of the fetus being entangled in the umbilical cord, or the dimensions (length and weight) are too large, in order to avoid unforeseen situations.

It is at this stage, if the baby’s weight is sufficiently large, that the doctor determines whether the birth will be spontaneous or by caesarean section. Although doctors can accept the latter option at any time during labor.

39 weeks of pregnancy. Diet of the expectant mother

Many women in the last weeks of pregnancy are concerned about the issue of nutrition, because every day can end in childbirth.

Pay special attention to ensuring that your body receives the required amount of protein; eat meat, fish and dairy products.

Steam, boil and simmer as before.

Refrain from fried potatoes, do not fill your stomach. In addition, you should eat food often, but in small portions. Eat at least 6 times a day.

At 39 weeks of pregnancy, you should eat complex carbohydrates; they will give the expectant mother’s body strength and energy.

Carbohydrates, which are found in cereals, raw and stewed vegetables, wholemeal bread, will help you increase your glucose levels.

Your diet should include fruits and vegetables every day. They contain a large amount of vitamins and nutrients that you and your baby need. These products contain fiber, which will help cleanse the body before childbirth and prevent constipation.

And, of course, do not forget about the need to drink liquid, give preference to non-carbonated drinks, you can drink weak green tea.

During pregnancy, a woman periodically experiences changes in her reproductive tract, and often for the worse. It may be yellow, thick discharge, or thin, whitish, or streaked with blood. If you have any suspicions, you should consult a doctor. At different times, discharge may vary significantly. You should be especially attentive to your condition at the end of pregnancy.

Discharge in a pregnant woman as a harbinger of labor

Discharge at 39 weeks of pregnancy may indicate, since one of the first signs of labor is the release of the mucus plug.

A mucus plug forms at 7 weeks of pregnancy in the cervical canal. Its importance is very great - it prevents infection from entering the uterine cavity. If the cervix begins to dilate, the plug comes out. In fact, this can happen at any stage of pregnancy. Therefore, if the birth is far away, but the plug has moved away, then this is a reason to seek medical help as soon as possible.

But most often the plug comes off in the last month of pregnancy. Usually the plug looks like a lump of mucus streaked with blood. Although it may look different: in the form of a transparent viscous clot without any impurities or take on a whitish, yellowish-cream or even brownish tint.

Sometimes it separates gradually, then spotting will be observed at 39 weeks of pregnancy. In most cases, this process takes several days, much less often - several weeks. But this does not apply to pathology. A pregnant woman must understand that from this moment on, the cervix becomes very susceptible to various types of infections, so now being in a filled bath (stagnant water) and having sex is definitely unacceptable.

Traces of blood in the plug or its brownish color may signal the onset of labor in the coming hours.

Discharge indicating pathology during pregnancy

In addition to the plug, the discharge may be associated with an infection. Then they turn yellow or greenish. The smell of such discharge is clearly unpleasant, and its appearance is very similar to a purulent mass. Itching and swelling of the genitals appear. All these signs indicate the presence of a bacterial infection in the genital canal of a pregnant woman. In this case, immediate medical attention is required, since there is a huge risk of intrauterine infection of the fetus. Against this unfavorable background, the newborn may develop pneumonia or sepsis.

If the discharge is cheesy, then candidiasis has worsened (and this is a common occurrence during pregnancy). In this case, the discharge becomes white. The pregnant woman also suffers from severe itching of the genital tract. This condition requires an urgent course of local treatment. Since childbirth is very close, it is necessary to have time to be treated before the rupture of the membranes, during childbirth the baby may be infected.

The worst thing is if the discharge becomes bloody and profuse. In fact, we are already talking about the beginning of bleeding in a pregnant woman. This could be talking about . Sometimes in such a situation, the discharge is not bloody, but spotting brown. This is due to the fact that placental abruption can begin in a small area, and with periodic contractions of the uterus (training before childbirth), the already clotted blood is emptied and comes out. The worst thing about the beginning of placental abruption is that such a pathological condition can progress very quickly. If there is a delay in providing urgent medical assistance, death in the womb of the fetus and the death of the woman in labor due to severe bleeding are possible.

In such cases, it is better to call an ambulance and go to the maternity hospital. The doctor should be involved in finding out the cause of the discharge, since only he will be able to assess the situation and make the right decision.

Discharge when amniotic fluid breaks

This is another sure sign of an imminent birth. Amniotic fluid can come out in small portions (that is, leak for several days) or flow out at once in quite large quantities when the membranes rupture. In the latter case, we can talk about the beginning of labor, so it is necessary to urgently go to the maternity hospital. Contractions usually begin next. Most often, amniotic fluid drains in pregnant women in the morning, while lying down or when getting out of bed.

Normally, this discharge is liquid, transparent, clean, with a sweetish odor. A pinkish or yellowish tint is acceptable, as well as a small amount of white flakes (these are traces of vernix lubrication covering the baby’s body). Sometimes the waters are colored greenish or brownish, this indicates that original fetal feces have entered them. In this case, there is a danger of the baby swallowing amniotic fluid, which is not entirely good. You need to go immediately to the maternity hospital.

So, at the 39th week, the mucous membranes become transparent or white without the appearance of an uncomfortable condition (itching, redness, unpleasant odor). Brownish mucous membranes with small streaks of blood indicate the passage of the plug and imminent birth.

07 Mar 2012 1156

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At week 39, the stomach becomes hard, it becomes difficult to even take two steps, the lower back is so tight. For many mothers, the 39th week of pregnancy generally becomes the last week before giving birth; more precisely, it is at this stage that the main miracle occurs - the birth of a baby.

Pregnancy 39 weeks - fetal movements

A very important self-diagnosis parameter at 39 weeks of pregnancy is fetal movements. Traditionally, about ten movements per day are considered the norm, and if the number of movements increases or decreases sharply, you should immediately call the doctor, perhaps something is wrong, and the baby is very uncomfortable, but he cannot tell about it.

39 weeks of pregnancy - harbingers of labor

At the 39th week of pregnancy, the harbingers of labor make themselves felt to almost everyone, even if the actual birth of the baby occurs only in a few days. In any case, you need to be prepared and pack your bag for the maternity hospital in advance, warn relatives about what to do and what to do, and not go out without an exchange card. Even to the bakery.

39 weeks of pregnancy - the stomach turns to stone

Some mothers can be very annoyed by the so-called training contractions, which the first time they just want to mistake them for real ones. But they are very easily distinguished from childbirth - false contractions are painless and irregular, they are accompanied only by slight discomfort in the abdomen and back. But if, at the 39th week of pregnancy, the lower back is pulled so that there is no strength to endure, the stomach turns to stone, and it seems that contractions become painful and regular, then this is already a sign of the process that has begun.

Diarrhea at 39 weeks of pregnancy

Diarrhea at 39 weeks of pregnancy is also one of the precursors of childbirth; the body is cleansed for the future process of giving birth to a child. The same goes for slight nausea or lack of appetite; before giving birth, many ladies experience a complete reluctance to eat anything.

39 weeks of pregnancy - signs of labor

One of the first signs that labor will soon begin is a drooping abdomen. However, this does not mean that it will “start” right now; several days may pass before contractions become active. Secondly, quite often pain occurs in the abdomen, pubis, sacrum and pelvis. This is due to the fact that the body is actively preparing the birth canal for the unborn child, the cartilage softens in order to pass the baby through the pelvis. There is nothing terrible or unbearable about this pain; it is easily relieved by gentle massage of the sacrum and wearing a bandage. And also one of the signs of approaching labor at the 39th week of pregnancy is breast swelling, it seems unbearably heavy.

Discharge at 39 weeks of pregnancy

It is very important to monitor vaginal discharge at 39 weeks of pregnancy, as it can tell the expectant mother a lot. In the normal state, the discharge is white, practically odorless and has a homogeneous consistency. At a certain point, the mucous plug may come off - this is a direct harbinger of future birth, a completely normal thing. But if you see wet spots on your underwear, transparent or greenish, then this is a reason to urgently call an ambulance - the amniotic fluid is leaking. In a normal state, they have no color, and a green tint is a sign of fetal hypoxia, with which you need to quickly go to the hospital and remove the child. The water can either pour out completely in one go or leak, but it is impossible to miss its release.

And finally, spotting at 39 weeks of pregnancy may indicate placental abruption, in which case you need to call the emergency room just as urgently, this is very important, you need to remove the baby immediately.

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The 39th week of pregnancy or the middle of the ninth month is the period when the baby in the womb is already fully formed, grown, stronger and ready to “go out”. It can be compared to a small watermelon, which is about 50 cm long and weighs 2900-3200 g.

During this period, the maturation of all the baby’s organs is completed, the functional activity of which does not differ from the work of the body of an adult. Every day the fetus drops lower and lower, which serves as a prediction of the approaching birth. The child's lungs are fully formed, so he is quite ready to take the first portion of oxygen on his own. The pancreas produces a sufficient amount of enzymes for the normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. But beneficial bacteria enter the intestinal flora only with the intake of colostrum from the mother's breast.

A fetus at 39 weeks of gestation has fairly developed vision, which helps determine the volume and contrast of objects, distinguish colors, and respond to movements. He still breathes and feeds with the help of the placenta and umbilical cord, receiving all the necessary nutrients from the mother’s body. Photos and videos at the 39th week of pregnancy will provide an opportunity to take a closer look at the baby, his habits and reactions.

What happens to the stomach

At 39 weeks of pregnancy, the belly begins to harden

At 39 weeks of pregnancy, a woman is on the verge of a new round in her life. After all, very soon she will give birth to a new life, hug and press her beloved “bundle” of happiness to her chest. At the same time, expectant mothers may alternate between bursts of joy and increased nervousness. This is explained by the maturing fear of childbirth.

Physiologically, the woman does not experience significant changes, but they still exist. The first thing that characterizes pregnancy at 39-40 weeks is that the stomach becomes hard. It hardens and pigment spots may appear. Don't panic if your lower abdomen feels tight. This condition indicates that labor is approaching. The fetus presses on the pelvic floor, causing nagging pain.

Expectant mothers may find that their stomach hurts like during menstruation and pain appears in the lumbar region. Nausea may occur due to the high position of the uterus. Thus, nature takes care of the health of the woman in labor, preparing her body for future childbirth.

The thirty-ninth week of pregnancy is the time when the woman in labor actively produces the hormone relaxin, which is responsible for relaxation and softening of muscles. During this period, the pelvic bones gradually begin to diverge, paving the birth canal for the baby. Therefore, you will have to endure pain for the sake of your child. Obstetricians advise wearing a prenatal bandage belt. It will significantly reduce pain in the back, lower back, pelvis and legs.

Fetal movements

At 39 weeks of pregnancy, the baby moves less

At 39 weeks of pregnancy, mothers notice that their baby has calmed down and moves little. And this is not surprising, because there is much less space in the womb.

The baby has taken the birth position and is already waving his arms and legs much less. However, the movements do not disappear completely. They become rarer, but more sensitive. In most cases, the baby's activity directly depends on the mother's lifestyle.

As a rule, if the expectant mother is active until the last term, the baby will also behave restlessly in the stomach. Often the child is more restless at night. Perhaps in this way he is preparing his mother for the difficult nights that lie ahead. Nervous breakdowns and uncomfortable posture also affect the baby’s condition.

At 39 weeks of pregnancy, a caring mother should count at least 10 movements per day. If their number is less, it is worth making another visit to the doctor. In the later stages, the risk is not appropriate.

What does discharge at 39 weeks of pregnancy tell you?

At 39 weeks of pregnancy, your doctor needs to monitor your discharge.

Some discharge is completely physiological and is not a cause for concern. Their transparent nature may indicate the beginning of the discharge of amniotic fluid. If the amniotic sac bursts immediately, the waters will recede instantly and cannot be confused with anything. But it is also possible that they will leave for several days.

Discharge mixed with blood may be the release of a mucus plug. But if this process is characterized by the presence of bleeding, it is necessary to urgently visit a doctor, since there is a risk of detachment of the placenta from the wall of the uterus.

White discharge at 39 weeks of pregnancy risks becoming a cause for alarm, especially if it has a consistency similar to curd and also causes irritation and redness. Candidiasis (thrush) in the last stage of pregnancy poses a danger for both the mother and the baby, since during childbirth it can become infected with a fungal infection, the treatment of which is complicated by the tiny age of the child. Candidiasis greatly softens the vaginal tissue and the woman in labor risks getting numerous tears.

Yellow discharge without a characteristic odor is normal. It’s another matter if they have a strong smell, which indicates the presence of a bacterial infection, inflammation in the ovaries or fallopian tubes.

Brown discharge may be the result of an obstetric examination or sexual intercourse. In this case, they disappear throughout the day. Brown discharge is associated with the release of the mucus plug and the onset of labor literally after a couple of hours. Also, brownishness indicates aging of the placenta, as a result of which the baby will not receive the required amount of nutrients, which can cause him to starve and hypoxia.

In any case, any doubts about the discharge require consultation with a doctor. Only an experienced specialist will be able to accurately determine their nature and eliminate the problem, if of course it exists.

Sex at 39 weeks pregnant

Sex at 39 weeks of pregnancy is possible if the expectant mother is in good health

Is it possible to have sex at 39 weeks of pregnancy? Doctors answer this question ambiguously. Some of them believe that intimate relationships in the last stages can cause premature birth due to contraction of the uterus during orgasm. Others, on the contrary, argue that sex stimulates regular contractions and speeds up the process of the first stage of labor. The uterus opens faster, reducing pain.

But both sides are of the same opinion that sex should be oriented towards the woman’s well-being and the body’s need for it. It is necessary to avoid sudden movements and be extremely careful.

Signs of approaching labor

Maximum attentiveness to your body is the main task of a pregnant woman in her final stages. At 39 weeks of pregnancy, the woman’s body sharply reduces the production of the hormone progesterone, which was responsible for maintaining pregnancy, and the amount of the hormone estrogen increases, the effect of which is aimed at preparing for childbirth. What are the main harbingers of childbirth?

  1. The stomach drops as the baby's head is inserted into the pelvis. At the same time, the upper part of the uterus also descends and no longer puts pressure on the stomach and lungs, allowing the pregnant woman to breathe easier and not feel the former heaviness.
  2. Leaking water or completely draining it. In this case, you immediately need to pack your things and go to the maternity hospital.
  3. A sharp weight loss of one and a half kilograms, the disappearance of swelling. If the expectant mother notices that the mark from the elastic band of the socks on her leg has disappeared, childbirth is not far off.
  4. Removal of the mucus plug. This is a fairly common symptom. It is important here to understand what it is. A mucus plug is an accumulation of mucus with blood streaks, with a total volume of 2-3 ml. But if the expectant mother notices heavy bleeding, she should immediately contact an obstetrician.
  5. Diarrhea at 39 weeks of pregnancy and increased urination are another sign of imminent labor. The fact is that compression of the pelvic organs by the fetus leads to loosening of the stool. In addition, an increase in estrogen concentration is a leading indicator that labor is approaching.
  6. Discomfort in the lower abdomen, aching pain and pulling sensations.
  7. The appearance of periodic contractions, the same in time and becoming more frequent.

The second pregnancy does not differ in prenatal sensations. Their symptoms are identical. The only difference is the birth process itself, which in most cases goes much faster due to the child’s accelerated passage through the birth canal. The mother’s body “remembers” its first “experience” quite well. You should trust him and then everything will be fine.

How to induce contractions?

Trying to induce contractions on your own can harm mother and baby

On average, obstetricians set the gestation period for a child from 38 to 42 weeks. It depends on the health and well-being of the mother in labor.

Under no circumstances should you provoke the birth process yourself. Excessive “amateur activity” can cause complications and caesarean section.

There are times when the deadline has come, but there are no contractions. In this case, doctors stimulate the woman to go into labor. Often, nature itself lets the expectant mother know that she is ready for childbirth. This explains the fact why pregnant women in their final stages are so impatient to say goodbye to their “interesting” situation. But what are the do's and don'ts of triggering contractions?

The most common “granny” method is nipple stimulation. Their massage must be done carefully to avoid infection. Sex is another method to speed up labor, but on the condition that it ends with the wife’s orgasm. Intimate relationships are provoked by uterine contractions. The most natural ways to induce labor are considered to be walking and exercise. It is important not to overdo it with them. And if you don’t want to climb around with a damp cloth, wiping the floors, just scatter the boxes of matches and put them back, bending over each one separately.

Under no circumstances should you carry heavy objects. The permissible weight in the last stages of pregnancy is no more than 2 kg. Excessive loads can only make the situation worse.

Along with light exercises to stimulate contractions, you should wipe and massage the genital perineum with olive oil. This will help make labor easier and possibly avoid rupture.

(1 average value:

39 weeks of pregnancy: mucous discharge

At 39 weeks of pregnancy, discharge can occur for various reasons. 39 weeks of pregnancy - brown discharge is absolutely not dangerous. They can occur after intimacy. But when the 39th week of pregnancy comes: mucous discharge should alert you. Since this may be an infectious disease that can harm both you and the child.

Any discharge or bleeding that appears in the last stages of pregnancy is always a cause for concern. You need to know how to react to them and what to do in such situations.

What does the color of the discharge indicate?

If the mucous discharge is pinkish in color or streaked with blood after an internal gynecological examination or sexual intercourse, this indicates rubbing of the cervix, which is quite sensitive at this time.

In particular, the 39th week of pregnancy may cause brown discharge that appears within forty-eight hours after intimacy or a doctor’s examination.

This is considered normal, but you should notify your doctor, who in this case will most likely advise you to refrain from sexual intercourse until delivery.

The appearance of brown or bloody pink mucous discharge in combination with contractions indicates the onset of labor, which should also be reported to the doctor. Bright red bloody discharge may be due to placental abruption.

At 39 weeks of pregnancy, discharge of this type may be a sign that the baby may be in danger. In such a situation, you should immediately contact the maternity hospital. Under no circumstances should you expect your family to return home; the best option would be to call an ambulance.

Discharge due to pathologies

If thrush worsens when the 39th week of pregnancy approaches, the mucous discharge is white. This disease can become dangerous because it can infect the mucous membranes and skin of the newborn.

Thrush will cause difficulties in the formation of normal microflora in many organs, which will be too difficult to cope with in a newborn child.

If white mucous discharge appears, accompanied by itching and a sour smell, you must immediately consult a doctor, because at 39 weeks of pregnancy, labor can begin at any time, and before it begins, you need to get rid of the fungus. This is much easier to do than to get rid of a similar problem in a child afterward.

Any doubts that arise in connection with the appearance of mucous discharge during pregnancy become a reason to consult a gynecologist. It is necessary to consult a doctor immediately in order to prevent the occurrence of undesirable consequences as quickly as possible.

Continued on the next page. page

Discharge when amniotic fluid breaks

This is another sure sign of an imminent birth. Amniotic fluid can come out in small portions (that is, leak for several days) or flow out at once in quite large quantities when the membranes rupture. In the latter case, we can talk about the beginning of labor, so it is necessary to urgently go to the maternity hospital. Contractions usually begin next. Most often, amniotic fluid drains in pregnant women in the morning, while lying down or when getting out of bed.

Normally, this discharge is liquid, transparent, clean, with a sweetish odor. A pinkish or yellowish tint is acceptable, as well as a small amount of white flakes (these are traces of vernix lubrication covering the baby’s body). Sometimes the waters are colored greenish or brownish, this indicates that original fetal feces have entered them. In this case, there is a danger of the baby swallowing amniotic fluid, which is not entirely good. You need to go immediately to the maternity hospital.

So, normal discharge in a pregnant woman at the 39th week is transparent or white, without any discomfort (itching, redness, unpleasant odor). Brownish mucous membranes with small streaks of blood indicate the passage of the plug and imminent birth.

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Fetus at 39 weeks of gestation

This is the penultimate week of pregnancy, if we take into account its ideal 40-week duration. But birth may occur several weeks earlier or later, which is normal. At 39 weeks of pregnancy, the fetus is completely ready for independent functioning. The lungs are fully mature and will start working immediately with the first portion of inhaled air. The digestive system is able to accept, promote, digest and assimilate food: villi have already formed on the mucous membrane, the pancreas produces the necessary enzymes. True, the baby’s intestines are still sterile, but after the first meal bacteria will begin to colonize it.

The small heart works properly, pumping blood throughout the body, and the kidneys, removing metabolic products through the mother’s excretory system. The amount of amniotic fluid at the 39th week of pregnancy decreases noticeably, but it does not stop renewing every 3 hours, and this happens until it leaves.

The baby’s vision is already well developed: he not only reacts to light and darkness, flickering and movement in front of his eyes, but is also able to focus his gaze at a distance of 20-30 cm, that is, during feeding he will see your face! Be sure to smile at him!

The baby's central nervous system is still developing. This process will continue after his birth.

A child at 39 weeks of pregnancy is already very beautiful and looks like a baby: the skin has smoothed out and acquired a pleasant pinkish tint, folds and cheeks have appeared, the fluff and vernix have almost completely disappeared. Despite the cramped space, he continues to grow and get better: his full height (size) already exceeds 50 cm, and his weight reaches 3500 g. Of course, these data are very individual.


The uterus tightly envelops its resident, so the mother feels almost his every movement. Try to capture this moment in your memory: it will never happen again...

You are probably looking forward to giving birth: after all, the state of heaviness throughout the body and discomfort has not only become tired for a long time, but has reached its peak. The uterus puts all its weight on the bladder, which makes trips to the toilet seem endless! To help your bladder empty as much as possible, lean forward when urinating and don't rush to stand up. You also experience strong pressure on the perineum and pelvis, which causes aching, stabbing and shooting pains that radiate to your legs. It hurts to walk, it’s uncomfortable to sit, it’s hard to lie down, sometimes it’s impossible to find a comfortable position for sleeping...

Yet, despite the weakness and fatigue, strength and inspiration come from nowhere for most mothers: the “nesting syndrome” begins. A woman with a twinkle in her eyes begins to put things in order in the house, creating coziness and comfort for the whole family and especially its new member. This is perhaps the most pleasant feeling before childbirth. It allows mom to be distracted and charges her with the necessary optimism. But don't overdo it. Now you need to save your strength for childbirth, so take on the role of foreman and let your family carry out your instructions.

Do not forget about daily walks, since the baby now needs oxygen more than ever before: the placenta begins to age and no longer performs its functions as diligently.

At 39 weeks of pregnancy, the cervix begins to shorten and dilate. You will begin to feel the baby's head in the pelvis between your thighs, which presses on the bottom of the pelvis.


The belly at 39 weeks of pregnancy has most likely already dropped. In primiparous women this happens several weeks before giving birth, in multiparous women it can happen right the day before, and in some cases the belly does not drop at all. But the baby is already rushing to the exit: its presenting part (the one to which it will be born), in most cases this is the head, enters the pelvic area. The doctor can feel it during examination - both externally and internally. The tone of the abdominal walls decreases - and the fundus of the uterus deviates slightly anteriorly.

My belly is huge now! The skin is very stretched, which is why it often itches, and the navel may protrude outward. Don't let this worry you: after giving birth, everything will fall into place.

In recent weeks, you have had the good fortune to watch your baby dance: his stomach was literally shaking. Before giving birth, the discos stop, the baby calms down, but you should still feel his movements every day, they are just not as active anymore - it has become too cramped inside for activity.

Weight at 39 weeks of pregnancy

Neither a big belly nor continued weight gain with the baby should no longer affect your own weight at 39 weeks of pregnancy. By this time, the total gain for the entire gestation period was 11-16 kg (plus or minus). And now you should no longer get better. On the contrary: before giving birth, a woman usually loses a little weight (literally 1-2 kilograms) due to increased removal of fluid from the body. This is a preparatory stage planned by nature: a woman must be flexible and mobile in order to give birth more easily.

Therefore, do not stop weighing yourself: sudden underweight will warn you about an imminent birth.

Often a woman's appetite disappears a few days before giving birth. But it also happens that no special changes occur in this regard.


Sex at 39 weeks of pregnancy is actually sex before labor begins. Is it possible and worth it to practice? Doctors answer this question differently, and each couple must decide for themselves. Until recently, doctors imposed a strict ban on intimacy in the last 6 weeks of pregnancy. The main argument for this position is that orgasm stimulates uterine contractions and can cause premature birth. Now you are no longer afraid of them, and this point of view has long been refuted. You should focus solely on the woman’s well-being. Some of them are quite tired and feel unwell, so in recent weeks they have not felt attracted to their spouse. But many, on the contrary, need intimacy with him, want to feel loved, desired, needed. Sex at 39 weeks of pregnancy is not forbidden if the integrity of the amniotic sac is preserved and future parents need intimacy with each other. Moreover, doctors around the world have long come to the conclusion that sex before labor is the best natural stimulation, and in some countries it is even recommended to have sex after the onset of regular contractions in order to prepare the cervix for dilatation and generally facilitate and speed up the process of childbirth. The fact is that male secretion contains the hormone prostaglandin, which prepares the cervix, and endorphins released in the mother’s body during sex act as a mild pain reliever.

However, the future dad should be extremely affectionate and careful. And if mom feels pain and discomfort during sex, then it is better to stop it.

Pain at 39 weeks of pregnancy

In the last weeks of pregnancy, you are probably already experiencing aching pain in the lower abdomen, which portends an imminent birth. Training contractions became more painful than before. The movements of the child also often cause pain to the woman. When you try to stand up or change your body position, you may experience pain in your stomach, side, or back.

39 week pregnancy photo

At 39 weeks of pregnancy, the perineal area hurts the most: the baby has dropped and is pressing on the pelvic floor. You may also feel this pain in the lower back (lower back and sacrum).

Due to the discrepancy of the bones in this area, aching, sometimes sharp pain appears. Shooting and stabbing pain also radiates to the legs, especially while walking.

When real contractions begin, the pain will increase and intensify. It is important to learn how to relax in response to pain, so if you still have a day or two, then use it to master relaxation and breathing techniques.

In addition, your breasts may begin to hurt at 39 weeks of pregnancy. This is not strange, because very soon she will have to feed the baby: the production of colostrum has already begun.


Because of this, you may notice milk leaking from your breasts. Do not squeeze out colostrum under any circumstances: maintain good hygiene, wash your breasts at least 2 times a day, and gently blot the liquid on your nipples.

If the mucus plug has not yet begun to come off, then this may happen now. However, the entire process usually takes several days (or even weeks), since most often the mucus plug comes out in parts, and not all at once. This is indicated by the discharge of thick, viscous mucus at 39 weeks of pregnancy. It is clear, white, yellowish or cream in color, but may also contain streaks of blood.

The passage of the mucus plug is one of the harbingers of labor, but does not mean that it has already begun. Therefore, calmly continue your business, taking into account only that the cervix is ​​now open to infections, which means that sex and swimming in stagnant water should be canceled. Brownish or reddish traces in the mucus indicate that labor is likely to be a few hours away.

However, if the passage of the mucous plug is accompanied by bleeding, then you must go to the hospital immediately, since the placenta may expel prematurely.

In addition, the rupture of amniotic fluid foretells the impending birth. They may leak in small portions, which you observe by the release of clear fluid from the genital tract. And it happens that the amniotic sac bursts, and the water flows out simultaneously, in a stream - you certainly won’t miss this.

Most often, the water breaks in the morning, when the woman gets out of bed or has not even gotten out of bed yet, but in general this can happen at any minute. At the same time, many people hear a muffled pop that precedes the flow of water. The opening of the amniotic sac and the release of water are not accompanied by any pain.

Usually after this labor begins. If your water breaks immediately and you literally gush, then don’t wait for contractions, but get ready for the maternity hospital right away. Don’t worry if the contractions have already become intense, but your water still hasn’t broken: this often happens in the maternity hospital, and it is possible that the amniotic sac will be punctured on purpose - this does not mean anything bad.

Normally, amniotic fluid is clean and transparent, and may contain white flakes of vernix that covered the baby. They are odorless or have a slightly sweet smell. However, sometimes the baby’s original feces, meconium, gets into the amniotic fluid, and there is a high risk of the baby swallowing it. This condition is a little dangerous, so if the waters are greenish or brownish, you should go to the hospital immediately.

Harbingers of childbirth

We have already looked at many of the signs of labor. In particular, we know that before childbirth the stomach aches, the lower back, back, perineum, legs, and also the bones of the hip joint hurt. The stomach itself drops, which makes it easier for a woman to breathe, the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract improves a little, and this nasty heartburn that has been bothering the expectant mother for so long may even disappear! But trips to the toilet become more frequent: due to the pressure of the uterus, the bladder and rectum are forced to empty themselves more often. Sometimes you even get an upset stomach, as if you were worried - this is the work of hormones preparing the body for childbirth.

You will again remember what sudden mood swings are, or rather, your family will remember this. Let them not take your nervousness to heart, which can grow especially strong from the moment regular contractions begin.

Appetite usually decreases before childbirth (although not always). And last but not least, this leads to a slight decrease in body weight.

Meanwhile, the baby is also preparing for birth. And besides the fact that he lowers himself and presses on my mother’s crotch, he also behaves more modestly - he practically calms down. However, periods of calm can be replaced by increased activity (as much as possible in cramped conditions): the baby practices tactics during childbirth.

The uterus has long begun to train, periodically contracting. But when labor begins, the contractions will become real.

Many mothers worry that they will miss the onset of labor, but this is in vain: believe me, you will immediately understand that this is it. Firstly, the release of the mucus plug and amniotic fluid will tell you that the ice has broken. Secondly, even if this does not happen, you will not miss the real contractions: they begin to repeat every 10-15 minutes, then every 5 minutes, then even more often, while the pain increases all the time: try to relax and rest as much as possible in the period between contractions. If your appetite suddenly awakens, then eat something light (it’s good to be prepared for this in advance).

From this moment, real labor begins, and you already move to a different status - a woman in labor.

Childbirth at 39 weeks of pregnancy

Now you need to focus on yourself and the baby. Help each other, listen to each other, breathe correctly, follow all instructions from the medical staff.

The longer you can stay on your feet, the better, so walk around during contractions, stopping to rest. When contractions begin to feel intensely painful, it's time to use breathing techniques. During the contraction, breathe evenly, deeply, calmly - this will moderate the pain and preserve strength for the second period.

Do not rush to push - this can only be done on the doctor’s command when the cervix is ​​fully dilated. Then push no matter what, stopping only as directed by your doctor. Don't be embarrassed by unexpected urination or other unforeseen nuances - they don't matter to anyone right now. It is very important to take a comfortable body position during pushing - this point should ideally be discussed with the doctor in advance. In the period between attempts, it is extremely necessary to relax and rest, restoring spent strength as much as possible.

In the second stage of labor, when the baby is born, a lot of strength and effort will be required from you. It is important to give your best. Different women experience this period of childbirth differently: some feel simply inhuman fatigue, others seem to be reborn and accumulate all their resources.

Your thoughts should now be directed in one direction: the baby is trying very hard, and you are obliged to help him be born as easily and naturally as possible. Don't be afraid of anything! Don’t let the pain scare you: it will not exceed a threshold that you will not be able to overcome, nature has taken care of this.

Relax as much as possible and remember everything you have read and heard about as you prepare for childbirth. The most important thing is that childbirth at 39 weeks of pregnancy is timely and physiological. The baby is fully matured and absolutely ready for birth, he is great because he chose the right moment for this.

Immediately after the baby is born, obstetricians will clamp the umbilical cord, and when it stops pulsating, they will cut it. The baby should ideally be placed on the mother's breast - this is the best outcome of childbirth for both you and the baby. Getting your baby's first colostrum is incredibly important! This is his immunity, health and strength. But first, if the baby suddenly swallowed water with meconium, the obstetricians will clear his bronchi of the contents (that is, they will perform lavage).

Brown discharge during pregnancy is a rather dangerous phenomenon. They talk about the development of complications requiring emergency care. In the last trimester, such discharge can appear quite often, and is caused, in most cases, by physiological reasons.

Main reasons

Brown discharge before childbirth can occur for the following reasons:

  • Gynecological examination on a chair;
  • Having sex;
  • Removal of the mucus plug.

Gynecological examination

Throughout pregnancy, the cervix should normally be tight, long and closed (maximum the tip of a finger can pass through). Closer to childbirth, the body begins to prepare for the upcoming event, and the cervix is ​​no exception: it shortens, softens, and begins to open.

At 38-39 weeks of pregnancy, the obstetrician-gynecologist must examine the woman in the chair to determine her readiness for childbirth. A softened and slightly open cervix can easily be injured, as a result of which small amounts of bloody discharge of various colors (red, brown) may appear during the examination. It is also possible that smearing may appear within 2-3 hours after the examination. Such discharge does not pose any danger to the further course of pregnancy; on the contrary, it can be considered a favorable sign indicating the body’s readiness for childbirth.

Having sex

information During pregnancy, provided that its physiological course is normal, you can have sex, but you should be careful about the choice of positions, especially in the later stages.

Careless sex can also cause brown discharge before childbirth, which may appear within 2 days after intercourse.

Removal of the mucus plug

Before childbirth, brown discharge may also appear as a result of the passage of a mucus plug, which covers the lumen of the cervix throughout pregnancy, thereby protecting the baby from the effects of various microorganisms.

It may go away at different times before the onset of labor: in some cases, contractions begin literally after a couple of hours, and sometimes labor begins only after 2 weeks.

additionally It should be noted that when the plug is rejected, the discharge may have a different color: light, pinkish, mucous with thin streaks of blood, but it is the brown discharge that indicates that labor will begin in the near future.

When to see a doctor

If brown discharge appears as a result of the situations described above, then it does not require an emergency visit to an obstetrician-gynecologist, however, it should be understood that “spotting” can also appear in a number of other cases that are dangerous for the child and the woman herself. For this reason, in any case, you should play it safe and consult a doctor, or at least contact him by phone and explain the current situation.

In some cases, you should contact your doctor immediately:

  • The appearance of discharge accompanied by an unpleasant odor. This may indicate an infection, which is extremely dangerous for the child, especially at the end of pregnancy: the cervix is ​​slightly open and microorganisms can easily penetrate into the uterine cavity;
  • The appearance of bloody discharge that is not brown or brown in color, but has a bright red color. Such a “daub” may indicate serious complications of pregnancy: premature detachment of a normally located or presenting placenta;
  • Heavy bleeding. This situation also occurs as a result of pathology of the placenta and requires emergency care, because threatens the life of the child and mother. If such discharge appears, the woman should immediately call an ambulance (under no circumstances should she go to the maternity hospital on her own);
  • Discharge from the genital tract of any color and in any quantity, accompanied by deterioration in health or the occurrence of cramping and aching pain in the lower abdomen or lumbar region. These symptoms, first of all, may indicate the development of labor.

Hygiene before childbirth

Of course, any woman should carefully observe personal and sexual hygiene, but she should take this especially seriously before the upcoming birth.

Towards the end of pregnancy, the cervix opens slightly, the mucous plug comes off, and therefore the risk of infectious agents entering the uterine cavity, and therefore the baby, increases significantly.

Hygiene rules before childbirth:

  • Shaving the pubis and perineum;
  • Sexual hygiene at least 2 times a day and after each act of defecation;
  • Refusal of sexual activity;
  • Refusal to take a lying bath and visit the pool, sauna.

Shaving the pubis and perineum

In many maternity hospitals, doctors and midwives insist on this procedure and do so not without reason. Shaving should be done for a number of reasons:

  • Maintaining hygiene. After childbirth, a woman begins to have profuse bleeding, and therefore hygiene should be very strictly monitored to prevent infectious complications;
  • Control of the perineum during childbirth. During the eruption of the baby's head, the midwife carefully monitors the condition of the perineum to prevent its rupture. Hair will significantly hinder this;
  • Suturing ruptures. During childbirth, incisions in the perineum are often made to free the exit for the baby. During suturing of the perineum, hair can get into the wound, which interferes with the doctor and subsequently leads to infection of the wound.

Sexual hygiene

important Intimate hygiene before childbirth should be carried out especially carefully. The genitals should be washed with warm boiled water at least 2 times a day and after each act of defecation.

You can also use decoctions of medicinal disinfectant herbs (oak bark, calendula).

Vaginal sanitation

Sanitation of the vagina should be carried out only as prescribed by a doctor. During pregnancy, you should never take medications on your own, even local ones (suppositories, ointments, creams).

Closer to the 38th week, the doctor must take a smear of vaginal flora and, based on the results, prescribe local treatment. Quite often, even with a good smear, specialists prescribe prophylactic administration of suppositories to prepare for childbirth.

Refusal of sexual activity

Many women believe that having sex before childbirth is beneficial because... accelerate the body's preparation for the birth of a child. Of course, this is true, because due to the prostaglandins contained in sperm, the cervix begins to soften and open faster, but you should still remember that the risk of infection is very high at the moment. You should not risk your health and the health of your child.

Refusal to take a lying bath and visit the pool, bathhouse,

Taking a lying bath is, in general, undesirable for any stage of pregnancy, and even more so before childbirth after the mucous plug has come out. The reason for this ban is the same high risk of infectious complications.

img alt=" Mucus at 39 weeks of pregnancy: birth is near!" class="alignleft" src="/preview/180/110/data/attachment/portal/201112/30/9230.jpg.thumb.jpg" / alt="Mucus at 39 weeks of pregnancy: birth is near - first worries and first victories.">Для женщины, которая находится на 39 неделе беременности, самым важным вопросом является готовность ее и малыша к родам. Сейчас, когда они вместе прошли долгие месяцы беременности, наполненные и первыми тревогами, и первыми победами, осталось совсем немного до того момента, когда мама и малыш наконец-то увидятся. Несмотря на то, что беременность уже практически приблизилась к концу, плод на 39 неделе беременности продолжает развиваться. В этот период определяется окончательный вес и рост малыша, которые, как правило, обусловлены генетически, то есть, весом и ростом его родителей. В его кишечнике уже есть скопление мекония - первичного кала, который представляет из себя темную субстанцию. Ребенок в это период занимается тренировкой дыхания и отработкой глотательных движений. Он уже такой большой, что им занята вся полость матки, поэтому поворачивается он все реже. И если даже родам суждено случиться в этот период, преждевременно, то это не будет иметь для малыша никаких угрожающих последствий.!}

The expectant mother does not feel very comfortable in these last weeks. Very often on women's back. It must be said that this is a normal phenomenon for such a late period. Back pain occurs due to relaxation of the spinal and lumbar muscles, which usually occurs before childbirth. In addition, lumbar pain is often caused by a lack of calcium in a woman’s body, which takes away the fetus from her. To replenish its reserves, the expectant mother needs to consume sufficient amounts of dairy and other foods rich in calcium.

Diarrhea at 39 weeks of pregnancy can cause great concern. As a rule, it only indicates the preparation of the woman’s body for the approaching labor. Loose stools are one of the signs of impending labor, and in this way the body cleanses itself and prepares for it. However, as with any other manifestations that worry her, it is better for a woman to report abnormal bowel movements to the doctor who is observing her.

If a fever appears at 39 weeks of pregnancy, you should also inform your doctor about this. An increase in temperature is not normal at this stage of pregnancy, and can indicate either an inflammatory process or a cold. In any case, it is necessary to prescribe treatment, and only a doctor should do this.

If mucus is released during pregnancy at 39 weeks, it means that labor is imminent. This mucus is called a mucus plug, and throughout pregnancy it protects the entrance to the uterus, and only on the eve of childbirth the woman’s body begins to get rid of it with gradual viscous mucous secretions. However, the plug can come out at once; this process is very individual for each woman, as is the color of the mucus plug, which can be yellowish or dirty brown. If the plug comes out, the woman should know: very soon her baby will be born, and she should be as prepared as possible to facilitate this process for him.

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